Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1915, p. 1

The following text may have been generated by Optical Character Recognition, with varying degrees of accuracy. Reader beware! i* HORE uu,.u. BILES HMGinUS lOUTED / Fasting To Be Observed All Days Except Sunday and To Commence Wednesday. â€" SICK ARE EXEMPTED Others Omitted Are Work- men, Mothers and Women in Delicate Health. Id all tho Catholic churches of tho city. St. Mary's, 8t. Nicholas end the rest, thin was raid Bandar the regulations for the Catholic people of this diocese promulgated by Arch* bishop Qulgley and forwarded to every priest by the Very Her. B. F. Hoban, chancellor of the archdiocese. Lent begins Wednesday and It was provided that It be read at all services in every church and chapel so that everyone may bo advised as to the regulations of the church under the present Pope Bsnediet XV for Lent. Following la the text of the official regulations: All days of Lent from Ash Wednes- day to Easter Sunday, April 4, Sun* days excepted, are fast days cf obli- gations for all the faithful who have attained their list year and are not otherwise lawfully dtspsnssd. The Sick .and Poor Exempted. The sick, the very poor, women In delicate health, those nursing Infants and In general, all. who because of old as?, weakly constitutions or hard labor cannot fast"is^thont detriment to their health, are exempted from fasting. Those exempted from fasting are not restricted to the nap of meat on d*>ra*1a*Ssmjflhte|^ pensatten itUpTpnttlSpat meal'. Those obligated to fast arc restricted to ono full meal in the day, which should not ordinarily be taken before noon, and to a collation not exceeding the fourth part of an ordinary meal In the evening, though the use of some warm dris!:, such as tea, coffee, or chocolate, with a small piece of bread in the morning, is authorized. Abstinence front Seah meat Implied in this precept of fasting, Is In this dio- cese, dispensed with on Sundays with- out restrictions and at the principal meal on all othsr days, except Wednes- days end Fridays and tho Saturdays In ember week and holy week. The use of flsh and flesh meat Is rurbtddon at the same meal even on Sundays In Lent. Use of Lard Permitted. Lard, the fat rendered> from any kind of meat, may be used In pre- paring food on daya during Lent and on all days of fast and abetinence throughout the year. â-  The above dispensations from the *«neral laws were granted by an In- clult of the apostolic see Aug. t, 1887, Bubsequontiy renewed. Yon will please explain to your peo- ple the dispensation also from the law of abstinence In favor of worklngmen. mated In and) indult of the holy see. March 15, 1896, and renewed Feb. 25, 1905 By vlrtara of this Indult worklegaen «nd their families are permitted to use flesh meat oaee a day on all fast daya and abstinence days through- out the year, except Fridays. Ash Wednesday, Wednesday end Saturday In hair week, and] the vigil of Christ- NEW NORTH SHORE ~ M. if. CHURCH Glencoe Church Dedicatory Exercises To Be Held March 7 to 14. Has dedication of the new North Methodist Episcopal church, lo- at the corner of Kasot aad (Ireenleaf avenues, will be held dur- ing the week, March 7 to 14. Rev. Horace O. Smith ts the paetor and William 11. Leach the associate pas- tor. The society was formally- organ- ised March It, ltlt.. A summary of the program la givon below: Sunday Morningâ€"10:46. Organ Voluntary. Hymn No. g. Apostle's Creed. Prayerâ€"'Rev. William J. Davidson. Duetâ€"Mrs. II. M. Stryker, Mr. tH. King. Kesponslvo readingâ€"Mev. William B. Leech. The Gloria Paul Scripture lesson. Offertory soloâ€"Mr. c. H. King. Hymn No. 334. Sermonâ€"Rev. L. P. W. Lescmann. Hymn No. 41S. Benediction. Organ Postlude. Sunday Afternoonâ€"3: SO. Organ Voluntary, Duetâ€"Mr. C H. King, Miss Edith M. Jones. Prayerâ€"Rev. D. H. Cornell. Hymn No. 812. Responsive reedingâ€"Rev. William J. Davidson. > Offertory soloâ€"Miss Edith M. Jones. Sermon. Dedication service â€" Rev. Bishop William F. McDowell. Hymn No. 217. . Benedictionâ€"Rev. William B. Leach. Organ Postlude. Sunday Ivenlnaâ€"7:30. Organ Voluntary. Processionalâ€"Choir of St. Balsa- betb. Prayerâ€"Rev. l. F. W. Lesemann. Offertory soloâ€"Mr. C. H. King. Responsive readingâ€"Rev. A. A. Mc- Callum. Hymn No. 208. Sermonâ€"Rev. John Thompson. Hymn No. 180. ' Benediction, , Recessional. Organ Postlude,;-; at ywiHiwsmp pinner. Thursday gvenlngâ€"S: 00. Informal reception.' , Program of musicâ€"Mrs. Dwlght c. Orcutt, Miss Jean Hurford, Mr. B. B. Boardman. Sunday* March 14â€"Morning Service. 10:00.â€"-Sunday school. 11:00â€"Public worship. Sermon by Rev. D. B. Brummlt, editor of the Ep- worth Herald. Evening Serviceâ€"7:30. "The Church and the 'Community." Addresses by Principal Arthur B. Rowell, Rev. A. A. McCallum, Rev IX II. Cornell, •• UNION SERVICES IN WiLMETTE CHURCHES Two Services for Feb. 26; One in Afternoon and ' One In Evening. Thursday. February 25. will the beginning of a Joint campaign of the churches of Wllmette. At a o'clock In the afternoon then wiii be a meet- lag In the Presbyterian church of the women of the following churches: Baptist, Cougregatlonal. Methodist and congregational, to which the members of other churches In the village are most cordially Invited.____ At thla meeting there will be two addresses, one by the Rev. John Gard- ner of New England Congregational church. It has not yet been announced who will apeak en the subject of per- sonal work and witness. Evening Service. At t o'clock (n the evening there will be a union meeting In the Con- gregational church, which will be ad- dressed by the spankers of the after- noon. All the members of Wllmette churches are sincerely Invited to be present. The meeting cannot fall to be of great value In promoting the work of all the churches. STUDENT GUARD WORKS WEEK-ENDS Pays Expenses While in Schoolâ€"On Duty Over Twenty-four Hours. Working thirty-two hours almost continuously is a pretty strenuous way In which to earn an education. The man who does that must be sin- cere about wanting an education, for he doss about that very thing every week. He is a guard on the elevated line to Wllmette. Someone from Wllmette was return- ing home in the wee small hoars Sunday morning (or, If yon prefer, Saturday night); he was Impressed by the courtesy and efficiency of the guard on the smoker. The stations famines a vail ing IhsmoolTSS of this indult era not allowed to use flsh and Seal) at the same meal, and It Is the earn- •at desire of tno heir see. end eon •s well, that they perform acted from Intoxicating liquors. A WORD OF THANKS. 1 wish to thank the many dear friends of Wllmette who and sympathy dor- ""* Mrs. Labs Allen Keith. WILMETTE PHYSICIANS TALKED OF RABIES Attempt To Be Made To Get Uniform Actions by North Shore. The Whmette physicians held tw regular monthly meeting In the Vil- lage ball Friday night. They hod In- vited as guests the president* end councils of Kvanston, Wllmette. Ken- llworth. Wlnactke end Qleneoe- The subjects of "Rabies, or Hydro- pbobl%" sr.i it- curtailment of the "dor nuisance" were discussed In all their phases. Dr. Campbell of Evans- ton spoke from the point of view of a veterinary surgeon, while Dm. Sell of the Ravenewood laboratory, Macklcr of the Iroquois hospital talked of the question la Its bacte- riological aspect, aad also treatment of the disease aad of the general situation. A motion wee mode and gassed tho Wllmette Physicians' club recom- mend to tho mayor and council of Kvanston. and to the nssoldanto and Of Wllmette. Kenllworth. Wlnnetka and Qleneoe that they a uniform lav that all dogs ho rea- ct tho that they, should be muszled all tho year around, end that all dag should be reported to tho thortttes. *â- â- â- * sssf â-  S^*SFCle^k> J -i - PEIDAY. FEBRUARY It, ItlS. ff\MA ssam PRICE FIVE CENTS LADIESr AID SOG. nWE IttnE Mrs. Zendt and Mr. Plots Will Sing at Musical and at Receptionâ€"Both Weill Known. ADD SOCIAL FEATURE Reception Alter the Musical To Give Guests Chance To Mett Singers. â€"«4r*----- The Ladles* Aid society of the Wll- mette Congregations church bare planned a musical treat for the vil- lage on tho night of March 5. At that time the charming soprano. Mrs. Marts e. Zendt, will be the feature of the evening, the lo a singer of note, the possessor of a beautiful voice. Mrs. Zendt will be ably assisted la the program by Mr. Arthur Plata, tenor, and by Bllaabeth Phelps, at the piano. A charming personality always adds to the enjoyment of a beautiful voice, and Mrs. Zendt has won many friends by both. In otter to be certain of accommo- dating all the guests, the rooms ad- joining the auditorium of the church will be thrown open. The details of this program art not yet complete aad ready for publlcetlon. but it Is cor- tain that It wiU be an event long lo be remembored with pleaauro by all who attend. At the reception, immediately fol lowing the musical, Ike two stagers will sing Informally. It Is thought by many that thla will prove to be quito aa attractive an the regular program of the evening. ' HI MERC Busy Wilmette Board Meeting; Wafer, Fire, and Land Items Extend 16th Street, Water tor Terrace, To Vote IHere on $20,000 Bond Issue tor Fire Dept. OBJECTIONS CAREFULLY HEARD AND TABLED The regular meeting of the hoard of trustees of the Village of Wllmette waa called to order Tuesday night by President John B. Oouffer. en the tree- tees being present. The minute* of the last meeting were reed end ap- proved ae reed. The report of the financial committee was read, received aad recommended to be accepted. The recommeudatton of the sewer and water committee that the Sisters of Christian Charity be furnished with water at the "outside" rates, was also accepted. After discussion. It waa de- cided that, a bttl of $11.40 be rendered to the Village of Kenllworth for the run made to that village, upon com- plaint that the previous Mil of $25 wss more than had been charged en another occasion. Bat the motion also provided that In future no runs shall be made by th« department tor less than tit. LICENSE TIME NEAR FOR WILMETTE AUTOS March First Date To Pay Auto Licenses in This Village. the slumbering owls unehslly In their Sleep. The young guard waa alert and on the Job ell the time. Sunday afternoon the some Wll- motter wae on his way down-town and chanced to have the same guard. He common ted on the fact. "Yes," said the guard, "I havs been on duty since yesterday after- noon, end I will be on duty until aft- er 11 o'clock tonight. No, I have had no sleep, but I did have time to go home and have a good warm break- fast. You ace I am a atudent guard and work only week-ends, and boll- days* when I am not in school. By hitting it up good and strong I man- ago to make about 113 a week, aad that carries me through. "It la only a matter of constitution. end I have a good strong one. But one should be careful to get plenty of warm food when he Is trying a stunt like this. How much do we get? Twenty-one cents per hour. So the mora hours I can put la. the more I will have to take me through school." The guard waa as fresh sad alert and aa keen about his work that aft* eraooa as though he had Just gat oat of bed after a alee long sleep. There waa ao trace of tartness or wear!- Families and Individuals To Be Rated as To Paying Qualities. The Merchants' Mercantile Agency of Pittsburgh, Pa., is compiling a sys- tem of commercial ratings of people along the north shore. Including Wll* raettc. The purpose of this Is to pro- vide tho business and professional men a means whereby they may know to whom aad to whst extent they may safety attend credit The losses to business and profes- sional men In the past have been enor- mous, owing to misplaced confidence In the willingness or ability of their customers to pay. There is no reason why any person or family should no given credit unless ho or they can give ample reason for deserving It Whan this completion la completed, every man or woman, from millionaire to day laborer, will be rated "prompt nay, fair nay. glow pay or ao nay." according to the way in which they meet their obligations. Tho prompt payer and the person deserving credit win profit by this movomeat. as Id no case will he be compelled to pay high* The time to dig dowo la your pock- eta for the right to owa an auto will soon be here. March 1 will be the date. The number of autoe in Ink village has been steadily increasing, i'here an bow In the village over three hundred automobiles and It la said that ws have an unusually small proportion of the "Fords." The license for oars under thirty Ave horsepower will bs $ 10. and for ears of mora than thirty-live horse- power 4s $20. According to your strength, so snail your tax be. The taga are not in yet, nut they art e«- AeWsfe PUBLIC LISPAAV. Germsny and the Next War. P. von Bernb&rdi. Britain as Germany's Vassal, ran Bernhardt. Tho Great Illusion. Angoll. Treltsehke. Hausnth. Germany and the Germans, tiottler. Franco-Prussian War. Olllvier. Janice Day. Long. Mr. Or ox of Monto Carlo, Oppen- helm. The Hod Mirage. Wylle. Wife of Sir Isaac Harmon. Wells. Letters of a Self Made Failure. Switser. Looking After Sandy. Turnbull. The Green Curve. Swlnton. Oddsftsh. Benson. The Encounter. 8edgwlck. Arcadian Adventuree. Leacock. una Mary. Una Hunt. Italy. Fox. Byways of Parte. Coin. Valley of the Upper Bngadlne. Mas- SOB. Climbing Adventures la Four Couo trios. Tamer. Oama-Sra Girls at Plnetree Camp. Communications aad requests were read and referred to the proper corn- By tote, the regular order of bust- was suspended to take up tho el an ordinance to extend 16th street. The ordinance, ea now needed for the Mtlgatloa la progress. was passed unanimously. Water for Terrace. A resolution was introduced by True- tee Montgomery authorising the vil- lage to enter Into a contract with the property hektera of the subdivision known as the Terrace, to furnish water for domestic usee, said contract to be made later, and only after certain con- ditions have been compiled with. Among the conditions are the follow- ing: That the residents lay out end ded- icate for a street a strip of land 6* Isabella street, and that the property holders shall present a petition. In time to be voted upon by the people of Wtlasua, signed by a majority of tho property holders of the Tor* race, asking that they be annexed to the Village of Wilmette. Object to Aaseeamant. The regular order of business wss then suspended to allow a delegation of ottlsens lo speah. They said they did not object to the opening of Six- teenth ' street. They claimed the spread of the assessment won unjust; so many were to be beaeSted by the opening of the street that the assess- ment should have been spread mora widely, for Instance, as far east as 13th street, and that the village â- hoskt beer part of After a long and varied discussion. President Ceuffer announced that It was the sense of the body to take no action about It now, but to let the litigation continue; It waa pointed out that the opt sad had been made by the commissioner, who had been appointed by the court. If later It should be nec- essary to change the apread, the mat- ter could bo attended to ge well then It wen. thereinto, decided HEBIK TREATISE ON Dr. Campbell Advises Co- operation of Health Au- thorities and Dog Own- ers To Prevent Disease. HISTORY Has Been Shown It Can Be Eliminated by Proper Handling. about him-Just tickled to dcatk «• prices to make up for to be at work. tlon, too. Bet he goto an educe-1 sToned by those who era alow pay or who fall to par at all. H. E. HULL DEAD; BURIED AT NEEN AH Hade His Home for Several Years With Daughter, Mrs. J. J. Thompson. . VOUNO wSOFLTS TSA. The tea given Tuesf ' the church parlor* by He'* society of Gkmeoe tTeJen church for tho Amends relief !*>««••-• MSkdsy. ffca over $36. Mr. H. E. Hull, aged St. ruary 1*. at 8:20 p. m. at the home of his daughter. Mia Jay J. 515 Washington avenue. He lo tired by bis daugmer »nd by two Harry ami Elmer Han. of Tho to Its sash, Wis.. MRS. REESE DEAD; LONG TIME HERE Camp-flre Girls at Hillside. Donegal Fairy Stories. McManus. Dorothy Dale. Penrooe. Dorothy Dale at Glen wood committee requested a re- cess, which was voted and given over to a thorough discussion of the plans for a new ire station aad equipment. After the trastses returned from ex- ecutive session In aa adjoining room it was voted to place before the people of Wllmette a bond teeue of $10,000. to be need to buy lend, erect a fire- house and purchase an automobile pumping engine.,. In the agar future the Lake Shore Newe espials to carry complete de- tails of the proposed project end a comprehensive discussion of It, After a Httlo discussion th* mooting adjourned. !' Dr. Campbell of tho veterinary Arm of Campbell & Harvey, who through the nature of his work bee obtained much authentic first hand knowledge of the extent aud conditions i tke existence of rabies la aad other north shore towns, revealed some Interesting facta concerning tho dlseese In an interview with a repre- sentative of The News-Index. Dr. Campbell gives hie Men of a' final solution end eligjsaitoa of tho rabies question, by a system of proper I supervision end restriction by ordl- aaace. He says that Evanston barely escaped an epidemic of the dtaoass the pest year, due mainly to the ana* llclty given the disease by Tho New*.. Index. In regard to tho history and extent of the disease Dr. Campbell isid: "Sables, known al*o as nyoropnooaa, rage, madness sad by some other names. Is one of the very old diseases. It la mentioned by Homer. -Hip* pocratcs, Virgil. Horace. Ovid, Demoe- rltus and many others. Aristotle wae aware of Its Infectiousness 400 years before Christ, for at that time ho wrote. "Dogs suffer from madnese which puts them In a state of fury, and all animals that they bit* In this dltlon become also attacked by nV>-v*w'*>*rAv*« (p>***fv*N* * \m*>**V- Generally Unqueetloned. "1 am told that there era some wen* J Informed,, well-meaning people whosO knowledge of this disease has not yet progressed to the point that Aristotle bed reached 23oq/y**r* ago* ant eat* ously enough, although I have met thousands of dog owners In my tlce, I heve never personally mot who seriously questioned the exist- ence of this disease or it* Intectlou* MES.KELLEYD BURIED IN Woman, Long Time Resi- dent, Dies at Home of Son, Dr. Chas. Reese. Mrs. Huldah Case day night aft the 1 Char!** Reese. 1ST COMMEBCIALASSO. Association Has Doubled in 8 Yearsâ€"Other Busi- ness Postponed. Tho regular monthly meeting of the Aseoolsrloa wag held at the vU- lege hall la Wllmette. Wednesday , February 10. aad waa at- by most of the msmhsra. of greet Interest watw first am* aad it was decided to hold a "Rabies Is a disease of wide extent; relatively small portloaa of the earth's surface are free fraae It. Rabies Is steadily increasing Seattle, Wash., St. Joseph, Bto*. B fskvN. Y, It has within the past year or two become so prevalent as to bo alarming. The dirmsa » «*««**?. lied by epliootlcs. and ! think we mey say that Evanston end tho North Shore towns barely escaped aa est. sootlc durine the From the last of October to the mid- dle of January. * Mrs. Annie E. Kelley Died Wednesday Morning at Home of Her Son. Whit*. OaStS. end Teehe will a report. Tho main object of wan tho sisstloa of the following gent lessee liSi and elected for thl Mr. .Mr. ^ H. brought to as here, east there) were probably s* many mora that occurred from Evanston to Highland Perk which we did sot eee. I believe tt « bed not bean for the widespread pub- licity given to thla matter la Tho News-index and In pieslamathms by the preeldenta of vlltag* board* In North Shore town* and th* pre- cautions which wera^tahen em that account. WO might Tight SOW hBV nwsaste of " it "' were had sneagh * Are many "1 could not say off-hand how many aUIVw7 DajSJsm PUwm a* the pas hew many have deemed k to . of Health of nette tells a* that IS aeons by dog* la th* of them have take Or.

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