===== = Social Happenings in Wilmette By RUTH RISLEY Phone Wilmette 1640 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1914. 'Wit ■ •bully" Ume was the verdict of; nue, entertained the at the Ooihnefte Country club! her home last Monday afternoon last Monday evening when the mea of the dab save their annual stag party. ZwiiUe the heavy foe more than one and fl f t y no en t u rned ou t. and than fully repaid for it. " consisted of a first class Chicago talent, and various sieigbt of hand tricks. la one corner of the hall there was a table fitted up "~~ corn-cob pipes and various brands co. A feature of the evening '"'*rTtUH»»-g* --*«**! of thm Ginger ale and other •soft drinks" were served with sand- wiches, "hot dogs" and delicious ',$W^ Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Goss tained the Home Social club at their borne, 215 Fifth street, last Monday evening. There were about four ta- i bles. Five hundred was played .cafcae. The club baa engaged Mrs: Higgs for two evenings, so that all of thej ^ mnef ^^ gIven ^ even.| members may have an opportunity to { Woman's club by the mem- Jt^^LSSSf T^JZ! SZiSSa **» *» *•* husband, proved to be j This instruction is ^J*""*™\l Scat delightful affair. An interest- The evenings selected are De- , ° ... , . _. 5 aad 7/from 7:30 to 9:30 P?« pTO*?a COD8l8tiB6 « songs**? the well-known tenor, Mr. Hermann: Tfce regular meeting of the general1 real feature being -A Merry RamWef Plunge for distaace-KJardncr Cole, committee or the Wilmette charities Hound Ireland.- Mrs, Henry Taylor Prentiss Confer, will be held Monday evening at the added to the plsaiars of the occasion 100 yard breast stroke--Rogers Woman's club. The new officers fori by staging a anther of short Irish Weld. tbe ensuing year are: Mr. C. A. K*[M$aj£ * g ,' | ** yard hack stroke--Thomas Pone, ler, chairman; Mr. J. Gordon 8saRH,j a meeting of the Art and Literature Dudley De Groot. a*.*. '-^-- ^\r*e*4b*brmum; Mra. W. J. Weldoh.jdepartment of the Woman's chib waaj 100 yard swlm-Ogden Cook. PS-S1-* •*"*»*T *■« toWUMH.^z^ held Wednesdayat the home of Mrs. UeBy teaav-^Qgden Coo* ___ ._---,_____ jpaal Schalsa. The program coaaiated i Weld, Thomas Pope, Harry Blchter, A meeting of the Child and Home «,f: Moral Training of the Child, Mrs. Dudley De Groot. Vennema; How Far Stall the Child- Senate Debate--Zencbian. Control the Life of the HomeT Mrs. j For three years the Zenobians have Andrews. Discussion leader, Mrs. D. debated with tbe Senate, defeating J. Evans ; them each time. The girls are plan- On Monday evening the young la-j»tag jr *«^*rtaiaff|MM^J^ jtt»« «r saZ ffMiinMh mi.sinn r ...,„ I outs for this debate will be held in circle "will hold a meeting Monday * « "lc"*f,r*»co' •*1UI ""; JTr" '7________________-------- v«v«c u 1U . U.CT1.U4 ™"u™" ^ Mrs. Thomas Keene Gale, into a 3SSSS mt£^^^Z^^lPo^^^rn, to'sew fprl DR. ANDREEH HONORED. various sizes^nd^napes will be made and be,P tne P°or- ^^ rfection of ofI Dr ph!15P Andr«n" the new Pastor Garments will aleobTbegun forU^if,cer»'ewllt?* to % following: P*«»Hof the Swedish Lutheran charch, was Red Cross society J denL Misa Ida Olnalee; vice-preaident,, yesterday appointed chaplain of tbe " __ _!Mrs. Hoadley; secretary. Miss Arm- Swedish Old People's borne in Nortb strong; treasurer. Miss Ward; chair-j Evanston. He succeeds the late Dr. man of the work committee. Miss Mat- ;Ludwig Holmes. tison.--------------------- -■ . . , j , i. i . . .... . sea-1 Actor of Many Parte. - Mr. and Mrs^ W.Totbjn,JUJBOl j J^JSSFJtS wMdslH. street, eotertaujad fifteen of their Ua--ahal wr next Wednesday after, relatives aad^Pfrlfadf •» t **»*»|aooa at 2:30 o'clock. Dr. Sarah Hob- ThankaglTtBg day. The out-of-town ^ jM^ will give an address oa guests included Mr. and Mr*. J. "• "Eugenics." Furinaa and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Haadey of Glea Ellya; Mr. and Mrs, Edward Funnan of Chicago and Mr. Harold Du Landy of Chicago. cember and 7, regular-club dance will fotffrw the lesson tomorrow evening. The following la the program for the month of December: Saturday, 5--Cl»b daftAB. Monday, T--Afternoon cards. Saturday, 12--Evening cards, lilies. Monday evening, 14 -- Duplicate whist, gentlemen. Saturday, 19--Dancing and cards. Saturday afternoon, 26--Children's Saturday evening, 26--Youths' danc- ing party. Open house. Monday, 28--Men's whist party. Thursday, 31--New Year's eve for- mal dance. January 1, New Year's Day--Recep- tion, tea and dancing;. Mr. and Mrs. David Forsyth Ander- son gave a large dinner party Satur- day evening at their home, 900 Chest nut avenue. Miss Eleanor Blymyer gave a small dancing party last Friday evening at her home, 628 Lake avenue. ^Misa fcary Gates, 1147 Wflmette avfr 3SS 1 Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Barnard, and a story-telling of tbe Irish Fairy and Folklore by Mr. Seu- mas McManus. Dinner was served to mora than two hundred and sixty guests. Tbe social committee, with .Mrs. Charles A. Wanner in charge, are to be congratulated upon tbe suc- cess of the affair. Mrs. Wanner was assisted by Mesdames A. W. Allen, Foster Branson. C. W. Braitbwaite. F. M. Bowes. J. W. Cnllen. W. A. Mann. New Trier Jottings J A. MacLean. F. 3. Robblns, Percy i Mesdames Margaret Latham, Broad- Skillen, J. C. Smith. J. M. Tuttle. and > well and Seymoure of Chicago, were G H. Weaver. The following mem-; g^t, at the Latham home, 430 Hill bers of tbe club acted as hostesses at j street this week. Mrs. Minnie Crippen returned yes- Mr. Conger of Cleveland, O.. was! T- j„_L_ Dl„, tfce week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs.j ,TO a¥ffw r,m' C C. Mitchell. 814 Linden avenue. J *** ^unl5r »»*• "*he Stoops to Mrs. Thomas Keene Gale, 1024 Lake! Coiwuer," given by members of Miss avenue, has bad as her guest her sis-! Burchard'e and Mr- Walker's English ter. Mr». Minnie Sovern of Albion, classes, will be presented under the Xiieh auspices of the Dramatic club, Friday, Miss Clara LiHIbridge of Loa Aa-]Dec*B»b<*^1- Tickets «""« »0* <* geles, Cal., was the guest last week of i*»,e •* thf coUage bookstore and the Mrs. George E Fernald, 811 Forest | various drug stores of the township, avenue. A Russian immigrant before the alien immigration board claimed to he a "play-actor." and said that he was also a compositor Ha was Touched for by a cousin who 1a a fur- rier. Work was promised the appli- cant in a tailor's shop.--London Graphic. - ' RGAINS the various tables: Met>dam«a H. B Gates. Lyman Drake, Arthur Allen, Thomas Copeland, Harry Miller, Fred- crick Smith. James Turtle, Henry J. Smith, John W. IIiff, E. H. Robinson, and Howard Field. The Ouilmette Dancing club will give another of their fortnightly dancing parties tomorrow evening at tli Woman's club. The Archang Athletic club are plan- ning a dance for next Thursday even- ing at Jones' Assembly hall. ■'. . •,. ■oeaeeeaeeeaeaaetoeaoaeeae j orated, the favors being small choco- T.' late turkeys. The guests included Mr. WilmpttP X aDd Mre Kullin sod daughter of Lake rr **"**■** X We*. Mrs. B. Klemm. Miss Helen : Societies and Clubs terday to her home in Waterloo, la., after a ten days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sburtleff. 816 Lake avenue. It is hoped that the community may support the play heartily. The fnterscholastic Swimming Meet. On Wednesday, December 3, seven New Trier students will eatzr the in- terscholastic swimming meet held at the Illinois Athletic club on Michigan I Wilmette Theatre The home of high class Photo-pUys v _ 1120 Central Avenue WHwptjIi Tonieht Is Chi !™ Give'the KF fieiteeeeeee»<»•••••>»•••• Mrs. Edjnond L. Dalton entertained her bridge club Tuesday afternoon at her home, 1625 Lake avenue. Klemm, and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Klemm and small son of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Morrison of 1083! avenue in Chicago The meet is open Greenwood avenue are makings an ex-] to pupils from all schools in the mid-; tended trip in »»»e east, expecting to die west, and J»5« Trie* s«t> feel j remain there until the Christmas hcii-: proud to have as many as seven en- days. * I taring. Last year' but one student en- { Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKinney of tered, Walter Farrell. He won aj Hubbards Woods, but formerly real-! medal in the breast stroke, placing dents of Wilmette. left Tuesday even-; New Trier third,: among the schools ing for a three weeks' stay in Roch-1 entering. Oak Park won first place ester, N. Y. j Entries this year., are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Everett T. Tanner of j Paris, III., left Tuesday evening for their home after a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Royal A. Buckman, 210 Ninth street. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clay pf Colum-1 West Railro n, The Shoe Man tte. and Mr. C. C. Mitchell. 814 Linden ave- nue, entertained tbe Y. M. L. A. I. association at his residence last Fri- day evening. I meeting of the Crescent circle was Tuesday afternoon at the resi- Mr. and Mrs frcUeiicK U tiuohfuon entertained the Fortnightly Bridge of Mra. Fraak ABworth, on cJub at lhe|i hotu^ 831 o.kw^d ave nue, last Saturday evening Tnere (were three tables. Mrs. H. G. Drury. 622 Ceuttal ave- nue. waa hostess to the Cozy Corner cle yesterday afternoon. *MrS. MelrilSe Brown, 73« fcite>»i>ch Qfeet, entertained the Neighborhood Ircle of the Congregational church Tuesday afternoon. Assisting her were Jgttsdatces B. P. Blymyer. Arthur Rob Henry Gates. s Miss Margaret Allen «m nU3i.„,, ^. ' yestprriay aftanmon Mrs. Percival N. Cutler euitrtainoj one of tbe Tuesday iuacheon and bridge clubs this ween at her l.„u:. 1016 Ashland avenue A meeting «.( the bu<,j . . m. . .. .... of tbe Woman's club v,.-. h.-ld nut day morning at tbe ciubh<>uue. The regular meeting o( tw I,......; Luncheon and Bridge cluh «a.- changed to Wednesday thu «eet. and was held at the home of Mrs t red erlck M. Bowes, 1033 Greiun(K,j avc nue. The first nieetmg uf u.. .... *.... i.. eraturo department or tbo WouwaV dab was held Wednesday afternoon at the clubhouse. Miss Lucy Hartr&th Ited her listener^ with her per ll experiences and irupr* «alou« re while studying art abroad i h« M.. S(,.J Lu'i ciub «iil tiav.. »ki . :.-:i erij.lv in tereatiag meetiag i>.« 'i leSvluv m„ru iag at 10 o'clock Mis 1, A 1 jrrens 'cl the Mctropolli^.t Scuot.l <C Mu»ic wlli give a talk on \ ulce " wbl. h will he ^Binou.-iiratt-d I,* her o.vn puuils I Xoa-members will 1,j au.nit ted upou j the payment <.,: a b.oah admhutiou fee The program will op<.n with: I » iano (a) "iu a W.UI lli, Aia. »..•»>** (b) • Im,.rv>vltiatio.." Macl>oweli Agues (;ui..,t. . bus. Intl.. nave returned to their home after spending a few days as thej j guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Snider, ] ; 730 Washington avenue. | Mrs. Frank S. Lower. 614 Hill street, is expected tj arrive home either today or tomorrow, after an extended visit in Montana, and Minne I apolis and Duluth, Minn. A number of the Wilmette residents. attended the meeting at the Audito- rium hotei Sunday afternoon. Secre-j i«ry of State William Jennings Bryan j. v.ae. the apeaker of the afternoon Mr» l.eo lhonii>«on of Col-:lieo4cr. j III . is <s(>eudiuK this * eel with Mrs Paui ^chroeder at her i ome 418' tireei.leaf «vtm.t JlrB Thou ,.«cu i aud Mrs nJiru^d«>i ere tioolntates ] R^-v 1 nomas Ke ue Gal..- and two] children Mildred and Hau.Id. t024' Lake aifcuut w«ui thh» morning to j Elgin 111 . wu«re Ke v Gale will Je-1 liver on address They whi reUrn' iomoi rui> Mrs 3tny «l.. u. !,..«». k, .,\k useful in coiiM.ittn1„ th> Bibl cl.sseii: Will call and Trteyfcone T1 nilworth «nng. Mllworth cos Popular prices--She We solicit your shoe repairing ■■at' We call for •*' -f ^1 609 W. «a Life Story of Jean Valjean. The greatest ' Picture Ever Made. A $100,000 Production of the Literary Masterpiece. DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT THURSDAY--Matinee and Evem DECEMBER 10th ALL SEATS 10 CENTS -*i .,y *. (♦ -a -«■ WILMETTE SHOE PARLOR Gardner#& Ben NORTIJ^HORE HEADQU High Grade J wdry BUlf YOUfll XM At S. Beyli.9s Jeweftp^tore inliioi U< ch I. >:k .a i.uric cent varhi U tj r. ill Cilcl its oil., r i . .. i:Ll. , the he! i > eer» 1 o'cl H a inieo *i|l .fiO o tji. i acwai iiLxt Friday by i ,e CreS aitO the andt.it a ««-., «ll. sale of Chiist.jas uo.cltic^ and butt- ery t>r'~ lucts The North It-nd . ircie v.Hi have a ^lc or flue ue^dlcwork. haki < y fs.»od8 bad caudiea Mrs. Kiuiiv Kichter uardi. . v,hu h»« just returned frum ju ext>?uu.d tup t< K\i rope, wli! »pe„k >u a nun.ber of the missionary topics A U.1.UI1 „ .,f ll.'.- I\ .. ... .... .\i< tuodist rlur h v lii i t .ir.ln It t>t lay afternoon «t the reside A. e of Mra C E Fitch. lo,.3 Eimwood av«n le at the P.esb/terian fa».l.'iK l|" the sdtne dav m nn.if. .t tin teri^a hurch tu v'hi Mrs W D Kt .,hu u a. u.aad. i>f ioit, liodeu a< this w ek for 'i ampa 1 t* go \.la N. <n /rleans peec to apt. a j m week , the <vli.ter in 1 auipa abo«t Ma v 1 Mr D A i.ivuu, . ay L|>eh( a /e* d& bis oister M. , \V D .teu.ht.ai Ki\idan his Jv..t .elk rned fiou ropa wh^ri tit- ac. si as Set.etai' Adood lepi ^ae.itativ> en the »hi|» l.nnejsee whlvji . ..nU . &o ernu..-ut funds ioi sti.udetl Awieil cans \ flue line o. Watches. Dianftnds. Clocks. J w.re and iiai 1 Paintca China. Eiitablish-il Motto: The l,c8t Goods at the Lowest Prici Ave,. TOlmfitlB, I1L welry 1010 Cut uu.es am . Pho.ie 1061 Ou. •aaaaat»a»aaaa»a«»»........aa»a«»»aaMM»Mi»rM»»MH MEAT BULLEttN I The foUowTng CASH PRICES are for strictly high grade meats for the week ending December 5. They represent such a saving that your money earns big interest. Swift's Premium or Armour's Star Ham. Swift's Premium or Armour's Star Bfccon. Fancy Home-dressed Chickens. Leg of Lamb................. Rib Roast of Beef............. Pork Roast Pork Chops Porterhouse Sirloin S Round S Fresh Ground Shoulder Pot Shoulder Bee Loin of Lamb Chops Rib Lamb Chops Shoulder Lamb Leg V. Veal SteakTT:....................................30c j Loin Veal Roast Loin Veal Chops Rib Veal Chops Shoulder Veal R Veal Stew 4o per pou.u per pound rookfield Sausage. ui*..i n A it Fr<eah QyStcr.. alwUyt. on 1 23c . . «fc -----t3c .20c aud 20c 8c 13c 16c 23c n tthc. I hO, e.T Thej. * III ,.ua3 . ctuiii.ng Louie h j^--mm i i asaagM--oi------------ ^^ffbe Wlilmettc 1 Nil LIT S <>35 w ^«it>^^ Avw., WiteetU "»^a»»aae»>a»»«»»a»»»»»»»»>a#0>t^>|fi><<i>i>t>^ Aactba CENT BANK ebtcj Dcaut and deliver li Tbe Friday Lunchfeuu n».a »»..,.„ club, which was to hav« me. today. has postponed its session f.r two weeks, and will then he entertained Mrs. John Ling, at her home on wood avenue. 11.. | «,!.., .\l,J 0...1.!, -j', (1.. 1| ...c«tte 'Jf/hod. ,t cuurch g^v«- a I u< h eon j atcrday i.. the cuuich jailors Mrt, t»e<- A Stoker »JO in ck.ar&e. Ke nilworth News Note* 4*r " 05zo S y A RTI$Ti<J Liljfer j Co TING AHatdcrJd att^ntioo^S . * tr, n liilmrti Weceiv#pr Prka^aj o B.. t : IG1 FJr^|rT ^AUTO Phone 675-L PQCTOFI Will call, ex^ DijB your^ar. giv0 uuiitnaie and Jc mp0lny\GWr ou.-i garage §0 t. C. j RELArWr vviw NETKA snpiBJrfi 1C.LYNN immmi Tbe annual meeting . . .l . dab Of the Logan school wii. ttv i..:it. Monday afternoon at -.30 oViock I lira. Bur gin baa promised to i ead oat of ,her interesting papers on "The Kf facta of Literature on Character iiuild las." Tbe officera and staudinK com nittees Will present their annual re 'aorta, and officera for the ensuing ><-ar will be elected Tbe evening meeting of the clut has bean scheduled for the following Tharsday at 8:30 o'clock, when the Chrle club will meet with the in. An ^iHtfJUIffrlye program of music and rei.d logs Is now in preparation. =- Mr. and Mrs. Jlafld E. AHen. ^is irorest avenue, gave a family Thanks- glvtna; dinner last week. Among tbe out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mra. lease D. Phillip of Oak Park and Mr. and Mrs. a. J. Allen and family of Wlnnctka. - I Mr. and Mrs! Charles McCue enter- A . -ll »«, ..._.:tt../j 1 ,..».■. ii il I.. • .\Ictho,,.iit htKi W.Jn.odo^ at the h Many W Hopy. 22i I.ii.d. Iiu. h naa me of Mrs n a.ei..!«• M. Mie i../at<i. Bridge luiiv .. till. tu (he l'uocda> .lb.t) ll, x' week v,„ia a in l.UUl l.O/l. uuT aid .11 A.-go j »trv it ft'lii ad /StCB.. it the C -ent > thj? a. nb, circle 1 ue«da> anernocn ot her bvme «7 Eighth BtreeT. intended i by the MiCloud la vli ,...,a i-r, Mia .lodler at h. e liouic 111 Mr »n 1 M. . ,i i i i_i.„. larat.\ a, ;t_'>) nelka M; . i ... ..., i .j,. .1., Aiond.y a,tut. i-a I oui an visit in ino east A smoker w.,„ rii.«... .... evening at tne A., .etnbl;, ht men of the Keuilwortb ckab. Mr and Mrs K C. Willis a«4 «,„ Ihere win be an -»«.., w>-«.«io.a -< have i eturued aitei a three lieeki. at* the Wilmett beniucratl. Wonn.i'« journ at French Lick Springs. Ind. ; league Tuesday at tbe borne of Mrs. I Tbe annual banquet given by the Howard Hodgklns, 602 Hill Btreet. at'Joseph Sears club was an unqualified 2:30 o'clock. Mra. Ryner and Mrs.'success. Covers were laid for twenty, j Jordan will give several vocal solev Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lackner and j tions. Mrs. Bodtiic will give a talk on , daughter. Beatrice, of Roslyn road, are "Tbe History of Women's Rights." spending the winter months in Cali- An informal discussion win follow, fornia. Refreshments will be served. The! Tbe women of tbe church of tbe organization cordially Invites all j Holy Comforter cleared over $i,200 on women of the village who are inter- their annual Christmas market held ested in what President Wilson and! last week. Hap* iS Phot ^-fudio Vnlab *hi am FRAMING mpciM PHS ........ *.. a sjpii4tos>j rilWEiTc <4. Com* an i j--.-.- T!u S photo taken hen Buying Cut Flowers nn.i fi. iiufcss is the first consider*tiotk. Wt autiiul Runes . ai nations, in fact, anything to you dit£*jpflfcjpni our tt. you Btrictly Mi oSui pleuce our Rosea, all loudl.it, C.'iiinatiuuc, tl doz Wt -. Ill l.av ,, Fla..t;3, .!<^ci.iii j Flu n era an ans-c frest asto you the ne of cut givinc last so. per doz. roduce, 69c a Holly Wreaths and also Ferns and Palms, etc. any occasion t> fc* a Olsen "-^WMEfir ~ Wilmette, IU. Village lbcatre, 1150 Wilmette Avenue t to all along the North Snore from Evanston to Glcncoo. l..mnnmn»,»ttmiin»ii„i.,.1WTTri iaterials tor the fall jpfl win- (<>r season of 1914-15 arejs^Riere and we cordially ijUtfla jaj^no call and in- spect same. •W^uaifiitee our work. ^Tjrtllar eraafna; at their home, 631 .Wjw*J°ito'» avenue. A Thanksgiving day dinner party waa alrea by Mr. and Mrs. G.-'H. |Mi at their boma, 420 Park ave- sae. Tha Uala was vary prettily dec- complisbiug. to meet with the Dem- ocratic league talped the "H. and W." club at dinner !tfce **"??a*Uc «d^nlatrailoo are ac Judge and Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman have re-opened their home on Melrose avenue, attar spending the summer and early fall months at the Glen View Golf club. Mr. Seumas McManus entertained the Neighbors yesterday afternoon with a number of Irish limericks, his Today tha Ladles' aid society of tbe Congregational church win meet In the church parlors for luncheon, which win ha served by the Crescent circle.