Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1914, p. 3

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THE IAKE SHORE NEWS. THIJRSDAY, JULY 30. 1914. WHIT CORE OFFERS FIELD OF What People Are Doing; in Evanston ******* death has followed overdoses of prep- ] \! arations containing thyroids. 0|her |' ' preparations contain poke# root (phy- * tolacca), a poisonous drug, and others, analysis shows, contain nothing that conld possibly have the slightest cf- Xe^a^re'ofoBe preparation' ^Thomas W. Osborne, 1S« Aah-i REPUBLICAN PARTY GAINS ARE ENCOURAGING assert that It secures most marrelous **!* avenue, is spending two weeks ; Statistics Show Remarkable Falling Off in Progressive Vote in New York. Department of Agriculture Has Investigated Many of the So- Galled and Claimed Fat Re- I friction and" thus ducers and Find Frauds. results by a process of elimination of foods without digestion. These peo-j Mtea Alma Hanson, 722 , Foster J The National Republican congressional committee at Washington furnishes 1 pie guarantee the reduction of a I street. ** visiting her parents at Pair-!some very instructive and illuminative data relative to the falling off of the j pound a day, A nrenaraticn of this!""""^ Minn. j vote of the Progressive party since the vote at the last national election in 'duwrter w « jiHwT™.i,r« x« a . w «ri.«* o*a* 1912» **»ich so split the old time Republican vote as to give to the country a character, If it did what Its makers Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. White. 320,ra!noritv pre8«»ent. the first one in many, many years. claim for it, would probably eliminate ; Main street, are spending the summer The statistics are divided into three columns, the first giving the vote for j any need of digestion In the future, j at Rumford. Me. I Wilson. Taft and Roosevelt in 1912, the second the names of candidates and ; Another product, elimination shows, j Mr „£ Mrfc Charles Hall. 2720 Cen-itne vote th€>" received in 'lections held since the presidential elections, and; consists principally of ordinary soap.; traj gtreet, announce the birth of « the tnir<* cotoaan showing the percentage of loss or gain by parties-in those i The idea is to apply this locally with ' d»ueht*r jUbp 2fi tlecUcns. friction and thus remove the fat """s**""' "uuv «"»• The figures speak so eloquently that no remarks are needed, they show of wherever it may be in excess. A stiil' Mr" am* XIrs- *• ®* Van neusen an^ themselves the wonderful pain In the Republican vote ami the equally aston- more clever scheme provides cheiai- famlly- 1C12 Wesley avenue, will leave ) ishlng--at least to Progressives--falling eff in the Progressive vote. jcals to be added to the water In which ;to«lay for Spring Lake. Mich. RESULTS OF SPECIAL CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS. 'the patient is to bathe. These chem-1 Mr. John Butler. 1127 Hinman ave- Village Theatre "HOUSE of FEATURES" WILMETTE Heat Doer to Thrd District--Maine, Sept 8, 1313. SOME AR E DANGEROUS ^ are of such a nature that they ^^Et^JZET^ ™">* ...........*M*2 «^-»S~ "'. Z 5*6 I in. loss. ■_____________ ifonn a sort of curd in the water af-lisitat his home in Yonkers. >T. ¥. Taft ............ 715!) Petersa......... l50&1 R gftJa ! ter the patient has bathed. This curd. Mrs. J. Jamicson Collins, 1713 Ridge Roosevelt .......13,253 J^iwrencc ...... 6,558 Prog. loss. rt*u «. Cnnnn A iVniain l^c advertisement states, is fat and avenue, has returned from the east,! VeryUnen ir.esei/OmpOUnas UOnia.n Eun,ius tissue removed from the body, where she has been visiting for a Injurious Drugs and Death Has Resulted in a Number of Cases. Other schemes supply a tablet at 75 month. cents a dozen for which a claim is The M!sses Deris and Esther Kent made that It will reduce fat at the o{ New Orleans. La., were the week Numerous Inquiries received re- rate of a pound a day Have a Great Sale. No ether class of preparations ex- ploited to humbug the people has a Total vote increase 2%. First District--West Virginia. Oct. 14, 1913. Wilson .......... 23,21:2 Noely .......... 14.0*.»:i Deta. loss. Taft ............ 12.70-' Hearne......... 11.044 Itep. loss.. Roosevelt ....... 13,287 I.auahlan ...... :t,717 I»rog. loss. To<.al vote decrease II';. .9 10070 . iva< . 50' ".tri . .. _ „ _ .___. , wider sale, and in nearly every ia- cently by the U. S. Department of: • ,* * • ' stance they are absolutely worthless. Agriculture indicate that promoters-ln maay-cases where patients seem oT so-calledobesity remedies ^anr^fo lose welgfcT this result is attributed fat-reducing • cures are using aa oid to the hot bathe and the diet and ex- ercises recommended as an accom- paniment in taking the medicine. Wilson .. Taft .... llooscvelt trick dressed in new clothes to de- ceive fat people Into spending money for worthless or dangerous pre,:ara-: specialists know of safely reducing tions. The advertisements appeal to Pesh are., rigid dieting, and strenu- the vanity of people who wish to re- i flesh areTfigid dieting and a strenuous end guests of Miss Dorothy Mason, 1401 Ridge avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George Paullin and their daughters. 190S Sho:.dan roa<l, are spending several week* motoring through the Derkshire Hills. Mr. Meredith Beyers, U'17 Kidse avenue, will leave tomorrow for I Seventh District--New Jersey. April 7, 1914. York Peach. Me., where he will re- Wilson .......... lO.Slo OTIyme ........ 5.240 Hem. loss. main until the first of September. Taf; ............ 5,34;» Drukker....... 10.620 lltp gain. Mr. C. F. Dowry cf Kansas City is Roosevelt ....... 11,701 Whitehead ..... 71;» I'rog. loss. Second District- 19,371 Voilmer 8.30:; Uu!l ... 15,601' llanley . -Iowa. Feb. 10, 1914. ....... 1 \.'.>>< Dem. loss. ....... 10,608 Hep. gain. ....... 3.71S Frog. loss. Total vote decrease "8r S5« . 1- gain graceful figures and also to the The only way that the Department's n,e gucs, of his s5stcr Mrs p R Ga toutre, 725 Michigan avenue, lie will remain in Evanston during the sum mer, o New York State Election Mr. and Mrs. John T. Stockton and Wilson........655.5" Total vote decrease 40';.. RTSULT OF STATE ELECTIONS. i cus exercise, and those to be effective , ! must be continued over a long period f. n llft0 Hinmnn nvermo will Ia»vp Taft ............455,487 business necessities of those who be-loftime The fat reducj,g patient *^11£™^™X£££ R°°S£Velt .......39°'°9;{ come so fat they can no longer do I mU8t eliminate from his diet fats, their work efficiently. i starchy foods and sugar. In many- Conducted Tests. !cases lt is not wi8e becausP of other • ■■ j. «, , . _ i physical conditions for fa*t people to In order to be able to give a deCn- attempt &ny rapid reduction in ite reply ■ to many people inquiring ; -vveiglit. As a general rule diet and ex- about specific remedies, tho drug J ercise are best directed by a skilled specialists of the Bureau of Chemis-) physician. Loss of flesh is by no try recently conducted a series of means a blessing if accompanied by ' loss of health, energy or strength. It is practically impossible to pre Colorado, stopping at Yellowstone ! Park. ' Maryland State Election. Mrs. C. A. Wightman, 1454. Maple ; Wilson ..........112,674 avenue, and her two daughters. Mar- ] Taft............ 64,95»i garet and Alice, have returned from \ Roosevelt ....... 57,780 a two weeks' stay at" Cedar Lake, Wis. Mrs. Marshall M. Kirkman, Rkli N. J. State Election. tests with a number of nostrums of , , , Wilson ..........178,291) avenue and Lake street, left last week Taft eg 53-, for Seattle, Wash., where she will ' this character on employees in the j vent the sale of those preparations jJrs Ko *es spend six weeks with her daughter, Roosevelt .......145,410 Presidsnt 1912. Rartlult.........fioi\n75 Werner ........ul»7,;»57 Hand ......,...105,097 Total vote decrease 7%. President 1912. Lee ............112,485 Parran ......... 73,300 Willlngton ..... 7,033 Total vote decrease 14%. President 1912. Fielder.........173,148 Smokes .........140,'-'9S Colby .......... 41,132 Chitf Judge 1913. Den:, loss....... 8'. Rep. gain....... 31' I'rog. loss....... 49' Senator 1913. Dem. less....... 1-10'; Rep. gain....... 33', Prog, loss....... S7' Governor 1313. Dem. loss....... '**> Hep. gain....... 80r I'rog. loss....... 71% Reverend A. S. Clarke and daughter. Miss Ruth Clarke, S31 Hinman ave- rue, left Monday for l.ake Geneva, where they will s;>end a week. Mr. Donald Miller, 1707 Hinman ave- nue, will return today from Sp3- Department who wished to lose sur- \ i,i interstate commerce under the plus flesh without injuring their Poods and Drug Act for the reason hedth. One of the most widely ad-; «»»t the claims upon the packages vertised so-called prescriptions for re- i are purposely so guarded as to evade ducing flesh was tried for a period j action. As a rule the claims, guar- of six months. The result was that i antees. etc., appear in adverttsements,...... two of the subjects under experimen-' circular letters, etc., and these the 4..ine wash., having been called back tation were obliged to stop after tak-1 makers are very careful to keep sep- tf thJs cUy by ,,J(, accldeBt to \XiS ing the medicine for two or three j arate from the package. weeks because of its injurious ef- The Post Office Department, how feet The third subject gained Vk \ever- has been instrumental in silenc- pounds instead of losing flesh. An- irig some of these promoters by »ra- j Ri3j. wcel:s. fishing trjp on Trout Lake, ! Minnesota. other of the BO-called remedies of a j ing fraud orders against them and Wfcj Mrg Peny will joln him in two J Wilson ..........lOS.WH "Great Obesity Specialist" was tried.: denying them the use of the mails. jw thnjs weeka Taft ............ C 1.334 The subjecrserupulously followed the The Department of Agriculture can , Mr Donald Weston and Mr. Dwigl t Roosevelt .......120.S56 diet list which accompanied this rem- J only warn the people to beware of all |Beuglag of Detroit, Mich., are sp.nd ! rdy and faithfully carried out the'such, preparations containing such jng Bcvera, ,lays in thi3 clty fts t!u, ' ^vstem of exercises recommended.! claims, for in the knowledge of: all , gU€sts of Mr Leslie Wheeler, 221 After six months' treatment there \ drug specialists at the present time : Dempster street. RESULT OF PRIMARY ELECTIONS. brother, George Miller. Mr. Oliver Hazard Perry. Jr., 913 ' Michigan avenue. Left Monday for a | Pennsylvania. Wilson ..........395,619 Taft ............273,30 5 Roosevelt .......447,42'J Iowa. Wi?3on ..........183.32" Taft............119.^05 Roosevelt .......161,819 Oregon. Wilson .......... A", reductii . 18 pounds of there is no preparation that can be de- | Mf John y|ctor j ce un Chicago ! Koosevel't I'.esh but this the experimenters at - pended upon to reduce flesh in any , avenug> and Mr Gcorgo Train, 1021! tribute to the fact that the subject j marked degree without doing injuries. | Asbury avenue returned Monday food. 1 from Star Lake, Wis., where they ; spent three weeks. ] Wilson . I Miss Hazel Wood, 122:! Elm wood \ Taft ... S avenue, will leave on Sunday feir j Roosevelt 9FT9 jiATPQ FOP RAMES Musk,t',<n Mich-Boins fro,ii tnere to -__ ate no bread, butter, starchy pastry, sugar or candy while under observation. The first month after discontinuing the treatment the sub ject gained 10 pounds, and in three months was back to the original weight recorded at the beginning of the treatment. Stamp is Not All. The circulars, letters and other announcements of these so-called obesity remedies, which are published broadcast, in many cases asserted that a two cent stamp is the only charge. Those sending the two cents to the supposed philanthropist, who wishes to help out sufferers t» get rid of surplus flesh, commonly re- ceived a statement that the physician or "professor" discovered this rem- edy in the wilds of some foreign country, or received it from some famous Indian medicine man on his deathbed. Then aftei due teams praise of the effectiveness of the rem town3, edy the "professor" states that he is NORTH SHORE LEAGUE President 1912. T>tal Dem......189.554 Tocal Rep.......332.205 Total Prog...... 4(5.782 Total vote decrease 49%. President 1912, Total Dem...... 76.413 Total Rep.......140.277 Totnl Prog...... 5,359 Total vote decrease 47%. President 1912. Tot^l Dem...... 42,832 Total Rop.......195.293 Total l-io,;-...... 2,890 Total vote decrease 27%. President 1912. Total Dem...... 35.998 . 34,673 Total Ucp....... 88.400 . 37,000 Total Prcg...... 2.554 REGISTRATIONS. California. To June 6, 1914. .282,436 Democratic ____164,407 . 3,914 Republican .."77.323,362 .283,010 Progressive ____162,504 ,064 U. S. Senator 1914. Loss ........... 52%' Gain ........... 21% IjOSS ........... 89% U. S. Senator 1914. Loss ........... 5S%; Cain ........... 17% Lots ........... 96% Governor 1914. Loss h.......^. . 59% Gain ........... 2.13% Loss ........... 1)7% Gov. and U. S. Sen. 1914. Loss ........... 23% Gain ........... 155% Loss ........... 93% M. L. SPAR* Manager A Few Features of the Theatre Beautiful THURSDAY. JULY 30 Matinee and Evening. IK "Perils of PauBne" «-33& raaltce ltdes In a bnllcon. which escapes,. carrying htr up alone. See the wonderful escape. Also Marc McDcrmott, Edison Star, In •__■_. "A MATTER-©^ WtNOTES^^^s^ Taken from Tin; MAM WHO DISAPPEARED, And " 7'_____: "SNAKEVILLE'S NEW WAITRESS." Some Western Comedy. Conic early, 1 II 'I ----» I ill 1 M I.I «»--M--» FRIDAY, JULY 31 FUANCI3 X. nrsHMANVIa a TKo-Part reature___ "H!S STOLEN FORTUNE." i!. inherits a Fortune, only to pet into ail kiad3 of■.difficulty.."."" Also "THE. L.UR^-aF--TSe-X^DrES^-- Selig Comedy; end JOHN GUNNY AND FLORA FINCH IN '•VASES OF HYMEN" Vo j(.u know tim man with the JoQ.000 face? SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 Matinee and Evening. FIFTH SERIES "THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY." f TWO PARTS. ibriM'tiR Scrm>-3 at Sea in RurninR Metor^-Beafe-*--:--'--■ Also Hearst Selig News. MOUON I'lCTURKS OF EVENTS OF THE IL\Y. AND "PIGS IS PTGS." Yt;u have read the story. John Himny plays the Station Master. You knew he v ill be funny. - TUE.SDAY, AUGUST 4 Matinee and Evening. -, _. FamoBSrPlayer3--Preswnt Bruce McBrae In the Famous Political Romance, «Tlt» Din.t «nii ikn Unni* The story of a•-Courageous. Man's Triumphant': jBattb> astalnut the cotrupt fore'ea of a^.-(JitjiiptJc -Political. JJlaiSL -TthT--m%i our--Tn*>-il»j" shows.. ConiinR scon JACK LONDON'S FAMOLS PLAY, "THE SEA WOLF." WATCH FOR IT. Wo arc at"! brngglnft'abcut-Our cool thiator and want to prov«» to you tfcat-4t 4*-cooler In the-tltoatar^than on tho HCre^ Six mi nil evening with ui? and fas'.b.fy ycursflf. ALL SEATS 10 CENTS ! Newark, N. Y. Miss Wood expects to j , , .... ... be away for a month. ..week-end guest of Miss Marion 1'hil- I Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Negley and her llP3- ,3i< Michigan avenue. Maui Hreranbfltinn I auc FyfPn. i two sons, Donald and Marian, of Can | Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd. UH INeW UrgantZailOn J.ay5 LXieil ,tcn m arethegue8t8of Mr aadMl.s.tghcridan road, will return tomorrow Hugh Taylor Harvey, 240G (Jrant' i'rom a short trip to New York. street, far a few days this week. i Mis3 liowman, 2020 Sherman avc- Mr. Archibald Van Deusen return"d ' hub, hn ; returned from a two weeks' Saturday evening from Schenectady,! visit with her sister at Peoria, ill. N. Y., and is pending threo weeks j Miss Harriet Ditbnier, 1420 Grove with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. SJ Btroct, left last week for a fortnight's Van Deusen, 1C1:{ Wcsloy avenue. \ vidlt wi;h her sisler at Williaton. Judge Martin M. Gridley aud bin | N. L>. sive Plans for Season of Baseball and Basketball, Mrs. E. S. diss is visiting her sif- ter, Mrs. Hammond, lotffr Forest ave- nue, dhring her daughter's absence in the west. THE EVANSTON HH-ONES 2S.»S2M0a CHAS E. NRV, mgr. Representatives from, ^^Wilmette, Evanston, Winnetka and Glencoe met at Foster neld last Thursday night and organized baseball and basketba'I j mother .Mrs. N. C. Orldley. 1433 Ii>n leagues to compete during the sum- man , avenue, leave today for mer months. Boston, sailing August 1 for Kflrupe,. week.B y The baseball games will be played where they will join Mrs. Grij'.ey and j Mjcn. on Saturday afternoons between I family iu Paris. :" . " „; representing the various! Miss Carolyn Dawes, Greenwood. *•«» *"** Raihbum of Woon- i boulevard and Sheridan read,. enter- i 3oc^et. R- L- »« vlBiliug at lie horn- Tho basketball games will Detained at luncheon Monday at tne ]!°? *»• Chester Cook, 1W Dempster ".,"" ", , ,„„„♦ I nlaved at Foster field on Wednesday ' Evanston Golf club, for Miss Hilohan ; s ^5* ' .., .. . . ixziz%ir^"^™™r«<r«taj£f.rYork-cover3 WGrc,ald"'^fissr^s*?."^ n--H. ..." -~1* ,^,Ja^ fnJ„* .^adopted: | staying for the present with her, ALASKA GOAL LANDS TO BE LEASED Btixixdi . _ rowri THURSDAY Se»ouri);tttiiTi;KTil ln»-i, ({.!« i lem* ii( WlTHOtT mi '. U|UI I'l.tlKS iivrgj. I atnil il ecBfoit»it< tertltfi, ?»• • c.'.?b i'.i I<8.!.0 nit hit* licsS M ' l«il ot t'm«. Pjirlpf: »ttifc»'r.ft >-t I Mr. and Mr3. John Roman, 2300 liar- ec'tmiugiateiiikwl. consultation KRKKt , rison street, have returned from a S^utiuast Corner aandoioti and Clark Strcetn Open cvenint'n until 7 Sunday 9 XO 12 '..........----- - -, 1 11 "The Squaw Man" luO rcflH F»aturln(tt>ir»TJX FARM M. 'THE SEALED PACKAGE^ A »ii>ry of ii tholt nru! ibt> trnehlnir *'f ilx« t Wett^. Talking Machines «•« French, German, Italian and Spanish Langua^f Outfits Machine vr Rtcurls, all nf t tntral 3SC7. 19 When yoa wutt c Wmnelka 69J-W, i JAMES I.LYCH5.25 West Uh Sfrce', CHICAGO I finally as a great individual favor he j adopted is told that he can obtain this mar Baseball. velous guaranteed flesh reducer for. the sum of $2.50.--In return fo." tho Saturday, Aug. 1. 3:30 p/ m--Glen enp nt Foster field: Wilmetts at Win danghtor. Mrs. William B. Walrath. 1018 Oirington avenue, before leaving for California.____________._____:_________ Mrs. George fi. Ballard and family, -Glen |S2G Reha place, returned Saturday reduced price, however, the patient nctka. must agree to tell all his fat friends \ Saturday, Aug. 8, 3:30 p. m about this wonderful means of shed-coe at Wllmette; Foster lied at jfrom a ten days'stay at their euranier rlin^ «vm«i„«rtia I Winnetka. place in St. Joseph, Mich. Mrs. Ba. JEWELRY PURCHASED AT THE' HOOSe Or ya^ jRCHB €^rQ K f^TDAYrMattn^"arttf-Efirftmfi "Reporter Jimmie InLcrvenes In 'i [i irt» - A •turjr »t « himtllius y+uitg r»'p«»tter who gelM hit.i »<>«»*rattlllou iwivcniutit, . .• . SATURDAY, Matinee and Evening "A STRING OF PEARLS^ MONDAY, Mctinseand Evening kT ryvr A T TPX/*' 1» SnsIii--ThU t'tetare_wn» #t» w*» UtvU that it l.yi I /VLi i I* wl t Ik- reiwuud t>y r»tjc»M«. (Continued from Page 1.) ding avoirdupois. Judging from the letters received j by the Department of Agriculture ap i»eallng to It to stop this practice un der the Food and Drugs Act, women ] ere usually the victims of these "pro | fessors." Much of the literature con-, tains alleged statements of some in- dividual woman's thrilling experience ^"f.,8* Glencoe: Winnetka at Po in fat-forming and fat-reduping, and this makes the situation seem real and personal to the other women. Cases are on record where women have parted with almost their last dollar In .the hope of. Improving their figures, and have awaited results with anticipation that makes their later disappointment almost path otic. The strong feature of most of the lltera- Saturday. Aug. 15. 3:30 p. m.-- Glen- lard will return datrr in tho saason Winnetka: Wilmette at Foster for a short stay at the Michigan re-i * ^ l ' "" aSf;ureJ fde«ua^ anJ» roa" „ .. scnnble means of developing her ra^ Saturday, Aug. 22. 3:30 p. m.-Fos- S°Mr9. Holme,, a former resident of j ^^^ »f wJth t!>" jj"^ V£ ter Field at GJencoe: Winnetka at lh„ city, will arrive ,^efey^ to|^^^f^y T^SLJ?' M Wilmette. be the guest for several week, of Dr. ; ^ritory ^ou d ex,. rience tt p. riod Saturday, Aug. 29. 3:30 p. m.-WH-a„d Mrs. J. C. Gardiner. ^39 Wo^;;«^^ "'lIvU* ™* P"» avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Gardiner i»v- l ( ' >; ter field. | pect to leave the latter part, of Ausist I Basketball. \ for a trip on Lake Superior. Wednesday, Aug. ">. 8 p. m.--Win-; Former Congressman George Ed-"; nctka \-s. Wilmette; S: 15 p. m.. Foster j mund Foss of the Evanston University j Field Old Timers vs. Glencoe: '.* p. m.. club has gone to Boston to meet his; Foster Field Tigers vs. Foster Field two daughters, who have been study-j Bear Cats. I ing in Europe for the last year. On Wednesday, Aug. 12, 8 p. m.--Win- their return they will make their; netka vs. Glencoe; 8:15 p. m.. Old home in this city for the summer. Timers vs. Bear Cats; 9 p. rr... Tigefs j Dr. and Mrs. Robert Avery N'obje^ vSi-WHmette. *of Uloomihgton, ill., are the guest3 of diamond, rnrttttttm Ib (l.-iipndat)lo nurchnmliso ari'l ■!< i ■ .-i • ti.-.:.. il ri»'ht t > the co'ifl«k-ni-e of all. m N. Stale srfwi^r r;44S(gl,*t"! liermrmtndcri ta mii- rcadtrrt PUREWATER The €i rrof Lake Water 32 North 5th Ave. Btitwoen Ma'li.-ion :iud Washington Krp. CHICAGO. KL. Popular Price Restaurant HsuSfvWI th- T«-nt for Titrfy V^nrn Forthetri)iv modern Kom?T TWO CKNTS A VAX Red Croj* Filter Service Ttt. MAIN 30 IS CHAS. S. WALLACE. a«:«»1 1621 Orrin«tt.)a Ave. Tel. Evamtoa 270: HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits end Vegetables In Season Kenilworth, III. Phones I04I-I042 Pfil.hitiB-ia.-ui I" :Wrtt£srtt^g^fSn^ Wednesday. Aug. 13. 8 p. «. Wte j|fa and Mrs. Wiiliam D. Washburn. medicine Is to do it all and tteLJJ^. Bcar Cats; 8M5 p. m„ Old i toil^Sheildaii road. Mm. Noble « NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. which i. . J^-^1^L™^« ♦„ lftaf vs. Wilmette, Saturday evening charmed a «ont r^tif * inducement to most. Wednegday# Aug. 2G< 8 p. m._Wm. fsmaU company of friends wl«h sev- fi^^~-- -----^~------fnetWrr. OhjhTimers; 8tl5^i>.-mr.-WH- jeral mcaical numbers, Mrs. Houstoaj W« Caused Death. [mette vs. Bear Cats; 9 p. m., Tiger3 [offering her services as accompanist.! These preparations usually contain; vs. Glencoe. Mrs. Kenneth Rarnhart. 422 Ha mil-j thyroida and a laxative. The thy-j Wednesday. Sept. 2^ 8 p. m.--Win- [ten streetr4s-irlaitlng friends In, tha j roids may prove very hurtful unless; netka ts. Tigers; 8:15 p. m., WO-1 east, given under the advice of a physician imette ts^ Old Timers; 0 p. m., Glen- j Mr. and Mrs. Lacey I*. Harris, 1919 personally familiar with the subject's j coo vs. Bear Cats. Childrenls Dresses 1 to 10 years. Lad^ea' Waists. $3.00 up. To Order. Cornets to Measure. Smocking, Hematftchlng. THE NKSDLECRAFT SHOP*. ATTORNCY-AT-L^W JOHN HUGH LALLY the subject of much discussion. Au(h .riftcs agree that LAKKAVATES i»' unHt ft»r drinking ptrrposcs. j WHAT IS THE REMEDY? Hi i i h'iuw..... i i i mb|IMMii*«» ■ mmmmmm^mmmmimmmmmmmmmm^^.- QRIM-R AT ONCI: CdRINNIS WAUKESHA WAT! R ALWAYS PURE AND HEALTHFUL HTNCKLEY & SCHMITT, Inc. Telcnhons fvanstoa 9-iO DfetfibufOfi 316 Clictw fills :n*rrusf VU. &9 *. *»tVr.Vrt U CCBTf*l l'.'^' !•«< Mtliai 8ik2f.t:4e»:i*.T«i. Mi •v^'M r vi MIK I >'!> V i i /V. L. GONSALVES .717-718 V'enetlnfl Bldg. !Sherman avenue, arc spending several j U East Washington St.. Chicago ramptty Attendrti To Shop: to* Utuien Avt. WINNHTKA GAR A

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