THg LAKE tHO«Hf«W,FMDAY.JAIWyAgYtl till. Social Happening* in By RUTH RISLEY Phone Wilmette 1640 Mr. snd Mrs. C. E. Burgess, ISM Lake avenue, entertained their Card club Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brethoid. 110* Central avenue, also entertained their "300" dab Saturday evening-. Last evening In the parish house of St Augustine's Episcopal church' a re- ception was tendered the now rector. Her, Frank C WuweSuek. by the ward- ens, vestry and Woman's association. The music was furnished by Mr. Carl- ton Kaumeyi r. violinist, and Mrs. Setb Blake Roberts, pianist. . ... & • Mr. and MrsJc. C. Mitchell. 814 Linden avenue, /were hosts at a din- ner party at Rector's last Friday eve- ning in honor ft their guests. Mr. and Mrs A. C. Robertson, of I*os Angelas. Cat. J J. son of Mrs. i. 8. Norrls. 1819 . I Mm- aveiue. yesterday afternoon. Mesdames Herbert A. Morln. Charles E. Lord. Brack and King of tills cKjr. svenue^os hostess to the â€" of the Thimble club last week. Next Friday afternoon and evening Mrs. Charles E. Lord. SIS Central ave- nue, wlU open her home for a card Augustine's party to bo given for the benefit of St. hold a ~ Francis Xavier's church. Bridge and flvo-fiandrcd »«! be played, and sot* ersl handsome prises have already Frank 8. Kobblns. been purchased. Oaring both the aft- ing will follow ernoon and evening there will be spe- cial music, the artists being vuM iuuoiv., «.w ........ -tâ€"m â€"â€"â€" im nerr; â€" wa» ^w»-» wiwi- Louise MUler. Mrs. O. O. Corins, Miss talned Wednesday sfternoon at the u..nn«» vn^>lon nnri Mr Wllklns. .. •____# *•__ o_~i.»_t,.i, w n.h^ tertalned their Bridge club Monday evening at their borne, 918 Ashland avenue. There were three tables. Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Springer en- tertained at auction bridge Thursday evening at their home on Hill street, the occasion being the birthday anni- versary of Mr. Springer. There were three tables. The Fieria Literary society of the Evanston academy gave a dancing party last Friday evening at the Oull- jnetle Country club. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall of Wln- netka opened their home to the Oull- mette Dancing club hu»t ovonlng. The evening was spent In playing cards and dancing. An Invitation has been extended to the members of the Fortnightly Bridgo club by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson to tako dinner at their home In Waukegan this evening. Bridge will be played during the evening. The next dance to be given by the Oullmetto Dancing club will be a masquerade. It will bo given two weeks from tomorrow evening. Mrs. Royal M. Buckman. 1034 Lin den avenue, was pleasantly surprised last Friday evening with a party given by her sons, daughters and grandchil- dren. It was her birthday anniversary There were twenty-three present. There will bo a formal dance tomor- row evening at the Oullmetto Country club. Mrs. Joseph Marshall. ,1040 Elm wood avenue,'will entertain at Inndh eon today in honor of Mrs. Harry Thomas, who will leave shortly lot hep new home In New York. Mr. and Mrs C. C Carnation. <oo Central avenue, gave a dinner p«rty Tuesday evening at the Union League club for twelve. The uuest of honor was Mr. S T. Nather, who is going to Washington, D. C, soon to live. Mr. and Mrs. E. A Koii.ue/er «ui^ talned at "500" Wednesday evening a< their home, 601 Linden avenue There were four tables. Mr and Mre lloi^ »i..,...,..». .. *««• Fifth street, win ente.taln the il /me Social club tomorrow evening at tbelr home The Kebvtiu ..irtl............i -m. â- Of young laditj in t.i« i'ren»>yteii»»i» church, were c-ntertaiueu at dinner lu the church parlors last Monday e*e wing. Mine Mll>ii«U «.:u«.u«».u ~Ul i.* »...«.! ess to the Youa.b Ladle* lliiigi club next Saturday afternoon »t her Lame, 731 Ashland avenue 'fuo uu« i iieU.. »...» .........r oblemi.irf wil. givt i. dan .ag purty Saturday «v<mi. i« at t.vlr iioti»<\ 237 Linden avenue, In honor ot the birth day of their sluier. Ruth Among the guests will be Me»sr» William Oar roll. Harry Walsh. Tu^mas North. Emit and Walter Stepper. Leo Mon dor, »'inle/ Dunne, George Arns. Har- vey Hopp. Walttr Barrow, David KiQfc Wentd. Schmidt and the Misses Silla. Claire «urd Etht I Harrow, Mar- gueriw Coilins, Helen Henry, Mar- guerite Henkau.p. Eh... and Marie Pfeiler and Celeotc Suehi Mfc» Holtc-l.lW >IU*lu„ «..„ â- > luutl. «fon-ho.s/.«*Ks M<t> lay nl h it h »t e. 6Z!i Washington a\ aue in honor of Miss Ruth Allen >f Lvana.on Covers were laid for elKbt gu<*stii ine afternoon was spent in playing t.rldg<? Mr end M. / M H Skinner enter talned at Jinue. U«-One8da> e.ening at their home, 72U Tenth rxreui. Covers were laid for twelve guests. Margaret Nsdden and Mr. Wllklns. A sleigfa-ride was enjoyed by the members and friends of tbe Baptist church last Friday evening. There were three starting points where the people gathered: P. R. Finlay's, 419 Ninth street; W. R. Marian's. 718 Elm Mr. -smd-Mts.--#.--N,ye- Maeaiister en- WOod avenue, and Rev. Frank Tabor's. 1018 Eleventh street. Two large sleigh loads comprised the party, and after about two hours of riding, the company gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mahan for an oyster sup- per and a social time. One of the most enjoyable affairs given for the young people this sea- son took place last Friday evening, with Master John Bentley as the host of tbe evening, with a sletgb-flde party. Thirty-three boys and girls en- Joyed the ride, and the delicious hot supper awaiting them upon their re- turn at the Bentley residence at 804 Elmwood avenue. Strange as it may seem, the belle of the evening proved to be Master Benjamin Ebbert, who, being rather shy about asking one of the girls In the party to accompany htm, appeared as a girl, with "Jimmy" Moore as an escort. His Identity was not concealed for very long, however. Those who attended were: Helen Bennett, Margaret Coulter, Dorothy Bennett, Frances Ziph, Dorothy Rod- man, Minnie Mae Schmidt, Elizabeth Cutler, Phoebe Hoffman, Dorothy Yonkers, Florence Gillson, Sarah Hu- guenin, Helen Allen, Helen Evans, Virginia Kendall, Ethel Flentye, Ben- jamin Ebbert, James Moore, Donald Burchard, Richard Burrows, Philip Huguenin. Wendell Hopkins, Harold Finlay, William Sturgeon, Earl Estes, John Wogforth, Raymond Keith, Philip Taylor, Earl Skelton, George MacLean and Oliver Voss. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Harmon will give a dinner party tomorrow evening for eight guests at their home, 214 Sixth street. The Tuesday Evening Bridge club will be entertained next Week aillio residence of Mr,, and Mrs. B F Brown, «;«'><> Washington avenue M. „..J M.n E fo rit.A,.k.. ..-.> .â- nxi ..i nv..iue ,.nn.»un. o the bli, A of b. eon. fucad&y Jan. 1& Mi. »l«.»l>«.,t itar...k« ».... » •>. " .. .enu» had at. her lun rteti\ guents Wednesday, hei slater. Mr« P. N Miller. Mrs rtal.u Klen.m. ot fiva«rs ton ana Mit SLid- 1) Uulh ».. T e Ka/ cl. hotns, il-4 m. ...a .m. > I . d)..ner to tt.e ekv.uius t>. u.elr avenue Mm . . A ,..,a.».. i . ,i i >od „ uuui » a ItOStev iit a slghocrhooti thimule pftilj ) afternoon last .reel lliliull t erday Anna E L .neetlug Of llenioci'tti 1c ro. Frank i mi i.lll th. Will n-ag a at , Ko K» » M.. In. tie VVofiuti the ll me of r>..o i.Uidet. a\ jnue Her sdbjeft Is to t>e What vhe Won.^iii of llllhols tia/e IHji a With thv Ballvot." All the »»meii ut tti.i vtll^R.. «vho arc Interested are in . Itt.-rt to be ».»e gueetu of the league at this im.etfutlt. „!.. » • 1,4... 1»<b » ... . .. m 1. a. Ju to .,i.B ot tha I il, ti.oii it,id/<' . luLs or, Tuesday ot this of too Cosy Comer Elmwood Mrs* H*M ©WT A. OoaMb 11M Lake Woman's association of St. â- IVUtaU Of ^SSB1B^S^»^S^*^^P^ ^^ ^TWe Fplsnnpsl church will Ing today In the guild wJfiUg M «:W o'etoak a luncheon. In charge of Mrs. A business meet- The Merry Matrons were home of Mrs. Frederick W. 2731 Park pUce. Evsnston. Reford, The Wednesday Morning Bridge club mot this weak with Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden avenue. The Hiawatha Social ciub gave a card party last Saturday evening at the Wilmette assembly hall. Mrs. Mary K. Amos Denney was the speaker at the lecture-recital given Wednesday afternoon under the auspices of the art and literature department of the Woman's club. Hor subject was: "William Butler Yeats, Poot and Dramatist." Mrs. Herbert Dahnke was hostess yesterday to the Thursday Luncheon snd Sewing club at her homo, 1517 Forest avenue. Mrs. Leonard A. Lower. 1046 Linden svenue, entertained the "600" dab at luncheon Tuesday afternoon. Another of the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge cluba were entertained by Mrs. Edward Mendsen at her home, SOI Greenleaf avenue, this Week. Mrs. Gorge H. Bird, 610 Washing- ton avenue, was hostess to her Tues- day Luncheon and Bridge club Tues- day afternoon. Tbe Little Music Study class will be entertained next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. George H. Bird, 610 Washington avenue. Mrs. W. H. Rlddlford was hostess to the members of the Drama Study clsss Tuesday at her home on Sheri- dan road, Chicago. Luncheon was served. The meeting of the Catholic Worn- an'n club to be held at the Woman's club this afternoon promises excep- tional Interest. The speaker of the sfternoon is to be Mrs. Leonora Z. Meder. and the soloist Miss Murphy of Chicago. Since this Is "guest day" at the club a good attendance Is ex- po ted Tho hostess of the afternoon Is Mrs George Sunderland. Mi. ./Milan, o Belt vTaa h.,«l~c.> to ...e Mk. ulay«on t.nd bridge cijb thlb week at her home. Col Wasulng* ton avenue Ona ot t...... -^ ...... »->-. -..i.|*. t- u<ider dijcut iUm ut the itj> atlng of the Wllmetie rubric School Art league, held Tuesday n.wninR at the home or the president Mrs. S. 3. Jin gee. »32 Laka avenue, ^as that ot the ainildtio.i of tula league with the Mu nlcipal Art league of cntcago. Mrs Alonzo I (,/burn was selected >, the delegate to this leagud It Was also voted thrtt the local orgb.ilx«tton buy fifty of th« stereopticon views ol pic tureo from the permanent exhibl. at the Art uutitute. Somethtie in Feb- ruary, an eutertalu.aent will be given to tht, fivhool children wltn en ad- miflfllon price of ten en .a, which will pay the associate meaibershlp dueb for each oi.e for the ensuing year. The sllde» will be us»d at this entb. tain nient accGinpunled by plaining them. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mrs. Joan C. Blayiocb, SM Doyle coart, spent a few days last 1 Itlng relatives In Irving park. by the _ do* on Friday evening. January ». at the KenUworth assem- bly ask This fsoaHiss to bo an ^ event of no little «oelallaig«Kaiya._ â- V** Mrs. Calvin Case, preside **•" Neighbors, and the ton Mesdames Charles Wore Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kibby. 836 Lake a. E,y, were among the ladies w renae. are spending the week in Bos- teaded the tenth Monday at tbe Edgewater Woman s and Hartford. Conn. Miss Morjorle Hatch Is spending a iw daya as too guest of MUs Mar- garet AJlen. 1004 Ashland avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bart. 1017 Elm wood avenue, ssnrmaf the birth of a daughter on Friday. Jaaaary 16 Mrs. Albert W. Noyes, 817 Oakwood avenue, was Mm week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. Hughes at their home In Oak fork. * Mrs. Claude Fitch has aa a guest nt her home. 10SS Elmwood avenue, bar cousin, Miss Psrmenter of Mr. Charles E. Lord. 516 Central avenue, loft Wednesday morning for Mrs. JObn C. Everett and her daughter. Carolyn Jane, of Abbotts- ford road, and Miss Charlotte Ever- ett, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Henry H, Everett of Cumnor rood* who hare recently undergone slight operations, are convalescing at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago. KenUworth residents will bo Inter ested In the marriage of Miss Jose- phine Morton Holloway. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holloway. 21 Scott street, Chicago, formerly ol KenUworth. and Walter Gregory Rod! ger of Chicago. The offolr took place renae, left Wednesday morning for on Weanesday evening at the bride's ten^days' business trip to Washing- home M|jg Hbfloway Is tbe niece of Morton ton, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Plata of 1227 Elmwood avenue spent the week-end in Highland Park attending a belated Christmas party. Mrs. E. B. Rathbone and her mother, Mrs. Forester, of 710 Central avenue, will leave this week tor on extended visit In Mow York. Little Harriet Mons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Mono, Ml Oakwood avenue, is convaiscing from an Illness of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson Casse, 683 Forest avenue, have closed their home for two months and will live at the Congress hotel in Chicago, Miss Viola Kaufman, 1029 Elmwood avenue, loft yesterday morning for Jacksonville, Fla., where she will re- main tha rest of the winter. After spending a month as the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Albert P. Snlie, of 112 Sixth street. Mr. Frank Butler returned Sunday evening to his borne in Denver, Col. Mrs. Herbert O. Graves and daugh- ter, Miss Ethel Graves, of 105 Sixth street, will return the latter part of this week from a short visit in Sparta, Wis. Miss Ellen Thompson, who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. L. D. Brad- ley, 822 Michigan avenue, has returned to her home, 845 Hlnman avenue, Ev- anston. Mrs. Henry W. Hamtnes, 422 Linden avenue, ho* had as guests at her home, her father, Mr. GurM, and his daugh- ter, of Cheboygan, Mich. They re- turned to thoir home yesterday. Mrs. Frederick D. (Buckman, 831 lecture e* m Dakota. Mr. Johnson, was here for a short time, but Is now on his way to Cuba. :, ., Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Morley have at their guests at their home, 1204 Ashland avenue, their two daughters. Mrs. C. B. Van Dyke of Muskegon. Mich . a»d Mrs. J H vVuiker of Do trolt, Mich Mr. and Mrs. a. C lioboitsou. «i.u have returned frotn ua extended trip in Europe, stopped en route to .heir borne In Los Angeles, Cal.. at the home of Mr and Mrs. C C. Mitchell. 814 Linden avenue, tor a tew days this week. Their niece ot* Philadelphia ac- companied them. Mr. and Mrs. a to»v««i ut in. have oeen k>UcL» at t.,« J. H, 420 Para avtnu On Sunday Mr. and Mrs Klemm v. ere hosts at a dinner party in their l.anor The fcucst.t included the Mlsse* Anna and Henrietta Lowvel and Messrs William lowvel, Perclv.1 P. use and T. Renchel Oliver T----------- Mrs. Charles G. Macklin of Sheri- dan read will be hostess to the Ster- ling club this afternoon. This organi- zation has been in existence for six teen years, and Is composed of six- teen ladles who. at the time of its organisation, lived In Ravenswood. Euchre was formerly played, but since bridge has become a popular pastime It was adopted by the club. Pour of the original members ore now residing outside of Illinois, so that the membership list has been brought down to twelve. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Spaulding the latter formerly Miss Katrlna Fair- lee, and John T. Spaulding of Boston, arrived at the home of Mrs. Spsutd- Ing's mother, Mrs. Sidney R. FaJrleo of Sheridan road near KenUworth avenue, last Friday evening. On Sat urday evening Mrs. Falrlee was hostess at a dinner party for four teen In honor of her daughter. Since then a number of luncheons, dinners and theater parties and Informal aft crnoons have been given for Mrs Spaulding. On Thursday the party returned to their home In the east. AT THE THEATERS. Wilmette theatergoers are, appar ently, Just awakening to the fact that "every night is feature night" at the Village theater. Manager Span* Is showing nothing but "features," the very pictures one pays twenty-five cents to see In Chicago. Next Monday night Armstrong's dramatization of Bret Harte's "Salomy 0^wooA^Z?W^hw^tbe'i £MJW *!?â- " *lth Beatrl2 MIchelena mother, Mrs. Olen Johnson of North " in the title' rOle, will be given. The cast also Includes House Peters and Andrew Robson. Tuesday afternoon and evening, The, Crucible," .with Marguerite Clark as "Jean," wfll be shown.' Tali Is a Paramount picture of exceptionable merit. Wedr.ooUay nlftht, -Little Lord FauUt- i„roy," In four parts, will be given This story is so well known that com . m Is unnecessary further than to say tnat It will be a real treat for the children. Another t'arantount picture, '-False Colors," will be shown Thursday night 'this is a powerful drama, with Lois Vveber as "Mrs. Moore," support ed by a stivnfc cast. On Friday ni^ht the »tx part picture "The Diamond Robbery," with Wallace Kddluger and an all-star Cast, will be .•shown This is a thrilling melodrama of modern tinner Saturday after u*>wa aitd e^euUg idrs Wig** of the Catibag* Patch," with tseatriz Miwhelena In the leading role, will be jhown KenUworth News Notes it. ura. aue. o'clo Vv .; i I v.eo HuDh. * Tut day *f» Uj , .(hi irrHM, ,tlr. i ..,,1 8cbulze Of Melrose a\e „„e Is ..pending a few days this week i In Buhalo. N. T. »lr:» H. Preiittae eutvii^lu^U ltra, ave ! *« bridge Wednesday after aoon at her at 2;30 ,ib \ h l<« . !,«,»?!'.- ut Mi .•-• Ashland vtuu tjital... .1 iohn W xhr. . 'ulle at the . i231 WilmetU b<>. u ties and t//*.£., I.lndcn Avenue Neighborhood diet Mo.iday afternoon at the »ln> H. 8. Uemtmtl. 829 rettue II. m. U. aue. w j» tiost fli- Mondajr after.ioo^j The uiarrtage or Mtea Viola Bjrrd Kaufman, daughter of Mr and Mrs. John Henry Kaufman. i02d Elmwood avenue, to Hope Haine» Fah.oner. son of Mr. and Mrs Sydnor M. Falconer Of Washington. 1). C. will take place at tbe Presbyterian church in Jackson vBlc. Fla. There will be no attendants and only a few immediate relatives { â€" and intimate Jrienda WlU witness th* I i'*• #vtday L«aet»««t ceremony. Miss Kaufman attended | ctub will be entertained t-'tclu *> I & I.Jdll ^i .. . to ,t«< rieadint t-'tr . . /id* . tire laeetina of th , tentli its trlct vt the Illinois eu^rat on of rVo nan a dub, held M«.ijday at the h. Ifte water Coun.ry club. An c-xcellet.t pro gram sraa given ana everyone who at tehdeJ expressed their approval. Among the speat ^rs were Mrs ".Spence, who advocated a parents' league t , euc^.arase the ^.iroouction of good bwilni pictures; Mrs I'ortman. who was enthusiastic ovel the de- veloprtient of a Light t^pera company In Chicago where we aright have good comedians and singers who are recog- nised artirfta, taking part in operas full of fun and melody. M.S. Edward \V tu-mls rfooke on "The Sanitary Dis trlct." in place of Mrs. H<?U-n Buggies motion was carried that the federa heme on Hoslyn road Mrs 1/ C. Owen entertained at ! luncheon last Thursday at her hv.ote , on Essex rood. Covers were laid for' ! elsnt Mrt > ..rles F ewutuwora «t Oa I i.rd r. <t has lasu«J InvRstlokJ t^-r a luncheon io be given at ber home to-, day. Co < erg will be laid for twelve. Mr II L. Stuart of Abbottsford' i»ad 1 .ft Saturday morning on a bus! | I ness trip to London Ho is expected : to return about the middle of next ; month Dr. ( n.iee Hors~tll. pastor tn tire K£ntl«rorth Union church, hat, been j very seriously HI at his home on , Ksse* road It is .eportod that he is i Improving Mr. George Stua.t of Abbottsford 1 road started yesteruay on a trip I through the south and west While in California be will visit the Pan- the « oii.^iicl t ar.l ttui -.111 lit si. tertalned next Tuesday aiternoot at the residence of Mrs. H. V. Donald- son 112$ Forest avenue. A tion write to the president of tbe, aiua-Pacinc exposition. Northwestern railroad requesting that | On Tuesday evening of last week the roads be electrified. Another sab-' tne men of tbe KenUworth club gave ject of interest was that or the Tours,' a smoker. The ladles of tbe crab. to the Panama Exposition tor club- *«rre gueats. and the Northwestern women, advocated by Mrs William \ Glee club furnished ' the entertaln- ; Farrington. A number of the Chicago I ment clubs have already arranged for spe- Mis* itoLinson. a teacher of music __a i.t..^ ciat trains and cars and It is thought and art in the Joseph Sears school. odaj at the .that a great many more will follow ! and MK, Boras, the sixth sad seventh woKING DEMoNhTRAY.oN LECTURES. . ..ouroo of cooking demonstrate t..res is being given In the Hav^n nhool. comer of Sherman avenue and Church street. Evsnston, every Mon- day evening at 8 o'clock. This course Is given by the Chicago School of Domestic Arts and Science, and the same for which we pay $5 at their rooms In the city. By selling a large number of tickets It is possible to give these lectures for 10 cents an evening. NOTICE. i«, 1914. about u t i >ady tripped o\..i /'grip in the slaLof a north boujwf North Western trarl»at Oempa^rstreet sta tion. EvanstonT^fAMia; young ladles a ho owned thejjrtp^o^ny passenger in the car wbSTsaw- theUacident. will «e.,d tneju^iame to her, sneSKjl' be greati^f^bliged. Address Ralpn* £. Wap*vlT33 Insurance Exchange, Chi cSgo. Phone Wab. 1471. Itp Wilmette Baking Co. 1115 Vi'suHt In. Tt,.WsawHt44S tbe UBiversky of Chicago, when? she became a member of the Deltho club and later gradaated from Illinois uni- versity. Mr. Falconer is a graduate of Washington college. Washington. -U. €L and a member of the Theta Delta Cbl fraternity. The young couple will spend tbelr honeymoon touring Florida sad wttl spend tbe remainder of the winter In Jaeksonrinc. Fla. borne of Mrs. Ira A. ington avenue. Jon«.«. r*22 Wash- One of the several Tuesday Lunch- eon and Bridge clubs ntet this week at rbe home of Mrs. CharleaVMack, 707 Central avenue. A meeting tfO* fifth dlvistoa of the Ladies' Aid society of th* Metfc- their example. A MILLION BID. "A Million Bid.** a photoplay *>ai>- terpiece in five parts, will be shown at tbe Wilmette theater next Thursday afternoon snd evening; This is a Gen- eral Film company production, which ban.met with considerable wherever it has grade teacher la tbe same building. yfWbt HBUfmetjfe Ifeaurg Shop ; I200 Mutually Helpful MOW we eta help imporifimce.. For teal the Ml hdp The bfnk, howev**Tcgn help everyone. _ hovweoow iisis of refit service thet we prosper. WILMETTE f«« BANK â- â€". - â- â€"r-*-f i ILLA( ULSPARII, THEATRE BEAUTI1 Mon. Jan. 25 Thtlowtefitrlil BEATRIZ MICHELENA IN Tues. Jan. 26 MoUnee and Evenlnj FASCINATINI iTH! ILE Wed. Jan. IEN'8 IAL TTuntloi Thurs.Jan. ! WE BER o\ PHI LLIPB 3M ALLL. ,SE COLOURS p.^< ----------â€" „ Eitttor, in. prMtnr Ctts. CIM. J. MM nd Gill lot fig ] m Great Diamond Robtery Sat. Jan. 30 Matinee sad Evening BEATRIZ MICHELENA lit Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Big Stare in Big Features Every Night. r*©« Will Enjoy Themj ^ ChOdrwniM THURSDAY AT WILMETTE THEATRE ^.v^rtI "A Million Bidw| STAR CAST-ANITA STEWART, JULIA SWAYHBOORDOH, MOREY, GLADDEN JAHES-Matlneeand Evening --------------------------------------------------1â€"â€"MMMM WILMETTE SHOE PARLOl Gsrdneri Popular pricesâ€"81 We solicit your shoe repalrl We call fofiJ^sjTdc 609 W. Railroad Die Family Ipaired as factory new. enue. iOur jiptmala for the fall and win- in of 191446 are now hers and wl cordiallylajlfK you tojsdWnd in- spect 8amsv*\V'cJiuarai»ro our work. lH^AtR Staple Fruits il worth Phones 1041-1042 W morningd||irfry NdTYou Bread Wrapped in â€"Wu Paperâ€" 'lake â- NUB â- i| Wilmette Fmit Store GEOSGE FIESAK7QN1. Msi â- f l fiftlftM RtfiULTfi ARTISTW. Anordcn llytartinWi P.O.But' J. W. Meyer 6 1715" for Rent TIas._ tso Woodbine 1014 SO