Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Oct 1914, p. 3

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Cost of the War in Money Is Enormous Official treasury statements of the nations now at war give the first definite information of the actual cost British treasury hills, issued specifi- cally tor war expenses, Aug. 1 to Oct. 1, amount to mora than $300,000,000. Later the government issued notes tor $75,000,000 mora. 80 that the cost of the war to England, which has a very small army In comparison with those of her allies, exceeds $5;ooo,000 a day. V. Rlbot, French minister of finance, stated last week that the advances made by the Bank of France to the government on war account amounted on Oct. 1 to $490,000,000, or $7,000,000 a day. The enormous gold reserve which the French government always carries has not, however, been deplet- ed. It still stands at more than $800,- 000.000, and has not fallen since the war began. The Imperial Bank of Germany se- cured more than $200,000,000 In gold from various countries, partly from the United States, in the two weeks before war was declared. The gold holdings of the Imperial bank last week were $425,000,000, against $289,800,000 on the same date last year. Since the war the German govern- ment has issued one loan of $1,200,000,- 000, promptly subscribed by the Ger- man people without, it is stated, a sin- gle foreign subscription. In the first two months of the war the Imperial bank of Germany increased Its circu- lation of small notes by several hun- dred millions, the outstanding notes a week ago standing at $1,022,700,000, against $548,000,000 on the same day last year. No official Statement is given out by the German government or Imperial bank of the actual war expenses, but It is stated officially that there are 1,500,000 men actually fighting in France and Belgium, and between 1,- 100,000 and 1,200,000 more German soldiers on the Russian frontier. There Is a very much larger force actually engaged than France has in the field. It is a larger force than even Russia reports as fully mobilized the front As Germany is doing heavier fighting in every respect than Frances-more men in the field, more ordnance, carrying men and munition longer distances and conducting opera- tions wholly in foreign countries--as she is doing everything on a larger scale than any other nation engaged in war, and at the moment doing it much more effectively than any other nation. It Is certain that her daily ex- penses far exceed the $7,000,000 a day which France is spending. From Austria we have an official estimate that the war is costing 12.- 600,000 a day. Russia always makes a mystery oi her war finances and of her govern- ment No official statement has been given of her borrowing or expenses, but they undoubtedly equal those of France at the present moment As for the valiant little Belgium, little is known, except that she has already received loans of $100,000,000 from France and England. This sum psys only a very small part of her money loss, and does not relieve the measureless human bloodshed and suf- fering she has endured. From this brief summary, mainly from official figures, it appears that the cost of the war in money--the least part of it--is not less than $30,- 000,000 a day. This is equivalent to the total earnings of about 15,000,000 of persons engaged in gainful occupa- tions m time of peace.,--------------------- The cost of all previous wars has, of course, been trivial compared to this. The Boer war cost England $1,000,000 a day. The Spanish war cost the United States about the same The Civil war cost the United States $1,000,000 a day in the first year and $3,000,000 a day during the fourth year. The Russo-Japanese war cost $3,000,000 a day to both combatants. The Franco-Prussian war of 1870, in which Germany crushed France In forty-seven days, cost $3,200,000 a day to the two nations combined. The latter figures are official. The modern war is a matter of a war chest almost as much as it is a matter of men. How long can the great powers stand the strain, even if flesh and blood endure?--Examiner. New Trier Jottings T Athletic Notes. Two games Were played at New Trier Saturday, the heavyweight team with Oak Park, the lightweight team with Lake View. As usual, the light- weight team won, the heavyweight be- ing'defeated. The score for the heavyweight was 53 to 19 in favor of Oak-Park; for th« lightweight 26 to 0 in favor of New Trier. n The heavyweight lineup is as fol lo _ ..R. ..R. .L. Hi Ambler.., D. Sample.. 8mfth ..-:<>•. Weedon E. T. G. C. G. Rocknold......... ............L. T. P. Sample.....................L. B. Mii|ea .*..'.;....................q. b. Nethercbt......................H. B. Gruver.........................F. B Kiilen . ^...........,...........H.^. In the game Nethercot starred, scor- ing two touchdowns, Kiilen one. Wee- don. kicked the goal from the touch down. In spite of being defeated, New Trier scored more points against Oak Park than any team has done in the past five years. The lightweight lineup consisted of: Pringle........................R. E. Macklln........................R. T. Pattison....................... .R. G Herdman..........................C Patenon........... ...........L. G Tarmalee......,................L. T Whitelaw-Thoraen .............L. E. Cook...........................Q. B Weld........'..................H. B Brown .........................F. B. Singleton......................H. B New Trier won this game easily, Weedon scoring three touchdowns and 1 horsen one. Macklln kicked twe pop la from the touchdown. The girls are active In their sports, indoors and out More enthusiasm in athletics haa been shown this year than ever, gym work being one of the most popular lines of activity. -------- Faculty School Beard Dinner. The annual banquet of the New Trier faculty to the school board will be gjyggrin the mess hall Monday^ve nlng, October 26. Toasts will be given by various members of the faculty and songs by the New Trier quarteHe. U. (working from its Evanston head- quarters) the Sunday School associa- tion, packers, manufacturers, penal in- stitutions, etc. The like has never been known before. Many along the North Shore have made Individual of- fers but you need central places, in each town, for the collection, where the work can be carried on simply and systematically. All over Chicago, various merchants have offered their stores as a Ship-station. People tele- phone to the nearest one, the mer- chant calls for the package, free. This is a suggestion for your merchants, or club houses. Who will make the offer so that their names can be published in the next issue of the Lake Shore News. Send new, or nearly new gifts--no cast-off clothes. Most acceptable will be: Mittens, coats (girl's or boy's) blankets, pictures, picture books, scrap picture books, shawls, shoes, stockings, peasant's head shawls, knitting needles and yarn, bedroom slippers, neckbows, neckties, com- forters, books, aprons, sewing baskets with outfit, sweaters, muffs, handker- chiefs, towels, household linens, baby clothes of all sorts, boxes of candy DEBATED ISLAND BILL PASSES HOUSE (Continued from Page 1.) ready given them. Any false hopes that, the Independence of the islands Is at hand, held out in the shape of "whereases" that nave no more au- thoritative or legal standing than If they were waste paper, only serves to engender Impatience and discontent If our course in Cuba and thus far in their own islands, does not give con- fidence to the Philippine-people, mere v.orus will not For the most part the people of those islands have ad- vanced with wonderful rapidity. This bill gives them a measure of self gov- ernment beyond their fondest dreams of a few years ago. The generosity of our treatment of these people thus far should be Sufficient guaranty of our good faith for the future. Wealth. Wealth may seek, us, must be sought--Young. From Now on--the COMMUNICATIONS The time for work, In behalf of the nation's united offering of Christmas cheer to the victims of cruel war, is short. The collection of contributions will close Nov. 1st when everything will be forwarded to the Chicago Herald, or forward it to the sea-board, as It may finally direct Every morn- lng, there is Interesting news given regarding the development of the pro- ject As to What to send, M. Jussurand. French Ambassador, says: "As the cold season la at hand and wilt have «et in when your Christmas ship goes, I am sure that the large percentage of warm clothing which you Intend to in elude among your gifts will be es- pecially welcome." The whole nation ia alive With workers. Every public department in Washington, D. C, the Masonic and other fraternal orders, the W. C. T. securely Sealed, .colored crayons, writ- ing material, mufflers, dresses, dress goods, toys of all sorts (except mili- tary ones) caps, ear muffs, underwear, bathgowns, ribbons,, well, that means anything. Something from you all would make a mighty showing, a splendid contribution. Several railroads have offered to send gifts free, but must get permis- sion from the inter-state commission, which will no doubt be given. On ar- rival at New York, the National Red Cross association will sort, and place gifts on the war vessel--the Nation's Christmas ship. They will distribute them fairly, equably, and, without question, HONESTLY, when they reach the devastated districts. The campaign must be quick, short, and to the point. Time and tide wait for no man, neither will the Christmas ship. VICTORIA ADAMS BARBER. Model No. 3 >HEN you buy a Victor you buy more than the best typewriter--you buy service--service, such as yon have never received before. We don't wait for you to phone us. Our mechanical experts call on our custo- mers without being sent for. We take an interest in every machine we place. We make sure that every Victor if giving: the maxi- mum service. It is purely a matter of our being fair and square with you. Does that kind of treatment ap- peal to you ? Name the time--a sales- man will call. XI7ictor»Typewriter WhM YORK. Mt'AU. i-iukcwm emu. 203 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET CHICAGO A UNIQUE SHOP. Oressbari's la a Homelike Place Where Shopping la a Pleasure. One of the finest of many fine fur- niture stores on the north shore Is that Of H. T. Orossberg & Co.. located at 4658-62 Broadway, Chicago. » The casual shopper Is considerably surprised on entering this establish- ment to observe not only the wide range "of exclusive novelties In fur* nlshlngs for the home, but the way In which they are shown. The decorations Just completed are a fitting setting for the goods shown and the atmosphere Is quite different] from that of the larger Chicago furni- ture atores. It will pay yon to Inspect the Orossberg store and to make your early selection from the many useful articles for the home. There haa also been added a repairing, .reflnlshlng and upholstering shop, where the most delicate furniture la repaired to look like new at but oAsmall cost, „ GOOD FURNITURE X,°ceI HAVE BEEN THE KEY TO OUR SUCCESS We would be mote than pleased to show our goods; under no obligation to buy. SPECIAL Mahogany In Tapestry AVTO DELIVERY We carry a complete line of high grade furniture. In connection We have a f ul ly equipped Repair, Refinishing and nTSrossben ■'■■■• . 4658-62 IfM.fli «■£* Tel. Efgewater 303 CHICAGO Gardens Re ass BBpH NOW is the time to rearrange gardens, and plant out herbaceous borders. Perennials planted now will get well established this fall, and will make fine blooming plants for next year. . Our stock of herbaceous plants includes practically everything that is hardy In this climate. We have an es- pecially fine lot of named varieties of phlox which are now in bloom. - *•••'■:'.______.1L__---- A Visit the stock th ex perienced the garden will convince you that we have will give you satisfaction. Advice free regard- but of grounds. Where it is desired we furnish men to prepare grounds ready for planting. We make landscape plans, give estimates* furnish and plant all varieties of shrubbery, trees, etc. Our prices are very moderate and our plants are much larger than those generally furnished through catalogue. PEREHKIAL GARDENS JOHN FREEMAlf, Proprietor Telephone 1106 Evanston _ 818 Noyes Street, Evanston The home of high elaaw Fnoto-pUyg 1120 Central Ave.. Wilmette All CHILDREN'S NIGHT EVJERY FRIDAY Come and bring the little ones. A show for old and young EVERY SATURDAY -Matinee and Evening "TREY O* HEARTS" > The Master Problem Play THURSDAY, OCT. 29--Matinee and Evening "Little Mary Pickford" in *< A Good Little Devil A Charming Modern Fairy Play. Every day is feature day at the Wilmette Come and get acquainted Alt Seats 10c Charles A. Wightman Warrea S. WiUtaats INSURANCE Sound and Reliable Indemnity Against loss by fire and tornado famished by policies in the following companies: PHOENIX of Hartford. SPRINGFIELD F. & M. Int. Co. of Mais. GERmAH-AniERiCAN tea. Co. of N. Y. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Liverpool. LIABILITY and ACCIDENT insurance of •!I kinds in the Royal Indemnity Company Automobile Insurance Varies A. Wightman & Co. Telephone 203 1564 Sherman Avenue ■p" sseoee.........»eee+»+o++* •Real Estate News f esee«ssMSss«ess»ss»eeeee New Trier. Maynard's Sheridanrd. sub., lot 1 to 3, block 2. 8, 42. 13, Sept. 27 [Walter H. Cox et al. to Wll- - lard Brooks].. ^..........^.^------UL Wilmette Dinger's Add., lot 13, block 12, Oct. 2 [J. C. Burcbard to Clara M. Wray]............ Wilmette, Straube's Add., lot 12, block 2, Oct. 9 [Harry W. Kilng. - enhagen to Carl Keith J.. "116" Chicago, N. Shore Land Co.'s sab. lots 23 and 24. block 4. Sept. 23 [Sheridan T. 4k 8. Bk. to Hattle ErParker]................------ 10 Gtencoe, 1st Add., lot 26, block 45. Sept. 11 [John A. Cooper et al. to Nels NyborgJ............. 900 Wilmette. tot 1», Moot 1. resab, . block 1, Oct. 1 [Charles Meyer to Addle A/ PceanaJ..IV.•.....L17* Wilmette, Dingee's Add., pt. lot 3, block 4, and o. p., Incamb. $4,500, Oct. 7 [Howard It. Hall to Frank M. HallJ..,»........ 4.100 Winnetka Park Add., lot 19, resub lots 1 to 5. block »3, incumb. $25,000, Oct. 6 [Martha Zimmer- man to Nina G. ie is a great con- venience to the housewife. It saves time and many tiresome trips to from the store. The telephone shopper never has to wait. Her order always receives prompt attention. Nothing too large or too small for HILL <S EDMONDS Funeral Directors ~ ^ 1311 Emerson Ji. Phone Evanston 4*33 E.VANSTON Automobile Service Open Day ass] if Desired HERROLIN A dollar's worth of this remarkable product save you from $4 to $8 in your gasolene 1 It puts snap in your motor, it keeps your cy ders and spark plugs clean. It is guaranteed to contain nothing injurious the motor. Send for a list of Evanston motorists who and recommend it. Try a sample can yourself and you will be without Herroline, ■-■ You can have a JBeu teiepnone FOR SALE IN EVANSTON BY R. L. LeffingweU, Inc., 800 ftanattar Street, Tyler-LelTuigwell Co., 847 Chicago A John Victor Lee, 901 Chicago A Pennsylvania 00 Co., 933 Improved Gasoline end Oil 1522 further particulars. Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, District Manager Telephone 9903 WINNETKA GAR North Shore Distributor* fe>r Overland, Chalmers, Ford and Sun

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