Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1914, p. 2

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THE f-AJCB •HOKE HBWS. THU5SDAT, AUGUST SO. 1*14. >ciai Happenings in WUmette borne of Mr. and Mrs. Saraoel •06 Central avenne, wUI be of an early fall wedding. daughter. Miss Almeda Lewis, [be married on September 1 to Mr. Wheelock. 822 Central ave- MIss Pauline Lewis will be Id and Mr. Charles Crocker net aa bast man. Elizabeth Kirk alias, Tex. and Brace Lewis of York will stretch the ribbons, Koradlne Lewis will be the flower lerous social affairs are being In honor of Miss Lewis. On of mat week Miss Edna Lewis at cards for her cousin. of Evanston won the prise. Miss Osman of Wilmette second prise, and Mrs. Keetfe of nnston the third prize. Miss Cath- ine Crocker won the consolation me. On Monday Mrs. Henry B. (tea. 112G WUmette avenue, enter- sined at bridge In honor of Miss •wis. Tuesday Misses Ruth and titen Johnson of Chicago gave a neheon in her honor. Today Miss taxel Goss of Glencoe will entertain it luncheon, and Friday Mrs. Walter Bark, Oakwood avenue, and Mrs. Arthur Rogers. 428 Ninth street, will {tve 4 luncheon in her honor at the Some of Mrs. Rogers. On Monday, August SI. Mrs. Fred F. Cain. 907 Central avenue, will entertain in- onnaily, and on Thursday, Septem- 3, Mrs. E. H. Burge, 1024 Central me, will entertain at cards. py. J. R. Harper, superintendent of Is, who has been spending his in in Michigan, announces that public schools will open Tuesday, her 8. George Racine of Park avenue mtertained a party of children Tues- Say afternoon In honor of the sixth ■birthday of her son, Wesley. -- l^the Girls* club met Friday at the tome of Miss Gladys Boesch. 1426 Forest avenue, in celebration of her fjlrthday. * ' _ Kir. and Mrs. L. A. Clark, 716 Lake vrenue, entertained at dinner at the Bkokic Country club, Saturday eve- ning. The dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Casse, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Bersback. |;*Mrs. Ira Ryner, 116 Fifth street, entertained at luncheon Wednesday for Miss Lila B. Wells of Syracuse, N. Y., who is the guest of Mrs. F. M. Simmons. Guests at the luncheon Were Mrs. F. M. Simmons, 110 Fifth Street; Mrs. C. P. Evans, 616 Gregory avenue; Mrs. J. P. Brooke, 125 Sixth street; Mrs. W. J. Mosher, 121 Sixth Street; Mrs. Swartz or Sixth street, jud Mrs. Fred Skeel of Edge water. The Reading circle met Monday Ijtth Mrs. H. K. Snider, 730 Wash- ington avenue. ________ Every Tuesday la Ladles'day at the Westmoreland Country dan. A delightful "at home" evening was enjoyed by abot fifty invited guests at the residence of Rev. and Mrs. B. Frank Tabor, 1018 Eleventh street, past Tuesday night. The chief fea- ture of entertainment was the reading of Josephine Preston Peabodys play, "The Piper," by Mrs. Josephine Rand- Rogers, of Stanford, Cal.. a sister of Mrs. Taber. Mrs. Rogers has rare tat out aa a reader, and baa enjoyed the best of training in the Emerson school of Boston, and her presentation of the beautiful play won for her enthusi- astic praise from heir listeners. Mrs. Rogers has the ability to lose herself In the characters aba is interpreting to such aa extent that each of them stands forth distinct aa a living real- ity. This saves her work from that artificiality which too often mars the efforts of public readers. The music Introduced between the acts was played with fine expression by Miss Gertrude Taber, and added much to the pleasure of the evening. After the reading the host and host- ess Invited their guests to the dining room, where light refreshments were served and a pleasant social time was enjoyed. In serving, the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Thomas Copeland, Mrs. W. J. McDowell, the Misses Leah Eldrldge, Gertrude Taber and Jose- phine Rogers. The house was taste- fully decorated with cut flowers, and the evening was unanimously voted to have been one of great pleasure and profit. Miss Margaret Mueller was the hostess Tuesday, Aug. 11, at a mis- cellaneous shower at her home, 1602 Spencer avenue, In honor of Miss Hel- en Balmes of 1627 Charles street. Mr. and Mrs. Lee of have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. WUflam Smith, 815 Lake nvaasn. Mrs. C. H. Klemm. 418 Park ave- nue, entertained Mrs. R. Rlchtor of Lake View during the past week. Miss Sylvia Hnbner of Coatsburg. HI,'as the guest of her ancle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miss Gladys and Mr, Thilo Beosch, 1428 Forest avenue, toft Wednesday to visit in Neenah, Wis., for a week. Miss Dorothea Schmedtgen. 710 Greenteaf avenue, returns this week from a visit of several weeks In Can- ada. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gate*. 1118 WU- mette avenue, returned Saturday from n take trip through Georgian Bay. Mrs. John F. Cotter of San uiego. Cal.. la visiting her mother. Mrs. Al- fred Bersback, 530 Washington ave- nue. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Campbell. 888 Gregory avenue, cabled that they In- tended to sail tor America-last Tues- day. Mrs. Robert Smith. 1050 Linden ave- nue. Is spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Livingston, in Chi- cago. The Misses Mary and Mildred Latham. 229 Sixth street, have left for Cohasset, Mass., to remain a month. ' Mr. aad Mrs. Henry B. Gates an- nounce the engagement of their daugh- ter Mary to Mr. Edward Richard Web- ber. Miss Alice Schnauder, 422 Green- leaf .avenue, returned this week from a three weeks' outing at the Wiscon- sin takes. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Frost, 509 Cen- tral avenue, are entertaining Mrs. Frost's sister and children from Cali- fornia. Mrs. Theo. Breyer, 725 Washington avenue, and Mrs. John Nelson, 1511 Forest avenue, spent Tuesday In Wau- kegan. Mrs. Fred Crosby. 901 Central ave- nue, has returned from a visit of sev whose marriage to Mr. Ed. Hoffman. * era| weeK8 to relatives in southern 1443 Wilmette avenue, takes place in September. About twenty-five young ladies from Wilmette. Gross Point, and Gleneoe were present, and a pleasant evening Is reported by all. Anyone purchasing brick ice cream or patronizing the soda fountain at Rennackar's Pharmacy today will be assured that twenty-five per cent of the gross receipts will go to the Ar- den Shore fund. On August 28 the Wilmette Wom- an's club will hold a lawn party at the home of Mrs. C. P. Van Shaack, 614 Linden avenue. Those wishing tickets may procure them of either Mrs. C. C. Mitchell or Mrs. Charles A. Wanner. Any person holding chances on the bag to be raffled at the lawn party at Mrs. Van Schaack's home next Thurs- day will oblige the committee by tele- phoning Miss Hortense Gowing. and give their address and the number of their chance. -: Wilmette- Societies and Clubs ■ a The Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church will be entertained today at the home of In*. Van Deursen, 1103 Forest ave- Me. The program is in charge of Mts. T. C. Bralthwaite. Those who have mite boxes are requested i"» them to this meeting. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk The Eight club meets Friday at the home of Mrs. Geo. White, 1101 Green- wood avenue. The North Shore Golf club holds a card party every Wednesday after- noon at the club bouse. There will -be a luncheon and card ^*?~at the Cosstrjrdub, Monday the thirty-first. There will be a card party at the -ggcstgy-ciab Saturday evening. ------ Because of the celebration of Ha- vinia day on the 13th, the regular meeting of the Woman's Foreign Mis- sionary society of the Methodist church was postponed from Thursday, the 18th, to the 20th. The meeting will be held on the 20th with Mrs. F. M. Din gee, 926 Lake avenue. The Delta Pel girls are planning to give a play in the near future, en- titled "The Milkmaids' Convention." Their plans, however, are not ma- tured owing to the fact that many-of the members are away on vacations. e^young ladles Tell lis that the play is a comedy, and screamingly funny. The Pottawattami Camp Fire Girls wilt present the play, "The Four Y^inds," and seven tableaux on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Ik>dman. 714 Elmwood avenue, Friday at three o'clock. The Misses Grace Hess, 832 Forest avenue; Dor- othy Rodman, 714 Elmwood avenue; Elizabeth Brown, 738 Eleventh street, Jaad^lizAbeihL^aandftrfirtn, 1011 Lake avenue, will represent the Four Winds, while Miss Lillian Lennards, 722 Tenth street, will take the part Of.the Air. The same yoUng ladles with the addition of Miss Kathcrine Hess, 832 Forest avenue, and "Ml** Margaret Houiiiuii, 714 Elmwood avenue, will present the seven tableaux represent- ors. Miss Ernau Smith is making a two weeks' visit in Minneapolis. Mr. F. M. Simmons, 110 Fifth street, 13 in New York on business. Miss Louise Robinson, 431 Mintn street, is visiting in Blue Island, 111. Mrs. Mable Parsons and daughter, Katharine, are visiting in Madison, Wis. Miss Margaret Welnland, 706 Green- leaf avenue, is visiting in Blue Island, 111. Miss Ora Whitley, 727 Elmwood ave nue, is visiting in Ohio for several weeks. Miss Marjorle Hatch, 915 Greenlear avenue, has returned from Muskegon. Mich. Mrs. Nelson of Chicago has been the guest of Mrs. Louis Becker, 106 Fifth Btreet. Miss Eleanor Houston of Chicago is r spending a few -weeks-wltbMrs. R. Wr Jordan. Dudley Pope of Waukegan is visit- ing his cousin, Isobelle Pope. 910 Lake avenue. Mr. F. H. Tlchenor and family, 201 Sixth street, are at Petit Lake. Wis., for a week's outing. Mr. I. L. Simmons and family, 702 Greenleaf avenue, left this wdek for Mlchellinda, Mich. Mrs. Dan C. Caldwell of Jackson, Tenn., will be the guest of Mrs. C. R. Part for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tuttle, 222 Woodbine avenue, entertained at bridge Monday evening. Mrs. C. C. Camahan and daughter, Madeline, 700 Central avenue, have re- turned from Delavan Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson, of Washington avenue, have been spend- ing several days at Diamond Lake. 111. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Robinson, 630 Central avenue, spent the week-end at Benton Harbor, Mich. Mr. E. M. Stafford and family, 936 Sheridan road, will spend the week- end at Michigan City Illinois. Mrs. Laub and two children of Streator. 111., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lundberg. 1538 Columbus avenue. A cable was received Monday from Miss Marjorle Day and Miss Ethel Bruten that they were in Moureux, Switzerland. Miss Jennie Weinland, 706 Green- leaf avenue, left Wednesday for a three weeks' vacation in northern Wisconsin. Mrs. Jessie Stone and daughter of Louisville, Ky., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Schmidt, 827 Elm- wood avenue. Mrs. Geo. Bird, 510 Washington ave- nue, is expected home this week from Wisconsin, where she has been visit- ing at her old home. Miss Ruth Moulding, 1004 Green- wood avenue, is the guest of^Jier cousin. Miss Sarah Moulding, at Dela- van Lake, Wis. Mrs. Belt of Washington, D. C. has been visiting at the home of her son, Mr. W. O. Belt, and Mrs. Belt. 601 Washington avenue. Mrs. Clarence Worthlugton. 602 Lake avenue, is visiting relatives in the east, and expects to remain until the last of the month. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Paulson and daughters, of 715 Washington avenue, have returned from Ravenswood to open their home for the winter. Mr. Chas. A. Lundberg and family. 1538 Columbus avenue, leave this week for a motor trip through Illinois. They intend to return in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Brown and daughter Frances of Broadway and Gregory avenues, are enjoying a sum- mer outing near Saugatuck, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Hlnman, who are sum- mering with Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Bellamy, 1050 Linden avenue, have re- turned from a visit In northern Wis- consin. Mr. Frank Robbing and family, 1026 Linden avenue, have returned from ' northern Wisconsin, where they have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ! Miss Gertrude W«*be»,; III avenue, has returned from Paw Paw Lake. Mich., to ■rejaai i far nor wed- ding which takes place in Mr. and Mrs. Webber and other bera of the family will return bar tat Rev. B. Frank Taber. pastor of the WUmette Baptist church, was called to Battle Creek Tuesday to attend the foaeral of n former parishioner of bnt In that city. Raw. Mr. Taber was p«*- tor of the First Baptist church of Bat- tle Cross: for nine years before coming to WUmette. He wUI return In time to take charge of nth service next Sam- day morning. • '? -- Mrs. Charles A. Lundberg. 1538 Co- lumbus avenue, entertained twenty- two young people last Thursday in honor of the eleventh birthday of her son, Harold. Among those present were: Katherine and Warren Shaw, Winifred Mickey. Lawrence Shewes, Louella Burrows, Palmer King, Wil- liam and James Reinhold, Fred Northern, Attn and James Laub of Streator. ML, Glenn GathercoaL and Ruth and Emily Stoker of Kcnilworth. Ice cream and cake were served aad all voted It a "splendid entertain- ment.'* Miss Adele G. Williams, who has been visiting in Boston for n month, returned Tuesday la time to accom- pany her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Williams, 919 Central avenue, on a motor trip through Milwaukee and Waukesha. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bur- nett of 823 Central avenue were also la the party. Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Bledsoe, Jr.. who have taken the Bradley residence, 1104 Forest avenue, for the summer, have left for a ten days' visit to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Steele of Greenwood, Miss., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bledsoe, accompanied them to New York. The Bledsoe children are in the care of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M Aldrich of Green- wood, Miss., who are visiting in WU- mette. | Kenilworth News Notes 88866861.....18888t68l ^WsWi^MwAfiuuiBI ^^^ iR Whimfln Mr. and Mrs. G. M Hubbard are in nartbsffa Wisconsin. Mrs. J. C. Linn baa gone to Canton. 111., for two weeks. A 6amghtBT was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Ostrom last week. 1 Phyllss Barton of Fond du Lac Wis, to visiting Mrs. C. W. Cole. Miss Rath and Marlon Lasier re- turned from Adrian. Micb„ Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Barret Conway are the happy parents of a boy born Aug. 12. : Mrs. Preston, Miss Grace Dellly and Sadie Cole left Monday night for PeU- caa Lake, Wis. Mrs. F. D. Fulton entertained nine Uttle girls la honor of her daughter Marion's ninth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. A Kloepfer returned Sunday from Fort Atkinson, Wis., where they were visiting relatives. Marion aad Edmund Fulton re- turned Friday morning from a three weeks' visit with relatives in Sioux City. la. The ladies who are interested In the doll booth of the Episcopal church ba- zaar will meet at the home of Mrs. W. D. Fulton, 224 Ridge avenue. litIff11iIII6 IB1686818181 Mrs. F. E. M. Cole of Cumnor road to summering at Pine Lake. La Porte, lad. Mr. F. R. Bulley and family of Sheridan road have returned from Channel Lake. Mr. F. W. Coolidge Jr. will return next Saturday from a three weeks' trip to Canada. Miss Alice Locklln of Hammond. 111., Is the week-end guest of Miss Louise Ware. Mr. E. W. Burchard and family of Oxford road returned tost Wednes- day from the east. Miss Alice Burchard sailed last Thursday from England, and is ex- pected home this week. Mrs. C. M. Armstrong's sister, Mrs. Prescott of Menonemee, Mich., Is vis- iting her for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bellows and «<vo sons, Abbotsford toad, returned he... Saturday evening from Lake Ritley. Wis. Mrs G. H. Mars and daughter. Miss Gladys Mars, are in Colorado, where they will remain until the first of Sep- tember. Mr. and Mm o. T. Reeves of War- wick road will start on a motor trip through the east the last of this month. Mrs. W. Taylor and daughter. Helen, have returned from Channel Lake, where they have been visiting Mrs. Howard Durham. Mrs. J. A Bellows, Abbottsford road, is expeaed home this week from Cambridge. Mass., where she has been visiting. Mrs. F. W. Coolidge returned last week from Boston, where she has been visiting her brother and Bister, Profes- sor and Mrs. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Owen T. Reeves Jr. and daughter. Helen, motored to Fox Lake last week and spent the day at Mr. Jack'Deer-lug's farm. Mr. J. B. Thorsen, Miss Blanche ter Stattmau. j Thorsen, Ralph, Waldo and Teddy will Mr. and MrB o H. Ruth and sons, :leave ^ ^^y part of next week on Byron and Marshall, of Marshalltown, j ^ s s /Northland for Buffalo, N. Y. la., motored out to spend the week-end i Mr Charles Macklin, who has been with Mr. and Mra. Louis Becker, 105 ,n England for the past two months. Fifth street. J wa8 one ot tne flret Americans to re- Mrs. C. C. Mitchell. 814 Linden ave turn He iana;ed ln New York the first nue. returned ..Tuesday evening from I part of the week. --------------------- Lansing. Mich., where she went with j Dr. and Mrs. C. Case cabled to their her two Bons, Harrington and C. C. Jr. The boys will remain for u while with relatives in Lansing. Samuel, Wendell and Gordon Clark, 716 Lake avenue, returned home last week from Keewatln Camp. Mercer. Wis., bringing a friend, James Stuart. of Indianapolis, as their guest. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hawkes, Dr daughter, Mrs. Llnd, from London that they were with Mrs. Case's nephew, Mr. Hairy Selfridge. They are ln no immediate danger and will not return for some time. Kenilworth furnished seven ot the sixteen girls that did the "How-Do- You" dance at the Children's carnival at Ravlnla Thursday. All of the young Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shippen are visiting In Boston. Man*. Mra. Fred Patton entertained the Basket club Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mac G. Howard spent the week in Glencoe, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pierce Pope en- tertained with a dinner Wednesday. Miss Dawson of Michigan City la the guest of her slater, Mra. Caiman Martin, Mr. John Wlghtman of Minneapolis. Minn., is the guest of Mr. and Mra. Caiman Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowell have returned from their Vacation in north- ern Michigan. Mra. George A. Waters, wife of the Ice man, la Ul with typhoid and baa been taken to a Chicago hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frits Smitz of New York city were the week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Swain. Mr. Bkelmon's decorators have been for some time renewing the paint and redecorating the Interior of the Glen- coe Union church. The Chicago * Milwaukee railroad authorities have this week been patch- ing the Green Bay road between Sny- der's Crossing and South avenue. Mr. George W. Hessler has ex- LOOK LISTEN Br 8»l Zaeemba. 1611 Lake Ave., WDJiarrxm, •■ rn^EX THOUSAND DOLLARS wens paid to 1 the man who submitted these three words as a Railroad Crossing Warning. They are equally appropriately use* in connection with the bank- ing business. STOP to consider that your income nay Wat always be as much as it is today. LOOK to your own welfare and to the welfare of your local institutions. LISTEN to the dictates of prudence and save » portion of your income. WILMETTE S&H SANK '-■ » <-3 ■ e on Your Vacation Remember Your Friends at Home with Beautiful Cut Flowers Leave your orders with us, we shall be pleased to fill your every want with strictly fresh flowers at lowest wholesale prices. Store: 615 Railroad Ave. Greenhouses: 1625 Central Ave. Telephone Wilmette 23 PYFER & OLSEM, Wilmette, III. Successors STAR FLORAL CO. We deliver to any part of Evanston. Wilmette, Kenilirorth. Gleneoe. Winnetka sad aU north shore towna. Also deliver flowera on hoard steamers Bailing from any tares port. -- Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring I am pleased to snnounce that the very latest novelties in materials, de- signs and trimmings for the FALL <Sb WINTER SEASON of 1914-1915 have arrived, and I herewith extend a cordial invitation to yon to call aad inspect same. By placing your orders early, before the busy season sets in, you will receive garments when desired, and thus avoid annoying disappointments. Thanking yon for past favors, and soliciting their continuance, I am for But Quality. Correct Stylet, Artistic Workmanship and Perfect Fit GEORGE J. aanaaasntnnaaassnaasasaasssani 1131 Greenleaf Ave. P" The Soft Answer. It fs hard telling Jest what attitude to take with regard to tne allegations and alleged misstatements and unkind changed his residence on Vernon avo-j ™*J"J* J** **£»■ * *£]*? 1 pay to be too thin skinned. Besides, the other fellow may have been mis- quoted; and even if he said it, this saying sometimes does not make it so. Ignoring a thing of that sort brings It to the quickest death in the world and turns bad feeling into good. There la a book that says: "A soft answer turneth away wrath."--Los Angeles Times. nue near the garage livery for a new house on Jackson avenue, and has re- moved to the latter. The walla of the Carrington block have been completed, and with the handsome cornice and coping of stone present a distinguished front The roof will probably be on before this paragraph, is printed. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hurford have had a cablegram from their daughter, Miss Jean, from Cadenabbia, Italy. saying, "everything serene, we are all well." A cablegram from Mr. Barnett waa of a similar nature adding, "We are. waiting developments." Mr. James K. Calhoun is about to erect two dwellings on lots in the southern part of block 45; north of Milton avenue. One will be on the lot cornering on Milton and Vernon; the other fronting Vernon four or five lota farther north. They are estimated to cost somewhere about four to five thousand dollars each. The lots ln block 45 are the Gleneoe standard, sixty-six feet by 200. MI83 GOWING WINS. Miss Hortense Gowing, 630 Wash- ington avenue, of Skokie, led the field of Women's Western Golf association members ln the one day tournament at Floss moor yesterday, finishing 7 up. Mrs. J. D. Hlbbard of the home club was 6 up. 561 Fir St Phone 675-L AUTO DOCTOR Will call, examine your car, give estimate and do work in your own garage. E. C. MELVINE ----------------WINNCTKA---------------- Ice Cream Purity and Quality First Made in Wilmette Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager Printing and Developing Done at Lowest Prices Ron 29 Browo Bldr, Wilnttt For BREAKFAST Many Wilmette Families have taken advantage of our early morning delivery Why Net You? All Bread Wrapped in --Wax Paper-- •165 Wilmette l»e. Tel. Wiiaietfe 448 "THE SPITFIRE." In line with their unusual offerings the Village Theater announces "The Spitfire" for Tuesday, Aug. 25, matt-- nee and evenIngT The play Is a meTo- dramatic farce in four reels. It was produced by the Famous Players Film company under the direction of Dan- iel Frohman. Great Poet's Splendid Eye*. According to Trelaway no man had brighter eyes than Byron; they were gray, and fringed with long black lashes. Lady Ble6sington, writing of and Mrs.^C. M. Reese.^ Mr. and Mrs. , skirls that swim at the New Trier tanfc; Wm a fow months before his depar ture to Greece, adds that one eye was visibly larger than the other. 1317 Elmwood avenue have returned from Pennellwood, Mich. Hiss Lila B, Wells of Syracuse. N. Y., Is the guest of h*r sister, Mrs. F. M. Simmons, 110 Fifth street. Miss Gertrude Field of Gardner, Mass., Is the guest of Mrs. Ernest P. Bartlett, 1324 Elmwood avenue. Charles Mack, and Mr. and Mrs gave this dance. They dressed In mid Claude Brown will return home tibia | ay blouses and bloomers. week from Gull Lake, Mich. Some of Mr. and Mra. J. A. Culbert- Mrs. John Lee of Minneapolis. whol80n>s friends in Kenilworth received a has been the guest of Mrs. W. T. j cable from them last week. They were Smith, 615 Lake avenue, has returned motoring from Paris to the ocean, to her home: and Miss Ernau Smith 'where they expected to sail for Lon- accompanled her as her guest. j don. No word has been received late- Miss Jeannetta Tutbili, t25--Fifth j iy;------------ street, will entertain the Misses Mar-1 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reeves, Miss guerlte Boyd, Frances Joslyn, Garde; Marian Reeves and Mr. Owen T. Lecke and Hazel and Eulalia Woo 11 a- Reeves Jr. of Peoria, motored up last cott of Chicago over the week-end. ' Friday and stayed until Tuesday with The Misses Olive and Ruth Black Mr. and Mrs. Owen T. Reeves of War- of Buffalo. N. Y.. are the guests or : wick read. The latter gave a beach Mrs. L. P. Sykes, 825 Lake avenue, j party Sunday night ln their honor. Mr. and Mrs. Sykes and their guests i The baseball game between the sin- MrR. w! Jordan anc family oT^i^ n»to^ to-Lake-Geneva over the, gie and married men scheduled for+ week-end. ' last Sunday was postponed until La- Mr. F. A. Buck, 1215 Lake avenue, jbor Day. So many of the men were who has beau ill at the Evanston hos- j away on their vacations that full pftal, returned to his home Tuesday.! teams could not be organised. The and left soon after to visit in Glen- married men are eagerly looking for- wood, Wis. Mrs. Buck and the chil- j ward to the time whan they will have dren 'will Join film Sunday, and re- I another chance to nrovo their worth, main until October l. having been beaten twice, jnfjajjagj Speed Mania. "I am not finicky,'* said the Watch-1 ful Walter, "but I can't think of any| business that is so urgent that a man has to blow his soup in order to save! time." , . . .1 SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting la Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi Gab Service Night and Day J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 WUmette mttm I. W* SIPErS Contractor 6 Builder ■ JOBBING A 3FECIALTT PRICES KCASONABL* TELEPHONE W1LMITTX.13S4 Res. 1302 WilMtte Ave., Wilmette, Ml. Cast, Iron, sfiKr-a. Can be welded and made »trowr aa new. Call up the American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) A. P. OB AII AM, K *«■• COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phono Wilmette 1381 WOmettC, IUiSOlS AT YOUR SE When in need of any Ladies' or Gentlemen's tailoring Telephone Wilmette 667. We are here to try and please yon. WM. KAPLAN LADIES' AND GKNTS' TAILOR 1 ess nailrnnd Av».--------- ........-.........-• ■■• i r •• f Western Casket and Undertaking < A Western Casket does not mean a Cheap Casket. It doe Price. We carry a line of Caskets ranging in prices from Twenty-Fiveii$1&Tlltr& Hundred and Fifty Dollars. They are Caskets you ylll pay from ^^M® Five Hundred and Fifty Doitars ^orauy r- our own Caskets at our Own Factory, thus saving you from Thirty to Fifty Per Cent, WM. H. SCOTT (eight yean with J. L. Hebblethwaite) if manager aad part owner of our Wilmette Store and will give hit personal attention to every derail. <f We challenge a comparison of prices, and guarantee first Curat service. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. / Phone Wilmette 280 WM. H. SCOTT, -*r.

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