Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1914, p. 2

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/ THE LAKE SHORE . THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1914. ▲ pleasant little affair was planned I The chairman for the Woman's toy the Travel ctab on Tuesday of last dab cs££ parties, given for the beneflt week In honor of Mrs. Edward Co* I of the building fund, daring the next rette, one of the charter members, who j four months, are as follows: leaves soon to make her home in Hart- Mrs. Theodore Breyer, in charge ford, Mich. Mrs. Byron Stolp was to; August 19th. be hostess, bat owing to the death of Mrs. Max Zabel, in charge Septem- Mr. Melville, whose wife Is a member I her 16th. of the club, the plan was given up. Instead, Mrs. Stolp entertained Mrs. Corette informally at dinner Wednes- day with Rev. and Mrs. Gale, and Mrs. Corette was given the written toasts which had been composed for the other occasion, together with a beautiful book on Switzerland, the country the club will study during the winter. On the fly leaf was written the club motto, "We sail on an ocean of make believe/' and underneath. "When voyaging on this ocean remem- ber your fellow travelers." The sig- natures of the different members fol- lowed. Yesterday the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church arranged farewell entertainment for Mrs. Co- rette, which was given at the home of Mrs. E. H. Robinson on Central ave- nue. Mrs. Corette has been an active worker in the society for many years, and Its president during the past two years, and in appreciation of her serv- ices, her fellow members\_ presented her with a handsome piece of Jewelry. A program was given, consisting of songs by Mrs. Barrows, and piano music by Miss Edith Schultz. About one hundred members were present. street, are entertaining Mrs. Johnson's {mother, Mrs. Wilson, from southern Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Goss, 215 Fifth street, have Mr. Goss's mother and sister of Michigan as their summer guests. Mrs. Ha.rry Hopp, 225 Linden ave nue, and Mrs. Ohlendorf, were enter- tained at luncheon Thursday in Rog- ers Park. Mrs. F. D. Day, 810 Oak wood ave- nue, recently returned from Grays Lake, and is now visiting in Wis cousin. -• < ■ • Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Goer and Miss Geer of Rockford, 111., are visiting Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Barker, 707 Washing- ton avenue. Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Jackson, -822 Mrs. George Bird of Washington avenue entertained about thirty of her friends very delightfully Friday after- noon. There were eight taoles of bridge. The three handsome prizes were won by Mrs. Edward Scheiden- helm, Mrs. Gale Meginniss and Mrs. Wlggleswortb. The young people of the Wilmette Baptist church enjoyed a "social" Sat- urday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bradley, 744 Eleventh [Mrs. J. R. Gr.thercoal, 1538 Forest ave- street, entertained Tuesday of last J nue. The first part of the evening was Mrs. W. J. Montgomery, in charge October 15th. Miss Anna DIngee, in charge No- vember 18th. A committee meeting was held Monday of last week in Lake Bluff by ! p«k avenue, will take possession of the Arden Shore association, when itjtbetr new home at 54 Crescent place was decided to commence the work <--f tomorrow. S soliciting in the north shore towns, j Miss Ruth Moulding. 1004 Green- Mrs. C. C. Mitchell and Mrs. D. AI. wood avenue, and Miss Hope Miller, Gallie attended from Wilmette. 4 I Rre guests this week at a house party number of ladles have been soliciting !ln Marinette. Wis. i in Wilmette this week with good re j Mrs. J. B. Marshall and her three ; suits. The Interest in this popular ! children left last week for California, ■charity is always friendly. _ i where they will remain for the rest __ 'of the summer. i There was a very enjoyable card Mr. George M. Pond, who suffered a party given at the Country club Sat- severe accident two weeks ago when urday evening. The prizes for ladies were won by Harry J. Wolf and Mrs. T. V. Bright Dr- an<* Mrs- Theodore Breyer, Tl'., and the first two prizes for men by I Washington avenue, are spending tua Mr. C. C. Mitchell and Mr. George Van weeks at Ea«1e RIver- W!s-» returning Dyke home next Monday. __ T | Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Case of Central The Tuesday club enjoyed a delight- avenue returned home Saturday from ful picnic luncheon last week at the a trlP to tue west- They have been home of Mrs. E. J. Casse. 633 Forest' «°ne about a month avenue. The afternoon was spent at versity summer school Mrs. Gates will remain part cf this week in MaO-- son. .--:.-', - Miss Helen skinner left lost week for Saogatnck. Mich., to join her mother, Mrs. M. H.. Skinner, and sis- ter, who have a cottage there. Mi. Skinner is in Wiimette but will j the sewer, catch basins, etc., bat It is from conditions about your own homes that most of the trouble arises. Remember, that even a thimbleful of water left in an exposed place for even a day or two ln hot weather will breed hundreds of mosquitoes. The bulletin again most earnestly . . ! spend tbe week-ends in Saugatuck j caiis the attention to the following during their stay. {steps that should be taken now, and Mr. and'Mrs. Win. Smith, with their !OVery few days during the summer, guest, Mrs. J. B. Lee, Mr. and Mrs.jaud especially immediately after a Sanford Clarke, and Mr. Carnahan j rain: motored over the weekrend to Lake} Don't let house gutters, drains and Delavan, Wis., where:Mrs. Carnahan and Miss Madeline Carnahan are .spending Severn! weeks. Mr. and Mrs William Welsh re- turned from an auto trip through Wis- consin last week and spent several days in Wilmette with their many CARE FREE eaves become clogged with leaves, j etc., so that water con collect and j stand.......__L________-____--------------1 Don't let street gutters in front of j your home collect water; have them ■wept clean. Don't let cans, ^bottles, broken jars, j TRAVEL OS CHECKS, don't carry ear- reney. Our Travelers' Cheeks are accepted by 50,000 banks in all pari* of the world. Hotels and Railroads know they are as good as cash. They are as safe as your own check and -are . jffilf.MJoniifyinff. Your counter signature makes tht-m -good'■: no other identification is necessary. WILMETTE ^m BANK friends, leaving Thursday by roll for etl^ awailing removal by the garbage Boston, Mass., where, they will re- man, collect anrwater whatsoever. ~ main until the I rst of October. Don.t ,et wheelbarrows, buckets, Mrs. Bradford and Mrs. Fernandez j watering oens or other vessels collect Nater, and h-r daughter, of Porto Rico, who ha.'- been the guests of Mrs. O. C. Eastman, 412 Central ave- nue, for two weeks, have left for the west to spend the remainder of tbe summer, expec'ing to return to Wi« mette for the winter. Mrs. Frank C. Vincent of Everett. first and second »e was struck by a down town car. is I Wash., leaves today for her home after j doe8 nct coUect and stand anywh c won by Mrs. ^improving slowly. a six weeka^isit with tier-parenta,j Don't fail to help the commit R. Barker, 707 Wash- any water; don't allow them to be exposed to the weather. Don't fail to oil any ponds or fresh watei barrels or cisterns on your premises every week, a tablespoonful of oil will suffice. Don't fail to inspect the drain from your ice box and see that the water ere. committee, and incidentally add to your own corn- Mr. Vincent left | {ort Dy immediately inspecting any Dr. and Mrs. M. ington avenm Thursday for [owa, where Mrs. Vin- j ueighhoring vacant lots. Report to cent will Join him, and they will re-1 Officer Murray or Jehn JPhillips any condition you can't remedy yourself. Remember, the only way to rid our- selves of mosquitoes is to destroy their allowed to hatch and reach maturity Ravinia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopp, 225 Lin- den avenue, entertained at a beach party Saturday evening. There were twenty-three guests from Ravenswoou and Edgewater. turn home together. Patrons of Ha vin la Park will be in- terested ln the discovery that Miss Dorothy DlckFon and Mr. Carl Heisen. Mr. J. W. Rush, 727 Linden avenue, I the popular young couple who have j may live two months and breed hun- recently took his initial trip in his! been giving interpretations of the mod-1 -lreds of others, but if she cannot hud gasoline launch, on the Mississippi riv-!ern dances at the park during the past j a bit of standing water in which to two weeks, have been married since; deposit her eggs, she will die without last February. .„ ! laying them. Dr. D. M. Gallie recently spent ten Don't wait until tomorrow to carry er, at Minneika, Minn. Mrs. J. P. Anderson, 1618 Elmwoou avenue, and her guest, Miss Ellen Sea- holm of Seattle, Wash., are spending several weeks in Iowa. Mrs. W. N. Buell and daughter, Miss days attending the Dental convention out tbe above, for "tomorrow" nevci h°ld in Rochester, N. Y., and visiting } comes--do it now. •datives in Toronto, Canada. While i --^r^-.------------... - i-- Florence, of Gilman, Colo., are the];n Rochester Dr. Gallie was elected Mil- six in honor of her sister, Mrs. sell of Boston. Rus- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W ler, 725 Ninth street. Mrs. Russell, who has 'been tl;; guest of her sister, Mrs. Willi,.in Bradley, returned to her home in Bos- | -- week with a reception from fou: to | spent on the lawn, playing games. ton last Wednesday Mrs. G. C. Meneley of Catlin, H>. came Thursday to spend part of l^e ,..... week with her daughter, Mrs. John C. j Mrs. Charles McCoy, 730 Ashlaad | This time it was with some lively Mannerud cn oakwood ' avenue, entertained about twelve l games, and tricks which kept the old- Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Reese, Mr and j guests at luncheon last Tuesday in jest and youngest guessing with equal Mrg Charles Mack, Mr. and Mrs ! honor of her cousin. Miss Helen j "ferocity." After some "cake like ciaude Pierce, who was graduated from mother used to make," and other good Smith College this June. things the party broke up. and all ii______:---------.......-*-_ ["confessed" to a very pleasant even- ,)rr!-ident of the National Dental abto- ciation. The next meeting of the uj- >oeiation will be held in California in 1915. - .».J.A.».^.j.*A,"|.»aJf,/JLJL.",.^ ■» A * * ■ * _» er'er • m 9 er ar W W «> m m * V er eV I FTTT^TT*! ^ What People Are Doing | ;*♦*** in Winneika ****** While on Your Vacation Remember Your Friends at Home with Beautiful Cut Flowers Leave your orders with us, we shall be pleased to fill your every want with strictly & fresh flowers at lowest wholesale prices. Store: 615 Railroad Ave. Greenhouses: 162S Central Ave. Telephone Wilmette 23 PYFER & OLSEM, Wilmette, III. Successors STAR FLORAL CO. Wo deliver to any part of Evanston. Wilmette. Kenilworth. Glencoe. Winnetka and all north shore towns. Also deliver flowers on board steamers sailing from any large port. I Later the party adjourned to the house, where Mr. Edwin J'helns and Mrs. Phelps kept things "moving" as usual. /'-: OnfLot the most delightful as waII ;ins- as successful of the summer card | -- parties at the Woman's club was held j A number of Wilmette ladies, mem- Wednesday of last week, Mrs. C. C ;bers of a neighborhood luncheon club. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. i A. W. Hawkes leave Saturday to spend j two weeks at Gull Lake- Mrs. J. 8. Urowii, who has beru the I guest of her sister, Mrs. J. 11. Ver- j halen for two weeks, left Tuesday for ' her home In Hock Island. III. Miss Elizabeth McCue. G:',l Washing avenue being Mitchell being chairman In charge, enjoyed a picnie lunch at Ravinia ton avenue, returned yesterday from There were several handsome prizes. {Thursday, attending the concert in th< The first and second in bridge were | afternoon. Mrs. Louis Smith and won by Mrs. Fred Buckman and Mrs. [daughter, of Spring Valley, 111., for Chester Hogle respectively. The two merly of Wilmette, were guestd <>i high scores In BOO were tied, M,3.'honor; the other ladies present were: Jesse W. Tuthlll and Mrs. S. J. Not- j Mesdames Arthur Howard. George -A--dorf being the fortunate players. | Itcse,"Benjamin Opp, George R. Brown. About fifty tickets were sold. I William Gains and Howard Shaw. K Wilmette Societies and Clubs The Drama Study class will be en- tertained next Wednesday by Mrs. Trask on Ashland avenue. The class is studying "Cyrano de Bergerac" by Rostand. The Reading circle will meet next Monday at the home of IV*rs Frank Scbeidenhelm on Forest avemie. The circle is reading Howell's 'Italy." T.u. work of this meeting will be on Rome. Mrs. T. B. Potter will entertain tin- Tuesday Bridge and Luncheon : lui- next week. Mrs. Potter will bo at a meeting of the Thursday club today. Mrs. George Weaver entertained the members of the Tuesday club i'.\\.- week for luncheon und an afternoon of bridge. Mr. J. C. Burchard and son. H3u Chestnut avenue, have returned from Detroit. Julien Hess and Thomas llali leave Saturday to spend a weeR at T/ti.c Marie. Mr. A. E. White. io;:o (.r<« 1,>v.,i.d avenue, has returned from CbriMnias law, aiid im Michigan, where she has been visiting at the Capper summer home. Mrs Rathbone, mother of Mi E H Kathbone, 710 Central avenue. r< turned this week from Euiope. »K.:n she ha.> been for three-montiiw. Mr. John Miljen lias sold his prop city on Fifteenth street to Mr Pyfer of .I<.li«t. III. Mr. Pyf..r will move his family here this coming month. Airs David Betts has been visiting during the last three weeks in Caro. N*. Y. i:i the Catsklll momitaiiis. and Win return home next Wednesday. Mm Itiehard Mulvey .of EUhih street h entertaining lo.r „iHtoi In- and, Vr. and .Mr;, (i. ;,'. Mrs. Lester Wood entertained the Friday club this week. The Eight club was entertained on Chestnut. Cove, Me. Mr. and Mrs Alfred 1) lieituaiii). 1124 Greenleaf avenue. Iiav<: returnvd from Monocqua, Wis. Mrs. L,. B. Springer and daughter. 430 Hill street, spent the week visiting relatives in Chicago. Warner (Jates left Saluniuj ro. Mosinee, Wis., where ho will t,twii<l six or eight weeks. Mr. Edward Smith spent Sunday in Wilmette with his parents. Mr Mis M. A. Smith. Mr and Mrs. George Uliioi.i 1'. I Fifth street, left Friday to bpeiid two weeks at the Dells, Wis. Mrs. G. F. Clute, 735 Ninth at reef, left last Thursday for Aurora, HI., and vicinity, to visit relatives. Mrs. Sarah Watson and Mi»s Agnes Watson will return tomorrow a stay in northern Michigan. Mrs. Frank Feely,' 122S Forest uv. nue. entertained several ladies 1'n day in honor of her mother. Miss Helen Pierce lt> a guest ai the home of her cousin, Mrs. Charles M. Coy. <;>tj Ashland aveiiUX. --iVHss I.nolle Drake spenVSatiirday and Sntiduy <<f last week as a Em 1 X this Mrs. \V it Hen.....dtgen illiam. 7lo liieenleaf av.- returned from uurtlieru »Uiere they have been for tl. M.-lleim, r lert > trip through ilarhoi Sutlga- returning tlie iiml itaiinhtei.-. ilv:: I'd rest a\< - for Milwaukee The Cozy Corner circle will hold an all-day meeting next Thursday at the home of Mrs. H. E. Moore, 1223 Elm- wood avenue. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Grieg are home from Epworth. Mich. Mrs. A. P. Camp spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Charles- Gibson will return from Macatawa Saturday. at a house party in llerwyn. . Mrs. VVegforth and her dauglit. 1 Alice, are the guests of Prof, and Mrs J. It. Harper In Hartford, Mich. The Misses Marion Seng and Mm karet Millen spent last week In Pleas ant Prairie ami-Bristol. Wis. Mrs C. E. Rennecker and Miss Mai- garet Rennecker returned Tuesday from a visit in Holgate. O. Miss Alice Wheelock is spending two weeks in Lake Forest. She is expected home mxt Monday. Mrs. John Feeley of Massachusetts at is the guest of her son, Mr. Frank A. Feeley, 1328 Forest avenue. Charles Weiuland is visiting Armstrong of Ashevili week- Mr. und and son. ! nue. have Wisconsin, two weeks Fiieuds »,i Miss Mai j j Miss Mini hruten are receiving .nes- Isages from tliem addressed from Bel- gium, reporting that they ar<- having a splendid trip. Dr. and Mrs. H v Tuesday t.>r an nut MfeMgan t ity, Benton tuck, to t.rand Rapid: first of next week. Mrs. K H. Cfallager Mary and Sarah, of I nue. Ien\e this Week und Madison, Wis., wh. ;,• the- intend to stay sevtral dn\s Mr. and Mrs. Nor*..*.u t>. . t mi,. llleir ihildien. Norman un<1 Ul.liind. leave n< \t week to spout) tie month of August ut Dake Memlotn. Wis. rtliere 111- \ have taken a .. ;iage Mrs II. VV Miller. _72^_^tmh st reet, wasrn- nrueiieon guest at the home of her sister. Mrs. Sherman, in Chicago Friday The luncheon wars »mefi in honor 01 Mrs. W. \ Uuell or Colorado. The Rev. and Mis. Roy 1. I lowers left yesterday for .1 six week*' vaca- tion, goiii^ by boat to Fruukfort. Mich., from there by way of the lakes to Ohio,-where the., will visit r latives Mr. and Mrs. K E. Besser and family, 1221 Greenwood avenue, re- turned Monday from a motor trip to Kenilworth paired. Mr. W. S. Tinsman has purchased <i new seven-passenger car. Mitchell Thorsen of New York is visiting his father, Mr. J. B. Thorsen. Mr. und Mrs, Farley have returned irom u short trip ln the northern part of Michigan. Mr. ami -Mrs. Mark Crcsap will leave the fiisi «i August for a.trip through Estcs Pc,ik. Colo. Mro Cd»ew, formerly of Kenilworth, has taken Mrs. Porter's house during her abs< n. e this summer. Mrs. C. (. Btirnham is enterta:auit her Biai. r. Miss GIllls, of Minneapolis. Mrs B C. Hawkes left Thursday i for Duiuiii. Minn. Mr. I'r. .1 Hulley and family. Sheri j dan road, have left for Channel Lake, 1 to remain two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowntree and daughter-* <d Kenilworth road re- turned 1 hi. week from England. Mrs lvi.-r Rntlibone, formerly of Kenilv\,.rih has returned from Europe wlure she has been for the past year Mr. ami Mis. Sanborn and daughter, Louisa of i'lssex road, leave next week for Tanamma, Canada, where they in- tend to .amp for three weeks Mr v. illiam Lester Is expected home ti.< middle of August from Col orado. where he has been on a ranch for the pas' year. Mrs M M Hart of Abbottsford road is \isiin.s: ai her old home. Pittsfield, Mass. in r dhe will remain until Sep tern be 1 Mrs 1 .1! Page of Kenilworth gave a lnn< i'••( n Saturday at the Indian Hill, club ('overs were laid for fou 11. . n Mr and .Mrs. G. W. Utley have I nohl ti . 11 I, on Woodstock avenu |?.ntl v. ill move to California, where ! they « e . 1 to live permanently. r.if Itutli Woodward and Dorothy Taylor- have returned from Crystal Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins of : Winnetka announce the birth of .1 daughter on July 4. Mrs. Calkins was formerly Miss Marion Isom. Y~THTss "Alice Buckingham, daughter : of Mr. and Mrs. John Buckingham of 1210 Linden avenue, Winnetka, lias as her guest Miss Catherine Metcail I of Holyoke, Mass. j Mr. and Mrs. Donald McPherson oi' Winnetka, the latter formerly Miss j Fanny West, have jcone for a Ihree. j weeks' hunting and fishing trip- in the (north Canadian ~woods. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox of Win- netka have announced the eagage- ' ment of their daughter Ruth to Grln- nell Wylie of Wisconsin. The wed •ling will take place in the eari* fall. Linen and Mohair Suits BE comfortable during the warm days this month and next. Let as make you a beautiful LINEN, MOHAIR or LIGHT WEIGHT SERGE SUIT. We are making special inducements in prices. It is worth your time to investigate. CLEANING, PRESSING AND REMODELING Work Called For and Delivered GEORGE J. EBER 1131 GREENLEAF AVENUE Telephone 18 : WILMETTE Hansen Photographic Studio Printing and Developing Done at Lowest Prices Room 29 Brown Bldg. Wilmette r.Oi Kir St. Phone 675 L AUTO DOCTOR Will call, examine your car, siv<* estimate and do wort: in your own garage. E. C. MEIVIINE WINNETKA LET US PRINT IT Snowflake Ice Cream Purity and Quality First Made in Wilmette Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE PIERANTONI, Manager Bowman Publishing Co. Telephone 585 and a representative will call Lake, they attended a house Iparty « ijy Ml^i Carrie Herdman i of "WIlTTl enra. ' Dr K i: Ktolp Ih the guest of Dr. Pratt -it ills summer home in Wiscon- r,in. Liner Dr. Stolj) will visit. Carl Keith. .\!tm Stolp and daughters are in Ephiaim. Mich. Mr. uml .Mrs. I'. K. AI. Cole iia\e renteil i'i ir home in t'umnor road to Mr. nnri Mrs Blaker of Chieago. Mr. and Mrs Coin and daughter, Pernlcc, are Bperuling the summer at Pine Lake, Ind. Friday, Ladies' day on the tieach, very gay. The women Lave -all Detroit, Mich., stopping at Toledo. O., I was and Ft. Wayne. Ind.. on the way home. | beconu. interested in swim Mr. and Mrs,.Ilni.y llopy. 22*. Lin-^htrh nrtcls a ^eat .Te^n to tho ex- den avenue, entertained Mr. and Mrs. j c|tcnu,m of the da.y. Remember. Fri- David Maney of Crown Point, and [day; every woman is urged to bring several friends from Chicago, over the her children, sewing and luncheon and this week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Maney vsere3pena tht, (Jay on the beaeh. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. formerly residents of Wiimette. _______._______________ Carlton R. Dart. 706 Greenleaf avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Whitman, of KENILWORTH FIGHTING BITES. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Drury. with Greenwood avenue left Friday for a ! Kenilworth, as usual, leads, says Mr. Albert W. Hawkes, 714 Central aieir daughter. Florence,, will upend motor trip of several weeks to Wia-jii^ latest bulletin on the mosquito ayemie^is **> New York this week. uw nest three weeks In Denver, Cole 'cousin. They wljj visit die Dells,j]camaaign. A great daily new Mary Springer. 707 Ceutral Mrs. Rudd is expected honm ihn Late Geneva, and Madiaou. tlie "niVm^-TT^rtyVnn »P rtrMIIM ftnd other FBESN BOLLS BREAKFAST Many Wilmette Families have taken advantage of our early morning delivery Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in -- Wax Paper Wilmette Baking Go. 1165 Wi'meite Ave. Tel. Wilmette 449 SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We cqcip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi Gab Service Night and Day J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette I. W. SIPE.S Contractor & Builder ■----■ ' ' a----------. JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1364 Res. 1302 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, III. CaSt* IrOIl, Bronxe.11 Etc Can be welded and made strong as new. Call up the American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) A. T. GRAHAM, M|rr. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phono Wilmette 1381 Wilmette, Illinois AT YOUR SERVICE When in need of any Ladies' or Gentlemen's tailoring Telephone Wilmette 667. Wo are here to try and please you. WM. KAPLAN LAD.IKS* A7TIT RENTS* TAILOK OS". Kiii I ro:i(I Ave. Dressmaking Including fancy suits and evening wraps. Corsets made to order Miss M. Boland - -Bcirnnt-Hhtir--! RaoffTST, Brown Bldg. Tel. 1336 Mrs. avenue, has returned from St. Joseph, first of August from an extended vL,«i er home of Mrs. Whitman. iroith shore towns are following our Mo. ] with relatives and friends in the eabt. ; Mrs. Louis Clark and her mother,; jeat]_ jt would not be like us if we Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Day spent the; Mrs. Mason spent last week at the Mrs. Harris, spent several days last j rh.i| in mni™ jjjSotlTa «.hnt we have week-end In Racine with their daugh4 home-ofr-Mr.-and Mra.-:Wm^Hess, re- j week •vjgTgIhg3MltMJvarlramp nf Kee-, f,tai ted, or let Others pass ua ln the" -tar. \ | turning to her home ln Cblcafo Toes- watin. near Mercer. Wis., where so path we hav* blazed. H. K. Snider, the druggist, returned Tuesday from a visit In fttHPur, Mrs. Charles S. Clarke of Ttffen. O.. spent tha waakand "ittl jftfli 11^**1r i day. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith and daughters returned Saturday morning from a three weeks' visit to Mlnoqua, day to spend the VlTia. Mr. and many Wilmette lads are enjoying a summer outing. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gates left Prt- Continuous, persistent and intelli- gent efforts on the part of every .per- son in the village arc necessary. Your vigilance committee cannot do it all. e can furnhih the oil and look after :in»J!fi']iiii Western Casket and Undertakii A Western Casket does not mean a Cheep Casket. It does mean % Cheap Price. We carry a line of Caskets rar. j.~± iapri: es from Twenty-Five u"p to Iflhree Hundred and Fiftv Dollars. They are Carets you vill pay from Fifty to -----------------Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for any place etse. We manufacture all of our own Caskets at our Own Factory, thus saving yoo frcm Thirty to Fifty Per Cent. WM. H. 9CQTT (eight years with J. L. Hebblethwatte) is manager and rarrowner of our Wilmette Store and will give hit personal attention to every detail, qff* challenge a comparison of prices, and guarantee firit class service. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. Phone

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