Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Feb 1915, p. 6

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THB LAKE tHOEE MKWt, FRIDAY, FEBRUARYl^W^ I LOCO IT 60LF CUB; Physicians Declare There Is No Danger of Infection moor Club. WILD RUMORS SPREAD Night Watchman at Golf Club Will Be Deported to Italy, It Is Said. : ** Several weeks ago a wild, Improb* able story ttat appeared to emanate from Oak Park first Interested and than amused a lot of people la Evans- ton and Chlcaao. It waa to the effect Oat a tlrl tUpped on an ley sidewalk, CHI and scratched her face; that bar ofcort wiped the blood from her cheek with a handkerchief that had Just come from a Chinese laundry, and that the girl developed leprosy. Persistent Inquiry showed tbat the story bad no foundation In fact, yet from Una to time the atory would bob up In various sections of the elty, until many people ware almost panic* stricken. Leprosy waa being discussed by thousands. Innumerable Inquiries were by The News-Index, and the persons were Informed that the story waa untrue. But tbo Interest grsw and inaulry became so broad that yesterday, to the groat surprise of overybody, an authentic eaao of leprosy made its appearance, not In Chicago, but near by, at Highland Park. Exmoor Club Employe. Angelo Lnagrdi, night watchman at the Exmoor Country club, haa a well- developed case of leprosy, diagnosed as suet) by several eminent physicians, who a searching examination he- fore Isolating the patient. to deference to tbelr urgent re- quests gtid for the sake of allaying probable fears, the opinions of throe eminent physicians regarding this ells- ease, fear of which appears to be greatly exaggerated, are given below: Dr. William Allen Pusey of Kvnns- ton, expert dermatologist, member of the medical department of the Univer- sity of Illinois, formerly College of Physicians gad Surgeons; "No danger need be feared from this man leprosy If not contagion*, aba is in factious only to a email degree, inis man is not a monace to the com munttjr." Dr. Lloyd M. Bergen health .um mlssloner of Highland Pw/k: Ml//>not be afraid. We in thin country ere wont to pursue a leper like a mad dog. It la unnecessary and unjusti- fied." _.______ No Cause fer *+*> ' Dr. It. B. Jacks, former »»..„.. ... the United Stales army, attached to tha laboratory of the Board for j>« Study Of Tropical Disease* at Mania: "This man la not dangerous. Lepras; Is not contagious and is only slightly Infectious. Absolute contact sitb the virus of the disease is noco*sar> to communicate It" Dr. n. B. Jacks \A «u««.~-...i j.» » Od the cose last Tuenday wh<-n Lunardl cams to him to gev relict from "had face/' The aiafinot^ was confirmed yesterday at.or a ccm-alta tlon of physicians In the .,ff..-o of Dr Lloyd M. Bergen, beaith commis- sioner of Highland park. Lunardl was locked ui> i* .».« n.*»« land Park jail, which fete tau.y for possible law breakers, had oo prison i.,» at P..,» . «*»« tie l» Lonardi cam* u. u».> ..,..*.. 1. landing at N*>w Vwi. from man liner that picked him Genoa. Ho came from I'ofot luce of Lucca, Italy, at. i has and three children It vine mere about 4g years old. Dr. Bergen has inform,-i i>. i , L Prentls, chief United Ht.te. Umni station Inspector at Chicago. Dr. Prentls win accomp*. .». Bergen and Lunardl »hia aftern.,... u. the Bxmoor club, when tne latter \»lll get all hie belongings including hie laseport. As soon as tuat to in h-nd. the United States autborlUea will start the legislation aiming at bi» de- portation. Weight sno TurpltdOa A lady once eousolted Poet. ..**- son on the tarpitude to Ik attached to h«*r son's robbing sn orchard "Madam." saM Johnson, "it all depends opon tne weight of the boy. My acbool- fellow. David Oarrick, a Uttle fellow. rahbsd a dozen orchards with ImponP ty. But the first time I climbed a treeâ€"I ems always a he»ry boyâ€"the bough broke with aw; and it was celled a Judgment I snppoae that to why jostles to represented with a pair Of \/r»Ijr WdJCrvrl r©v %/IEOJ • rVOwCjrrvU There's ss> eve. asy dear girl; yon jSKtiaas fw» toe BMKfc to toes to ear* a boot fan happy or not - Life. Helent for, all. MIsa Ullrich if4 charge of this branch of the evening', enter- ntneut. No rafraahmonts worn eerved but tbe now curtain, of hand- some brown material, wan to place, and waa very effective. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball of Qlencoe, Mr. and Mrs. Ruth, and Mrs. ueuows of Kenilwortn were among those present as patrons Tha School Faculty. Tha school faculty haa suffered aome Inroads the past week. Miss Snyder who haa struggled so heroical- ly all tho roar with one disorder or other returned after tho mid-year as* aminatlona, hoping to do her work as before, but was unequal to It, and has boon obliged to go to her home In New York for a month. Miss Blanche Meyer of Wlnnatka continues to take her place. Mr. Brown Injured his ami ten daya ago, and after going with It In a sling for a week, found tho trouble not a cracked bono, but n broken boss, to two places. Mr. Win* does met with an accident from which blood poisoning resulted, and ha was out for a few days. Mr. Johnson was tha latest to succumb with a hard cold to which he gave up after com* tog to school a weak when It would probably have been better to stay at home. The student body, however, aosms In excellent health tbe paat week. Ab- sences are very faw. The enrollment la now Just 809. The literary societies are active. On Thursday evening, January 11, tho Elizabethans give a dance to the Zo- noblans In the mesa hall. Tha Tech society has planned for a series of trips to various largo manu- facturing planta In and about Chicago and for a number of talks'on tech- nical subjects by men In the vicinity. Tbe house of representatives bad one of their lively debates Wednesday and have planned for various Interest- ing programs after that. The freshmen are to publish tbe April number of the Bcboee as they did last year. The staff has not yet been appointed, but plans for tbo con- tents are being made In all the fresh- men English sections, and drawings for the cover are also being presented. A fine wood box in which to drop con- tributions has been made In tho me- chanical arts shops by Brooks Middle- ton. The Dramatic club is working on two plays to be presented Tuesday, February 28, tbe first a modern mor- ality play called "Everyman," the oth- er a slight farce, "Music Hath Charm* " Plans are boing made also for the commencement play, which will probably be a classic from Shake- speare, or something equally good. Athletics. The triple header gome will, i« usang« Saturday evening r»julte«i In a complete victory for New Trier. The score for tbe heavyweights was 19-10, and for the lightweights 30-4 The faculty game with M. Beia^melar tak- ing Mr. Wiitdoes' place was well cheered and much oiijoyed -and like tbe other games, a decided victory. The game with Northwestern Mili- tary academy ws* also a victory for New Trier to the t. ore of 47 to 13. Tvo swimming meats have be«u postponed. Two have nut, heaver, one with I^ko Forest Friday in which l,ako Forest waa defeated 46 to 12. Dudlfc/ Do uroot and Thome* Pope being ti,e cnampious a» usual. a..d the other witn Sinai So.ia» Center Tues- day, tne second- The entries fo> New Trier In this Uot meet were a» fol lows; 4<>yard swim. Dualey IVo Oroot and <togere Weld; 40-yard breast atrok i. Wallace Baxter; championship 40 yard swim. Otfdon Cook and Thomas Pope; plunge for distance, Prentiss Coufffc* New Trior was alao repre- aented ».. the i40 and 220 yard swims. giganspa, and stnlfihtog ***«» an limitless diatanos. devoid of feature. Tho toudaosaas around Parte, Lard nothing at all striking, nothing noar- as the hills that inclose tho valley to which Washington lias, and no auch charm of auch a still, wild forest as Washington affords. Nor Is the Seine. ho la certain, n stream which can ho compared to our Potomac. So, too, ho finds tho scenery of London, Ma- drid and Vienna behind that of Wash to at 21M West Divl- a large upholstering »»* !â- â- â- *?.! «rsfS hsstoess. The fea- st his rest couch tow gained a Tha Pfolfor family have boon to tha for fifty years, and tbe iargv the north shore district la an evl- demos of their ability to give satlsfac- Tho Pfolfer Boiler company apostoWss to rsgnlr work, and their prompt service to sno of fibs factors which helped to ba!!d up their well- known lapnlslton The name Pfanschmidt stands for high quality In window shades, bath aooaassrlss and awnings, of 10. Plan sch n hunt up by careful. work and tho voluntary ttona of my customers friends. He has so much oo* to his Now Idea window shade rial that ho guarantees Ita free Tho Thames, tha Wlen. end Ma- drid's thirsty Utile streamlet cannot begin to compare with tho beaut* of ( widely-traveled diplomat. Chtof»fl,*II|fc« «â- â- **• among tho advantages of these foreign capitals over Washington, ho bolleves, Is their quality of being ancient, an Old ago which glvos to them s certain number of picturesque buildings, crooked old streets, stately churches, snd spots hallowed by tha names of famous man who were born there, died there or worked there. This ad- vantage tha American capital can bona to overcome with time. Thoro sre a legion of points to fa- vor of tho young cspttsl upon the Potomac which are enumerated by Lord Bryce. There Is no more beau- tifully wooded elty la ths world than our national capital, nor one, accord- ing to oar critic, to which the trees seem to be so propor n part of ths city's Ufa Further, whsre other cap- ttals sro crowded, some to a point of almost Irremediable congestion, there Is still plenty of elbow roes to Wash- ington, still every opportunity to make Improving changes In buildings snd to city-plan. Lord ilryc© alao lays emphasis on the advantage of our cap- ital to that It la dedicated solely to tho business of government, la not a noisy, commercial or smoky- Industrial city. Tha magnificent structures In Its avenues need not become sooted with tho grime of fsctorles. of hardwood the Company Is rt floor men know ovary- to preserve not get matter how sment need- Ml gladly ad- charge. WASHINGTON STANDS WITH OTHER CAPITALS B < ,*ili>arcrt in J>4atui«J Auty Will. All the Grxut Capitals .. *. .. th reference to the *w era mi kA the national capital, th* ob- fcjet . I vblch to to determine tbe fu- ture relation between tho United 8UU and tho District of Columbia in metiers of taxation, a paper fur- niahed to tne National Geographic so- ciety by Lord Bryce. former British ambassador to this country, in which be consider* Washington to compari- son with the leading capitals of tho world, contains much of significant In- terest Lord Bryce to the author of "The American <'ommonwealth.~ ths comprehensive study of our- selves ever undertaken by a foreigner. After speaking n warm admiration for tho Ideal site of the cityâ€"a beau- tifnl amphitheater, between hills that are rich with woods Snd declaring that the surroundings of tho American capital yield only to with its Bosphoms, capitals of tho world tar charm of setting, our friendly critic eoatrssts with Its C VICTQRIATMeTATI J|»ni LurspHrnlch hss Qfn bars slnoe Its apponro Princess theater, Is to be/ tlon at the Victoria thee! The success t with througbo ably due to t ton by a n tlon of tbe wbl Scarborough, merlgtJn the department While in th« servUo i.. nu bringing many a wulte e'e, tbat be ra« across a hsplred lili.i to wiite "The This, he claims, was not hard as hs simply confined bimaslf its and simply wrote a play around an actual case that he was assigned to and which he uad the satisfaction of bringing the juilty to the bars of justice. The case of tho gtn !., »»..> »u.« ia similar to n.any a * hh i> slav * easA in any large city in the country, only that Scarborough has concealed noth- ing, thinking ana knowing that the public conscience would be aroused if they wore shown the truth, and this be baa done in "The Lure," with the result hs bss the satis/action of know- ing that It waa his play thut forced the federal government t«> open their eye* when public clamor demanded it the day after this play was produced In New York city. 'The Lure*' as a pu> n** c<*en «» .lorscd by Juages. clergy met. and po- llce commissionerii, ss weti as by Special Commissioner 8tam«-y W. Finch of tbe United State* depart* ant of Justice. AMSJJbWJMk »»lOBsr AND 1 *e*fO MAKE I the art tot ry with which she tho silo for fetor lin. Lord Bryce writes. ON THE NOniH THOSE WHO Hft. f IT ATTRACTIVE, .north shore to known aa *.*.« spot of the Middle West, and ixurloua and comfortable homes Ml Individuality entirely Its the mat,/ firms who Ibuted their skill and facit- illdtng this .epotation may be mentioned some «,f tbe following well-known concerns; Tbe American Heath.* *»s n...».t> it.g company. 1*115 Benidu avenue. Evanston, have done a large portion of tbo plumbing and beating work along the north shore. Notwithstand- ing the reputation o«tsbllahed by then on account of the work done oo tho north shore, it may be of Inter- est to know tbat their field cort>rs the entire middle west, as evidenced by successfully equipping the Chicago WtoflshJ sanitarium, tbe Corn Prod- ucts Bsfintog company at Arg.,; the Nurses' homo at Dunning, and a long list of important buildings that require skillful and technical ex- perience. No home la coasktereS . ««.,>trte without n metal weather atrip, be- cause it render* admirable service the year around. Golden'* metal weath- er strips have many advantage., it be- ing all metal and made In zinc, cop- per ami hrense. thereby eliminating sny rhanro of mat or corrosion, it Is sattotofiai that by tho nee of Gold- tortoh in en's weather strip. 25 per cent to to raasumgilun of fuoL it Is prices ho tractive. Whsnsvsr floors yon think firm of K. B. known ss ths In ths middle thing that can he and beautify their advice? It'a small a matter ths sd sssms to ho. vise you about It Tho export installation of ths Mon- arch metal weather strip carries an unconditional guarantee. Ths Mon- arch is a permanent and positive de- vice for keeping out cold and dirt. It Is n tuba within a tube, eliminates storm sash, saves fuel, snd Its name of "Monarch" Is Indication of what users think of these strips when once installed. It Is an undisputed toot that a largo percentage of heat from fuel goes up tho chimney, and to, there- fore, wastedâ€"In some cases as high ss 10 per cent lost. The Heat Saver company guarantees to Install, under oontrnot, a devlco that will pave 25 per cent of your fuel bill, hence pur- chasers take no ehancos, for the rea- son that the Heat Savor company will refund money and remove device at their expense, If it does not affect tbe saving claimed for It. L. Levin & Company, plumber sup- ply men, are located at 708-13 North Wells strsst. They not only do a largs buslnssa with the retail trade, hut the character of work Installed by them on ths north shore needs no mention. Whoro price and quality is Important tho firm of L. Levin «V Compnny stand dm in tbe clear; their prompt service 'sad attention to de- toll have built s)f> an enviable repu- tation. Sanitation in tha w.tuiiwuKi of every comm,.. ity, a.... the Sanitary Refrigerator and Table < <impnny build a refrigerator that to the essence of sanitation. Tk.efo-ls i».> wood used in ita construction; the three inches of cork used In Its Installation compels It to use lesb ICO than any other on the market The sanitary kitchen table, with it. opaline top. u unique. The Installatlo « of one of these rerrig orators snd tableo in the home fills a want tbat only a housewife appreci- ates. Did >i>b 4..., think >.l the lllnt and c<.pen*<e «.,»<(. by hiring a portable parage i.i your yard? Th.. *(arr Por- table Hon^c- << iiipan> nave a patent- ed steel fran.e garage and while they are portable titer are also as strong and substantial In eve y detail as tbe perwianent garage. Ths, are built In any stSe, **nd are a winter necessity as well h* a itnimtr luxury. The An..?n:*n Ironing ivinU.i,.. otftopiu/ ha>« been established over ten year* Th«y have an Ironln* ma- chine that "M solve tnls problem for every hon, / a bother larrfe or small The Simplex Ironor to In thousands of homea today This' Vvonderful Ironor onablen ev«i an Inexperienced per- son to Jo at. ironing In about one- fonrtb the tin a usually taken 1/ an expert lam. irVjs. The nnish !• e^esl to that of the moat perfect hand Ironing, h i« possible to obtat.i one on esr> tei j»» If dealt jd. Thoy can be opcnw«vl by band. Hect.ic or »,aeo- lln<t powc-r Many b*i.... shore »,.,....„ t.--» n Judd IwonAiv Machiic Ti.oae \.i.o have one r«ccdniend ti.«m to their neigteora because ot Ita many ideal features, it < leans. wKbout weat: the solid coin-rr tube, smooth mm gtoaM In- side, can't t jar finest laces; U abso- lutely sanitary, hocauae it will never crack, warp rust or soar; then again, It wrings part while washing others. D*> you winder thst tne simple, rspld. ap-4o4he-minate Judd BSectric Wssh- er to recont mended by those who have one to thoee who need one? Every home has paintings anO pic- tures that at some time need reetor- tog and renaming. This character of work requires long artistic training. Newcm-.b-Macklin company special' tze on this character of work, and their services are sought by exhibit- ors and art galleries throughout the niddie west. Their bond carved or- nsmenta and srttotic efiecto have built a reputation that to unique. The North 8ide Cleaners dt Dyers company have long time, but for the assjin of giv. hotter jasrrjro hove taken near Many north bara boon provMod with tho liana Store at fit jaa lie In table and ste. Many north shorn brides have had their troassaau sc lected from this well-known firm. Have you aeon tho Wallace Portable Electric Lamp? Wall, It stands, hangs, stamps or sticks anywhere at any angle you put It Concentrates the light.whoro you waat It; hoops low, and aavss strain, placv It won't stlok 'o, d It, and tho price- tor bill wltt put one In you want to travel, greatest conveniences sddsd to ths North- Tvanston and convenience shopping dls- board n train nt loop stations In Chi- few minutes or two opplng port of tho loop. Floor company. 37 Wsst street, aro sales agents for Metal Screen company, manufacturers of tho Al Metal screens, and have hundreds of satis fled users. This screen to mads of unbreakable pressed ateel frames. In case of acoldent to wire same can be replaced In ten minutes on ths prem- ises by owner or Janitor. Tho now Cook County Hoapltal is completely screened with 60,000 SQuars fsst of Al Metal window, door snd porch screens. t If you went a Vacuum Cleaner that will do real cleaning In half tha time, you want n Cadillac This Hlectrie Vacuum Cleaner Is the strongest and neatest horizontal motor machine ever built. Equipped with a standard motor of 1-8 H. P., a five Inch fan, whloh displaces more air than any other cleaner of this type. Free demonstrations upon request, Clements Mfg. Co., 601 Fulton Strsst, Chicago. AK EXAMPLE IN ECONOMYf ^u. Ay*/ f«Us (jji^ft S, 'OW-i-^-SJ ew EGG MO ._ Ivs of Purity and ffsaulreamris of purs food laws, place of sggs for sit cooking and Cusrantstd to year Grocer sad to you. Ask Your Grocer., HOWARD EDWARDS • CO., 10 So. La Sails (treat, Chicago If ho doss not have EM MOK eas> Ms nams and we will end yet Bell New Telephone Will Soon Iss THE will days* several in present listings, new hstings should be for at wee. is you are without service, order a telephone now and your name will appear in the new book. Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, District ] Telephone 890* - j aaas bscribe for The Lake Shore Newi â- â- â- â- â- a* Our Entire at H 12B£ mSUHAHCE STOCK SUfiafTLT DAMAGED ;^^«a of Oursf>ncgAeeei.0/ Furniture, Carpets, Rug*, Beds, Pictures, etc., Were Slightly Touched by Smoke or Water, but Everything goes mi 33 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Pick From Our Beautiful Stock. 332 South Wabash Avenue to the

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