^r rillvl A #i £e\KB BWS, FRIDAY. F! rARY18.191 T= i*=*=4 THE NORTH SHORE HOME AN& THOSE WHO lHftrfVWH»» ,â- *•/•**.- «r »".i <"" v/ HP"' H i 1 * R- â- P*^ i 1 â- »*-â€"- f a?:'"1"' .'f 1 • ;*:•â- :] * AlNCt Atlas Moor Co. jtti 37 W, Monroe St.. OKI Colony Bid*. /Www Harrison MM MM SCI SAVE YOUR BACK- liliiPlPpI Upholttering and â- ;«rt «, ^ , kh Wm . .. pit i GOLDEWS All Metal Weather Strip fjrt draught*. Prawn la In operation of window* and Harrl«on 40St. l 4 :;,' Telephone -u Monroe v Acuiim Cleaners Four Models $19.95 to $39.99 Jblrp Mffacftsnenre *sr cleaning everything in home. , CLEMENTS MFG. CO. 60XFul^ Street, Chicago 55J( BtfO/40 â- Ate* EuraltkA^ Cm* m# ftkftvsn BMHNiii rurwinviriivfivjfwii iliiiiiSiii CHICAGO And we will be pleased to demon- ii strate a cleaner in your own home. No obliga- tion on your part. \\Wm <VJ| •,.; Can bo Installed "â- on any Hooting Apparotuo ZSvlo to 50^ w ^&8 ©P GUARANTEED Saving On Your Coal Bill , We Jt>k» THE Positive Proof Before You Pay tub- wr AT SAVER mrnmm • 1 n i , i 1 Hi • j p '• • j Iv'"' . W' f Sold Direct to Consum- er at wholesale prices. • See Our Line "> LI monarcn mbhi w Bamsr strip KEEPS OUT COLO AND DIRT KEEPS IN â- Madly â- FUEL If. t,. y*^ |.1tS ftl A Blessing to tho Sick and Well JOHANSEN'S PATENT BACK REIT COUCH 8KND FOR PAMPHLET Upholstering:. Mattresses and special Wqrt •;;'„. z$ ©tries and Factory . i":'t Zm W. DIVISION STREET pnon, HurUold Telephonist Day, Central 1311, 5*3; Nl0ht. Craceland 1577 PI.OWT *|gHT,SN flV^T. .1*,.. Pfeiffer Boiler & Repair! Works STEAM BOILERS, TANKS, SMOKE STACKS, ETC. *l<& & mi£ AND Central 5927-5928 •*• * l . n [ p i [ â- '" • 1 !?â- '. V-*ff =T^p5 W. C. 1'feHTer, Mgr. K A SP*CJALTKU^ >% Chicago, III. K^ ^3iid« Mi "" lip pr <;^ \tJ<^*V^ M W1ST «AND0LFH STRUT ^'>r-T . ~ fa Wf OWtSft*..JI||o)oJa> •*««. •.' ,»RANCH WpkiBTf' •••WO N. Clerk HireeC j- i-*w" â„¢ «««< m ^ .P"wo,y»fce 1We!l# 460. 1613 Benson Avenue, fevnnalau, IIL, aton ft» CONTRACTINO BNQIf £oir*r IriataJ|aS5&â- '« Sjg Vt-utllntlon. Suii»ai>: l'lumliltis Bcweruge Byotcmi. •.?'tr.f » WMOC or rxtra MtAVV MbC ___ CAMNOT iMBIHH. WAPC. ttAH on RUSf /n I OOK AT ME I am *" diflcreni. My hy- gienic copper tub is smooth as glass inside. I vrll. without any wear on your clothes, do your *asliiag hettftr and at much, l< *Â¥ cost than it can he done by any other mcinod. Write |„, dcSK.iptive booklet no , j Judd Laondr, Machine Go. SulU 068. IVoj.lmGu BUg-. CIIICAOO A«y Slxe In Ye* . $95.00 and Up ^/^ 5ttrMrner Cottagtt and Winter Dwelling. fA« ontytortable House with a Stfel Frame Call and see Sample er sarw Ayr a«r New Catalogue Karr Portable House Co. o-JSCMtk'^: LOWB8T PRICES I'hoiiett. Central 338^, Aato 41008 [E. B. MOORE & CO. Fine Hardwood and Parquet Rut ;vated r L(j(JRS Fleer Wax FLOOflS taints. Oil*, Varnishes and Brushes • 2!» North Waba»b Avcnun "">'- Al*r*hal» Field «r CS». OppoaHe, ^hlcaso. 10, 0E8T QUALITY Correct Picture Framing J^»r«o aaaortment of now and antique effect* In hand-curved nnd ornumontcd rrSSSw; afio complete eeleoffon of hardwoods/ vencoia. (.tc. Old frumw Mini furniture regllded Old pictures restored. ___ _ ; When may we send en expert to estimate on your workT NEWCOMB-MACKUN COMPANY H. W. Corf State and Klnzlo 8ts. Chicago i-lephons»: Certtral 5215; Automatic +i.fM N fflMti rrs/yy's • mm mm J It Is raised sad _ ? Artistic swsisgt for "" curtsies rsslsosco ^WKING -_ld» orscrrm. •od sitepiai psreh iDifl>4 iT- r/M+^^U'^/rsA' r> i^>»' 1 ' BEAUTIFUL IRONING MADE EASY 6 QUICK Iwm Your ironies-dona with a brsn- tifol finhih In «** fourth the Urns and effort aad at a few esntsexgeos*. S-QH-CITT A WD COtum BONtl pvemoity fcaad. gasoline or etec Irk SOWST. Hntid l.y km. »ja«<iline or •wrMfwjr. Mad* ia s «|zm. «2S T^^^^W^.r. r^^ir7SK;s,Wrtt,',or1 AMUtlCAa1l«OmWGaiACHl«CO. /sssMsfced 10 years Mkaldan Ave. Chicago. PU 1MN. Trlrphoa* Randolph 106* ZSg, LINEN STORE Preparatory to taking inventory we have selected the odds and ends. Also soiled goods which ac- cumulated during "ur January sale. close out at prices much telow rhe reeular sellin^nrf!!? %-d m "riA*,.^." '•Mrmerva -^y wajawssB • Nt"**v^--S-ri J# 5, MICHIGAN BOULEVARD, CHICAGO !3T V' «. Phone Eean$ton 1219 . : ;â- - rF â-º* - • â- â- ' 'â- *'"â- '/ ? e * .f ** . - ' v-'- â- r**-jf *""' r' * tr e .J>r.otiipt and satisfactory service, for 12 years. §P Our service includes the cleaning of all Ladles' A;«d Gentlemen's , Wejawc Am**, CurtatRa, Draprs, Domestic afid Oriental Rugs. Clean- t ing, Blocking arrf Re^ribi: of Gentlemen's Hats. We call and deliver anywhere on the North Shore. Owned and oper n^., ated by the h i * Trains Frequent- '" " S-.» -' -" â- *!;. " THE ELCVATEff^Will Get Vou to tho Shopping District Under AH Weather Conditions. aoBBsBsass»swaB»s«wasas»wasBss« "AROUND TH* LOOP ONLY" T««â€" ^- L" " ' X V»«^ f Shopper 'em^TtX*?,*** A*":*-*"""*