• â- â- - • . ^r^-^ â- . , , , â- - J .,-• .--.- , . , ^.. •1 * •?"•* *>(W*M^I» MRS. BfURCH SOLOIST Tmnsrmrm11m i â- ^â- MfiSbaaa^^firArrn â- *-- \- *------' , KS. MUK<Jti SUlAJKftT I # ».*.1 fan penytug. I AT SUNDAY Cffljjpfcf j^ .TWiT JoHm^ | gS^i Popular Soprano and Sym- phony Orchestra Sure To Please Music Lovers. Trier haa had a teas* ttt the way of the past fewy Jamea, Father Vattmann. ham. Professor Clapp and Preteesor Raton, all of them the paat month! Three universities, the ******* *xA the ______ --------£«. west, represented. If New Trier -* -Lk- jL\j*l • t .v ' -aa. a$U*e*td havent Meals It won't be tie The alxth concert In the popular && „♦ «.. -«-._-„. ~ Sunday evening aeries at the Evanston Mr Burling ham. who apoho Monday. theatre. wlU have Mrs. Greta Masson had aome wonderful slides of the south- west, the only trouble with which were Chat the atereoptteon used by Mr. Hll- debrand wasn't powerful enough to do March at the soprano soloist. Mrs. March la so popular that thla announce- ment" alone would bo sufficient to crowd the house, hot when you com- bine it with the Symphony orchestra led by Mr. George Daaeh. It la certain that many music lovers will not ho able to enjoy It unless they go early. This la the popular program: i" wo "roejeam. Marche Milltaire.............Schubert Unfinished Symphony First Mov«- ~ment...................Schubert Lena.................. .....HHdach moods of Spring....... 11»tofrffl*ritirftft Mrs. Murch. Under the Linden Tree......Massenet Clarinet and 'cello obligatos by Messrs Buase and Polak. Spring Morning Serenade.....Lacorae Intermlasion. Waltzesâ€"Morning Journals... .Strauss Ml/anwy........... .......».Forater An die Nacht..................Bohm Chanson Proveneale........Oell'Acqua Mrs. Murch. Overtureâ€"Orpheus.........Offenbach Wednesday brought Prof. Baton and Prof. Clapp. Neither needs any Intro- duction to north shore folk. Luclle Stoker chuckled in pure enjoyment when she saw Dr. Eaton on the plat* form. "I've been to hear him every night." she said. -He's groat" And he waa great. Of course he made the students laugh, but they stopped quick- ly enough to hear hie next word. "What are you here for?" he hurled out In his Impressive voice. To learn hew to make money? It may be. But It would take a person earning $r,.00 a day 666 yeara to earn a million dollars. Pew have earned a million. There are finer things to do than that You are here Co learnhow to Tie useful, to lift your community, your nation, a peg higher, to make life a bigger, happier thing. If you fall In this life, you'll fall In the other, and If you fall In school, you'll probably fall In life. Stick to your tasks." Prof. Clapp spoke of the coming playa given by the Oarrlck Playera of Late Forest at the school auditorium Friday evening. They are all new, all interesting. One has never been staged before. One tells of Balkan life, one of life In the stock yards dls triot one of city iife as experienced by a countryman. Prof. Clapp promises Charlie Chaplin's latest release la a two-act film, "The Champion." Those who saw him In "His New Job," and -A Night Out," know that Chaplin la putting on aome or the beat comedy for the Essanay people that has ever been nastied on a moving picture screen.' "The Champion" will be ehown at the Hoyburn theatre, 61S Davis â- treet, Bv anston, on Monday, March 22. The Hoyburn theatre la running a double bill of Mutual and General film service, showing only the beat of the sixty-eight new releases Which these two companies produce each week. Six to eight reele are given at every per- formance. V ILL AGE THE ATER DUE FOE SPRING CLEANING 1 ho Village theater will be closed aom March 23 to April 2. This la n for the purpose of allowing the agement to observe Lent more strictly, but to give the decorators and clean- ers an opportunity to give the In- terior of the theater aome new paint and a thorough cleaning. Mr. Sparr thinks that It is better to close UP the place, than allow the patrons to Buf- fer the Inconvenience of coming Into a house partly torn up, and where the odor of paint la penetrating and un- pleasant The day before he will close the bouse the program will be. "From the Manger to the &*â€",» the Kalem QlVt* masterpiece reproduction of the life of Christ. Thla play waa made In au- thentic location In Palestine and Egypt and has been highly commended both by the press and the clergy since its release. It win be In Wllmette for only one day. " '. Oh April 3, the Village will be ^re- opened, spick and span, and ail dressed up like an Easter parade. Mr. Starr says hew booking some wonderful programs for the openi ng week. WIFE of JHGifieKK DIES IN KENILWORTH ~«-^H Mrs. Lucia ft. Farwell. widow of one of Chfcage's pioneer wholesale grocers and founder of Oakwoods cemetery. died Monday at the residence of her son. B. ft FarweW, on Warwick road. Kenilworth. She waa 80 years old. and bad mlUff ha Chicago since 1860. She waa one of the cbi of the First Baptist church. Marcaa A. FarweH. her late hanv band. founded the wholewi ^ls^»ed^1he^c!rU^t « Van Bnren street and Wabash Chicago. antO jaet before the Chicago q SreTwhe. they^ooght a home at 1343 *â- Michigan anâ€"i l___^_^ _ Mrs. FarweU ia earvived by aoaa, Fifed M. aad BaaPBr^sv^asi^- Mea. Mini el H. Hicks. The of her eon in Justice th then. The school ought to Sve a stereoptlcon of its own. or a loptlcon. There Isn't a dsphl latent that wouldn't make use of it, Perhaps It will have when the war la over. How- over, this isn't talking about Mr. Bur- Ungham's lecture, which waa very One. The pictures showed snake dances and the Grand Canyon, pueblo huts, and famed western hotels and Indiana. small, big. grey haired and hairless. The picture everyone enjoyed moot waa of two babies la a tub with salty Caere runatna from their youthful earea. feat playing, brief waiting and good The playa will be heard k room. Admission 85 The* twenty-five coat fittm enough tor ahyoaU Peahttoea there will ho special cars no usual. - • The dirt, department haa planned' costumes for the eighty-four charac- ters la the cantata to ho given by the music department April 16. All of these characters are flowers save «â- • sua and rain. The cantata la "King Sol la Flowerland." Ha music waa composed by Mr. MeConathy'e former theory pupfta la tad Chelsea, Mass.. schools. The words, which are very lovely, are by Mr. N. C. t^w^^rtor'bJTbeT1 kept In the school green room for uae In other performances. Great excitement reigna at the terechorastlc games held by (ha after school. In some cases the teams are so evenly matched that an period has to be given playing off The bulletin boards are full of two things these daya; one announcement of priae contests of all aorta, the other victories won by the swimming teams. New Trier certainly haa It anyone wishes to see how it strips the other schools, the bulletin boards will give him some interesting date. The final basketball game of the year will be at New Trier Saturday evening. It will be between New Trier and Evanston and will decide whether New Trier ahall win the championship In the league. Mr. Brown epeaka Saturday morning at the convention of the North Cen- tral association of central schools held at tbe La Salle hotel Friday and Sat- urday or thla week. HO is chairman of a large committee to investigate the advisability of having junior college work done In the high schools of the country ana will report on hta discover- lea. Two weeks ago he spoke at the Religious Education association meet- ing in Buffalo, N. Y. .aaatelHK**^^ issified Advertisements TELEPHONE, WiLMETTE. 1640 Want Adi in the Like Shore News are charged at the following rites Real Esttte Classifications. 7# cents per liae. All Other Classificttioas. 5 cents pa Sis*. ;. Miaimem Price. 15 ceats. No advertisemeat charged lor lets thin 25 cents. ngHat jstssBSte's â- â- â- pis, tery Co. ; deer sortli •outh of uprln* FIRE INSURANCEâ€"ROYAL IN8UB- ace tympany of Liverimet? largest Tnsuranc^ comewhy In the vorld, Insur^UfwelliWas, hou goods, rentsHjklresirde*. Charles A. mgSmr «^T£. resident agents. Phone 80S. He Classified Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE SATURDAY MATINEE AND EVENING Joyce is the beautiful actress whose wonderfully magnetic personality has won such admiration that thousands of motion picture devotees consider her the greatest actress on the motion picture stage. ♦S HOPELESS LOVE ESSANAY COMEDY 99 €€ WEEKLY No. 10 PAST9'â€"Two-Reel Majestic "FATTY'SRECKLESSFLING"-***»» Cbm«t> -Trn.i i----- Ti--nr-T---------COMING MOD/DAIâ€"-------------â€"' • â- ' ' llir Charles Chaplin in "THE CHAMPION" â- â- â- eauaMHMMhaVaM^