Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1915, p. 6

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1 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, MARCH 1* liUL DURJON GREEN TO BE SOLOIST REXT SUNDAY Member of the First Meth- odist Church Quartet and Noted Concert Singer, Chosen. SPRING HERE; LAYING PLANS FOR GARDENS (Continued from Page D New Trier Jottings The two plays, "Everystodent" and "Music Rath Charms." grwâ€"tut by hon-e screening or beautifying. 1st j «j» D»i«atlc dab != the school audi- prtse. Standard shrubs, value f 3.M; «•**â- Â» *#â€"*** owo»taf last, wore re- presented by Peterson Nursery. CM- «el*«* **** oorthooloom by the audi- PROGRAM A GOOD ONE COCO. 2d prize, one set 2-yoar-old srape vines, value 11.50; presented by T. 8. Hubbard Co.. Fredonla, N. Y. Class 9â€"The best vegetable garden. 1st price, one Perfection Garden cul- tivator, value $6.00; presented by Leonard Seed Co.. Chicago. 2d prise. $2.00 cash; presented by J. B. Whld- den. Class 10â€"The prettiest flower gar* den. 1st prise, shrubs or trees, â-¼alee $5.00; presented by the Otto Wittbold Nursery, Chicago. 2d prise, shrubs or trees, value $2.00; presented by Peter- son Nursery. Chicago. Class 11â€"The best vegetable garden ence present In spite of the tact mat the programs ordered did not arrive in time, there was no lack of Interest in the presentation of even the rather symbolic "Evcrystudent." The operatic "Music Hath Charms" needed no scenario. From several standpoints the fonnance was successful First was the matter or expense. The total cost of the performance wan only $6. The ^QStumee for the twelve Morris uancers and some of the other char- acters in "Everystudent" had to be made, but ordinary cambric and silko- lene sufficed, and the costumes will Orchestra Will Consist fen Members of Chicago __Symphony Orchestra. THE PROGRAM. 1. Overture. W<H!am Tell..Rossini 2. Reclt., At Last the Bounteous â-  Sua (The Seasons}.... .Haydn 3. Arts. With Joy the Impatient Husbandman (The Seasons) • . .*-.................. Haydn Mr. Green 4. Romanza In F for Violin..... ......;............Beethoven Mr. Dasch Norwegian Dances....... Grieg Intermission c. Excerpts from Cavalleria Rusticana...........Mascagnl 7. She Rested by the Broken Brook.......Coleridge-Taylor 8. ppn't Ceare..........Carpenter Mr. Green $. Neapolitan Scenes â€"Massenet planted and cared for entirely by the!"â„¢*â„¢ paraaanent possessions of the Af I contestant, either boy or girl, under |Naw 'Mer «reen room. As it is hoped 1! sixteen years of age. 1st prise, fall | Ug* «*• **»* performances this year shrubs, value $5.00; presented by the! "& *• «â- ** * foretaste of the appenr- W. W. Barnard Co., Chicago. 2d prise, j *n*ca of the Dramatic club other fall shrubs, value $1.00; presented by i »••"> * *â-  desirable to demonstrate the W. W. Barnard Co., Chicago. Class 12â€"The best flower garden, planted and cared for entirely by the under the possibility of keeping the expense low. Second!,, the performances successful la giving many thing to do in a histrionic way total of sixty people came in some or other on /the stage. Miss Brooke estimated. The parts of some contestant, either hoy or girl j sixteen years of sge. 1st prise, fall ! shrubs, value $3.00; presented by the j W. w. Barnard Co., Chicago. 2d prise, j fall shrubs, value $2.00; presented by ! the W. W. Barnard Co., Chicago. j wer« â-¼arjr slight, but they were Class 13â€"The best display of planted enough to give self-confidence in both wild flowers or shrubbery, gathered in j *PMeh *n<* gesture, and this New Trier township, either previously; aomething. to. or during the term of the 1216 < Third, the plays were in themselves contest. 1st prise, fifteen assorted faI removed from the mere "fluff- shrubs; presented by Stark Bros. Nurs- that is so often given in schools, and erles A Orchard Co.. Louisiana, Mo. I vet not so difficult as to require weeks 2d prise, shrubs, value $6.00; pr«J and weeks of preparation. The plays Bonted by Peterson Nursery, Chicago. were wholesome and suited in every The prises Vill be awarded on Sep- w** to tne needs of the student body tember 1, 1915, by three competent and their friends, and disinterested Judges. An applies-j There wss some very good acting tion blank to Join in this contest will •" both plays. Frank Herdman. as be found elsewhere in this issue. Mr. Marion Green, the soloist for the next Bundny evening musical at the Evanston theatre, is so well known METHODISTS NOW IN NEW CHURCH HOME (Continued from Page 1) the corner stone laid June 14, 1914, and the dedication was held March 7, 1915. Cost $35,000. For a church of only seventy-five members, the task of raising the money and putting up a $35,000 building was a huge one. Thy have done a very good job, for the debt is small. Eleven thousand dollars was raised Sunday J comrades, Everyman, took his part extremely well. His fright at the ghost exam seemed very real, and his Una* deci- sion to accept Truth, Study, Wisdom, etc., for his friends-rather than Bluff and Good Times, seemed very natural. Paul Sample made an excellent Class- mate, and was particularly good when he discovered Truth to be not an ugly hag, as he thougnt, but a charming maiden. Norma McMillen wss the very beautiful character, Ac- complishment, Verna Tucker a digni- fied Alma Mater, and Elizabeth Gree- ley a bewitching Jester. "Music Hath Charms" was made very Interesting by the songs or the Glee club gathered in the room or the lovesick 'varsity pitcher and his two Theodore Cox and the - Marlon Green. in Evanston and to the general con cert public along the north shore that the mere announcement that he will be the sollst with the orchestra next Sunday should draw a capacity hjuse His equipment is one that many an artiest envies. He hat. a voice tuat la called "one of the most perfect on the concert stage or today " In audi tion he can boast or a splendid musicianship, and a *.. r;.„,..-u.ty which | always charms his hearers He Ranks High Mr. Green ranks anion* . most concert and oiatorio l/-.a t. >. j the country, and but recently am jaied j with unusual succeed with the Minnie j apolls, St. Paul ana the st initial Symphony orchestras n iu». beeu { honored by the Mint. ...too.m u.ches ' tra by being chosen as* its soi.nat for j Its spring tour, which will carry the organization to all the luaJlug t otl \als of the uitddle weak As a member of the Fi.-t *u>,^i.i j Episcopal church tjuarttt ok bvunston he has endeared htmaeir to Hundreds.! who look upon his singles n.i one of I the features of the Sunda. niormog service. r Good Progt*... Au..... A glance ut the pwgram U. Sunday, which Is printed auavt . „ arsuro one of its character .\41sj Kinvolving Is an adept at cl... >t>Ui« numbers which please, and site is very proud of her selections for the next crncert. The orchestra V.IU be the mi... «» in the past, being c,>m,.rist..l of «en members of the Chicago Symphony orchestra, under the pergonal direc- tion of Mr. George Das. h The usual admission fee <>i to cent* will prevail. ] morning. The pastor of the church is Horace \ G. Smith, a graduate of Northwestern university and formerly secretary of : the College Y M C A Mr Smith has rbeen In charge of the ulencoe church 1 for two and a half years He has [doubled (he .n« .nbei, hip and It wan j mainly through hit. effo. <*> tt.ui the ; buildlfin project *...1 latin tied and I'finally ../inpletci Hit adsiatai 1 la Wlllla... B Lett.. Kc.utei i»aj>t„rs | have b<. n » B a. i.nondnoi O'.Ma.v ana K (' t'J I>orion The buiUiln^ » uu.iiilttec 1.. , i..m.«. i.i.ixls the won. of pro v hi,ut funds and t.periutciidK.g ihe canal .ictton fell, are William A 1 ox ut Join Pow em. J t'red Mctiul.c S,,er.y B t'ope Wll.ia.ii S ilamiii i'l-rk T ..ot.hrop and Don K Marsh The flt.ance com mlttee h. composed ..( OL.rk T North ; rop Si lohit P.>w< t, uud \\ llllain R Sch..ot^. The M«..... >. . • ... .. . •_,., .. , .1 than t. i (.in n it 11 (m r<> ».ii(i not a paut t'l.e>} At>v« 1 lati.alt bi.t «cli t men 1 mhi| uud g> ml r>(,.(i<-i in gr wth and it iiikii e ar. n>nll <i< .. t.j expt.;ted DECREASE IN GUN IAUION IS REMARKABLE James, histoi told ho >cl .J it e In tin . *.f a. d ,.. .,d 1 as. n Inn; ..nd u,i III- Lie .v nier in. 11 itoly note and ..ued from Page 1 1 u <•' <»>iai an till c tin . .... .. I,.. , tilth Je, itrtnient m„ken publh atl Uildcii. which may oe uuiit ted up as follows. mot in- 1.. t ,.1. „e , .!»..«« II.tu â- inUfttitcr i P •fhicled villi v arlet fever. dl.>. >f.,i id the <i> iraiu.A<a that »»* placed on h- In.nrn 10 i.tteiid a party She fli it - cut t«, a store to purchuue a <al»t Tb*> fcilc -lng uay she retu.n. d th< rha..t. who sold l< dent An a result of tl.< latter wa. th< dluv-ase »nd ca«ot Th vats, to the .tier to a b.ibi./bai. resl 1 < Mid in the ..oine taken d.iwn with . ont It aome jlit spreau thr\,jgh U10 subur. â- ><â-  are conditions .hat :d,.,ui > l .. ..t be i.osslule easier ..> cut out <iition., tnan It . But it Is it., much ad critl iso buJ con to cortect them L>*lt/ Thaught. . .. ... without eelf-restraii . >• m b.nel without hoops, and tan.ble* piece* â€"Henrj Ward Beerher. GARDEN CONTEST BLANK gfc W. D. MATTHEWS, Chairman Neighborhood Improvement o»< 1521 Lake Ave.. Wilmctte. III. btudious, otherworldly Malcolm Mol- vllle. Roger Erbe. as the leader of the Glee club, captivated the audience by bis gestures, and H«rb«r*, tiouhtiJ sang a solo without the accompani- ment ol the piano exceedingly well Major Vatvmane Talk Mtt;,<. Vatt.nan gave an l..u,..n.g ,..lh to II.e ftodcntJ \rVcu.»e.fc.iu> 1.10111 ilig. Mar. >. ;j on .lie nubje. t "Th*e Flat " He g.. ve ina..y intei oting factL ...>t n«h\ realie. j abt i.t Us i..<l slgi.. Acance .itid I..en he l.od been ap(i. 1 ited <u so j loot tint; .iiil.orin for .he cl.apla.lin of , the I'nlted Statid a. uly uud luw no had Anally chosei. the .nod. 1 wl. ,oh he /itore .u the .mm. > of l.u talk he «pok« »k' .he tetters lie iki.I nad 1 Irt ii the ,iit,idc..ta und.r hoe ad mini.->trat./m he had serieu >ud cad an cspeciiili.v intei sating ue .. urn j Hc.aevolt T».. , . i...... w.i. w.. n.e b fu c W.t. , . rth.t<>, r*r.»f J. >I N.,itl, . .. (l «nil vei sit In hlu ttd lrt sb u Mfhool Stig^eced .haV at tut i stress the school 1 of tl. _- I [gleetl..g tc Preside ..t Vila n I him of tiicl. earnest u,inpurl 1 patl.y in 1.1 j endea ors T icau l.lsl .\ jlasa were i.n intoi.Htcd t.. send such e, 1 did to 11, re \y th y ro< i ,sd tn lowing .nc sage irciJi the The Whit : II ute Wkshiuglt... 1 .;bruat> 23 . l«) t . , ........1 '1 in; pi ildt. I t.tli.1 ui . .mi. a. ki wwleuguient ot ,. ,,i ii't'swiBt1 which you inn M end Mil.. I'artiish -ent hlj, nan... of .ue sen!..,' bU.icl.Ii New iric. Tt.A-nt.hli. hlg i sch to ai>nure , ou and a I cti. ..en h«s deepl, atpreciatt, > t>ur o\ upa thv tit: and apin oai.o., Wltu an e^preksion of th» ......1 tu-nt's warn, thanks I uu> Sincerely yc.o J P famuli o«. cto.y to the Pre si . 1. . ry Uaymoiid Kenilworth 110....1- Athletic hi. tea .. 1, . of the Week the ... av, /elgtit team plays .n . 5 . t lurimmont o^ the central n.tid at Evanston. VariOUs lively liiterdaj,,. ar« being played this week Ktoiidt-y the freshmen played the seuiors and de- feated them. Tuesday the sor-tiomurcs I laved the seniors and tied them, and then in the three extra minutes given gsined two points. 1..1 J^IEEMLUBIN) - This is a special l^tun^ftoduction of/hc^ubin Company. The climax comes in a ffajmingVescue mj^ncnf hydro-aero- plane plays a prominent Tole. 1 "The FablwrfThe Bachelor" (ESSANAY) One of George Ade's rollicking comcuies. A grin in every title and a laugh with every scene. "The Final Reckoning" (Z KEEL ThANHOUSER) l.t ..i».K>t bhi^ dittiuh well worth while Serg't J in.'a Horse" < urn I | Programs j Best on the North Shore s L i ,KAYBKE> ut «.-yc on th. llot^c "Bill Gives a Smoker" it i. (KOftilC, .4..itc a little ,i....Ka A,.. Juv Matinee and ll v cuii.t "A Woman Went Forth,> (2-RELi, LUBIN) in ..t >I .1 I. f IllO Ihc Hid hat 4*ilo«it5 of the Jungle (SiiLIG) » A Man of PurU (VITAiiRAi d) 77 name m the fo lowing Ciaasca of the Garden Cotft«*t Te Remove Iodine 8taU* To remove tincture of iodine status j j from your skin or clothing strong am- j ' monia water in excellent Ciais Cif*s .Clfsa. NAME. ADDRESS. â€" mmm < > lvliacrva's Mission (2-REEL MAJESTIC) /lutuctl Weekly No. (MUTUAL) "Springtime Feeling (KEYSTONE) l> n Mlttee taking on the com bined first-run service of the General Film Company and the Mutual Film Corpora- tion, the daily program at the Moybum theater is ex- celled by no other photoplay house on the North Shore. The improvement in qual- ity of the films shown will be even more pronounced in the future With sixty-eight reels u> select from each week 1YL Sidney Smith, the expert who is choosing the allow*, is giving Hoyburn patron, the best productions thai money, plus brains, can turn out £\ cry 4*iciw.c id inspected *>* Mr. Smith uefore-UJs_! ♦booked" There is a stand- ard to which Hoyburn pa- trows are entitled. That stand*.tl will be maintained. «»»»»«»»»+»«»ee»»«»«f»»M» 1! ""'......................"TTIIIIMMMi •• ••••♦••♦ â- r#%»te .„. -,#>♦ • • • • 10 .-

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