Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1914, p. 5

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THE LAKE SHORE HEW* TH'JSSDAY. JULY 1«. »14 COKTRASTS lUIEBOli III AUSTRIA lilt ~T3i Boys at Y. M. C. A. Camp hi Michigan Issue & Weekly Paper Northwestern University Student 1$ Editor and the Contains Many Interesting Notes SSS^^H i-wr The Empire is a Conglomerate Combination of Large and Small Principali- ties. N HISTORIC CHANCE and Campers. The first copy of the "Camp Echo w>merang." the official twtdtoatton of the Evanston Y. M. C. A. summer The editor of the sheet is Trailer, and his gajfatnat is Roger fit both Northwestern uni- versity students. The reporters and rewrite men, as well as sub editors, have not been appointed yet, but the fixtures i ncludes a pump, store, dish The tubies are peauWatiJy varnished In white oilcloth end the floor Is finished in finely splintered wood. Taken a 11 in al 1, it is some building. PefOOAOl gSNf tSSaWrneOPl. Telegraphic dispatches from Evans- ton Informed Bis sad his trusties that is newsy. One of the depart- l3° bo-V3 wt>re coming yesterday. jsmantn Is ft celnmn of "Peraenats and!What 41* arrive was sixty-niae boys, SB Personale" and this «r|U #55 ]a>gh* leaders sad Bessie 0ttlfh. Him less prove most ^frfflrMnW to the Iu£er that Bu8Bie counted for the CmMKNI parents who mare eons at the camp. |«Wr« boys in the dispatch above •?_> ^^ jaueptloned. Bixby <"Bix") Mall,; capt. Stufflebeam told me privately This beautiful modem dining hall j that he shed tears when the boys got is the newest feature of Camp Echo off the good host Illinois at Portage life. Although It has not been offl- Point. But they were quiet tears, 1 dally named as yet, ye editors and the understand, and his grief was quite rest of the advance party have gotten short and quiot. The average sleep AuBtria-Hungary, toward which the jnto the habit of calling our dining per boy per night on the trip was 1 eyes of the worid are now turned be- quarters "Bixby" ball rBf*" ball for! hour 67 minutes 4 36 seconds. No abort). Therefore, the Boomerang soft wood was found on the boat, Pat Tbe Link of a Ruler Nat Joined Austria and Hungary Under a Loose Cewpact ^P*w ffapJ gsflP- are all sorts of StdCsUPAbJ ttOAJP. AT Pepose prep ■ ■■ ■ *© waflaB 4a^sj^Psss ••*» \4asp ^BRp^^ aps^^sp M^j^par*^ but the aaoet plausible is the on* which *«** *»• rrtrr: » uw » ff*-uav about 1564. France was the first mmnyi)«n country to Adopt the reformed calendar, and as a result the New Year day was carried hack to tonupxy H pad mock calls were made on Apr* «. Aa a joke op ooch as had Conuttaai the ****»» In the calendar. ■?:.■" !M i Shattered. ■ Ho was • Hollander. Just arrived In sm*s* "emapsp p^esj^P* ***WWp P»W ^^i^^^^^""^ip - aW^BBaW"aBBBa»abaBBtA taVssllV 0s**tn Ms aiimwpjitton, on* At times hie -fcTTaaSsalsSSvIS SZt «ea> words ww(^ Almost Vff*%?*A*Wgtifr^*> Co **• p^p^p»pp^p ** a> •W'tP ^^^ au awteBar'A jajganft.il1 tiAV mIlii a«i In am mm '^p* wWP ■PP'Vp rBW ^pJ^J^gwp^slspp*p^p» ariast^B^landerdeparted.andthe °ne'B wal* Bbould *» ***• *******> £hsndss foil Girrin ??!??u * up Pa W W 8p Is gp iu»yoiJi ». m. ^s» Ps^P fln# sWWNpa^e^pPp* JspTHrWrw^s^pF^ aWP^P^r*aP ^r^'BSp^B^aBsjP' a^n™^asjgp ■ s^*sp p^aWp^PsgP/ <w^wnWps^w^efa^»»MwwB»»»w. i i ■ OANCIMG NIGHTLY^BCGINNING AT CIGHT ^r^«tl*B A8 LH |lKMTj e^p*l*dsp^p ^w^p^p'P*" |sm»p^Jjr Bp)sssl#jsFj ^^p ^p^^pWpsjwPJr ^^ i afXUIAL UHlrlKHMl IS miis bvam is he ypM to his father: BngUahMMaT** and. above nU. natural. jDo not tarp of the recent assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir fyi the throne of the dual monarchy, and Bia consort, the Duchess of Hofaen ( berg, it * land of strange contrast. aC' cording to a statement Issued by the National Geographic society, at Wash- ington, P. C. 'In spite of its important position, officially decrees that erer hereafter be hall shall says the duffiebags were a God-send When it comes io firearms, Capt. Kidd baa nothing on Camp Echo. Camp Wood bought a pistol at an auction for 4 cents, sold it to Grimes for 10 cents, who sold it to Bussie tor 26 cents. Bussle tried to sell it to ye editors tor 26 cents, hut kingdoms, Bohemia, Galacia and Dal "Blx" ball w* built muter a grant many difficulties. The advance party Sanded here a week ago last Sun- dap nigbt. It was almost pitch dark; the sky Juice was descending in bucketfute; our tents were not up; both geographically and politically, i and to cap the climax, we bad on our i we only had Ave Canadian dimes, so bat few people realize exactly what | Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes. How-1 we could not make the deal. Oh, you they mean when they speak of Aue- over, we jumped out of Kelly's launch, I net profit! tria-H ungary, and to many the words quickly put up a tent and cooked some i Camp Wood has a new patent anew Austria and Hungary seem inter- grub on a gasolene stove under Capt. destroyer. It cost Percy 5 cents, hut changeable term* for the same coun- Bix's expert direction. Believe me, it did the work. Address ye editors try," reads the statement. "What, Bix la a regular cook. After supper; for further Information, then, la Austria, what is Hungary, and | we were lulled to sleep by a full j We love Maloue, but, oh, you last why are they always bracketed to- orchestra of mosquitoes. night's hash! The orchestra was gether ? The next morning about 3 o'clock; heard softly playing "Too If neb Mus- A Complex Union. I we got UP aud began to dig postholes I tard." "The Austrian Empire is a consti-!'0' *■ «"«*•*» of the ball. What It is reported that Percy Bradley tutional monarchy formed of three Sap*MmTl4 *" £* nn\ teB **** WOttW broke • bottle ot n»'r toBlc •» c«»b- be hard to tell In a few words, it is ing Old Baidy. Watch for the grass enough to say that we worked harder j and trees. Tent No. 12 had a real circus last duchies, couutships. and margraves of {£LM ^Jf^Jf^*1^- We jnight. Circus Btearna gave an anm. independent kingdom of Hungary in j ZSmtm^S^SS Ll* addition to Hungary proper. Includa. -J" ZJSm wo were conu^mnS Croatia. Blavonia and Transylvania., ^ momt ^ BCaffoW_arouDd tbe countries formerly Independent, but DaiwtDB lt wariJUrUja this time that ^!!^i^.^J!^^^^\^ squired a suspiciously red nose. He says It was due to sunburn. Our further Adventures included a violent .......„ storm, which came up at-3 In the Au.trte. The possession of a unifying roornlng Jlke a Mt out of Hades (ae- link in the person d> their common coromg to , Mwm)f mi (or a ttme ruler has led to the Ausglelcb, or thTOBtenejI to blow tbe wUoIe carop;flim.T •Compromise.' whereby the two c*un- m Capt ^ m I Af| mie t yeBter(I.y tries tor mutual convenience have I a ^ p^ fb^WtoAWW |lwiifb I Ibnt certainly was no piker. It was V£?*J2 j° ?. °f ? ?2!f tbe t**1 ln "wahis and filled our cots almost as big aa the one tbat usually Joint diplomatic and naval and mill- W|th large puddles. Talk about gay1 tary services. Beyond this tbe two |jfe, countries are entirely Independent,! each having Its own constitution, leg*) lslature and administration. "No country in Europe, except onlyj Hungary, contains within its borders , so many diverse nations and tongues *»»•' ^«ea «b"fd i°lltbem tor *** "V»M* w»»««"~ ••» •" w I R«lli«tftn««. Rlvhv hall now atunda as tbe Austrian Empire. Each of tbe three great ethnic stocks of Europe} toprovements except hot dish attempts to inhale a glass of lemonade is represented--tho Latin, the German vatM nn<| •^ ^mI- „* u ^^ yeBterday. and the Slav, with the latter predom- inating, as to It belong 16 out of the 26 million people Inhabiting the Em- pire. The Hungarian, or more prop- erly, the Magyar, is perhaps the keen-j m«». ui.h«» n,rfU l est patriot ln Europe, and be raanl-; »___u_,f?.^.r A. ?L2??L -.-- I Ruakln on Travallnt> "W* BI^P*^ ArVp PiW» »^^»W WFWP ffff^ V^^9^^^^t, steps. Do not bring the beds dow» ri ~ with a thump at each step, but hare - ^S?lfor Coiwarwtloe. them moderately long and «**. 4 'A little pore silence^ please.' thun,! weiHuMMrn writer says. "Whoever car- dered 1*0 sage of Chelsea. Probably i jjs- tj^ ^^ ^^ to 4lw „«(.( u .ji mow of ua talk too much in general.and right from too to toe and will waUx too UMIe about the things best wortJbj %Rr ww so «oe one win wmm apes* tng of Less gossip and more --------m-------------.------ godliness: less fault-finding and more a~i.«* m«*ic« encouraging; I^bs timidity aud morp Th^ ,J1"^JTTSf «rmTr'h,**#-- real *hnVgb born speech--is not this n! . ,^ ™ "'"*^ wfrnrinw ww*/ p^avrpm agiai reaohition for our conversations? • 1^ **** ssagoa of nee von ana neti, ■*** T"^ orwwBTwwwwi, ^^ ^ (ettrtow art ^ ifc^ Artecs pp. Speech and Thought. "The gift of words" is sometimes! spoken of disparagingly by "practical" ! men- But words are merely tbe sym- j how of ideas; and nobody really has the gift of words who baa not also tbe { gift of thought Before one can talk I with power be first must be able to j think. There never was a great speak-! er who was pot also a peat thinker gan existence with Its full quota of nine lives. This feline of ancient Mexico today almost extinct, was a peculiar, even rcpulslvo creature, be- ing absolutely naked, aare tor tho top sparse hairs which appeared along tho ridge of its tail und back at the be- ginning of winter. Apostolic King of Hungary, who hap- pens by a purely historic chance to be also sovereign of the Empire of Pehr, what would Bixby? ?se aiiiiiie of a letter Bent home to- day: "Bear Dad: "Am having a peach of a time. Please send me f 10. Yours, "Camp Echo Kid." Malcolm Kerr made a trip to Old Baldy with six films in his camera. When be came down he bad one of them left and had taken one picture. Question: What became of tbe other gets away. Many or the boys went to Oneknma today, and also went broke. Some phenomenal genius like Archie Mac- Nair ought to open a pawn shop. Question by ye editor: What kind of pictures has Bussle Smith been Bixby hall now stands ' taking? finished with all tho' Tubman made several unsuccessful we finally got everything fixed up. Mrs. Gorman and some of the girls from the Inn came down aud decorated the ball. We are cer- water and dish towels. It is heated >'0Hterday, by hot air and Is lighted by such iilus-; Ye editors are glad to sue our old trous lights as Archie MacNair, Irving'. friend Prunes with us. Ho has come Brand and Camp Wood. The kitchen i tor a tour weeks' visit. ( , by se > g to lm-i ^P061 wora» *re profitable. Clear,, to any person who nas ai nose Ma teunua^^rnd Customs upon ilpoa* ***••»! »°°°«t™»> »«WM hbout him, a quiet walk, pose bis language ano customs upun Bnce of tQe Wgbe||t tnjth one k0oW8 his Slavonic fellow-cltlxenB with I „ c,w daty QWe(J tQ Qo(J ftad ^ a peralstence tbat neither opposition, W0J.,^ ^ U8 b|>T0 men Rnd women nor passive resistance can diminish. | who ^re to ho Indiscreet If need be, Mountain Climbing National Game, j for ^1^, Bake. No need ^ for "In these lands, so mixed In na-j tmtb'e lake. No need of our time Is greater than this one tor single-eyed souls who aeek only to declare the clear counsel of God, heedless of con- sequences to the exiatlng order ot thinga.--Exchange. tlonallty and language, thero is no less a variety of religion; Roman Catholics preponderate, but Greek Orthodox, Unlat Greeks, Lutherans, CalvinistH, Jews, and even Armenian Gregorians, are found within tbelr borders. The customs-union between Austria attd Hungary haa rendered these countriea a commercial unit; To any peraon wbo haa all bis sensea over not more than ten or twelve miles of road a day, la tbe moat amualng of all trav- eling; and all traveling becomes dull In exact proportion to Ita rapidity- Go- ing by railroad I do not consider as traveling at all; It la merely "being sent" to a place, and very little differ- ent from becoming a parcoS.-- Buskin. Way to Truth. There ape two ways of reaching truth--by renso?itn? it and by feeling It out. All the profoundest truths are felt out Tho deep glances Into truth are got by love. Love a man. that Is tbe best way of understanding him Peel a truth, that is the only way ol comprehending It.--P. W- Robertson. p»hpa»iepPpPisp ^w ^xrW^iPppp pjs*Ppsb,» "Cut. Helen, bow did you make the acquaintance of your second hup band?" "It was quite romantic. ' was out walking with my first what my second husband came along In a motor and ran blm down. Tbat was the beginning of our friendship."--Til Bits. Friendship. Friendship is the door through which we go out from (he narrow cell of self and enter Into other lives. It is the door through which others come Into that narrow cell and make It a palace, with wlndowe tbat open on a boundless universe.--Margaret McGiffert. Against the Middle. The planter was swapping weather wisdom with Undo leapc, the old col orod man who did odd Jobs about tbe place, 'How come, boas." aald Uncle Isaac, "how Pdmo bit grwaya §#em ac plzen bard fo' hit to rain TongJbout de middle oh u drought, but when bit git long toVda do eend, bit don't seem to have no trouble tnltt* Once In a Blue Moon, "Once In a blue moon" means very rarely Indeed. The expreaston re- sembles that of "the Greek Kalends," which means "never." because there were no Greek Kalende. The origin of the expresaloa la not known, but It waa ueed aa early aa the sixteenth century. Consideration for Othera. A few more smiles of ailent sym- pathy, a few more tender words, a little more restraint on temper, may make all the difference between bap plness and half happincsB to those I live with.--Stoptord Brooke. Strange, Indeed! "for tbe making of billiard-balls five hundred elephants are needed every ye*r." said the famous big-game hunter In bis lecture on India- "How strange," whispered Mrs. Winsome to tbe lady wbo sat next, "that people can teach such great beasts to do aucb delicate work!" breakfast" Comparatively New. Pew people realize that tbe meal "breakfast" did not become recognised until late In the seventeenth century. The earliest period to which the word can be traced la 1163. In the days of the Tudors tbe higher classes and tho merchants seldom took their mcols before twelve and ilx o'clock. Th# Dreamer. A dreamer Is frequently a correct j precursor of the future, hut be does j not fee) like waiting for |t. That i which nature needs thousands of years to accomplish he wante to ant j achieved durlpg hie lifetime.--Lousing. On the Domestic Voltage. "Wire you InHuinto?" tbe electri- cian'! wife inquired when he made bin appearance at 3 n. m. Whereupon he explained that he bad become thirsty and bad to make a abort dip cult--Santa p0 New Mexican. Must Build aa We Go Along. It la well to have visions of a better life than that of every day, but It la the life of every day from wblcb ele- ments of a better life muat come.-- Maeterlinck. • n oan onape. Mistress--"What did the doctor nay was tbe matter with you, Bras- tua?" Rastus--"iio say I got a top S»do llbbah, ma'am."--Washington erald. Didn't Interest Her. "I aee there's a great deal of talk in town about vivisect Ion," said Mrs. but, roughly speaking, Hungary la the: East Side. "Well," replied Mrs. West agricultural and pastoral country, | Side, "I've raised a family of eight,' while Austria Is industrial. Hungary j an' they aint one of them ever been Is also the rlchoBt country in Euxopo vtviaectlonated and none of "em baa In mineral deposits, the range , of ever caught smallpox either. I don't which is singularly wide. Austria la, j take no stock In It."--Livingston After ft"rl*T"dn!irt »h" mn«* mountain*-^dWCe,----------------------------------------------------, ous region tli Europe, more than four-; ■ Requlaltea of a Companion. A companion to be intereating, ought to bring new elements, and not be a repetition of our own too familiar per- sonality. We have enough ot our- selves In ourselves; we deslro a com- panion who will relieve ua from the bounds of our own thoughts, as a neighbor opens his garden to ua and delivers us from our own hedges.--P Q. Hamilton.____________U__________ flftha of her vaBt territory being over 600 feet above tbe sea level. Moun- taln-eltmhtng la the greatest national game, like baseball in the United States. Old, young, middle-aged, all take a keen Interest In it. Even Emperor Francis Joseph Is an en- thusiastic mountaineer at more than 80 years of age. In his time he haa scaled most of the great peaks of bis country. Throe Capitols in One. "Vienna, the Imperial City, the cap- itol of Austria, owns her own electric ana gas light, street railways and om- nibuses, tee manufacturing plant, •warehouses, stock yards, brewery, wine cellar, all the pawnshops and even the undertaking establishments. Budapest, the capltol of Hungary, formerly two cttlea, Buda and Peat, la Paris, Vienna *ad London In one, a combination of the gayetiea of the capitols of tbe world, with a little dis- jlef without seeing 11 net ive Hungarian paprica spice iarge one.--Hoi mes. thrown in. ,- "Even in the remotest corners of Auatrla-Hungary the atrong arm of varying Weights in Uss- tbe law la ever present, the river; Tbe German pound Is exactly one* etretches and the hack country being j half a kilogram, or about one-tenth Their Friend in Need. Ftord--"Has Suburbs a well-ap- pointed house?" Shaw -"He must have. Since he moved out to Lonely- hurst his neighbors never think of going anywhere else when they want to borrow anything."--Judge. Fact That Mgkea City Unique. At Quito, the only city in the world on the line of the equator, the aun aets and rlaos at ate o'clock all the fans round. Tingling That Foretells Death. Among the Scotch peasantry there Is a belief in the "death bell," a ting- ling in the ear wblcb forebodes the death of a friend. Qr-tltudt. "I saw your friend Brown yester- day." "Brown's no friend of mine." "What's that? Why. he told me you borrowed money from blm!" "Y< •nd what did I do with itf Spent It in foily. 'i tell you, iirown'a no friend ot mine." _ A little mind often swat the unbe- the belief of a policed by a heavily armed cottstab- more than the American and Engliab good cook alary.' (pound. Judge Not Men have commonly more pleasure in the criticism which hurt a than In that which la innocuous, and are more tolerant ef the severity which breaks hearts than Of that which falls impo- tentiv on the avava-- Buskin. Pother Haa No Chance, The reason father hatea to play cards with mother la became If alt loses be loses and if ho wlna he loses. --Cincinnati Enquirer. Net Vet Acquainted. "And what do you know Moeea?" "Pleaae. teacher. It'a One Definition. Happiness--a good bank account, g All tho Convenience*. Auto Agent--"This car complete with every modern Improvement and g copy of the dtvorco and bankruptcy lawa of every state, IB.000." Reputation. What's a reputation? Halt the world waste their Uvea trying to live up to It; and the other half waste llielrs trying to live It down--Eleanor Gates. Thing of Meat Importance, "What matters the nature of on? work so long as it is welt done? We do not glean happiness according to our station in nfsyjwit gsoerdlns W bow Well we adapt ourselves to that Bitloi." A book every lover of tbe Maeki should hive* Beautifully primed in India Tint stock, i 1 lustrations on Vellum From the press of the Bowmen Publishing Ci Bound in Boards and boxed, per copy . . $IM Bound hr Jiesvy Pspety pQf oopy^rv^rr jj .*• A See Display it 830 DAVIS STREET U .......urn I rlouanholdero Must Keep Cats. In Hong-Kong tho law la that every Souse must have at least one cat, I . IB "I .i'H Uncanny Wiadom. • Some men are to wise tbat It seems aa though they must have been bom at g much earlier ago than the reat Jot US, 1 Sfrcumatances Alter Cases. ahaw--"I thought they olently opposed tcTIhe motor aajgg ra. Crabshaw--"Oh/ that wsb before ey could afford one."--Judge. spa At to,* North State St., one door North of Washington St-, you will find lOWAIIP KIHCHiCnO Oiamond Merchant -Jesilir and Matufielvrtr Wedding rings end gifts of all kinds Wa recommend him to our readers ' I I III Talking Machines flgr" t&fCttff,«IttTi *eV Ji 1EUIT911,» ft!'!*? Classified Business U» «iw«»ut» M««oh*w»>i»« Vlaiop, . Many of our parse are but a siprbjd sjy.uf luuhlnj M <wt privnigea>-Hw> Wt~ falter Scott. ■aasawawe ■ ■ JJIIM-----L._. _____»PM«MWM^M»»W»|g-l«»WW»B Have you lost something? Let us find it for you. Is your maid leaving? ' us find you another. JCWCUCRS (woecputa PUte fruits--in and Obi Of sea- son-- alwaya form a part of our largo atock of Select and Fancy (Jrocortea. Baker's «teel Cut Coffee ia Good. GEO. II. WINTER AUQU3T ROOEL Repairing of tr.tJsM Heated and eioeta, Many yeara' ospi with beat known Ch*m Phone gJBt. MENS WC AH Quality and not Quantity-the best for the moaejt-ia our mot- to. Our large atock of groceries M always select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ft speci- ally. A» liJ^tfdLIJlU.#ILN Clothes Heiuly MMe^Otalben aorosla Shoes far Lmm Children. Uentlenien'a Pprpf "*■• •*aT«*s^gaa» HAYESd HAY AUVlriMGwwwa Electric Shop SUPPLIES GLENCOE, IU1N01S HOTClft THE AVENUE HOU) ts Sxehftapa Ills) ^mwaspeomltj ■swsbai rk*M VtmB^to »«? r>m Titew ■> ttS

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