Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1915, p. 2

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/ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, It AY 14. till. A very pretty affair will be celebrated tomorrow evening at the Congregational church, when If la* Helen A. Pope, daughter of Mr and Mr*. Heavy A. Pope, 910 Lake avenue, will he muted in mar- riage to Mr. Edwin Hunt Badger, son of Mr. aid Mrs. A. S. Badger of Winnetka. -Rev. Roy E. Bowers, pastor of the church, will read the service. The bride will have several attendants, the maid of honor being Miss Caroline Pope of Waukcgan, a cousin, and the bridesmaids, the Misses Hazel Piersons of Wilmette, Katherine Mar- riner of Menominee, Mich., and Ruth Saunders of Evanston. Little Frances Badger, Isabel Pope and Elisabeth Pope will serve as flower girls. The groom will be attended by his brother, Mr. Shreve Badger, and the following young men will usher: Messrs. Duncan Clinch and Harold Seymour of Winnetka, Donald Gallic, Kenyon Pope and William Pope of Wilmette, and Andrew Taylor of Kehilworth. A quiet but attractive wedding was solemnized last Saturday aft- ernoon when Miss Ethel Mac Barrow, daughter of Mr. William Barrow, 236 Laurel avenue, became the bride of Orvilte G. Han- kins, son of Mrs. Hankins of Decatur, 111. The affair is but the culmination of a college day romance, for both Mr. and Mrs. Hankins are graduates of the University of Illinois. Mr. Hankins is instructor in the State Agricultural Institute at Ruston, La., and the young couple will make their home there. . The people of Wilmette are looking forward with pleasure to the joint recital to be given next Friday everting at the Wilmette Woman's dub by Mrs. Marion Middleton Collcy and Mr. Antonio Sala. Both Mrs. Collcy, who is a resident of this village, and Mr. Sala are artists of note, and it with delight that Mr. Jpller of the Clark studio, the director of the affair, presents them to the public. The program will be augmented by an interpretative dancer, Miss Edna Lucille Baum, and her accompanist, Mrs. Ella Cclly Clark. Tomorrow evening there will be an informal bridge natty at the Country efaov WT*. ■■ ■ ■-,. * ' an informal danco on Friday evening, May 21, at the Wilmette Woman's club. Over one hundred ladies were In at- tendance at the annual spring lunch- eon and bridge party held last Monday afternoon at the Ouilmcttc Country crab. 4 number of friends surprised Mr. lire. Otto Babe at their home, 622 forest avenue, last Tuesday evening, the occasion being the birthday anni- versary' of Mrs. Rabe. An aseotteat crowd turned out last Saturday evening at the annual May party at the Ouilmetto Country club. The clubhouse was most artistically decoratod with spring flowers and sum- mer dress was worn by the dancers. , Mrs. W. M. Burns, acting president of the Woman's Society of the Bap- tist church,; will entertain the ladies of the church and congregation at a social tea to bo given next Friday afternoon at her homo, 727 Laurel ave- nue- .'"•-■ MIhb Basel Picrson and Miss Caro- line Pope, of Waukegan. gave a din- ner party last evening in honor of Miss Helen . J»ope . and her bridal party. Covers were laid for twenty. The affair was given at the Pierson home, 720 Lake avenue. A pretty little affair was given Sat- urday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Her bert A. Mori at their home. 62S Hill street. In honor of the daughter. Vlvyenno Marie's eleventh birthday. The color scheme was carried out in pink and white. Twenty-two little maidens ties. participated in the festlvt- Mrs. Edward H. Yunkers enter tslned at tea a week ago Monday at her home, 911 Sheridan road, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Valie, of Quebec, who stopped here for the day on their hon- eymoon trip to California. Mrs Arthur V. Frazer, of Glmhurst, and Rosemary Blaine, of Chicago, were among the guests in the party. Last Saturday afternoon Mesdames Aubrey Prosser and Albert L. Jenks gave a miscellaneous shower at the homo of Mrs. Prosser, 811 Colfax street. Evanston, in honor of Miss Vera Plumracr, whose marriage to Earl acholics is to take place on June 8. Among the guests were several young ladles from Wilmette. the Misses Bernice Bhurtleff, Nettie Kauf- man, Martha and Marjorie Lusted and Rath Lasher. Next Saturday after- noon Mrs. Dorothy Moore will.give a china shower for Miss Plummer, and the Misses Nettle Kaufman and Mary Weyl from Wilmette will be among tbo guests. The Bpworth league of the Meth- odist church are planning another gay time for tomorrow evening in the church parlors, when following a short business session, at which the officers for the ensuing year will be elected, another of those socials like the one of a fortnight ago will be given- The following young people are nominated for office: President, B. M. Stafford; first vice-president, Miss Brdie Bateman; second-vice- president, Mr. Cunningham, Jr.; third vice-president. Miss Elisabeth Has- kins; fourth vice-president. Dr. Maude Sands; secretary, Miss May D'Arcy. and treasurer. Mr. Benollel; chorister. Mr. Mitten; pianist. Miss Luclle Drake. Wilmette Societies □ and Clubs D Miss Irene Gould entertained home, 1110 Lake aveaue. Mies Lucy Rich wae hostess to her Thursday Afternoon Sewing club yes- terday at her home, 101C Linden ave- nue. »■ The North Shore Catholic Woman's largse will hold their annual lunch- eon neat Thursday at the Winnetka Woman's club. The Tuesday Luncheon and Five Hundred club met this werk with Mrs. Frederick D. Buckman. 831 Oak wood On Friday evening. May 21. at the Wilmette Woman's club, there will be a Joint recital given by Mrs Marlon Middleton Cooler and Antonio Sala. The program at the Methodist church in -honor of Mother's day has been voted by many the most suc- cessful event of the year. The Junior church, with Mr. Roy Kinland as sup- erintendent, were in charge. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladlea' Aid society of the Congrega Mra. Dwiicht Chapman entertained church will be held in the church parlors this afternoon at two- thirty o'clock. A most interesting program has been provided end It is hoped that as many ladles ae possible wtU attend. One of the .->u»«lle« Tucmu^ * •...„& eon and Bridge clubs was entertained at the heme of Mrs. Larsons, 710 Cen- tral avenue, on Tuesday of this week, Mr. and Mrs. Earl K Orner. enter the nuimhiis of the Central avenue i tained their Five Hundred club at their circle at her home. 721 Ninth street. > home. 823 Park avenue, last Saturday Mat Friday afternoon. Mm. Clarence) M. J^mlman will en testate her Tuesday Luncheon and ' Balls* dub at her home, 823 Washing tan avenue, on Tuesday, May 25. The Fortnightly Bridge club were onlortalaod Tuesday afternoon at husaheoa at the residence of lira, Charles M. Lard. SIS Central avenue. of the Ladles' efcHfth si ana lags* ef Mrs. A P. Whltford. WO Lake eve- erenlng. Next week. Mr. and Mrs. Charts* Van Dyehe will bo the host and hostess. ____. WINNETKA MUSIC CLUB. Mrs. Frank Ogdea Magic Sunday afternoon placed her bouse at the dis- posal of the faculty off the Chicago Columbia Bcneel off music far a musi- cal* to the parents and friends. Five and a pianist pteysd two en- groups. Miss Pesrl Barker and say* and Mrs. F. M CrasAojUst the "Virgin's Lullaby." by Rev. Lotte Webster. Hot- worthy Han. a personal friend of Mrs. anssn anwarA afefcenaeok, tip Qsn> a vises, fa Ml at has house. Sale. 1114 Lake s ko " Mrs. Caesar and daai Marie Caesar. 230 Wood visiting la Bloomlnaton. 0 Mr. Clarence M.Puhlmau. CM Wash- ington avenue, returned Saturday from a week'e business trip In Maw York. Mr. and Mrs. Walter a tit Woodbine avenue, have got California on an extended trip. Mr. William Wieehart of spent the week-end as the guest of Mr. Hasan Pstteraon on T< Mra. James R. Paul. 157 Kline street. feU one day during the latter part of last week, fracturing her arm In three Dr. and Mrs.fR. S. Pattllo and daugh ter, Ethel, C20 Forest avenue, returned last Thursday from an extended visit In California. Miss Margaret Millen, 1128 Orson leaf aveaue, underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Evanston hos- pital Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Claude at Fitch and daughter, Elisabeth, and her mother, Mrs Adams of 1033 ramwood avenue, are visiting la California. Mra. David Forsyth Anderson and her father, Mr. Burundi, 900 Chestnut avenue, has returned from an extend ed stay in California. Dr. sad Mrs. Wilton R. Barker have vacated their home at 707 Washing- ton avenue, and are now living at Mrs. Keith's, 929 Central avenue. Mrs. Theodore Potter and hsr daugh ter. Mrs. Blayton, 839 Elmwood avenue have returned from California, where they attended the Panama exposition. Dr. Milton R. Barker. 919 Central avenue, was called to Pittsburgh, Pa., last Tuesday on a professional call. Hs will return the latter part of this W€filC» Mrs. J. Buskins Smith will arrive tomorrow from her home In New York city to be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R H. Huntsman, 211 Ninth street Wilmette "movie fans" will be nisased to hear that after s plolonged absence Prof. Motanet will return to the Village theater next Wednesday evening, and will again render his selections on the pipe organ. , Mrs. Wilton Reed Barker, 989 Con- trol avenue, returned about ten days ago from a winter spent in California. For the past six weeks or so she has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. |rs L. Orimshsw, st her home In Sante Fo, Cat. Mrs. Albert B. Barber, 621 Linden avenue, returned Monday evening from a week's motoring trip -to several points of interest in Iowa, with her son, Mr. J. 0. Barber. They made day vis* its in Davenport and Burlington, Iowa, and Galesburg, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs."W. C. Shurtleff and daughter, Miss Bernice Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, will leave tomorrow eve- ning for a three weeks' trip in the east. They will first visit in Wash- ington, Utter Old Point Comfort, Vu., and from there to New York. Mr. Thomas Stevens, formerly a resident of Kenilworth, is spending a fortnight as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Appleyard, 1122 Lake ave- nue, before leaving for New York, bis future home. Mr. Stevens has, been the organiat of the Kenilworth mission since its beginning. It will be of interest to many Wll mette residents to know that while Mrs. Edward Yunkers, 911 Sheridan road, was visiting in San Diego, Cat., she saw some motion picture show- ing pictures of "ice tennis in Wll mette." The pictures were taken last winter on the "Lllienfleld court." and It wae with pleasure as well as a great deal of surprise that aha looked, upon the actions of her own son and many other of the neighboring young people WILL PAY WHEEL TAX Winnetka may not suffer from the supreme court decision which ren dered the wheel tea prominent citizens have written the board of trustees saying they would not pay any attention to the decision, but would send in their wheel tax. as before. LIBRARY HOUR*. Tk« Wilmette public librar.. ... ....»•< every day from 2:00 until 5:3k oilock In the afternoon. It Is also coen on Wednesday and Saturday evenings from 7:09 to 9:00 o'clock Europe's Rich.-st City. Which Is the richest city In fcwtw,*? Neither London or I arts nor Milan. but Bssle. the great Swiss railway cen- ter, Zurich. In a neighboring canton, coming second. This Is proportionate to the number of hn>SbBants Basle's richest citizen boasts a fortune of 82.- •00.000; another has 91.500.009, while no fewer than 18 residents pay income tax on n round $1,090,000. Taking a -Do you fblsk the public will for such a ntayr about the puMIe,- replied the theatrt- AH rm afraid of is tan ^^** *W"* *^^^ *^~ 87 Oak street, are at««2C Mr. evening at Community The Old Tims Dancli anee in the gymnasium of Community house Saturday eve- Mrs. John Arthur Rogers, who has been confined to the house for many weeks with a lame toot, can once more get about without discomfort. Wednesday evening Mr. Leon Rice, who sang at the Congregational church service Sunday morning, gave n recital in the gymnasium of Com- munity house aader the auspices of the Young Ladles' guild. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Greeley go to Cambridge the first of next month to attend commencement st Harvard. They have two sons in this year's grad- uating class. Mr. Morris Lsrned Greeley and! Mr. Sydney Poote Grce- toy. Miss Ruth Usher, who took highest rank in composition at Now Trier this spring, leaves for Champaign today with her mother, Mrs. Maurice H. Lienor, to represent the school In ex- temporaneous speaking st the Inter- state coutest now being held. The MacDowoli Musical club held its first Gentlemen's night Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Paul Williams. The assisting guests were Miss Reld, soprano; Miss Pauline Good row, reader, and Mr, Arthur Dean, bass. The accompaniments were played by Mrs. Arthur Dean. Duets were given by Miss Williams and Mrs. Smith and Miss Lsymsn contributed several piano solos. On Thursday the junior auxiliary of the North Bfdo Catholic Woman's league Joins the league in a lunch to be given at the Woman's Club. This will close the winter season with the exception or s final business meeting of the league board which will bo held on June 3. The guest of honor at the lunch is to be Chief Jus- tice Harry Olson. Mrs. Samuel Wil- son will glvO s short address and Mr. George Nelson Holt sings. TALKING MOVIES HERE ON THURSDAY'S BILL flie Village Theater is Go- ing to Give Recitagraph Film a Good Tryout movie fans will have aa opportunity of hearing talkie* mo- tion pictures on Thursday. The pro- gram for the day is a feature from the Rociugraph Film comuany. "Cur few Most Mot Ring Tonight." An gafJanMal feature is a three-reel pic- ture, "The Square Triangle." Clara Kimball Young starts the week by appearing on Monday la ••Hearts la Exile." The story is one of Russian intrigue ami politics, the sort of a play Miss Young fills into with greatest ease and most credit to her abilities. Tuesday is Paramount program day, with William Elliott In "When We Were Twenty■one,,• which was Nat Goodwin's former starring vehicle. Clyde Pitch writes good plsys. "The Cowboy and the Lady" Is his fetching romance. It will be seen st the vil- lage theatre on Wednesday. Lionel Rarrymore comes again on Friday fat "The Curious Conduct of Judge Legarde." Maurice Hewlett's novel. "The Spanish Jade." has been dramatised by Louis Joseph Vance and filmed by the Paramount com pany. It Is the Saturday hill. Bees Carry Own Weight five thousand bees will weigh ■ pound as they lesvs the hive, but when they return loaded with honey it Is doubled. Fruits Koafrwereb is 1041-1042 » JOINT RECITAL GIVEN BY MARION MIDDLETON Coloratura Soprano ANTONIO Sju EDNA LijgAtB j W^ Greenlca rotative Dancer o Court HSTED BY Int lly Clark, accom (MAN'S C rcnth Streets, Wilmctt fRlDAan^RfAY a:tt, 1915, 8 P. M. t>tr««..&n W. JOLLER. Clark Studio. 08 Auditorium Bun-..., TICKETS ON SALE AT RENNECKAR'S DRUG STORE Main floor 73 cents Balcony SO «...« T i 8 No one knows better than a banker how grow into dollars. Many men are acquiring the sfvinj of are. the best friends. Will yon ..........; WIWETTEKCIIAMGE STATE I Bohann still has on hand a va preserves and jellies. NOME MAD Phons W,,motto 1170 -.?•■■■■■ ■ ■ ■■••> £■> . j.?.; JffiT ■ .,■■■< t of home made mmm juice Over Van Do us.... . »»„.o THE METTEBEAUTY SHOP MAM ■tpooing, Hairdretting, Mani Facial Treatr, nVeJ 50saWe* sOtlf WSMTmHmmtm 'I* if Waving, Scalp and ass Central Avenue, WILMETTE vr _— NEXT THURSDAY and >AY, MAY 20 and 21 •rhood Club Benefit THREE HOURS OF "BACK TO DIXIE- Tickets: Ole folks. *.50: Children. *,25 ly" " 'HEARTS JWSXiLE« WORLD DAY Tuesday, May 18 «Whenl MAT. eta EVL-PARAMOUNl DAY Mn aUT.ealBTI.~fi ■Bii'!' MM" 19 METROI I. MILLER 'The Cowhii^tllir^e LadyM Clyd. FtQW a Patching Romano Thursday, VARIETY DAY "THE RECITAGRAPH" A Human Vole. T.lkluf Plotur. Also CHAS. CHAPLIN COMEDY Friday, Mi CELEBRATED 1 kYERS LIONEL BARRYMORE, in 'The Curious Conduct of Judge Legarde" CELEBRATED riAYfcKS________ Equol to Dr. J.kyl .nd Mr. Hyd. ■——a■————«———•■■wmmmmmmm—————————■——■——————a——amm Saturday, May 22 ^JTSSS Jade" MAT. ud EVE..-PARAMOUNT DAY Mm South Amwlaan Tf wl Sari— tf. 1 rtinne* "The Eternal City"; "The Avenging Conscience" LllVllO* Two of tha world's vraotait faaturaa WAIT- COMING MOON- WAIT Follow the Crowds—Get the Habit Children 10c Wilmett ua Cleanliness /1 lfiJVWumette A\£nue l/^ WILMETTE TELEPHONES WILMETTE TE e Glean Everything \\tW»\"~~- NorthShore House andMndow Cleaners liinjanTll and grsdef. Carpels vaj sTlf desired, Furnaces taken cafe of. Rellsfirnelp ' IBRD FOB PA1 ed for and gr Turnsccstaken PRIVATE WATCHMAN EVANSTON i0l4 Emerson St. i. M. C. A., Room 9 ZNILWORTH P. O. Boa 47 Phom* $4$ VINNETKA 10 Prouty Annex 191$ /k [ System Bell fcfcpiftoiie service stimulates growth off cities, boundaries an^linls hoi with outside The Bel) telep of the city. Every Bell te chain which and promotes tfie civic unity that serves the best interests of the city and die nation. is a link til die homes and rjusiness

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