Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1914, p. 2

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I £ =as THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 80,1914. EttS 1 'ITMJ.II ava SES Social Happenings in Witmette One of the most delightful lunch* eons of tu« whhiuu was given last Friday at St. Augustine's Episcopal ':■ church under the auspices of the Woman's association. Covers were laid for nearly sixty guests, the larg- est number to he served" there; for some time. Mrs. Albert E. Barber was in charge of the affair* assisted by Mesdames Albert W. Noyau. Philip Huguenln, R. F. Davis, Mis» Welnend and Miss Brent. The tables were all very prettily decorated with flowers of various sorts, and large flags were ' draped about the room, making it look exceedingly fine. A combined business "and social meeting followed, opened by Father Bazett Jones. Mrs. Lamp- man of Evanston gave an interesting talk on the "United Charities," fol- lowed by two piano duets by j Mesdames Fullerton and Wrigley, and ; charge of the program c a number of readings by Miss'Burgess *j>f the Northwestern School of Ora*, tory. The association la diligently •:working on articles to be for sale at -their annual holiday bazaar, to be held on Tuesday .afternoon and evening, December 1. {Thursday afternoon at^hs home of Mrs. lr» Jones, 5Sl Washington ave- nue. the Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club will be entertained by Mrs. C. C. Renneckar at her home, 1028 Eleventh ■treat ii i , i i,i . ■ i ■ ■ = Personal me,nmm of Witmette Folk ass There was a card party last Satur- day evening at the Oullmette Country club. Mrs. Charles McCue will give a small Hallowe'en party tomorrow aft- ernoon for her little daughter, Marga- ret, at her home, 63* Washington avenue. This evening at the Hotel La Salle a banquet followed by a dance will be! Mjr. Thomas Hall has gone to Lake given by the Railway Electrical Engl- j Marie, Wis., oh a short hunting trip, neera. This will close their annus!: Mrs. Percy W. Andrews. 411 Lake exhibition, which has been in session avenue. Is giving an informal luncheon all week at the hotel. Among those j today. who attended from Wilmette were Mr.'; Mr. an(i Mrs. Bruce B. Powell. 908 and Mrs. B. Franklin Bllsland of Elm- Ashland avenue, are In Madison, Wis., wood, avenue. < this week. The Wilmette Methodist church held I Mr. and Mrs. John D. Couffer, 903 their annual Harvest Home dinner '" j Lake avenue, are visiting in the east the church parlors last evening.. The this week. decorations were of the customstry sort jfe. and Mrs.. William Welsh have for such parties. The committee in I gone to Ashland, Wis., on an extended of hunting trip. Mesdames Frank T. Cutler, Pearsons Mrs. Grpver, 725 Tenth street, is and Harper, who Succeeded in produc- visiting among relatives and friends ing some" very clever things through in Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, S26 afternoon, Nov. 7, from 4 until 7, at; Washington avenue, returned Satur- the Blackatone hotel. This will bej day from a four weeks' visit la New: Miss Owsley's formal debut. York. I The annual benefit for the Orove j Mr. and Mrs. George Bird, 510 House for Convalescents in Evanston ; Washington avenue, returned Monday: was given in the theater of the Win- from a month's visit in southern Call-; netka Woman's club Wednesday eve-1 fornia. | ntng. Mrs. Fletcher Dobyhs, accom- j Mr. and Mrs. Barton B. Buckman panied by Edgar Nelson at the piano, | gav« a dinner party Friday evening \ rendered a group of songs, and a group ' of Grecian dances was given by the noted Sparta dancers, Athena and 1 Vasiieios Kaneilos. Mrs. John J. Llndman, 8G9 Pine ave- j avenue. at their home, 72ti Laurel Covers were, laid for ten. After an extended visit at the home Of Mrs. R. W. Jordan, 1817 Elm wood avenue. Miss Nellie Houston left last ?«*• Ww"?tk?' wl» entertain a num- her of north shore ladles at cards this local talent. , . The Ep*orth league of the Metho- dist church will give a Hallowe'en so- cial in the church parlors this evening. the Sunday school will give a Hal- lowe'en party tomorrow evening at St. Augustine's church. Mr. G. K. Fernald, 811 Forest ave- ¥ Mrs. John Segsworth of 1147 Wil- mette avenue entertained a number of her neighbors at cards last Friday i afternoon,'in honor of /Mrs. Alfred ^Rogersjtf New Mexico, a former-resl^ ^denT-bf Wilmette. The Cumnock School of Oratory gave a beach party last evening at the foot of Lake avenue. Last Monday afternoon and evening the Zeta Phi Eta sorority of Cumnock School of Oratory held their annual initiation at the house in Evanston. Eight new members/were taken into *the sorority, the Misses Bernlece Trade, a former New Trier student, nor/ making her home is Evanston, | Elsie Shields, Anne RadcHffe, Thelma * ttbbt, "Marie Keiiey, Golden Hart, Louise Neumaster and Eileen Mitchell. The annual banquet followed the ini- tiation. Mrs. Charles 8. Dingee was a lunch- eon hostess yesterday in honor of her mother, Mrs. William Panushka, who win leave the first of next week for the south. Covers were laid for twelve ladies. * The young people's meeting of the Baptist church at the Woman's Club building, Sunday evening, will be in charge of a company of Northwestern university girls, who were in attend- ance at the Lake Geneva conference last summer. A hearty welcome will be given to all young people who de- sire to attend. One week from next Mr. and Mrs- Loni" A Clerk gs^ t» :""■■ hM returned from an eTfendert card party Wednesday evening at their vacation spent to Malue. home, 716 Lake avenue. Military j Mrs. H, A. Pobe, 910 Lake avenue, euchre was plaVed. There were:Is visiting in Cleveland, O., at the twelve tables. hojne other sister, Mfs. ©Age. Mr. and Nta David Forsyth Ander-1 »»". Fred G. White. 1021 Central ave- son entertained twelve of, their friends | nue, was called tb_New York Monday. at dinner last Monday evening at their i evening by the death of his uncle, home. 300 Chestnut avenue. Later the ! Mrs. William Panushka, 1041 Forest party went over to the Oullmette {avenue, will leafe Tuesday for the Country club and danced. A second south, where she tftilspend the winter. dinner party will be given this eve-1 -Mr. C. C. Carnaaant 700 Central av*- Friday to spend the winter in Minne- apolis, Minn. At their- home. G33 Forest avenue, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson Casse will give a harvest dinner preceding the afternoon. There will be eight tables. Differentiate Blood Spots. Medical jurists had until recently no dance, at the Ouihnette Country club! certain means of distinguishing the tomorrow evening. j blood of a man from that of, say, a Word has been received of the mar- do*- Research, however, has evolved riage of Rev. W. C. CleworJh. former pastor of the Wilmette Methodist church, which took place three weeks ago in Clinton, Hi. Rev. Cleworth is now located at Tama, la. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Collins Walters (Miss Caroline Lusted) have returned from an extended honeymoon in the east, and are how making their home in Chicago, until their bungalow at Park Ridge incompleted. The Pi Beta Phi sorority of North- western university wpre delightfully entertained at the home of Miss Dor a new and most subtle process where- by, in the case of fresh blood, at any rate, absolute differentiation can now be achieved. Your Earnings WHAT becomes of the money you earn? Is H frittered Jiway in items you .cannot re- member? tan you look back upon your expen- ditures and see how many were iainecessary ? Can you add these unnecessary items together and see what a swelling total they make? Put your earnings m the bank. Your checks will form a perfect refcord ami a receipt for every payment. You will then see vttbert? tlj|efgrffl^^sf-^crti wilr spend less and save ihpre. * WILMETTE fcX?i BANK Inexpensive Joy. The amount of Joy In one's Hfe It not at all dependent upon the amount of money one spends. A man can get Just as much fun, for Instance, out of lying about the height of his tomato 1 plants as he can out of pursuing the | same course with respect to his mile - . othy Cody on Greenwood avenue last Friday evening. The party was given for the freshmen pledges, of which there are twenty-two. A life long.romance was,brought to a climax on Tuesday, October 20, when Mrs. Sarah Vandeburg, age 76, was united in "marriage to Mr. Ran- dolph Grimes, age 77 years. In Chi- j cago. After the ceremony the bridal! couple returned to the home of the! age par gallon of gasoline. ningat their home, when twelve other Jnue, left Monday evening for aje*brides' daughter, Mrs. Clarence A. _ . ■ . ... . - ■.'....,_.. ' /looc' tvtn t« Matt T.alfa fM#v -- ... -_„ >jl. friends will he-entertained. The members of the North. Shore Golf club will be entertained with a Can dinner this evening at the Wit- mette Woman's club,' The Oullmette Dancing club will hold their next, party oh Saturday eve- ning, Nov. 7, at the Woman's club. The wedding of Miss Mary Cecilia llaskamp. daughter of Mr. N. A. Has- days' business trip to Salt Lake City. Mr. David Forsyth Anderson, 900 Chestnut street, will leave this eve- ning on a business trip to California. Miss Berta Bowers of Ashland, O., h a guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. BOy E. Bowers, 1024 Eleventh street. Mrs. P. D. Rathbone and Mr. E. B. Ilathbone. 710 Central avenue, have returned from a month's visit in Call- kamp of 2010 Ridge avenue, Evanston, to Joseph John Kutten, son of Mr. and ; fornia. Mrs. Frank Kutten, 1104 Lake avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. White, 1021 was solemnised Wednesday morning Central avenue, returned Sunday eve- nt 9:30 o'clock, at St. Xavier's church, j ntng from a week's visit in Indianapo- Father Shannon reading the service, lis, Ind. Miss MInffeue Haskamp, a sister of j Mrs. Edward Shaw of Portland, the bride, was maid of honor, and the j Ore., was the guest last week of Mr. Everett Allen, 518 end Mrs. David Forest avenae. Mr*. E. C. Sharps of Rock Island, 111., its the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hope groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Frank Kutten, Jr. The bride wore a gown of ivory satin charmeuBe. with pearl and Chantilly lace trimmings, and a lace cap from which hung the .Thompson of 200 Firth street, for long tulle veil. About her neck was a j few days this week. beautiful rope of -pearls and she car- j ; Mrs. A. A, Rogers of New Mexico, Sunday, November 8, there will be an j tied a shower bouquet of bridal"roses a resident of this village Up to three Installation service of the new officers,! »nd lilies of the valley. Her attendant years ago, Is visiting among her old conducted by thA py«t/»r Tb>F vr wore ._ye»oW satis chgrmeusf. made j friends here this week. y P. U. society was organised a month I *W » -"Wf0 ot.-yWo* *«* marqui-, Master ChgrJas Carroll Lord, son ago and starts off with great enthu-1 »ette and a vestette of Venetian lace. | Mr. ^ Mrs. Charles E. Lord, 515 siasm. The devotional meetings held ^er bouquet of yellow chrysanthe-, Central avenue, is rapidly improving every Sunday evening at 8:15 are well «">»« completed the costume. The h-pm a four weeks' Illness. planned, well attended and very help- church w»* v?^ S^ ^^h^ ^ Md Mrs- H'K Snlder' 7S0 I in green and white, and the home j Washington avenue, returned last Mrs Georae C Gardner entertained I f^nt^ wh«re-a Ia*«« .^^J10" I week trom a three weeks' trip to New Mrs. George c. uaraner entertdineu foilowed tne ceremony, were iu yellow. York .-^ K„w jftP(tftV fourteen of her friends at luncheon on After an extend<5d trip through ^W^-^Sa A ^^Klasirorth lid Monday-arher^ome. 716 Central sve-f,6uttl Mr. and Mrs. Kutten will make j L#» $**£• ^gSSLmSm Q) Hansen Photo Studio ENLARGINGS and FRAMING _-___PHOTOGRAPHS Room 29, Brown Building, WILMETTE, ILL. Coot* and have your Xma$ photo taken Randall, 1231 Gregory avenue. Hi.....MIIIHIIIIIMH* in Winnetka Geo. S, Miller & Cor ARTtSTtC DECORATING All orders will receive urompt -' Attention. Work guaranteed. It years In Wilmette P. 0.Box 22 noe. ! their home'at 915 Eleventh street, Mr. and Mrs. Justin L.9Bray of A1-! Wilmette • are visiting in the east this week, stop- ! ping at New York and' Boston. bany. Ore., announce the engagement Mrs. Philip A. Grau will entertain, Mfr an<j Mrs George H. Bird and of their daughter. Adelaide, to Mr. j the Fortnightly club at luncheon Motf ; £amj,y of 510 Washington avenue, will Henry S. Atkins of Wilmette. TbeJ day afternoon at her residence. 925' r^afn th|(| week Uom iyfo Months- wedding wRI fake place in December. J Elm wood avenue. ________ vacation in southern California. " • ' " .....,"■--'.- " \ Mrs. Von Dehrcn and daughter, Miss next meeting at Che honie of Mte» ', Marguerite,.; of Burlington. la., are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelling, Jr., an- nounce the birth of a son Wednesday, Oct. 14. Mrs. Augustus C. Magnus, 650 Sheri- dan road, entertained at dinner last Tuesday evening. , . Mrs. John J. Lindman will entertain at auction bridge this afternoon at her home, 809 Pine avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Vincent haVe rented their town house and have taken' Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Callahan's; house at 095 iWnroTn avenue. ~ Mrs. Henry ^mith entertained at a tea Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Theodore H. Lamprccht of New York. " ijiiii" rii>ii|w rfnjfifii nun Mm T'H'i A. Rogers returned- today from-.-Pes4- Molnes, la.. wl|ete they went as dole-! gates to the annual meeting of the j Woman's Board of-Missions of the In- j terlor. Mrs. P. Weatworth Bradstreet, 5001 Sheridan road, gave a reception last! week in honor of Miss Bessie "Toyt and Miss Ruth Bradstreet, whose en- gagements have recently been an- nounced. | ". ^'Mrsi 1 George* Knox Owsley, 720 Prospect avenue, Mrs. Heaton Owsley and Miss Georgiana Owsley have in- sued invitations for a tea Saturday Our materials for the fall and win- I ter season of 1914-15 are now here and ! we cordially invite you to call and in- | spect same. We guarantee our work. ■MMMMMa-NMMM We offer extra fine long stem roses, all our own growing, at WHOLESALE PRICES Killarney, White Killarney, Killarney Brilliant (new), Richmond Sunburst, 50c per dozen and np. Also carry a full line of everything in CUT FLOWERS. Funeral orders filled on short notice. Flowers for all occasions. Pyfer & Olsem, Greenhouses 162S Central Avenue _■____________ Railroad Avenue Tel. Wilmette 23 WM. KAPLAN I.ADIKS' AM> GENTS' TAIT.OIt 9S5 Railroad Am. HeO'ron Bldff. I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»e»»»o»»»ee Wilmette \ Societies and Clubs A meeting of the North End circle was held Monday afternoon at "the home of Mrs. WlllianiJB.^Hopkins. 1221 Ashland avenue, at one o'clock. The Reading circle met Monday af- ternoon with Mrs. A. J. Coburn, 400 Eighth street. The neat meeting of the Crescent circie will be held Tuesday afternoon, at the residence of Mrs. Herbert W. Caldwell, 930 Linden avenue. :'~ './ The Comanche Card club will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. J. King, on Forest avenue. The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club met this week with Mrs. Parsons at her home, 710 Central avenue, i. The_ Young Ladles' ^uxiMary-of th«r Woman's club held a meeting last Monday afternoon in the club rooms. On next Monday at one o'clock there Brown, 798 Eleventh street. j guests at'the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. The^ regular Weekly dancing party B. Whitley, 727 Elm wood avenue. will take place on Tuesday evening at ; Mrs. Albert E. Barber of 621 Linden the Ouilmette Country club. .avenue-has been spending a few days tll^wilf4to&WmAogdstlne'a &ftf f™*\ "J Dr,*«J Mr8 J- w Episcopal church will meet at the par- Sh«ro *LI e '^"L1? f ,' T 'ish bouse nest Thursday evening at • Mm; "f0rr^ T^ ? * ,* ,7i30 o'clock. t,er oflk1\9 FiftJ 8trle«t •»?" * fcw _ • • - • days ldst week with relatives at f The East End,oircle of the Longro ; janeaTiHo and MHton junction. Wis. | gaticmal cbureb will meet Monday aft- Word ha8 been r6celv<,d frO0) Ml88 ; ernoon at the home of Mrs. Karl D. Ij0B,le (aunt of Re¥ and Mf8 HeaW King, 914 Greenwood avenue. j A meeting of the Music Study class ! was held Tuesday morning at the ; Woman's club followed by a most de- I Ilght/ul luncheon. The program of the .morning was in charge of Mrs. Flor- For BREAKFAST --w'*--^--■--*■» --Many \VitmftttA.Familieg have taken advantage of 5 our early morning delivery * Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in --Wax Paper-- Baking Co. H65 Wi'melte five. Tel. Wilmette 449 ----an ii,1 n the,)W< k, %/r will be a luncheon at the Oullmette i^Coimfry el^b- ttrH^e^oltoWfaizJ^^g^^lf; bridge, party. l _ A meet attractive program has been "A rooet interesting coprse of led-1[prepared for next Wednesday after- tures on. "The Bible" is being given noon at th£ .Woman's club, with Mrs exery .Tuesday afternoon at the Wil- inette Presbyterhtn chiirch;T Mrs. Ber- ry. president of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society, is the speaker. All the ladies of the village and their friends are cordially invited. I A party is to be given this evening for the young people of the Congre- gational church, iu Jors. The third of the dancing parties to formerly of St. Augustine's church), j that she luis arrived in Port Chester, j Mr.^and Mrs. J. G. Wray. «18 Wash- j iiiRton avenue, will spend the week- end in Madison, Wis. While there! they will wit'nesa the Ch|cago-Wi»con-j sin game. Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Moore, 1233 Elm wood avenue, had as their week-end! guest Mr. Ralph N. Van Zile, whose mother was formerly teacher in New j Arden Shore benefit to" be held' next Trier school. Monday at the Evanston Woman's Miss Helen Skinner, daughter of Mr. club. Mrs. George L. Martin, assisted Thomas Skinner. 1224 Forest avenue.; by Mesdames David ForSyth Anderson, has started a three years' course of j J. B. Marshall andTjrrank M. Barrett, gymnastic and fancy dancing with; is in charge of thlr feature of the bav. Mary-.Wood Hinman ence Butler Suite. The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained this week by Mrs. Edwin Drury on Kim wood avenue. k Two beautiful oriental rugs have been selected to be raflled off at the SPECIALISTS - AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ^v For Etsy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi Gab Service Night and Day J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette Cast Iron, 2E£"S-,, Can bu weldod ami rna.le strontt as new. Call up the icrican Welding Co. (Not Inc.) A. P. GHAHAM, Sfitr.! COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE.] Phone Wilmetta 1381 WUmcttC. Illinois ' i--------------------------------------------------------------------! HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Kenilworth. 111. Phones 1041-1042 mmm What You Save by Paying Cash for Your Meats represents a big interest on your moneys The goods we handle are the very best obtainable and our prices are rock bottom. LOOK AT THESE. PRICES: Per Pound Fancy Home-dressed Chickens___........ „ ..: .19c Leg of Lamb, very fine quality. *.s~;1..,,r..----- ...%Qc Bib Koast of Beef-^oar roasts aiways piease..:. 2©c Pork Roast..........19c Pork Chops........ .19c Porterhouse Steak--think of it, only............£8c ^Here's another-^Sirloin Steaks ™^-w^ ^^^^.-^24^ Round Steak................ ..... ........ 22c Steak, regular 17c___15c Shoulder Pot Roast......T77~ Shoulder Beef Stew........,,: . ............ 16c Loin of Lamb Chops, you know this price is low.28c Rib Lamb Chops........... ........... -. 25c Shoulder Lamb Chops___.....................20c Lamb gtew........................... .18c to 20c Leg Veal Roast...... Veal Steak........ Rib Veal Chops:.... Shoulder Veal Roast 25c 30c Loin Veal Roast. Loin Veal Chops i 23c 25c 23c -20c Veal Stew :...:........................ 16c and 20c Whole or Half Hams......___ ____.....■■ ,,T4|e Whole or Haif Strips of fiacon.T^T........... 27c Fresh Oysters, always on hand, per quart 40c J I Nil I iPQ 635 W. Railroad Ave. • e#0 lHaWWI^Jy 2nd Door South of Central Ave. Telephones 278 and 279 WILMETTE 5G1 Fir St.. „ Phone 675-L AUTO DOCTOR Will call, examine your car, give estimate and do work in your own garage. E. C. MELVINE WINNETKA Mrs. Prank S. Lower. 614 Hill street, i accompanied by her grandfather. Capt. j, C. C. littler, 1046 Linden avenue, left j this morning for a mouth's visit vith relatives in Montana Mr. and Mrs. C. AV. Pierce. !>20 Lin- den avenue, and Mrs. B. Q. Calloway and children, have returned from a month's outing at their summer home in Old Mission. Mich. Announcement is made of the birth JOHN A. BERGMAN Scientific Massage Medical Gymnastics Offlc* wtthPjT. Mw.Rooa I, Cm nJUW. II»«r». 12:SOtti 3:80 p. m. Ktttly Phone yfll. 0»-K«8j«ieiice 'freatiuentMMrm-HoiiM, l»hom» Vll. MB Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring I am plessed to announce that the very latest novelties in materials, de- signs and trimmings for the PALL Ok WINTER SEASON of 1914-1915 have arrived, and I herewith extend a cot^taTlnvitation to you to call and inspect same. By placing your orders early, before the busy season sets in, you will receive garments when desired/Trad thus avoid annoying disappointments. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting their continuance, I am for Best Quality, Correct Styles, Artistic Workmanship and Perfect Fit GEORGE J. EBER 1131 Groenleof Ave. Jamea A, ^Jirrtll ^ charge. "Nowa- days," a contemporaneous jfomeily by Qeorge Middleton, will be one of the features of the afternoon. Mrs. Joeepli J: Siddall will be at the piano and Miss Dorothy Meadows will giv« .several dramatic interpretations. The Town <-luh will giVe a dancing of a daughter, on Friday, Oct. 16, to the church par- party tomorrow**evening at the Wil- Mr. and 'Mrs. Wesley Killen of Chlca- mette Woman;*club. go. Mrs. Killen was formerly Miss The Linden Avenue Neighborhood.1 Edith Cross of this cifv le siren by the finance committee of j club met «Hst Monday afternoon at the Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Alexander., 730 At«^ w^taan's-^lMh-w4» take place on-i-hoP1-* of M»' Herbert*■M-aekle, 1007 LJgden--avenue, returned Saturday: i§tUUv evening, November 13, instead Linden avenue, r "** |morning from a weeks trip in the on the fourteenth as was an- Th<J Finance Committee of ^he east, stopping for^short.j^Uslln_Pitii:. woman's *Iub are planning -another burgh, and Cleveland, O. card party for Thursday afternoon. Mrs. E. H. Bronson. who has been November 12. ^ spending the summer with her daugh- TrTh* Catholic Wouiaw#jela$^ylli jlf ellerV Mrs.T C¥ariee--McCtte, Mir Wash^f 2831 Washington Boulevard, Chicajjo Wilmette Branch. Brown Bldg., Room 23 Strictly Ijlgh grade instructions C. \\. Erfjw.rcls, Piano. Kh-tm BmrwHarh voice. Erltu» K<-hi< r Marshall, Kxi.rcs- slon. Marlp Piano. .Viui others. Write or call for Information. ---- Now ts the Time To Plant Bulbs We are carrying a full line of shrubs, bulbs and perennials, We also trim hedges and trees Cut Flowers for All Occasions is wnmmmm 4X FLINT & SON 621 W. Railroad Ave. Telephone 1104 Wilmette. 111. Residence Phone 1110 p minced. The next meeting of the Central Avenae circle will be held next Friday St the ftotne of Mrs. ITenrv <T. f'doper. •7M'0***r»l avenue. Hm. Robert K. Ward. 1044 Ashland avenue, .Will, entertain the Friday ieen and Kfrjdge club today. • ie/'cluh was entertained nan si the heme of Mm. 7ttJ»irk avenue, circle will hold its its annual turkey dinner, with all the ington avenue, left last Friday to visit trimmings, and, Christmas sale on another daughter in Washington. Thursday. November IS. 'at the- Mrs. Albert O. Scheldenhelui ot Woman a club building. The con- \; Erie, Pa., left Tuesday for a visit mRtee in charge includes all the off! with relatives in Elgin, 111., and will cars and Mesdames Charles E. Lord,! return Sunday to join her husband. O. E Fouts. and Mrs. B. F. Kirtland. _ On Monday they will both leave for The Thursday club wlU meet next 1 their home in the east. Purity and Quality. First Made in Wilmette Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager Western Casket and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does not mean a Cheap Casket. It doet mean a Cheap imee.^ We^arry a line of Caskets ranging in prices from Ftygnfy-FiVg up to Three Hundred and Fifty Bottarsr^Thty are Caskets you will pay from Fifty to Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for any place else. We manufacture an of our own Caskets at our Own Factory, thus saving you from Thirty to Fifty Per Cent, WM. H. SCOTT t eight years with JLk Hsbhlffhw.tte) is gBsaageg and part owner of our Wilmette Store w*t wdl give his personal attention to every detail. <*We challenge a comparison of price*, and gaarantee first class service. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. Fkpnc^ Wilinette 280 WM. H. SCOTT, Manager 1 US Central Avenae

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