Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Nov 1914, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1914. m^imr^nmnnw^mnjrfmnmmmr^rnnmm^|i' i '» »■»* ■ynji"*** tm THE LAKE SHORE NEWS r,ouW arrMIW thera |B *? or*er: * I Berlin, Paris, Ixwdon, 1'etrograd, "'Vienna. Nlsh, Rome. That the dis- patches which come direct from Ber- lin by wireless through the Sayvillo station contain fewer canards than the news from elsewhere is partly due to the fact that they are so scanty. They consist of a few brief state- ments of things actually accomplished and these have generally been.verified later. The chief exception 1s the 5-rguson.......Managing Editor viaim th»* Wh«n tha Germans in Bast Prussia defeated the Russians August PUBLISHED tVERY THURSDAY By THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING CO. Wilmette. III. Offices, Room 2, Brown Building* MS* Wilmette .NARRATES SETCLfliEgT >iiJii<iiig ii<iHiiMiM*Bj Real Estate News [|»#>ag>W MMHIIM •#•< f J Tells 6f Founder of Nofth- western University Settlement. Hfc 10 MA YEAR 3(, tney took 70,000 prisoners. Tula Is si 111 disputed. The truth of the Ber- ;iu »iu'i.:«)) that Maubeuge was cap- tured on September 7 is generally ac- cepted, although according to the Lon- don papers the French minister of war several days after that date sent messages of congratulation .to the Entered -mr second-class ;matior March Is, t9H, iattha postofflce at "Wilmette, Illinois, under the act of March 3. It?*. Address all communications to The Lake Shore News, Wilmette. Anonymous communications will not be noticed. Re- jected manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied *ar postage. All ipat- ber0|c garrison of Maubeuge and, ter for publication in the current-week's j ,7^ . ... » , » issue should reach our Mice 'not late* promised speedy relief. As late as than Tuesday noon._____£____1_____I Beptembyr 27 tho French government - had not conceded By Prof. Lagerquist. One night in the tote autumn some years ago I was overtaken by a storm In one of. the most desolate districts of an eastern city. At the end of a dark side street, fronting a railroad, I saw a faint light through the blind- ing storm. Instinctively, I turned to- wards it for shelter. As I paused for a moment and looked through the un- curtained window of that little, turn- Olencoe. part of block JO, Oqt. 30--A. A. Murray to H. Keene.l Wilmette, Dempster add., lot ;7> and n. % lot 8. block 3, Oct, 10--C. W Bossert to R. H. Ku- ■ ronsk.i ,..........,'............ Wilmette Village, lots » and 10, block 2, July fi--M. A. Corette to W. Davidson:............. 5,S8a Wilmette, Mann -- P. add., lot 17, block 2, Oct Jt--A. K. Luebkle to 1. Schuhez................ 1 Chicago N. S. h. Co.'s sub tot-17, block J0«. Octl 20--F. Davis to lif. %. Mitchell...:..;I........ ouilmette, resub. lots 13 and 14. block C. Oct. 13--Northern Trust Company, trustee, to \VY F. Sominers ,;................ Kcnilworth, Roslyn addition, part lot f, block 24, Oct. 9--H. G. W. Ball to CO. Tongrlng IB.L.T.Siys: "An optimist is a person who expects to catch a oar on the trol- ley line between Evanston and Mil- waukee without waiting forty or fifty 'nUsuSss fsr ii. According to our experience, that Is the most use- less stretch of track in the U. S." (Editor's note: There is more truth than fiction to these words of the Tribune's "Line Conductor."] -#■ :. fc zQUm. HEW -UUlLDfNO 10 FARMERS HAVE . B1C CORN CROP (Continued from Page 1.), 10 FRIDAX. NOVEMBER 13, 1014. • ssaa m -m • r\ At i -.-i'......; b> now TO HEAD WAR VEWB. Of the making of war news there ! < in;:; no <-nd. The general iauit in tho matter of information concerning 'the history being made aeroas the Atlantic is not that we know so little, but that we know so much that isn't true. Yesterday's New York Inde- pendent has an editorial on "How To Head War Ncwh," which should be read by everyone who takes an Intel- bled-down house,, it was. a strange WS^M^S. &*h :i^m¥\oSSSmSBi BasherlihlVlotJ ^i*B*0r,,oP* 30$. untnln.dfHl of the 13 and Id, block 6, Nov 3 (In- , furious storm were seated on the floor] ^susferaaes, 82,300) --W.F.Bom- the^toss of the city, hpt^tiy j^ning. to a middle-aged mere to H. J. and *f. * Som- The censorship in England Is morewonjan. . It was that night in that mers.i.; ....::.....m*>.;.. fltrict than that in France or Russia room, through a chance question, that: Chicago, N. S. I,. Co. sub., lot 8, and the English papers are loud in I first learned of the Northwestern f block 6. 17. 18, 42, 13, Oct. 22--» their complaints that they are not al-1 University Settlement from its foun-j *' 0hhl tojl. 8trahs..^...... 500 lowed to reprint what has already ap- der, Mrs. Wade Rogers. ■• I 0?H^ft %rl^^ *' A-E.' peared in the French and Russian Fellowsnip Necessary. I Lutnlcki ....... J^** .^..TTldU journals. During the first weeks, of | Two great fundamentals are east*-! Wlnnetka Park Bluffs. .M;:*% •00 u the. war the English people were led to believe that their troops on the continent were offering a steadfast resistance to the advance of the Ger-; ii>;>!!s. and the first inkling of the fart that they had suffered a con- tial in a settlement if it is to he a i block 7, Oct. 9--h. % Hough- true neighborhood house. First, its workers must have a broad human fellowship; .and secondly, the W:>rk of the settlement must be adapted to" the peculiar needs of the neighbor- 10 IfiKiit Interest in the war, who wishes jtinuoim defeat was given in a let, I Jood' and tho workers must always „,, j A bfi willing to change the character of let Jxow. Mm TIhujk correspondent f .t -. , : ■, "f "* ~" ' , tbelr work in order to meet tfao «lc- 1 d*> m,„4. nr „-,., «A».i.. Tb,8 w|„ to knbw at leiist a little of the truth of what is being done in Europe. To do a little towards siireading the direct Ions for reading war iif!W«, wo-i reprint tho lndej»endent's arllolo here- witl>: ' The American people have suddenly been summoned to serve on u grand *S»ry In the greatest in the world and are having thrust upon them sev- eral times a day voluminous folios of most conflicting evidence. Whether as tho only important n« utral power in tho world they will ever lie called upon to render a VeJrdict on the causes or conduct of the war, they naturally have un intense desire to get a cor- rect knowledge of the great events of which tlu?y are the witnesses. The I t*hw side about the fighting In Os Hcla, merage American started in at the|b"t from the Russian capital we get task with the best of intentions, read- lo"« nnd circumstantial accounts of a ing diligently several {.'ages of "war ser,<;a of Russian victories which pre news" in his favorite daily and per- mands of new need* nounced the publication of this «n|aUttUy aecessita*e the turning over parliament and threatened official ac-j to other or larger institutions the tion, but the Times was able to show I work that has been started by the that the letter had been approved by I settlement workers. Tho history of N. U. settlement Is a testimonial of the work, of those who through tho last cjtiarter of a century have expressed in their li- bors there the desire for a .iarger share in human fellowship. It speaks of the summons coming to them out ..... of the great deep of common life and General von Stein claiming a success- ,. ___, M ,. , "™ _* ibe conscious response of their pelgh- the bead of tho censorship board, Mr. V. E. Smith, who bad himself ampli- fied It and urged its publication. Even the official reports from the continent are not to be relied upon if they come through London. For instance, an offi- cial message of September 10 from ful engagement on the Marne was altered in London to an mlmlssion of defeat. We hear very little from the Aus- teling to W. 0- Girard..... Winnetks. lot U, Mock 11, sub. block 7 to 12. etc., Oct. 31-- H. W. Butler to T. Mattz. .,.. Wlnnetka Park Bluffs, s. % lot 17, all lot 18, block 5, Oct. 30 --W. C. Pitcher to W„ L Han- som ......;...........;...___i .500 Glencoe, lots 3. 4, block 4.!, Oit. 30--1.. C. Swearingen to W. 6. Ilartlett ..'.................... i Wilmette. Netstraeter's add-, lot 1. block 1, Oct 27--P. JF. Bchaefer to M. Sehaefer^,v«♦*»..,*... Wilmette.. Netstraeter's add., lot I. block 1^ Oct. 27---P. J. Sehaefer to F. J. Sehaefer Jr.. l Wilmette, pt. lot 14. bb-ck 3 of block 3, etc.; Oct. 12--0. Leuer to A. A; Leuer ......-----*... .2,600 Wilmette, Lake Shore add., lot 2. block U, Oct. 2&--P. R. Finlay to A. PJruy rjwMjjii r . .if.'""1 Lot 5. btock 0. Chicago N. S. L. Co.s su|)„ Oct. 24-r|l#;'W. But ler 10 E. I)eiiint(> South Carolina.... jQuurgiav. * • •. »"»"•'... Florida............. Texaa ...>,....... Oklahoma ........ Arkansas ......... aiontana ......... AVyoming ......... polorado .,....;... New Mexico........ Okie ...;.i___.... Indiana ».«^.. . Illinois........."... Michigan.......... Wisconsin ........ Minnesota ......... low* .............. Missouri .......... North Dakota ..... Sonth Dakota...... Nebraska.......... Kansas............ 1 'Kentucky ,........ Tennessee'......... AlBliMy^iTPFiHs^qgtiafhMilii ^ .„,»*.. 4. i03.7 ......v*.IllJ ...»..w.112^0 .........103.7 .........105;« ........,* 98^4 "'..'.r.l. 97& .........106^ .........110.0 ..____.lOOll ........ 92.Tf ........ 854I ........ 111.4 [ ........10C.3 .......; 94.7 ........104.9 ........ 84.0 .......99.2 ........98.6 ........102.9 .........124.2 ........ 101,9 '98^ 40 Years ice this com- c and smalKii •! -"J THIS Bank Sis served mutiny fo#FORT Y Y been proved sjtisfactory to hors alike. It is the laMstVs well as the oW^TTiank on the North Shore.llltsjpolicy is constantly to provide equihplent wh»^ables it to extend the most effi- ciejg*service to^s increasing number of depositors. !t solicits your patronage, offering you service ittexl to your individual needs. .••' INTEREST PAiLXON SAVINGS Alabama.......................uo.l Mississippi ,.,..,................103.1 Louisiana..................... .103.7 Arizona ........................ 97.0 j Utah...........................ifto.2 1 NVvada ............,............118.0 j Idaho...........................9r,.4 ! Washington ....................101.4 1 !Oregon ........................." 9S.0 jCalifornia............*..........109.9 ITnited States...............102.2 bors to an opportunity for a larger share in the better things of life. The !rtI"fr ^W&m0»*jt&IZfit*i*> «reat desire of 11,0 nZfn .Jil^rSWt Newhajr* sub.. liart lot :\, block ,8, Sept. :«) rjpcumjpa^ *4.coo)~ it. B. Seyfar)^ to B. A. Jleyman great desire of the private and pub- lic socin 1 workers to bo assigned fo i this district of the city in order with that unconscious confidence which lie had. in spite of his o*u>iifti i»ie skepticism, always placed n>, new a IKipers. But he soon found htmnelf baffled by unsuspected obstacle. He- was accustomed to the con flic t^u* ro ports of n political campaign. Ho ----could make allowauct-s for «IKJ ru- mors and confueed detail in tho »«st J of a "Titanic" disaster or n ban r'ran Cisco earthquake. Hut here was some thing different, the deliberate Sion and^injcjiliojial f«i>4ttt..»it-;i «,i news by the highest authorlti..* 11, vuh slow to realiz* tli.u l.vintt i... like arson, burglary, in.«.\ i.cih manslaughter, one of u,e <iiiu-.-i in wartime aro regarded .«.-t paxlon able or praiseworthy He I. it iht-n tit. embarrassment of tlw historian »lio from Jutst such cfud<* matMial as tiiis lias to extract a correct and coherent narrative of event*. This news is motniy l«„... ;i..- ..,1 lowing sources First, tht nrt Ul Ktatemcnts Riven out every da> by ih. various governments, generato- «or lect aB to fads but often inisloatlilm by Inference. Second? ih^ ^ liiiHHO-.Iapaiiese war. We learned how haps buying two or three "special extras" besides. Ho began reading 7this eontemporary^ibrtorrof^the ■ WaT j"*****" wTr-eoTrtd"trHlt ^Servian stated ineuts from the investigation of the lii'llmn war by the Curnegic commls- be in contact with Ibis settlement, is indicative of a recognition and appre- ciation of this fellowship existing be- sumably arc no more accurate than j tween the settlement and Its people. the news that used to come to us Playgrounds Established from the same source during the Tho history of tbe Institution sliows sion. The custom of the Serbs to claim the killing of ten thousand Aus- trian:-, in every battle d.-«\< not Inspire confidence. Home emanates or dis- seminates extravagant itorie.* ot all sorts. N<> on^ c movements without constant refer that if has fully recognized the neces- sity of readaptation and the assuming of new obligntions. Tbe second play- ground in Chicago and tho first on the north ..nil west side was established under the direction of the Northwest- 10 Chicago N*/>S. L. Co. sub., lots 3 and 4, |7-18, 42,;i3, #ay 1-- E. B. Bardick to R. J. Mahren. Cltncoe. part lots 4 and 5, block 11. 4?, \9f Oct. 2fir-A. A. Harvey to (Jlencoe■■ Masonic riyty......2,500 WilmettQ,.,|«ite Shore rdd.. lot It and i>»r.t^fi block,4&..Oct. :'S (iiuumbrance, $2,133 >--U J. Pairbairu to A. G. Wllie....... Wlnnetka Park Bluff, lot 21 block ::. Oct. 22--A. c Mci: vaine to Af. H. Mcllvaine Why the Boiler Rumble*. That noisy rumbling and clattering in the kitchen boiler after the gas water heater has been lighted for some time has scared many a woman. The edi- tor of Monthly Gas Chat says It need ! alarm no one, as It is caused by the ] i expansion of the water as It is heated j from the top of the boiler. Tbe bold* j er water below, rushing tip to displace I the expanded water above, will often 1n cause a concussion, ------------ 10 ern l'nive."slty Settlement. was a leading spirit in the opening I'Of the gn ,t playground two blocks an iindciatitutl military t-„..»t, > ,t . o_»., _ . _• without constant refer i^"! t Set"ement- and 0ne' foUr e.ue to .1 map History is animated j b,OCks n° th on Noble street- "N<> or- geog.ttphy and It is often more im- «anlzatlon," states the headworker in poi-lunt t«» knov% where an t?vent took]R former report, "stands out In Chl- platc than when Sinco the official! oago today with a larger record of .'lalcn.tints ue apt to be misleading! usefumesa than tht. Visiting Nurses' e« ^ht-n ..erfecrly truflfuT. tbe"only ; association, and besides this state way to ,;e. at their real significance ment< tbere aro many v, j I : f, til. 1 il .. i.,iii i.n.tinli: c\ti tlw. mnn I • *** Later, It c ,e"coe, lot 8, block 20, Oct do - A. Zieaing to H. Rosenberg. ... 1 »f><> t-lencoe, IraT Brown's adds., lots 21 and 22. -block 4, Oct. 23- M. 1-eMont to' R. Page...'......... shi> Hubbard Woods Villas, lots 7 17 and 2-irt Nov. 4--W. P Haugh ton to I. H. Mettler........... 10 Nenilwortli Oxford add. fit lot ^f. Woclv SdrSepr. T--T5. j Wi- ley to H O. 60.. From Now Otir^ihe we sometimes see that the iin- " • j Ti.n "d I plicauoit of tb ml 1 headline!, put 1 lain,- W did not kiu>« th.,t the Oer- niaiis had got t> i'aris until the Krent 11 rtport.'d th<-i» own victtrles sontli of the Maine The first we learnt.I <»r the rapid ndvant e of the German left was an accidental r.^fer- 1 it. 0 tu a l-'rentli table to the Her- man.-, "i-ts lug Khclnist " Tlie r.-ader of fit,man papers must still he pu::- /\> <\ to understand why the 'evet-vic- ing nurses to attest the value dispatch or of the) experiment begun, according to the: it was aliog. .her i Chicago papers, by the Northwestern University Settlement in tSftS" The' first ofllce of the Legal Aid Society] was started h. the old Korthwestern \ ii Neighborhood Hotis,, in 1SO0. The first circulating library in this part of Chi- cago was started there. The Infant I Welfare JSadety or Chicago, which i« j the reorganized "Milk Commission of Chicago," was hist organized under the roof of this house by Dr. E. A. of an GIRLS' LEAGUE IN 'Be a Good Shepherd < The slojrtn usod by workers for the .war victims.) n you Knit or Croc hit st -ydo are making dainty-' mas lifts, or siuue practical articlC; for the n\;d> in our midst or for tljfe war victi BUY TkE YARN from the Wjmen of St,Elis\beth's ChurchAlencoe They hayeWranged with tho/manufac- turer of a nigh grade yarnYto get any grade, colorVor quantity, a/wholesale. Tbe oerceiit'aVe thus save/will be sent as a cash donaVon to the AMERICAV RE0 CROSS SOClL;TY% ,/JBENEFlT of WAR 31/FFERERS SendYarnctodKnitting Needles. RefdgedebegforYam and Knitting Needlt\i\m they may make the wrapsfthay noted. Many who otherwise wouJEI lose thVir minds are saved by thutwslcome occupation which keeps them. Jroni dweltisgL upon their gr«at losses ot relatives, Yomes and Eropeity. if yon have hot time to knit, uy the yarn and needles to 1% deliver- ed- to the/ CHI/AGO WOMAN'S CUlB Red Caps* Headquarters for Retngees.' if you wish to knit for Soldiers the wjmen of St. EluutbethViChim-h wJU>hS> pljr 2*11 with lists and dirscttoiw for kaiftins iclcs needed. For information phono or address MRS. LOUIS R. CHRISTIE Sold #n Iffy Paymt For Rint onfEasy Te ALL MAK1 Nm AND QJmuiLT REPAIRING A SPECIAL! Some %pecial Good Bar Pull Line Typewriter Sup| I.E. DavisStMEvanst 7renchrGe§ma§t,ltajftn a vanish I jJPgyJS _*■/•! JAMES I.L.0IS.25 fbst Uke Strati. I NEW QUARTERS no\ed Into a Fine Lit 11 ija at 520 Davis Street. toriotif. army" of the katacr refrained from cnttrlni; Paris when it g»t to | PlScbkin The first of the t: sabeth the gbtcR Wo had no reason to riis- j McConni*k p« t-t that the Hermans had occupied i«" Ihaff tSdai.d "nnrii Tvirograd an nounced end commentary of th.-n,. it\i.-. ir ihi various banda lltrouKh which '1 ,>., ^.^ SOmctimea oxiirrt. KotuHlmeu ai^u.ili> Incompetent. Third, the r< port., SUCh few corrcHpondenis an ii.t.- been permitted to get n.a, uu ir.,».i In "Franc* and llclglu,ii, i^>i.iii ., u sored and dealing with uiiuor .1, »p. mc-nts and personal «-\i>< ri. tu-c* Fourth, information path.■•.-,! 1,0m conversations with fugitive >\....i»acd soldJerSj unwary t-fflcerw ana tius n>i^. pic of a place; the sourtv- t>r th, \.i)tl est rumors as well as ii.<- ,•..,<• |.i<- fttresqiie details. Fifth, the -t.,,i, .* <.r /ettirning Americans. uncei..sor< <\ l.m Udiitlf; little excepi ahout lh< ti.nth •!nu of the country whore iliey were The news from all tlw.w swiircs is bandied about from country to roun try, amplified, condensed, romhinotl tliti. summer tents fur sick j babien »k placed <»> the hack roof : "..IgiH miles from War <o( the *'«*^e™ ^ >« i.*«d|ese to nhv • Of to.nho not every retlr.-uient | RO "n ln f»'rtlK>» d» mil. as th.-so ilhis ht ;, hut il may be tutMiioied Uratlons are suffi. lent to prove the au- thut ,ii) arinv <l„os not yield ground jthentlclty 01 the pioi.cer w«,rk of the ol j nule k ii has to. a., tho reader who settlement v.. Itulh'iiiiy stici.s i\U colored headed ! -tt (., ,„.,, lls .,.,j,.,,,, ilul ,v|t4, mat da> hy diiy accord: »'• ...t. the persistent efforts of .e di.ect s of the Evanston Girl's league, at. other success has been achieved in obtaining new clubrooms for the girts. These new quarters, located at 530 Davis street, go far U> wards increasing the league's facili- j ch s In realizing the high standards and ambitiohs set by the members (of this worthy institution. There are I seven rooms In all. A kitchen with in. Mil' 1 fro,. iileu Mai«' It.t' 4m THE Victor is t^Vily machine tjAUfcsluc- ceeded i/jtfmWffing fty *{yr mppr Its mecl^nical >n, whin pro- lurability such as for before been ob- in a writing ma- chine's at the same time snrpri8ingly simple and convenient. You are depriving your- self of a "perfect servant" Continental -Commercial National Bank -£;t^^f Of CHICAGO - SteAmcnt^B^ondition at Close of Bniincss Saturday, Oct. 3i, ivi4 | Time Loans........... .....................$86,533,883.39 Demand Ijv>n?.............................., 3^,537,307.30 Bond3, Securities, etc......................... 9,378,037.13 ---------------- $133,440,213.03 all modern appliances, which permit clue* ns ho c.-.n gather ]*mU"*>*™1 «^> k»" » «>«« bTld^et the girls t„ get meals at the lowest) every day you put off that .oIvm .ill hav.. t..,. bet h '" 'a,*"d ' *'"r> •tar iy "ub POB-lble . wst. A reading and rest j el.b ft.iw t,r the .-urn |BC',,>n " ll"u lh pat. ot this room, with lots of new books and j j work hui bee.i p,.dulhl« only thnatgh ,,,tMlty of magazines, a large living' ; . -:• the anvt devotion of the pair ro°!" rth'« the girls can hold their' ten rninutedemonstratiorj S. Bonds to Secure Circulation... Other Bonds to Secure Circulation----- Bank Premises (Equity)............. Other aealEstate.................. Customers' Liabilities on Letters of Credit 0 ve rd ra 11 s....................... Cash and Due from Banks......... tsotial activities, dining room and busiai is room. Miss Mary June Woods, superin- tendent of the league, says that new members are coming in at about the Is the ambulance or patrol wap- rate of woiktiB and th, help of volunteers The nclKhbots of the hon.s,> have «nid Ihat the conveyance in which Miss >n'j Harriet Vittum has mt^t often been .,».,/ 1 ilk l 1 iX H ,, , 1 1 , ^alO that tit re is ,!,. n .icaf .11 (huhktnness amont; . In IsiiKluiitl that the go\eriinieiii in sltioliiii.' forbiddiiiK the Huloon.- wt.niiii hum which It Set-ui* the |>i ivl h );t or .it-owning •lull v are i(t (h<> foam Im; nla<«^ i.-> morel) a mani alio, jtrt-rog allvo. 'it i'5 >»«< Grange that the human side|itymnastk; dancing have lieon greatly ir Ui. go.einmoi.t.-. or ih. p.o|.u- ;.t of this Ktilenient should be so wide-1Increased. The KnglisK class for for- w«r fwl compelled to act in the in»«»r-!ly known among1 social workers in e,Rn born K"r,s Rl«rtetl some time ago, e«i of protecting the people from the the city. Whether It is the child with *!**. provprt a Brcat success, and many ght a week, that several on at'co.upuitylng some (»<'<>r untortu-lnew eln^ses have been started in so- naies In order to lend them a hand. 1 clftl dancing, and that the classes in' TO? 1 ctor. Typewriter W«-* vunit test *u. vwitqnu. cnu 20.1 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET CHICAGO • I evils of the saloons, now. while the a HBmli mjttr th„ man tmt^r-ajMT^ mifmh**a have beBiMtdded 1 j men are employed on tbe baWolleHK (h(.■ mI, „, „.„ ,, 4, _. ^TT ^"^ wsy^ thBtrtke league makes a mmJmWvrtKsr-menilio same Uoems ,0 be an excellent time to begin! I?™ cnU^tthe ***' »hc wo"'»« wall- offer to a„ g,^ wfsh|^ £*%££ event appears at differ-m times in!If »' «" possible to close saloons to j n* on tno front doo«-"tcP «t midn^ht. members, to start new classes In both »a^ ITIIosen dTslbrlod Krm« women, it onsht to be legally practica .°>n ^lcome is always the same. I social and gymnastic dancing. Hen ttunorioti m,., f<) ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ boys w,sh ! con,d *,flo ,r" *** «" detaH " Fortunately our dailt.s an- nut h ,lho mm,y protection or the closed door, 'how she has madv corrupt politics In more cart'ftil, since the war be-an, to; This seems to lie a fine ^opportunity to j this section fijiht for its life. I can put the current date and place on establish the Identity br;tween "sauce ; assure vou that if for no other rca- for the "goose and sauce for the gnn- j ROTJ |t wi|| dcr.-' their new* than they m<od to be. ML. Jtt .H..ilA«t.l^ luxamjA ij^jaijmjHrjgrg ui .faking-- Km Attt of fJWelgu newspaper a aheyeas-e. an.l b t u^ ir w«; should clag- l«f the iie^s accfirdinr; nmmptive reltability _wj* ho wortb a yisit to tbe fsfttteiBent, to know this woman; one tie work or classes of any kind ngree* able to the girls, under the *ery nest instructors. The Little dio lKl«$ir« Conscience ,is a matter of edacatlon A in combination with environment. tope Benedict XV. Is demonstrat-i^"4?h4c*KO,ft thTeo Rreatest women: x ing his practical wisdom by withhold- j PeraonaUtice that express ro much of "~j£ * ***LW0,*^r *** dono n,s ing bin peace encyclical unlil some themselves In human fellowship cap | m «m^* Wj1**** W«W«. and many decided advantage shall have been never be put in print. Tl.o 1i„,I8p is | fc thX,*v.. il !Td ,!!!. ""^ KtmlJL^ W ll'° 0,,,er <rf ^fil«HMB« to stranger and friend; | either ^w^'to^c^ iiebtlng forces. I tppcciallv In Ktirih^t^ people. i tyvautonS^^f-, ' • Capital............ Surplus........... Undivided Profits.. Reserved for Taxes Circulation:... Clearmg House Bonds Borrowed Liability on Lette 1 Z ilndivi( Deposits1: \ gr ■ halph van v_ At.KX. R6BEUT; I1KRMAN WAf.D: JOHN a .QRAVT, LIABI 8,«4O,0O0.00 ^133,4«7.07 ,000,000.00 13,847.00 210,594.68 37^80.18 ,540,8S6.W ,125,343.94 $ £ 1,500,000.00 8,500,000.00 37 [3.61 ,782.50 5,205,000.00 6,027^71.13 : 1,218,389.32 .................$76,609,304.53 ................ 77,140,401.49 155,749,706.03 f '■■ $220,125,343. OPFICKR8 M. RRYNOLDS. President ce I'rcsldcnt JOUX 11. WASHBURN, Ass't Caahicr csldpnt HARVEY C. VKllSON, Ass't Cashier President <JK«>- B, SMITH. Asst Cashtcr W1LBBR HATTERY. Ant Cashier •tamks R. CHAPMAN. Vice President ft,/l^^^I^^RT^LV^hW WM. T. tentlCKNBR. Vice President IMX NOn^A^^fcishler NATHANIBb R. LOSCH. Cashier n. UKnmg A.^ksSNl^KSuhier_____ ^omfceToii* J...OCDEN ARMOUR FRANK H1BBJLKD HERUBKT F. PERKINS Vice Iiresufrnt Iliiihard, Spen- Divlsloti Matiaecr Intstte* tirifii»l'.narvft;lcr Co. EOWIN A. POTOatr\, Fnitner President -Asienew Trust and SaTinss RtslC Hincs ,«. it: Co.: ALEX. ROBERTSON Vic-* President. President A ttncnr ft AIjEXANDER P. BANKS f*1-- fiTtiftt'i'cer Pmitleut E.. J. & K. R. It. EDWARD IIIXRS Co.' Prcsiilent Bdnsid JOHN C. BLACK Lumber Company. ^SStaalgS! Contln«t,,, HALE!HOU>«N WILLIAM H.REHM^ ciABiS?w»nmw w^iA3^^BKBgLtYtCa' .^^o0ITEvnCS>s KUUKVK J. BUPPINGTON EDWARD S. T^ACEY 'SHif^ K' SPy"! m& Prcslrlent Illinou Steel Com- Former Praaident Bankers' ^aKIHalBf*^! f W "^CHALMERS RTCHARd'c^LAKE Slsmrfacturer. Iietiretl. ****** ALFRED COWLES DAVID K. LKWI9 President ItUllo Company. Vit-e I'rcsirter.t. '^F* £_fi^** roStott'^wwv JAMES W. STEVENS EO^A^rcUDAHY ^S^^^irUm ^fflS& "*"-- l^onn%% ^dahy *-*« EASES' M^EA°dH ROBT. J. DUNHAM Treayucr Franklin MseVeagfa - Prcs. Montnomery W« Vice PicsMeut Armour4 Com- iririiiu rr «..«.«... ____ rany. ■ _ tH»i^M R M DOBL RALPH VAN VECB1 Al.bKRT J. EAIHJNO JSS&* r, «.»r«r«r, V,ofi »'«««l<»e«t President C, M. ft St. P. BOB1y*T1 H. M'ELWEE 1IKUMAN WAJ.DKCK By. Co. »"•«■••«• Vnvricnt Slduwninee Blrcr VioeTPrts&nt,r i UKUXAHJ) A. ECKIIART „ i',w^,»N^2n'- CHARLES H. WEAVER JtANPIS A. HAnDY-----------J w mSSI°2 fw'. ~~~~~ £aSflie?lt.^ Pa""Minn. thnirmnn llnnnl of Directors - j^UKD H Ttfil.t TgttV MtLTON H. WILSON -Tcodrlci Conusor. ^«5^ rtttttorfe? ttUHfeCfi *•<****** w»«« »««»«. * Co. ____ EDWARD P. BUBSELIV Hibernian Rn<«etl. Brewster * Co. CHARLES H. THORNM,; Ijt'itfTfflW l«7M L2Ls- flwtogil eler, eo (hat have your price*, V\"e eiio moods. Watches; M.A. ferft AmricM Lena Pis eo Telephone WnHareUiIti r holiday gifts andJ less than wholesale] assortment of Dia» of BiawU JefUn] t Slrtsl, Cskii intra! ©121 Subscribe for The Lake Share N<

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