Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1914, p. 6

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THURSDAY. JULY IS. 1SK. Excellent Programs Are Being Given Daily at Ravinia Park fa Garrett Biblical MfMfeTlrirtv Years * Pisses Away in A NOTED MAN at C*».st»sa doetriue to ttarrett Ma> _ jto, 4k* NMlV to <*• C*L» frosa ax> Attack of feeart fir, *e*ry »«■* ww* last «mi * y«tf*» leave of at*- Frogerk* to fs*r fast t*p**u*r at 4a> afcs*. Jew* ». a- aiaffHSW MtlKl to*** a« r«»rJs Sat pnrtiwi st «•«**•. aad to agate a* *. lew 4»rm of "in* wedk'a to aaitatectotr tow Om of vfesr .On the Fernrtg g Jatjr toe >artt was cawsntesl to/ tfvpMMfe «*• mdtoei goat Itovteto was pS«e to wade* to saerad a Artistically. Jbr, Teny «Mton to Coevwans. ■ft, w+. n, vm. Me m*** ■gentian at Chartottertite gyattfrenfty aael at to* Vale I* Mhaat He has wedfal do- from the rale Mvinlty achool, as4 Northvetstern universl- jfir> Terry waa ordained a mlu- ot Che coaeef to WW. and to May _Jg*a aaato year ha naerrled France p, .--Atchison of Iiaentfc«.' X. V. «« held pastorates to Weir Vorfc churches iatil lias, when be waa called to Car- pi* laalltata fo take the profewor- S of Old Teetaaaent eaegcfis. He 1 U; it CarraU contlntiottsly that time. ,;.......___________ fcTuH bad Ions been recognized a aehotor aad ah authority in doctrine. lie wan the au- of many publication*, some of • more Important of which are nls "Comtoenf ery on the Old Testament,' gaged by courtesy of Miss bt. ueais. ever iKtore. Frederteh MeeKs ar <A aelfrrtaaa tor the or bave beea aaaatofftoeea at procram saakJns. aad have caasatoed eereral aaaahera arhfeh are aheeteto- ly wem to coacert>ajcefa of Chicago aad the Marth Shore. The orchestra s to exactly the same as It at Orchestra ball dartog the tost season at wtoter concerts; aad Harry Wctohach. Albert Qacosrt, Alhto fltrladrl aad the other solobsta bave beea giving brllllaut exhibitions of their vtrtaosjntty, Bath St. Deals, appearing to aeteetioae at the evening haa again proven that she is the most popular dsasewse who ever visited Uaviola. She haa varied her program almost every night, and haa also been extremely gcneroae with encores. Hci graceful and talented aaststsats, Mr. Ted Shawa and Mtoa Hilda Beyer, have also given pleasure to Itavlula patrons in their classical numbers. The second fortnight of Ravtala's season began Monday. July to. The Cb.ieago Symphony orchestra, led bv Frederick Stock, wfll continue to play concerts afternoon and evening. A new program of modern and. classic dances hi offered, the artists be- ing Miss Dorothy Dickson and Mr. "ail Heisen, ball-room dancers, and Mr. Shawn and Mias Beyer, re-ea- The Sibylline Oracles," "The New H Lit/tag Way," "Primer of Chris- Doctrine," "Biblical Dogmatics," 'Hermeneutlca," waa also a member of the Amer- Oriental society. Jhe Vletorlan toatltute of London, and the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. frpt. Ttrry leavaa two children, Arthur Ouy Terry, professor of his- tory In Northwestern university, and Miss Minnie B. Terry, who lived with their parents at 1811 11 in man avenue. Mrs. Terry was with her husband when be died and .will return to KV- anston with the body, whore'the burial will take place. Bashful PapSc •AmanlsnovcrsucccBBful until he able to borrow money. II be can it and escape paying It back, he Is tnore than successful. Father haa been vary successful; be Is also very bashful. Why, he's so bashful irhen he borrows money be can't get up enough nerve to ask a man to take It lmck,^»B«chahge, Sharks In Scottish Watere. shoal of sharks, for soma days Invaded the Firth of Forth, and of the Dunbar line fish ins fleet re- ts that a large stretch of Ashing constating particularly of lines, been carried away. While haul- ing the remaining portions several Sharks were observed to hover about Caradval to Facto. Cortege WaBa ft Friday. July 17. oVertore, "Magic Flute-... Symphony No. 1. C major, ■dagln •Jtojha at 3: .Beethoven Adagio SBsjpSi (latoraUasioa, thirty aahaatoa) Overture, la der Matmr.....Dvorak -Woodland-*........MacDawaU b. Summer Idyl c. Shepherdess Song d. Forest Spirits Vtidav, Ju'y 17. Eveninfl at 8:15. Daa BhetogoM: Batabow Scene aad Rhine Daughter's Lament (Wagner) Siegfried: Siegfried to the Forest lannbaeuser: Bacchaaaie aad Finale of the Overture Miss Dorothy Dickson aad Mr. Carl Melsen to up-to-date baB Kdinund Both, of Misa St. Denis* com pany, will direct tbe orchestra for the dancing unmbers. Tbls evening wilt be devoted to ball-room music by tbe orchestra as usual. Tbe children's entertainment in tbe theatre, Thursday afternoon, July 1«, will be a lecture by Freder- ick Stock, on orchestral music. The programs for tbe week are: Thursday, Jitfy-4«^A«ef«ecji J*£«3f«sV (Children's day) Vorspiel, "Hansel and Gretcl"..... ................ Humperdinck Suite. "Child's Life"............Conus a. Introduction b. Hobby Horse c. Slumber Song d. Song of the Old Nurse e. Music Box (Intermission, thirty minutes) "Tbe Wand of Youth"..........Klgar March The Little Bells The Tame Bears Wild Bears American Patrol ...........Meocham Thursday, July 16. Evening at 8:15. Soloist: Mr. Walfried Singer Mr. Ted Shawn aad Mies Hilda Beyer in classic and modern dances (Intermission, thirty minutes) Soloist: Mr. B. Stoeber BaceinMMlai, "Samson and Delilah"------ .......................Satat-Saens Andante..................... Haydn Elfenreigen ................. Popper Finale from "Le Bal Costume"----- ........................Rubinstein Saturday, July 18, Afternoon at 3:00. March. "Queen of Sheba".....Gounod Overture. "Light Cavalry"......Suppe Scenes pictoresque..........Massenet March Ballet Air Angelus Bohemian Festival (Intermission, thirty minutes) Overture, "Oberon"...........Weber Aii.prctto ocherzaudo......Svensden Waltz, "Roses from the South"----- ...................... Job. Strauss Saturday, July 18. Evening at •: 15. Soloist: Mr. Harry Welsbaeh Overture. "Academic Festival" ----- V...,,.. ».,,»<•«..............Brahms Llebcatraum............,. Liszt-Stock Andante and Rondo for violin (from Symphony Espagnol) ........Lalo Miss Dorothy Dickson and Mr. Carl Heisen In up-to-date ball room dances Mr. Ted Shawn and Miss Hilda Beyer In classic and modern danc-.-s (Intermission, thirty minutes) Impressions of Italy on tbe Summit Naples................Charpenttai March, "Slav".........Tschalkowsky ttonsHlig %*■ Dancfsajff Anything that's worth dotes; at aB la worth overdoing.--Kebla Howard. hi water, hat when arrived at full n tnrity they tUI sink to the bottom, and this la proof that they are sand to iVei a la blind, but City Journal. Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE. WILMETTC lfrfO Vtot Ads » the Lake Shaft New « charged at lie followiag rites Real Estate Clasjificstioas. 7*4 ceatsact hac All Other Classifkatioas. 5^ ceatt per liae. Miaimsm Price. 15 ceats. No tdvertisemeat charged for less this 25 ceatt. IIII HI SHiii OPTICIANS JWRAhDOiFnST.D^ >obool CH1CACOI SITUATIONS WANTED--SITUATION BY COMPB- tcnt girl to care for children. Ref- erences. Phone ,70'J Wilmette, 36w-ltp BOARD AND ROOM JFOR SAL.B -- KIMBALL. STYLE Whitney upright piano in fine condi- tion, used very little. (135.00. Pat- terson Bros.. 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 3§w-ltC BOARD --WITH OR WITHOUT rooms; best of home cooking and plenty of It; a good place to get your dinners during hot weather. Call Miss Nor t ham. Phone Wilmette 992-J. Address 731 10th.. 33wtf 1554 ASBURY AVE., THE ASBURY. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE. EXCELLENT CUISINE. PHONE 2392. MRS. F. C. DIEPENDORF. 16w-tf Tpas HELP WANTED WANTED--GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Cull at CHI Liaden-av. ~C ,. 36w-ltc To Live Among Men. \ We must bear each personality at •we come In contact with Us Inherent •Individuality, without at all counting en Its regeneration and without con- demning It for remaining Just what It .'Jt^Schopenbauer. W - ----------------------------- •eft Answer. .,,. Hub--'i wonder wherVtbe money te coming from for that new gown of jroors?" Wife--"From tho mint, 1 bopr., dear. I'd he sorry to think tbat fjrou "iT-ere a counterfeiter." Quick Thinker. " *,B«t I've heard that you proposed ^to three other girls this month." "I-- vy er waa merely rehearsing for ay proposal to you. Ante Sake Broad. Ante have been found In Dalmatla 11 thit actually make bread by chewing ;..Aeede Into pulp, forming It In loaves, ^taking them In the eun and then stor* , lac them away for future use. The Heroic Poem. *r» He who would write a heroic poena •Bait nake his whole Ufa a berolo •poem,--Milton. nanes vn. A farmer was going through an art Institution where a number of models of ancient Greek sculpture was exhibited. He noticed that on each one hung a placard saying, "Hands Off." "What 'n to under do they bave to tell ye every tlmo tbat tho hands Is off?" be exclaimed at lost. "Do they reckon we can't see it? An' why don't they never say anything 'bout the arms and legs be in' off, too?" Environment. "Economics changes mu«'* activi- ties. As ycu change a man's activi- ties you change his way of living, and as you change his environment i you change his state of mind. Pre-! cept and Injunction do not perceptl-j bly affect men; but food, water, air, clothing, shelter, pictures, books, mu- sic, will nnd do" Shameful Omission. Amid all tho humane enterprise of • this wonderful century there has been no society yet formed for tho protec-. tlon of yosng men from young women. --From "One Man Returns." bjrjlai> Starvation In Japan. Failure of the ride crop and tbe fishing Industry bare brought tbe dis- tricts of Toboku and Hokkaido, north- ern Japan, one of tbe worst famines that the country baa faced In a hun- dred yeara. Cold weather prevented the rice from beading out, and unusu- ally cold currents have kept the fish at great distances from the shore. A conservative estimate places the number who are now in urgent need of food at 200.000. HELP WANTED -fe YOUNG GIRL about 14 year» old to assist in car- ing for child Telephone, Wilmette 1530. ___________ 36w-ltc FOR SALE--DROP HEAD WHITE rotary sewing machine. latest model, used very Uttle. almost new. $20.00. Patterson Bios., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. 36w-ltc FOR SALE--USED AUTOMOBILE, price $125.00; 5 passenger, tonueau detachable, suitable for business or pleasure. 628 Greenlcaf-av.. Wil- mette. FOR SALE-HOUSES 217 KEDZIE-ST.. EIGHT ROOMS, bot water beat, hardwood floors, lot 42x125; price If sold quick, $4,750. Geo. H. Crain, 845 Chicago-av. 36w-tf FOR SALE--7 ROOM HOUSE ON Lukc-av., $5,000.00; Elm wood av., $6,000.00, cast side. Phono Miss King. Wilmette 215. I have a call for a 10 room furnished house from August to November. 36w-ltp Typewriters Sold on Easy Payments For Rent on Easy Terms ALL MAKES NEW AND REBUILT Some Special Good Bargains Full Line Typewriter Supplies H. E. CHANDLER & GO. 630-632 Davis St. Evanston NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. Nothing Is Despicable. la living among men, one mutt not teeplse any personalities no matter! bow really debased, miserable or ludl- CToun- -Scliopenbuuor. old Spender. Not Really Binding. "Didn't you solemnly promise to lovei, honor and obey me. my dear?" "Yes. but the minister haa known me j all my lite, afid be knew I didn't mean! it."--Puck. I Best Regards to Science. "Science attacks tho sandwich.'* la, a headline. Here's hoping It has bet- ter luck with it than we have bad; with some purchased at railway lunch counters.--Boston Transcript Remarks of the Hlpp„ "Oh dear!" mghed tbe hip,...>.fk num. "I am so tired of this circus life. I wish some- nlco little boy would buy me for a pet. I'd love to sit in a little boy's lap and imvo him call me Pido, end let me crawl Into hla bed and bite his toes every morn- ing like a puppy dog." Wis* Johnny. Johnny's uncle was visiting «u Lie bouse. Ho was saying to Johnny: "I bope you never fight with your little neighbor." "No, s|ree." answered "He's stronger than 1." FOR SALE--(JKAND-SQUARE BOW- er & Co. piano; first class condi- tion; recently reflnlshed; will guarantee tuning; $25. Excellent chance to buy a good piano cheap for beginner .Smith Duce Co., 1217 Wilmetteuv open evenings. 34wtf FIRE INSURANCE--ROYAL INSUR" ance Company of Liverpool, largest fire insurance company In the world, insures dwellings, household goods, rents; lowest rates. Charles A. Wtghtman & Co., resident agents. Phone 203. ltc FOR SALE »> piano mad. l,j Hof-Liefera..te playing ord.■■-. sell at about Patterson Hn Evanston Jo Brighten Color*. Pink, green and colored iiu»ua m general can have their hues preserved when being laundered **-the^ addition of a little fruit coloring add"d to the rinsing water. The colors will then bo as fresh and bright as whs?, new. »(K).00 UABY GRAND llagspicl & Camp for , i, of Germany; in fine very attractive; will 1-3 of original cost.j 1522 Sherman-av., 36w-ltc vv ASHING »IACI{INE^ (.•...I as new. Call at 1521: phone 828J. 36w-lti FOR 8ALE EVANSTON HOMES MASPfftlART 1580 Sherman-av. Children's Dresses 1 to 16 years. Ladies' Waists, $3.00 up. To Order. Corsets to Measure. Smocking, Hemstitching. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, 717-718 Venetian Bldg.. 15 East Washington St.. Chicago. Tel. Central eggiT155* Army Goods Store OF 1,000 BARGAINS I til I W Big Bargaiae $17.95 Wertfei ****' li v^.e^aey,*********** wtt twl"'thU JSTto Man* Ind !•**• troiV We karasla e» mm trimimtoUTM. Camping Outfits Canvm:< Barrack Shoe*.......•••v_7Sf AH wool 5 lb. Army Blanket*.. $S. 2S WhiU Middy Blou.*»..............73c ■» WhiteTrouwa....................*ae ap Camping Shirts...................«»« Up Bayonets......................;....1SC Genuine U. S. White Sailor Hats. 4.1c RiBeaofankimla...............g2.9» tip I SMELTEITEMTS.size 5i7. $2.75 U. S. Haversacks......... Foldins: Cota. U S. Army. Folding M«at Pane....... Huuting- Axn............ Rubber Blanket s.......... Rubbar Poneboa.......... Porch Hammocks........ Khaki Breeches.-......... Khaki Trousers.......... I^ujtins < canvas)........ Puttees <Rather)......... I'uttron (canvas)......... Paddles (stock).......... Shirts; wool. S pockets... Boy Equipment of Every Dctctiptioa FOR OUR •nCC OiiUh BARGAINS CAL HIRSCH & sores 21 S. Wabash Ave,, Dep«. aajanaj Chicago I eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 5ALII S9wtr Bell System Order of the United States District* Courts The entire stock of Paintings, Etchings, Water _ Colors, Prints and Frames belonging to the estate of * MOULTON & RICKETTS is now being offered to the public at prices mater* tally below their real value. A visit to the sales- rooms will convince you of the bargains to be had. Salesrooms: 308-310 Barnheisel Bldg. Telephone Wabash 6737 616 So. Michigan Avenue FRANK M. McKEY, Trustee eeee»»e»e»ee»»eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee»e» Saturday Once Thought unlucky. Saturday takes Its name from 8ae> tar, the Roman Saturnus, and for a long time it was looked on aa the an* luckiest day of the week.* Hla Own Detective. In Schenectady, N. Y , a farmer rec- egnttad In a leather shop the green j hide of a horse which had been stolen I from him but two weeks before. Byi means of the hide he traced the thief and eventually waa paid tor the horae. Rule far Success. Te escape criticism do nothing, say Bethtug. be nothing; go le your hole and pall th« hole In after you. --anr*w. :Laf»«!!it~-*,YYhy da the ducks dtrer*} Harp ' Ouees they must want to llqut*; Sat* their bills." But a Spur. Ambition has Its diaappolntmeate j to sour us but never the good for* ' tune to satisfy ua.--Benjamin Frank* I Un. Left Bye for Microscope. In microscopic work use the left eye rather than Uia right, aays the Ameri- can Machinist. Astigmatism and other eyo troubles occur more frequently In the right eye. When the Thermometer during July and August, keep from get- ing hot yourself by keeping the wires hot on the Long Distance Lines of the Bell System They reach all points within talking dis- tance and are ready for instant service be the temperature high or low. Costly Feed. Some genius may yet be able to make breakfast food of wild oats.-- Vancouver World. The Bock Benson. "Are you toad of Bach. Mr. Dubs?' "Really. Mra. De Souaa. I very aeldom drink anything."--Buffalo Expreas. Thsre are seasons iaasaaoV Isunwnsely sBalave*^ whea to he still hlKhor streugth Ths Original. The eu-tglnsJ grape nut- Omar Khay* I twstonaiMi gn I Tram --HmartlSet. Tcgoxisxicei. The egotist wouldn't be satisfied with Minsiir unless he felt that every was aleo satisfied with him.{ Call "Long Distance" Chicago Telephone Company H. B. Gates, District Manager >i 3555J2SS2Z 7,,. „■■■■• ,-■ ^| i Printing and Engraving Correspondence Stationery Visiting Cards Shopping Cards Wedding Invitations Wedding Announcements Birth Cards ^Christmas Greetings Mourning Cards Club Announcements Club Programs ' Etc., Etc. This is the most complete plant between Chicago and Milwaukee Bowman Publishing Co. Evanstom

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