Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1915, p. 2

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2 mm THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1915. TTS in Wilmette i just been Of th* engagement of Miss Viola Byrd Kjsefiâ€". daughter of Mr. ana Sirs. J, If. Kaaftaaa. 10» Elm wood avenue, to Mr. Hope Haines Falconer of Wash- tagton, D. C. TIM wedding la to take niace within the next week ©« t~o. Mrs. Grace A. Carter of 1322 Central avenue, announces the betrothal of her daughter. Marjorio Adele. to Frank B. Mills of Chicago. As yet, no for the wedding. â- â€"Last week ^a^engagement of Miss Irene Ethel Gould, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Gould, 1130 Lake are- nue. to Roy Albertaon of Chicago was public. "'â- **' Miss Hester Davies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Davies, 530 Forest ave- nue, who announced her engagement some time ago to Joseph Henry Baton of Woodbine avenue, is to be ouc of the early spring brides. was served. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were '. lonneriy lesiueuis as luiooe iwsnd. ' Last Friday utsaUg; the young P,-*the«hbadaaUslk hsrinsrvssr Eleventh street, where an oyster sup- per was served, and a Jolly good time enjoyed. The affair was arranged committee of the B. Y. society. Mr. and Mrs, C. F. Holla were hosts at the Fortnightly Bridge club tost Friday evening at their home, 407 Central Mr. and Mrs. C H. Brethold will en- tertain their "500" club Saturday eve- ing at their residence, 1102 Central avenue. There will be three tables. On Wednesday, Mrs. C. H. Bret- hold gave a luncheon to a number of her relatives in honor of her sister, Mrs. Augusta Sass of Germany, at her home, 1102 Central avenue. Six-handed euchre was played at the last meeting of the Linden Avenue Neighbor circle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thurman, 828 Linden avenue, Saturday evening. Mrs. Gor- don Hannah and Mr. Alfred Burbach held the highest scores. Another Informal dancing party is given tomorrow evening at the ' Wflmetto Woman's clnh liy the mem bers of the Ouilmette Dancing club. The Home Social club postponed their meeting until last Wednesday evening, when it was held at the home of Mrs. Leon Barrltt, 214 Fifth street. Mrs. B. J. Calloway will be hostess at a luncheon tomorrow at .her home, 820 Linden avenue, given in honor of Mr. Calloway's sister, Miss Adelaide Calloway of Chicago, who Is to bo mar- ried on Wednesday evening, Jauu- •r> 20. * Tomorrow evening there will be an auction bridge party at the Ouilmette Country club. Mr. R W. Jordan entertained a few friends at team whist Monday even- ing at his residence, 1317 Elm wood avenue. Last Monday afternoon was ladies' day at the Ouilmette Country club. Auction bridge was played, the prize winners being Mrs. Robert E. Hall, first; Mrs. O. C. Eastman, second, and Mrs. Charles A. Barton, Jr., third. There were nine tables. Miss Elisabeth Reffron, 010 Forest avenue, gave a theater party Satur- day afternoon at the Cort theater. The party Included the Misses Ada OConnell, Louise Schlacks, Margaret Allen, Marlon Seng, Marie Handley, Helen Phclnn and Jeanette HcfTron. Mrs. Herbert A. Morin was hostess at a luncheon and bridge party Wednesday afternoon at her home, 835 mil street The affair was given for her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. R. Morin of Galena, Kansas, who is spending a few days, in Wilmette. Covers were laid for twelve. Mrs. Fischer gave a luncheon tor eight of her friends Tuesday after- noon at her home on Sixth and Greg ory avenue. Mm John P. Brooke: 125 Sixth street, entertained at luncheon last! Friday afternoon for Mrs. William: At the service of the flaptist chajch next Sunday evening in the Woman's Club building, the pastor, Rev. B. Frank Taber Win give an Illustrated address on "Conditions Surrounding Child Life in Our Country; Forces That Destroy and Agencies That Up- lift." Sixty up-to-date stereopticon views, actual photographs of scenes is Chicago and other of our great citieB, will be used. At the morning service Mr. Taber will preach Ms first annl- versaiy sermon as pastor of the church. ___JL An interesting meeting of the Woman's Missionary society of the ~~- Baptist church was held at the home of Mrs. H. L. Benoh, 1227 Ashland avenue, Mat Monday afternoon. An address was made by Mrs. C. B. L. Peters Of Wilmette, a member of the Baptist Woman's board of Chicago, on work among the Indians. Mrs. O. W. Schmidt gave several selections. Re- freshments and a social hour followed the regular' program. Evans. 1*. W. Cage. J. SL Harper. Philip M. L. Peterson, a C. Prescott, Q. H. Moore, J. A. MaeLean, G. H. Patttoon, W. H. SheUmaa. M.'a 8klnner. D.L.' ^fajkjaJaHaa^H^^,'MBfidaaaa«ar^',«nB£jamu^^u»'* *^jma^< ami' Taylor. James wateoo, jonn r. worm ana c. a. wboww, thf "soTciu?' TSSS* at fear home, 831 Oakwood avenue. Mrs. David Park, 018 Blmwood ave- nue, will entertain lifer luncheon and bridge club Tuesday afternoon. â-  * â- â-  - -™£^irli^-«lufe * reaamsd - Its meetings yesterdsy afternoon at the home of Mrs. T a **»», SS* Slav wood avenue. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mr, and Mrs. Theodore B. Potter, 828 Elmwood avenue, entertained at dinner it the Chicago Athletic club Wednesday evening. Covers were laid tor six couples. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J, Baker were hosts at a small dinner-dance on Tues- day evening at their home on Lake avenue. The house was beautifully decorated with smilax and pink roses. There were twelve guests. sleigh-ride party Tuesday evening to sixteen of their friends. A supper, followed by games, was enjoyed after tho ride. i Finding the afternoons to taken up with various activities and club meet- ings, a number of ladles have organ- ized themselves into a Wednesday Morning Bridge club. They held one of their first meetings a week ago at the home of Mrs. Thomas Knox, 619 .Forest avenue. In the afternoon the party attended the matinee at" the Cort theater. Mrs. F. H. Tichenor entertained a few friends at luncheon Tuesday at her home, 201 Sixth street. On Wednesday, January 27, the sec- ond of the quarterly luncheons will be given to the members of the Woman's club, a feature of which will be a fish course, served by the Booth Fisheries Co. All reservations must reach Mrs. Charles O. Wanner, 629 Central ave- nue, by mail, not later than Monday, January 25. A business meeting and program will bo an attractive feature of the afternoon. The Pi Beta Phi sorority of North- western university will give a dancing party tomorrow evening at the Evans- ton Woman's club. Among the mem- bers who reside in Wilmette are Mil- dred and Agnes Cunneen, Hope Mil- ler, Irene Gould, Dorothy Cody and Lynnc Smith. Mrs. A. J. Taylor waa hostess to the Travel Study class Tuesday afternoon at her homo, 835 Central avenue. The Reading circle will hold a meet- ing next Monday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Howard Field, Stf Central avenue. Miss mm Gates entertained the Comanci card dub at her home, 1120 Wilmette avenue, last week. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H. V. Donaldson, 1120 Forest attend*, a week from next Tuesday afternoon. A board meeting of the Public School Art league has been called for next Tuesday morning, at the home of the president, Mrs. 8. 8. Dingee, 888 Lake avenue. The Central Avenue circle will he entertained at luncheon today at the homo of Mrs. Arthur J. Taylor, 888 Central avenue. The last meeting of the Crescent cir- cle waa held on Tuesday of last week at the noino of lira. H. E. Brown. 200 Sixth street. â-  • >*< Mrs. L. P. Rawll was hostess to her Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club this'Weak at her homo, 1012 Green- wood avenue. _ â„¢- .- »â- < â- â- ' A meeting of the Woman's Guild of St. Augustine's Episcopal church will Dr. and Mrs. Percy B. Idler gave a| be hold Hat one o'clock In tho guild rooms. Next Friday there will be an association meeting, opening with a luncheon at 12:30 o'clock, in charge of Mrs. Frank 8. Bobbins. A business meeting will follow. Bbddie. 881 Fifteenth Detroit. Mtek. On bust Mr. Bernard Lear has returned to mlTZmmZ 'hm * "" ~ Mr, W. P. Wolmer of Chicago has commenced building a home near Sixth street and Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. William J. Mosher, 121 Sixth street, has an her guest, fear mother, Mrs. Watkins, of Green Bay, Wis. Mr. Frank Collier. 001 Lake ave- nue, returned yesterday from the hos- pital, where he has been seriously Ul. CaK Mrs. Ralph a Whltaatt, 830 Oak wood avenue, has at her guest her sister, Mrs. Patterson of Pittsburgh, Fa. Mr. J. W. Wallace, 814 Greenleaf avenue, left Sunday evening on a .two weekr business > trip to New York city. • â- â- *& Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Anderson have purchased and are now occupying the home of Mr. Relter at 1230 HOI street. :'â- '-<â-  *#*â- *â-  Mrs. J. T. Kline of Marshalltown, la* was thy guest for a few days last week of Mrs. John T. Boddle. 835 Flf- ♦«enth street. "' '""SaatiBs"Katharine Luru, 515 Centra! avenue, has been confined to her home for three,, weeks because of stofensaiV - â-  Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Halgh of Milwau- kee, Wis., were tho week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Potior. 628 Fa** avenue.- â-  'p-\, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mosher, 181 Sixth street, are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter Tuesday evening. -â- â- â- : â-  'â- -.-â-  â-  Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schroeder, 418 Greenleaf avenue, returned Saturday from a two weeks' trip to Plymouth, Macomb and Quincy,. nt.'-'>' -'â- '*',, Mr. Frank Fceley, 1228 Forest ave- nue, has returned from Pittsfiold. Mass!, where he was called by the death of his father. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Morin ,and fam- will teave today for a six weeks' trip to southern Florida. Mrs. H. K. Crane of Chicago and Mra. James Ogitvfe of Canada, wife of Gov. Ogilvle. were the guests over Sunday of Mr. and Mra. Thomas Skinner, 1224 Forest avenue. TOw^eaehoTuTa Ne"w Tort school" has bow visiting at the homo of Miss Florence Ayars, 480 Ninth street Mr. Charles E. Lord, 515 Central avenue, will return this evening from a short business trip to Kansas. Next Wednesday he will leave on a tea days' trip to Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mra. Steeman of New York have taken Dr. and Mrs. Milton Reed Barker's furnished home at 707 Wash- ington avenue until May, V Mra. Barker to now visiting In Pasadena. I Mutually Helpful flOW we can help ypi Mrs. John Rice and three cntldnm. fotmorly of BmwoM teefeuex WH- mette, who are now living In' Ridge- wood, N. J., are making an extended visit with Mrs. Rice's mother, Mrs. Westby, at her homo in Edgewater, Mr. and Mrs. Barton E. Buckman, 728 Laurel avenne, left Monday eve- tog for a week's visit la Cleveland, O., and Detroit, Mich. Last,evening they were among the guests at the Cerkeek-Httnter wedding to Detroit, Mien. ..; j. Friends of Mrs. Jesse Duer Phillips, formerly Miss Maude Allen, will be surprised to near that she has been seriously ill. She was recently oper- ated on for appendicitis and is now convalescing at the Washington Boul- evard hospital. Mr, ft A. Burge and Miss Surge, 321 Fourth street, have returned from Nassau, Mais., where they were called by the death of their brother several days ago. Mr. George Burge. son of the deceased, will remain in the east for some time. ♦oooooeooooooooooeoeoeoooo Wilmette Societies and Clubs >0>00000»00000»00>00800»00 Aii all-day meeting of the philan- thropy department is being held at the Woman's club today, Tuesday morning a meeting of the board of directors of the Woman's club was held in the clubhouse. The afternoon meeting of the Life- Mosher and her mother. Mrs. Wat- j den Avenue Neighborhood circle will Sins, of Green Bay, Wis. be held Monday at the home of Mrs. H. S. Gemmill, 829 Greenleaf ave- nue. Mrs. -JL. C. Colwell, 804 Elmwood avenue, entertained the second divi- sion of the Ladies' Aid soclet, .Tues- day afternoon. Mrs. C. D. Worthington, 002 Lake avenue, was hostess to the small Music Study class tost Tuesday aft- ernoon. The Thursday Sowing club was en- tertained at luncheon last week st tho home of Miss Lucy Rich, 1018 Linden avenue, A meeting of the mentbershlp com Mrs. Albert W. Hawkes. 714 Con- teal avenue, was hostess to the Nar- af ternoon. Miss May ETA re y entertained the members of her Sunday school class Monday evening at her home, 1002 Greenleaf avenue. The: Epworth league of the Wil- mette Methodist church Is planning a slefghride for tomorrow evening, to be followed by supper st the church. Miss Margaret Dalton of 1148 Isa- bella* street gave a dinnerparty Wednesday evening to honor of Mr. and Mrs. Palmqulst yrtso are stopping in Bvanston for a few days oh their j mlttee of the Wilmette Public School way to Fergus Falls. Minn. Mrs. Art league waa held last Wednesday Palmqulst was formerly Miss May i afternoon at the home of the chalr- Beckstrom of Evanstou. ^"^ maWWra. Paul Lobeo**, lii8 Green- '-"-•-" leaf avenue. Plans for the collection Mrs. Uweiio Uhnein ciameTwas/re^elrdues, whkh are now payable, was The Junior auxiliary of St. Augus- celying hostess on Mondsy afternoon, discussed. The new school bunding. January If, at the meeting of the Dor-! which everyone hopes will be com- othy Meadows Drama circle to the pleted in time for commencement this Red Room of Hotel La Salle. Miss spring, will need a host of new pic- Helen Larkaye was guest of honor. Mr. and Mrs. JstJMLML*: lures, ant thus It to necessary that the funds collected be much larger than to any previous yesr. The ; The Friday Luncheon and Bridge club were entertained last Week it the homo of Mrs. A. G. Frost, 008 Central avenue. Next Friday the Club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Ira A. Jones, 623 Washington avenue. :; ,J\ ,. ; v . v- , The Washington Avenue circle met Monday afternoon with Mrs. Frederick Crossley, at her home, 602 Washing- ton avenue. A delightful luncheon was served. . Mrs. McCall and daughter. Miss Ma- rion McCall, of Mount Carroll, have returned to their home, after spend- ing a week as the guests of Mrs. W. B. Davies, 630 Forest avenue. Mr. add Mrs. J. Clark Gapeh and Mrs. Culbertson of 1021 Greenleaf ave- nue, returned Saturday evening from a three Weeks' VlsR Hi Stanley, Wis., as the guests of Mrs. Capen's brother. Next week Mrs. Charles Mack will be hostess to the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club at her home, 707 Cen- tral avenue. Mrs. C. EL Rehneckar, 1022 Elev- street, entertained her Luncheon and Bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Miss Dorothy COdy. 908 Greenwood avenue, entertained the Young La- dies' Bridge club yesterday at her home. The Twigs were entertained last Thursday afternoon by Miss Hester Dttviea, 530 Forest avenue. The members of the Woman's Cath- olic club will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home or Mrs. G. E. Fouts, 530 Greenleaf avenue, to sew for the poor. The regular meeting of the Wom- an's Catholic league will be held Fri- day afternoon, January 22, at the Wil- mette Woman's club. Mrs. George Sunderland will be hostess of the aft- ernoon. A meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. P, A. Buck, 1216 Lake avenue. The first division of the Ladles* Aid society of the Methodist church was held Monday afternoon with Mrs. George English, 924 Blmwood avenue. One of the Young Ladles' Bridge clubs will meet Tuesday afternoon with Miss Irene Ethel Gould, 1130 Lake avenue. The Wilmette Woman's Democratic league will meet on Tuesday, January 2C, instead of Tuesday. January If, as previously announced. By of Galena, Kansas, are guests at the Herbert Morin residence, 635 Hill street, this week. Mrs. Henry Frclhago, formerly of 1110 Greenleaf avenue, hut Who la now residing in Chicago, is convalescing from a serious illness.' . Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Tichenor and lit tie daughter, Lorraine, 201 Sixth street, left Wednesday for a two weeks' trip in the west. Miss Marlon Noble of Pittsflcld, Mass., Is spending several weeks as the guest of Tier sister, Mr. Frank G. Feeley, 1228 Forest avenue. Mr. and "Mrs. Henry Schroeder of Ravcnswood spent Sunday in Wil- mette as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul 8ebfoedan> 418.Gxeentoaf, avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williams are spending a fortnight visiting in Louis- ville, Ky. Mr. Williams is connected with tho firm of Paul Schroeder & Co. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. BSsser, 1221 Greenwood avenue, were called to Buf- falo, N. Y., the early part of last week by the death of Mr. Besser's father. JUra. Joseph N. Leake of Philadel- phia, Pa., has returned home after spending several days as the guest of Mrs. David Everett Allen, 618 Forest avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marsh Bowes and son, Franklin, 1033 Greenwood avenue, have returned from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Kansas City. Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman M. Drake, 933 Lake avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank' J. Scheidenhclm, 804, Forest avenue. There waa a smoker at the Kenil- worth club Monday evening. Mr. llilmar Zimmerman has re- turned to Ann Arbor, Mich., to re- sume his studies. Mrs. M. B. Hart of Abbottsford road entertained at dinner Monday of last week in honor of her niece. Miss Ma- rion Noble., The educational department of tho Neighbors held a meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Paul Schulze On Melrose avenue. A regular meeting of the Neighbors was held yesterday afternoon at the Assembly hall; Mrs. J. B. Sherwood, spoke on "Italian Gardens." ' Mrs. Charles Macklin and two sons, Taylor and Woodworth, of Sheridan road are spending the week with friends in Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. w. F. Zimmerman of Kenil- worth avenue, near Sheridan road, has as her guest, Miss Knccht of Los Angeles, Cat. Miss Elizabeth Alcott of Duluth, Minn., is a guest or Mrs. I W. F. Zimmerman, Jr., a resident of Evanston. is of the utmost ou prosper, the of this bank hOW we cift heln everyone. of td ver- help you, for It that we prosper. E SBflK BANK ,:.,, . -v-;, it--* .A- â- *>*.**& OTICE. y invite geflupmeh to attend, evening Drama St forming to furthe tion and to orga Young People s Drai presentation < f plays. Meeting Tt tsday, January 26, at 8 o'clock, at m studio, 120 Woodbine avenue, WlTnjltfe. Lorretto Colllcld Clarke. 10w-2tc educa- llmette ub for the THEATRE BEAUTIFUL ".LSMRMinittr TtoHtWiftoriMQffU H50 Wilnttti **»» wmmmmmm0mmmmm MAX P1CM AN and LOUTA ROBERTSON We» da Hw A m%m^J9BW% wVIIVVUlMViwi mi "'--••hTli-ilii-ii ffiiii.iT - r: i Tuts. In. |liMwgw>: and Cor.otl B« MM.. H "IN THE SHADOW Sat. Jan. 23 Matinee end Evening mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.â€"â€" WILTON LACKA*EM "THE, PIT** Big Features Every Night You Can't Afford To Miss Them i Admission 15c Children 10 O0OO0OO0»»»OO00»»0»O»»»OO»»»0O»»»»»»»»»in8,8>ffe00#IM MONEY0 That's what makes for financial successâ€"in the businessâ€" in the home. By paying cash you save a big percentage, and by selling for cash at small profit we can know "where we're at" ' v'^Ja -. Swift's or Armour's Hams, whole or half..... 1r^.^, Swift's or Armour's Bacon, whole or half...... >...... JM| Fancy4 Home-dressed Chickens...............___.., .§§£ Leg of Lamb •.. -...................................80c Rib Roast of Beef___..............................N£ Pork Roast .....................jk.................9 Pork Chops...................Mf......-^\-..."*'..lw; Porterhouse Steak, prime qualtar.......JT.A.......Hi Sirloin Steak tme'S Episcopal church, a missionary society for alrls. has resumed its at 4 o'clock on Thursday The fifth dlrlshsn of the Ladies* Aid ***#! of the Methodist church win

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