Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Oct 1914, p. 2

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glv«a at «Mb Wednes- Irm A. PM 722 Washington WefW &3C3t aSSktj im- nb Saturday evening. E. Jjaoaam Casse of For- entertained at dinner. Jenkins van hostess at a last Friday at her home. 400 > avenue. Coven were laid THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 83,1914. ± a= appenings in WUmette = St --. Tha jvuor department of the WU- mette Methodist church will five a hay rack ride Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Mitten and Hoy Klrtland will be la charge. Mrs. at. B. scbnander. 422 Green-.Mich, leaf avenue. will entertain twenty-live: Mr* ^ jj^, r E. Buckman Personal Mention of WUmette Folk formal da nee of her Chicago friends at cards Sat- urday afternoon. A dinner party will follow. The North Shore Golf club will give a "fish dinner" for their members and their wives next Friday evening at the WUmette Woman's club. very delightful children's party last Thursday afternoon ■. Gordon Hannah entertained • venue for her little daughter, the occasion being the little birthday. William Schmedtgen, 7101 entertained WUmette Societies and Clubs #tO«0»»OOMMOOO»o»»M«»»» An all-day meeting of the fifth di- nar jviaion, of the Ladles' Aid society of club at a luncheon and the- the Methodist church Is being held ty on Wednesday afternoon, j today at the residence of Mrs. Edward and Mrs. William A. Mann will j 8. Hanson. 823 Greenleaf avenue. the "T. K." club at dinner J Sewing will be done for the Marcy evening at their home. 11211 Homo center. V wood avenue. \ Tho Travel cMaT met yesterday and Mrs.. A. G. Melville, cnicr- afternoon with Mrs. Foster Branson, i ^J^ is visiting relatives and friends at dinner Sunday for their j 1119 Lake avenue. Mrs Mr. Samuel Lewis. $00 Central ave- nue, to very ill at his home. Miss Eleanor Sailer has as her guest. Mra> Armstrong of Paw. Paw. * t, in Laurel avenue, spent last week in De- troit. Mich. Mr. James W. Bralthwaite of Green- wood avenue spent tho week-end in Alton, III. Miss Mona Jones of Chicago is the guest this week of Mrs. William Beyer. 1032 Lake avenue. Mrs. G. W. Veach. 913 Forest ave- nue, returned Friday from an extend- ed' visit in Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs, Harry 21, Snow have moved from 614 Greenleaf avenue to 024 Greenleaf avenue. . Mr. Arthur J. Taylor, 825 Centra! avenue, returned Tuesday from a busi- ness trip to New York. Mrs. F. B. Potter, 710 Linden ave- nue, returned this week from a short visit in Syracuse, N. T. Mr. Charles E. Lord. 615 Central avenue, returned Wednesday from a business trip in the south. Mrs. A. C. Fuller of 810 Oakwood j daughter. Miss Gladys Lowry of 172C ! Columbus avenue, returned Tuesday evening from a three weeks' visit in {the east, stopping la Mew York. Bos- ton and other places of interest. Miss j Gladys Lowry spent a rew dayitsr the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Baukin at their new heme in New- ark. N. J. Mrs. Rankin was formerly Miss Catherine Drake of Kenilwerth. k HIIIIIM<lil!H!!! C. Edwards of Colum- The second of a series of dances Covers were told for seven.' was given by the Ouilmette i>nMpg of the guests were from out of i cmb iast Saturday evening at tho Wii- Mrs. Bentley Masslich of IBvans.. TOette Woman's club. The hostesses Mr. P. S. Twiggs of Richmond, of the evening were: Mrs. Frank S. Lower, Mrs. Edgebert Compton, Mrs,, i BM M ner guests her eonalnsv Mes- in Brooklyn and New York, this fall. Mrs. Royal A. Buckman, Ninth street near Oakwood avenue, Is mak- ing an extended visit in southern Illi- nois. Miss Hattle Latham, 430 Hill street finance committee of the Worn- are planning a number of dancing parties to be held clubhouse at frequent intervals. of these, affairs have already given, and have proved succosa- lf not financially. Op Sat- evening, Nov. 14, another, of parties is to be given and It Is desire of the committee that as as possible of the young people : well as the older ones will make plans to attend. Mrs. Charles E. Lord entertained in- (Snally yesterday at luncheon and luge for one of her new neighbors, I. Schapter of Lake avenue. Cov: were laid for eight card party given last Friday at the Wllm?tt« Wmms's under the auspices of the Worn- Catholic club at which 'about tty were present proved a success from the financial end the social Ipoint. Among the prize winners Mrs. N. L. Fonts of W!Insettc. J. A. Teske of Winnetka, Mr. and Collier of Rogers Park, Mrs. W. Pnalen of Evanston, Mrs. J. J. Nil- Miss, Schroeder, Mr. and- Mrs. dinger and Mr. Schager of Wil- Fred D. Buckman, Mrs. John A. Rip- pel, Mrs. Frank E. Robinson and Mrs. Frank 8. Bobbins. dames Seymoure and Broad well of Chicago. Mrs. Walter Johnson of Waukegan The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge j was the guest this week of her slater, club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Mrs. Fred D. Buckman, 831 Oakwood rnevanlng; Key. and Mrs. B. Taber entertained tbe mom- the music committee of the church at their home, 1018 nth street.. Aside from being a social occasion, plans' for speeia 1 muKir.ti features ion with the services of the ively printed Invitations have distributed to the men Of the it church and congregation ' in- them to-meet this evening at Mid Nelson's 'bungalow, 821 Elm- wood avenue, for a social evening. A ommittee has in charge a program and promises that there will be sonie- hfng doing every minute. This is 16 first of a series of monthly gather igs which the men will hold during the fall and winter. Next Sunday a unique contest will begin between the Baptist Sunday ichool of Wilmette and the Baptist school at Rogers Park, the aim being to see which school can secure the larger par cent of increase in attend- ance in the next eight weeks. Tbe schools are about evenly matched as to membership, and both enter upon .the contest with great enthusiasm. A beautiful silk flag has been purchased jointly by the two schools and will become the permanent possession of "the winning school, a delegation from tb losers being sent to make the pre- entation. Each Sunday the two schools will exchange reports by tclc- f' none, which will be posted on the ulletin board before the schools, that all may jtnow how the contest pro- ceeds. "Every one bring one" is the Slogan of (he local school. , Mrs. Rose Jewel of Chicago George White, 1101 Greenwood ave- nue.- The Thursday club met yesterday afternoon st the' home of Mrs. G. H. Canhlff, 723 Central avenue. An excel lent program is in store for the members of the Catholic Woman's club at their meeting this afternoon at the Woman's club. Mrs- P, A. Grau is hostess of tbe after- noon. The next meeting of the Crescent circle wIU be held at the home of Mrs. N. P. Colwell, 717 Elmwood ave- nue. .The next meeting of the Comanche Card club will be held on Tuesday afternoon, November 3, at the home of Mrs. W. J. King on Forest ave- nue. / >. , The Reading circle will meet Mon- day afternoon with Mrs. A. J. Coburn, 400 Eighth street. An all-day meeting of the Wbman's association of St. Augustine's Episco- pal church hi being held at **e par a luncheon at 12:30 o'clock, and an exceptionally good program will fill the day. Mrs. Albert E. Barber, as- sisted by Mesdamea Albert W. Noyes, Philip Huguenin, Nathaniel F. Webb, add other members of the social com- mittee, is in charge of the luncheon. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold a pound meeting on Tuesday, October 37, at 2:30 p. m. at tbe homo of Mrs. M. M. L. Adams of Winnetka. Each one is requested to bring one pound of groceries to aid the Chicago Woman's shelter at 112 South Morgan street. Chicago,, which is supported by the Cook county W. C. T. TJ. The ladles will take the \-rvj c»f tn ash afreet avenue. Mrs. R. C. Edwards of Columbus. O.. Is spending a fortnight with her niece, Mrs. A. G, Melville, 1022 Green- wood avenue. Mrs. E. W. Anderson and son Har- old, 1123 Elmwood avenue, are spend- ing, a week or ten days visiting at Defiance, O. Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, 626 Washington avenue, will return tho first of next month from an extended visit In New York. Miss Ruth Lasher, 124 Laurel ave- nue, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Herbert Boise, at her home In La Grange, 111. Mrs. Milton Reed Barker, 707 Wash- ington avenue, is the guest of Judge and Mrs. William Thomson at their homo in Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Petersen, 423 Tenth street, are receiving congratu- lations upon tbe birth of s son, on Wednesday, October 14. •"■... Mrs. D. K. Dickinson. 511 Washing- Mrs. Deo A. Stoker of Abbottsford road ia visiting in Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. William Kendall Evans of Chi- cago to making his home at the Kenii- worth Inn. *| The Luncheon and Bridge club met Tuesday with Mrs. George W. Keehn on Essex road. , The Unit of the duiees of the Kenil- worth dub will be given this evening at the Assembly liu'if. - The pier at the foot of Keuilworth avenue to being remodeled by tht park board commission. A meeting of tie educational de- partment of the Neighbors was held Wednesday morning at the home of Mrs. Paul Schulze. Mrs. Sidney Corning Eastman of Melrose avenue, near Essex road, to giving a luncheon at Glen View .Golf club this afternoon. The art and literature department of the Neighbors met Tuesday, morn lng at the home of Mrs. James R. Chapman on Roslyn rm;l _______L„_ Miss Josephine Taylor of Osk Park was the week-end guest of Miss Eliz- abeth Shtpman to,., attend tbe Oak Park-New Trier football game. The Kenilworth "Mission gave a re ception Wednesday evening for Rev. Thomas Keen* Gale of the WUmette Methodist church. An exceedingly good program was rendered. Mr. and Mra. Gilbert W. Kelly, and daughter Elizabeth, of Cumnor road, are making an extended trip in the south, stopping in Washington, D. ,C. end Virginia, for sport visits. The Woman's Guild of the Church of the Holy Comforter met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alex- ander Hannah. Numerous plans are being made for the bazaar to be giv- en the tost of this month. toh house today. A business meeting, [ ton gyeinre> tg convalescing from an infected finger, which has caused her a great deal of Inconvenience. Mra. Isora Major of Houston, Tex., and Mrs. Abbey Newcomb of Chicago, were the week-end guests of Miss Har- riet n. Latham, 430 Hill street. Miss Helen Shaw of Brookline, Mass., is the guest of Miss Georgians Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rogers at their homes on Ninth street, today. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vandecar of North Branch, Mich., are the guests this week of Mrs. Vandecar's sister, Mrs. C. C. Mitchell. 814 Linden ave- nue. Mrs. A. E. Bslllie left Thursday for her home in Philadelphia, Pa., after -ma-ei A number of the young ladies of and Mrs. David E. Allen, 518 Forest the Congregational church met Tues- avenue. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Lyman DraJie^JKK^ Lake avenuej_for : Washington avenue, returned last Sat- the purpose of organizing themselves [urday from a hunting and fishing trip into a society. A committee of two, j Gf several weeks' duration in the Wls- Mesdames Lyman Drake and Frank j constn woods. Scheldenhelm, wero appointed by Rev. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bellamy of Bowers to superintend .the organiza- | Nebraska wi" arrive tomorrow to be tlon, now to be known as the ^Twlgs" I the guests of their nephew and fam- society. Officers for the ensuing year | ny, Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Bellamy. -wttl were elected, which resulted in tbe following: President, Helen Pope; vice-president, Clara Nourse; secre- tary, Margaret Allen; treasurer, Ma- rlon Roberts; chairman of the work committee, Dorothy Allen. The next meeting will be held Thursday after- noon with Miss Dorothy Allen, 513 Forest avenue. Beginning next month the regular meetings will be held on the first Thursday of each nmnth at tbe residences of tho different "Twigs." 1050 Linden avenue. Miss Marjorie Noyes and two girl friends returned today from Milwau- kee Downer academy to spend the week-end at the homo of Mra. Albert W. Noyes, 827 Oakwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Joy and daugh- ter, Ada Louise, of Western Springs, 111., formerly of WUmette, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rogers, 428 Ninth street, over the week-end. Mr. E. W. McCullough. 923 Elm- wood avenue, has been entertaining a Rose Jewel hold a sale of bandpainted china the second week In November at the home Charles N of Mra. Charles E. Lord. 515 Central avenue. The proceeds will be devoted to charity. , The annual "Harvest Home" dinner of the Methodist church will be given next Thursday at 6:30 o'clock. All members end friends of the church are invited to attend. A good program has been provided for the remaining part of the evening. | Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Wrs. Walter W. Baldwin. 212 Wood- -bine avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton .|V Keith, 222 Ninth street, surprised them at the former's home Monday evening in honor of their ninth we'd- \ ping anniversary. Mrs. Keith and 5Si3.-9sSd.ris--ar6 Bintefi and- «r«ie 'parried on the same day at their /former home in Edgewater. There 'wore about thirty guests. i Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Day gave a dinner party last Saturday evening it their home, 810 Oakwood avenue. jCovers wore laid for twelve. The re- mainder of the evealng was spent in kyiag auction bridge. linden Avenue Neighborhood are eatertamed tost Saturday the hoses of Mrs. C. C. toio Linden avenue. The second meeting of the WUmette I great deal for tha past three weeks Woman's club was held Wednesday at the La Salle hotel, during a con- afternoon in the club rooms. Mrs.Iferehce meeting of the Implement as- Reese of the child nnd : sociation. home department was hostess of the ' Mr. Alvin Culver, of the inn of4 afternoon. A special feature of the I Culver, Andrews, Kink & Cook of Only Remedy. Life is thick sown with thorns, and I know of lib other remedy than to pass through them quickly. The long- er we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us-- Voltaire. WE do remddeling and re- tiring pf Ladies' and If Gents* garments. Furgr "- ments a specialty. Clean- ing, pffssiag and repairing. We do prclsing by the month. ssa^rtl, 24| ,.-y _ at■< your home by first class dressmaker. Call PhenoW. 241 ♦ OOOO+OfOOOOOOiMOOOOOOOOOO Mrs. Geoigw Tuwue ot Sheridan road to making a two weeks' visit in the east. >' Master Charles Rummler of Spruce street is convalescing from a badly broken arm. Mra. George Higginson. 224 Sunset road, was hostess to about a dozen close friends at luncheon Ob Sunday given for Sir Johnstone Forbes Rob- •*!** . \ . This evening Miss Florence Scully of West Elm street will entertain a number of her fiends at a "bard times" party at her home. Many of her fellow students at New Trier will be among the guests. On Friday evening, Nov. 23, the "star supper" will be held at the Community house. Those entitled to participate In this affair are the mem- bers of tho Gold and Silver Star or- ganization of the Congregational Sun- day school. Invitations have been issued for s tea to be given tomorrow afternoon by Mrs. P. Wentworth Bradstreet of 500 Sheridan road to meet Miss Hoyt and { Miss Bradstreet whose engagements have recently been announced; Your Earnings lBft HAT becomes of the money jfqu earn? Is W ft 'frittered"away-inlitems you cannot re- member? Can ysu loolc back nppn your expen- aitures^and see how many were unnecessary? Can vou add these unnecessary items together and «£e what, a swelling total they make ? Put your earnings in the bank. Your checks will form a perfect record and a receipt for every payment. Vou will then see where the waste is. You will spend less and save more. ,. .■'- WiiiMETTE Ivlrl BAr>iK T-F Geo. S, Miller & Co. ARTtSTlC DECORATING All orders will receive Brant attention. Work euarantced. / a years in Wilmtltt P.O. Box 22 - Our materials for the fall and win- ter season of 1914-15 are now here and we cordially invite you to call and in- spect same. We guarantee our work. WM. KAPLAN LAniES' AND GENTS' TA1I.OK 6S.1 Railroad Ave. , Heffron IJldg. 1 FRESH For BREAKFAST --»----a»a--a» Many Wilmette Families have taken advantage of Our early morning delivery Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in --Wsx Paper-- laMnem five. Tel. Wilraetfe 449 We offer extra fine long stem roses, all our b _. J--.--- .'.<- ; -growiitt^rftt - \ -r------t~ - ^IIOLESALE PRICES Killarney, White Killarney, Killarney Brilliant (new), Richmond Sunburst, 50c per dozen and up. Also carry a full line of everything in C$T FLOWERS. Funeral orders filled on short notice. Flowers for all occasions. \: Pyfer & Olsem, Greenhouses 192$ Central Avenue VtifttiSn rnek^rn ill i f' THS HANSEN STUDIO GET YOUR POSTALS HERE AT 5c AND 10c STORE PRICES. Rooorao.Brows Bld£. WILMETTE SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in ColdWgather We equip your FORD With a Dash Primer for $1.50 J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone WUmette 426 WUmette f* «* e> * ii*/%ia Aluminum, v^ast* iron. &£*+. Etc Can be welded »nd made strong aa new. Call up the American Welding Co, (Not Inc.) A. P. G It AH AM, Mgr. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phono WUmette 1381 Wilmette. Illinois HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables In Season Kenilworth, III. Phones 1041-1042 Beginning Monday, October 19th, we placed our busiacss on a Strictly CasfrBasisto all--everybody treated alike. ' spot cash for the goods we buy and realize the savi the cash discounts. , This saving we pass on to you., make big interest on your money by .buying your pl( for cash. . . (ioods to be delivered wiH be seht C. O. D., and cann without the money--the same to all-^no reflectioiv out a standing. . • * e: A FEW Of OUR PRICES e pay CtCajft... ou can s trfMdt be left <o ^body's- •ii4'S: M i Fancy Home Dresse4 Chickens............... Leg olt Laroby i,very 6n« .quality...........'------ Beef Roast--<mr roasts always please......... Porterhouse Steak--think of it,. only.:........ Here's another;--Sirloin Steak................ Round Steak............;......^........... Fresh Ground Hamburger Steak, regular 17c... Loin of Lamb Chops, you know this price is low. Rib Lamb Chops............................. Shoulder Lamb Chops.........,.............. Lamb Stew;..;............................. Whole or Half Hams......................... Whole or Half Strips of Bacon............... Bulk Lard .,..........................____. Pork Sausage.............,. ^............. Shoulder Pot Roast......................... Beef Stew......................:............ Pork Chops............................mrr, Per pound* :.,... 19c ......20c ::.:..28c ...25c-.,; Pork Roast - Jo Jo NlLLESe and Door I Telephones 2?S and 379 South of Cent-reJAa^v*;- -- •«nMaBManBHBiBaanBBjBHaBB9BHaiBa*gBMaaan 561 Fir St. Phone 675-L AUTO DOCTOR Will call, examine your car, give estimate and do work in your own garage. E. C. MELVINE WINNETKA program was tbe address made by Mr. William B. C)won.( principal of ihc Chicago Normal coUeiie, on the "In- fluence of the Fraternities and Sorori- ties." Several musical selections were given by Miss IsabeUe Ciine of Kenil worth. Mrs. Herbert C. Arms, 33 Crescent Scientific Massage Medical Gymnastics l'hone wn.y»-iUf»U!enceTreatment Olveu-- House 1'lioiu- Wil. »6 Chicago, has taken the house at Broadway avenue, for a term of ihroo and one-half years. He w}ll not oc- cupy it. however, until the first of I next month. Mesdames E. H. Robinson, 630 Cen-! tral avenue. Dee A. Stoker of Kenil- worth, and Thomas Keene Gale. 1024 ' place, will entertain the Tuesday j Lake avenue, attended the annual ' Luncheon and Bridge club today, meeting of the Branch Missionary as. There will be two tables. ';, / j sociation conference, held st Indian- The next meeting of the Drama apoJUs, Ind., last week, Study class is to be held on Wedneji-! Mrs. Albert O. Scheldenhelm of Erie, day afternoon st the home of Mrs. j Pa., arrived Monday to spend a week Frank L. Koontz, 1135 Lake avenue, las.the anests of Mr and Mrt^r. .L v Mrs. George A.. Skinner of Linden j Scheldenhelm. 804 Forest avenue. Mr. r.venue will entertain her luncheon Scheldenhelm wilt Join her on Sun. Ladies' and Gentlemen's T I am pleased to announce that the very latest novelties in materials, de- signs and trimmings for the FALL <aV WINTER SEASON of 1914-1915 have arrived, and I herewith extend a cordial invitation to you to call and inspect same. By placing your orders early, before the busy season sets in, you will receive garments when desired, and thus avoid annoying disappointments. Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting their continuance, I am for Best Quality, Correct Styles, Artistic Workmanship and Perfect Fit • ■ . ■ •*• . ■ ! . . - ■ ..'•■.- .* GEORGE J. i;,. • and bridge club this, afternoon. Then He a Just Fate. day. sad both will return some time inSZt week.____ . After attending the convention of "Well!" hw nrottered, butting liuT the Firestone Tire sndr Rubber com- head on a landing as he fell down the elevator shaft, "as Mr. Kipling would say. "This is another story.* " Sympathy Licking Wit. There Is a mercy which la weak- ness, and even treason against the common good.--George Eliot pany, held in Akron, O., snd then via it lng in Pittsburgh for a short time, Mr. J. G. taiias Jim) Barber, returned to his home at (21 Linden avenue, on Tuesday evening. On Wednesday he returned to bis business headquarters at Davenport, Is. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lowry and meis^- -- 2831 Washington Boulevard, Chicago Wllrhette Branch, Brown Bldg., Room 23 Rtrlctly high Rra»le instructions »'. W. Edwards. "Piano. Klvini Burwasn. Volcr. Kdnii Kclnor Marshall, Expres- sion. Marie Kdwards, Piano. And oih'-rs. Write or call fop information. We are carrying a full line of shrubs, bulbs and perennials. We also trim hedges tod trees Cut Flowers tor All Occasions "■pit- J. FI4NT «S SON 621 W. Railroad Ave. Telephone 1104 R WUmette, 111. c. Fhone 1110 Purity and Quality First Made in wilmette -*-- Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager Western Casket and Undertaking Company A Western Casket dots not mean a Cheap Casket. It does mean a Cheap Price. We carry a line of Caskets ranging in prices from Twenty-Five up to Thftt Hundred and Ft for Dollars. ^They~are Caskets you will pay from Fifty to Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for any place else. We manufacture m of our own Caskets at our Own Factory, thus saving yon from thirty to nfty Per Cent WM. H. SCOTT (eight years with J. L. Hsbblctawaite) is manages, and part owner of oar Wilmette Store snd I will give his personal attention to every detail. <f We challenge m comparison of prices, and guarantee first class service. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. ^" Phone Wilmette 380 WM. & SCOTT, Manager 1123 Central Avenue

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