THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16,1014 TO MINISTERS DANCING TEACHER IS POPULAR HERE Miss Grace If. Lamkin Popular in the Girls' League. Is ty of the Pen-in Dancing school; CM* cago. Since coming to Evanston she has aroused Interest among the young people In social and gymnastic danc- ing, with the result that classes have been formed in all sections of the city. "Shall the Warlike or the Meek Inherit the Earth?" Asks Bishop McDowell in Sermon. Mies Grace Lamkin, who is in charge of the gymnastic and social dancing classes of the Evanston Girls' league, MAKES PEACE PLEA **Pray for Peace, Not Siege Guns and Howitzers," He Implores. Shall Napoleon or.phriat; mad mili- tarism or the gospel rule? Are the beauiitudes gone? Shall the warlike •ib> theI meek Inherit the earth? I **lhece questions are from an edi- torial in an English newspaper," said Bishop W. P. McDowell In his sermon delivered Sunday in the Austin Methodist Episcopal church. The quotation formed part of the closing appeal made directly to the min- isters of the Rock River conference who were present. The audience filled the house, 1,200 being present It was estimated that 400 were turned away because of lack of room. v "Brothers.^he Bald, "WeTfltve-come into world-wide relations. Our nar- row little provincialism has been de- stroyed by forces over which we have Save, Net Kill, He Says. :, "Many are thinking of how strong !«> -navy we need and what we would ' do in case of war. I am wondering, not concerning how many persons we may be able to shoot to death, but how many we can save. "America has received peace, lib- a^ty, and democracy from otherB, and in consequence America owes a debt she can only pay'by passing on to other nations the blessings she has re- ceived. Heaven help iiSjfrMYe to the world, net siege guus and howitzers. rnit peace.'*' ' ' . iClstiop MeDowoll characterized as B^an trie doctrine that If We < are 1« debt &3 individualsWe can »ffpi>d to sloop and let the man we owe walk the floor Instead of walking the floor in anj-.kty because we are In debt. The aficstolic principle is: Having received benefits from anybody makes us ^cbtors to everybody. ,4,, , An Impressive 6erem0hy. |. Au .impressive pa"rt of the ceremony ■js/a's jt^e cal|tog ferwaiid of the fath- ers, mothers and wives of the candi- dates^ fpr briinatf on, ty^ knelt wtta; the young men around the altar Tbe^ six distrtcr^BupertSiendsnta. together With President €. M. Stuart and \gfo>fc. p.- A. Hayes of Garrett Biblical insti- tute, assisted Bishop McDowell in the ordination service AUTUMN FASHION SUGGESTIONS OUT Coat Dress Is a Smart Cos- tume for Mild Days of Fall. 100 PER CENT INCREASE AT N. U. The following early autumn fashion suggestions were yesterday sent to dressmakers throughout the United An increase of Hearty one hundred States by Madame Alia Ripley, presi c<mt |n ^ eBroliment <* the In- dent of the Fashion Art League of co£[ fre8hmi£ claM over last America: j , .. . , .. -v ■ . The coat dress Is a smart substi- ****8 ltet Ia the cheering announce- tute for the Tailleur costume for the ment ,rom tne registrar's office of the mild days of fall and an ideal costume I Medical School, last fall thirty-eight for the California season. Dark bat- j entered the downtown school for the tie green, tele de negre Drown, btackjfirst time; to date this season some or navy blue are the desirable shades sixty-four budding doctors have paid Dark blue never stays in favor veryitnoir requisite fees. No particular long with the ultra dresser because I reason ,8 a8lrigned for mia miiBn tFJZSSJZ^Sr S^SLSU* but It may be partly the reae- half yards In width and of circular cut. If the skirt Is to be two yards, a long redingote tunic half or three- quarters way round and with a wider skirt a short coat effect either in back or front, or a short flared peplum with a narrow sash tied in a bow at one side, with fringed ends. "The frock should be high in neck with long satin sleeves. With this costume, turn-over collars and cuffs of stiffly starched pique or linen can be used, but It is a novelty that Is liable to become very common. The high stock of fur, the new tulle ruches or the short ostrich feather collars are accessories thai are be- coming and In excellent taste." Ing of the entrance requirements two years ago. An Interesting feature of the class list is the large percentage of men entering from Liberal Arte of Northwestern. About half of the class have taken their two years of medic work at Evanston. Not the Real Thing, "You needn't'git the Idee," bawled one Irishman to another, "that Jlst becase you have a flannel mouth, yon can pull th' wool over me eyes!" Little Theater, Jffi. BfianlmrTiimliy. Oetobr S> SUNDRY LOVERS MaUMtt IsfftUfA Sttsrtir St.CS Grace M. Lamkin. is well fitted for the position. She Is a graduate of the Illinois State Nor- mal school, having taken the course in physical education. During the last few years she has taught at the C. The materials used ore vigonne, broadcloth cr serge used In combina- tion with satin, with edges bound with narrow, black silk braid. In this type of gown the straight line from shoulder to hem is giving way to the more distinct waist line and flaring skirt. This much-discussed skirt should be from two to three and a tion from the drop caused by the rata- Talking Machines «ios French, German, Italian and Spanish Language Outfits TOn T. W. C. A., tKTaversIde pubTJ^„ vom wtmt a MaeHiM „ ThLi+mU lie school and at the Chicago public Wutitk* m.i»', or mtrai 3su7. schools. She Is a member of the facul- JA!ff£$ I.LY08S. 25 West Like Street, CKI&A60 Typewriters Sold on Easy Payments For Rent on Easy Terms ALL MAKES NEW AND REBUILT REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Some Special Good Bargains Pull Line Typewriter Supplied H.E.CHANI 630-632 Davis St., Evanston OW is lbs time to rearrange gardens, and plant out herbaceous borders. Perennials planird now will get well established this fall, and will mike fine blooming plants for next year. Our stock of herbaceous plants includes practically everything that is hardy in this climate. We have an es- pecially fine lot of named varieties of phlox which are now in bloom. A visit to the garden will convince you foal we have the stock that will give you satisfaction. Advice file regard- ing the laying out of grounds. Where it is desired ve furnish experienced men to prepare grounds ready for planting. We make, landscape plans, give estimates, furnish and plant all varieties of shrubbery* trees, etc. Our prices are very moderate and our plants are much larger than those generally furnished through catalogue. PERENNIAL GARD! JOHN FfiEEMAN, Proprietor Tekyhoae 1106Bvanitos CHxaxxzxiiixiExxaixizxiiixixixxiiixiixsxixzxxxsxz^ This Shows How to Save Money on Good Food ______DEMONSTRATION______ Big S Breakfast Food. Be cure to sample this new and delicious ceroal. Pkg..........___.___.150 Holbrook's Worcestershire sauce, 25c bottle........18c Holbrook's Malt Vi-iegar, per bottle..............22c ttnlhrnnVa Tnrragrm Viiy Richelieu, S mall Lima! CANNED GOODS. Beans, per dozen......$1.85 j Early June Peas, 3 cans Richelieu Asparagus Tips, for.,, ......t<-.| ..«>.. .JMfc square cans, per dozen $2.65 Tomatoes, No. 2 cans, 3 cans gar1; per bottle-. Holbrook's Chow President Stuart delivered the ad 4:-css to the class. "It Is easier now than it was twen ty-five years ago to preach the- splr Itual views of the universe," he said ^"The old notion that brains are com- posed of phosphate and gluten and I * the amount of intelligence can be de- termined by the proportion of each In- gredient is not held by any scientist of standing Such a theory made out ot Bernard Shaw's superman only an exaggerated phosphate. "Ministers are to be men or the spirit life and they must live in its racrcisc' and daily practice." CO^EJPS PREPARE A SPECIAL FEAST Willard Fancy Hall Girls Try able Stunt at Hall. The girls impression was Insufflc ctlwi method WtUard Hall, under the an ordinary dinner to satisfy the ravages wp<»k instituted a novel removing the difficulty. 22c chow, large/jars....... ____..38c Holbrook's Herrings, in to- mato sauce, per can.....15c 2 Carts for..............25c Holbrook's Kippered Her- ring,! per carl.'. .........12c 2 cans for.. .........21c Crystal Domino Granula- ted Sugar, 5 lb. box.. .35c CEREALS. Nutro Rolled Oats, better and cheaper than bulk oat- meal, 3 pkgs. for........25c Shredded Wheat, pkg.. .lie Cream of Wheat, pkg.. .14c Puffed Wheat, 3 pkgs. for.....................25c Puffed Rice, 2 pgks. for.25c Triscuit, per pkg........lie Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food, pkg.....................23c Postum Cereal, pkg.....13c Postum Cereal, large pkg.23c Pettijohn's Breakfast Food, pkg. .___'..............13c POTATOES. Good White Burbank Po- tatoes, fine cookers, per tteck...................\9c Not more than 2 pecks to a ~------customer.------------ NEW BUCKWHEAT AND PANCAKE FLOURS. Uncle Jerrys*, Savoy or Richelieu pancake flour, 3 pkgs...................25c Uncle Jerry's, Savoy or Richelieu buckwheat flour, per pkg .....-...;...------.9c MAPLE SYRUPS. Old Manse, quart cans. .39c Quart bottles ..........43c Silver Kettle Syrups, quart bottles.................25c Burnett's Flavoring Ex- tracts, lemon, orange and almond, 2-oz. bottle...............35c for ..:.................25c: Van Camp's Red Kidney Beans, 3 cans for1.---------25c Van Camp's Hominy, 3 cans for .------>..._......, ^-----_-_-gPc Rhodesdale Tomatoes, No, 3 cans, 2 cans for........23c Plymouth Rock Red {salmon, 2 cans for,.............33c APPLES. Fancy Northern Spy, Baldwins cr Greenings, 10 lbs. for.. .....j..33c Per bbl............$2J# FRESH VEGETABLES. Cauliflower, large heads. 12c Sweet Potatoes, 5 lbs. for 19c Dried Onions, per peck. .27c Yellow Turnips, 5 lbs.. .13c Hubbard Squash, large size, each................... 12c Cabbage, large solid'heads, each ...,.............. .8c SOAP. Swift's Pride Soap, 10 bars .......... ......29c 100 bar box........$189 -i-- FLOUR. New Century Flour, % bbl. sack ...--...... Ye, bbl, sack. Y* bbl. sack. Gold Medal sack ,.,----- YA bbl. sack. y2 bbl. sack Fl our, 78c ..$1.55 ..$2.88 Ys bbl. ...83c . .$1:81 ..$3.15 Pillsbury & Ceresota Fldur, Y% bbl. sack.............95c YA bbl. sack...........$1.65 Y% bbl. sack...........$3.19 BROOMS. The Blanchard Broom. Have you seen it? Special for this sale..........45c MOLASSES. Lucie Molasses, 2Yz lb- can ....................19c Ginger Cake Molasses, 21/. lb. can.................15c St. Elmo Molasses, 2)4 lb. can..... ..............13c St. Julien Molasses, ly* lb. can....................10c St. Julien Molasses, 5 lb. can...................18c St. Julien Molasses, l<lcJb. can ...................35c CANNED CORN Sweet Sugar Corn, 3 cans for .......... Per dozen cans ; x • M ; N IX Efrery nijrJht last week the girls at one | » cr two luibles held spreads in the na-j n *ture of/an elaborate dinner with place; J ' eards/ decorations and all the rest of j J *Ji«/Ttpl-do-rols dear to the heart of a i * co-ed. Whether the girls get more | 3 to eat or not by this method is a mat- \t ttr of doubt, but at least they have; [J a krod time, which is of some linpor- j m * H tan e, at least. OBITUARY, jjgpn F^QoiQ- Many friends of Mr. John F. Dolg Iir-« Grec-nleaf .uvenue. ware--grieved^* ^tc _}j»ariH-of--the latter'*, ^leatbr which -i-* oc urred on Monday, Oct. 5. Mr. Dolg ; ws** a native of Scotland, having been [ '#J born there.on May 14, 1832, but catoe J - to America in 1856, where he. settled j ', in vviimeue. before the village had -j* htc:i organized. Mr. Dolg was a char- y. t*r member of the Congregational charch, ssd alae hold the office of vil- trnstee for several years. tarried Anne McDonald I sons aad two daugh- aarvlcea were last Wednesday, at EosebliL Special Prices on Richelieu Brand Canned Goods. Richelieu Corn, sold every- where at 17c per can, ourj CEREALS IN price, per dozen.......$1.39 White Corn Richelieu Telephone Peas, for.......... per dozen............$1.59 j Yellow Corn Meal, J Richelieu Small Sifted Peas. | for......... per dczen............$1.65 j Rolled Oats, 5 lbs. for lbs 17c lbs. 17c 23c Richelieu Refugee String; NaVy Beans, hand picked. 5 Beans, per dozen......$1.65 iDS for...............33c Richelieu Hand Packed To- Split Peas, 5 lbs for. 33c matoes, per dozen.....$1.65; Hea(j Rice, finest quality, 3 lbs. for................25c SUGAR. Finest Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. for............69c With or without an order. POULTRY FOOD. C-ef-lay Poultry Food, 100 lb. bags........$1.89 in the market thit sells high quality meat at lowest prices Hams--Swift's Premium -- the ham with a delicious flavor, 8 to 12 lb. Average lb........................18#c Native Pot Roast Beef, lb. .15»/4c Best Sirloin Steak, lb......22»/2c Best Round Steak, lb........21c Native Shoulder Steak, lb.nVic Choice Veal Stew, 4b........14c Native Shoulder Veal Roast, lb......................4&y2c Armour's Star Bacon, 4 to 6 lb. average, lb..........27'zic iorris & Co.'s Bacon, by the piece, lb......23VjC Bacon sliced by machine, lb..................28c Best Lard, 3 lbs. for...........,.............45c Porterhouse Steak, lb.......................28c Selected Cod Fish Middles, lb................17c Jones' Dairy Farm Sausage Meat, U> ___ 22c FOR SATURDAY SPECIAL Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, lb.......19l/2c Prime Rib Roast Beef, lb............20c and 18c Selected Hind Quarter Lamb, lb...........HVtC Selected Le# of Lamb, lb..................18Vic Veal, Leg or Loin, lb........................20c Beef Tenderloin, Larded, lb..... . 25c Pot Roast Beef, lb. ................... 14»/2c WATCH EVANSTON DAILY NEWS FOR OUR DAILY SPECIALS --. More Than 30 Complete Depts. (too 2400 Wilmette 1100 tt ■ J 2 --.......' i B^i..._j ' " . " . . . J.., jH ^J 1 > ff,m l*5?*?" ■M'r«SBI tl~T- »'-^~^.JnH| V' J$ Wfc~m 1 i $ l^&J JBiTfTTr mmm J= A great many delightful Dress fabrics that offer worth while economies If you have seen the display in our dress goods section during th« past week, you will realize the breadth of the selection. Soros quit* unusual values. 69c Bargain Sale of China, Glassware, Crockery ^Hundreds of Women Witt Rejoice in This^Sood^ NewsT On account of Import conditions--all European china is shut off from us--we are discontin- uing some patterns. The price that we have placed upon them is surprisingly low--So low, in fact, that no woman can afford to neglect this occasion. As a further inducement we are offering 10 per cent discount off any dinner set in stock. HAVILAND CHINA GERMAN CHINA BAY4JUAN CHINA AUSTRIAN CHINA * ENGLISH SEMI-PORCELAIN CREPE DE CHINE, Y^-vilk, 36 inches wide, proper shades fot evening wear. Specially priced, a yard.......... CREPE DE CHINE, pure all silk, 24 inches wide, very fine £rdty:a..............89c BLACK MOHAIR and BLACK BRILLIANTINE, very fine lus- tre, 44 inches wide. Specially priced^ at per yard VQr* only..................J.. i%9L 29c extra POPLIN, double rocrcerisfd* In almost every shade made, light and dark colors. Special a yard...........,,.... CORDUROY VELVET, heavy and very wide, a yard ............. SILK POPLIN. Gilt Edge Brand, none better* all leading / iq shades. Special a yard l*i& STORM SERGE, extra heavy, sponged and shrunk, 54 1 1Q inches wide, a yard......i • I «r / Also over 4,000 pieces of domestic dinnerware patterns to be closed out at a very low prict Attractive Autumn Neckwear There is a distinct charm in the neckwear and novelty belts we have just received from New York. Basque Belts, Boudouir Caps and innumerable collars of the most fashionable kind....................25c, 49c, 98c Pique and Linen Coat Sets, in several styles, trim, ACkn neat and extremely popular............7,......., « «fv A Wonderful Display of Buttons Nothing short of "wonderful" describes our button diaplay. Never has the North Shore seen so extensive a selection of dress buttons in all colorings. 75 DIFFERENT STYLES OP JET BUTtONS ALONE """»itiiiiii»Mi*i»»iMlililii»ii»imiiiiliiiiiinmiiii........»inwww»m ¥ 1 OBnaaaBni *■