Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1914, p. 1

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Lake s VOL. V, NO. 81. Phone Wilmette 1610. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914. Room 2, Brown Building. PRICE FIVE CENT ENGOURAGING EXHIBITION BY Though Beaten 33 to 0 by Illinois Saturday, North- western Rooters See Hopeful Signs. CAME BACK STRONG Scored on at Will First Half Purple Holds Tight Dur- ing Second Period. Defeated by Illinois Saturday, 33 to 0, Northwestern made the most en- couraging showing of the season Though Murphy has a woefully green team, the former Yale star has In stilled a deal of football knowledge into the eleven. , The North Shore Channel •BY J. SEYMOUR CURREY- TWO STABBED COUNTRY DANCE TO BE KENILWORTH CLUB A school boy in one of Wilmette'a j great-drainage caaal-now entirely re- public schools once wrote a compos! tion on the Wilmette channel then about to be begun. This wise young philosopher ventured the prediction that "some day one could take c pleas- ure boat at Wilmette and ride in it to New Orleans." The boy's prophecy J its original course, was entirely correct, and the trip can j Junction at Lawrence be made just as he predicted, cow that the great work has been com- pleted and its navigation made pos- sible. versed, and water flows Into It from the lake. Instead of flowing out to- wards the lake, as it did when In Us natural condition. This does not ap- ply to-the--north" branch, however, which continues to flow, according to Avenue. The north branch above the point of junetion with the North Shore chan- nel at Lawrence avenue is an insig- nificant stream, except during periods of high water. Although its channel is spanned at some distance west of Bowmansvilla by a splendid viaduct, the stream itself in the present dry season is not more than two or three yards wide. At Lawrence avenue a conduit, built by the city of Chicago, The right of way for a channel ibu^ operated by the Sanitary district, through Wilmette and Evanston wasl°Pen8 into the nortn branch near the authorized by an ordinance passed by j cntflow- of the North Shore channel, the board of trustees of the Sanitary i ™a conduit Is sixteen feet in District of Chicago on Nov. 8, 1805. ] diameter and extends beneath the sur- The route chosen extended from ths j face of the street a distance of two intersection of Lawrence avenue in and a half miles troxa the lake to Chicago with the north branch of the the ri™T- Its current is maintained Chicago river to the shore of Lake bv pumping works placed at its Inter- section with the right of way of the We will here give a brief history of the enterprise by means of which the waters of Lake Michigan are led across the lands intervening between the .lake shore at Wilmette and the north branch of the Chicago river. Authorized by Ordinance. Michigan in Wilmette. The distance covered by this route is about eight and one-eighth miles. While it is often spoken of as the "Wilmette channel," its official designation is '•The North Shore Channel of the Chi- cago Sanitary District." Work on the GIVEN AT CLUB HOUSE Unique Affair To Be Given at the Country Club To- morrow Night. Bert Russell and John Han- kie Dangerously Wound? ed As aResult of the Encounter. BOTH ARE IN HOSPITAL One Suspect Was Arrested But Was Released on Bonds. In the first half the Purple appeared j channel was not actually begun, how to be "up in the air," owing to the ] ever, until September, 1907. after versatile attack hurled against them by-tbe-orange, and blue team. They were unable to come down to earth until the first half was ended and the downstaiers had piled up 33 points. Talk Helps Them. During the intermission Murphy and which time construction proceeded without serious interruption until its completion in November, 1910. As the lay of the land is not such as to permit of a "gravity flow" a bar- rier was erected near the Wilmette end cf the channel which provides a head of r.bout two feet of water. McDevItt pointed out their mistakes, i powerful pumps raise~tbe water from and when they came back in the sec-j^e iake }nto the channel beyond the end half they solved every play j barrier. The water flows thence Suppke's. squad hurled against them, with.the result that the Illini was held scoreless during the remainder of the game. The game indicated that if Murphy is allowed a free hand during his three year reign in Evanston he will turn be able to build up a team that will be ii credit to the institution._____________ towards the south until it discharges Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail- way, now used by the Northwestern Elevated railway. Overcame Stagnant Condition. In the construction of the North Shore channel one important purpose was to furnish the means of carrying off the drainage of the region through which it passes. The engineers say that the •primary purpose"* was to overcome the stagnant condition exist- ing in the north branch by supplying enough water to flush the stream. This is, in fact, the chief purpose of the Lawruice avenue" xrorfduli above described, end we now witness the i comfilete^u'ccBs of that part of the plan. But so far the purpose of the I channel in serving rss a drainage chan-j i\ci for the rcglun contagious to its As the result of a light .which la re- ported to have taken place between white men and negroes. which took i . a„^,» «»«-ht in or iu<-t out.(comers of the clubhouse, and idace late Sunday ntgnt. iu or jusi oui .... « ., L.,.1,-.,^'corn, doughnuts and lots of cldei side of a blind pl3in he ^5'*** bo served. Old fashioned dances. Tomorrow night is Hallowe'en, the night when ghosts are abroad; when j door bells ting, aparently without the assistance of human agencies; when I gates just naturally fall from their 1 hinges and are found next morning 1 several blocks away... Jacteb'-lSnterns, ! false faces, pranks, more or less harm- j Use, and bushels of fun are among [ the elements to be found in use al- ii most exclusively. The entertainment committee of the ; Ontlmette Country club has planned a uaique affair, which will*take the [form ot an. old-rashtoned^ country | dance. Overalls and jumpers for the j men, • unbonnets and aprons for the ladies will bo the dress of the eve- ning. Gnomes, kewpies, lanterns, pumpkins, corn stalks and autumn leaves win adoru the walls and fill the pop- w will such as the quadrille, polka, minuet and Virginia reel will be danced. FAVOR BREATION OF NEW PARK DISTRICT into the north branch, eventually * banks has cniy been partially ful< joining the current of the main drain- age channel by way of the south branch of the Chicago river. A lock, 130 feet long by C2 feet in width, is . built, alongside of the barrier for the cut a winning team: This year he is j convenience of boat navigation. The up-against it for lack of material, but cnannej js from 2C to 30 feet wide at I street, Asbury avenue, .Dewey avenue, next year, with a number of veterans j tne D0ttom, and the depth of water IslNoyea street and Payne street. All and some stars from this year's strong | j«^ feel The estimated cost of the J these, Except thfe last one mentioned, freshman team to choose from, he will cbannel, according to the engineer's, are old sewers ^diverted from their report of 1910, was §2,7C7,000. This j former courses, Warious plans are dnnft nr>t tTn»inrt0 the eos* fif ranking i nniW «nn. irltrutlnn) rif a r»mnrehr,n filled, though four years have elapsed since its completion. Less then one- Qucrter of the area lying in Evans- ton has as yet been made tributary to the channel. There are at the pres- ent time sewer outlets at Central known as "No Mans Laud," which lies immediately to the_Wfist of the boun- dary line'.of Evanstou and Wilmette, two white men, Bert Russell and John -Hankie, lie at death's door at the. Ev- jjiston hospital suffering from several ife or razor wounds inflicted by the with whom they were fighting. One colored man, a suspect, was■* laksn into custody _lion day. in VYik ■ inette by Constable Ruou, and was re- i leased on bonds of Sl.o'MJ signed' by one of his employers. • The police have no definite Informs I tion concerning the attack on the white men. despite tile fact thai..the J wounded men m u at the Kv-anstott hm>- pital. "It happened outside of the I ■city, so we have nothing to do with It." j was the enl.iehtcninsrer.mrk o^Con* ^^ ^^^ to p8rn,,e| the north channel of the drainage canal into First Step Towards Boule^ vard to Parallel Drain- age Canal. The first stop towards a "weat-to- The Purple eleven showed a line lighting--»apirti "Saturday, and every raan played for alT that was in him. This meant more to Murphy than the the necessary connections with Ev- anston's sewerage system. There arc three railroad bridges crossing the channel, besides twenty-two highway holding of the Illinois bunch scoreless J bridges at different points along its in the second half, for :t showe^ the j course. These bridges are not mov- ir,en could fight, even though they had {able structures such as those span- not shown the coaches before thalintng the main drainage channel, but they could. Macomber, the former Oak Park high school star, and former tearc- mate of Pete Russell, captain of tho Maroons! played a great game for Illinois. Single handed, on brilliant end runs, be scored the first three markers for the downstaters and as- sisted in each of the other touch downs. He gave one of the greatest aLhlbRJona of "r^" ^1* running seen have a clearance cf sixteen feet, sive character to chajngn-tho direction of all the existing sewers eo that they will flow Cowards tho channel, hut in a large part of the area toward^ the east the sewers run so low that pump- ing work3 will have to be installed at some point not yet determined to carry their contents -forward. What the ultimate .expenditure will amount mistioner of Public Safety of Evanston Monday morning According to north end residents it j > known for a oertalnty .whether] is no the attack look place In V&lmeUe-^or in tke_ territory known as "No Man's Land." The most diroef information comes rwiiont of WilwttO; "ho, in was taken last Tuesday, when the residents of the Ravenswood i, section of Chicago voted, at a special election. In. favor of the creation of a nw park t»st*4ct> tofcfa&ffi^&sjbe River Park district. :ci< vernation with a>»representative of Tho Mows Monday saidrv"About nine Tn.» new district is hounded on the ISSUES BULLETIN Dates for Lectures, Dramat- ics, Etc., Will Be An- nounced Later. The annual bulletin announcing the list of entertainments for the current year to be given by the Kenilworth club has been issued. Dates for lec- tures, motion pictures and dramatics will be announced later. The schedule is as follows: Friday, Oct. 23rd, dance. •'. t Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, cards. Friday. Nov. 27th, dance. ^Tuesday, Pec. 1st, smoker.. Tuesday, Dec. 15th, cards. . Tuesday, Dec. z*th. dance. Tuesdny^Js^J^th^moker. - Friday, Jan. 29th, dance. Tuesday, Feb. 8th, cards. Tuesday. March 2nd, smoker. Friday, April 9th, dance. The committees are: Committee on dancing--Mrs. Os- wald Lockett, Jr., chairman, Mrs. Karl Korrady, Mrs. F. E. Netllls, Jr.. Mrs. Grant Rldjfray, Mrs, S. Y, Ball. _/_._.:. Committee oh cards--Mrs., Iientley G. Met" loud, chairman. Mrs. San ford S> I lot den. Mrs. Mark'W. Cresap. Mrs. Louis T. Wilson, Mrs. C. K. Parmelee. Dramatic committee!--Miss Isabel I .nvi dale, chairman, Mrs. J. C. Murray. Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, Miss Marie Hasten, HzlJmolQ&- R^JQh»pja»JU-Jttr« Frank Tooftdgev Mr. John Vennema. ~~ Lecture committee--Mr. Frank M. Chaffee, chairman, Mr. James R. Chap- man, Mr. Grant RIdgwny. --Smoker c«^mittee-^4drrHeharte«-Tv Chandler, chairman, Mr. David j. Evans, Mr. Bdmond 11. Stevens, Mr. Frank R. Young, Mr. I^onis T. Wilson. Boat house commlttee^Dr. Henry M. Kverett, chairman, Mr. Charles' M. Armstrong. Mr. F, M. Hicks, Mr.~sVy, EVANSTON WILL HEAR SHERMA SPEAK TONIGHT Monstrous Republican Meet- ing Scheduled for To- night at Evanston Theater. j^_.^lS5K MACLEAN IS POPULAR Indications Are That Wil- mette Man Will Be Elected north by Devon avenue; on the east by Western avenue; oh the .south by on the Northwestern field since the days of Alton Johnson. Hightower Makes Sensational Run. Captain Hightower, though slowed r.p by injuries, played a fine game foi the Purple. His €7 yard run at the opening of the contest was easily the sensational feature of the game. Hat! he been afforded a little more in+er- IVrenc' ho never would have been stopped wntil he reached the goal line. That Murphy has taught his men the passing game was proved near the closo of the game when Ellis re- placed Shipley and immediately:, ex- ecuted three perfect forward passs-.' which advanced the yards and placed It on which allows of motor boat and barge j to ami ko# much of it will be neces- navigation. The spoil for a distance saTy for Evanston to provide is still of a mile and a half from the lake unknown, though it has been estl- was deposited on the lake shore dur- matcd that the cost will approach a ing the progress of the work forming minion of dollars. Since 1904, when a tract of made land of about thirty j Evanston began paying its proportion acres. It is hopod that this tract of 0j- Sanitary district taxes, the city has made land will eventually be used as paid $394,905, the amount of such a park when certain duestions re- taxes for 1913 amounting to $00,009. settled.--Tho whether Evanston's proportion of the unlock Sunday evening a white man ! Welmont avenue and on therwMt by the porch at l42!.fK*«*te avenue. A new park will be created in some section of that dls- gardlng the title are oil throughout the remainder of the I Sanitary district taxes thus paid will SP' course of the channel is pilad up on fts banks, which In time will be used up in the manufacture cf brick. The right of way is uniformly «60 feet In v.idth throughout its course. As the prism occupies on the surface about 135 feet^ there Is slill a margin of over" 500 feet"" which it is oftrn sug-. staggered up on Gregory avenue. Wilmette, in a dying condition. He was covered with blood from head to foot, and 1 understand hr. was stabbed in the breast by a ne- gro somewhere near Isabella and Fif- teenth street. Soon after the mah fell on the porch two negroes were seen running cut of the alley between Orcg j Wilmette. ory and Isabella street. They crossed I George W. Paullin, trustee of the over Fourteenth etreet. running j sanitary district, sayB that the plan Is toward the Evanston line. Klectric j quite feasible. "Our north shore chan- uireet HjcIUk ate very scarce in that [nei right of way^' soya Mr. Paullin. section, and, owing to the darkness, j "was purchased with that Idea In it was impossible to get a good de- j mind. There is space enough tor ' boulevardlng on both sides." trkt and the new park district com- missioners will co-operate with the West Park board and the sanitary dis- trict in building a boulevard system i along both banks of the ChicagorTiver • and the north shore drainage canal to gestod might be improved aa. a park though no dvfinite plans have as yet been made for doing bo. "Slidc3v Caused Trouble. The greatest difficulty met with in the construction of the channel was the occurrence of slides. "It has been oval over fifty! the history in the construction of all the Illinois canals of this kind," said president M- cntitle her to avoid such special out- lays as will be necessary to connect her system with the drainage channel is now a matter the determination of which is in course of adjustment be- tween the Sanitary district trustees i and the city of Evanston. Meantime the Sanitary district is Rail, Mr. M. L. Bell. Sports and pastimes committee--- Mr. F. E^NeJIisr Jr., chairman, Mr. Karl B. Korrady, Mr. M. W. Cresap, Mr. F. M. Hicks. Tennis contaattee--Mr. San ford 8. Holden. chairman., Mr. Joseph Allien Sears. Mr. Thomas W. Thackery, Mrs. Grant RIdgwny. Motion picture committee--Mr. Karl ff.~KorTady," chairman^ Mrj-Kwrjr-O^ Meagher, Mr. Mark W. Cresap, The officers and directors who havtr arranged this calendar: of'entertain- ment s for the current year are: James C Murray; president; Mark C. Cre- aap, vice-president; Chas. T. Chandler, treasurer; ;Beaiiey^Q. McCloud. ffcte- tary. Directors: Bruce V. Craudall, Percy B. Eckhart, Dr. Henry H. Everett, Sanford 8. Holden/ Kerry & Meagher, James II. Prentiss. This Is the last week of what prem- ises to be one of the most interesting and far-reaching political campaign* tlat has ever been presented in Cook county and the state of Illinois, where the Progressive party is fighting f.or its very existence, with the %bote national organization helping and look- ing on with an anxious eye. feel that victory in Illinois means ne>v lire and energy to-*fceTp*rty. while It k admitted that a serious reverse h this state spells disaster for the na- tional organisation. As Wilmette voters know, Law rence Y. Sherman, Roger Sullivan and Raymond Robins have been nominate'! by the Republican, Democraticr a»ff rrogrcssi-ve parties, respectively, fo^ the offi<:e of United States senator. Decause Evanston returned such a m^ mondously big Pronresslve vote to ibe national election in 1&12, Republican* acd Progressives alike are hghiing big battle there to secure votei Sherman and Robins. Robins ready nmde twn ^pssehea to audiences and Senator Sherm billed for a Wf meeting to be there tonight. The Evanston theater has been cured by the Republican club for ^JUk£l35Fi^':~u:'aw inference c* diawn from the ueuwndous ARDfiN SHORE WILL „ HOLD BENEFIT live yard line. A fumble and a stone- wall defense by Zifppke's eleven pre vented the Purple scoring. Iowa Comes Next. There will be no game tomorrow Ihe v,o\t game being with Iowa on • November 7, and it is believed that vith two weeks' intermission. North- western will give the Hawkeyes the hardest kind of a tussle when they clash on Northwestern field. Supporters of the Purple beiteve that Northwestern has "found itself" and will improve.rapidly. Comtek in his report Jot 1SUU "that slides have occurred where thn chan- nel has been dug through clay, in r.pite of every precaution that could be taken. It is imposfibl where these slides will occur, is Impossible to tell the reason of the slides in some cases, even afur they occur. Tho reason for these slides on the North Shore channel, as near aa ,can ha determined, is that th*re ; several stretches of very soft enlarging the field of the North Shore channel's usefulness by building a branch conduit along the shore of the lake, ultimately intended to reach the county line, the limits of the Sanitary district. This will be a covered con- duit and will serve the north shore towns as far as the district has the authority to operate. When it is 6om- pleted the waters of Lake Michigan along the north shore 'will be free from danger of sewer contamination a distance of about twenty-four miles to" foresee i from the mouth of the Chicago and it ivcr. i the next article we shall take the reader with us on an imaginary voyage down the north shore ch?>n nel following the huggc-rtion erven la the school hoi ,i exposition referred to at. the beginning of this article. In which an attempt' will bo made to pre scription of the men. -1'lghis a no drunken brawls have become so frc-: At the time when that right of way ouent in this territory of late that | was bought, Mr. Paullin. realizing that lathers are afruid to leave their fam- j some day the ' park districts woufa ilies at nlsht. There Is a blind pis la utilise both banks, fought for width, this district and the worst people froiaj" it presents," says Mr. .Paullin, "anr Evanston and Wilmette patronize if. Iopportunity for what would be the drinking and gambling. I understand rccuntry's most beautiful and most use- the stabbing affair was the result of j ful highway." rouble which arose in the blind pig.". ---------:----------------------r One of the wounded men was taken WESTMORELAND ELECTION. to the hospital before the Wilmette j The Westmoreland club held its an- police arrived and as tho other man ; nual 0|CCtton of officers and directors refused to talk, it was hard to get the gatUfday evening. Dinner was served particulars of the stabbing. It is said rt 6rS() ftnd ft musical program given that Russell has been in trouble be- by R ^^i^ quartet. These candidates fore, having been shot through the weTQ 0iected: lungs, in a shooting affray on Devon i. iVesident--Thomas H. Edily; • avenue a year or two ago. / j VMcc^pTegident-^-Willlam SrMason. -----------------------~*^--tv j Secretary.and treasurer--Charles N. AUXILIARY LEAGUE stevens, Directors--Three-year term, F. C. Stiles. Ger>rge W- Springer. Directors--One. year. Harold T. Gris- wold. Director--To fill unexpired term of William S. Mason, James 8. .Winn. Proceeds of Bazaar to Aid --Winter"•'Camp for Gon- valescents. OFFICIALS ELECTED there is shown for Sherman, every of the, 800 seats in the house will 6 flltod early In tho evening. O&her candi- dates for ceuuijf aiScei* will he pr-? ent to meet the Evanston people who care to becoma acquainted with tbe» after tho meeting la over, bu- Sherman will be the principal speaker and will take the platform promptly •* $ o'clock. He. will be lAtrodu*e4 Mr. Charles G. Dawes, who. In t sence of Mr. James A. Pattca. dent of the Republican club if ton, has been asked to preside* ____^--^^A-rPavartaa^Thsre.---- Senator Sherman, because of numerous appearances in Evan' and the hundreds tt personal ft Very Interesting Planned for Month. Program Next SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE. Richard Harding Davis' story of ad- venture and revolution. "Soldiers of Fortune." with Dustin Faraum in the leading role, will be shown at the Wil- mette theater on Thursday. November 12^ Dustin Farnum, who i3 one [stretches of very soft clay.; wbicb an attempt ^«» _--Tand now A junior auxiliary td the NprthlW"^ Wenty W thirty tc<* below jhe «cnt a clear Idea ^^2^,,,,* Store Catholic Woman's league has! time by » of the ground, which are not of wa «rs until iho, Jol ^ »to«* | bwn orKanizcd and meet3 at the Win.'^_ «S»t conSstehcy to Sustain the \t^t^SZ^l^S^ \^^ ^'°»ian'8 <:lub' °flSf«P8- ^ \t^SZ . . ,. __j .».., mt,torin\' ooints of interest a ion*, in- »*}• ___ . . . -.. .^.-- ^--,--Ai.t*... u..t.i iaecordto materia!' point often tw surface of sufficient material above it, and the taken from the channel which s •spoiled' upon the banks." It s gratifying to record that no accidents Involving lots of life occurred during the progress of the work. The power used by the pumps at "'/the'Wilmette end of the channel Is - 1 derived from the power plant of t IN WILMETTE MEN NEEDED BY GOVERNMENT Male stenographers and typewriters These appointments pay the ppointeo from $7f 16 flWFlWr" month. wero^leeted at ^h» first meeting n«a- , n f thoV cxaminaUons. A* early in the month, are. as follows., ™J*g™ia %£Z be reasonably Another benefit to be added to the list for the winter. t# the bsznar planned for the Arden Shore winter camp for convalescent men and boys, which will be held at tbe Evanston Woman's club from 2 until 10 o'clock. Monday. The basaar Is given under the direction of the chairman of the Arden Shore association from Evans- ton to Waukegau. of which Mrs* Rob. ert B. Gregory Is president. The various town chairmen are*. Mrs, E. L: Ui^ort, Waukegan; Mrs. C. E Pope. Lake Forest; Mrs. McGregor Adams, Highland Park; Mrs.. Waiter McNeill, Ravinja; Mrs. H. C Holloway. Oleu- coe: Mrs. S. S, Burnett. Wlnnetka; Mrs Ralph Fofwell, Kenilworth; Mrs; C. C. Mitchell, Wilmette. and Mrs. b. 1L Tennis, Evanston. Eiahorate plans are being perfected, and if carried to a successful Issue, tho bnsaar will be. one of the best j commissioner from the country oyer held in Evanston. Each town') tr|et will be etected. These m< will have a table or a concession -of j,wn, Bttsse. Joseph Cardan, candy, cakes, flowers or fancy work.ii>, Pterson^ GeorM A. MHb-r aa ChTtn<^s^wnt1Jerso^r onr two beautiful rtmm it Mac Lean, orinetal rugs under the direction of j" Protresalvas have already five Mrs. Oorge L. Martin. Th» flowers. j^p^ ^ alarting more than will be presided over by Mesdames! tnc|r county cdmmlsaioner o ha haa there. Is perhaps better and liked in that place than any ; man in public life today. Repabik and the hundreds of Progressives ; have said that they will vote for S wan rather than for Robins this 3 have eottvlncad the members or Republican club and of the local publican organisation that Sher and Robins will In all probabRF verse the big Roosevelt vote in It Is confidently predicted thi Sherman Vote this year wilt « between three and four tho while that of Raymond U avowed single taxer. and former S*' clalist Demoerat* w ill total less thsai one thousand votes. Th^ WiBwa >» »iw»d»--a^ care- ful canvass of all the country dlstrte comprising that part of Cook county not included in the city of CWeajB? and this canvass indicates that ,t five Republican candidat|es for count: ^•^^^^^^^^^^^'^:^MM DIPHTHERIA last Saturday. October 24, when Dor- j "^^ ^ ^tt^tf.,. re(:ordmg sccre. | principal cities of the United .States, othy Stevenson, the seven-yearKJld^^^, ^^ M,ga He,en FUzgeraid. treasurer. A m«»t interesting" meet- when Dor seven-year-old daughter ol Mr. and_»Irs. Edwin O.I1 522 Central avenue, fell I Thomas Knox and I. Parker Go? ing. and the cakes^ by Ml*'"' Charie* A Wanner. Tea "and sandwiches will bo served, and there will be dancing In sthe lower ball roow both In tlnafternoon and evening. This MtJfeJ&JfeJtaird. m who admittedly has inade a1 ord as county*:^ i;oms»is«tener the two years' term whteh is n< closing. For constructive work on « conntr board, however. Mr. Stevenson, America's foremost portrayer of west-; . , . t t ocknort, carried by cables; with diphtheria ____.____-...____;_____i. ill. nWnM °,8lrl" ^ ' .. ___.- _ ,i;..,,.rn ,__■-_ ..vAn *n Every precaution Is loftv' masts a distance j brfng taken to prevent the spreading ing has been- planned for thy next „ month, to be held on Saturday. Nov. em character, appears In this picture T ted ou i0ftv mants a distance j being taken to prevent the spreamng^ A feature of 0ie afternoou win be as RoberTciay, a young American j ■« fi£ty mUe3 from thc piaCe where 6X the disease, and, as the 5'»un<>Ja^jJ:Ca^^ ining- englnfwr- In South America. \ J™ M^„tttl,^1i--Tim_watrr--pump<4;has not .been attending aehool. Ilcaltn | ^^--^^ppcfc school of Oratory, and lions may he-filed with the commission at Washington at any time. ^ .|fc is gencian The pictnre was taken with the aidj • channel will create a current j commissioner Moore is of the opinion and co-operation of the U. S. navy and Cuban army. Anyone who likes action romance in a moving-picture will j [ lilie^ "Soldiers of Fortune." Bgaiflwft PflTION. -••••_■ John N. Pappajbhn. who has been connected with Munier Bros, for sev- eral months, has resigned his position and left last Monday for a month's va- cation before commencing his new work as department manager of a ■wholesale candy firm in Chisago. aerate velocity sufficient to dilute j that thereJs but aiight^ngej^orsuch tii» m-waeje flowing Into it and alwn tftja contingency assist^hc Mj»sb'»-' CU4* ™^^" ncrtit branch on its way towards Uw 1. Of course, it piano solos rendered by Miss Wlnnl-jthw parlors~ of the Congregattphal | Mrs. C. C MRcholl, -- ffetTGRlespJe:-------------^--'"" ."':""'------IchurcfiT T^eTndles assisting will be: f Bon* it, ! PARENTS' CLUB TO MEET, iai. d. Ol course. .! A meeting of the Parents' club of the lust bo understood that the Chicago LoBan school bes beon announced for ri^/thronghout its main branclr and, Monday afternoon in thc kindergarten «? J £ branch have b£en changed room of the schooL Mr. John R. Har- to ti to2S^ off now .to a directiy per, snperintendent of the Wilmette i u ^«r«n frdm that it original-1 public schools, will-explain the "Men- ?v ^llnTsUteT^c. The cur- ussoH Methods." Special music will Ltof the Sc«o river is in conseV supplied by Mis* Grace Duller oi quoace of the construction of the Chicago. There will be a small admission t<jirecord is not as brilliant as that? ■ tbe clubhouse, which paid in the after- ? Wm. Busse, who ftns also servi Uioon win give the privilege'of return-1nnmber of years on the County b ling later. A special InvRatioa is ex-|tiit y«*» past and who b> now a « j tended to the young people,, and i didate for re election. PeHgbtful time Is promised. Harmony Rules a*s*sme. -The-^M»ss*tt«e iak^argfr-consist* n- glving a "Savoy" luncheon today lu;of Mrs. O. » ,p-- •* «* K«»-*»n.: "8AVOV* LUNCHEON TODAY. .--The-WaBhlngtoa^ Avenue-circle arg| Tennis of Evanston.. Mrs M Frank IfoUowing a decision of jflj^^rTharA a " Mrs. Arthur Hogman, cttairman BOGUS CHECKS PASSEDj? : Mesdames George, A Mr. Alex Harris, who keeps a Store jdore Breyer, B. F. Brown to North Evanston. reports to the pp.'j w. H. K. Snider, Georg. lice that he cashed a worthless check j Croaaley, James C for %V) for a man who has been hang- i J« «». W, * ing around his idaee for the past week. According to the report* ra- caived-4»y the-police, an attempt was also made to cash a worthless check for $15 at Lord's on Saturday. em'<;. Muiford. Mrs. William MahaWMrs:!**»*^'^SSS^SL King. WiUlam Norton, John R. Cochran. Mr» D. F. Afflck. ;JJj *;*** ^± Nourao. A. K, Petrle, A. B. Sdbold^rp. Porcy B, Ml«tV HBL.E. L. Flta-«»«« »eJ2 Georgo Upsoa, AlFrsd B. Wilson.-A. W. Wiggles worth. Slla Williams. J. G. William Montgomery. Mrs. M. Smith, Mrs. Harrr Bnow, Mrs. H Whitman. l (Centtwjwl «» Wray, M G. Gibson, and the Miones Abbey King and Gibson. Randolph, Mrs, Robert H Moor*.Mrs.jJ^8^T^^ y of th* board.

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