Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1915, p. 2

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Tin LAS* UOM MSWt. FRIDAY, MARCH 11. Ml. Social Happenings in Wilmette By RUTH RiSLEY Phone Wilmette 1040 Wilmette is soon to lone one of its oldest and best-known familicti. for Hr. and Mrs. Samuel S. LHngee, now residing at W Lake avenue, will leave early In April for their new home in Wausau, Wis., where Mr. iiin«w will not be engaged in the manufacture of pickles, hut in the wh- in* of them. He has been engaged here in business for about thirty years, has been very popular and floured In many of the best cfupii in the village, such as Westmoreland and Kxmoor Country dubs, Ouiluutte Country club, Men's Club of Wihnette, and many of the smaller o nations. He has also held various positions on the village board; Mrs. Dmgee, with her charming |*rsonality, has won multitudes of friends everywhere, and it is with deep regret that the residents of the village see her go. She has tieen affiliated with the Wilmette Woman's club, the Ouilmettc Country club, Public School Art league and several of the smaller luncheon and card clubs. As a result of their near departure many delightful luncheons, din- ners and theater parties are being given each week, invitations have been issued by a uunnVr of the men of the village for a banquet to be . given on March 29 at the Wilmette Woman's clubhouse. The commit- tee in charge of the affair includes Messrs. John l>. Couffcr, chairman; -Mi Jr., and 1. B. Olwin. Mrs. A. C. Wenban is to be the toastmaster of the evening, and the speakers will be the Rev. T. K, Ciale, Mr. C. C, , Carnahau, t>r. pnnald M. Clnllie, Mr. Thomas Knox, Mr. C X^Mitchell, Mr. W. H. MacLean, Hon. Peter M. Hoffman, Rev, F.. J. VttfflWn, Mr, H. G. Drury, Hon. George Edmond Foss, Mr. Carl R. Latham and Mr. W. C. Shurfleff. Pledge day for the sororities at Northwestern university has come and gone and lias left in its wake some eighty young college women with various colored ribbons ort their coats. Many of the girls are Wilmette and north shore residents. The following is a list of the various sororities and pledges that each secured: Chi Omega: Helen Jackson, Nina Yeats. Edith Kelly, Grace Whiting. . . ',. Kappa Delta: Constance Hodges, Maribelle Skinner, Emily Schnecberger, Adelaide Tcrbush. Delta, Delta, Delta: Margaret Hrcngle, Mae Campbell, Helen Cook, Marion Ilorr, Gladys Petit, Hazel Patton, F.lla Hopkins, Ruth Turnbull, Marie Teeter. Kappa Alpha Theta: Victoria Krvin, Elinor Foster, Elsie , Grtettler, Jean Haskins. Laura Heath, Ruth Krig. Ariel Long, Lu- - cille Moore, Gloria Ray. Madge Shelby. Imogene Voorhees, Kappa Kappa Gamma: Marion Davie*, Elsa Farnham, Mar- * garct Frankhauscr, Minerva Fonts, Kathryn (Joss. Helen Gale, Vera Lutx, Lillian Stephenson, Margaret Sample, Clara Vernay, Hester Walrath. ^ w . ta Pi Beta Phi: Frances Clark, Naomi Dugan, Dorothy Howell, Helen Judson, Ruth Mitchell, Louise Paullin. Cecil Rigby, Dorothy Rogers. Alpha Gamma Delta: Marie Ambrosius, Ruth Clifford, Mar- garet Johns, Ethel Krauter, Margaret Mlddlekmiff, Florence Part- ridge. • Alpha Omicron Pi: Kate P.lum. Kathcrinc Brown, Mabel Mc- Connell. Dorothy Mnltby, Grace Withart. Alpha Phi: Dorothy Dunbar, Mary Gore, Marion Goodsmith, Lucy Harrison, Margaret McMillan, Sarah Moulding, Gladys Stahl. Alpha Chi Omega: Martha Bennett, Katherine MacPhcrson, Wilda Sadler. Gamma Phi Beta: Luetic Helmuth. Ruth Kocnig, Ruth , Mechani, Gladys O'Connor, Sara Radebaugh, Florence Stallwood, Marian VanPetten. Marjorie Weston. Ruth White, Irmagardc Zeth- meisl, Marguerite Stokes. Delta Gamma: Elizabeth Durham. Zula Etss. Elizabeth Felt. Emma Ford, Dorothy Miff. Elizabeth Price. Helen Smith. Rrtfft Whiteway, Constance Morcton Mr. J. B. Olwla ae last Friday a Uke aveaue, the _ Mr. Samuel Dlugee (or taa iaea. Tomorrow evening, Mr. and Mrs George T. Dyer or Chastaut avenue will hsvo as their dinner guaata Mr. and Mrs, 8. 8. Dtngee. ,.,, t, , â-  ., Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Keumeyer enter- tained tho members of the Omega Pal fraternity of Lake rarest college, at their has*, fifti !,ind$s avenujs. Bttn- day evtmtaE nt toa. Their soli, Mr. Carlton Kaumeyer Ih a member, fovers were laid for twenty-two guesta, among whom were Mr. and Mrs, Henry R. Galea, the Misses Mary and Juliette *Ga(es, sad Mr. Warner Gates. The home was vary attractively decorated la the fraternity colors, groan, gold and black. Miss France* Iloglo will entertain aboat thirty of bar young friends at an Informal dancing party this eve- ning, at bar homo, 4S0 Central avenue. On Tueaday evening, Mr. and Mra. B. A. Kaumeyer, 601 Linden uvenue, gave a family dinner party for Mrs. W. B* Mlrftetd of Port Huron, Mtehr.-whe has been the guest of Mrs. Ssagaii Me- Dougall. WedneHday afternoon of laat weak, Mrs. Dougall MoDougall. gave a amall chlldren'a party for bar little grand- daughter, Rllsabeth McSherry. the oe- ciiHlnn being her sixth birthday anni- versary. Mlsa I."".!; Kidrldge, 1011 Greea- wood avenue, entertained twelve young ladles lsst Saturday at a lunch- eon In honor of fit. Patrlek'a day. The docorntions war* appropnate, being of green aad white. A apodal feature of the affair, and Indeed a moat Important one, waa the Unique menu provided by the hoatess. Thla consisted of: Dublin Dooleya (Irish Spuds) Biddy's Delight Bmeralds Colleea Bawn (Cork Olives) Shamrock Salad (Kfllaraeys) Blarney Cream (Sweats of Brta) Hon bona a la St. Patrick The afternoon was apeat In solving rlddlea and conducting contests. Tbe Young Ladles' auxiliary of tbe Wilmette Woman's club atteaded la a body. Wednesday afternoon, the matinee performance of "The New Henrietta." eee»»e»eeooooeeeoeoooooee< rTwiga,- an orgaalsatkm, at tadtaa la He Coiigregatieaal the II bold tedr monthly meet- Wo borne of Mlaa Mumper oa aveaue, en Thursday aooo. April flrat. Tbe Fortnightly Bridie club will meet Monday with Mra. H. J. Richer, 1211 Hill street, Luncheon will be aorvad preceding the card party. . 1*# ;4leal! aad' ail**' TwaeW Luncheon aad Bridge club waa eater* tained *i l|e Borne of Mrs. 6. C. Mas* itral avenue, thla waek. man, 412 of Mra. C. C. Oarnahan, .venua. OSvwrs were laid r< Mra. William M. Blacker, ?02 Asbury aveaue, Bvanaton. waa aosteas to the Thuradoy Luncheon club, of which a p.ono-. number of Wilmette young womea are (a) ..Rornance» Mra, Bdgar O. Blake will eatertalo a TeaailLadlea' auxiliary ef the home. 821 Tenth with a regular meeting of tbe 2- club will be held at tbe >h Tueaday morning alt 10 o'clock, to be fallowed by a luncheon. to wkieh all membere may brfag gueats. The program for me morn- tog'a entertainment, In charge of Mra. A. P. Salts, will be ua follows; Pspar, "Local Cottpeeera" W? Mrs. J. H. Jannlnga ^ Piano Solo, Second Valsa....., .Vslae MmTSrWH<****r'ft.vIMi BlmKm, mm*..:. ..................8una Souci <b> "Valley of Leughtar'V...... .................. Sanderson Mri. IT. A. Whit mail Paper. "Modern Opera" Mrs. J. C. Bsker Wilmette Societies and Clubs Dr. snd Mra. Byron C «i..l|> enter- tained at dinner Saturday evohlna at their home on Foreat avonno. in honor of Mr. and Mra. Samuel fl Dlnac^. who will remain here only a abort tirn» bo fore removing to Wnnoau. Win Among the pronunoai afruin. â- .....* given for .Minn Juliette Orit«-n an.i Mine Helen Pope, two brldcn-to-be. In n bridge party whirl, la to take pUco to- morrow afternoon, fllvon by Meadai.ioB Munroc Cole and Hoyt King, at the home of the latter. 711 Forcttt. avenue. Mr. and Mi r. It a o... k....... ... tertalned at "ftou" .sat..relay at their home. 210 Ninth »tro.,t There were eleven tabW/i Tlic hon.^ woe taatefully decorated with j..inniii>. and greena. Mra. Fr«4vii«.k n i»,..^..^.. „.. i. children's party \Mt W©dnwitf«,- attv r- noon at her home, «31 Oak wood ave- nve, In honor of the Hlxth blHhduy of her little dauxhter. Bleanor. There were twenty-two lltu.- Kiicetn Mr. and Mrs Frederick O b...ia.*M Were hoata at a dinner jiwrt.v laat Fri- day evening at their home. 831 Oak- wood avenue. The xueetit. mvelv* In number, were the m^mbera «t the Fort- nightly Bridge club. Tbe Oii!)ni< tt.- rian. i..« i..», . .«...».. a white party tomorrow uai»(, m the Wilmette Wqinun'K club Mr. and Mm liyr..». ».....,. ... . „, aad Mra. I, H Slaws^n. fui.acnrl, «w Wilmette, and now realdtma in Fire- water, Kiive a St. Patrlek'a bridge party Saturday evoninit at the Smith home, 200 Ninth at reef. There were twenty 1\,u...,.«^ .....I..* 11.- I,...I... ..tie Nei;*hf><..â- hoiMj rl.b » I'l holu Ua monthly evening ntrali m the ,-tiiitdoiice of Mr. nnd Mra H A. Gemmlll, 829 Greeutraf ttVwiiuc llto avlitfduie i ..i the Outlmetii.- "ft.*nlo.- Formal." nlng there will »r . .... ......a . vi-,.«tir, Country c\\.it reada, Nest. Saturday eve- «>c a formal bridge party a novelty jf vvhieh will bo the preaentatlun of .leetrlcal prlaea Mr A o front entertained the Mni'n Ou(Jltu«, Whiat club Monday eveuli./ at hie, CO!) Cenirul ave- nne Titers w, iv three tablea. M .....I Mm l\ rc.v atlllet. will »«... .. dL/ier-^arty for iwolvn tomorrow e\enlijK at th« ir huMe. 808 Aahland avenue, in honor of Mla» Kli.,u llogln of Chlo.«4 I lio «.ill.I ..I M. m.i.l. v.ill h./ld a\ (Ii.m at one o'clock thin afternoon In the parlnri bouse. uuo .»r th. Tuesday Luttrh«uU „.u iwhlKt. <iiilm waa ei.tertalncd thla week t.t the <«f Mra C. D. .ten neekttr. t022 Kieveath street .M... \.il...i u £tcit>ul.l mil .... - ,.,/atea.. t> nnfl or the Frl.i/iy k JDvU- pdii an i ktrldfc > . <ubs. today at her horn,*. 1*2.1 WaahlaKton avenue I'l.d V....,irt I,...«leV ^...xilto, j. .,i «i..i *\oma..'fl cli.o will hold a i,.ee,lng Monday Aftern.>on i.< the ciabbouae. The program will be informal, with a •butt purII.irnentnry JrlH n,hi Wv,<i„c».i»y v ut r>/ .v.j^.w.i./ d«ty at the Wilmette vVo..inn'B club, eight guaata. The decoratlona. In green | Frau A.iell, Von ICnde will lead ,t dls- aad white, were most attractive | fu*«l«n on The Modern Wotnm. of F7u rope Among the Vhrioua St !**«•!«* «• ' falra being given thi^ w^ek. wt. ai The I........ «... iy ri..w« i.. i J « .»,.c» euchre party Tuesday afternoon at the ing W<»dncadt./ aliemoon at the borne home of Mra. J. Nye Miicallater. 918 of Mra. William A Mann, 112! Ureen- Aabland avenue. I wood avenue. Another St. Patrt k'e w««J The 1-ittie mihIc Study etna, will given Wednesday afternoon by Mra. | meet Tueaday morning at the home Cfcarlea A. Barton. Jr.. at her home, j of Mrs. George W. Springer. 724 For- 808 Ashland nvrnu** tablea of bridge. Tbore wero aeven eat avenue. Mrs. Charles If. Rmhokt waa a luncheon hoateaa Wednesday at bar 1102 -Central avenue, the rucata aefaa sll Chteagoirfamda, Th» decora i Covera were laid fur aevea in keeping witb the day Covers weie laid for eight. Mra. John D. Couffcr and Mlaa Pearl rouffcr of 903 Lake avenue gave a luncheon and theater party Wednes- day afternoon for Mra. 8. S. Dlngae Thla afternoon; Mra. Herbert C. Anna ia giving a large brtdgo party at bar home, S3 Crescent place. On Thursday afternoon, Mra. J. B. Olwin waa hostess ait a luncheon and bridge party given for Mrs. Samuel 8. Dlngee at her borne, 820 Lake aveaue. There were sixteen guests. eeeeseeeeeeeeosetweeeeeet Mrs. Raymond Whonlock, Tit Ninth street, entertained the Study Class Monday afternoon at her home. The Philanthropy department «f the Womart'H club will hold an all-day meeting today at tho clubhouee. The "!( ai..I v\"- .tub were eotfir- uuaed mat Tuvndny evening at the homo .,/ Mi and Mi*h 0. C. Boatman, 412 Centrul .venue. Mra Frai.k s. LA*,<,t ^«* hostess Tueaday to lur L,unche..a and "500" club at her iioniey 614 Hill street. Mlsa Dorothy Wcbrttcr. Old thi*4*t .venue, will be h^fteaa to tiie Saturday Afternoon Bridge club, at Its neat week's meeting. 4 _ The Reading circle met at thW home of Mrs. Tboraaa C. Moulding, 1004 Greenwood avenue, Monday afternoon. A delightful luncheon waa served pro- tedlng the ofternoon'a entertainment. The Central Avenue circle will meet thla afternoon wltb Mrs. William P. Wyckoff at bar homo, 1SS3 Blmwood avenue. Mfi. Frank Robblns, 102C Linden avenue, entertained the Linden Ave- nue Neighborhood circle Monday aft- ernoon. ' ' a/ t»*J *• ' Mra. John T. Lint will entertain another of tho Friday Luncheon and Bridge slabs at her home, 1116 Green- wood aveaao, today. Stueksev-Ryder (b) Selected ................... Brnsa Smith Vocalâ€" (a) "My Laddie".......... Thayer (b) Selected ................... Mrs. B. B. Gage. A meeting of the Wilmette branch of the Chicago Infant Welfare society was held Wednesdsy afternoon at the Woman's clubhouse, a feature of which waa the formal organisation of the club, and the election of officers for the coming year. The resulta of the elec- tion Is ss follows: Mrs. Carl R. Lath- am, president: Mra. George Kmrlch, vice-president; Mra. B. Frank Brown, secretary: snd Mrs. Herbert Arms, treasurer. The directors for the ensu- fng year were also elected: the Mes- dames C. P. Bvana, Edward Moass. Ly- man M. Drake, C. P. Van Snhoack. Charles McCue, and Mrs. Albert Fogg. One of the smaller Tuesday Lunch-J eon and Bridge clubs will be enter-1 a- report of the work done by the tained neat week by Mrs. Oeorge Mar- > association In Wilmette during the tin at her home. 1046 Blmwood ave-) baby week, showed that 1676 had been collected, and that over three hundred garments had been made or collected and distributed. nue. Wilmette and north shore club- women are taking especial Interest In the tenth district meeting to be held today at the Raveaswood Woman's club. Mrs. Isabel Buckingham, chairman of tbe literature department of tbe Chicago woman'a club and chairman of tho committee on "Public Schools as Social and Civic Centers," will be tbe speaker at the lost open meeting of the Wilmette Woman's Democratic league, Tuesday, March 23, at the home ot Mrs. Theodore Breyer, 726 Washington avenue. The subject ot Mrs. Buckingham's addreaB will be: "public Befiola as Social and Civic Centera." ThlH la a practical ques- tion, which affects every resident of the vlllagSKlntereated in our achools. It Is hop** that a large number ef women will bo present to hear Mrs. Buckinghatn. ss She Is so exceptional- ly well qualified to dlacuaa It. The Wuhan's Chrietinn ion.(.......u-.e onion will moot with Mr,*. 8. lU»u-1108 Central avenue, on Tueaday au ernoon at 2:30 6'clock, for memorial services fur Mrs. Lilllun Stevena and miss Francos Wlliard. â€"â€".â€"â€"â- - i i -mil ...... EQUAL SUFFRAGE. The aieaeoe Equal Suffrage aad Civics association will meat Monday, March 22, with Mra. Fred W. Smith, 466 Washington avenue. The speak- ers will be Mr. Albert MscRae, Mrs. H. F. Thurston snd others. A DEFINITION. A smile: The lighting system of tbe face end the heating system of the heart.â€"M'omq/tt ftomr Companion. Fruits sm Kenilworth, III. Season Phones 1041-1042 Sale Wilmette.Act our Wih and vaci U oar JS/ears* experience teTgivm you valuable advice. Quintan & Tyso will find real bargain* at rice* and tcrmt; houaes eapeit to the higheat real at ate enable* ue DEARBORN ST. WILMETTE, near Pott Office Making Mor Did you ever seriousl you can make more tl idiion witfaKffiendl A reverehtfajfotoivcrsicn of the life atory of J**u% of NazaretK. Produced tn authentic locations in Palatine an^fypt. Highly commented on by te Clergy and the Preie. One Day Only nday, March Special matinee at 3:30 p. Hi. Regular Opening performances. Admission 15c Bevel wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i tH •' , • I Wiim Chilliness :: Qual 1163 Wilmette Av*ue WILMETTE *-m -pas. S. ETHEL •nnounces the 01 Employment Let ME Uf to aeeure your help for y OVER VAN DEVSEN'S STORE. ir Lawi he rii es a FAiutiful lawn. Magic Brand Fertiliser is t\ "Bal containing Nitrogen)PhospT portionsâ€"and, fedto\ law proper quantities, inemtably "Magic Fertilizer" IsXexclusively usWd by the best lawn experts in preference to manures. Let me quote you a price. E.R.Webber, Jr.,815Fo\st Ave,Wamette, Phone 95441 LW Is the Time To ly FERTILIZER Ratio* for Lawns," TY SHOP Waving, Sealp ami 1200 Central Avenue, WILMETTE ARLOR

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