Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Oct 1914, p. 6

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TUB LAKfc SHORE NEWS, FRIP^Y, OCTOBER % mi the running time willlw still further1 on projects now to course of construe, reduced. ttoo, another forty or fifty million do* The passenger traffic of the Chicago lara can be saved. 'm' & North-Western railway between Chi-! Another thing, although bills ha*s cago and north shore points, Including been passed making appropriations '----- Lake F*>rest and Waukegan, has also for the fiscal year there Is no tow com- _. iincreased until it is now five times pelling the department to spent wo Railroads Are Doing Big I what It* was ten years ago. Tho I total amounts appropriated. 1 TRANSPORTATION LINES GIVE GOOD SERVICE Business With Their North Shore Patrons. [suburban service of the Chicago & proponents of many large appropria- tions would have pared them down to the extent of millions of dollars if they could have looked into the future. Events that were unknown and to tho North-Western railway In point of equipment, comfort,' time and rates of fare is not equaled anywhere in tho .world, and wherever it Is possible tt ...... ] is being improved. The time between'\ future when the appropriations were The growth of the different sections [Chicago and Evanston on fast trains made are now conditions of th? of a community, or Of a efty. Is an to- is twenty minutes; Highland Park, j present. Economies necessitated by testing study. Chicago is growing! thirty-four minutes, and to Lake For-1 these conditions can be practiced by to population in every direction. The est, forty-four minutes, and to points the departments, notwitbstsndtag the north shore is now one of the most j further north the distance is covered appropriations. important centers of interest. People | in proportionately rapid time. We have a general fund balance to the treasury amounting to about |119.- ihay think that they know something about it, but the drift of the popula- tion to that direction is much greater than they are aware. Ample evidence of this is to be found In a statement of the increase in the business of the transportation companies. There are two main lines of trans- portation connecting Chicago with north shore points. They include the Chicago & North-Western railway and the Northwestern Elevated railroad. In addition there is a surface line be- tween the city and Evanston and an additional important factor in trans- portation on the north shore is the Chi- cago & Milwaukee Electric, Which ogives quick communication between Evanston and Milwaukee. The traffic of the Northwestern Elevated railroad has grown from 20,r 860,000 passengers carried in the year 1901, the first year of its Operation, to nearly 46,000,000 in 1913. The greater part - of. this traffic is within Universal Love of Novel. Novels are sweet All people with healthy literary appetites love them--j almost all women; a vast number of ■ clear, hard-headed men, judges, biih- j ops, chancellors, mathematicians, aro notorious novel readers, as well as young boys and sweet girls, and their kind, tender mothers.--William " peace Thackeray. oooooo. of which *7si«o<M»© 1» •» deposit in tho National banks on calL It to saM that the withdrawal of that money from the hanks now would dis- turb business, ' Doubtless it would If the banks were called on to return It all now. But H it were recalled by the government gradually and put back In the treasury, business would not be disturbed, and the end sought would bo reached. Certainly there is no Justification for the raising of addi- tional revenue by taxation for the pur- pose of maintaining deposits in na- tional banks. -- -*--*-- These aro the reasons why It seemed to me the passage of this war tax bill, proposing the raising of 1105,000,000 in additional revenue, through the taxes specified in the bill, was not re* quired. ' . _._ ____________ THE WAR TAX BILL PASSES THE HOUSE (Continued frdm Page 1.) Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE. WILMETTE. 1640 Waal Ads is the Lake Shore New* arc charged at the following rates _ :•.'. y ____Real Estate Classifications, 7}_ ceats per !i_j. All Other Classifications. 5 cents per line. . Minimum' Price. 15 ceatsT No advertisemeat charged (or less than 25 cents. BOARD AND ROOM FOR RENT--COMFORTABLE room/ with board, tor lady. Phone 980-W. 802 Lake-av., Wilmette. Itc BOARD --WITH OR WITHOUT rooms; beat of home cooking. Call Miss Northern. Phone Wilmette 992-J. Address 731 Tonth-st. Ww-tf FOR RENT--BARNS FOR RENT--GOOD BARN; CEMENT floor, electric lights; suitable for garage; centrally located. Address A 105. Lfho Shore News. Itc FOR RENT-HOUSES can be made by not passing the so- called shipping bill. If that bill is not passed the government treasury will be spared an expenditure of forty mil- This furnishes lion dollars. This furnishes a reason the limits of the city of Chicago, but asai-* the passage of that Mil in ad SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED--BY HANDY MAN, ODD Jobs. Apply to C. H., 119 Flfth-st^ Wilmette. 3tp, FOR SALE SITUATION WANTED--S E WIN G done at-home; h all kinds of chil- dren's clothes a specialty. Phone Wilmette 1132. . Itc the increase to and from. Wilmette and intermediate points on the north is very great and is constantly growing. The operation of express trains be- tween the loop in Chicago and Evans- ton. by 'which tho time between these Twfetrlifisrbeen reduced to thirty min- utt s, has stimulated travel materially, and with the elevation of the tracks dition to those I mentioned in one of these letters several weeks ago. /public Buildings Bill. A public buildings bill is-contem plated for the next session of c gross. If that bill authorizes no new sites for public buildings and author- izes no new buildings, but is confined to provisions for continuing, contracts DRESSMAKING v AT REASONABLE prices', best workmanship. 631 Drexel-av., Glencoe. 47w3tc FOR SALE -- OUTSIDE PLAYER, with rolls; fit any upright piano; bargain, $25. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. Itc FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO» IN fine playing order, $75; easy pay- ments. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. itc POSITION. WANTED BY A FIRST- class colored cook. Phone Evans- ton 4878; --H ito FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR SALE--SINGER SEWING MA- chine, in fine sewing order, guaran- teed, $5. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av. Itc FOR REN T--VERY PLEASANT room; reasonable price; one or two adults. Phone Wilmette 253. Itc FOR SALE--A COMPLETE LINE OF new and used household goods at 50 per cent better than Chicago prices. Call and let us demonstrate, to you. Smith Duce Co., 1217 Wil- mette-av. 40w-lf FOR RENT--A 7-ROOM HOUSE with bath, $22 per month. Address Wta. B, Wilson, Box 72, Kenilworth, m. ------------1 LOST AND FOUND LOST --MALE AIREDALE, 6 months eld; answers to the name of Bubbles. Reward. 783 Foxdale- av., Winnetka. Itc HERROLINE A dollar's worth of this remarkable product will save you from $4 to $8 in your gasolene bill. It puts snap in your motor, it keeps your cylin- ders and spark plugs clean/ It is guaranteed to contain nothing injurious to the motor. Send for a list of Evanston motorists who use and recommend it. Try a sample can yourself and you will never be without Herroline. ______ FOR SALE W EVAHSTON EY -- MISCELLANEOUS WANTBD^-AN ARTIST WANTS AN accompanist in Wilmette in ex- < change for lessons in piano or voice. Address A 106, Lake Shore News. He FOR SALE EVANSTON WO Ml* BY COrvMDfth MASON VSSB&f 1580 Sherman-av. 39w-tr R. L. LeffingwelLinc., 800 Dempster Street Tyler-Leffingwell Co., 84? Chicago Avenue John Victor Lee, 901 Chicago Avenue Pennsylvania Oil Co., 933 Evanston Auto Company MADE BY Gasoline and Oil Co. 1533 Michigan Avenue, Chicago Patronize The Lake Shore News Advertisers -- SPECIAL SAVE OF EMBROIDERIES 45 INCH CREPE EMBROIDERY FLOUNCING 1 especially desirable patterns of good quality ' $ crepe, suitable widths for party frocks and gowns, a yard, 69c. A LOT OF CORSET COVER EMBROIDERY ; Unusually fine material, priced low, a yard, 29c. « ;p_^_______ __»____»_ __^____>-----^ Phones in all Departments. Evrnston 2400. Wilmette 1100 -THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING"' ^^^lf#®@©f T»»IItH»tHTH»»t»HIIHIIMlllIIIim tHH»»»T»MiiiiiMiiiHiiiiiiii»iiitfiminn; EXCEPTIONALLY PRETTY NECKWEAR Just received, a delightful assortment of fashion- able neckwear, pique sets, starched collar and cuffs, pique and organdie vestees, lace and cm- broidery collars, air priced at 49c. SOME PRETTY CROCHETED SILK SCARFS Excellent value at 49c. Manv DeoDle hiave waited for the announcement of this sale. Thrifty housewiveiliaveieafeied that they have always profited by S&PSatoimOTKenutS here. We have a complete lineof the best imported and domestic guaranteed pure^alumi- num This! sale, which marks a new level in aluminum prices, affords an opportuity to secure the highest grades of kitchen aluminum at prices probably never before quoted on the North Shore. PUKE ALUMINUM DOUBLE ROAS- TER, round, seamless, self-basting, --polished.- heavy metal, guaranteed. Regular price, $1.98. Extra spe- cial.............................-I-" - No phone or mail orders filled. PURE ALUMINUM COFFEE POT, heavy metal, black ebony handle, 2 Quart size. $1.98 value. Special $1.39 PURE ALUMINUM FRY PAN, medl- guaranteed, strong handles. $1.25 value. Special i.................89c PURE ALUMINUM STEW PAN, 5 qt. Kizo, flat bottom, seamless, highly pol- ished outside, electro finish inside, aluminum cover guaranteed W%> pure aluminum. Regular price, $1.05. Spe- cial bargain......................98c PUR_E„ ^ALUMINUM BERLIN KETTLE, 6 quart trtzor first quality imported metal, self righting cover, prevent- ing boiling over. Reg- ular price. $1.63. Spe- cial t .V..^... ... .98c .63c PljPTE ALUMINUM BERLIN SAUCE PAN, _V_ quart size, made without joint3, seams or soldered parts from thick hard sheet aluminum. Regular price, 98c. This sale only. PURE ALUMINUM BREAD PANS, in two sizes, highly polished, guaranteed, sanitary. Spe- cial, your choice..... .25c PURE ALUMINUM SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS, loaded bottom, tip over. Spoclal, pair ..........*------•■"»J5C PURE ALUMINUM BERLIN KETTLE, 4 qt. capacity, seamless, with self righting cover, $1.39 value. Special........89c PURE ALUMINUM COFFEE POT, 11/6 quart cize, seamless, black ebony handle, made of very best aluminum that can be produced, $1.(55 value. Special bargain 98c PtrRe a;.uminum tea kettle. fjuart size,' new shape,absolutely *est grade aluminum made, guaranteed, seanilcvs, very strong handle. Regu- larly sold at $3.50. Special, this _ 5aie ...........................$2.48 j Great bargain ,.ITiiiiiiimiiiiiiijrnTiiinnHWU} -i H COUPON Pure Aluminum double Rice Boil- , 2-quart size, made * of highest grade pure Aluminum, seamless, polished, ^strong han- dles, regular price $2.25. Extra special F bargain, with this (Pi 1Q coupon only___f........T\__*___> lrTTr;t»»iiitiMiimmminn>u»J ALUMINUM SAUCE , P U R E ALUMINUM POT quart frizer-niekei-., AND KETTLE COVERS, in all sizes at very" moderate COFFEE PERCOLATORS, 2 qart capacity, makes the coffee the right way, when made In a pure aluminum percolator. Our regular 12.50 kind. ...............J1.B9 P^J R € A LUMINU M CAST TEA KETTLE, Wagner well known ware, colonial style, 6 qt. size. $3.75 value. Special. $2.98 ORONA, cleans aluminum perfectly, sanitary and an- tiseptic. Special, large t|DL ..........-------... JQc CHILDREN'S MUG8, tqade of pure aluminum, seamless, sanitary. Spe- cial, each.............10c PURE ALUMINUM JELLY CAKE PANS, made in two sizes, 9 Inch and 10 Inch sizes, highly polished. Choice, each 18c PURE ALUMINUM MEASURING CUP. »i pt. capacity, In raised letters. Special, each..........10c Supplies Thousands [ of Homes The Careful Hcu.ewife Always Buy* Frcm This List These Prices hold until October 5 Our Grocery DEMONSTRATION OF JINX The wonderful allarouno cleaner.. Special during this demonstration, r 2 large cant.....v.......25c CEREAL fihrndrtort Whaat: 2 pkgs..a3e Puffed Wheat: 2 pkgs. for.. 17c Quaker Oats: 2 pkgs. for.. 19c Pettijohn's Breakfast Food: 2 pkgs. for----- .........23c Puffed Rlcs: 2 pkgs. for... .23c Wheatena: 2 pkgs. for... .23c Postum Cereal: Per pkg...13e Instant Postum: Per can...26c Instant Postum: Large size, per can.................45c Washington Crisps or Kellogg's Corn Flakes: 3 pkgs. for. .23c BAKED BEANS Burnham & Morrill Boston Baked Beans, 2 15c cans for.........21c j SAUCE PAN--5 quart I heavy pure aluminum, j steel handle. 98c value. I last, only............... size, extra ntckelplated While they .......... 59c PURE PAN, V& plated steel handle, guaran- teed, highly polished. 49c value. Special...........25c prices. PURE ALUMINUM VEGETABLE RINSER OR COLANDER, seamless, easy to clean, long handle. 85c value. Special ..........................89c _____ mt" PURE ALUMINUM SINK STRAINER, easy to clean, this is a strainer that ! will last for many years. Regularly sold at 49c Special, this sale... .29c PURE ALUMINUM UNIVERSAL PERCOLATORS, are made In a large variety of styles and sizes, of polished aluminum. They range m prices from $3.50 upward. PURE ALUMINUM TEA_eOT«-fl_at quality heavy aluminum, seam- less, 2 quart size. $2.25 value. Special-----iJS9 Suggestions in Dinnercloths. Lunchcloths, Teaclotbs and Table- ■f. cloths, Covers and Napkins to match ^_____ ."TTr-Yir?__^■g-VYY__tt_-_i-rrrrrTrxxx: V/f-SP AT§ FRIDAY SPECIALS ;>INriERCLQTHS, c x"t t a fine Damask, 70x70 inch. Splendid | QO value lorZ. ,V,>.. :'..............* e%_/0 Bctter~f5uali 98c .UNCKCLOTHS. Ail Linen, Hemstitched T?a masl^a^S^n^W^"*7- r.pecigl for-----.._... • ■ • • ..... GATIr- DAMASK TEACLQTHS, Hem- • utched, 45*45. inches, beautiful | qq igns. Special for. lEMSTlTCHED TABLE SET, Tablecover, bleached all linen rmtljil m2* ^4^o and 18 inch ^ 4.98 SHAKER FLANNEL.TuTTTani^inerineach- ed, regular price l".t a yard, in short q| lenKths. 4 to 10 yd. pie«-e. Yard........C>2C WOOL SUITING, '>» Inch plain, grey and blue for boys' clothing. Special, * j,*? "for"Friday onTy, a yard-----x........^OC SAflJRDAY SPECIALS CLOVER SHEETS, full bleachf-d, size 72x 110, seamed center. _|^/» Qnly^^_v_.\^_............... i:..".......• • • OOXi H STNGLE BLANKETS, Tn grey and tan, dot!7 hie lleeced, size 66x80 inches. «-2/» Special, lor......-----. •.....• .-r7^r^r\?oG MONDAY SPECIALS j MANCHESTER C H A M B R A V, in bin© F - Special, ■i mixed. J a yard. >* OUTING f LANfjEL, extm^^tTT^^ecks 5]c and stripes, short lengths, lt%e quality. A yard. 7le High Quality Meats for Less than any where else Pot Roast Beef, lb.15'/2c Shoulder Steak, lb. .'.............17'/?C SlrTonrSteak, lb.22'/2e Rourttf^teak, lb-----21c Flank Steak,.lb... 18e Porterhouse Steak, lb..................28c Club or Short Steak, lb................26e Veal Steak, lb......32c Veal Chops, lb..J%>BQc Shoulder Veal Roast, lb........I80 Choice-Veal ^tew;,-------- lb.................14c Swift's Premium Hams,lb...l9s/,c Lamb Chops, rib or loin, lb............28c No. 10 Pail Snowdrift, for..............11.29 Bacon, sliced, lb...28c Bacon, narrow or wide, lb. ..............24y2e Jones' Dairy Farm Sausage Meat, lb. ..... .......22c Best Lard, 3 lbs. for 45c Armour's Star Bacon, by the piece, lb.. .27' ^c 25c Size Criseo for 23c Pickled Pig's Fasti------ lb. .................8c SATURDAY SPECIALS THind Quarter Spring Lamb, lb........................ 1te Freeh Dressed Spring Chickens, 1 Beef Tenderloins, larded, lb........................21«/zC jib..........................25c Prims Rib Roast Beef, lb. .18y_c veal Leg or Loin, lb........20e Spring Leg of Lamb, lb...18«4c | Calves' Liver, lb............25c Watch the . Evanston My ncona WW BMO SpgQWS fif WOilflllf ^'r.:--.,;,,,;,,,,,,,,.......■,.....,.,...■__„„,,,,,,,,,,prTTTTTTm_gn^^ SOAPS AND WA8HINQ POWDERS Kirk's American Family Soap: 10 bars for...............45c per case ...............$2.89 Pels Napths Soap: 10 bars. .45c Swift's Pride Soap: 10 bars.29c per ease of 100 bars-----$2.69 Grandma's Washing Powder: large pkg................11c Star Napths Washing Powder: 4 lb. pkg--------...........t9» Lighthouse Soap: 10 bars.742c NUTRO ROLLED OATS In round cartons, the finest Rolled Oats pscked, 3 containers for......-----23c Fancy Jonathan Apples: 10 lbs. for........;*......69c Fancy Twsnty Ounce Pippin Apples: 10 lbs. for.......47c Cranberries: Per quart......9c Sweet Potatoes: 5 lbs. Ice.. 17c The fin oil s "Lakeside" Brand ef Csnnsd Psss a* <hs lowest prices ever. Lakeside Telephone Peas per can ................19e Per doz. . I ;.......:...fl-4B Lakeside Selected Early June Peas: per can..........19e per doz. . .,..... .$1.68 Lakeside Sifted Early June Peas: per can........19e FLOUR Gold Medal and Now Century:. Vb bbl. sack....... ......88c Va bbl. sack....... .....$1.76 Yz bbl. sack..:..........$3.45 COFFEE AND TEA Golden Roast Santos Coffee: per lb. .................. .280 4 lbs: for.......,.......$1.00 Bogota Blend Coffee: Lb...29c Richelieu, Msnor House, Chase A Sanborn, Dutch Club and --Upton's Coffss: 1 lb. cans 37c 3 lb. cans___...~ £... .$1.07 Sheridan Coffee: Better than ever, 3 lbs. for..........$1.08 Lipton's Yellow Lsbci Tcs: „ •4 lb. can................1Se Vz lb. can................29c 1 lb. ,can..................65c 60c Quality .English Breakfast or Oolong:Tsa: Par lb...47c CEREALS IN BULK The most economical way to buy these cereals: Rolled Osts: Finest quality, 5 lbs. for................19c Yellow Commeal: 10 lbs...29c White Commeal: 10 lbs...29c Fancy Jap Rice: 10 lbs for. .69c Best Quality Head Rice:--------- 10 lbs. for................79c Hand Picked Navy Beans: 10 lbs. for............... .590 Monsoon or Savoy Brands of Sterilized Brand, 5 lb. bag 23c CLEANSER Armour's Lighthouse Cleanser, per doz. cans. .39c WEEKLY MONEY SAVERS Sapolio: 2 bars for........I3e Bon Ami........... .......9c Old Dutch Cleanser: 3 cans.23c Kitchen Klenzer: 6 cans for 25c Grandpa's Tar Soap: 2 bars. .9c Galvanic Soap: 2 bars for. ..9c Life Buoy Soap: 2 bare for..9c Jelio: AH flavors, 3 pkgs. .25c Lipton's Jelly Tablets: All flavors, 3 pkgs 23c Rumford's Baking Powder: 1 lb. can.................17c Or. Prics's Baking Powder: 1 tb. can..........*........42c Lowney's Cocoa: ' _ I b. ca n.. 19c Baker's Chocolate: per 1 lb. pkg..... .........32e Finest Cocoa nut: Long" thread, par lb...................19c SUGAR: 10lbs. best gra- nulated sugar for.. .69c With any grocery order. 100 lb. bag $6.85 -FRESrrTrRUTTE~*W_i VEGETABLES Fancy Messina Lemons: per doz. ........... . .19c Good Cooking and Eating Apples: 10 lbs. for......29c POTATOES--POTATOES Fancy White Burbank Potatoes: Very good cookers, per peck...............29c VINEGARS Cider Vinegar: Qt^__*_._.._« S bottles ............___.•*♦_* White Vinegar: Qt, bot.....9c 3 bottles ... .......___.24c Cider Vinegar: In gal. Jugs.33c Whits Vinegar: In gal. Jugs.28c Hoi brock's Imported English Malt Vinegar: Per bot.. .23c Holbrook's Imported English tarragon Vinegar: Bot...23c Van Camp's Soups: Tomato, Chicken, Vegetable, Pea or Cream of Celery. Any assort- ment, 6 eana for___>f.. .4$e Van Camp's Milk: At legs than wholesale prices, small size, per doz.......47c Family else, par do*......87c Tall size, per doz.........98c DODSON'8 PICKLES - In Quart Mason Jars: Sweet,' Sweet Mixed, Sour, Soar Mixed and Dill, per Jar. .23c CRACKERS Crispo Crackers: 3 pkgs...11c Crispo Graham Crackers: , 3 pkgs for...............23c DRIED ONIONS Yellow Globe: Per pck.. 27c BUTTER, EGGS A CHEESE Wayne * Low Best Creamery ,'. Butter: Per lb............35c Clover Vale Butter: Lb....33c Strictly Fresh Eggs: Doz...28c Delivered aft .............$1c Jslks's "Good Luck" Butterine: rx_7WcK........:.... ...39e , 5 lb. pall.................97b Swift's Premium Oleomargarine: perl lb. carton..........22c New York American Cheese: per lb........... ......._•« Full Cream Brick Cheese: par lb....................24c by the brick..;...x......210 Save Rosenberg's Red Trading Stamps It pays. 1000 stamps have an actual merchandise value of $1.50. Doable Stamps Tuesday MIIIUHllfmfMHIMPl^lUUIMIJMgr

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