Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1914, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. tgPRSPAY. AUGUST ft, 1M4. FOREIGN MAIL Bill Before House of Represen- tatives to Allow Use of " Ships in the Navy That Can Be Spared. BULD BE RECALLED Rlese Boats Are in Auxiliary Service and Not Needed in Time of Peace -In Gate of War Could Be Called Back Quickly. YOUNG "WESTONS" ON HIKE; STOP IN WiLMETTE Three Young Men on Trans- Continental Trip Step for Few Minutes. By Ch«rl«« M. Thomson. A bUl was recently passed by the I^P|te and Sent over to the house which is intended to at least in part HFfor tiie time being meet a .very ive want from which our country ?rs.' It is entitled "An act to es- one or more United States Klines between the United States old South America and between the United States and the countries of jEurope." While we have a creditable mer- chant marine engaged in the coast- vise trade of the United States we have practically none engaged in the foreign trade. We have one line of steamers to Europe, but we are with- out any line at all from either the Bseinc, the Qalf, or the Atlantic coasts of the United States to South America. Our malls to South Amer- ica, Avt n including the official mall, are sent to Europe and transshipped from th,ere to South America. ^The purposeof the author, -of the bill, In a word, was to establish, until private capital undertakes to do so, a line of steamers to South America. It was drawn and Introduced long be- fore there was any expectation of the present European trouble and in an- ticipation of the early opening of the Panama canal. The provisions of the Mil covering possible lines between the United States' and countries of Europe were added by way of amend- ment on the floor of the-Senate, so that the ships In question may be used to assist in preventing any dis- tress which may arise on account of our citheens .being unable to get transportation from Europe, In addi- tion to the use of such merchant ves- sels of foreign ownership as our gov- ernment may lease temporarily. : The bill authorizes the secretary of the navy "to establish one or more United States navy mail lines, by .employing such vessels of the navy as Jn bis .discretion are available. Without impairmenT tg the paramount duties of the navy, and as are neces- sary and appropriate, foi Hio purpose of establishing and maintaining reg- ular communication between the east or West coast, or both coasts, of the United States, and either or both Three young men on a transconti- nental "hiking" trip passed through Wilmette last Saturday morning. They are Thomas Wilson, Harry Woolf and Edward Bartlett, all of New York City. The hoys claim to have left New Tork about three weeks sgo and expect to be away for about a year. From Chicago they will go to Denver and then to Seattle, Wash. They will then "hike" down the coast Into southern California and take the southern route back to the east Each of the boys carries about twenty-live pounds of baggage. Including a change of clothing, blankets and a very light camping outfit. BELGIAN KONGO HOME OF PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE ________o Also Has Some of the Most Primitive Natives in Africa. E THIS SEASON Victims ofthe Peculiar Malady Are Suffering Less - This Year. People who are annually afflicted with hay fever are now having their troubles; however., they state that the disease this year Is not ss severe ss In former years and they also say that It Is acting In a very peculiar manner. Several of those who have suffered with die malady for many years re- port that they have severe spells which last for one or more days and then the usual symptoms leave and they are free from them for several days, when they again are afflicted In many cases the. disease Is not so pronounced and the usual suffering does not accompany the disease. The cause of the peculiar actions of the disease this season cannot be ex- plained by those who are accustomed to suffer from It However, they sre not looking for relief until the first frost appears. EVANSTON ACADEMY GIVES OUT SCHEDULE Six Games of Football at Home txcept -All : coasts of South America and between the United States and the countries of Europe." In the report which the secretary of the navy made to the senate on the subject of this bill, he stated that there were certain cruisers, trans- ports and colliers that would be avail able for the establishment of the lines contemplated In the bill. These* ships are for the most part In the nature of auxiliary ships for which 4there is not urgent need in the navy itself in times of peace, and which It 'was pointed out could be recalled for service In esse of need. In the use of these ships which Is contemplated by the bill, the malls and also pas tengara and freight, could be accom moisted. ■ While the necessities and emer- gencies sought to be reached by this bill are great, It seems to me to be unfortunate and also unwise legisla- tion ^unless its purpose is to relieving the situation during the pe- riod of the present European wars gad the period of readjustment that must follow their conclusion. The undesirable features of the plan in- volved in the bill may be excused by the necessities of the hour- As Sen ator Williams said on the floor of the aenato In discussing the bill. "Emer- gencies give rise to bad "law." 1J yield to nobody In my desire for peace and the hope that our country may never again be involved in con- flict with any other, but that hope may not be realised. Who would have dreamed a month ago even, that today, would witness the horrible spectacle now presented In Europe? Until we can do away with navies altogether, and that time Is not yat. the auxiliary units as well ss the great battleships or fighting units, should be kept in that state of pre- paredness and efficiency which will not be possible if they are given over to transporting malls, passengers and - frVilrlrt friirnv and Ihefs. InvTHyrtflP' as the Utter may be. If the relief proposed by this bill must be hsd in the way it proposes. Belgian Kongo, in Africa, so fre- quently mentioned in recent Euro- pean dispatches as a possible objec- tive point of the, German troops, is the home alike of the most progres- sive negroes of Africa and of the most primitive and savage cannibals, according to a statement issued by the National Geographic Society, at Washington. P. C„ today. _.....___ "This African colony Is so cut ap by rivers and impenetrable forests that the tribes inhabiting the country vary greatly in their customs and language," says the society's bulletin. "But a few miles distant from- these barbarous savages sre endless plan- tations of millet and grain of their civilized countrymen. The cannibal Bankutus of Belgian Kongo make a practice of removing the upper in- cisors: Their dress consists of a pleated skirt, which does not quite meet on the right thigh; but the women In the south wear a hide gir- dle with a deep frjnge~df palm-fiber string. Among this tribe the slaves are compelled to wear a special dress, which is. In fact the ordinary cos tume of the Akcla, to which tribe most of them belong. The Bankutu are great cannibals as far as the male members of the tribe are concerned, and the victims are always slaves. In fact, all slaves are ultimately eaten, since It Is believed that If a slave were burled his ghost would kill his master. ) "Their chief weapon Is the bow, poison being used on the arrows; shields are how obsolete. One of their most Interesting joints |_s Jthelr use of a conventional throwing-knlite as cur- rency. The Bankutu are almost the only tribe of this region who have been successful In resisting the ad- vance of the white man. This fact Is due to their skill In forest warfare. The way ipm«ng tn their village Is defended by poisoned spikes bidden by leaves. They use bows and arrows set like traps In the form of prim- itive spring guns, and are quite ready. If a white man is expected, to bait such traps with a live baby, being sure that the European will be unable to resist the temptation to pick up an apparently abandoned child. The poison they use is absolutely deadly. "Not far from the cannibal region peace and security reign. The end-" less plantations, clean villages and well kept houses make an impression of general prosperity. The Batetela, also of Belgian Kongo, Is an excellent agriculturist and stock-breeder and very industrious. He Is not at all con- servative; any innovation will tempt him. Rice, Madagascar potatoes and fruit trees Imported by the white man ire found in every village. The peo- ple are scantily clothed, but this is of great advantage in their hunting ex- peditions. The havoc of sleeping sick- ness Is greatly limited by the natives, custom of isolating cases of this dis- ease in the forest. The disease Is most acute along the caravan routes. Here one finds villages of 100 huts with but 10 sorry witnesses of its once Im- portance; here are grass-grown cara- van routes, with only the foot-deep tracks to prove their once Import- ance; and here one's heart la torn by the sight of mere skeletons, pulling themselves languidly about with the light of Insanity in their eyes, where one should see the delightful round- bellied native children. And to add to the horror of the disease, here lions and leopards have become man-eat- ers, since the half-fed sick one, driv- en from the fear-stricken village, is the easiest game to stalk. "An interesting feature of Batetela psychology lies in the fact that sui- cide appears not to be uncommon -and is regarded as sn act of courage. De- scent Is reckoned on the male line, and children are considered as more closely akin to the father's side." Firemen's Water-jackets. In Berlin the firemen wear water Jackets with a double skin, which they are able to fill with water from the hose. If the spsce between the layers becomes overfilled the water escapes through a valve at the top of the hel- met and flows down over the fireman like a cascade, protecting him doubly. Reparation. *T think, William, 111 ask those new people next door to take dinner with us tonight" "What for?" "WeU, the butcher, by mistake, left their meat order here, and It seems only fair."-- Ufa, ^~ . The Evanston academy football schedule for the coming season, con- sisting of six games, waa announced yesterday. Only one game will be played "abroad;'* the purple preps meeting Morgan Park November 7 on the cadets' field. The schedule: September SS--Woodstock H. B. at Evanston. October 1--Marquette academy at Evanston. October 3--Lake View H. 8. at Ev- anston. _ j; ; 1' October 10--Loyola academy at Ev- anston. November 7---Morgan Park acad- emy at Morgan Park. November SI--E>anston_JL_-8r--at Evanston. W ____'Mm--i-- Much Work on Small Box. The construction of a cigar box may seem to be a very simple matter to the novice, but the box passes through nineteen processes before it is ready to receive the cigars. WlIXIAM S.LORD Evanston. Illinois ' . ' Friendship'* Duties. "How many eoetniissa would he avoided could we learn to see that friendship, like all other relations in life, has more duties than rights!"-- L. Soulsby. -|jjgk .. ■ Wisdom of Mohammed. ' A man's true wealth is the good he does In this world. When he dies mortals will ask: What property has he left behind? But angels will in- quire: What good deeds nast thou sent before thee?--Mohammed. _____ Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE. WILMETTE 1640 Waal Ads is the Late Shore News are charged at the following rates Real Estate Classifications, 714 cents per line. All Oner Classifications, 5 cents per line. ^ Minimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents. HELP WANTED WANTED -- COUPLE FOR WIL- mette, woman to cook, laundry and light general work, man general work and butler. Address W 673, Lake Shore News. Up GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK BY Sept. 1. »21 Oakwood-av. Phone Wll. 785-J. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework. 535 Park-av. Tel. Wil. 642. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD -- WITH OR WITHOUT rooms; best of home cooking and plenty of it; a good place to get your dinners during hot weather. Call Miss Northam. Phone Wilmette 992-J. Address 731 10th. 33wtf 1554 ASBURY AVE.. THE ASBURY. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE, EXCELLENT CUISINE PHONE 2392. MRS. F. G. DIEFENDORF. 16W-W FOR RENT-ROOMS I hope It may be but a temporary the world's opinion; It Is easy in soll- tnakesbift, and that other opportuni- ties will be sought or created, if need cheat marine in the foreign as well gs the domestic trade. It Is easy In the world to live after fade to live after our own; but the great man it he, who in the midst of be, for the building up of cur mer- til9 crowd, keeps, with perfect sweet- ness, the independence of.solitude.-- Emerson. WANTED TO RENT--IN WIL- mette, three unfurnished rooms from Sept. loth. Adults. Address P. O. Box 83, Wilmette. 111. 40w~tf FOR SALE FOR SALE--GRAND SQUARE BOW- er & Co. piano; first class condi- tion; recently re finished; will guarantee tuning; $25. Excellent chance to buy a good piano cheap for beginner. Smith Duce Co., 1217 Wilmette-av. Open evenings. _________________■~ y . -_______34wtf FOR SALE--A COMPLETE LINEOF new and used household goods at 60 per cent better than Chicago prices. Call arid let us demonstrate to you. Smith Duce Co., 1217 Wil- mette-av. 40w-tf FOR RENT-HOUSES FOR RENT--IN WILMETTE, 7-ROOM furnished house during Sept., Oct. and Nov. 1235 Elmwood-av., Pbone 1128. f. ltc FOR EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE <S750 88-NOTE player piano, mahogany, used but short time, for automobile, 5-passen ger preferred. Address M 645, Dally News. "' lte mmmmmmmiBsssssssBBi i l I FOUSALE^HWISES FOR SALE--HOUSE; 7 ROOMS; 2 blocks from Ken 11 worth station; good location; a bargain. Phone 1146 Kenllworth. :"'- *40w-3tp ■ - u HJ «-■ FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT KIMBALL piano, used only short time, in fine playing order, $135. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman nv., Evanston. ltc FOR SALE--BABY GRAND PIANO. In fine playing order, overhauled and guaranteed, cheap. Patterson Bros.. 1522 Sherman-av.. Evanston. ltc MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--SINGER SEWING MA- ohine, in fine sewing order, guaran- teed, $5. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sher- man-av., Evanston. Kc FOR SALE EVANSTON HOMES MAJLWarT 1580 Sherman-av. Have you lost something? Let us find it for you. Is your maid leaving? Let us find you another. Lake Shore News "Want Ads" ^^rtira Results rgain Square Make it a plan to look through every day. Op- portunies are constantly changing. A Section Where Every FIRST Price Must Be a BARGAIN Price. UNLESS THIS IS SO WE LOSE HEAVILY BY * ----------- The Automatic Plan: ---------- After 12 selling days, any goods unsold are automatically reduced 2S per cent in pries. After 18 selling days, amy goods unsold an automatically reduced SO per cent in price. _ fT ^ After 24 selling days, any goods unsold are automatically reduced 73 per cent in price. Attar 30 setting days, any goods unsold are given away. Sundays and Holidays do not count toward reductions. u As s result of this system the following rules are necessary: GOODS WITH PRICE TICKET ATTACHED MAY BE RETURNED FOR EXCHANGE OR REFUND WITHIN 48 HOURS ONLY. THIS MERCHANDISE IS SOLD FOR CASH ONLY. Goods will be sent CO. D. only on the prepay- ment of a small deposit. Under no circumstances csn these purchases, be charged. EXPRESS CHARGES MUST BE PAID BY CUS- TOMER when the Goods are sent. This enables us to sell goods st even lower prices. As a rule customers carry pack- ages with them, thus saving expressage. NO ALTERATIONS may be made on garments bought in the Automatic Bargain Square. . MAIL ORDERS will be filled when possible, BUT ONLY when accompanied by cash plus expressage. every day. dependable merchandise will be found In this square at bargain prices. THESE Garments have been reduced to the following low prices: Children's Dresses Ifl to 14 year aiae 59c 63c 98c Former price 1.50 to 1.95 Middy Blouses Rompers tm SummerDresses $1.50 $235 $3.75 White Skirt Waists i uLuzur* Reversible Garments are truly a real comfort for the housekeeper. Note the many advantages ofthe "Luxur" Reversible Garment. 4tZuxurn Garments slip on and off like a ooat and do not muss the hair. "Ztixur" Garments are reversible; either of the two fronts can be worn on the outside, thereby economizing laundry work. All "Luxur" Garments are adjustable; the adjustable inside bnekle straps, which are fitted on all "Lxtxur" Garments, make it possible to fit the garment to the wearer's waist, absolutely correct, without an alteration. > Re vers fitted to "Z,vxurn Garments csn be worn either high or low neok, which^festure is highly appreciated by housekeepers. "Lttxur" Dresses can be utilized ss s negligee, kimono, coverall' apron, slip-on, house-dress or s maternity garment. _ Although superior in many ways, "Ziiixur" Garments cost no more than ordinary house-dresses. "Luxor" House Dresses at $1.00 $1.19 $1.50 $1.7& $1.95 At $1.95 We feature a dainty dress of blue, pink and black and white striped plisse crepe. Need no ironing. Evanston. Illinois Ready-Made Stamped Undergarments These stylishly modeled undergarments of superior quality soft Nainsook are entirely made, requiring only the embroidery. They are accurately cut to correct sizes and securely sewn. Every article is carefully inspected to avoid imperfections in materials or making. Garments of similar quality, if purchased already hand embroidered, are most expensive, therefore Royal Society Package Outrts offer a doubly economic method jof pos- sessing dainty lingerie embroidered by your own bands; The Camisole is a special feature this season, intended for wear un- der the latest seamless shoulder waist The Envelop i Combina- tion, a very comfortable garment, is continually growing in popu- larity. Combination Knickers and Chemise, a new style recom- mended for ease and convenience. Gowns are wade in siaes 15, 16. 17. Other articles in sizes 36, 38, 40, 42. In every package sufficient Royal Society Floss to complete the embroidery, and an alphabet of initials with __,--------:-- marking directions are included. --^*t--". Corset Cavers and Camisoles Envelope Combination . ♦-• KnicterSomtm^igM^^ . . Nightgowns ..... $1.00

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