THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, JER». Itl4. Mimic OUR LIVES Least, this Is Prof. Sanford Said to Clubwomen. Member* of the home department of tli* Rvanitos Woman's e'.ub w<»s tc!4 Tuesday afternoon to furntah their home* with* more pictures. It wa» the first meeting of the department held this year. Prof. Maria Sanford, who has held the chair of English In the University of Minnesota for twen- ty-nine years, addressed the club on "The Influence of Good Art aad Good Literature Upon Character." Miss Sanford said that oar lives are un consciously moulded by our dally as- sociation with pictures and music. "I know a woman who itss five sons," she said. All of those boys have became sailors, when I asked the hanging above the piano in their home Is a beautiful painting of a ship at sea la a terrible storm. 'The boys hare all admired the bravery and courage needed for a sailor's life. Hence their choice.* "We should make better use of our opportunity to See the<' beautiful things of the world through photo- graphs. Those who have the means to do so should study the arts in col- lege and. also by travel. Those who ire not*as well off should study art through nature. Bring art into your bomjfa in the form of pictures and music: 'l«t your children have the advantages gained through love of ; Read poetry. It will teach you hoM to live, it is cheering, amusing, and advises us. When I was a child my mother taught me hymns and poetry. All my life I have been thank- ful for It. Give your children poetry and good literature to read." Music was furnished by the Misses Olive Rice end Margaret Losler. Mrs. John Scbarff and Mrs. Hiram Decker were hostesses for the after- noon. 'The next meeting of the home de- partment will be held Nov. 10, «*•»/ U' SUifessea, Wt. S^B.fts*will iddress the Club Oh "Dangerous or fraudulent Patent Medicines." Mr. Warren Is connected with the chem leal laboratory of the American Medical association Isiss Sanford addressed the senior class of the high seheor-fa the morning. She told them that if they would seek high positions in life they must be ever alert/ "See, hear, re member," is her-maxim. "The 15- |ptr-pld boy who remembers vividly •very detail connected with a street accident aad can testify clearly In court Is worth-many times as much to the state for a witness as Is an- other who Is not quite sure of every- thing. Cigarette smokers rapidly re- duce their ability to think clearly. I know a man who learned to smoke cigarettes when he was in his sopho- more year at college. His progenitors were all healthy people. This man rose to a high position In a few years after ha had rnmnlfttod hl« college course. When an over-abundance of The Oak Leaf Circle will meet Moo asy evening with Miss Adelaide Har vey. The Monday Reading club met las' week w*b Mrs. Chester Addison Bush, 2810 Harrison street. Mr. aad Mrs. Henry A. Apps will eaterSsM. ifes- members of their card club this- evening at their home, 1815 Harrison street There will be four tables. Mr. and Mia. Thomas Sekepe or East St. Louis, 111., announce the mar- riage of their daughter. Josephine Charlotte, to John Phelps Wagnei, son of Mr, and Mrs. Hugo Carl Wag- ner of Evanston on the evening of Wednesday. Oct. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearsons, ills' Chicago avenue, have presented St Luke's church with a block of marble from Mar's Hill, which will be placed in the sanctuary of the new church. Mar's Hill is where St. Paul stood at Athens .to preach his sermon to the worshippers of the "unknown God." Virginia Mia. UNCLAIMED MAIL. J. O. Berqulst, rT- «. Dark- R. P. Crane. B. P. Clymer, Addle BBsworth, Miss B. Kirk, S. D. Lindsay, W. C. Lob. Mrs. J. K. Ms* colm. & P. Merchant, Maggie Romans, K. R. Seksmrts, Mrs. & E. Schwsrts, Ellen A. Sexton, Jan. A Sexton, G. M. Sexton, Herbert Vaoderhoot A. B. Wbltcomb, Jr. Unless this mail is called for before Oct. 86th It will be sent to the dead T. < CTM WmthroB) avenue, Publlahor. The Bo Company. 5SS Stria Owners: A. BL Bowman, 14#8 Chi- STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCU- LATivn, ETC. of The Lake Shore News, published weekly at Wllmette, 111., required by the Act of August 24, If IS. Editor. T. 43. Ferguson, 5702 Win- throp avenue. Chicago. Managing Editor, T. C. Ferguson. 5702 Wlnthrop avenue, Chicago. c. Wool st Davidson, 822 Hinmaa » Known and other security holders, holding 1 cent or more of total amount of or other securities: J. A. Patten. Ridge avenue and Lake street, Bvaaat)eav BX; C Ck Dawes, a road Sjevd Greenwood boule- vard. Evanstoo, 111.; H. H. C. Miller 1707 Hfnman avenue, Evans- ton, DL; Q. P. Bowman, GrayviUe, BL; P. O. Meagher. First National Bank building. Chicago. 111.; Central Trust 12S West Monroe street. Chicago, DL; Bermlnghsm & Seaman, PMtffSwiBras. i «•»J . ',r 1522 Sherman Avs the Condition of Lake Water Pollution of Lakfj Water by Sewerage it the subject of much discussion. Authorities agree that LAKE WATER is unfit for drinking purposes. WHAT IS THE REMEDY? ORDER AT ONCE CORINNIS WAUKESHA WATER-ALWAYS PURE AND HEALTHFUL HINCKLEY & SCHMITT, Inc. Telephone Evanstoo 960 Distributor* Merrell, niece of Mr, Frank MerreQ, 1404 Ridge avenue, and George Henry Foster, son of Mr. sad*' Mrs. George Alfred Foster. 1922 Sheridan road, took place Monday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. ,Tho ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. Timothy Prescott Frost, in the Methodist church. The bride was unattended. Mr. James Hayes attended, the groom as best man. and the ushers were Messrs. John a. Burg. John D. Hubbard, Har- old-Clarke and Fred B. Merrell. The young couple will make their home In Brwin, Va, :..; pa*. 31st Anniversary Sale-0ct.21 to 24 Only Incentive to Good Work. Good work Is never done for hatred. any more than for hire--hut for love only.--Rai Thirty-one years of strict adherence to one policy, The Best Merchandise at the Lowest Prices," have been rewarded by the; faithful patronage of thousands of resi- dents of this community. We nave planned this Anniversary Sale to declare in facts and figures our feelings upon this, our 31st anniversary. We are placing a wealth of new Autumn Merchandise on sale at prices that will give convincing proof of why this store has grown to its present proportions. 31st ANNIVERSARY SALE, WED., OCT. 21st TO SAT., OCT. 84th Rosenbergs |»»T»t».........!.....HlHIHIIHUHUHHllltHllirri Spool Cotton Clark's and Coates' best 200 yard machine thread, black and white, all numbers. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 6SPOOLSFOR ■ ; . "- . "■ Women's Silk Petticoats 4 95 Silk Messaline Petticoats, flounce pleated sod fluted in most at- tractive style, black and colors. A truly remarkable offering of a superior silk petticoat, value $2.95. Anniversary Sale Price, . work was pressed upon him he .broke do-a. lie war unable to concentrate on his work. 80 the position was .{given to another man. I can see no cause for his Inability to meet the mental strain other than his addiction to tobacco." ¥tm RULES GIVE UNRULY STUDENTS r ------ Proposed rules for unruly and bois- terous students who disturb the sleep and study honrs of their college mates ■were discussed at the first meeting oj the Quad Council Monday after- noon at the business office of the uni- versity. Representatives of all the fraternities and dormitories on th* campus were present. Mr. Dyche gave each member a copy of directions for the water, heat, and lighting systems so that in case of trouble in the wee sma' hours of the morning It would not be necessary to. root the superintendent of the build- ings out of bed. The danger of letting waste -papers |accumumlate In the basement was then brought up and Mr. Dyche gave the report of an insur- ance inspector which showed that the flre risk .of the buildings was increased by this carelessness. Another improvement for the uppei time believing the county should pay as good wages for services rendered as do the private individuals or corpora- tions, whether It be for. the work of the htimble scrub woman or the head of a department, and frankly admits be has very little uso for that brand ofy^ffice holder who in the interest of ^-retrenchment and reform believes In reducing every one's salary except his own. ' -;:"•' "';■' ^nue-whteb will be^ommenced la | a,^Tw^5^g m£ ^*%*?EE a chort time is a driveway, running from the north gate at Engineering jkaU past the quadrangles to Lincoln street. The sidewalk which now ends $i the Sig Alph house will be extended to Lincoln street, this road to he paved very shortly^--------------------- Efficient plans for taking care of the rul/bish from the buildings without the usual aastgbtllnesa were made and ise adopted in the near future ■ council plans to meet every tew at which times questions of Interest to the quadrangle will be brought np. Arthur H. Furlong, Democratic can- didate for county coramisTHoner for a product of the grammar and high schools ofthe county, born in Chicago, Dee. 16, im, and at an early age he moved td Oaar Park, ^rbere he has lived continuously for the past twen- ty-five years. Shortly after graduating front the schools of Oak* Park he win- tered the employ of the Abstract Companies of Chiceg^;vfch whom he has been connected for over eighteen years In an expert capacity, Is perma- nent captain of Company "I," Seventh Regiment 't. R G. (the Fighting Seventh), and a member of Lakeside Lodge No. 739, A. P. and A. M. The captain proposes to devote his best en- ergies towards giving a business ad- ministration to the county regardless of race, creed or color, at the same -- M WOLF N CANDIDATE FOR BER OFTHE BOARD OF ASSESSORS The following at* a tew of the many endorse, ment* by the jaMSSg Chicago Dmiliei: Chicago Journal, Sept. 5tb, 1902 On the principle that honest, consclentious'per- torm»nce of duty, loyalty to public interest, and prored ability in public officiate should be reeojr- pniperly appreciated, the Kepublicsn party in the County has followed the commend- able policy of continuing in office those man who have established recoida for all these things. sale-- enviable records on the assessing Board. The people of Chicago owe it to thtmselves to re- elect them. Chicseo Dally News, Nov. 3rd. 1002 it most oe obvloow tarerery voter ihar ft would! be unwise to remove men of proved fitness and esperience from the responsible positions of Countv Assessors, and replace them with new men who lack experience. The Daily News, there- fare, rtronjfly recommends the re-election of Adam Wwf. Chicsgo Daily News, Oct. 30th, 1903 Property assessments in Cook County. That enormous improvement has resulted from the ad- ministration of the law during the tan years it bar been in effect. Is well known. Threttahbut thee* ton years, men who are candidate* for re-election have had much to do with the administration ' f this law. They are Adam Wolf and Wot. It Weber of the Board of i Cook County need the services < MsUM. The people of sen in the C'ectlen, Nov. 3rd, 1914 •Vomen May Vote for Thre Office Nobby All Wool Plaids and Novelty Mixtures Green, Navy and Brown, wide belt and turn k cufts,#«jy s^pfyt styles, ^ses for wom- en and misses. "Anniversary Sale Price Limit, 6 spools. No phone, mall or C. O. D. orders. None sold to children. Writing Paper and Envelopes Extra fine linen paper and new style of envel- ope in fancy box, sold regularly for 19c. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE '».................Ullllllft.....llllllllllllllllIIIH^ Sale of Good Shoes Any one of these offers is well worth coining a km* ways for_________£ .50 Boys'School Shoes, 1.19 This is a once a year offer. Women who want to buy good shoes for their children at a tremendous saving will was in taking advantage of this sa styles, sizes are from 9 to ■ Blucher from 2 to 5. Anniversary Sate price................... Fine Astrakhan Coats with Silk Seal Plush Collar and Cuffs An attractive model lined with best quality satin, trimmed with large plush buttons, women's and misses' sizes. < t*) sTnVR Anniversary Sale Price___. A 4sd*><r£2 SPLENDID COATS AT $16.95. SEAL PLUSH COATS $22.50 Popular material*, new models with »©f-ire sleeves, t>emi fitting effect front and back, large shawl collar and turn bark cuffs of plush, net in lined. Women's and misses' sizes............................. Handsome dressy models, lined with yam dyed satin, cuffs, collar and wide belt of pome- roy, a new and popular fabric, convertible collar. Moderately prlcrwf......................... 22.50 Pretty Basque Street Dresses FINE ALL WOOL SERGE, satin sleeves and buttons, white organdie and -pique collars and cuffs, wide satin girdles, all sizes. An- niversary Sale R OR REDINGOTE AND BASQUE STYLE DRESS- ES, fine serge, pretty satin collars and cuffs, vestee ef- fect, wide satin girdle, waist and skirt prettily trimmed with braid and buttons, women's and I 0 flfl misses' sizes......J UiUU S liJC MESS A4, I^E- PRESSES for street and evening wear, also crepe de chines and taffetas, low neck, long or short sleeves, yoke of fine shadow lace, others trimmed with silk chiffon and fancy buttons...... 14,95 Anniversary Safe of Skirts RUSSIAN TUNIC SKIRTS, of all wool 1 storm serge, accordion pleated bottoms, well tailored, perfect fitting women's and misses' sizes. Anniversary Sale sjsfae.....^r..». *.,,VT:. TAILORED SKIRTS, of fine sll woo) serge, cheviot and voiles, plain gored or plaited effects, braid and button trimmed, jf} Qg -- Anniversary Sale Pries..........rT»ZF*9 Anniversary Sale of Shirt Waists BEAUTIFUL WAISTS of fine voile, dimity and dotted swiss, low neck, long sleeves, prettily trimmed. We only wish -rhat every woman could see this large assort' ment of dainty waists. Ex- traordinary values for ---- 1.75 Women's House Princess and Juliet Slippers, with rubber heels. Sooner or later every, woman needs house slip- pers. Why not buy them now at the Anniver- sary Sale Price?..___ ....... MEN'S SHOES Gun metal button and blucher shoes, straight 1 a s t sand others. The kind of shoes that feel good, wear well and look well. Real value for WOMEN'S SHOES Patent and dull leath- ers, mat and cloth tops, Spanish and Cuban heels--a wide variety of thoroughly worth-while shoes Anniversary Sale of Women's Underwear PRICES THAT MUST APPEAL TO EVERYONE Pretty Corset Covers, of fine nainsook, lace and embroid- ery trimmed, ribbon run beading, sizes 34 to 44 Anniversary Sale Price............ Fine Ribbed Union Suits, bleached, fleece lined, high or low neck, long or short sleeves, ankle length pants. All sizes. Anniver- sary Sale Price... Women's Drawers, of fine nainsook and cambric, umbrel- la, circular and knickerbocker style, lace and em- ^LOf* Women's Short Petticoats, of good, warm flannelette, in plain white, blue, pink and blue and pink stripes, < deep ruffle flounce... broidery ruffle For the Child and Infant, Children's Dresses, in ging- hams and fine cheviots, in plaids, blue and pink checks, stripes and figures, trimmed in contrasting colors, sizes 2 to 6. Many pretty styles to choose from..... Infants' Bands and Shirts, in all wool, sizes 2 to 6. While 65c' values___ Infants' Bootees, of fine all wool yarn, plain and fancy stitch, with large roomy foot, in pink, blue an< white.... .£■........i Children's Bath Robes, made of imported blanket robe ma- terial* with turn-over collar, pocket and cord in all colors, sizes six to fourteen f $f\Q years..............* • w^r Infants' Toques and Bonnets, of fine zephyr ' yarns, fancy weaves, white with pink and blue turn-backs, silK ribbon ties. Many pretty styles to select from. 1 Hockey Caps, of all wool yarn, in white, red, blue and grey, for boys and girls...........\. 50c i ■■■■■■■