THE LAKE SHORE L 1 II M II' ___Jj- Social Happenings in Wilmette |-j- By RUTH RISLEY Pkont Wilmette 1940 ' Mra. €. a KMmn wu hoiteu st £ very pretty luncheon Thursday at her hone, 480 Park avenue, the (vest of honor bc!=i S«. R. P. Smith of Ev- anatoa. Among the other guests were Ike Mi Him i â- Nelson J. Frank Smith. Duce, J. M, Smith and tefflns of Wilmette, tad Mm. A. of Edgewater. â€" Little Mlu Mary Dtngee was host- cat at a birthday tea Monday eventu? at her home. M2 Lake avenue. Covers were laid tor twelve guests. Later the party attended the "movlea." ' Miss Florence fltefflna will enter* tain the Tau Sigma Gamma club this evening at her home on Wilmette av- »i â- The ladlea of St Augustine's church gave, a Valentine i dinner-party Monday evening at the parish house for the choir boys. Covers T;crc laid for thirty-five. Mr. Orlan Gallta will entertain the -Essex Club" with a "George Wash- ington party" tomorrow evening at his home, 1206 Gregory avenue. There will he nine couples. An exceptionally large number at- tended the cotton cotillion given Fri- day evening at the Wilmette Woman's club by the Catholic Woman's club, and the affair has been pronounced an unexcelled success. Nftii Wednesday afternoon will be Children's day at the Wilmette Worn* aa's club, and htt rdiBdVun four years old and over of the households of the club members are Invited. The music will be furnished by the children of the village, to be followed by "Thirty Minutes of Mystery." Those who are to play are: Goblin............... Jessie Gaynor Evening Bong ........Jessie Gaynor March of the Forest Sprites.. Gay nor Blake Roberta. Canon ............... Jessie Gaynor Bong of the Armorer.. .Jessie Gaynor. Dance Lightly........Jessie Gaynor Kenneth Page. Gondolier..................Gar&aey A Little Duet................Vincent Virginia and Dorothy Snow. . Japanese Doll ................Swift "Billy" Jordan. Gavotte ..................... Brown Margaret Murray. Merry Bobolink........... Klogmann John Mahan. Cuckoo Clock ................ Hides Ruth Anderson. Three pupils of Madame Goedecke will also take part In the program. Mrs. J. B. Olwin. 820 Lake avenue, off the many ton- Last Saturday afternoon Mlaa Mary Drury entertained a number of her Evanston and Wilmette friends at "500" at her home, 1210 Forest ave- nue. There were five tables. Mrs. C. Percy Sklllen entertained twelve guests at luncheon yesterday at her home, 714 Ashland avenue. Mrs. Sklllon will be hostess at an- other, luncheon on Wednesday, March 3, when covers will be laid for twenty. • Mrs. Albert W. HaWkea gave the second of a series or bridge parties yesterday afternoon at her home, 714 Central avenue. There were six ta- I00O0O0O0OO000000O0OOS0O Wilmette Societies and Clubs lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO? Mr. and Mrs. Charles sanford Clarke will be among those who will enter- at dinner Monday evening at their home, 526 Washington avenue, preceding the military cotillion at the aette Country club. There will be twelve guests. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A Clark will entertain at dinner at their home. 716 Lake avenue, preceding the cotillion at the Country club. At the February. meeting of the Wilmette Public School Art league board meeting Tuesday morning, It was decided to give an entertainment on Thursday afternoon, March 11, at the Wilmette Woman's club for both the children and the adults off. the vil- lage. At this time, the recently pur- chased slides of the permanent exhi- bition at' the Art institute will be shown, the pictures to be accom- panied by an Interesting lecture. The admission will be ten cents, which In- cludes also a membership in the Art league for each child who buys one. A .report of the membership commit- tee showed that already a large num- ber of small slips were In circulation, stating that the annual dues for 1915 are now duo and payable to any mem- ber of the committee or board, which includes the following ladles: Mes- dames Rexford Bellamy, Emll But*, J. D. Conifer, F. B. Crossley, C. P. Evans, F. W. Felker, Helen Gage, Philip Huguenln, M. L. Patterson, C. C. Preseott, G. H. Moore, G. H. Pat- tlson, Edward Mendsen, D. V. Web- ster, W. H. Shellman, M. B. Skinner, D. L. Taylor, James Watson, John Wegworth, C. A. Wheeler, Karl King. Earl Smith, Samuel Cohen and Paul Lobanoff. Wiggleawortb, 426 Miss Mary Barrett was hostess to hoc Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club this week at her heme, 533 For- est avenue. Mrs. J. D. Ross. 1124 Forest ave- nue, will entertain her Luncheon and Bridge club next Tuesday. The Thimble club held its annual luncheon a week ago Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. Frank Watson, 1204 twelve. Mrs. Harry Thomas entertained the Tuesday ^uncheon and Bridge club at her home on Lake avenue this week. ..The -Irani Study class will meet next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. N. A. Newton, 436 Lake avenue. >RE NEWS. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY \K Iff- Mrs. Howard Durham off Abbotts- The dancing class have their meeting from this evening until Tuesday evening at the Keuilworih Mr. Stevens, father of Mr. Chester N. Ste-e=s. cf Richmond road, near Woodstock avenue. Is Uf at his home with la grippe. ' Mr. and Mrs. Owen T. Reeves and ^ Mrs. C. C. Preseott, 1019 Linden avenue, opened her home to the Lin- den avenue Neighborhood circle Moo- ny afternoon. Flfty-threo garments were finished for the Belgian Relief store. %% There will be an all-day meeting of the Philanthropy department of the Woman's club today In the club house. Mrs. Charles N. Roberts, 1014 Lake avenue, was hostess to the Drama Study class Tuesday afternoon. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Next Friday evening the members off the club will bold their ( ia^ a?enUe monthly dancing party. The Thursday club will meet next Junior i weeK wjth Mrs William Smith, on A meeting of tne JYIi.olo Mm<l> t;laaa ... to be lu-ld next Tuesday uiorn- tlno luncheon Saturday at her home. | ,ng at the Woman's ciub. in charge of E Lamkey. A paper will be Miss Marlon Roberts guv* a v«ucu avenue, in honor of her j Mrs guest, Miss Mary Robinson or Grand Rapids, Mich. The guests, twelve tn ar, were former classmates at Gertrude house In Chicago. On Snturd&y. Man i. t w.. ...jjk,, of Miss Lois PUtman «n«i Mi Harold Keith, son of Mrs. EIbridgt> K*4th. will take place at the home ot Miss Pitt Bolie Mrs" C C Mitchell Mis A man's aunts, the Misses Williams ot Wlnnetka. The wedding will be a small and Informal affair, beta* wit- nessed by the two families and their Intimate friends only. Mlaa i'tttman was a debutante at twu deasous ago Mrs. Hubtrt llnliuo.i »H t>Uii. Street, bad as her lunci..ioii , ueala Wednesday Met. jam.* Bayard . iolmea Of Chicago and C O Oarling ,y( Hub bard Woods. mb Tho ladlea ol u... i-i,.,.,,..,.,, . Church are making ela,..>rate pt< <i«;ir atlons for a Washington birthday eel ebration to be held on Mouda> even Ing. The program will be or the patriotic order. j Mrs. C. C. Mlicbeii .4.j a*., . m Knox attended the it. gi\en L, A»rs Robert -B. Gregory at the Fortnight!) ciub rooms last Friday afternoon On Satu.rUa> .Mirri.j.,.. > i, , nee Holden Fowler gave u ValemJue* party at his home. 630 l.mien av. ime. road by Mrs. Hal pi. Baker, and the folk-Dongs of England. Ireland, Scot land, Wales, Norway and Sweden will be illustrated by Mrs A. N. Page. Mrs. Lorin Hall will alao read a paper on '•Ancl«nt Composers.' The others tak- ing part In the prog urn will be Mrs. B. E. Gage. Mrs Florence Butler N MeCabum and Mrs D V vVcbbier Mm Uturgt t»aa*. ^,<ko Tucoa., kitorn. n to «». audt.'itco quite crowded che delightful ho.iu- ot Mm J. R RIvFiirund. 620 Linden avenue Wi.lcb had been .,pen< <1 to thj public- tor a .neewng ot the Wlln.etle Worn nt»'.. idemocratic ieag..e She v.<ld in detail of the so called and dual B>ateius wf \.>catlonal education, ex plaining nhut each wa. . and by wLum original*,1 and endorsed Yhfcru in- (Wo bllln m the lcgintatui. now .on toe subject which will . i,m<- np this teriu A«i ai.y change In pur school v. urrlcLium Ik ot vital interest to the community, the Wilmette Wom- an's Democratic league is to be con gratolated upon having a woman as thoroughly Informed as Mrs. Bass to discuss thl.. pending legislation. She advfees the organization to let the sen- ator ai.d representatives frA%n t*1s dlstrf. t kj..)w that the women ot Wil- mette stand for tlu unit system Mrs Kyner nang. aecotnpanied by Mrs Harry Snow. who. In turn. p!a.. >a a to twenty of his young friend« The ^y ln Q ,n|nor b> RtehMalMbi. house was decorated in ied and \-bita. With hearts and small cbpldn huug about. and .vir- j \. i^i.„a ..... lnformall> a, h..dge T. es.da> tag. at thei.\ 22-1 Wood There wove three tables Mm Wamooidt made mention of the numerous Civic* Study classes Which are belnt, formed along the north shore. Alter the program a social half-hour wa-- spent, when dv..icious refreshments ere served The Woman's Catholic It-^u- will u.eet tnis afternoon at tt.e honw of The Comancl Card --i«t. »m t,^ cu jira. Charles B. Lord. 61* Central ave- tertataed at the borne of Misw l\arl nue, to sew for the poor. Conifer, 003 Lake avenot on Tue» __ afternoon. March 9. THe Woman'k assoelation ot St. A«- fiusline's Epist opal church will hold a North Shore society la n.aoif. atm* guild meeting this afternoon at the great deal of interest in the card; parish bouse. •Bnriy to be given next Thursday aft-! â€" •moon at thw Kdgewater Country; The Study clnb was entertained on eh*, by the "Bonnie Hams" society. â- Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ms* the benefit of the home -or self-, Raymond Wheelock, 718 Ninth street. Ing women and children. â€". â€" The Crescent circle met Monday aft- Susaa B. Oerter of Gross ernoon at the home of Mrs. B. G. Cal- itoed a n'imber of friends • loway, 920 Linden avenue. Tuesday evening, in honor; â€" the birthday of her sister. Ger-, The COktgregational Board of For- eign Missions held a meeting yester- tdny moraiag at the New HL CaaBisT will etrtertaln a church in Chicago. A Mrs. Annie Conley, 1627 Charles street, Is 111 at her home. Mrs. Chsrles B. Blade, 117 Broadway avenue, spent the week-end visiting friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers of 428 Ninth street spent the week-end with friends In Waukegan. Mrs. Keith of 1007 Lake avenue will spend the remaining part of the win- ter at Winter Park, Fla. Mr. Jered Gage, 1210 Greenwood avenue, has gone to southern Ala- bama to make his home. Mr. A. N. Page, 985 Blmwood ave- nue, has been confined to bis home since Sunday with la grippe. Mrs. Elliott Wheeler of Saginaw, Mich., is the guest of Mrs. H. B. Moore, 1223 Blmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Drake, 928 Lake avenue, returned Saturday from a month's visit in southern Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schcldenhelm, 604 Forest avenue, are extending their visit in southern Florida for another month Mr «..d Mra w l. Hanson and little *on lormoiiy „f Wilmette. nave moved Into their hew home In Wln- netka Mrs ijn.i.1 tj.mwti Body of To.onto, Canada, was the week-end guest of her ststk... M.,. J K Clarke, on Lake aveaue ' Mrs h./uor m. i wIIsd rt<« Kay- i.^r of Oak r-jik. but lormoi.y of WIlniPtiA spent Tin ada; with friends In Wilmette. I'he Misses Atarmn ahd Kathet'ttie i>>/ok. 1017 O.-eenleat avkdue. have been , nfined to their uomc this week because of illness. Miss Uertrude Slaue. it? Broadway ,..eiiue will have as „tie»t over Monday Mist, Harriet Hertich of Frcd- crlcksbi.jT. Va. Mr Charles Wt„i».w.i ..( t^iUad, t/i e., is spending the w\ ek with his parents. Mr and Mrs Sam joI West- wood, 1.20 Lake avenue. Mrs louis Bruch. 1201 tjieeuteoOO »»enue. will have a** he. guest for the next six weeks her mother. Mrs. George Mason of Buffalo, S. Y. Mrs Edwin Drury. 1116 Greenwood a.enne left Monday evening for an extended visit In Jacksonville. Fla.. expecting to reorr.. about April 1. Mrs Hwar, J. Turner returned y*a tc-rda> to her home ln Germantown. Pa., atter being the guest ot Mrs Louis Bruch. 1201 Greenwood avenue Mr. W B Imvie... 580 Forest avenue. b;ft TueaJa> on a two weeks' business trip in the east He will visit his son. Marshall, at Dartmouth college, bo fore retarding. Miss Mary Rubiitsou ot Uraad tap ids. Mich., was the weeK-end guest of Miss Marion Roberts. 1014 Lake a venue. The two young ladies were roommates while attending tht, Chi- cago Kindergarten institute. Mr. Melvin Brugger of Colimibu*. Neb., spent Thursday as the guest of Mr Keith Roberts, 1014 Lake ave- nue. Mr. Brugger Is a graduate of the Colorado School of Mines, and Is now on his way to Congo. Central Af- rica, to take up a position In connec- tion with the diamond mines. daughter, Hellen. of Warwick road, loft Wednesday for a two weeks' trip to El Paso, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Owen T. Reeves, Jr.. and daughter, Helen, of Warwick road have returned from a visit of three weeks In the oast Mr. Clyde P. Ross, 1881 Chestnut avenue, left Saturday on a business mission to New Orleans. He will be there during the "Mardl Ores" earn!- **.-, aa.'4l Mr. and Mrs. James R. Chapman of Roslyn road and Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Armstrong of Essex road will leave about the first of next month for an extended trip through California. Mra. Louis Wilson and two children of Essex road will leave about March 1 for an extended visit in Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wolfe of Philadelphia. Pa., will arrive at the Kentlworth Inn shortly. With the coming of Ash Wednes- day, followed by the Sit weeks of Lent, festivities of almost every na- ture have come to a close. Interesting services have been planned for many Of the evenings at all three of the Kcnilworth churches. New Trier Jottings i of New Trier. direction of Mr. McConathy, r to do some really fine classifying voices! of having the sec- tions comparatively small, and of hav- ing two hours of InatrucUon a week with credits and grades given at tan end of tho yearc has n*£red very sue- cessful. Some excellent voices have been discovered, hast ft 10 hoped tint further training will mske possible a New Trier chorus that shall be justly famous. A selected chorus of eighty will give a cantata at the school in of Juniors and in "Tho Elijah- investments of this soundest and safest directors and officers men, familifi*jtfith ate*ffi ......I......IIIIMIMM* Miss Elisabeth, Nelson ot Fulton, N. Y„ Is (he guest of Mrs. Carleton L. Blmes. Mr. and Mrs. Hale Holden gave a dinner, followed by a dance, to fifteen guests, at Indian Hill. Saturday even- ing. Miss Mary Porter Pratt and Mrs. Harvey Brewer win give a Lenten re- cital ln the Episcopal church at Lake Forest, Sunday.^ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Thomas, 680 Waldron road, are being congratu- lated upon the birth of a daughter, on Sunday, February 14. Enthusiastic loiters come from Mrs. George C. Chapman and Miss Chapman, who are enjoying the won ders ot the San Diego exposition. Dr. and Mrs. Edfluyd H. Webster of Hubbard Woods, Tiave -joined the ranks of Wlnnetka residents hieing to California to pass the bleak spring months. The young woutau who saoa »t the presentation of "Lore and War.' in motion pictures at Community Sunday evening, was Miss Frances Riddell of Milwaukee, who la visiting Miss Delia Morse. Hiss Rludell re cently won the gold medal given by the Arion Singing society of her home town. The Indian Hiu club house ts closed tor repairs and ledecoratlng. Spring will be well along before It Is opened again for the entertainment of mem- bers and guests The winter season has been a very successful one and the sports snd d&aces are reluctantly relinquished by those who have had much to do with their popularity. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Otis are leaving today for an extended trip through Fiorina.. Tho plans for de- parture were completed several weeks ago, but both Mr and Mrs. Otis felt they could not go before absorbing ln its completeness the remarkable talent exemplified by the performance at (he Woman's dub, Tuesday even- ing. Ti/c Columbia .-$< iiooi of Music, st concert on lwonday, will give a seniors will alng oratorio given la the music festival in Bvnaaton In May. â- Social events still continue at New Trier. On Thursday evening. Febru- ary 11, the Elizabethans gave their annual dance to the Zenoblan society. An exceedingly pleasant evening was reported by all. On Friday evening, February It, the Girls' Athletic asso- ciation entertains the girts of the school and the members of the faculty at a masquerade ball. This Is the second Interesting entertainment the Athletic association has given this year. Mr. WIndoes has had two gifts late- ly. one an appropriation of $100 for his physics laboratory, another a gift of a fine tea set for his new home, presented by his associates on the faculty. Mr. Phillips delivered a very inter- esting address at the Illinois Manual Arts association, convening at Dan- ville. 111., Friday, the 12th. His ad- dress was received with much en- thusiasm by the 300 members present, who showed their appreciation by making Mr. Phillips a member of the nominating committee for officers of the association tho coming year. Washington's blrtndsy will be cele- brated as a holiday. In honor of the dsy. assembly will be held on Friday, Instead of Wednesday, as usual, and Prof. James of the history department of Northwestern university will then deliver an address on some subject connected with the life and times of Washington. The Tech Literary society had a fine program last week, in which CedVlc Smith gave a good talk on submarines. ._; The House of Representatives had a good program In honor of Lincoln. They decided to have a triangular de- bate ln the near future with the two junior girls' societies, the Elizabeth- ans and Victorians. Try-outs for the debating team will be held at the next |j regular meeting, on the subject, "Re- solved, That the small college is more beneficial to the average student than the large college." The boys have determined to win this debate and show that the boys 'ot Now Trier ar*H hot behind the- girls In this form of literary activity, an idea which has been somewhat unfortunately preva- lent since the Zenobians have been such constant winners in past years n the Zenoblan Senate debates New Trier played ah Interesting sfeine with OaK Park last Friday. The game was to have been a triple- header, with heavyweight, lightweight and faculty teams playing, but the faculty team of Oak Park was unable to appear. The game resulted tn a victory for New Trier, the score being 17 to 14 for the lightweights, and 88 to 26 for the heavyweights. An Im- portant game with Oak Park will be played again at New Trier on Febru ary 87. On Wednesday at 8:80. the New Trier teams will play the Evans- ton high school teams at the Evans- ton V. M. C. A. As NOw Trier snd Evanston are both contending for the league championship, the game prom- ises to be an exciting one. ETTE ITaTs BAN! ,ni>«*< j. •-•• '>T'3 ILMETTE PARfcOfc HAO IT WITH HIM. Wftwt Daniel Webster was n boy at «(hool he one day disobeyed the teacher in some trifling matter and Was called up for punishment. Daniel knew what was coming, nnd as his hands were very dirty he wis afraid program of twenty-six' numbers ren- jtt woUld *» flUflWoT8e â- » ftla» « «»« dered by talented boys. Sherman. Richard and Paul Goblo will play. Perry Lieber and Own Ailsebrooke will e«ch have numbers, and others who will take part are Irving Heller, Francis «nd Charles Mason. Herbert Annlng. Arthur Davis. Llewellyn Bowen. John Got don Thompson and Richard] and Edwin Conable. Hell Keep an Trying. er In America has be*** Six tlui£S. Evident!/ hO tick to Ma lastâ€"London ARRY LYh Staph fii SCeircn Ot ft Public* "It was Eve who caused the depart* are frogs the Garden of Eden." "I dont altogether blame her," replied Miss Cayenne. "How could she enjoy her hdautiful new fig-leaf costume account. As he was going up the aisle to the throne where the teacher sat be hastily spat on the palm of one hand and wiped* it on his trousers. The washing could not, under the cir- cumstances, have been very thorough. The teacher ordered him to hold out his band, and Daniel put out the one he had just taken pains to make pre- sentable. The teacher raised his rater, snd then noticed the hand upon Which the blow was about to descend. "Dan- iel," be said, sternly, "are yon not ashamed of yourself? If you'll show me another hand In this school aa filthy aa yours. 111 let you off from this panishment" "Here It Is, sir," replied Daniel, quick on a flash, and out shot the other hand. "That will do." said the teacher, still looking stern. "You may take your seat." Covers lea by the returned.nrisstoasrtes from China and Turkey. ' â-