Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1914, p. 2

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TBS LAKE SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY, SEPT2MSSK 17. 1114 a ut'i'i ii iiiipsc Social Ha i»£s in Wl lira, llaraaall R. Knox entliffalm <l Informally Saturday afternoon at her home, 161? Lake avenue, in honor of the eighth birthday of her' Htt!e daaghter, Gertrude. The borne was very daintily decorated in pink and White, and twelve little girla fully en Joyed themaelves. r On Saturday evening, Sept. 5, the -Country club was opened to the junior members for a dancing party. Among the chaperons were Messrs. and Mes dames E. I. Case, Louis Clark aad C. M. Puhlman. Saturday evening there was an party at the Country I Mrs. Nathalie Van Ryser. 227 Park •venue, Highland Park, announces the engagement of her daughter, Edna May. to Hearst Wadbams Cady, son of Mrs. Edith Cady, 825 Forest avenue The wedding will take place during the Christmas holidays. ' Mrs. BdwardH. Yunkers gave amir- steal afternoon Friday at her home, 9ii Sheridan toad. The Misses Rose Marie Blain and Marguerite Blain gave a most delightful program: | Mrs. Robert E. Hall entertained at auction bridge Monday afternoon at her residence, 701 Forest avenue. There were Ave tables. Mrs. Hall will entertain at cards again tomorrow aft- ernoon. Among the affairs given during the past week for Miss Maude Allen, 518 Forest avenue, whose marriage to Mr. Jesse Duer Phillips will take place on Saturday evening are: A luncheon and kitchen shower on Friday afternoon, it the home of Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Washington avenue; a miscellan- eous shower on Saturday afternoon at 9b home of Mrs. R. O. Allen in Win- netka, and a luncheon and bridge party at the home of Miss Agnes Cun fieeij, 731 Ashland avenue, on Wednes- day afternoon. Mrs. Mathias Miller, 700 Linden ave nue, entertained at. luncheon on Fri- day In honor of her niece, Miss Clare Miller, of Du Quoin, 111. The dining room was decorated in yellow and White. Covers were laid for fourteen. Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Anna Hens and Mr. E. O. Halberson, which took place ou Saturday evening, Sept. 5, at St. Jos- eph's church. Gross Point. Miss Hens f attended by Miss Kathryn Schwall. as maid of honor, and the Misses Susan M. Hoffman aad Teresa Rhelnwhld. as bridesmaids. Mr. B. 3. Hens, a\hrothcr of the bride, was best were Messrs N. Lich- tcr aad \Nicholas Schwall. Mr. aad Mrs^ Hsiherson have gone to Savan- nah. 111., on their honeymoon trip, hat will return shortly aad make their home la proas Point. Mrs. Ajuaa K. Witt announces the engagement of her daughter, Anna Kathryn. to Kenneth Shields Witt, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Charles 3. Witt of 918 Madison street. Evanston. Announcements have been received In this city of the marriage of Mr. William C. Keith aad Mrs. Lulu Allen, which took place la Detroit, Mich, on Saturday, September 5. Mr. ana Mrs. Keith will reside at it» Central avenue. The home of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Allen, 618 Forest avenue, will be the scene of a very pretty wedding Sat- urday-evening, when their daughter, Miss Maude Allen, will be united in marriage to Mr. Jesse Oner Phillips. Miss Dorothy Allen, another daughter, will attend her sister as maid ot honor, and Joseph Phillips, brother of the bridegroom, will serve as best man: Two little nieces of the bride, Lois and Rebecca Allen, will be flower girls. Everett Allen, Boardman Hop- per of Marion, Pa. and Joseph Ham- ilton of Evanston. will serve as UBhers. Another pretty home wedding will be solemnized on Friday evening, when Miss Gertrude Webber will be married at her home, 815.Forest ave- ^^ aveoaeTaad"brTaad Mrs" Mrs. <I* eaas M. Ktoox, §1* avenue, has returned from aa extend led trip through Canada aad a ▼*•** la Detroit, Mich. Mrs. C C Mitchell aad two sons. e 0, Jr., aad Harrington. 814 Linden avenue, returned last week' from la visit fa Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Mary Hoyt of Cleveland, a, will arrive Satarday to visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James H. Smurr, 741 Eighth street. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph f. Gnat, 2748 Woodbine avenue, Evanston, have gone to California, where they will make their future home. Or. E. C. Moulton, who has been a guest at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. H. B. Gates, returned Saturday to his home in Fort Smith. Ark. Mrs. Garten aad daughter. Miss Blanche Garten, of Lincoln, Neb., are the guests of Mr. aad Mrs. E. Ander- son, 1123 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Middleton has returned from aa extended visit in the south, aad is making her home With her son. Mr. John C. Blaylock. 230 Doyle court. Rev. A. O. Hammond has returned to his home la Albertsoa, Wash, after spending a few days as the guest of ids brother, Mr. Guy S. Hammond, 1 Crescent place. Miss Barbara Pearsell returned yes- terday to her home in Evansville, Wis., after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gates, 1126 Wilmette avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Duer Phillips, of Phila- delphia, Pa., have arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. E Allen, 618 For- est avenue. They are the parents of Mr. Jesse Duer Phillips. Miss Ruth H. Gates, 1126 Wllmette avenue, returned Sunday to Burling- ton, la., where she will resume her position as an Instructor in mathe- matics in the high school. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Spear, 1045 nue. to Donald Payne of .Paw Paw, Cnarles Hart or'Evanston. returned Mich., at 8:30 o'clock. Miss Janet Jones will attend Mlaa Webber as maid of honor and the Misses Dor- othy Cody and Katherlne Crocker will be the bridesmaids. Elizabeth Web- ber, a sister of the bride, and Joseph Glover, a cousin, will stretch the rib- bons. Mr. William Payne will attend bis brother as best man. Miss Webber has been the guest of honor at a number of affairs this week. On Saturday, Miss Katherlne Crocker entertained the bridal party at luncheon and a matinee party, see- ing "Under Cover." Tuesday, Miss Dorothy Cody was hostess at an auc- tion-bridge party; and yesterday Miss Helen Payne, a sister of the groom, gave a luncheon at her home in Edge- water. Wilmette Societies and Clubs 'At the annual meeting of the sec- ond division of the Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist church the following eSwfb"Were elected: President, Mrs. E. M. Stafford; first vice-president. Mrs. J. It. Harper: second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Breithwait; third vice-pres- ident, Mrs. -Eldred G. Bentley; secre tary, Mrs. N. P. Colwell, and treasurer. "Mrs. TatlTson." *A™ selves and outside artists will discuss various subjects which will be of in- terest to the class. All the old mem- bers, and any other todies desiring to join a class of this sort are invited to attend the first meeting to be held at the Woman's club on Friday, Oct. 13. Mrs. A. N. Page is chairman of this meeting. Mrs. George Fernald. 811 Forest avenue, entertained the first division of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Wll- mette M. E. Church, Monday after- noon. '.The next .meeting of the executive bpard of the Wilmette Woman's Democratic league is scheduled for ^Caeaday afternoon, Oct. C, at the home of Mrs. Theodore Breyer, 725 "Washington avenue" Mrs. William A. Mann will be host- ess to the- members of the Friday Luncheon and Bridge club at her home, 1121 Greenwood avenue, on Friday, Sept. 18. -- o -- The Drama Study club met yester- day afternoon at' the home of Mrs. Riddlford at her home on Sheridan drive. • Mrs. L. E. Wade, 1529 Charles street, will entertain the Cosy Corner Circle at her home next Thursday aft- ernoon. The first regular meeting-of the Woman's Association of St. Augustine Episcopal church will be held tomor- row in the church parlors. The ses- sion will open with a luncheon, to be followed by a business meeting add an address by Rev. Barrett Jones. Meadames Phillip llugucuiin and Carl- ton R. Dart are in charge of the luncheon. . The Arden Shore club is making great preparations for a bazaar to be held on Satarday. ' Nov. 7. in the Evanston Woman's Club building, for the benefit of-the_Arden Shore Winter camp at Lake Bluff. The winter camp has but recently been established for the sole purpose of making a home Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk this week from a week's motoring trip to Lake Ripley, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drake and family of Wichita, Kans.. stopped at the home of Mr. Drake's brother. Mr. Lyman M. Drake. 933 Lake avenue, on their way home from the east. Mrs. E. Anderson and two daugh- ters, Ruth and Dorothy, 1123 Elmwood „Paw Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Smith aad of Kenwood, were the week-end guests of Mr. aad Mrs. Clarence W. Casque, Cumnor road, near Woodstock avenue. The Bridge dah met Tuesday after- noon with Mrs. c. K. Blackwood. Miss Charlotte Parmelee aad Mies Mary- Taylor left Sunday to attend Bradford academy, Mass. Among the young ladies who left this week to attend WeUesley college were the Misses Edith aad Lucy Chandler, Prlscilla Allen, Olive Bui- ley. Beatrice Starr, and Carol Hors- f he Woman's GuiM of the Church of the Holy Comforter are making splendid preparations for the Christ- mas Market to be held oa the Sat- arday before Thanksgiving la the As- sembly Hall. The Neighbors have announced their club program for the ensuing year. The first meeting Is scheduled for Thursday evening, Oct. 8, when Mrs. Oliver R. Barrett will make the ad- dress of the afternoon, "Life la the TyroL- ' The death of Mr William H. Pratt which occurred a week ago Satarday at his home, Warwick road near Ken- II worth avenue, K en il worth, has caused a deep feeling of grief among his many friends. He leaves a widow and throe children. Ellen. Hasea aad Louise Pratt. Mr. Pratt was super- intendent of the warehouses at the Illinois Steel Company In Chicago. The family have closed their home in Kenilworth and will spend,the win- ter with relatives in Mrs. Pratt's home town. Mount Vernon. O. return betfTaVtHPIIIIHiJ. ■!■ Wares have been occupying the Casey Woods home. «tt Maple avenue, for the summer, and It was there the mar- riage took plate. The young couple will make their future home la Paaa- deaa,CaL * I What People Are Doing; ♦minimi minium. I What People Are Doing in Winmtkai Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Edwin Bradstreet, 335 Ridge avenue, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Ruth Emerson, to Howard Henry Hoyt, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Henry Hoyt of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Boddle, 843 North avenue, gave a young people's i dance at the Winnetka Woman's club avenue, have returned froar * two ^nday evening in honor of their MfAAVa' tfiat# «■«■ *B-*A 1*S%**«A *-»T lire ,\ *"» _ * _ niece. Miss Frances Boddie, who will Miss Gordon, president of the W. C. T. V.. will return next week from Maine, where she Is spending a fort- night. Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Jones, 2309 Sherman avenue, who have been spend- ing the last two weeks In Wisconsin, have returned. Mr. aad Mrs. Clyde Kctchum (nee Marcella Norrls) of Los Angeles, CaL, announce the birth of a* son on Fri- day, Sept. 11. Mrs. Wilhelmlne Gardner. 1218 Sher- idan road, will leave Oct 6 for Wash- ington, D. C, where she will attend Mrs. Somer'a school. MT. Russell Forgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. David R Forgan, 1112 Green- wood boulevard, will attend St. Mark's School for Boys In New York. Mr. Joseph O. Morris Jr., 1138 Sheri- dan road, has returned from Cincin- nati, O., where he Is attending college, for a short visit with his parents. Mrs. Anna K. Witt of Wllmette an- nounces the engagement of her daugh- ter. Anna Katherlne. to Kenneth Shields Witt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Witt, 918 Madison street. Mrs. Ernest Reckltt, 1120 Forest avenue, has sent out cards for Samr-> day afternoon, Sept. 19, when she-will entertain at bridge for Miss Eleanor Spry, whose marriage will take place next week. Mr. Frank Y. Norrls has returned to his home In California, after a visit with his daughter, Mrs. John S. Burch- more, 2407 Harrison street. Mr. Nor- rls. until recent years, has made his home in Evanston. weeks' visit at the home of Mrs. An derson's parents at Princeton, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hawkes and daughter, Louise, 714 Central avenue, be their guest for this month. It is reported that a marriage li- cense issued a week ago gave H. A. have returned from a two weeks'trip j rjeWtaat. m gheridan road, trace of east, making short stops in New York, Boston and other places of interest. Mrs. Horace Phillips, of Topeka, Kans., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Allen, 518 Forest avenue, and will remain here for the wedding of Miss Maude Allen to Mr. Jesse Duer Phillips. Mrs. C.-S. Willlard returned the first of the week to her home in Lincoln, Neb., after being the guest of Mrs. Milton E. Barker, 735 Tenth street, for a fortnight. Mrs. Willlard is state secretary of the Woman's Board of Missions in that city. bis son, Heylinger BeWiadt, Jr., who has been missing for about two weeks. It is said that the young man ob- tained a license to marry Miss Clara Swigart of Clinton, 111., who is the daughter of a.retired farmer. The marriage of Miss Laura Wil- kinson Ware to Howard Fuller I sham was celebrated at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arthur Ware on Saturday of last week. While the Wares are no long er Wlnnetkans, having lived for sev- eral years in southern California, the bride, through loyalty to her child- Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Stevens are cruising on Lake Michigan In their j yacht. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Culbertson have , returned from an extended trip abroad. Mr. Herbert Collycr. 524 Hill street, has returned from a trip to St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. C. b. Evans, 1G16 Gregory ave- nue, returned this week from Mis- souri. week-end guest Miss Edis Hamilton, of Wichita. Kans. Miss Frances Stevens entertained at bridge Friday afternoon at hei home on Essex road. Mr. Hilmar Zimmerman returned , this week to Ann Arbor, Mich., where Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zipf. 925 Lake j he w|„ refmiue h|g Btu(Ue8. Mr. Paul Schulze, Melrose avenue, ! near Sheridan road, left Monday avenue, motored to Milwaukee Sunday Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Purdy and datighter, Kate, spent the week-end in Detroit. Mich. Mr. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden ave- nue, has returned from a hunting trip to Savannah, 111. Miss Eleanor Bradley, 4104 Forest avenue, has returned to the Westorn Reserve College, O. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kaufman, 1129 Elmwood avenue, returned this week from a visit at Mendota. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Mi-Bride, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, have re- ! turned from Atlantic City. ! Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blaylock, 230 T Doylo court, have as their guests Mrs. Harry Knatt, of Irving Park. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kuebl, formerly of 731 Central avenue, are now at their home in Hammond, Tnd. Mrs. George Barry has returned to Wllmotte aHd wiH occupy her home at 912 Greenleaf street, shortly. Mrs. William Smith. 615 Lake ave- nue, is visiting at the home of Mrs. morning to resume his work at Yale. Miss Vivian Witherbee was hostess to a number of her friends at an in- j formal dancing party last Saturday ! evening. Mrs. H. B Watson and little daugh- ter are spending ti month visiting ' relatives and friends in Charlevoix, j Mich. Miss Olive Bulley, Sheridan road, I near Oxford avenue, left Sunday for > the east, where she will attend Wei lesley college. I Mr. Kenneth Lewis, of Muskegon, i Mich., was the guest of Mr. Lawrence I Horswell, Essex road, near Melrose i avenue, last week. Judge and Mrs. Sidney Eastman have closed their home at Melrose Snowflake Purity and Quality First Made in "Wilmette Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager PER SO N AllTY TO GET THE GREATEST BENEFIT from your'hanfc ymt must be known there as a personality as well as an •'account" This personal element we offer you coupled with a safe, sane and conservative financial policy. Open Friday-evenmg* fapm 7 to & * * \ * * WILMETTE S?Sn BANK LAFAYETTE BENTHU3EN DEAD. Mr. Lafayette Benthnsen of Hutch- inson. Kansas, died at his home last Sunday. His remains were brought to Chicago and he was buried in Rose tj«h cemetery on the 15th. Mr. Ben- tbusen was the father of Mrs. Fred J). Buckman of 831 Oak wood avenue. We otter extra tine long stem roses, all our own growing, at, WHOLESALE PRICES Killarney, White Killarney, Killarney Brilliant (new), Richmond Sunburst, 50c per dozen and up. Also carry a full line of everything in CUT FLOWERS. Funeral orders filled on short notice. Flowers for all occasions. Pyfer & Olsem, 615 Railroad Avenue Tel. Wilmette 23 Grttriioaitt 1625 Cmtroi Aveimt J FRESH ROLLS For BREAKFAST Many Wilmette Families have taken advantage of our early morning delivery Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in --Wax Paper-- Wilmette Baking Go. 1165 Wi'mtttt Ait. Tel. Wilmette 449 Hansen Piiotographic Studio Printing and Developing Done at Lowest Prices= Room 29 Brown Bldg. Wilmette FORD SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Printer for $1.50 Taxi Gaf] Service Night and Day J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wllmette Cast* Iron, B^ow'Ttc Can be welded and made strong- as new. Call up the American Welding Co. (NotI«c.) ■ A. P. OKA HAM, Mrt. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE, AVE. Phone Wilmette 1381 Wilmette. Illinois mmmm Did you know that by paying cash you can buy your meals cheaper tight here in Wil- mette than in Chicago? It's true and We ===== can prove it to you« = = = = Look at These Prices Round Steak, per pound..... ....................... .25c Fresh Ground Hamburger Steak, per pound............. 18c Shoulder Lamb Chops, per pound..... .................22c Loin or Rib Lamb Chops, per pound....................28c Bulk Lard, per pound.................................16c Pork Sausage, per pound...............................16c Home Made Sausage Meat, per pound.................. .22c Cooked Corned Beef, per pound........................ .27c Veal Loaf, per pound...................................27c Shoulder Lamb Stew, per pound. ••-,.., ■.................19c Whole or Half Hams, per pound............ ...........22c Whole or Half Strips of Bacon, per pound.............. .28c Leg of Lamb, per pound...............................20c Whole Shoulder of Lamb, per pound............... .^v_._._j8c_ "Rib Roast otTSeefT per pound...........................22c Beef Pot Roast, per pound............................ .18c P t"n I J I Mil 1 PC 635 W. Railroad Ave. • mm ft^leWeWJE*%lf Secm4 boor Soot* of Centre! Telephones 278 and 279 ' - WILMETTE ■■Mnnei-ManMiBniHMiinHnMeMiMMenHe tor-convalesGent^jenr^nithe elnU-ts--jotnrtjee in Minneapolis, Minn. using thip method to support it. far $550 has been raised. Thus . Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pope entertained the members of the Fellowship club at dinner on Friday evening. The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge clttb was entertained by Mrs. Freder- ick M. Bowes, at her home, 1033 Greenwood avenue, this week. The Reading Circle met Monday aft- Mr. Stanley Pierce, 1007 Lake ave- nue, has returned from State Line, Wis., where he spent the summer. Mrs. Benjamin Roudhouso, 427 Lau- rel avenue, returned Sunday from a fortnight's visit in Rochester, N. Y. "Mr. Joseph Davidson and family, 6l6 Hill street, spent a few days this week on an apple farm in Michigan. ,Mr. and Mrs. George Bird, 610 Washington avenue, left Saturday for, a month's visit in Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. 3. A: Maclean and ifnmily, 916 2831 Washington Boulevard, Chicago WUmette Branch,. Brown Bldg., Room 23____________ Slri<'ily Iiiciti p-;i.'" Instructions C° W KdwuroB. iSI\il:l Rtll'tVltHtl Vo!<t E»ln:i miner Marshall. Exprca- Ma:i.- K<lw;irils. Piano. Ami t>th«W. Write or call for information. AT YOUR SERVICE When in need of any Ladles' or Gentlemen's tailoring Telephone Wilmette 667. Wo aro here to try and please_y.QU,_______________________ WM. KAPLAN LADIKS' AND CENTS' TAII.OK »$ J.", Railroad Ave. HeflTrou IUiIr- Ladies9 and Gentlemen's Tailoring I am pleased to announce that the very latest novelties in materials, de- signs and trimmings for the WALL A WINTER SEASON of 1914-1915 1 have arrived, and I herewith extend a cordial invitation to yon to call and inspect same. By placing-your orders early, before the busy season Sets in, you will receive garments when desired, aqd thus avoid annoying disappointments. Thanking yon for past favors, and soliciting their continuance. I am for Best quality. Correct Styles, Artistic Workmanship and PtrMt FH GEORGE J. E,BER I 111 Greenleaf Ave. HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Kenilworth, 111. ^Tbones 1041-1042 5C1 Fir St. Phone 675-L AUTO DOCTOR Will call, examine your car, give > estimate and do work iu your own gura«e. E. C. MELVINE .WINNETKA MRS. MILDRED BUHL announces the •■ /> ,< : i Reopening of Iter Piano Studio - at Rooms 50, SfancTSJ Brown Building "~ Class and Private Instructions -- News Want Ads Bring Results ernoon -with Mrs. Edward Scheiden- •Orecnleaf street, have returned from film, 704 Lake avenue. tlieIr summer home at ¥09, Lake, 111. „. Mr. and Mrs, Rorece It Phillips of ?'Sa lntereattttt aad instructive pro- Topeka, Kan., are at the hoateef Mr. "lien, 618 Forest ave- and Mr8. P. m baa beeu_ arranged for the meet lag a of the Music Study club for the nue. mning year. Tonics, of interest will Mrs. Harry Connor of Cleveland, O., e discussed toy S» meioberi tbem-1 was the guest ©t Mr. and.Mrs. James «<- Now Is the Time To Plant Bulbs " --■^^-- .....■'■ ■ hi We are carrying a full line of shrubs, bulbs and jperennials. We also trim hedges and trees Cut Flowers for All Occasions J. FLINT & SON 1_ 621 W. Railroad Ave. T«U»hont 1104 Wilmette, 111. Residence Ph«»» Hid --a-- Western Casket and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does not mean a Cheap Casket. It does mean a Cheap Price. We carry a line of Caskets ranging in prices from Twenty-Five up to Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars. They are Caskets you will pay from Fifty to Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for any place else. We manufacture all of our own Caskets at our Own Factory, thus saving you from. Thirty to Fifty Per Cent. WM. II. SCOTT (eight years with J. L. Hebbiethwaite) is manager and part owns* of our Wdmette Store and will give his personal attention to every detail. <f Wc challenge a comparison service. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN Phone Wilmegte 280 WM. H. SCOTT, Manager 1123 Central Avenue

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