Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Dec 1914, p. 4

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XEWm, riupAY, ubCKMBER 11. liM. apa--»aa rUBLWHtD KVCftY TMUIISSAY. TM« BOWMAN lilt T.C. PUBLIOHINO W. ft tmm •ulldlQf, CO. Bat at tkc there the "Might? Sword of Qtmtti" Mi the the •UMCRIPTION $2.00 A YEAR 1* 1#1«. at tha posUOaoa at Wllraatt<* mtaota. utwlor the act of March 3. 1I7S. t« TIN Arm ef aU aBaraae w«r There haa baea a* reckoning tat la paid tor while the murder fac- tories or Essen ead«re." Generous. SJSa Prfhtfir'a WW.' isn't It. to aboiiaa permanently a oa- M^MJtec7 tlona trade? WIU| 0^, orf,ni,t -, », «, I \I»W h m«llriMlt" jp ^, ami ITS GOOD POINT. The unforeseen adaptability of tbat ^W, the Maau act. haa occasioned 1 criticism than often falls to any one bit of legisla- tion, find that la because it falls where It to least expected to and may be CWilmette Churches li **»*•* ^i***"*8 "™*ftz -- 1 ■ ■ ,111 .. 'I ■■ ' . -I tM MMt mmaaL A progfaun of red- ss Tidings of Great Joy." Special Chrlet's. Pope, N. T.; *, Stacker. Uhtatrated by atereopUcon Nlatfe afreet and Greealeat aveaue; Views.' AS WIS bring their white gifts the pastor. Dr. Wllaon, will apeak at for the King. 11 a. m. oa the subject "God Seat ; There wilt ha no B. Y. His Son to Redeem the World" and tagnpr 7:00 preaching at 7:i5 p. m, "The Sea Came to Do count of the 6 o'clock ST ML Relay won by Hyde Park. 2:12. Oa Friday. Decesaber 11, at New Trier, «aw-Trtar defeated Lane Tech- _ jMftmas- ail Lake Hhor* New*. WltaMtte communicatloiia will wet be noticed. Jeetad manuscript* will not ba returned mttaaa accompanied by postage. All mat- ter for publication la the current wash's Issue ekeuM reach our ofltoe act biter than Tuesday noon. • r FRIDAY. DKCEMDER 18, 1914. ENGLISHMEN OF. YESTERDAY AND TODAY. "I believe the Prusaiana will certoln- ly-keep for Germany what of Elsaaa and Lorraine la atill German, or can be expected to re-become aucb, and withal that the whole world7 caaaot will not (nor I). Alone of nationa Prussia seems still to understand something of the art of governing and of fighting enemies to eaid art, Ger- many, from of old, has been the peace* ablest, most pious, and In the end most valiant and tcrriblcst of nations. Ger- many ought to be President of Europe, and will again. It seems, be tried with that office for another Ave centuries or eel" Thus wrote Thomas Cablyle In 1870 to Fbouui:. the historian. Com- menting upon the prophecy of Caw vi.1: a contributor to the London Times takes issue with the complaisance of the world. Heaven and Mr. Cablylb tor falling to "forbid them to do It," aad says, "But -tor tato foolish act France had long ainco forgotten her ■niar aad the present war would have been impossible." This from a Briton staunch enough in his patriotism to be given space In the war-department- controlled press of the country should have some weight with those who hare fallen into the way of scouting the theory that the present war has any- thing In common at all With the Ger- man claim of the Revanche motive In the same Issue of the London Times In which the foregoing criticism was made was a bit of worldly wis- dom from Mr. H.^G. -Wells, who, ac- cording to the critic of American fiction as compared with that produced in Eng- land .far surpasses anyone who writes ia America. Mr. Wells has chosen for his subj<-■•• "The Reckoning for the War," a choice made without due re- spect to the old proverb concerning the unwisdom of "counting one's chickens before they are hatched." lie says: - 4* "What reparations have to be exact- ed for this stupendous crime against civilisation? First to Belgium, then wielded tea manner not anticipated by the originator of the act. Rather ah Interesting comment upon the Mann act appeared la the New York Sun, inspired, no doubt, by the unpleasant predicament la which sev- eral men of moderate prominence hare found thsinariras because of its appli- cation to their case. The Sun says: We should think that area the putative father of the Mann law would now be among the loudest to call tor Its revision. ^haa was there aver anything mora monstrous than the perversion of this statute. Intended tor the pro- tection of the weak and helpless of the female sex, lata aa instrument by which women of craft aad guile can procure the assistance of the United States government in the blackmailing of weak and foolish men?" Even though the "putative father of the Mean law" did not anticipate the manner of Its use, may it not still be possible that he believes the unhappy experiences of a sufficient number of "weak and foolish men" may have a restraining Influence upon others of the sort? May one not still believe the Mann act, although abused as It cer- tainly has been, Is still salutary in character? - Certainly the innocent man has nothing to fear from the use or tha abuse of the Mann act. And that is something in Re favor. .Gullmaat .Tours Anthem--"Sing O Heavens "There Were Shepherds"... Violin solo--"Roraanre".. .Wlenlawaka ■ Mr. Frank Bedtan. Quartette--Miss Dorothy prano; Mrs. Frank R. Eager, con- tralto: Mr. Alfred Freeman, barl- ad Mr. Robert Rae. Evening. Messiah Music-- - - - Allegro (Second Concerto)..Handel , Pastorale (Messiah) .......Handel Hallelujah Chorus ..........Handel Miss Rae wtt) sing "Rejoice Great- ly" (Handel), aad Mr. Freeman, "Why Do the Heathen Rage" (Handel). The Sunday school services will be held at 8 p. m. Sunday, aad tha Sun- day school entertainment Tuesday night, December 22, with the primary, beginners* and cradle roll department* at 2:80 p. m., Tuesday. The midweek service Wednesday night will consider "The Reign of the Prince of Peace."._._----■ _'__ -•._-. Strangers are welcome at all these St Augustine's Episcopal Church Sunday services: 7:80 a. m., holy communion. 9:46 a. m., Sunday school. 11:00 a. m., morning service. Congregational Church. Sunday, December 20. 0:48. Sunday school. 10:00. men's Bible class. 11:00, morning service; Forefath- ers' day. Sermon topic, "True Faith." During the sermon Mrs. Baird will give a atereopUcon. address to the young people downstairs. 6:00 Christmas service, church and Sunday school. Mrs. Mary K. Ames Denney of Oak Park will give her famous reading entitled "Aunt Debby Hears Handel's 'Messiah.' " in connec- tion with her reading, the choir will render several number: "Messiah." Mrs. Denney will also give a New Year's story: The character of The prayer aaeottag on Wednesday evening, December 23. will be held at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. W. J. Mc- Dowell, 000 Forest avenue. Christmas program Bible school Wilmette Baptist church, Sunday aft- ernoon, Dec. »; 1014, 5:00 p! m.: Plaao areania, - \ -^' Song, tto. St*. V • " Responsive reading, Luke 2:8-20. . Prayer*---■ ■. ' ,___1_* -,"__-•---: Song--"O Meased Bells of Christ- maa«de"...............S. S. ufcolr Reading--"When the Chimes Rang" ......,.,..,;.. Miss Gertrude Taber Flute Sow--"Mtouet" .......Martini Mr. Joseph Ottson Recitatiou--"The Christmas Heart" ................Evelyn Segswortn Song............Primary Department Address by the pastor, "Why Are We Happy on Christmas ?'• Btereopti- con views. ;'.,, The Legend of Cathay. Presentation of gifts. Song--"The Merry Christmas.".. ..........:.„...........8. 8. Choir Recitation--"Thw to Merry Christ- SUM".../...'.;£-----..By Four Boys Song, No. 294. _ Benediction, f :■ .' ■ . Postlude. N. T.; t, Onto, K T, 84 feet; 8. T. Crasser. Lane. 40-yard swim--1. Cook. N. T; 2, Pope. N. T., 01% toot; 8. Towa, Lane. 100 breast stroke--1. Ferret. Lane; *. Baxter. R-T^ 1:10 24; 3. WW*. N. T» MO crawl--1. Cook. K. T„ 1:08; 'A George, Lane; 3. Da Groot. N. T. Fancy swim--1, Allan, N. T.. 80 pts.; 1, Cook, N. T„ 70 pta.; 8, Brown. Laae, 08 pta. 40 back--1. DeGroot, N. T.; 2. Pope, N. T.. 17H; I, Levy^LMev^ fe Water polo was Woa by Lane, 84 Relay resulted in tie. Cook. Weld, Pope, Do Groot. swam for New Trier. Oa Wednesday. December 16. Ev- aaatoa high school meets New Trier in the New Trier natatorium. New Trier Jottings C.& N.W.BOND SALE SETS RECORD MARK Sale Was First Large Long- Term Issue Since the Start of War. » her work Is so well known that it is only necessary to announce the fact that she will be present, to assure a full house. 6:15, the Y. P. 8. C. B. Subject, "An Unselfish Life." Leader, Miss Isabel Klst. Wednesday, December 23, 10:00 a- in., Ladiea' Bible class is omitted-for this week. .. ' - Afternoon and evening, the Christ- maa part lea and piitprtninnipnts nWiU be held. In the afternoon at 3:30, that of the Primary department, and In the evening at 7:30 the Junior and Inter- mediate entertainment will he given. Gifts for the Christmas which the school is providing for the Cortland street parish will be received during the day. Friday, December 26, 10:30 a. m., a Christmas Carol service in the church, led by the Young People's chorus. The new Sunday school hymnal will be used, with the Christmas service, "Adeste Pideies." Parents who desire to present their some InterftatlnjL dlarlenurea, I little ones for consecration with without baptism are invited to do so New Trier .wen two- swimming meets In less than fl week. On Wednes- day, December Oil, New Trier in- vaded Hyde Park's" natatorium and defeated Hyde Park 39 to 30. Three New Trier records were broken In the meet. In the hundred yard awlm Og- den Cook 'defeated Keefe, the star swimmer of Hyde Park, and set the, first record of 100 yards In 1.04 1-8 minutes. Next Roger* Weld and Wal- 11s Baxter of New Trier came in ahead of Cockrell in the 100 yard breast stroke setting the second record of the meet--100 yards breast stroke in 1:20. Last but not least, frow^ 2.11 Dudley ©e^root-defeated Tom Pope, "his team-mate, whV had won a silver medal the week before in the Athletic clu'i in terse holastic in the 40 yard back stroke, setting the third record ■J the day at 27 1-5 seconds. SENATOR SHERMAN'S POLICY FOR DEFENSE. , So short a time has elapsed since the present congress assembled that there has been little opportunity or occasion for the legislators to pro- claim themselves in any way. How- ever, an unofficial poll of the mem- bers of the national legislature on the Question of our national defense has made We find in the list of those who stand in favor of knowing just what are our notional resources for defense, is Sen- ator Sherman, whom Illinois has sent egfiin -a triumphantly to the United Statca aeuate. It is the Chamberlain bill which Senator Sherman endorses, a bill nhich provides for the creation of a council composed of administrative and legislative ontcialt» which shall map out the seneral policy of na- tional defense. * >;t * 1 an scour. H va.\ a bay scout who »o efficiently helped the police la capturing the to France, then to Russia, then to j man wanted in Milwaukee on a charge Servla. then to Japan, Germany must [ of murder, a boy who has earned scout honors for efficiency and proficiency in scout matters. Whether it t» the scout training which the boy has undergone that has mode him a quick thinker and ef- fective In action, or whether It Is a natural agility of mind and body which has made him a good scout, no one can know without a thorough ac- fay aff the gigantic costs of this in- sane, outrageous. Insancl> pTemedltat- cd war. We British, who have suffered least, can be meet generous here. The permanent abolition of the German and Austrian fleets, and a naval con- ventloii between Russia. France and Great Britain that will keep German warships off the seas, will mean an an- nual reduction in our national expend!- 1 Quaintance with the boy. But be the of between 30 and 40 million i honors which way they may. the fact That alone will be indemnity remains that a boy scout, and a good for us. . - I boy scout haa been able to conduct Qgr mark oa the western aide laihimself with credit In a matter which, not Berlin at all; oar line Ilea through : required physical bravery and mental Bonn and Cologne ^o the tedaetrial-j alertness. 4f he had those qualities district of Westphalia. Crefeld nnd i strongly marked, the scout training fttotoWg, Dtiaseldori^ Baberfeld and has helped to develop them. If he towa an. New Trier Plunge--I, C Confer, N. T, 64 feet. 40-yard swim Cockrell, H. P 100 breast- Baxter, •<•*&*■... £, Kfi6l©, 40 back yde Park results: |T. T.j 2; Frentls, Corbrldg# H* P.,1 Kcofc, H. P.; 1, pe. N. T. ? SI T^ 1580; 2, -Mi****; Groot, NT.; All This Weak: . Every Noon- MAKK KKNKKVAI dCafe CB1CAOO,; SO CUTS to 8:00 PERA TRIO Thcatra wrNBVT YEARS the Chicago ft North-Western gen- eral mortgage 6 per cent bonds of- fered by Kuhn, Loeb ft Co. waa the first large Issue of long-term securi- tlee to try the investment market since the war began. It Is the first good-sized railroad bend Issue since early in July, when the initial block of $20,000,000 North- ern Pacific first and refunding 4^s was quickly disposed of by a Morgan syndicate on a 4.04 per cent basis. The effect of the war on Investment prices is seen in the yield of 4.87 per cent on the North-Western issue at the offering price of 102%. This Is undoubtedly the highest yield ever ordered op a bond which fills the strict requirements for sav Inge hank investment. Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE. WILMETTE. 1640 Want Ais ia the Lake Shore New. are cbirged tt the following rites Feal Estate Clissifications. 7V3 ceats per line. AH Other Classifications. 5 cents per line. *-•< Minimum Price. IS cents. No advertisement charged far leal tkaa 25 cetrt. if.-- HELP WANTED ris Orac«laadS4a1 oiling ton 2122 JIT AVIS, MATINEES Sunday iuesday Thursday FRIDAY -Xmns SATURDAY 5a»m0ajaWiTiTawSi at this service. Methodist Church. Lake and Wilmette avenues. T K. Gale, minister. 1024 Lake avenue. Telephone 654. 9:30. Blblo school. Orchestra. Classes tor all. 10:45 a. in.. Christmas aermon. Sub- ject, "Appreciation--Our Greatest Girt." 3:3o p in . Junior church. Elisabeth Simmons, leader. 5 p. in.. Christmas sermon. Subject, "Unreceived Gifts." 6:16 p. ta., Young People's meeting, Miss Erdie Bateman, leader. 7:30 p. in., Swedish service. Strangers welcome. Seats free. Re- member the Christmas concert next Sunday at 10:46 a. m. Come early. ' Baptist Church. Rev B Frank Taber, pastor. Resi- dence 1018 Eleventh street. Sunday services held in the Woman's club building, corner of Tenth and Green- leaf avenue. 0:45 a. in.. Bible school. The at- tendance contest with the Rogers ! Park school has closed in favor of our school. Next Sunday a representative of Rogers Pars is expected to present the flag. Let there be a large attend- ance. . 11:00 a. BMpJreacbing service. Sub- ject of JO* pastor's sermon: ■ "Good places that must pay, if any Ger- i Places are to pay, for Lou vain and Reims. We will make no not. then the schooling in prac- tical things which he has received as a scout haa helped to bring them out. In either way, the indications point upon jiassais' hsawa ■■«)*' i b~ttimi1 -tt*"Tt-ii af"ttff ^rtf' halls and am,liiat^chnTehca. Iscout movement. Dia Jewel t »re Mikerj of Diamond Diamond Setter* •: I> the Time to Get Acquainted M. A. POKRASS 1933 Urta tamlcan . ■ CH CAGO Xmas tie* 'anuficturer ANY %m0* -- ■01 RAGE IK mers, Fori anUaxon Motor Cars for - _ aeaaev ArraBldf. Cheat* IT YOUR HEALTH rater ^^A S6.50 •Haa tatas in tb» *o rl Don't • Qaitjaf a arlakkas I wator. OMilai imh vita Ml* »l Taaaoul dMtk rt _if e*a<U»«. . la *aia , i- spat. tb*» MotOctloa. KanlT aad aalokir »tta. b«j bT aa»--m. Mathiat fM oat of oraar. Laau a HfoUaa. Soldo! aClaT'tWi* Use Occident Flour for Your y Baking Vuaomial quality puts Trfully good flavor bread, biscuit, ca^e and pastry. BJ>--1JIDY iSOLICITO: work im~'l¥llmii|||J juiiiiI iTmTn for willing iplni ' I fllll III a "I111 LaKsV^W^eNewa:*_______ Ow«tf «(3B, AN EXPER1 FOR SALE--HOUSES )M|sslBt Mondays; ■ed.SjOl Central-av., tPMone VPifmette II 529. 6w-ltc ■ VAN MA *m it Sherman-ar. FOR SALE PORSAI, I^Oms fr l/Tro. Jas Mj} .10% A( from 1 to Jas. HuxtabU Phone, Evanston IES ON EASY | nJNlles Ceu- 11 Jslerman-av. / 4w-4tc MISCELLANEOUS ' WA FOR SALE--SINGER SEWING MA- chine. in fine paOar, wUh attach- ments, dro)» hewaj jiylPatterson Bros. 1522 Sh^tnOT-aMa^^vaAston. r^ V ltc PQR SALE--8TEINWAY PIANO, WP- right, mahoga^aaAin fit» order; call iunii-.JZ&tL fayerson Bros., SlicrmadorT., K\|nfston. ltc andfflfi iVRShc Wanted To Rent Houses lte BVAN0T0Jf!# [jlaycru ••Wit town pflOM. SroE. 1522 Sherman Ave. Classified Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE JEWELERS AUQUSX Successor to Export houses. Phone 2032. GROCERIES LI US Rosen. •aaor> Chicago 827 Davis Otreet MEN'S WEAR HAYES Costs More Worth It If your grocer hasn't Occident Flour he can get it for you from

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