Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1914, p. 2

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=2= ml Happenings in WiUnette wmmmm L Robinson, 630 i birthday of Mr, •2* Hopp, at the bone ot Mr. Mrs. Hopp. 910 Chestnut avenue. A end party will he given at the I Wltmette Woman's club (or the benefit the building fund on Wednesday. August l* Mrs. Theodore Breyer be chairman In charge. * Mrs. P. A. Wilson entertained about twenty children last Wednesday In honor ot the birthday of her little sen. Bobbie Wflaon. ] in an hour. asd then to return by an- other way. Refreshments were served la several districts and eaten by moon- light, and everyone had a good time. The Wllmette Arden Shore commit- tee gave its annual card party yester- day afternoon at the Woman's dub. Mrs. C. C. Mitchell Is chairman of the committee, which 1§ composed of Mes- dames T. M. Knox. J. T. Gowlng, B. P. Bartlett. C. T. Van Schaack. O. D. White. I. a Oreiner. D. M. Gallie, and W. O. Steele. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Searle. 617 Washington avenue, entertained at dinner Tuesday evening lav honor of Mr. ami Mrs. I. B. Lee, the guests of THE LAKR«HORE NEWS, THuRoDAY, AUGUST 6,1W4. den avenue, eatettained Mr. and Mm. R. A. Deutsche Of Chicago this week. Mr and Mr*. C. at Haettaga of 505 three weeks' i Mlea Edna Lewis baa Issued cards "for auction bridge on the afternoon of | Mr. and Mrs. William Smith 'Friday, August 14, in honor of Miss Almeda Lewis. < Mr. and talned a party of out-of-town guests at dinner Friday evening at the "House That Jack Built ' Under the direction of Mlea Agnes Flentye, the able vice-president of the oooi"! department, fls© Spwsrth Jsasas gave a bay-rack ride last Friday even- ing. The hay-rack; with about twenty- 'five on bay. left the Methodist church shortly after eight, and did pot atop until It reached the church again shortly after ten. The driver had In There will be an informal dance at the Country dub Saturday evening. st ructions to go as far as he could go J proper group. On Thursday. August 13th, the an nual children's carnival will take place at Ravinia Park. This year a circus parade will be given, led by the Olenwood and Allendale boy bands. Any fancy costume will be appropri- ate, but w^tra sew oass are sade* it is suggested that the circus Idea be carried but. The children will meet next Thursday In the concert pavilion at 1:15 Bharp. where each village will be represented by a banner, so there will be no difficulty In finding the wamm Societies and Clubs ; The Pottawattomie Camp Fire girls have been having several interesting meetings lately. A few weeks ago they visited the Babies' sanitarium in Lincoln park, taking lunches and en- joying a picnic In the park. The next -week they met at the home of Miss .Georgia Rogers, to sew for the babies, .making little slips and kimonos and accomplishing a creditable amount of .work. Last Friday the girls held their camp fire ceremonial on the beach, Initiating several new members. The meeting this wees: will be a rehearsal for the benefit entertainment which they are planning to give in the near future. This entertainment is to be held on the beautiful lawn of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rodman on Elmwood avenue, and the proceeds will be given to the ice fund. ' The Navajo Camp Fire girls have discontinued their meetings till next September. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk The Woman's Mission and Aid so- ciety of the Baptist church have ar- ranged a Ravinia picnic today for the ladies of the church, and the children. <The party wilt meet at the Wllmette electric station in time to take the 10:27 car, and will have luncheon In the park. ; Mrs. Robert. Ward. 1044 Ashland avenue, will entertain the Friday club tomorrow. Tuesday dub this week. .«■» • The Eight club will meet n< day at the home of Mrs. V Ashland avenue. The Neighborhood circle was enter- tained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Blymyer, 1019 Lske avenue. Mrs. Henry B. Moore of Elmwood avenue is entertaining the Cory Cor- ner circle for an all-day meeting to* da>. Mrs. Frank Scheldenhelm enter the Reading circle it her home on Forest avenue Monday afternoon. Mrs. Mildred Buhl left last Wednes- day to spend two weeks at Tomahawk Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Clarke •prat this week In northern Wisconsin. Mrs. 8. A. Wheelock is visiting friends and relatives in the east. Mr. and Mrs. Alton P. Graham an- nounce the birth of a son, Friday, July 24. Mrs. Leon C. Barrltt, 114 Fifth ■treet, has her sister sa her summer guest. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corette leave today for their new home in Hartford, Mich. Mr. J. B. Boddle, 885 Fifteenth street, spent two Wisconsin last week. Mrs. Dingee and Miss Annie Dingee left last Saturday to visit friends at Lake Geneva. Mrs. William t. Sturgeon's mother, who baa been ill for a week. Is slowly recovering. MIbs Agnes Cunneen, 781 Ashland avenue, has returned from 'White Lske, Mich. Miss Martha Hutchinson of Atlanta, Ga., was the guest of Miss Vera Loban- off this week. Mr. Lyman Drake and eon, Keith, 988 Lake avenue, have returned from Wichita. Kan. Mrs. L. A. Lower, 1048 Linden ave- nue, Is at home again after a visit In St. Joseph. Mich. Miss Hanover of Cedar Rapids. la., was the gueBt of Miss Mary Springer, Mrs. Prank Cutler entertained then 707 Central avenue. Louis Bruch returned last Wednes- day from the University of Michigan summer school. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Woodcock, 934 Sheridan road,' spent the week-end at St. Joseph, Mich. Mr. A K. Shurtleff. 619 Greenleaf avenue. Is In New York on Important railroad business. Miss Alice ShurtlefT, 816 Lake ave- nue, left yesterday for Cincinnati, to remain two weeks. Miss Marine Barber of Woodlawn has bee* the gueet of Mrs. A. E. Bar- bor this woolc Mr. S. M. Singleton and family. 688 Hill street, have returned from an outing in Michigan. Mrs. A. J. Thompson, 707 Linden avenue, who has been seriously ill, is rapidly recovering. Mt; and Mrs. Harold E. Spinney an- nounce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, July 88. Mr. Julius BoerhlBch was the week- end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. c. Short* left*. 815 Lake avenue Mrs. P. D. Day, 810 Oakwood ave- nue, entertained several friends at curds Thursday evening. Minses Helen and Elizabeth Pope left Friday to spend a month with friends at Bjg Lake, Wis-- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor ot Central avenue spent several days last week at Lake Geneva. atr. Arthur Howard and son, Joseph, are spending two weeks The Central avenue drde will meet tomorrow at the homo of Miss Carrie Brown, 788 Eleventh street Mary Gates wTJl entertain the Study elisSS next Wednesday. The Drama Study class met yester- day at the home of Mrs. Trash on avenue. The North Shore Luncheon dub meets next Wednesday St the home ot Mrs. Roy Mackrason In North Edge- water. Mrs. T. B. Potter entertained the Tuesday 8rldge and Luncheon club this Central avenue are est of town, visit- ing la Boston. New York and Atlantic City. Mr. Guy S. Hammond and family, 1 Crescent place, leave next week to spend two weeks at Dewey Lake, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Marry Curtis of 781 Kline street are being congratulated upon the birth of a son on Friday, July »7. Patrons of Ravinia were delayed in coming home Saturday evening by a broken coupler on the Milwaukee dec- trie ear. Miss Helen Groves, 1823 Wllmette avenue, has returned home, after spending several weeks at Wheeling, w; vn7 - •.'" Mrs. Newland of Paw Paw. Mich.. was the guest of Mrs. F. last week, leaving for home on Sat- urday. Edwin Stafford. Jr.. who has visiting In Michigan City. WU during the last two months, returned home Tuesday. Mr. Arthur Thompson of Linden avenue has been confined to his home by a few days' illness but he Is now recovering, Mrs. Frank Fowler, 680 Linden ave- nue, who haa been spending some time In Manistee; Mich., baa returned to Wllmette. Mr. Prank Cutler and family. 1001 Lake avenue, and Mrs. Lyman prase, 933 Lake avenue, have returned from White Lake. • Mr. Richard Burn of Philadelphia. Pal, Is a guest at the home of bis rel- atives, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Allen, 618 Forest avenue. Miss Minnie May Schmidt. 827 Elm- wood avenue. Is visiting Miss Florence Gillson at the Gillson summer home, Grand Haven. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bdt and their mother, Mrs. William Bdt. nave re- turned front a month's auto trip through the east Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brooke, 185 Sixth street, are entertaining Mrs- Brooke's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rockefeller, of Kansaa City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoddard and their family of Lake ayenue returned Friday from a two months' stay at the Thousand Islands. Mrs. Edwards of Lansing, Mich., en route to California, was the guest Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Dart. 706 Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. A. P. Whitford will leave Wed- nesday for Macatawa, where she is to be the guest of Mrs. E. H. Temple, a former Wilmette resident. 'Mrs. Alfred Noyes of Oakwood ave- nue, and Mrs. A. B. Barber, 681 Lin- den avenue, visited friends at Hol- land. Mich., last week. Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Grots and son of Toledo, O., were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Buck- man, 786 Laurel avenue. Mr. Elliott Graham of Des Moines, la., spent Saturday in Wllmette with Dr. Macauley and famiiy, on hie way horns from Beaver Dam. Wis. Miss Von Hagen of Minneapolis. who has been the guest of Mrs. R. H. Palenske. 886 Tenth street, returned to her home last Wednesday. Mrs. H. A Champion of Hazel Green, who has been the guest of her Bister, Mrs. Carl Schroeder for two weeks, left tor home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff left Monday for a two weeks' trip, spending a few days In Detroit and the remainder of their time at Lake Orion. Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Prank Miller. 708 Park avenue, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a ion, born Sunday morning at the Evanston hospital. Misg Bernico Plerson, formerly of Wilmette and now living in Milwau- kee, returned Monday to visit Mrs. R. W. Jordan, 1317 Elmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Richards, 788 Central avenue, will leave Satur- day for a two weeks' outing at Toma- hawk lake, In northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Alnslle J. Bell. 1345 Elmwood avenue, announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday, July 81. The young lady Is to be named Elsie Jane. Mr. Roger Branson, a student at Illinois University, Is visiting at the home Of his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue. 681 Washington ave- nue. Mr. Frost King with his little daughter, Josephine, of Indlanapalls. Ind., Is spending: a month With bis sister. Miss Abide King, 816 Central avenue. ' Mr. end Mrs. W. B. Graves, who have bebn the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Graves, 105 Sixth street, re- turned this week to their home In Sparta, Wis. Judge Alexander Mr. and Mrs. C. Lake avenue D. Worthlngton of yesterday tor a trip, and will re- turn with their eon. Delwin, who has bean visiting his grandparrata in Bo* Mr. and lira. Prank Baker leave Saturday on a bake trip to Buffalo, where their automobile has bees shipped. Ttsy will »&*& 'm^m weeka motoring; through' the Berk' shires. Mrs. Curtis M. Hinman, who IS spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Bellamy. 1050 Linden avenue, haa left for Elkhorn. Ind., to be the guest of relatives for several Herbert Stafford of Glencoe, Will Morris, Julian Mess and Thorns* Hall Of Wllmette ssotored to Bluff Lake Saturday. Mr. Morris spent the week- end and the others will remain until next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake avenue, returned Tuesday of last week from a vacation trip to northern Wisconsin, where he caught many fine trout in Echo Lake and Prairie river. Mrs. Norman Crampton, her moth- er, Mrs. Parker and son. Jack Parker. are among the group of people who are spending the summer camping at the college school grounds on Sheri- dan road. Ml»§ Marjorfe Wilson, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Ceres, CaL. la spend- ing the month of August at the borne of her uncle, Mr. Frank A. Wilson, 1118 Central avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawkes, 714 Central avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mack. 707 Central avenue, Dr. and Mrs. Reeaft. 727 Forest avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Chirk Brown are spend- ing the week at Gull Lake. Mrs. Clifford L. Hubbard of.Rock Island. 111. (Olive Skelton). is spending two weeks in Wiilmette with her par- onts, Mr. and Mrs. John L. 8kelton.on Lake avenue. Mrs. Hubbard will re- turn to her home next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Colt Wllmette residents, who have been living at the Virginia hotel In Chicago .since last May, will leave Saturday for Old Point Comfort, Va.. where they will visit Mr. Colt's sister for two' weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Gillette and children's who have been in northern Michigan for a month, were In Wil- mette a few days this week, leaving Saturday tor California, where they expect to make their home In the fu- ture. Mrs. Madison Clarke and Miss Mil- dred Clarke are the guests of Mrs. P. L Walker, 1815 Elmwood ayenue. lira. Churke and her daughter aire re- turning from an extended visit in Ashevflle, N. C, and other southern cities. Miss Bertha Holcomb and Miss lia- ble Cox of Evanston, and Miss Mar- guerite Mueller, of Chicago, were the guests of Miss Jeannette Tuthlll. 185 Fifth street, Saturday; spending the morning on the beach, and the after- noon attd evening at Ravinia Park. - . Mr. and Mrs. K L. Scheldenhelm and family, with lira. P. L. Joy, left Friday for the east, sightseeing and visiting friends, among them. Mrs. Collins, formerly of Wilmette, who is spending the summer In the White mountains. Mr. Scheldenhelm will re- turn in two weeks. Mrs. P. L. Koontz, 1135 Lake ave- nue, has been entertaining bar moth- er. Mrs. D. S. Allen, for the past month. Two Bisters. Misses Ruth attd Mary Allen, came Friday from Texas, where they have been visiting another sister. Mrs. Weeks, and wilt remain a short time In Wilmette with Mrs. Koontz before returning to Lake Ge- neva. Mrs. Edward Corette left yesterday to join Mr. Corette In their new home near Hartford, Mich. Mrs. Corette has been prominent in social and church work in Wllmette for many Mr. Bruce CrandaU has a new ear. Mrs. H. H. Everett to vidtlng In Holland. Mich. Dr. W. M. Stearns has ordered a new Hudson car. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hicks bare re- ceived their new car. Mrs. EL A Laughlin was fa town for a few days this week. ' Mrs. Louis Wilson entertained with a luncheon on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap left this for a trip through.Estes Park, Kenil News Mrs. P. C. Willis* Louis left Monday after a two weeks' visit :" ~~:': Mr. E. W. Burchard and family, of Oxford road, are summering at Cape Mrs. Steedy entertained Friday aft- ernoon for her niece, who is a guest in her home. Mrs. Chas. T. Chandler, of Essex road, haa left for Galena. BX, to be gone two weeks. air. Jem A. Bickferd has purchased the home of Mr. E. C. Travis on Ken- ilworth avenue and Sheridan road. The Misses Louise and Isabd Love- dale are traveling through Colorado and Idaho with friends from Mlnne- Mlss Ruth Woodward and Dorothy Taylor have returned from Crystal Lake, where they attended a house party. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bchulze and their two sons and daughter toured through Indiana Mat week, and visited Val- paraiso, South Bend and other points of interest. Mr. and) Mrs. Paul fjchutee enter- tained over Sunday the German vice consul and Judge Glrtra, and Mr. and Mrs. Nets and their two sons and daughter from Chicago. Mrs,- Claude G. Burnham and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart will entertain about seventy-five at luncheon at the Ex- moor Country club today. Mrs. EL C. Barnes of Kenllworth avenue entertained at luncheon Fri- day for her mother, Mrs. Gunther, of New York. Covers were laid for twelve Miss Helen Stearns left for the east, Where she Will visit Charlotte Frieze at their island home In the St Law- rence, afterwards going to New York to visit Mr. MacConnell'a mother and sister. Dr. Calvin Case will soon deliver an address on "The Bodily Movement of Peace" before the European Society of Orthodentlsts, a body of dental spe- cialists, which meets In Paris. Dr. and Mrs. Case will attend the Inter- national Dental congress in Loudon In August, where he will deliver another address. ,. FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS By NsxeoN Rich, 1016 Linden Ave., Wmarrm. WHY DO YOU WORRY about yow and investments when yon have a bank right here at home run by men yon know* to be, honest and capable ind whose judgment you know to be sound? Yonr money is absolutely safe in the Wil- mette Exchange State Bank. The men back of this bank are able and anxious to help yon and want to have your friendship. Open Friday evenings from 7 to 8 P. M. (XCHAM6C ' . . •. :: 1 (afc ■■*■ : 23 While on Your Vacation Remember Your Friends it Home with Beautiful Ctit Flowers . i.. i 1 i , ;■ h t 11, ■ ,i ■ , i • . . I ; n ii . T n i'i ■■■>)■■ i i , in, frt Tiif i. Leave your orders with us, we shall be pleased to fill your every want with strictly fresh flowers at lowest wholesale prices. Store: 615 Railroad Ave. Greenhouses: 1625 Central Ave. Telephone Wilmette 23 & OLSEM, Successors STAR FLORAL GO. !' ■ W« deliver to any part of north ahem town*. Alao deliver Sowars on Mohair BE comfortable during the warm days this month make yon a beautiful LINEN, MOHAIR or L SERGE SUIT. We are making special indu is worth yonr time to investigate. v CLEANING, PRESSING AND REM Work Called For and Deliven • JUMLK Telepboael* MUa Helen Cudahv. who vtalted her slater. Mrs. Frank Wllhelm of Wln- netka, during the taenia tournament, has returned to Mackinac, where she * Is spending the Bummer with her par- enta. Mr. and Mrs. Edward £. Cudahy of 16 Banks street, who/ have a sum- mer home there. Mrs. Francis Payne Mason of JG7 561 Fir St. Phone 675-L AUTO DOCTOR Will call, examine your car, give estimate and do work in your own garage. " . C. MELVINE . WINNETKA The Girls! club win meet next Mon- camplng at Beaver Dam, Wis. Mrs. Hacry t>. Davisson. 812 Kline street, left Monday for Benton Har- bor, to be gone Several days. Mrs. James Watson and son. Ken- day evening at the horns of Miss neth, returned Thursday from a Gladys Bosses, 1426 Forest avenue. IN NOBTH EVANSTON. William H. Johnson and Allen O. Mills have bought from Us heirs ot Henry Harms a tract of sixty acres Just west of North Evanston for a re- ported consideration of shout I40.GGC. The property is within two blocks of several attractive North Evanston homes, baa 10-cent fare to the loos sad a twenty-minute service on the Northwestern Bead. The electric line to the Westmoreland and Glen- vis w coun try clubs passes through the property. Cbaoncey «, represented both parties.---- month spent tn Bay City, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Louis 8. Becker. 105 Fifth street, are entertaining Mrs. Becker's mother Of Mollne, 111. Hr. Dsv!d Anderson spent the .week- end at Elkhart Lake, where Mrs. An- derson is staying for the summer. Mrs. David Nelson. 821 Elmwood avenue, is visiting la Minneapolis, where she will remain two weeks. Miss Cells Campbell of Chicago •pent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kaumeyer, €01 Llhden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue. 631 C. Bucker re- turned this week to IiIb home in Lou- iBvllle, Ky. Judge Bucker has been the guest of Mr. 1. B. Boddle, 835 Fif- teenth street. Miss Margaret Thompson, ?07 Lin- den avenue, returned Saturday from Anaconda, Mont., where she has been the guest of Miss Dorothy Harring- ton for a month. Mlea Ruth Moulding, 1004 Green- wood avenue, and M Ips . Hope Miller. have returned to Wilmette from Mari- nette, Wis., where they were guests at a house-party. ; «■> Mrs. John Clarke Baker. 34? Hill street, had Miss Sophie de Land of Pierre, 8. D., as her guest this week. Miss de Land Is clerk of the aupreme court in South Dakota. Mrs. P. J. Clampitt, Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Vowell. Edwin Clampitt, Allen Bocklus, and Everett Alien ssotored yesterday to Lake Geneva, where they will remain several days. lira. M. Wright and Mrs. Robt Ash street Win net ka, gave a tea Sat- urday afternoon from 4} to | o'clock In honor of Mrs. Frank H. Mason of Paris. Mr. Mason haa for Several yeem"and~ie"aves a"pUc7ln the heartsltsS^ t&'IsB&fiW ,ener*j § of her associates which will be hard to fill. MlsB Edith Corette will remain in Wllmette. to continue her work in musical circles, both here attd in Chi- cago. The silver teg service which was to have been presented to Rov. Harry B. Heald by his parishioners, before his departure, will be Shipped this week. Difficulty in choosing the de- sign caused the delay. Word haa been received that the rector and his fam- ily are enjoying their cottage on the seashore at Portland, lie.; and that their new home in Port Cheater, N. T.. It over a hundred years eld. though having all the modern con* vcnlcnccs. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brush, 1101 Greenwood avenue, with the members of their family, left Saturday to take thp Hnorclfin Ttfiv trfn flfnnnlnff At Mackinac on their return. They are accompanied by Mr. Bruch's mother, Mrs, Jacob Brack; and three daugh- ters, Misses Julia, Annie and EmlHe Bruch, ot Buffalo, N. Y.. who arrived in Wllmette last. Wednesday. Miss Ida Nourse, 1137 Greenwood avenue. Is to be one of the party, which num- bers twelve.; The trip will extend over two weeks. _ Itfaadbisv/ife are hoV viat> In America. Mrs. Mason is presl- dent of the Lyceum club of Paris, which ie the American Woman's club of that city. YeBterday she wore the diamond bracelet presented to her by the club on the eve. of her departure for America last May. Assisting Mrs. Francis Mason were Mesdamea John A. Jameson, Ira Couch Wood, George A. Thome, Charles I. Sturgis, Morris Greely, JoBeph Husband, Edgar Page Smith sad Alfred Maynard. A lawn fete in the interests of the Arden Shore --ertsiUia wss given Saturday afternoon and evening in the grounds surrounding the home of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hlbbard Jr. of Winnetka. Among those giving puncheons preceding the afternoon event aie Mrs. John W. Scott and Miss jets . . Campbell, who have bean guest* at the Washington avenue, are entertaining | home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kaumeyer. Smith Mrs. McCue's sister and her family. 1601 Linden avenue, for some time, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopp, .*» Lin- 'left this week for Cleveland, O. .. PLAYGROUND MAN LEAVES. Mr. Edward B. DeGroot, formerly of Kenllworth, according to an an- nouncement in San Francisco, is to leave Chicago to become a supervisor Of school recreation in the coast city at a large salary. For almost three years Mr. DeGroot haa been field sec- retary for the Playground and Recrea- tion Association of America, Mr. De Groot haa been accredited with mueh Hostesses at dinner between the after- noon and evening entertainments will include Mrs. Robert B. Gregory of Highland Park. Mrs. Andrew McLeish />f Glencoe, Mrs. George Thome, Mrs. Lyman Walker, Mrs. James McCluney, Mrs. Alice Buckingham, Mr. and Mrs. ■Horace Kent Cheney, Mrs. Ty rill Cheney and Mrs. John Sidney Burnet of Winnetka, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Pollock and Mr. and Mrs. o. B. Tennis of Evanston. . .' of the success of CbJcago's playgroup^ system. He was director for the spe- cial park commiexlon of the city at one time and for several years held a similar position under the south park commiss spars. '.-.p.^^yfo^/-:*!?;..* ■■_*. Snowflake Cream Purity and Quality First ilUdeinWilnifjtte Wilmett? Friiit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager ™n?"^™ Hansen PhotsgrasUc Sit* Printing and Developing Done at Lowest Prices =u era SPI AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ColdWesther We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi GabSer?ice Night and Day J. W. Meyer & Sons 1718 Columbus Ayenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wllmette AT YOUR SERVICE of any Ladles' or Gentlemen's tailoring Telephone Wllmette #17. We are here to try and please you..' Many Wilmette have tftes s4vsat our early morning d Why Not Yoe? All Bread Wrapped in J"! Hff Cpntractof ft Biuldcr 'AICM K&ASONAftXB tiumiobs wnMtTn ins* In. !302Wllaitti4rl1, fUi^HI. American Wi (Not Inc.) COS.. FOREST wm. KAPLAN LADIH9' AND GKNT8' TAILOB •SS BatiroaA Ave. H.m-on Bldf. SEND COPIES OP THE NEWS TO YOUR FRIEND8 OUT OF THE CITY Miss M. Boland Room 54, Browa Bldg. i ■ Tstl Western Casket and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does not mean a Cheap Casket. It does mesa a Cfcftcp Pri**i w^cairyaMuaof Csskets ranging injprices from Twenty-FiPe up to Hundred and Fifty Dollars. They are Csskcrs you will pay fromfi&rta Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars tor say plsce else. We manufacture all #f our own Csskets st our Own Factory, thus ssvlng you from Thirty to Fifty Per Ceut. WM. H. SCOTT (eitfht year* with J. 1<. Htbblcthwsitc) is auaafsr and part owner of our Wt wfll eive hit personal mttention to every dsfsfl. <f We challenge a comparison ot price*, and j AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. Phone Wilmette 280 WM. H. SCOTT, Manner 1123 Central Aveaie ........ ii i •

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