â€" â€"â€"â€"â€" THE LAKE SHORE KEW8, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4*V-IM. £il*>'kim Mrs. Harry Cumberland of 119 Fifth ..aire a luncheon Friday in ,„. of the smth birthday ot her lit- tie sob, Johh Gordon. Covers were l.ldfor ten. ;:. „ C. K. Klamm entertained at &eon Friday at her home, 480 avenue, la honor ot Mr sister- in-law, Mrs. Ralph H. Klemm of Ev- onatoa. Among the guests war* Mra. P. Millar and Mra. Lesser of Brane- ton, and Mesdsmes Herbert Dahncke. Morris 8mith, Arthur Smith and Miss Georgia Smith ot Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bird, BIO Wellington avenue, entertained at dinner Wednesday evening. Covers were laid for twelve guests. W. Hawkes will enter- at cards this after- 714 Central avenue. -, fm' The North Shore Catholic Woman's league haa.Issued invitations for a card party and dance to be given this evening at the Winnetka Woman's clubv JZ '* >K > â- •»: 'C Smith Lower, 614 Kill a. matinee party yester- ' at the Majestic thea- it of honor being Mrs. mother ot Mrs. Frederick There were five lsdlea '.»" . \ â- ;, ' â- ',*?< The Young Ladies' Bridge club will be entertained tomorrow afternoon at the home of Miss Elisabeth McCue, 131 Washington avenue. A (inlot wedding was solemnised last Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the ho*he of Mrs. Grace A. Carter. i»22 Central avenue, when her daugh- ter Maijorie, was united In marriage to Mr. Frank B. Mills of Chicsgo, the Rev. Marquis J. Wilson of the Prer- byterlan church officiating. The bride was attended by her slater. Mra. DeLoaa, and the bridegroom was un- attended, the At Homo cards read 1322 Central avenue, after March 1. A most attractive luncheon was given by Mrp. R» H. Huntsman at ner home, 211 Ninth street, with7 covers laid for ten guests. The decorations, favors and place-cards were all In keeping with St. Valentine's day. A week ago Wednesday. Mrs. Hunts* man was hostess at a, very pretty Jgpaaasa.lsliiii^JsT..... eevers' wero laif for' tenTTv^^- ' #- The Master Plumbers and Gas-Fit tsrs will give a banquet and dance at the Wilmette Woman's club tomor row evening. . mgm â- * Mr. C. C. Mitchell. 814 Linden ave- nue, entertained the Young Men's L. A. I. association Friday evening at bis home. There sras a luncheon and bridge party at the. Oullmette Country dab Monday afternoon, with one hundred and twenty-five ladies In attendance The prizes wore woo by Mrs. L. P 8ykes, flat; Mrs. Max W. Zabel, see ond; and Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, third. •;/ "." Hearts will be played at the Onll ^ette Country club tomorrow even mg. Mr. asd Mrs, Fr**»V Barret enter «ilned at dinner Saturday evening at their homo, 941 Sheridan road Another ot the auxiliary luncheons •• to be given today at St. Augus- tine's Episcopal church, with Mrs. Al bert Noyes In charge, assisted by Mesdames Albert E. Barber, R. F. Dsvla, Albert Armstrong, and Humph- rey Bourne. A delightful menu baa been carefully made out and It Is hoped that a large number will at- tend. The Women's Catholic league will »iye a cotton cotillion at the Wil- mette Woman's club this evening. It la expected that an unusually largo number will attend. Valentino favors will be used. Tomorrow evening, the Linden Ave- <>oe Neighborhood circle will give a Valentine card-party at the homo of Mr. end Mrs. M. H. McMillan, 1010 Linden srenue. '£â- > The Y. P. S. Cm of the Coagns- Kational church will giro a Valentine â- octal tomorrow evening at the home of Miss Isabel KlaU 230 Laurel ave- nue. „'"" The ladles' Aid society of the Con- gregational church win hold their regular misting today at soon. The Coty Corner circle will conduct a bakery sale, aid the Twigs a candy •ais. Luncheon wUl be served by the Washington avenue circle. A feature of the afternoon will be an address by Mrs. A, M. Clark, president of the W B. M. I., iris* baa Just returned float a trip around the world. Peoples society of the _ church are making prop- ter a novel party to bo given to the chuck parlors. Mra. Edward L. Scheidenhelm opened bar homo at 704 Lata avenue for a musicals yesterday afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock. Mrs. Arthur C. Mors was the soloist of the day. The North Shore Catholic Woman's league and Young Ladies' Auxiliary will give the second off their series ot informal parties, this evening at the Woman's club. Mrs. Harry social chairman off the league, is chairman ot the committee In charge of the arrangements for the Miss Helen Skinner. 118 Tenth street last week-end entertained Miss Lots Boston ot Rockford and the Misses Mono Moore and Harriett Sheets ot Aurora. They attended the Delta Gamma dance on the night of February 5 at Birchwood. Saturday night Miss Skinner gave a small party in their honor. Mre. E. O. Blake entertained a few friends at a delightful luncheon lust Saturday at heir home, Ml Tenth street Mra. E. R. Webber gave a luncheon at her home, 815 Forest avenue Tues- day, February 9 in, honor ot Miss Juliette Gates. One off the largest events of the season was given yesterday afternoon at the seme cf Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue, In the form of a musical reception. Mr. Arthur C. Mors, a well-known concert singer, was the soloist of the after- noon. Tho homo wag. attractively doc- orated with largo yellow daffodils set In brown hanging baskets. There were over two hundred guests In at* tendance. The ladles assisting Mrs. Scheidenhelm In receiving were Mes- dames F. L. Joy, D. V. Colbert, Harold Joy of Western Springs, Lawrence Collins off Evanston, Frank Cutter, Charles Roberts, Louis Clark, George Linn, Frederick M. Bowes, Henry Pope, John D. Coulter, W. C. Wenban, Harry Gardner and B. F. Blymyer. Tho second division of the Meth- odist church are planning a Washing- ton dinner for tho latter part of next week. All of tho guests are to come tal costume. The affair will be given at tho home of Mra. L. J. Pteraen, 880 Lake avenue. Tho first of a series of monthly aft ernoon gatherings of the ladies of the Baptist church will bo given Tuns day afternoon at the home of Mrs O. W. Schmidt, 827 Elmwood avenue, The affair la to take the form of a Valentino tea. M»M880O8IM>888a»*MM»j Wilmette Societies and Clubs igM»i»»»>0MMMdMsaM8l Mrs. Charles N..Râ€"e «» hostora «• J*""* ^LlTSt to tho Thursday dub yesterday after- »•* ^^Jf^. noon at bar home, 727 Forest avenue. Mrs. Byron B. Smith entertained tho Merry Matrons' club Wednesday afternoon. Mrs: C. M. McDonald w«a a hostess Tuesday to her luncheon and bridge club at her residence, 1288 Elmwood avenue. Tho Friday Luncheon and Bridge club will be entertained next Thurs- day at the home of Mrs. O. W Schmidt, 827 Elmwood avenue. The day was changed because off conflict- ing engagements The Little Music Study clsss was entertained Tuesday at the home of Miss DeBorard, 803 Elmwood avenue The Drama Study class will be en- tertained next Tuesday afternoon at taa residence of Mrs. Charles N. Reese, 727 Forest avenue. A meeting of tho Young Ladles aux- iliary waa held Monday afternoon at the Woman's club, the program tak- ing the form off a muslcale. with Miss Alice Whoetoek In charge. Mrs. Frank 8. Lower. 614 Hill street, waa hostess to the Tuesday Luncheon and "800" club this week. Mrs. J. B. Otwm will be a hostess to one of ihe many Luncheon and Bridge clubs next Tuesday at her home, 820 Lake avenue. The February meeting off tho board off directors off tho Wilmette Public School Art league Is called for Tues- day morning at 10 o'clock at tho home of the president. Mrs. S. S. Dingee, 882 Lake avenue. On Monday evening. Mr. Frank W. Smith, secretary of tho Corn change National bank, will give his very Interesting Illustrated lecture on "Early Chicago" fat the Oullmette Country club. At the meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league, held la the Wteaetka Woman's dub, Br. Mary of Vaa Hoosoa and Mra. E. A. Gorman. The Young Ladles' Auxiliary, under the guidance ot Mra. M. J. Geary, hold their meetings at tho same club house aad hare given several infor- mal parties. The league Includes to Its membership women from Chicago aad suburbs ot the North Shore. There waa a meeting off the board off directors ot tho Wilmette Woman's club Tuesday morning at the club- house. Mr. aad Mra. James O. Wray, 818 Washington avenue, wero hosts to the "H aad W" club Tuesday evening at their homo. One off tho moat attractive pro- grama ot the year waa glvea Wednes- day afternoon before the members of the Woman's club, when Mrs. Fred- erick Marsh Bowes, of the Music de- partment waa In charge. The progaam waa rendered by Edward Clarke, basso. Rachel Stelnman Clarke, violinist, and Gertrude Lees Roberts, accompanist. The Music Study class met Tues- day morning at the Woman's club. Mra. Benjamin E. Gage waa In charge of tho program. Mrs. Harry S. Thomas will be a hostess to one of ihe Tuesday Lunch- eon aad Bridge clubs next week st her home, 811 Lake avenue. The Fortnightly Bridge club was entertained at the home of Mr. aad Mra. Thomas North Friday evsnlng at their home In Bdgewater. There were three tables. Mra. Henry B. Gates will bo hostess at the next meeting of the Reading circle to be held Monday afternoon at her home, 1126 Wilmette avenue. "Pygmalion" Is now under discussion. The date of the annual gallery tour of the Woman's club at the Art Insti- tute has been changed from Thurs- day, February 18, to Thursday, March 18. The postponement is due to the fact that the officials ot the Art Inatl- tute will be able to give better serv- ices at tho latter date. There will be an open meeting of tho Wilmette Woman's Democratic league at the borne of Mrs. J. R. Me-. Farland, 820 Linden avenue, Tues- day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. George Bass, former president of the Chicago Woman's club, will speak on "Vocational 840001100." la view ot the pending legislation In Illinois con- cerning vocational education, this meeting should be of interest to every women In the village. As the meet- ing is open to the public, hesitate to attend because of the tact that she Is not acquainted with the hostess. This Is an exceptional opportunity to hear the subject dis- cussed by sn able leader and it la hoped that a huge number will come out. f Tho Woman's Home Missionary so- ciety of the Methodist church will meet next Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edgar O. Blake. 821 Tenth street. next Monday far oa extended visit In ........<............... Miss Dorothy Alma, 818 Forest ave- returned Saturday night, after spending the weak with her sister. Mra. Japan Deer PhUips, at her home in Oak Park. Dr. and Mra. IX M. Campbell of 828 Gregory avenue have moved into the home formerly occupied by Mr. A. A. Keene and family at 1117 Asbnry ave- leljsWs 4slU8wu» White returned Sun- to Madison University, the weekend with his aad Mrs. George D. Greenwood avenue. Miss Marjorie Noyes spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Albert W. Noyes, 827 Oakwood avenue. 'She returned Sunday even- ing to Milwaukee Downer college. Mr. aad Mra. Allard Berry and three children have moved to Oak Park, after, making their home for the peat year with Mr. and Mra. 8. M. Dingee, 888 Lake avenue. Mr. Edward L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue, accompanied by his father. Mr. | Jacob Scheidenhelm of Mendota. III., has left for a month's trip to Southern California, returning by way of San Francisco. Mrs. A. L. Webb, 721 Greenwood avenue, has as her guests her mother, Mrs. Edwin Ssyre, and sister. Mrs. Q. Edwin Wagoner, both of Stapleton, Neb. Mr. Wagoner will come on later for a visit and will accompany the ladies on their homeward Journey. Tho funeral services ot John Milton Long were held Wednesday morning at the homo off his son, Mr. O. M. Long. 1618 Forest avenue, with Rev. Thomas Keene Gale In charge. Mr. Long waa seventy-nine years of age and had made his home here for a number off years. 88H8| re Doing! ethsshcmsBmsanX will her home, 1808 Gregory avenue. The second division of tho Meth- odist church was entertained Monday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. J. S. Kendall, 802 Elmwood avenue. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Kehilworth News Mr. and Mra. Frank W. Coolldge of Woodstock road are touring California. Mr. Charles T. Chandler of Essex road has gone to Florida on a business trip. Mr. aad Mra. Charles MachUn of Sheridan road left this week tor St. Augustine, Fla. Mrs. James A. Green of Essex road baa returned from on extended visit in Evansvllle. ltd. Mra. Charles T. Chandler off Essex road waa a luncheon and bridge host- ess Wednesday. Mra. B. D. Parmajee entertained at Wednesday afternoon at her home on Essex read. There was a card party at the Ken- ilworth club Tuesday evening. Rhum and COO were played: Mr. and Mrs. Loon Allen of Melrose avenue have returned from aa extend- ed trip through California. Miss Carolyn Jane Everett will give a birthday party this afternoon at her home on Abbottsford road. Mrs. Catherine Juul Everts has been visiting at the home of Mrs. James R. Chapman on Roslyn road. TOM DALEY READS, Mrs. Grant Rldgway was a bridge JS**^*ttf!SEZ3B% hostess Wednesday off4aat week at £»^*!ftgy *g^*SB $~" in Winnetka Miss Waldby from Adrian. Mich., la visiting Mrs. D. 8. Laater. Mra. Robert W. Smith gave a small card party at bar home on Falrvtew avenue Friday afternoon. Mrs. William J. Norton entertained twenty guests at Indian Hill with winter sports and aupper. last week. The dance of the Friendship circle In the gymnasium of Community house, on Mondsy evening, will be a St. Valentine party. The married ladles' sbdsllty of the Sacred Heart church in HulAard Woods will give a supper. Monday, from six to eight o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Schoenthaler who are recent sddltlons to the soclsl life of Hubbard Woods entertained a party of friends at supper Sunday, at Indian Hill. The young people's dance at the Wo- man'* club tomorrow evening will be in honor of St. Valentine. The danc- ers will wesr masks and all the favors: are to be of designs spproprtate to the dear saint. Mrs. Laird Bell. Mrs. M. H. Lleber and Mrs. W. 8. Hsmm attended the performance of Mrs. Arthur Aldls play "The Drama Class at Yanktown" given Mondsy afternoon at the Ravens- wood Woman'a club. Miss Julia Henry's lecture, Wednes- day, Is to be given at the home of Mrs. John Buekinghsm. The subject Is "Ssllsbury 8hrines" and the accom- panying readings are from tho works of Isaac Walton and George Herbert. The North Shore Catholic Woman's league and Young Ladles auxiliary gave the second of their series of In- formal parties this evening, at the Wo- man'a club. Mrs. Harry Wilson, social chairman of the league, directs the 'committee of arrangements. I At a business meeting following the regular monthly lunch of the Woman's society of the Congregational church, last week, plans were made to open a holiday shop st Community house, In November, with Mrs. William C. Bay- den as general chairman of the depart- mental committee. At the meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league, at the Win- netka Woman's club, yesterday after- noon, Dr. Mary O'Brien Porter was the speaker. Mrs. E. J, O'Connell. president of the league, sang and Mrs, F. A. Corby entertained with readings. The hostesses for the social hour wero Mrs. H. Van Hoesen and Mrs. E. A Gorman. The Neighborhood circles will serve an elaborate lunch on Wednesday at one o'clock in the assembly room .of Community house. An Interesting gram has been arranged In which Miss Collins. Miss Hawkins, and Mrs. George Blynd all of Chicago Commons, and Miss Allen of the Lying-In bos-f pltal. will take part In Ave minute speeches. Mra. W. D. MeKensle In a brief way will outline the work of Community house with the Commons. | and Madame Cassetarla will nil a half .hour with entertaining stories. The music will he provided by Mrs. Gert- rude Thurston, Mrs. Edwin F. Snell and Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer. For Your Consideration 97% of all persons 65 years ol pendent. Only d& have sav to provide t sitiesof Hfi Your money you are n This bank es with lews for you e to work for help you save it. WILMETTE wm BANK 1/ â€"_â€". GE THEATR EATRE. BEAUTIFUL Th9 Home of the Pipe Orgtn UN Herbert Kelcey A t Mra. Frank Flanners of Bluckwell, Wis., Is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Thatch. Mr. W. D. Mathews and family of Lake avenue are making aa extended trip through Florida. Mra, Mary Reieger of Chicago was the week-end guest of Mra. E. A. Kau- meyer, 601 Linden avenue. E. â- , Besser. Jr., of 1221 Gveenleaf avenue, has been confined to his home tor the hut few days with grip. Miss Margaret Stattman of Linden avenue will leave Monday for a month's visit with relatives In Nebraska. Mr. A. K. Petrie of 710 Washington avenne, la out again after a week spent In bed suffering with la grippe. Mr. James O. Barber spent the week-end with hie parents. Mr. aad Mra. Albert E. Barber, 631 Linden avenue Mr. aad Mrs. Harley I* Clarke. HI Broadway avenue, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday evening, Feb- ruary 4. Mr. and Mrs. A. A Phelps, SOS Woodbine avenue, left Monday even- ing for a two months' trip through California. Mr. aad Mrs. J. W. Tuthttl aad Mies Nettle Fursman of all Hill street left Sunday evening for an extended trip through southern Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Joy of Western Spring* are spending the weekend with Mr. Joy's parent.. Mr. and Mrs. F. L, Joy, ill Central avenue. Dyer. 1010 their her home on Cumberland road Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Foresman were hosts at a delightful dinnerparty Monday evening at their home on Es- ses road. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hammond and son, Luther, of Cumnor road left last Wednesday for a visit In Palm Beach. Fla." Mr. and Mra. S. D. Flood gave a dinner-party Friday evening at their home on KenUworth avenue, near Sheridan road. Mr. aad Mrs. Ira Barling have re- turned to their home on Essex road, after spending a pert of the winter st Palm Beach, Fla. Dr. aad Mrs. Henry.H. Everett had as their guest at tea last Sunday ev- ening a number of the Internes st the Presbyterian hospital In Chlaogo. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wolfe of Philadelphia, Pa., will arrive about the middle of this month to make their house at the Kealfaorth Inn. Mrs. John C. Everett of Abbottsford road entertalaed at tea Sunday even- tag for her sister. Miss Irene Everett. who le to be married the first of next moath to Mr. George Harrin of Chi- cago. Mrs. V. K. 8picer of Essex road. gear Woodstock .avenue, has as her guest for aa indefinite period her mother, Mrs. Higginson of Montreal Canada. Mra. Higginson has but re- cently returned from an extended trip abroad. - l Lectio aad Emory Stoker were heats at a sleigh ride party last Saturday evening to thirty of their friends. The party later enjoyed supper at the Stoker home. This was followed by a number of games sad a -host" of fun. Mortiy, Feb. 15 M"*A«* Tuesday, Feb. J 6 "The G! onnon la •If the Golden West" In 4 _ . WILLIAM 17 S AJpVSON GEORGE BEBAN in MTHE ITALIAN" 9 CATHERINE COUNTIBS in "T U • Avalanoh •" Saturday, jeb. 20 ?i LILLIAN RUSSELL In Wl LP/1gE" church Invited hla parishioners to bis guests at an Informal entertain- ment given la the Oullmette Country club. Tom Daley, the well-known poet, waa the guest of honor, sod de- lighted all those present by his read- ings, msny of which were very humor- ous. Interesting ProOlem. "The folk at our hotel are greatly Interested In a problem." "What Is it?" "An Irresistible blonde bss Just met en immovable bachelor."â€"Judge. CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. George T. Chestnut afreet, have lor the next two are staying at the Tudor hotel In Mrs. E B. Besser and son, Richard. of ltfl Oreenleaf avenne are spend- ing the remainder of the winter at sad other coast enies of fi Wilmette) Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Msssger Big Plays Every Wight -At- . OF THE PIPE ORGAN i ii Admission 15c - Children 10c Pyfer & Olsem, Florists Telephone Wilmette 23 i â- â- â- '" Va! here alt selectioi cut flowers We deliver anywhere in Wilmette^ Evanston, KenU- worth, Winnetka, Hubbard Woods and Glencoe WILMETTE S Gardner Popular pricesâ€"-81 We solicit your shoe repairing. We call for ! eo» W. Railroad Avenue* PARLOR lO Family new. __â€" fhtSH ROL fee EAKAAST Many wUmoftoJFaml have tafea airvin our saw morning jefteJ-', •Mnt All Bread Wrapped ia -Wax Paper-- Baking Co. Ills WmmHi Ave. Tal. uwntttt 441 C. C.gfclCLVINC WINNETKA â€" We eo|ip your FORD with a Primer for $1.50 Taxi GabService NigHt ud Dt| J. W. Meyer 6 Sons 1715 Colombo! Atcooc Phone Wilmette 426 ft VMM «â- Vl LYNN