Now After TT^^P The VUIsfO thoutro I* out of the hands of the decorators sad ready for the moving picture petrous , again. The hoose has been pat to excellent ,h»pe end opens with * special bill of features for the Week. ' The first snow swn tomorrow art- st s. w wits m xraramouoi iee- q, ••The Wsrrens of Vlrglnls." with iweet In the leading role. It ably assisted In this by Rouse and Mabel Van Bursa. -The Fairy and the Walt" Is Mon- day's bill, and this picture Is calculat- ed to please the children. William closed a Cort theatre sill be Harum.' actor, and he tional prslse of this Gaby Deslya, king breaker and ln» teraaUoiisidrsjw^sJif, wJll be seen oo Wednesday In "Her Triumph." Harold Lockwood, In "The Love Route," is on the'program for Thurs- day. This is oat of the best west- ern romances over filmed. 4 railroad WtW HUMp 'PWl^WWrwPlen^TMPiS^wW^r^ j»f?W>W(rr#v'-'."- Friday and Saturday are given over to "Cablria," which Is. termed the grand opera of the movies. This Aim Is supposed to be the most stu- pendous thing ever produced. It has had record-breaking runs wherever shown and ban been used by many of the best theatres in the country as a top-notch attraction. Thursday Mrs. Reeves isl luncheon, later tak- to the regular meeting " ** *•» 4 number of Invtutlons have been ***** by various, resMeats of the north shore, for the wedding of Miss Dora Williamson, daughter of Mrs. I ~w â- â- â- â€" *• mm£Sw«si Cs. sa-vw OdiOsTideUI 627 Oakdale avenue, Chicago, which Is t honor and the Doris Wetmore. Ladd of Wllmette. groom's brother, Louis 3. Nsuttann and Calvin of Clinton, la. take place at St church, the rector, th. reception for the Immediate family party will follow. ,. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, APRIL i. 1110 T^^^^^^^» by pupns In the prt- ground of the8ubur- Sr left town New York. Intends >.-to *^w,*ss»» MUuV %** %mw m^n^tUSMmJ Ot le/O 9 ipsi^mfS, m. UelflUW eMJQ Will wIM sm â- â- P*w sawn WaU esVIlWIf sTbVeF^P Oft AnHi it -» evening lecture w!U I given at the Woman's club on the Gregory Tours to California, The lec- ture will be Illustrated by colored lantern slides and is under the direc- tion ! of Earnest P. Clark, who Is pro- fessor of French In Northwestern uni- versity and a nephew of Mrs. Lewis morion. , t. j Some of the young people Who are home for the muter holidays are Wil- lism P. Sidley. Jr.. and Kale Holden. Jr.. who returned to Hotohklss Mon- day. Revllo Puller of Cornell. Ellen Montgomery of Welleeley. Brolly Mats, who Is in the Bryn Mtwr preparatory school, and Miss Mar- guerite Lloyd from 8in|th college, . mm ' the in the Tom King was host te a uuuisrot "t uauen unewe*^se» a. UOTsja^s^w now la bones «?** eighth birthday. Mr. H. C. Champlia and family Uesday to the on Vernon north of Milton Sunday evening Methodist ~ Gertrude Arond • in «iiiw^u^eo. Mr. and Mm O. J. Runnfeldt an 90^?f **$&** ft **** *» Mttun »• Mrs. George D. Wolf entertained a number of friends at cards this after- Kenilworth News From Wellesley college conies. Miss Prlscllla Allen, to remain over Easter. Miss Charlotte Parmelee hat re- turned from Bradford academy for the Easter recess. "â- * â- v.«.v1â- â- â- ;:<â- â- * â- !â- 'â- Miss Marlon Keebn will return from Emma Willard school to her home on Essex road for the Easter va- cation. i Mr. Milton Ghee, Jr., who Is at- tending Dartmouth college this year, will spend' his Easter-vacation at the Bormuda Islands. Mrs. Owen Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hovey have sold their home at 7G5 Lincoln street and will move shortly to Independence, la. Mr. and Mrs. C P. Kimball have taken ths house of â- L. M. Stein at ^SimSf.^ PwT? *TtM* **. Mr. Ralph W. Varney has been called to Boston by the illness of his father, who la eighty years old and Is suffering from paralysis. The passion for roller skating Is sweeping over Wlnuetha. A recruit to Its ranks Is Mrs, Frank R. Fuller, who sails along like an adept. .. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Fuller have sold their home on Ash street and In a month will move near the Frank R. Fullers On Hawthorn lane. Mrs. E. C. Wetssenbofg and son leave today for St. Mary's of the •Woods to spend Easter with Miss Marie Weissenburg.' Mr. Fletcher M. Dobyns, eon of the Governor of Indiana, has signed a two-year lease for the house belong- ing to Leonard Roach, 288 Sheridan road. Mr. snd Mrs. Dobyns will take possession May 1. I Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Tobey am til with pneumonia. Elisabeth Packer Is visiting this weeh at St Louis. Mrs. George Perry of Buffalo, la the guest of Miss Murdow. week at Springfield, 111. A son was bora to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lathan on Sunday. Miss Sophia Hadler returned home **tZ Basket eluh'nie? Friday of last Week with Mrs. Dwlght Orcutt. : Mr. Walter Hughes spent the first of the week in Detroit on a business trip. Miss Lottie King was the week-end guest or My. and Mrs, Thomas o. King.-â€"â- p â- ... Mrs. Wilbur S. Sample will enter- tain ths Bridge club Monday after- noon. " ...,. .*., • .. The Women's auxiliary mot In the guild hall Tuesday. Luncheon whs served. The Daughters of the Empire met with Mrs. Samuel G. Goes Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs,. Arthur Rowell aft spending the vacation week at M> '"Tbis evening at the St Elisabeth church there will be special music, the "Crucifixion." The B. A. E club trill hold Its lsst dance of the season Friday evening, 9, in the school gym...... Gordon Sibley, expects to - so-"â€"â€"â€" Mr. Sere Betas? hen psrekssed a In the Sylvan Newhall aubdl- vision and will move to Glencoe about Mn#>ii..... ..:««•,.-..*.......*.,... Miss Emily Pope was hostess to a number of her little friends Saturday ^w^^SWP^^*^ â- - wit â- l^^N-1 HUfsjw»^ i *w "^^^^^ i ^gws"rwstynweei^ .^Wr*^T*WwW* *W ^^WPt'iF' Tfsf. â- Swoj until Wuuluu day. ,;. .-;., • â- .,•*•..-."• â- â- »â- - ,.sjl-'-; Mrs. Jamas K. Calhoun snd daugh- ter, Eleanor, spent the week at Spring Valley. 111., the guests of Mrs. Gilbert Wagner. a""^ â- unn awsnun^sgw usufevwej^^sni wnueV-avW jBJpnmsjs^ 7:30 o'clock at the church. A cordial •Mr- (M am «M ' Oaterholm snd today for South the annual ban quet and reunion of Camp Eberhart. A party of Glencoe young poopla at< tsadsd ladles' night at the roller skating rink of the U. S. Naval Train- ing Station Friday evening of week. The fourth lecture of the course given by Miss Julia Henry, "The Heal- ing Watera of Somerset." will be held at the residence of Mrs. Harry H. Hol- loway Monday, April 6. at 3:30 p. m. Twenty-two of Glencoe's young folk enjoyed a progressive dinner Saturday evening last. The dinner consisted of roller skates. The Women's league of the Gleneoni Union church wUl hold an al meeting Tuesday, April 6 Will be semd at W:1B; adults. 36 oenU; children, 25 cents. Babies' week begins April 5. Any time during the week you can make a donation to the Infant Welfare elation for the babies. The ladles of Glencoe ask that the people of Glen- coe give what they can to them here at home, then they need not give in Chicago when asked. The Glencoe Junior Athletic club auditorium Thursday evening, April 9, at 8 p.m. Magle and tricks, songs and jokes, star tumbling.. A complete play and numerous other attractions by well-known artists. Admission 60 id 25 cents. All seats reserved. £j Easter service Sunday morning at the Glencoe Union church at 11 a. m. Sermonâ€"Immortality, by the Pastor. Special Easter music, Gertrude Con- suelo BateB, violinist. . :>: Anthemsâ€"Triumphant ..Chipman Anthem-Magdalene .....Warren Anthemâ€"Christ Is Risen. Dresster Lake Shore News Want Ads Bring Re : Matinees on Tuesday and Sat* except Sunday) at 7:00, 8:20 and 9:30. for extra special features. CIAL FEATURES AND BANNER PROGR •*s '? FROM MONDAY, APRIL TUESDAY.rWWtMM. CRAM*' - uabon of this role. r^-GAPY.PESLYS in mUXSPAr...HAmjp JpKVVpOp in â- I railroad built especially for ^â€""CABIRIA" Afternoon at 2:30; Evening (one show only) LTL«DAr-"CABIRIA" Afternoon at 2^0; Evening (one show o fATURDAYTiTOn^^glsj^^^ r the children, featuring juvenile favorites. *------*-M»j â- â- - -wi --..ijntK fffe«>.iii,;<i'i»â- -'--â- :.s-~vn±.*m ,< '];:>' r. -j. .^,,?i J The Most Stupendous and Magnificent Photo Spectacle Ever Produced. Gorgeout, Luxuriant, Immense, Startling, Miraculous Doors will Come on eat of all S FAMOUS ♦'CAB BE ONLY ONE SHOW IN THE AFTERNOON AND ONE SHOW IN THE EVENING 2:30 and 8:00. \ work! D'Annunzio in the Pinnacle of Success! _U surpassesall other Screen Pro aiiotii ill open at 2:00 and at 7M and^icture will begra promptly at 2.30 « i Friday, if possiWe> to avoid the crowd on Saturday. Don t miss this Great- MotiwPictiiresJ Tne "Grand Qptfi >' the Movies! A Marvel of 5â€"Only one show in the afternoon and only one production. .......~:â€" L^L^L^ luctions! I»4W«*.« J.I1 UVU««3 •â- ! :urcd for weeks at the Illinois Theatre in Chicago, and it $2.00 »»w wiumy of this in the evening. Be sure to be on hand before 2:30 or 8.-00 soasnotto PRICES -Matinees. Children, 15c; Adults, 2Sc; Evenings, all MSI iSJWiNsffl«*(g