Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1914, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 83,1914. ie Cost of Good Roads in the ed States in Dollars and Cents PRAISES SWEDISH RACE IN ADDRESS AT PICNIC Vhat It Is Costing This Country to Improve Its Highways and What It Gets in Return. ing the total output of the community. In the case off one county in Virginia, where particularly thorough records have been kept, this output was more than doubled. The farmers found that with a market always and readily ac- cessible to them. It paid to work the land to us maximum production. This explains the very remarkable rise in farm land values which nearly always accompanies road improvement. The rise is not« petitions one, of no benefit to the man who wishes to farm and not to sell. The land is more valuable because It can profitably be made to produce more. In other words, the money that goes Into the road comes back with Interest from the -land.----------~--------------------: The Microbe Age. The old-fashioned boy who used to eat red ants spread on his bread snd butter now has a son who won't touch a table knife until he knows that It has been properly sterilized.--Cincin- nati Enquirer. It shows, however, that we have at least made a beginning. Of the 2.226,- 842 miles of roads in the United States, 223,7.74 miles, or approximate- ly 10 per cent, are-classed as improved To improve the remaining 90 per cent may well seem a big Job. it 1b, In fact, only made possible because the work really pays for ItBelt. From jnaterisl gathered by the United States department of agrlculturo, it is now possible to prove not only that good reads area profitable Investment, but to determine exactly what dividends they pay. An Investigator assigned to this problem in any given locality first ascertains the extent of the ter- ritory that Is tributary to any main road, much as one might ascertain the territory tributary to some river. The next step is an accurate estimate of the total products of this territory-- .so much grain, so much tobacco, so much garden truck, etc. Of tills quan- ','tlty a certain portion is consumed on •the farm; the rest is shipped over the road in question. The whole calcnla Uon can then be checked by investi- gators at the shipping point to which tiie road leads. In general. It has been found that the two methodB yield much the same information--the total amount of produce hauled over tin- road. Hext, the length of the aver- age haul Is calculated, the size of the load permitted by the character of the road ascertained, and the cost of ----teams-- and ^ drivers^ figured. Wi Tthese fscts before him. the to ^vestigator li now sble to state pdW-tlvely the cost of hauling a ton of j produce on that road, to express in; terms of these "ton-miles" the freight! traffic on the road, and finally the | toial cost to the community served by j the road of hauling its goods to mar- .ktt. Armed with these data. It is easy to decide how much money can be profitably spent In improving the-road, >and whet are the returns that the in- vestment yields to the community. =^---Cheap rliuiiT" These returns sre of various kinds. First and foremost is the reduction in the actual cost of hauling, the plain fact that it takes less, time and labor to banl a. load over a good road.than over a poor one. Less obvious Is the PEROXIDE Approximately $26,000,000 was {effect of Improved roads and increas- spent last year on public roads in the United 8tatcs, according to statistics prepared by the United States depart ment of agriculture. In 1904 the total was only $79,000,000. In nine years, therefore, the increase has been over 250 per cent. ; mis awakening on ine part or tne 'country to the importance of good roads has, experts say, been due In great measure to the principle of state aid to counties and other local corn- New Jersey began the in 1891 when it passed the highway law. Massachusetts and Vermont followed a year later, but for the most part the other states were slow to move. In 1904 only flf- tveu had state highway departments; today there are only six that have not In 1913 the Individual states ap- propriated a total of $38,755,088 to supplement local 'expenditures. Aid from Counties. The value off this state sld is, how- ever, not to be measured by the figures alone, for the bulk of the money comes, and always must come, from the counties and townships. Thus, In 1912. the cash outlay by counties, dis- tricts and townships, was $137,493,985. Complete figures for 1913 sre not yet available, but it is safe to estimate the sum at approximately $151,000,- 000. To this must be added some $15,- 000,000 to represent the value of the labor contributed Instead of cash in districts where this practice prevails. Last year, therefore, local commu- nities contributed, in round n um- bers, $106,000,000, as against ap- propriations from state treasuries of •38.755,088. The true importance of this $38,000,000 lies In the fact that It means expert supervision of the ex- penditure off a considerable portion of the vast sum of $200,000,000. When each county built as It chose and when ft chose, the services off trained engi- neers Were usually out off the question. There was little opportunity to test Innovations, little advance In the science off road building, and there was also difficulty in arousing each county Individually to do its best to. Improve conditions within Us own limits. State aid has changed all this. The best engineering skill Is avail- able for all works of importance, there is co-operation and a constant stim- ulus to further Improvements. The money contributed by the states does not only build more roads, it makes better those that other money builds. §§&? . .-- Equal French Mileage. At the present time there are in the united States 20,741 miles of roads im- proved either wholly or In part by state aid This Is nearly the mileage of the French routes natlonales, the system or great national highways which Is the envy of every civilized nation. The routes natlonales are, of course, only a small part of the total mileage of France, where practically every road of any importance is an Improved road, and France Is a vastly smaller country, both in area and In population than the United States, so that this comparison Is not, in Itself, very isttestaato our nrogresslveness "Swedish people are homelovlng folks; they love work, are patriotic and are always ready to help someone else," said Dr. Gustav Andrecn, presi- dent of Augustine college, Hock Island, III., Sunday afternoon at the annual picnic at the Swedish Old Peo- ple's Home at Pioneer road and Grant street His subject was "Heirlooms from the North." He spoke at lengta on the valuable qualities of the Swe- dish people snd what they had brought to this country. He said they were loyal both to their adopted home and the one from whence they came. He said aa a race they were marked for their love of song. The address of welcome was given by Charles Gustavson. chairman of j the outing committee. The history of the association, which wss organised five years ago, was given by the Rev. John._ ChrisUanson,..president _of_ thei^JJ™ association. The picnic was well attended by lo- cal Swedish people as well as many from Chicago and north shore towns. Cst Reasoned Wisely. Romances quotes a remarkable story about a cat's reasoning power. While • paraffin lamp was being trimmed, some of the oil fell on the back off the eat, and a cinder from the fire shortly afterward touching it, the fur borsmo Ignited. The eat instantly made for the door and, running up the village street, plunged] into the watering trough. She had seen star . *»»»« friends at home sat out their kitchen Ore with water, aad she must have reasoned from this fact. Sailors Wash SHI Muax Be Paid. Perhaps the most amusing supersti- tion off the sailor Is In considering It a crime (Or any member off the crew to leave port with his washing bin un- paid, as this neglect is generally be- lieved to be the cause of bad weather being encountered just after leaving port. Classified TELEPHONE. WILMETTE. 1640 Was. Ads in tie Late Slate Kewt are canned at tie following ntes Bed bale CUssificatioes. 1% ceats per liae. AO Oiler H--y--"-- 5 ceats per Use. Miaitusm Price. 15 cents. No advertisemest charge* for less tie. 25 ceats. $17 KRDZIB-ST-, EIGHT ROOMS hot water heat, hardwood floors, lot 42x1X5; price If sold quick, $4,750. Geo. H. Craio, 845 Chicago-av. Mwtt SITUATIONS WANTED FOR SALE Really a Good "Is your wife going to wear her dia- monds to the grand opera?" "Of answered Mr. Cumrox. "We cant all appreciate music, and we ought to try to snake grand opera in- teresting even for those who go lv to look on." _____■^_^. Kindness. No one thing does human life more need than a kind consideration of the Motion Retarded. Intoxicated Party--"OfTcir, win you be kind nuff to blindfold me so I can't see those 'Stop, look and listen* signs MANUFACTURERS. MERCHANTS or professional men desiring ac- counting systems Installed, books audited, or services off accountant part time weekly address M. 429 Ninth-st., Wilmette. ltp MAN AND WIFE WANT GENERAL housework. Phone Evanston. 3422-J. ltc FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRY WORK wanted to take home or go out. Phone 704-J Wilmette. 37w-2tp BOARD AND ROOM BOARD --WITH OR WITHOUT -rooms; best- off home cooking and plenty off it; a good place to get your dinners during hot weather. Call Miss Nortbsm. Phone Wilmette 992-J. Address 731 10th. 33wtf ffaulte of others. Everyone sins; every-1 on tho tcl-raph poi^s? It's taken me one needs forbearance. Our own Im-, haIf an hcur to walk two Mocha tryln* perfections should teach us to be mer- j to co.operate m thl3 fiafety business." clful.--Henry Ward Beecher. --Buffalo Express 1554 ASBURY AVE.. THE ASBURY. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE. EXCELLENT CUISINE. PHONE 2392. MRS. F. C. DIEFENDORF. lflw-tff FOR SALE--15 HENS, 1 YEAR OLD; S wild mallard ducks, 50 young spring chlx. 1 pair pheasants, 2 large geese. 1315 Wilmettc-av., Wilmette. ""•'.■ lte FOR SALE--GRAND SQUARE BOW- er & Co. piano; first class condi- tion; recently reftniahed; wUF guarantee tuning; $25. Excellent chance to buy a good piano cheap for beginner. Smlth-Duce Co., 1217 Wilmette-av. Open evenings. ■swiff FOR SALE- HOUSES MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EVAN8TON HOMES MASQ 1580 Sherman-av. -- -tr Proper Treatment of Plants. Plants should be kept as near the light as possible, and those that are at the sides or back of a room should be constantly turned and Interchanged. Palms and some other plants derive much benefit from being repotted. It is advisable to let a florist do this, as he understands and has ready the dif- ferent kinds off soil suitable for bis various "patients." FOR SALE--10% ON YOUR MONEY; 8-room house, sleeping porch, cor- ner, OOxlSO^ITj^jOo/jrentadJfWp^J, want a small house, under $5,000, for a couple, a 10-room furnished house for August, a 7-rooni, Augus' to November. Phone Miss King, Wilmetto 215. ltc Universal Discord. One shriek of hate would Jar all the hymns off heaven---Tennyson, Object of Life. What do we live for. Iff not to makt Ufe less difficult for each otherT- George Eliot ■■ Of s chemical pure quality. Put up for summer use, in small as well as large bot- tles. Safety First Drug Sale Prices, 5c, 10c, 15c. There are many people who have not hitherto realized that high grade Drugs, Drug Sundries and Rubber Goods could be bought in Evanston for far less than regular prices. This great sale will introduce to everyone Rosenberg's drug section so ably administered by W. L. Daniel, one of Evanston's well known registered pharmacists. Evanston has never seen a drug sale like this, where so many superior quality drugs nda toilets are sold at such low prices. There will be innumerable real bargains. Look over this page, make a list, and bring it with you. Drugs & Patent Medicines During the Safety First Drug Sale will be cut lower than ever before |iiHii»iiHHinnnniHnr Maltine Preparations, $1 size.....79c Fellow's Hypophosphltes, $1.50 size............................$1.10 Chad well's Syrup Pepsin, 50c size. .39c Pluto Water, 35c size............29c Electric Bitters, $1 size...........09c Sloans Liniment, 19c, 39c and......79c Wyeth's Sage A Sulphur Hair Tonic ............................39c Ingram's Hair Restorer, $1 size- .99c Savoy Hair Strengthened 50c size 35c Danderine, 19c, 39c and...........79c Warner's 3 gr. Lithia Tablets......16c S. 8. S. Blood Purifier, $1 size.. 77c Squibb's Bicarbonate of Soda, 1 lb. tin .........................20c Merck's Sodium phosphate, 1 lb. tin 17c Blackberry Balsam, 35c value..... 2Tc Mecca Compound Ointment, 25c value ............................19c Alkalol Antiseptic, 50c size........39c Kohler's Antidote, 25c size........19s Kickapoo Worm Killer, 25c size. . Reliable Worm Syrup, 25c size. . Nichol's Cockroach Powder, 25c size ............................. Ideal Straw Hat Cleaner....... Sulphur and cream Tartar Tablets Phillip's Milk of Magnesia........ Sal Hepatica, 19c, 39c and.. ...... Jad Salts, 75c size................ King's Kidney Relief.........43c Talcum Powders, 2 for 25c 18c 17c 18t 8c 8c 39c 79c 63c Reliable Comp. Red Clover A. Iron 69c Woofter's Corn Remedy, 25c size.. 17c Blue Jay Corn Plaaters. .. . •......12c Pape's Diapepsin, 50c size.........39c Bcccham's Pills, 25c size..........19c Resinol Ointment, 50c size........42c Mentholatum, 25c size............19c Edwards' Olive Tablets, 8c and. l..19c Syrup of Figs. 50c size............39c Peacock's Silver Polish, 25c size.. 19c Miles' Anti Pain Pills.............19c Antikamnla Tablets, 25c size......19s Seidlitz Powders, 25c val., 15c Home Remedies Put up by an acknowledged pharmaceutical expert. You don't have to pay ex- orbitant prices. Any of these articles 4 pz. Glycerine...................10c 4 oz. Glycerine and Rose Water.... 10c 1 lb. Alum.......................10c 4 oz. Rochelle Salts...............10c 8 oz. Witch Hazel ................10c 3 os. Camphorated Oil ..... .....10e 3 oz. Castor OH............... .. 10c 8 oz. Turpentine......... ........10c 2 oz. Tincture Arnica.............10c 3--5c pkg. Senna Leave*.........10c 15c pkg. Juniper Berries..........10c 1 lb. tin Chloride Lime............10c 25c Belladonna Piasters..........10c 1 pirit bottle Strong Ammonia.....10c 4 oz. Licorice Powder..............10c 3 lbs. Epsom Salts ...............10c 1 lb. Sulphur ....................10c 2 oz. Jamaica Ginger..............10c 1 pint Purified Benzine...........10c 2 oz. Aromatic Caacara ...........10c 2 02. Ess. Peppermint.............10c. 4 oz. Sweet Oil...................10c 3 oz. Carbolic Acid...............10c 4 oz. Olive OiL............,.,.. ..,10c 4 oz. Liquid Green Soap...........10c C 1 pkg. Reliable Headache Tablets.. 10c 4 oz. Cream Tartar...............10c 4 oz. Salts of Tartar..............10c 2 oz. Spirits Camphor.............10c 1 2 lb. Merck's Boric Acid.........10c 2 oz--Hoffman Oropa............. .10c 2 lbs. Naphthaline Flakes.........10c 1 oz. Oil Wintergreen.............10c (IHHHHHmK»HH»nnL Safety First Sale of Rubber Goods 2 qt. Combination Syr- Inge and Water Bot- tles, guaranteed... .1.24 Ear and Ulcer Syringes, Tegular 25c value.7.15c 2 qt. Black, White and Maroon Hot Water Bot- tles, guaranteed------69c The largest assort- ment of Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes and Acces- sories that has ever Been assembled and placed on display in Evanston. The en- tire shipment is of the highest quality first class Gum Rub- ber Goods. Be sure to see this display and take ad- vantage of the unusually low prices. 2 qt. Gum Rubber Hot Water Bottlesf......79c Special, Eye or Medi- cine Dropper, blunted point, packed separ- ately ...............4c Quality Rubber Gloves.............39c Whirling Spray Douches..........$1.49 2 qt. Gum Rubber Fountain Syringes, $1.75 value .........................82c Gum Rubber Ice Caps..............75c Red Rubber Tubing (guaranteed)'___29c n Mennen's .. Williams' .. Armour's ....... Colgate's.......| San Toy........l Trailing Arbutus Johnson's ..... 25C Coryopsis....... Balkan Rose..... 2 FOR 2 Quart White Enamel Douche Cans These cans are fitted up with red rubber tubing of the. best quality. Safety First Drug Sale. Price ......................79c ;J Prophylactic Tooth Brushes ,20c Hospital on HoRpitnl quality. II). roll........24<- L. & L. quality, lb. roll........:!"c J. & J. Red Cross. lb. pkg........13c ToothPowders Revelation Tooth Powder. Lyon's Tooth Powder----- Sanitol Tooth Powder.. Kolyno's Tooth Powder.. Calox Tooth Powder...... Zodenta Tooth Powder... Brown's Dcntrifice ...... Food for the Baby-Safety First i ' sassssB- -- - i Mellin's Food, 75c size, special at 56c Horlicks Malted Milk, 39c, 79c and $3.19 Horlick's Food, 35c, 65c and........$2.55 Nestle Food, 19c, 42c and..........$2.10 Imperial Granum, $1.25 size..........98c Eskay's Food, 1 Sc, 39c and..........63c Merck's Sugar of Milk, 1 lb. pkg.....27c Peptogenic Food, $1 size.............81c Hygeia Bottles, complete............25c Combination offer, Babe's Joy Nipple, Babe's Delight Bottle.................7c Nursing Bottles, all kinds, 3 for___10c Anticolic, Babe's Joy, Miller, Mizpah Seamless and other nipples, 3 for___10c During this sale any nipple, per doz. .40c Silk Sponges, exceptional value.'___10c Pacifiers (gum rubber) 10c values... .7c Pacifiers (gum rubber) 5c values------ Castoria (Fletcher's Genuine) at 22c "THE STORE THAT SELLS EVERYTHING". -Sat Safety First Sale of Soaps Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap, per cake....................7c Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap, per cake.....................7c Auditorium Bath Soap, cake. .7c Turkish Bath Soap, per cake.7c Armour's, Buttermilk, Witch Hazel and Rose Soaps, special sale priest $ tag,,...,..:.., .ltc Monahan'a Green Oil Soap 13c Williams' Latest Soap Feature, Japco Pure Whits Soap, per box of 3 cakes, special for this sale only...................12c Italian Castile Soap, 8 cakes.26c Spanish Castile, In bars ...15c Packer's Tar, Cuticura, Wood- bury's and other popular 25c .-...-."......... T.^,. 19e Kirk's Green Soap, large jars 18c Best Quality Refined Grain Alcohol, Qt. 79c ■■-

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