Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Dec 1914, p. 1

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VOU VI, NO. «♦ Phone Wilmette 1640. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY. DECEMBER U. IMC Boom 2, Brown Building. PRICE FIVE CENTS 2= N HOW TO MUST REGISTER THE AUTOS FOR Eigty-Year-Old Girl Visits Department Store Here and Astonishes Patrons > W Actions. | Association Jogs Memory of Its Members So That They May Obtain Old Numbers. STATE CONTROL ILLINOIS F OF INSURANCE MARSHAL6IVE EO BY POTTS li HAD Af»#iBgteAPY'MUST PAY by JANUARY This Was Included in Report i State Official's Article Writ-! Citizens Fail To Co-operate of State Superintendent; ten for ISte News Gives With Authorities by Ob- Made to the Gov- Splendid pst of serving Contents of ernor Today. ! "Bfcn'ts." ( Proclamation. At the Woman's this Eve- ning Youngsters of the Village Will Occupy the Stage. ILLINOIS RATES HIGH I COTTON 0 DANGEROUS'DOG WAGON IS OUT In Her List Were Included Presents %• Mama, Papa, ancfcOthers. In Order To Obtain Old Number Fee Must Be Paid in Advance. Fire Insurance Rates HererDo **ot Usf .This To Give Another Dog Dies from the Are Higher Than in the Appearance of Snow to Rabies and Police Are Adjacent States. Christmas Thee. on the Alert. BILL TWO FOLK-PLAYS 'The Snow Witch" and "The Forest Spring" To Be the Attractions. Christmas Saving Fund of State Bank of Wilmette Will Make Hundreds Happy. $15,000 TOTAL SAVINGS During the Year 500 Peo Made Deposits in This One Fund. •Ytu «it here mama while I do Notices arc being sent out by the' A final report was today filed with} . v rhrlstinaa shomrfna *The words,' Chicago Automobile club, which is | Governor Dunne by Insurance Superin■! ,..> (hristwas auopping. ; me wora* • . , m,m. tendcnt Rufus M. Potts, which covers *orc spoken in the childish voice of Egging the memory of its members ,nve8t!gation lnto mlnolg fire in to the fact that on January 1 it will, 8uranCe bU8iness. It contains many be necessary to register their cars torse statements, Interesting conclu- Tor 191~> with the secretary of state sloes and remarkable facts. This re- et Springfield. Cut this same jog ap port outlines completely the historical plies to other Illinois motorists, foi development of fire insurance in the on the first of the year new tags will United States and Europe, and shows ; ; the practical results of the operation it is anticipated that there will be | of the present system in Illinois. It ai early Wing of applications for charges that stock fire companies havt cumbers because of that clause of formed "Combines." through which the law which stipulates that those | they maintain a monopoly, collect ex \.lio fancy their old iiumbers may ; tor.tiouate premiums, permit marked save them, provided the application {discrimination and enforce oppressive is tiled twenty days in advance. This ! business methods; and that the pres- meads that those who wish to keep i m "Combine" system effectually in- the numbers they are now using must | creases insurance instead of diminish mail their applications «.n or prior to j |ng rtre losses. December 10, accompanied, of course., J viewed From Every Angle, by the regular fees. ^ ^^ fa % ^^ ^^ of the fire insurance business from every New -Colored Tags Required. Keeping the old number does not i g Htateg that the same old tag may be * mean used. Under the law new tags are issued each year and of a different color in order that the delinquents may be traced. Just what eomblna- ■ - Hon of colors has been adopted for *•«• tanaa. " ^argeB(<^ "£ Hrl5 has not been disclosed | commercial conditions make fire insur paid oyer twentyjSlx million dollars in premiums last year to stock fire Insur- ance companies, this sum being ap- proximately twice the amount of our Christmas Tree Don'ts Don't leave the lighted tree un- watched. Don't put cotton beneath the tree to make the carpet leek like anew covered ground. Don't let children touch the tree. Don't use festoons of ordinary tissue paper or cotton batting en a tree. : . u£«r ■■' Don't use ornaments made of cel- luloid. ^; ,,--. Don't remove presents from the tree until the candles are extin- guished. . r Don't permit a draft of air to away the branches of the tree while candles are lighted. allowed to run loose on the streets. iV little S-year-old girl. Carefully sh«- ltd the mother to a chair. Trte mother Hilled amt settled into the seat. The dilld then hurrird away and was a t.arl of the Christ mas shopping thrpng i hat stood before the counters in 6ne t)t» (n order „i Wilmette notion stores. Alter traversing many aisles the < h!ld stopped In front of a counter, t alnins the attention of one of the < 1» rks. she pushed over the counter :, tiny bit of paper. The clerk was forced to lean over the counter to gain ;i \kw of the little one. "I want the >.:cst booful handerehee you have for mama." sho-tald. .. Clerk Made Careful Selection. l he clerk smiled and selected the nicest handkerchief that she could sell for the small sum offered by the little purchaser. Vm tiny girl secured the article . n.i then departed in tlte direction of ...miKr counter. Here she again de- ...alidad she he'provided with a cer- t j \-m articM * A s Hi n she. departed. ,,. ,r Tin- child worked methodically. As left each connter she Would con-! from tni In her little hand before continuing, j J °™^ f ;' e^'t^lly profiled I every person la the, form of an added. It was but a few minutes before the ■? m whflc motorcyelea are coai to every a*t*tfo of merchandlae little one was will laden with Iran- \r , , ,. < ! purOhawd; Uma nope escape this tax. ,t!es: As she walked back down the j ^on*io^nbletee¥loeiry fir feeing dls-l Superintendent PoUs staias Umt the aiHes ,,f lh« store, a smile or satis ac , ^^ ^ M whftf ^ Rna, r(>(UU for f people of Illinois have pajd.tha com, Illinois for 1014 will he, but of course j panics"two dollars la premiums for fh<, panPP'ehriKtmas hells, the netting of which the candy bags are made. By Walter H. Bennett. It seems important at this time to call your attention-- to some of the dangers of tjrto lighted Christmas tree, because of the fact that many homos and most of'the schools have Christmas exercises and Christmas trees Is FA bulletin was recently sent to all! | dOg owners In Wilmette, requesting idem to keep their dogs muscled for the next few weeks. The notice wars | ' published in a recent edition of The»1 j Luke Shore News, and the reason for] It was that a dog had died which vjis suffering from hydrophobia, and as it was known that the animal had bitten several other dogs. It was thought best by the Village Council to take this precaution. Another Dog Dies From Rabies. Since this notice was sent out a dog belonging to C. E. White, of i:u»; Chestnut avenue, has died from -the disease, and another one which is! said to have It is being kept under { observation in an Evanston hospital. still heedless persona are allowing their unmuzzled dogs to run freely about the streets. Although no one has been bitten as yet, it can be ex- i When tmas tree inasmuch as no change has been I jM practically^ff^'^ ^\xHmmA .„* „«« j, ,. nothing made in the Htw the fees stand as premioms are vinuany a iax, «»»m .. ..." :3&,& ^,-. .,. __^. before-ihat isT-on each car of twen- every citizen of our statepays an un^ore or ;lesa ^M^^J^^. ty-flv* Ivorse-nower yr.Jtas, the charge! juat'.and unwarranted.tribute Iff.tnKKHo■■W-fSMB^mmKmwMmm^' Is |4- thirty-tivVor more than twenty-'1 nopc#, under a. system that is wholly j evergreen whose twigs are full 6. five horeo-power calls for a fee of $«r i lnd«fensible. which is paid directly tojregta Lorretto C. Clarke. Wilmette State Bank's Christmas Saving fund will send out its checks to Its ClHi members. This announce- ment was made yesterday by John Schaefer. cashier of the bank. In an Interview with a representative from The i.ake shore News, in tin- iSuit is some $1$,000._ Many to be Rewarded. - The many members of this fund. who had the shrewdness last year to look a year ahead, wilt soon receive the reward of their thrift. The checks coming right at this time, when every person is wondering where he wi!l be sole to get enough money'ta boy all |tbr Christmas presents he wishes to give, will be a boon to the Christmas shoppers. The issue of these checka! v.-il! mean not paly crowded store* and happy Christmas awakening, but 1. also that many persons who never be- fore could start a saving fund, win now deposit their checks in their 'banks so as to have something toward e. completely safe is to keep dogs W at leaat~TBitir^th» rabies 'become U la trteimecT; with festoons j less prevaleut. t ,eft each counter sne woum con-. ■-- •• ^-j^™ £, Jfc ^ ^ „fty]theeompanles ta premiums by 0er«oBs|O{ tlMoe q^ and w*t»tga of dry That tbo condition cab bo cwtrplled it the atrip of paper ahe ca rrted | JJ«» g Al6l fGo 0f $8 a year[carrymg Insnranca. and IndlrecUy oy|lcttT,g, wWth wlU bum witha flash, j >» evldebt lb the cu*rof England. Many .at ih*proaentsr are made, of (where rablea fa practically unknown, celluloid, which explodes urban heated | and! also lh this country taoro are and bstt»s flercaly.Tlbker proaentaj certain tocaMtles where the disease are cornred with lace or ebAroidary, frl»aa beeB wiped tnlt. This can be ac pected that a aerlous^tragedy will re-Lhft Womanil chlb, tenth and Green-;i "talny day* fond, suit at most any day It people «f«- icaf ttreets, this evening, and it ia ex-1 Fund Hag Remarkable Growth. ; tinue to ignore the requeat <»' th«|pected that tbe capacity of the audi-j In the two yeara of this sating colrac,L «... . .u j, ^.*!torium will be taxed in accomntodat-1 fund's existence. Its growth has been Dr. E. B. Moore of the deportmentf|Bg,.the |arge^^ nttmbar of people who remarkable. Next years club open* of health Hays that |he onjy way to j ^^^ 8lgn,ned their Intention of at-i Monday, December~.2l{ at which time ilt.d seemed In anno her childish fe» mrrs. She had completed lur rl,,Ist-|t,,at caimot be reckoned until after j every dollar returned for fire losses ..•us shopping. j(he first of tne yefcr |)Ut everyone jon an average, for over twenty years, Were Curious. j feels confident that\ Illinois will be j a„d this cost is shown to be per- . able to maintain its second place in niciouslv excessive and unreasonable, fc..Jt, ut young wom">f^>,,V^|the roll call of the sfttes. and that' ,ne companies making enormous .1 notlcfcd thT actlouB ofr tup CUHO|--bJ1^-~irb( New\YortCa lead-pPofija ouT^>r ffle Hi-fated los»e»-be- ...d growing interested, decided to j mftv be cut dow,n \ falling our citizens He declares that l ai , the contents of the slip of popcr, Next t0 New Yor\ ftres me mjsrortunes and that no pet - . i.Uh seemed to present a key to sue 0n lHe first of October. «)..». .i. s0n or corporation should be i-ermitted j .^sfm shopping j ,aM uttt|ottai registration tenaun *a«*!to make profits out of a business] The following is What they found ] teken> the report showed that l».noln hase(, upon the misfortune*, of which may be lighted by a spark, and and the'dry painted wood In the toys complished only by the moat rigid en- forcement of regulations concerning tl.e muzzling of the animate, All unmuzzled dogs found on* the are all easily Ignited, in the excite-i streets or alleys of Wilmette wilt bejdren In costume. takp::mi»ra. nient of these Christmas exercises \ apprehended and confined in the local children are sometimes difficult to j dog pound until the owners agree to control and accidents treqaently hap keop them muzzled. The police de- pen. lartment has notified the dog catch- To«k Big Chances. "B/° b« on th* lo0kout for 8,ray l canines. ..ast Christmas, while attending the Tne oulv objection to muzzling is the jonrlstmas exercises of a ochool la this I,lie discomfort of the animal. This fending. ~^TT cujIjWen t worked dfligentiy and untiringly tor an artistic «a well as financial suc- cess, and: the smooth and finished manner in which dress rehearsals have progressed point very promis- ingly toward a wonderful triumph tor these Wilmette children, moat of whom will experience their first ap prarance behind the footlights. Children Are Happy. Numerous photographs of the < iiii Clarke's studio, have appeared in Chi cago papers within the paat week, members wl^.^jajr^lgjl,!^ ^Srhtacmh has ialight maay ueo- ple to save «mall amounts, those who without Its aid were accustomed to look forward to Christmas with Jag* prehension that they would be unable to purchase presents for all of the friends they wished to remember. It. has also aided many In getting a good start toward buying "that home" which for many yeara had been looked ai with longlug. It Helps All, Many memberships are kept up by husbands for their wives as a pres- ent, and by many wives to present to their husbands. Fathers often pratf- ":"?^ih:l^^:^i^L!:at;>'ce e^.»lgrm. as to ** .bla-to .lite., on the paper in a bold, ,ia(| r,,Kjstcre(i i2f.,6Xl cars for the; ,e. (ha| fire insurance being es- state, we say a beautifully trimmed CRn !n a way be obviated, at least In utldlftl. hand: ' ...... Kor n.ama, hauderciue-- li cents. I'or papa, pear soks--15 cents, lor granma, hapderchee--10 cents. i or sjtntie, rlting paper, 15 cents. Kor Mildred--Story book. 15 cents i-or James, cngin, to cents. lor Ernest, noas ark, 15 cents. I'pcn leaving the store the child in ted ou carrying all her ;)urchases first nine months of 19H. which made j 8entja)|y a moan8 of spreading among it second to New York, which had j the who|t, pubiir the burdens resulting | ini,4T.".. At that ttme th<? total reg-;from theg<i mtsfortunes, it should be jUtratkn* for the country was ,-78f»-3G9jconducted solely without profit, which ears of all «orts, an increase of "1.*^- only be done by a system of stote 404 «lnce Dec. St, 1»13- Since thei, IJJ „ce_ Ulinois has added n.«n ca.s a ^ HJ «lower growth though, «e^\ ; , York with 16 819. Pennsylvania with Comparative tables are given, snow- ir..fi37. Ohio with 13,698, and Iowa | tog thftt rates in IlUhpls are higher and lighted Christmas tree with the, Wjntort by removing the mnzzle when floor underneath the tree covered J ,ne dog iB not out of doors. A single with highly inflammable cotton to rep-1 victim from a "mad dog" bite in any resent snow. One of the exercises of j locality more than outweighs this the evening was a song sung by s*x; sinall objection. Moreover, it is for little girls wearing their night dresses thp ultimate safety of the dog that ,iand carrying lighted candles, who precaution is necessary marched while singing ' miles west of the village. jgs i months may Jump Illinois some. In the Interest of Health was learned she lives on'a farm a J{lh h,m However, the last three than in-adjacent states notwithstand- ing the lEact that Illinois haa shown as?! favorableHoss ratios. Comparisons be- tween Chicago and other large cities of the middle; west show that Chicago citizens are charged from twenty to fifty per cent more than those of other - cities, with New York rates on dwell- ., u , ings and flats being less than one-halt .,* «>ebple of Cook county who are I In this exhibit, which^**~ >'<£ , thoiie ln Chicago, and the down-state *e*ted in making Chicago a better ttically the entire *g^B« °'tft? "gUtlaa being similarly discriminated aco to live in should embrace the club at 315 P ^^^^ ""r™ against. portuoity for studying tbe city's be presented h.a vifiuaiized way. ia«s guUstlc^ from 0^^, records are . <»eda at the Public Health exhibition and figures showing n°* **ou^na° Lfyen, showing tbd exaei proflU made .ow being held under the auspices of | ot Chicago's lives and utflUow.of iw ^ ^^ yem pagt "E mj> ^ me Chicago City club, which opened money can be ^ved- »> '"™ SJd 1 »klch the companies chi|m was un- «>r,ertberl and will continue to Janu, diagrams and by ca refuHy jompma j ^toW tne ngureB Bhd%^hat the Pie* time will be when tMy w , up «,„,,. fim4. and when they the role of Santa Clam, vhtUlng the | ^ immediately place hom«s of the needy famllies to see, ^ ^^ ^ fpf .<wit. what the children are most in need of. and then the delight of actually He's" or "Mary's" education. 'round and: t figures, the yearly losses from the pre- ^^^<Z£^ZS^ Thla means that every good citizen ventable diaeases •»• »h«w°; *™ em-' ments of every kind and.cheancter for would foil It hla duty to visit not ;ter still the methods^thatjnayb J •» 'that year. were over 45% on ^be cap .,nly onoe. but repeatedly, this ex t ployed to reduce the needless »a««>|IUI glock of the companiea. It Is hlbit. "*% jof human Hves and money demonstrated how the companiea have ln his introduction to Uie booklet. J if you visit this exhibit here are heen aWe to impoge upon the pb,blic. *bich Is intended as a guide for those! gome of the things that will be pre- by tfte ^^^ manipulation of figuree O. I seated for your thought and study: aad the UBe of deceptive terms, wtyh J^^ •round this tree. What would have rRApp» HONALDSON happened bad one of these little glrisj UKAi.1!. UUWAbliDUrt dropped her candle or had one fallen : MARRIED WEDNESDAY from the tree Is awful to contemplate. J Don't Use Cotton. cotton should never be used to rep-1 Her Marriage to Clifton resent snow, either on or under a tree, because the same affect can be obtained by using asbestos or mineral wool, which Is safe. Care should be taken to see that the candles are se- curely fastened to the tree and so ar- ranged that they cannot set lire to Davis Culmination of Romance. doing their own shopping with the, .„,»..„«•»-»»^rswt proceeds of the entertainment, and at- RAWN INSUKANCfci tending to the prompt delivery on Christmas eve of tbe new mittens, raps and stockings, nuts, candy and toys tbat will gladden the heart.; of the little ones who perhaps would not receive a visit from Santa,otherwise. The program consists of two rolk- plays by Constance D'Arcy Mackny. Th© scene of the "Bnow.Wttch" is in the home of Marina Maobinoff, a Rus- sian peasant woman, played by Mar- garet Smurr. Other ctMi^ten are; Accor4lnl t*, dlapafch to The Naura Sylvia-Sonia. tbe "Snow-Witch, who. tnm m Lw|s tlM> tagt tw0 ot the ten "goes abroad before the snow-flakes | Boltf to ^gg^f »i35,0OO insurance on come flying." played by Dorothy Yan-j tnfl ,Jfa of lra G j^^ nraatdent of kers; the Princess Valeska. played by tfce HtOBM ranroad. who was shot am» SUITS COMPROMISED Widow of Winnetka KM President Will Obtain Edith Moore; Ivan, a Russian soldier, Helen Hecbt; and Forma, a village belle, characterized by Catherine Smurr. .....\--------,---------------- "Tbe Forest Spring," an Italian play, is cast in a deep forest near to remove the gifts froth the tree, Last year a number of fires and a number of serious accidents resulted from not taking jproperlprecauttona in regard to Christmas trees kilted la his home in Winnetka July SO. 1910. have been settled out of court. By the settlements Mrs. Ream wtll re- ceive ahOttt 190,000. The suits Just Wilmette society people wfllbe sUTt tbe'braschea of the tree or the pree j prised to learn of the marriage of mm hung upon them. Alwoya ex; Miss Grace Donaldson jp Cliftan D*jSalerlKh ,toly^ Tbe chaiwtera era tinguiab the candles before beginning I vis. of Berkeley. Cal. Amato. who would "live forever on The carriage took place at the { ^een ^^ ., Hetett Hech^ li^ooOfVt for trial next Tuesday home of the bride's parents Mr. and grandson. Olovannl, Ruth j Mrs. H. V. nonaldsoa of 4120 Forest-gM?*%*£ZJ yoanf. vetL9Wt girl; avenue, on Wednesday night *t -* Ugg ^aJBm » magic gowera." Flo4 o'clock. The service \ y! Shawhan. and the "Spirit of tbe fFor- est," pmyi* by Cetherine Smurr. 4 Little Nathalie Yunkere vrlll show Christmas Ta a time of Joy and Rev. Wheeloek of St Augustine Epls- good cheer aad hearts should not be copal church. The union of the young saddened on this sacred day by the couple is the culmination of a speedy how n9CtMUXy u ta to educate dolls. compromised were against the Mary- land Casualty company for $35,000. ait for trial tomorrow, and against the Continental Casualty company for FUMIGATION IS IN ORDER IN WILMETTE who :visit the exhibit. Prof. E. « ' seated for your mougui ana »«.«, , aBa the UBe 0, deceptive terms, w^io teved ^^ through carelessness .Icrdan, chairman ot the public health 1 Nlne out & every ten school chll-. the View of convincing the public that r oinmittee, well says that the public dren in Chicago have serious or minor ' tne business was unproflUble. i health ia the roost important material j defects> Which will impair their future | A Tery remarkable disclosure is \ ReccnUy ,everal small robberies aMsons a tew weeks ago. and ■ it«(^^t, member of the Mary Wood made concerning the banking god in- ADpropriation of $125,000 by the.vestment prbflta of the.companies. U _ » _.».. __.„ 1 .^ _»._„.„ < tbe amount of interest of the commuolty and the j efl|Ciency unless cured state. Then he adds, "Either the. Ajftpopjjation of $ _ financial loaa that preventable sick- i *[r \nflint welfare work will save j is ahown that only ihe amount of and death bring upon a com- j ' . haman liYtB premiums received if made public. apart would extend from Uocoln park to South Chicago. One-halt of tbe children who die mnnlty or the blunting and disabling effectT that fttbowlnw upoe aR-Mie higher and finer forms of human ac- tivity would be aufflcleat reason for 'placing the conservation of human life and health as the moot important func- tion of normal community existence. show that tbe banking and investment earnings from accumulated premiums here- aggregated an amount equal to [ran aunuer dividend-mv4be stock j*U ^^ every company of overfs^ tor the M aaet nve yeara. - ^ itfi!tr inaurance a flembie. • ointort and happiness, and in add! iwhool children a yean_ ^w11*^™ The level loa»-re^oa^on^ia«i^ la* ^at^xhtbttisrbefore 2 yeare ot age are kl«eal_bx ^reaee^vlfu^^ itrnpure food. Proper lospectlon would sinnenen on ium »»tini <«j >v *••" »»--1.......... - --- - - , now necessary i« «» i" w«»» «»••-. _ 0m,s^ burning of homes or the injury to our and romantic courtship of five weeks j and Ly|e j,^,^ figures in a very gen | Health Department 18 oaie- (!oration. erous Christmas wish, ^.^-Jti.- U^-kUW *v# Mr Davla was presented to Miss ( A groupof md8lcai numbers witt be gU*Hlittj? tttftRH O* (Donaldson by a nai^borof^ the^Don-j ^^ ^ Mtaa Grace ^SeUierling. Movie Fans. jf~ n the vicinity of »he| was a case of love at firat sight. Mlss,0hase ggjj^, of Musical Arts; Loret-- Ngrthwestcrn "L" terminal at Wnden Donaldson wished to postpone thej^ comeia Clarke will render a nam-: tie Last Friday evening a man. marriage for a few months, but young hor of delightful readings wn by name, but a resident of Davis so convinced her of his sin-| was held up near the confec-1ctrity that she consented to the cere-; Health Commissiouer E. B. Moa& state* that the condition of tbe cbffc Girls to SOU Candy. ,„en ,„ tRe ,mW|e schools at the prig* . -is-- Helen Phelos. Roberta ,>nt tlm« U van- much better than tar «tore_on tbaj m^fy^e inwrtara^ the^B^^ un Chtca .Hone.__.. was stolen. Residents In this part ^t ments. however, ot all the companiea thft ^m,^ mrB becoming slightly di> i family and a few very cloee friends * turned as to the conditions in the'were preeent, and the bride's only n^lorbood: anl fe^^ihhi an o«c« |attendant was her at**. ^J^t^tSLJSs!^ ovef X£Z% gST5 S of the la* might be able to stop the iH>D»ld«on. Mr. John Dean of Chicago V^gtel* Smurr will u. *,„lon over a moel 1 -is can be done Chicago's needs for save nine-tenthe of them, truer protection of its people's health Defective healtti fotntort and happiness, and in addi ■ sehool chll-- , .„„„ ttoe teaherhoi^^thea. toumrtaut «d- extra expenditure fT^* *f^^ * surance bualneas for « number ot *~*^~i™tt£*!^ 'i* tOgtM^enPgiie served Mr. Davis as master of cere- j monifs. Immedlstely after the cere- OR. moore \o Og^jtW OTFtce. mony the young couple left ior an ex- Dr K. E. Moore, commissioner of,tended trip through the west. They health in Ui# public schools, will open; will visit Denver. Los Angeles and a private omee in thp Village Theater other potats and will be at home In building the middle of this month. [ Berkeley after the Bret ot the year. Mr. Monahan Of the Village Chocolate! x beneficial plan of tne bealth deaerl the candy, very generously donated by taglous diseases la the village ned " i Florence Coflleld will be in charge In fatiog tbe moving picture tbeal tbe box ofllce. j once each week. This work le b The audience will be requested te^,^ i^niany of tbe states, bet j give Mi« CeflWA the nam« and ad | |Mr|toTed thai Wttmatte ttt the dresses of really destitute famUtes to | lvmu ^ \mnoim to have tak< whom a present of one bundred <3tc>Jieltt «,», Extra attention (be given ta time of ep«de» (Coattneed on page SJ

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