Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1914, p. 5

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mm THE LASS SHORE HEWS. FRIDAY. OCTOBER f. IM. Uatoer by Stroke ot the fen p^^^rftrBr^F*ae* gaS^sF w9w9*0B*^0J ^*w ♦'■a*-** Czar of Biweia, When WarSfcarted, suae #t pursues to* **»:.<*?* ***n»a*a >»» law ^^' SBSSSnf* WMC% SMMS fa * mmf #****. <*«qm &**» <** «* «W» 4* toe dtotfft** and flee brew*r ***** °»n toeaeprr. Meanwhile th* S«* ^*>ff» ***» Ma** **»*< *» Wtt* WMHill <»s»paaceacr *«** ssaat Js**a ftp** bone of «*<*«. ffe states* % epmr-vu*, m#* mm. f tin* ******* «*Je«tacd «* «tt* natioa-wMf *^ wortd^ide pro- WMJJ «* *** lave todersi govern- govern- or* M, C WAfifUCR in VERSION -the to«T f>A*hom,» H, 0. Warner, tbe eminent dramatic tevortte who recently won a distia- ,mm v»imtoer makes w* nm *p- I'earance before tho motion i>lcture «*Be »» "The Los* Vfmitei? p**- Former Governor of Ten- ne««ee Spoke La«t Nicht s>sa^*y|jpaj**BxqpF ■HwawjnsrsfMw^' ^*W^ .ap'W'ersjBBSWS'nw at Ut Baptist Church. AUne number of Evanston people »i4 Wt • Um from neighboring nlocaa assembled last evenins: at tho First Baptist church to hear the dis offiajtfand, ¥«*, stes*** to **7. *** a* eh* imwitWy of to* ***** a* * inwif* goat. Barton ftoiseea has w»«r fctftwe e*r*ced m» *#***. J^<pte A*!** ismn* mm*. , tmsta* k*a» copA*** to i^mek*,ta.)* tflt«e. ffetaaa* *ta***d fee j**t ■naiayr to spotorto* * e^ fcJritoto sod testa*,] MM the first of hi» ne w tto^nlsawss to b* prrsaatod at Orefcestre bail *•»* S****w***y ml*kt, pontBts in watton pjcfere* m4 stM rtowa, 4h* charse «4 bc*«u> or England* rural regions and the historic ramaac* and appealing jtfetenwpMAM *# her towns. As » praUwtnary word to hi* travelogues for the con»in« aeaaon, be- ginning ne«t week, Mr, llolnjca nays. "The eyes of all the world are focussed now upon the nations wuicn have been called upon to play their parts to the most stupendous armed areas**; etonal tostba sssjr ba "f sb** ss bi» «r tarmst Into biss. but b« to*on*stsy««ji rbsads tot ajpn flMMW tW^»* aanML I cause MPaa ts »■• urea o» pie as^is i iMrcaardadaataewarp.taaatoersa toe toe wosC It to to* HttfaTie., after •*, all, *to» aire braadtb to toe web, and if ti atons it reeetoes it wfll retsia. aaa ia»eaa and solidity, grow Into an adatt wit* sltrulstie prto- •l^^f^^y *«*»•«« ctoies jtoiatoff *«# prottfaeaee. 1 i»us tne vi_:,no^ -- B*tt« scissors or too saust start with toe cb,ild into* boss*. «* its lenato aad to tost tb* ejuw to to* atmat to* ebUd is sauat Jola to attoasttttac Om •rkooi. Tbto (- irbm »«mp» The *■ Atoblsoa who kjgj: Visitor to Literary Sbrine--"Ton mTiSn^tfo waaaa, died ^ «^ l»rM 1^, 4t jwars? Then yoa loo* as* and aeople said be was Buut rauafibsr bim as a boys What mfJgZ m ■■■•■■■ «»^--» »_«.-w«*--»„ •»:"*•, bo Itoaf* fTtosgf they said be was a loafer. "^^J***/•[S ** 0!ob)e. car vbaa I knew en. *a cant *ava 23---------------- cnansed mucb.'-London Opinion. duced by the Pabtous Players film «u»»tel «tf all. history. Nearest to_ ua I to aaofropbfeal situation and veryj near to us to ties of blood and under': stondtof are the countries that form toa United Kingdom, England. Scot, | coajpany, Tbto play is c**ced*d to he the greatest drama of capital and la- bor ever written, and was adapted ftwrn toe Gemtm original by the toto , Henry ft Octttlto, collaborator In the *•** •°4 ,PB»»wl •*■ *• Wrthtoads famous Belasco-IJeiijlhj plays or tl,e fatherlands oi many of our rep, Mr, Warner's striking personality.! resentotive Americans of today. H>4 toa distinctive individuality with jto tl>te to1*^ y«»r--«J* year of toe wWeh he invests +v*tf role he nn-1 iwrento test ol British manhood and sumes. hare made him one of the!** <»e worth of British civilization most popular stars on the Ataerican|flad Ideals--we turn with inquiring i interest to pictures, which by reveal- Thras Pat*Jtl»us Thing.. Three things too much and three too little ar* pernicious to man-- to 'speak much and know Utile, to spend much ar.4 have little, to presume much sod be worth littto--< ervantcs. Naviflability of the Kongo. The Kongo river and Us tributaries furnirit more than nine thousand miles of waterways navigable by flat* bottomed steamers. K Advertiseroer.ta TELfcPHONE W1LMETTE. 1640 Want Ads is the laie Skore News see esteged tf tie fefls«iaf rsto> Aa Ouicf CnieaTSiost, & cents ftr tote. Miaixwa Pnce,15 «att Mo Uvfritsemest charssi tor lets tki* 25 «aat% mm vmm WANTEO--BT HANliV MAN. ODD job*. Apply toC. II. 119 Fiftn-st.. Wiltnette. ' ate WANT ED--DAT WORK. FOR LA IX-. dress; beat of refsrences. WU- metto »33-B. - --, - .; :v.-:lfo CROMMaJUXq AT REAbONABLE i prices; Best workmansl>ip. €31 [ Drexel-BT.. Clencoe. 47w3tc; FOB. fALE^A BEAUTJFTL RA1 getdtosr pony. It bands high, wet Kd lb*, hi perfect ocndidoa; geatfe for children; also governess cart, harness, caddie tad bridle; entire outfit bargain. Can be seen at CXI HiU-sL. Wihaette. Phono tSO-W. lie mi sasnassasaasassssa BOASB AND •AO A R D -- WITH OB WrTHOOTT room*; best of home cooking. Call Miss Xortham. Phone WUraette •m4. Addrem 731 Tenth^tt. ttw-^t for wmJmwsEs? SSPi»» Bell ,,„»,„ a**shers, as announced, ^^^ ^^ on^toMh^nse question and national mo^. ^ p,,^,^. ,, 0 powerful i iD«_,B^mat^y f^e *$* m" 501! ^°; System BITirATlON WANTED -- FIRST class dressmaking by the day: sll kinds ot garments; also remodel* ing; excelltnt sen-Ice. Address Lake Shore N*ws 104. _______ltp WANTED--FAMILY IfENDlNO AND FOR RENT-8EVENROOM darning; also fine needle work. Mrs. with bath, $22 per month. Address V. Vsn Deusen. Tel. 7W1-W Wo. R Wilson. Bos 73. Kenttworto, 4tw-2tor fit. lto 9ssssssawnw«u*njssji»**4B*^ LOST AND FOUlVb L03T--OOLD LOCKET AND ClfAOC with laittat "4iV 3ent_2S. Rgward. Phoac wiimotto itli*-; eaasas FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT a {M&ato v..i;;;>;it these of Dr. B tor who had been! !***» argument In behalf of the characteristic atmosphere of w^ ^KEf'^PPriaanrd tobore PLEASANT ROOM IN hoiac^. f^r lady. ..<>n- tpr trans!«»rtatibn. Board Address Luke Bhoro 107. Wttmetto. Up celled home, the Bar, Or, Louis Albert E»nfcs of Delaware, O., was Intro- duced first. He faff* a brief hut searching review of the farces now at vork to overthrow the liquor traffic In tills country. the wealth of nations, whose tears f **>* »f toe British point of view la ara cryMallltod to the towals of the I tb« '•«• of the present world crisis." rmr the inspiration of the original Ur' Holmes' series of travelogues ptoy was suggested by the army ofl^'* *««r wUI *• «*»•» Wediiesdny tired toltors who spin blindly on to' *ftd ,Fri<to>' »-s*to, and Baturdsy aft' the dark, i ernoons, beginning next Wednesday IfJtolfUfy to top Motive, to the atory, the superintendent of j "'a™- T,,eto *m »• flve aubjecte-- catoto^-r h. a*«\.~a u h.. mn !tw« Know»ton iron Works is In bWa ••toto eaah wssk-as follows; 'Bna> j ., ^ST„Ah«^ daughter, who 'and," "Scotland," •Ireland," "Cer tlr* actuating the great industrial and „M j^ reaic/to luxury and 4s toei»aay*iut Austria" *nd^The Allied ST^^Z^t ^^^^\^^^^^^^ »^ ^ ' their rappr consistent pad determined vommn (rom the tMo^uA^e th„* her opjwiWtoB to pravnUtog bawto of >l> 1 Sg fTtlfi. tnTftnB sulrl^ C!^*i!^I*S^^Lf,^ n«SLi^! te»awt to,w» "P00 I* °*» ahoildara eratlves. He told how the producing tba JU,U ^ her jy^,. ^^ ^^ »r a Telephone Now A new local telephone directory will go to press soon. Another FOR SALE M- and manufacturing Interests pf West Virginia, to tho keen disappointment of the Honor man who had counted tuera on their ship, put their money and their efforts Into the great fight for total abolition of the liquor traffic to tbftt atoto, He aald that It was get- ting to be so in nearly wory state in the Union, that In old Virginia the all the stress which the story devel- ops, his sacrifice Is {earned and re- warded by the woman be loves, who decides to stand with him on the side of the oppressed workmen to whoso cause the superintendent has devoted bis life's labor, Mr, Warner portrays the role of the man who strives to reconcile the Unlit wan hton* this line, nod that the j BmtenainB eisments. and who Is will- country to about through with the liquor business because pf the enor- mous losses it entails. ■_ The speaker ridiculed the attempt to defend the traffic off a false as- sumption of "personal liberty," and told how quickly France, when she needed soldiers keen of faculties, had disposed of the absinthe problem by just wiping ft OUt; HOW the Kaiser had disposed of the drink question, and "personal liberty" with it, by a stroke of his pen; now the cwr bad made the vodka preWWtlon perpet- ual, and haw Secretary Daniels had made our navy dry for «ood, He gave also some very astonishing facts to comparing from bis own observa* ttoa the advantages of "dry" Kansas with the disadvantage pf "wat" Mia- soufi Patterson 8peak8. A man of modest main, of totoar eye, and of soft but well-carried voice la Malcolm Patterson, the former gov- amor of Tennessee.--He was aptly introduced as on* of the most noble txpooanta of ths greatest discovery of modern times, namely, that the church and not the saloon balds the balance of power in American political affairs "I b*4 always believed and 4e ciared, with the Arm conviction that I waj rlfbt^tbat the principle of ptq- hibition waa essentially and radically wroliV' aato the former governor, "Whin a candidate for the governor- ship pf Tenueeaep i stated my post torn M iWa important subject, ana said that If I were sleeted 1 would veto any measure wblob the leglsla tore 'toia:M paaa carrying prohibition principles. I waa elected, and the legislature did pass a bill providing for ntate*w4de prohibition of too liquor trame, and I did veto the bill, which, however, waa passed over my veto by too same vote which had enacted it. pti. reason given by me for my action In vetoing the Mil were pub- lished tor and wide by those Inter- ested In the manufacture and sale of liquors. Gladly would I recall thtoe wosta taw wen It W my P°w«" t° do so, fo* I .now Unot them to be fundamentally wspaj,** The pined speaker showed the fallacy of municipal and govern mental partnership in a business which that same municipal or federal government must condemn as to its inevitable results, and alive numerous Instances of prohibition «f the use of Its .own products on the part of the federal government by the man In its employ. He compared the *hteky re- belUon in Pennsylvania With that brought on by the slavery question, and outlined the three periods to our hlttlwT during which our country has TtoW~l»y *otMtoi^Tato: irship with the liquor interests. p*M*«*qhte, ha **k to aotolg ^lia^saethtoi Wo40 I. *hlch be characterised as blood «oney. He reiterated the loyalty of th» south and claimed the south as 4 leader to tbto the greatest campaign fag humanity ever waged. .| ~\~~& Osssjf"■• "Wifdr"'PtoM|ra> He drew a picture of a "till on the mount sins of wjg^gm poverty of Mgfa dweller who eouW not asToto to taxsa oa the two aaltoas f wbtoky whtob he couto aroduco from ato »V ing to sacrifice name and fame for the woman ha loves, The production has bean pro* nounced by press and trade as the greatest film subject ever made In America, OBITUARY, Many residents of Wilmette were grieved- to hear of the death of Mrs. E. M. Reeves, mother of Mrs, C, M, Hoadley, which occurred Saturday afternoon at her home, 1734 Klmwood avenue, after an illness of three months' duration. The funeral aerv- Powers." These last two travelogues will cov-r the countries now in con- flict as they were before the outbreak of hostilities, but will be mad* up to data by several reals of new motion pictures that Mr, Holmes has recent- ly secured from the scat of the con- flict. VICTORIA THEATER. "Give fools their gold, and knaves their power; Let fortune's bubbles rise and toll; Who grows a Held, or trains a flower, Or plants a tree, is more than all" Those few lines are the Introduction of Harold Bell Wright's fascinating novel, "The Winning of Barbara Worth," the dramatic version of Which will. In; presented at the Vic- toria for one week, commencing Sun- day matinee, Oct, 11, and express the sentiment of his beautiful story. , * . Mr. Wright, who also wrote "Tho Calling of Pan Matthews," "That Printer of Udell's," "The Shepherd of the .Hills," and other novels, all of which have proven "best sellers,'. In "The Winning of Barbara Worth," the sales of which reached over 1,000,000 Ices were held from the home on Mon^ M. day afternoon at 2 o'clock, the \Sn\^ff^£!^%jSS^!!!i!^ T. K, Gale reading tho service. The burial took place at West Farming- ton, 0„ Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, Reeves has made her borne here with ber daughter for the past thirteen years, and was exceedingly well-known for the good Christian example that aba set among bof many friends. Be? sldco Mrs, Hoadley she leaves a son, will not issue until spring. If you want telephone service this winter, place your ordir Hfiow Sjo that your name will ap- pear in the new book. ;if!fi Chicago 1 ciephone company H. B. Gates, District Manager Telephone 9903 KOR 8AI,fc--A COMPLETE LINE OF new and used household goods at 50 per cent better than Chicago prices. Call end let us demonstrate to you. Smltb-Duce Co., 1217 Wil- ni.nn-av. tow-U FOK 6ALB--USRU 8KWING MA chine*; nverhatiled: >ns ra nteed i to 5 years. Singer............ ...........$600 Domestic..................... ©.00 Wheeler 4k Wilson............ 7.00 Singer, drop head............. 8.00 Wheeler ft Wilson, drop head.. 13.00 Wheeler ft Wilson, cabinet..... IC.00 Wilcox ft ClbhK-----........... 15.«0 Open Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day evenings. Patterson Bros., 1128 Sheniian-av., Evanston. ltc MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE IVANITON HOMES ww-ir FQR SALE--BABY GRAND PIANO. in fine playing order. $175; easr payments. Paturson Bros.. IStS Sherman-uv., Rvanston. ltc II i" 1 I 1 . . 1 ------'i ..... --mmmmm-- JEWELRY PURCHASES AT TM| K'iRuhVsr'Q • ^ oiAMoaosrtMMit an Vdl "' " " rla>it^tHr-^MSRiff SBv •■■••• ^ . ■ i"l . aji -- SaSS k 1 ed, human epic, which will ssrve as a standard of pioneer endeavor In the west for decades to come. William Lynch Roberts and Mark R, Swan, the dramatists who have ar- ranged Mr. Wright's atory for the stage, have caught the very essence of the novelist and the lights and shadows of the splendid west and Its Mr. George B. Rseves, of Chicago, life. To see the characters ot the novel as they have been placed on the stage Is to love them. Woodpecker's Tattoo. Barbara, Wlllard Holmes. Abe Lee, Hoard a woodpecker tapplnjr tba tne 8eeri TeXBB Joe> Pftti jeirorson tree In the high woods. How strange-1 Wonh ftnd Jftme8 Qreenneid, tho ab- ly be is constructed! If we chopped BOrbmgjy interesting figures of the our teeth on a stick loud enough to be jg|!6at 8tory have a„ Deen p,ftCed ou heard a hundred feet off, at the °adithe gtftJ|e b tft0 dPamatut8i oaaaolo.1- of an hour our jaws and gums would i mA WrtllMlf the producera of { be so sore we could not bear It. But } t boen oxtremcly carmr the woodpecker seems to suiter no Uv j fu| Jn the BGlectlon of tbe caBt t0 convenleaoe. **toy out the Ideas of the novelist ,»" ■' ----a ■'." ;and dramatlats, " The same oare has bean taken In making the soenio produetlon, which is said to be one of the most beauti- ful and massive ever placed on the American stage, Tho desert sceno of La Palma l>e La Mano do Dioa--"the Hollow of God's Hand'"--la said to bo perfect In atmosphere. 1 ' l-S-W^PPP! oILaReWater Pollution of Lake Water by Sewerage is the subject of much discussion. Authorities agree that LAKE WATER is unfit fur drinking purposes, WHAT IS THE REMEDY? ORDER At ONCE CORINNIS WAUKESHA WATER ALWAYS PURE AND HEALTHFUL HINCKLEY & SCHMITT, inc. Telephone Evanston 080 Distributors Remedy far Drowsiness. Drowsiness during the day, If a per- son has slept wtti the night before, la often caused by Indigestion, Cften this la remedied by drinking something vary hot llge cocoa or coffee. The brain needs a mild stimulant. Lassi- tude of the body is not always an In- dication of illness or laslness, No Proverb to Quids Him, She--"A proverb says that fruit la gold (n the morning and lead at night, evening, 1 suppose," He--"That's right! Look at the trouble Adam got Into by eating an apple after Eve."-- Boston Transcript, Evil Effects of Fear. Fear la the acid which Is pumped Into one's atmosphere. It causes men- tal, moral and spiritual asphyxiation* ■P»i?H!«f^"i . .' "i l ...I lIJ.'!i,."Vll,U-.' Have you lost something? Let us find it for you. Is your maid leaving? Let us find you another. Lake Shore News "Want AdsH lllilsiss M si um ile si--' ■' oring nesuns 1 mmm PHONE t*40' a meaning that It's bad for one in tbe, and sometimes death, death to energp and all growth--Horace Fletcher. Chicken Hswk In Flight. law aalehea hawk la Sight, which suggests the motion of a m"">rcsr. OSTIVICH He flapping, no soaring, hut a aar4e*j^fcto*jsj of quick, eapioslve beats of the wtaea,' ?*^™fs each sending to* bird forward In a leap of several yard*. <rhw ****** gives five strokes, then a jump--From "A Farmer's Notebook." Life. Life Is a moving picture, and tho ftlm often, breaks Just at tho inter* eating place --Judce bMS Osama raHaeiai the la aaclent *}«««* tbcrdaiea waa «*» first mode of ea.tsrtola»aal^tt*; came <iW tarn. *>»*»*« tro» » Greek W*f4 l^**^Jno^L. £ Greece It wsajrtvaa »t^2ita» b« a«a»db»a», haajra aa l**^*^**11* a qreeh ward aseanjaa "to - PaltirsonBros, Wt to Hammerfest. iwtaeawwttewaato *ato**« ■aaa datty assisaepato and pipe f* CHICAGO. ILL. • • eaf^aTaW l^ssW • awi Populapr Prieaj H-uiti<aii"iHtj Smm s^ ■^SmssftU SSWc mmmmmmmmmm ■wy BESSIE STUART CAMPBELL ( wIIIkIvo IiitC»iih»u« /••* ture *^1>XJCATI9N in ^bo TWENTIETH CENTURY * n» th« ■niPOllWOOP CIXB, RtiUKIIH t'AHK. OfTOnKIl 15th Ytek«t«, M emti un<t II 00 Classified Business List r'pa-g: - r ■r~.-r,n7;r,~-ayfftrrtt^^Trf-ffliiBwrT'«Sa^^ MERCHANDISE JEWELERS AU0U5T RODELII Successor to ftodetius sExpert Watchmaker sad Opticiaa. Repairing of complicated watches and clocks. Many years* eapefi ence *with bast known GROCERIES Pin* fruits--to and out of sea- son--si* ays form a part of oar large stock of 8elect and Fancy Grocerlea takers ateel Cut coffee la QaeaV QEO, B. WINTER MEN'S WEAR •27 Dayh) •trasa Quality and not Quantity--tbe bast tor the money--Is our mow to. Our large stock ot groeerkss Is always aslant, and Fraau == Fruita aod Vegetables a spech •Jtjr. ^U«»- Qlothaa Ready Order. Packard Serosla Shoes far Ladw Cblldror. Gentlemen* lug Goods. HAYES at HA aiBsn HOTELS A7~S7^TAl^rPEU#EM[THE AVENUE HOUS lili sjuliii i.VuiH " " nisi'ii ■■■>»■■ ma an aUwirt*aC«*f«»«M4 gnndty Dasaar a SsaalsjHnV ltot:MP. M. - ."j-ui-.....*i™ ' UBS GLINCOl, ILLINOIS ^•••a* wm&mm *** *w*wm ,*^f*' ~ C0A9. a. WALt teal Oi»spss Aw

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