Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Apr 1915, p. 2

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TH« LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. APRIL U, ltli. S3E Socis! Happenings, in Wi 4y RUTH RISLEY. Wilmstt* 1M0JS A number of most delightful affairs are being given for Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Jackson of New York, who are guests this wee* at toe home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Baker, 507 Lake avenue. Wed- nesday afternoon, Mrs. William O. Belt, 601 Washington avenue, sitertained with a luncheon and matinee party for Mrs. Jackson. Tomorrow afternoon, Mrs. E. Jackson Casse, 633 Forest avenue, will itertain ten guests at luncheon at the Chicago Athletic club, preced- '\ the matinee party to be given by Mrs. Louis A. Clark. For Sun<tay evening, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M". Puhlman have in- vited a few friends to take tea with them, the honored guests being Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker will give a large dinner-dance in honor of their guests. On next Wednesday, the last meeting of tlie club year of the Wilmette Woman's club will take place. A business session In the forenoon will be followed by the annual lunchedn. An especially attractive program has. been arranged for the afternoon, a feature of which will be the rendering of a number of delightful vocal selections by Mrs. Morris MacDonatd Townley of Hubbard Woods, a pnpif of DeReszke, an artist of note. Following is the list of selections to be offered: i Two Ancient Songs. La Violette......................................Searlnttc Charmant Papillon...............................Campra* Two French Songs. Sophie's Songs from "Werther"...................Massenet Jai Pleur* en Reve..........................Georges Hue Three English Songs. Now Sleeps the Crimson Petals..............Roger Quiver Across the Hills....................Walter Morse Runnel) Ecstasy ............................Walter Morse Runnell Mrs. James E. Lukey of Kvanston will present Robert Brown- § ing's "Saul." assisted by Leon litis at the piano; David Jacobs, violinist, and Jane Rice, soprano, three of her pupils. This promises to be an extraordinary production. As this is to be the annual as well as liual meeting, the.election of officers will take place. The nominating committee is composed of the following ladies: Mrs. John Segsworth. chairman, and Mes- dames O. C. Eastman, J. G. Wray, Seth H. Roberts and Mortimer B. Skinner. Mis. Charles Gibson opened her homo at 1037 Undea aveeee Monday afternoon for a meeting- off the Un- den Avenue Neighborhood circle Yesterday afternoon the urogram committee of the Wilmette Catholic Woniao'a club met at the heme off Mrs. Charles B. Lord. US Central ave- nue, for the purpose off planning the meetings for the ensuing year. Next Friday afternoon the regular monthly meeting of the Catholic Woman* oh* *tt! be hejd In th« Woman* clubhouse. Mrs. Arthur Lantkey, ad hostess of the day, will be assisted by Mrs. Edward Schager. An interesting address upon children la to he delivered by Mrs. Heffron off Chicago. â-  Saturday oventnir the PI Beta Phi sorority of Northwestern university gave an Informal dancing party at the Keailworth assembly hall. In honor of their pledges. A number of the mem- bers in the sorority are Wilmette young women. Invitations have been Issued by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker for a dinner party on Monday evening at their home, 607 Lake avenue, In honor of their guest. Mrs. Jonathan Jackson of New York. Tomorrow afternoon Mrs. Louis A. Clark, 716 Lake avenue, will be hostess at a matinee party, the gueat of honor being Mrs. Jackson, who la a gueat in the Baker home on Lake avenue this weak. Or. and Mrs. Frank Smith Lower dinner party last Thursday In honor of Mrs. Marten of ills, Minn., at their home, 614 street. The Ouilmette Dancing club will givo one of their bi-monthly dancing parties tomorrow evening nt the wii- . mette Woman's club. Bridge will be played tomort«>» eve- ning at the Ouilmette Country club. Mr. and Mrs. Chester F. 1 logic «u tertalned the Fortnightly Dinner an:l Bridge olub last Friday evening at their home, 407 Central avenue. Mrs. Louis A. Clark, 716 Lake two -inter gave a luncheon and theater j.arty Wednesday afternoon. h The Rebeccah chapter of Wtooimin sler guild of the Presbyterian church will give a dinner Monday evening in the church parlors.' The Round Robin Dancing club gave one or their monthly dinner-dances Monday evening at the Ouilmette Country club. * Covers were laid for twenty-five couples. â€" % Last Friday evening the Juniors held a formal dancing party at the Ouil- mette Country clnb. The Round Robin Dancing club gave tho last of a series of delightful din- ner-dances Monday evening at the Ouilmette Country clnb. Covers were mid for twenty-five couplea, and the hosts and boatoaaes of the evening in- cluded Meaars. and Meadames Louis A. Clark, Charles N, Reese, George Diet- rich and Mr. Frank Brown. The members of the Tau Sigma Gamma sorority have issued invita- tions for a dancing party to be given at Jones' Assembly hall on Saturday evening, May 16. ----------- Mr and Mrs. ( C. Mitchell enter- tained a few of their neighbors In- formally last Friday evening at their home. 814 Linden avenue. The ladles' Aid society of (he Methodist church and a numbt-r of their friend: were delightfully enter mined Tuesday afternoon in the church parlors, at a meeting of the various divisions of the organization. A splendid program, consisting of pi- ano and violin 'duets by Mrs. C. C. Mitchell and Mr». 10. W. Case: a trio composed of Mesdames Lee Under- tilll, A. N. Page and Frank N. Marker, und an excellent reader, Miss Henry, from the Cumnock School of Oratory, was thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Henry Is a reader or ability, her various representations being exceedingly life-like. A social hour, when refresh- ments were served, closed the after- noon's entertainment. Mrs. VY. D. Collyer, 524 Hill street, entertained the Fortnightly Bridge clad at luncheon on Tuesday, at her homo. , Mri, Ainalie J. Bell was hostess to a luncheon club at her home, 1345 Elm wood avenue, Wednesday. Personal Mention b? Wilmette Folk _ Master Bryson Field. 1203 Elmwood •venue, Is confined to his homo with chickenpox. Mrs, Frank Baker. W7 Lake avenue, has aa her gueat, Mrs. Jonathan Jack- sea of New York. Mr. and Mrs, 8. 8. Dingee. Mi Lake avenue, left Tuesday for their new homo In Wausau, WIb. Mrs. Alnslle J. Bell. 1345 Elmwood avenue, has returned from an ex- te&dw visit la Asheviiie. N. C . Mr. Charles S. Lard, SIB Central avenue, returned Saturday from a week's business trip to Washington, b.e. v Mrs. John K. Dalton and little daugh- ter, Marjorle. St» Wood court, are making a abort visit with relatives in Plymouth, Ind. Little -Betty" Bmith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon S. Smith, til Tenth street, is eery fil at her home with scarlet fever. Mra. Frederick Stroben of Birch- Miss Florence Stefflns will be host- J**"** ttTSl^.. M* SI? ess to the Tan Sigma Gamma sorority ^SL^JS^JS^ "" *"*' at their next meeting, which w... he ^STIwMklSalreh. 1225 Wil- held Tuesday evening. Mrs. Alfred D. Hermann win be the hostess to her Tuesday Hvenlng club next week at her home, 1124 Greenleaf avenue. An entertainment will be given by the National Association of Civil Service Employees. North Shore Branch. Number Eleven, tomorrow evening at the Community clubhouse, Wlnnetha. The committee in charge has made every effort possible to make this affair a auccess. A num- ber of entertaining speeches will be given by the national officers and t onto other prominent men. Besides this an Interesting program has been arranged, and all who attend are as- sured of a delightful evening. A cor- dial Invitation la extended. *-â€" Mr. B. T. Cllsaold, president of the Choir Federation of Chicago, will give two vocal selections at the morning service of the Baptist church Sunday morning. The associated program committee of tbe Tenth Dlatrict Federation of Woman's clubs held Its first meeting of the year laat Friday morning at ten o'clock at the Kvanston Woman's club. Mrs. J. Harper Long of Evans- ton le president off the association, and Mrs. C. C. Mitchell of Wilmette is secretary. The next meeting will be held two weeks from the above date at the Oleneoe Library club. mette avenue, returned Sunday from the Evanston hospltul. after aa ill- ness of several weeks. Miss Florence Peters, who has been spending the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Charles J. Newburg, 932 Green- wood avenue, returned to her homo In Peoria last week. Mr. and Mra. B. K. Fiuckmau. 726 Laurel avenue, left Wednesday tor a two weeks' trip east, stopping in New York City and other eastern points. Mra. O. W. Russell and son, William of 1009 Elmwood avenue, left the lat ter part of last week for an extended visit with Miss Hasel Russell, at her Miss Ruth Gates returned Sunday evening to Burlington, la., after spend- ing, a fortnight at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gatea, list Wilmette avenue. Mrs. Marten of Minneapolis, Mlon.. left Wednesday for her new heme la Detroit,' Mich., after spending the week with her slater, Mre.;Fre*trlck D. Buekmsn. 831 Oakwood avenue. Dr. and Mrs, W. M. Porte* 18» Par* est avenue, have as their guests Dr. Porter-a mother, Mrs. William P. porter, and his Bister, Miss M. R. Por- ter of La Porte, Ind. r * ' , > BANK LOOKS GOOD. "•"lit Wilmette Exchange State Bank presents a. X*T different appearance since the painters have come and gone. The walls are fresh and at- tractive and the new floor covering aide much to the comfort and appear- ance off the interior. Why Judo Johnson la Joblsss. It has been discovered why Judo Johnson has never been sble to land a job in Atchison. He Is a shipbuild- er by trade.- Atchison Globe. m The Slave of Money The man who is always compelled money Is the slave of money. The mam whoisejee en# him is the mastc/Sffnoney. epow and . money w Its returns a what a hard to work for you own! . Tho only versity u Jteadly dLgyfnd night. 4>rja#. ItlemirftfaleHr is^fflea you ate oomgjUg«9 gs account rapidly grows. It not u but it is aa iswufaae* against ad- WILMETTE EXCHANGE STATE BANK ETHEL ' PLAIN Si WILL MAKE OLIVER TWIST SUITS, OVER VAN DEUSENS STORE Wilmette Societies D and Clubs D Mrs. Prank 8 Lower, 614 Hill street* entertained her Luncheon and Five Hundred club Tuesday afternoon at her home. â€" i 'Mbw Margaret Allen will im> tt»«s n»*t â-  hostess to the Saturday Afternoon' Bridge club at her home, loo t Ashlanu j avenue, tbe meeting to be held a weeki from tomorrow. °'A most delightful oaMtui......... was given the member* of the young ladles' auxiliary last Monday after-, aeon, at their regular meeting held at' the home of Mrs. Edgar O. Blake. 921Tenth street, when Mr. Blake gave one of his Interesting travelogue* entitled. "A Trip Abroad." The Birthday club met Saturday evening at the home or Mr. and Mrs. George Bird, 510 Washington avenue. The Heading circle met Monday aft «rnoon at the home of Mra. D. L. Tay- lor, 849 Michigan avenue. The Thursday Sewing club met >es terday afternoon with Mrs. Benjamin Hoist at her home in Bdgewater. Tbe Central Avenue circle will meet this afternoon with Sirs. George C. Hughes. 1006 Central avenue Aitoiltcf of the Tuesday l.uha.«-i. Bridge clubs was entertained this week by Mrs. R. Jackson Casse at her h<>m«\ 633 Forest uvenae The second division ot tne Ladles" Aid sv^lety of the Methodist church met Monday afternoon with Mrs, An- drew J Woodcock. !».T4" Sheridan road. CHINESE LIKE HER. Mias Ruth Stonehouse, the charm- ing Eseanay actress, has won a large following among the Chinese in Den* ver, Colo. Mrs. Kwang Su. wiffo off a wealthy merchant, sent Miss Stone- house a pair of band carved chop- sticks and wrote her telling how much she admired her in photoplays. "Tbe Chinese here all like to go to photopiuys," ahe wrote In perfectly good Bngllsh, "but you are tbe favor- ite of all the players. In the colony misses a photoplay when you appear." THE/WILMETT MJmampooing, H MARTHA W» Solicit Your HairdreiBing, Manicurii FacM Treatment; " M Talanlui u 70 incpnuiH" 17. i i WILMETTE S I ^BUSTER BR( I Jr JNrIMs'" priceaâ€"thoea fgd^we solicit your shoe repairing. C Vaving, Scalp one* 1200 Central Avenue, WILMETTE Phone WI lmetta.482 Ol We call for *- ARLOR ES wttlafFamity revved as factory new. Ivor. 609 W. Railroad Avenue We Clean Everything W. S. PURCELL i R. L. HADLEY Manager* North Shore House and WioiowXIeaners wns csred for and _ furnaces taken PRIVATE WATCHMAN EVANSTON 1014 Emerson St. Y. M. C. A., Room I Phono 3117 HID NILWORTH . O. Boa 47 Men* S4M HP PARTIES If desired, ihed VINNETKA 10 Prouty Annex Phono I0IS PARAMOUNT DAY MENS WEBER in "SUNSHINE MOLLY" an- m»B£*--f|taI »toy-gh.011 FLU. Saturday, Aprii 24 GET THE VILLAGE HABIT Admission 15c - Children 10c £ There will b» sn all-day meeting or | A Tuesday "500" club was enter- the philanthropy deportment of the! »«ln#d this w«ek at the home of Mrs. Woman's club today, with a /•.«.,nil i w J Hamilton. 2608 Harrison etreet. seantary luncheon served to th«* mem' Evanston hers of the board. -~~ _ The nt-xt meeting of the Thursday club is scheduled for Thursday after- noon. April 22, at the home of Mra. j Donald Bf. Gallle. 1116 Elmwood ave- nue. The regular monthly meeting â- >( th Neighborhood circle was held a week [ ago Tuesday at the residence of Mrs A. P. Pierce. 1007 Lake avenue. ^r~----- •â€" - " Mr. Jacob 8. 8hleJd. C. R. O.. will be Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Kim? wore hosts. ,ll# Spegker * tho Woman's club thl» 4atst^H,a«MlW/ dob last week atievenln(^ hto object beingr "The Re- their home, 711 Forest avenue, (llglon ^ WviM i+m.> One of the smaller Tuesday Lun«U . Mm. Ralph rolling Walter eater- eon and Brides dubs was entertained; talaed her Tuesday Bridge dab this tads week at the home of Mra Arthur v..-»k at her home In Park Ridge. Mrs. Roothworth, 1010 Elmwood nveaoe. Walter was formerly Miss Caroline Lusted of Wilmette. Among tbe Lost Ratardoy oreoing, Mr. and Mrs. entertained tbe Fd dab at dinner at their home. avenue. Cards were played guests from Wilmette were the Misses The question of annexing the territory adjyning wlmette </ii the west comes up at the eleoitimon Apql 2jprf. This question should be voted on i^/ne] affirmative, so as to bring the distric^fftider the supervisigjL^Mlie authorities. Developmen^ill Aen be assurec^ffong lines satisfacj^R* to WilmetteT Los have been wmd in this tepiffOTJ to a very high class of people who are waidaa^nly for the annexation to begil building. <r The annexationlof talis district to iWilmette will mean che development bf our western limits into a high-class residence district. Leaving this district to shift for itself, means leaving it to the mercy of any lawless persons who may desire to take advantage of the absence of police supervision. mette Cleanliness ::yuua 1165 Wilmette Avenue WILME' TELEPHONES M49 WILMETTE t4SQ NOTICE is hereby ^ive the 17th dayybf April, be held at Wilmette, i 39, Town#ip No. 42, Vote this section into Wilmette, Adv. •i- % Agnes Conneon. Marion Diets, Irene Oonld. Marjorle Lasted. Roto Field. Loalse Mueller, and Mesdames Paling Wolff, and Lyman E. Goes, Jr. of Cook, of electi of the te of nffhois, for the purpose ident and 6 Education The Polls of which Election will be opened at one o'clock p.m. and close at five o'clock of the same day._________r__l__â€"â€"â€"'â€"- By order of the School Dlfectofs of said Dlatrict. Dated this 6th day of April, 1915. KARL D. KING Clerk I Subscribe for The Lake Shore 1

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