ii-L THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914. IAL HAPPENINGS IN W4LMETT1 a~" " j Wilmette baa fortunately never be- come-widely known aa a summer re- sort, ao we bare the advantage of u delightful place to spend the summer months, without the crowds and con- fusion. This ,la being realized each year by more people, who prefer their comfortable homes and friends to a trip to aome other place which boasts , of no more attractive surroundings. Although tt la usually rather quiet, socially, during the summer, the aa ▼ant of a guest at the home of one of the stay-at-home residents makes quite a little stir In the way of informal dinners, luncheons and card parties. Mrs. Jobu B. Lee of Minneapolis, the guest of Mrs. William T. Smith, on Lake avenue, la the cause of a series of social activities. teresUng speaker. Mrs. Edward Opt Mrs. O. Decker, and Mrs. J. Akley were hostesses at luncheon on Tuesday of last week, at the Westmoreland Golf club. * Mrs. Whitley and Miss Annie Dingee of Wilmette, and Mrs. Cronin of Edge- water were among the guests. The morning and afternoon waa spent slaying golf. The Wilmette Woman's club will give a card party at the clubhouse for Mrs. Smith entertained in honor of the benefit of the building fund, on her guest Friday of hut week, with a j Wednesday, July 22. Tbe chairman large bridge party at her home, 615; of tbe committee has not been select Lake avenue. j ' ed. Mrs. Btaiham L. Williams enter- -- talned at luncheon and bridge mat Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Irwin, 627 Tuesday at the Skokie club for Mrs. Forest avenue, announce the engage- Lee, In whose honor Mrs. Louis Clarke ment of their daughter, Mildred, to Cole where she waa a delegate of the Chi Omega Sorority. Mrs. Sarah Watson and Miss Agnes Wetson left Tuesday of last weak for Ephraim, Wis., where they will re- main for two weeks. Mrs. Ramadsll or Ohio, who baa been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ira Ryner, 116 Fifth street, returned to her home Wednesday. , Mrs. M. L. Paterson gave one of the Henry Burback, Mrs. F. H. J Mrs. Charles C. Prescott. *Irs. Ralph Whitsett. Mrs. Herbert Mackie. Mm. H. 9. Gemmlll and Mrs. Thurman. Mrs. Castle Is a socialist of the now, broad minded type and proved an t*]0(C**&+i at Jha auparislunbM conier- ence of the Sunday school convention held In Chicago recently. Mrs. Lulu Allen and Miss Effle Joyce left Saturday for a month's visit,In the west. They will visit Yellowstone park before their return. Miss Dorothy Anderson. 1123 Elm- wood avenue, left Wednesday for a two weeks' visit with Mlas Elizabeth Lounsbury, at Kockford, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Phelps, MO Wood court, have returned from the B. Y. P. U. convention, at Kansas City, Mo., where they have been for a week; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Southworth and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch leave tomorrow for Sister Lake. Mich., where they expect to remain about two weeks. Mr. Walter A. Stattman and family, 1017 Linden avenue, are summering on the island that Mr. Stattman re- entertained at dinner the same day at Arthur H. 8tewart of Melbourne, Fla. cently purchased In northern Mlchl- tbe dab. Mrs. E. Jackson Casse entertained n party.of eight for luncheon Thurs- day, spending the afternoon at tbe Ra- vi nia concert. Mrs. David Foraythe Anderson en- tertained at bridge Friday afternoon for Mrs. Lee, and Mrs. B. C. Hawkes of Keuilworth waa hostess at a bridge luncheon on Monday. The beautiful lawn at the home of Mrs. Carl Schroeder, 711 Park avenue, will be the scene of a charity benefit tomorrow--consisting of • card party and cake sale. This is the second an- nual benefit given by the philan- thropic department of the Woman's Catholic club, and the success of the one given hut year promises welt for j the success of this one. All members of the club and their friends will be made welcome. Mrs. Charles E. Lord, the chairman of the social committee, and Mrs. Schroeder, chairman of the Philanthropic department, assisted by Misses Marie Schroeder and Ger- trude Ketcbum, have been most active iu arranging this affair. The ladles of the Neighborhood club enjoyed a novel entertainment Tues- day afternoon In the nature of an ad dress by Mrs. Eleanor Castle of Chi- cago at the home of Mrs. Rexford Bel- lamy and Mrs. R. E. Smith, 1050 Lin 'don avenue. Those present were: Mrs. Gordon Hanah, Mrs, LaMoyne Fit* Randolph, Mrs. Miles McMillen. Mrs. gan Mrs. Albert E. Nicholson, 826 Hill street, returns this week from the Henrotin Memorial hospital, where she underwent a severe operation on Julys. Misses Frances and Mella Keith, who have been the guests of Mrs. A. J. Tay- lor on Central avenue, for ten days, left for their home in Indianapolis on Monday. Miss Helen Groves, 1223 Wtlmett*; avenue, la spending the summer with friends In Ohio, where she went to at- tend the. Oberlin commencement ex- QaVCUMSS* - Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carnahan and Mlas Madeline Carnahan will, leave to- Mrs. B. G. Calloway, 920 Linden ave- j*?*0.""0* *° motoI..to thf "H,?l"ld^ nue, entertained tbe members of the Crescent Circle Tuesday afternoon. The wedding Is to take place the 19th | of August. Miss Mary Louise Scheidenhelm en- tertained Thursday afternoon on tbe occasion of her eleventh birthday. Miss Jane Calloway entertained a number of her friends Saturday after noon In honor of her fifth birthday. Mrs. E Jackson Casse waa hostess at luncheon Tuesday^ Mrs. 8. S. Dingee, 932 Lake avenue, entertained the. Tuesday club at luncheon last week. home In Bloomington. 111. Mr. and Mrs. Worley are home from China on furlough and expect, to return In year. " People of ten catch unexpected things on fishing trips, but friends of two young men who apent a recent holiday at Kelly lake were nevertheless sur- prised at the contents of a package received shortly after, a package con- taining three fine specimens of the species or nsb commonly known aa sardines! Mr. Arthur Suffern Ph. D. waa-the guest of Mr. Samuel Groves. 1223 Wi* mette avenue, butt week. Mr. Suffern has been appointed to the chair of Economics at Beloit collage, but is representing the National Industrial Commission, this summer, Investigat- ing the labor question in the coal fields and interviewing operators and miners. ..•.-,.•'., Miss Alice Shurtleff. 715 Lake ave nue, returned last Sunday from abroad, where she has been since Oc- tober lot with her aunt, Mrs. Minnie Crippen. Miss ShurtlefT was a stu- dent at the American* School of Clas- sical Studies in Rome; ' She and Mrs. Crippen have been' visiting various points off; interest In Europe since the school term closed. - < | Wiiaf Peepls Ara Dsing; r------in "'-- in TTlff m Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cranston of Elm street have returned from an ex- tended trip, through Canada. . Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal and chil- dren are at .their summer home at Charlevoux, Mich. ;: ; Mr. C. E. MUler of Chicago has pur- chased the house at 788 Hill road and moved his family to Winnetka last week. Bob Elmer leaves Winnetka, tomor- row for a five years' absence in the west. He Is an ensign in the navy and is to be stationed aj San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Wehrstedt j have returned from' their honeymoon trip to Denver and Colorado Springs, and have opened their home on Cherry street. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Poff have re-1 turned from their visit with Dr. Foil's [ parents at OIney, III., and they are j now occupying their home at 1010* 1K>U HAVE A Jl i for a wife provide a proper setting by start mj: a bank account for her in tin.- good, reliable home _bajik. . \ J ' It takes a load from a woman's iniml to know she has a bank account to fall back on in case of need. " $fen and women who spend all a* they Kd surely come to sorrow. A small account,will'grour sur- prisingly, once you have it started. OpenTriday evenings from fWB^P^M. wilmette; ?^t1B^nk * *#■ _*. About twenty young women enjoyed a picnic Monday at Ravinia park hs tbe Young Woman's auxiliary to thi Woman's club. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Klem. 420 Park avenue, entertained at dinner last Saturday. Mrs. J. Hlchter and Mrs. Ruderbauser, both of Chicago. ^^; Wilmette Societies and Clubs The Woman's. Mission and Mrs. R. H. Talenskc. 226 Tenth street, entertained a number of friends from Bircbwood Wednesday, at lunch- eon, for her guest, Miss Merle Von Hagen. Mrs. Talenske will give a bridge party Friday afternoon for Miss Von Hagen. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk = Aid so Jlety of the Wilmette Baptist church held their July meeting at the home of Mrs Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Day spent tho week-end at Gray's lake. Mrs. C. H. Smith Is spending several weeks In northern Wisconsin. Miss Claudia Coxe left yesterday to spend ten days in Wewanee. Miss Dorothy Rice Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. S. A. Wheelock. Mr. John C. Dlaylock, 230 Doyle court, also attended the convention. Miss Jennie Wolnland, 706 Green- leaf avenue, is visiting in Whoaton, 111. Mrs Kiuiur of Mendota, 111. la vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Sctielden- helm. Mr. Charles Major, 215 Ninth street, will spend the week In Phtla- Wednesday I delphiu. Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Kliksey of j Chicago spent Sunday at tnc home of The meeting of the Tuesday Bridge | Mr. and Mrs. John B. Boddie, 836 16th and Luncheon club for this week has street. M. P. Vore, 526 Eighth street, j on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Taber led j in the devotional services, and Mrs. W. J. Weldon gave a very interesting | and Instructive talk on "Japan, thel Island Empire." The August meeting! is planned as a purely social one, and j a picnic to Ravinia park will probably be arranged. | Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ocaur cater ""tlffiecl'"thei "Evening Card club at their j home, 8231 Park avenue, Saturday. The Drama Study class will bo en tertained by Mrs. Louis Bruch, 1201 Greenwood avenue, next afternoon. % -- been postponed for two weeks, owing to the absence of a number of the members on vacation trips. The next meeting will be on the 28th of July at tbe home of Mrs. George Weaver, 812 Ashland avenue. The Central Avenue circle will meet tomorrow at the home of Mtb. I. H Adkins, 1112 Central avenue. ■ bridge. Mrs. J. B. Whitley entertained Eight club last Tuesday tn<; Mrs. William Freeman Is entertain- ing her niece, Mrs. A. L. Tlchenor of Pasadena, Cal. Roger Loveland. a former Wilmette lad now living in Waterloo, la.. Is vis- iting Albert Scheidenhelm. Mr. Allan Crippen, 1025 Llndon ave- nue, returned Thursday from a three weeks' business trip in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cutler and tam- __ j lly leave tomorrow for White Lake, "ifTs: John W. Cullen. 1231 Ashland MI^" for a v,Blt °J 8evoraI week8' avenue, was hostess to the Friday ; M,8a Irenc 8t°Phcn8- 418 «»" •*«*«. club this week, entertained tbe mem- 't*1 Weane84«r tor Milwaukee, where bars for luncheon and an-aftemootr of! ■**■*«•«*» to "WaJor two weeks Mr. Harry Cumberland, 119 Fifth street, left Wednesday for an extended" trip through Oregon and California. Mr. and Mrs John P. Brooke, 125 Sixth street, are entertaining Mr. Brooke's mother and sister this week. Mr. A. C. Thompson and family, 1115 Forest avenue, are at their sum- mer cottage in northern Wisconsin. Or. E. R. Mulford of La Crosse. Wis., came Saturday to visit his brother, Mr. H. B. Mulford, 835 Elmwood ave- nue. Mrs. Mary K. Springer and daughter, Mary. 707 Central avenue, left Wednes- day for St. Joseph, Mich., to remain three weeks. Mr. John Goislcr. formerly of Wir- mettec, is visiting friends here this week. Mr. Geiuler is now in business in Wichita. Kans. Mr. F. M. Simmons and family, 110 Fifth street, leave July 18 for Delavan Lake, Wis. They expect to remain there two weeks. ... ______ Judge Alexander C. Rucker of Louis- ville, Ky., spent several'days last week with his nephew, Mr. Joan* Boddie, 836 16th street. " '^attstr Mtaa Helen BhurtleirffTr&ke ave- nue; returned list week from Boulder, Mrs. W. B. Davles. 530 Forest ave- nue, will be hostess to the Bridge and Luncheon club next Tuesday. Miss Clara Noursc entertains the study class next Wednesday afternoon. A bridge luncheon'will be given at the Country club tomorrow at 1 o'clock p. rn., and a club party on Saturday at 830 p. m. The first division of the Ladles' Ala society of the Methodist church met Monday at the home of Mrs. Lcroy --Hill, 1620 Columbus avenue. The second division of the Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist church met Tuesday of this week with Mrs. S. J. Beatley on Elmwood avenue. . Mrs. Ceorge Bird entertained her Luncheon club on Tuesday. Lake Delavan, Wis., where they will ; remain a-month. Mrs. J. Hampden Fultz of Louis- ville, Ky., who has been the guest oi Mrs. Edward Zlpf. 926 Lake avenue, for several months, left last week for Boston, Mass. Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Campbell, 626 Gregory avenue, loft Tuesday of last week for New York. Before their re- turn they expect to spend two months traveling in Europe. Mr. Edward H. Moore, with a guest, Mr. P. II. Manning of Omaha, is spend- ing a month's vacation at the home or hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. H- B- Moore, 1223 Elmwood avenue. Rev."L. O. Balrd is president of the Congregational assembly at Frankfort, Mich., where, with Mrs. Balrd and the members of his family, he will remain during tbe summer. Miss Elizabeth Lounsbury, who has been the guest of Miss Dorothy Ander- son, 1123 Elmwood avenue, for the past ten days, returned to her home In Rockford. 111., Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Moore and little daughter, with Mr. Edward Moore, and Mr. M. P. Manning left Friday, July 3. for an auto trip to Brown's lake, re- turning Sunday of this week. Mrs. W. O. Glover and small son, Wilbur George. Jr., 1236 Forest ave- nue, are spending tbe month of July visiting relatives in Troy and Coopers- town, N. V., and Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Powell, of Mon- tana, announco the birth of a daugh- ter. Mrs. Powell was formerly Miss Marcel la Merrill of Wilmette, and Mr. Powell's former home was in Win- netka. Cards nave been received from Oma- ha, announcing the marriage of Miss Lettie Wagener of that city, to Mr. Charles W. Lasher. Mr. Lasher is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lasher, 124 Laurel avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. Stuart S. Crippen and family, 1026.Linden avenue, loft Sat- urday for Muskegon, Mich. From Muskegon they will go to Lake wood, to open their summer cottage for about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. P. 11. lleffron, Mrs. Walter Lockwood, and Miss Lock wood were the Wilmette guests at a dinuei given Thuraday by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Fitzgerald of Winnetka in honor or Rev. F. J. Haartb. Rev. and Mrs. Harry B. Heald and their family left Wilmette Monday for Portland, Me., where they will spend the summer. Reverend Heald will take charge of bis new parish in Port Chester the first of September. Mr and Mrs. Goodhue and their three daughters, formerly of Chicago, have moved into their residence at 246 Linden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Goodhue are the parents of Mrs. James C. Crosslcy of 427 Washington avenue. Miss Viola Kaufman returned Thurs- day from Jacksonville, Fla., where she has been active in establishing schools under the Associated Charities during the past two years. Miss Kaufman, expects to spend moat of the summer in Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. C H. Klemm of Park avenue are filling the role of proud and happy grandparents this week, since tbe birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Klemm of Evanston last Wednesday. The boy will be named Robert Herman. Mrs, Lascheck, and Miss Wortz, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Becker, 113 Fifth 'street, leave this week for Marsballtown and Iowa City. lira. Crocker, of California, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Becker, en route for Seabrlght. N. J., where she will apend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Worley from South China, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Blaylock, 230 Doyle court, return this week to their cost tioo.ooo. Mrs. Korrady has a guest from Phil- adelphia. ■■•»>■" ">■ Mrs. C. K. Parmelee sailed Tuesday for Europe. Mrs. Peter Hath bone sailed the elev- enth for tbe United States. Mrs. Emory Cobb Andrews bad a thimble party on Friday, July lOtb. Mrs. Dent of Toronto is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Rcichman. Miss Blanche Thorsen Is entertain- ing her cousin, Miss Graham of Chi- cago. The small daughter of Mrs. W. N. Williams Is recovering from the chick- enpox. Mrs. Rufus Stolp and daughters have gone to Ephriam, Wis., for a few days. Miss Marjory Brompton, who for merly lived in Kenilworth, Is visiting Mrs. J. C. Murray. Alice Thorsen has returned home from the hospital, Where she under- went an operation for appendicitis. . Mr. and Mrs. Merrill joined Mr. and Mrs. Howard Durban, Friday, for a two weeks' motor, trip through Wis- consin. . Mr. and Mrs, Green and son, Gordon, hare closed-<their borne In Kenilworth. They hav^ opened their summer home on White Lake. The new homo of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin L. Hell on Oxford road Is now be- ing decorated, and they hope to take possession In the near future. Mr Grant Ridgcway had one ot the best scores at the Skokie In the 36 hole medal handicap tournament. His score was gross 167, handicap 18, net U». &* ' Mi»» Higuarira, of Havana Cuba, who ha« been the guest of Mro. Paul Schulzc. Melrose road near Sheridan, for tli..- nasi two weeks, left this week for the east. Mr and Mrs. *\ W. Cuoiidge left tbe latter part ot the week for a three weeks' visit In Boston. They will be the guests of Mrs. Coolldge's sister; Mrs. Sharp. Thursday was ladles* day .u the Kenilworth beach. The worsen and Children went in swimming in the morning and ate their luncheon on the beach, it is hoped by the committee to mak. this a regular day for social gatherings, and to popularize the beach with the women. Mr and Mrs. R. Gilke> were called back to Kenilworth when it wms dis- covered that burglars had entered their home on Kenilworth avenue. The burglars were caught and all the stolen goods returned. Mr. and Mrs. Gilke\ have been making their home in Nov York for the past year. They Will return soon. Dr and Mrs. Calvin Case. Warwick road, will sail Saturday for Europe on tbe Iniperator. Their first stop will be at I'arts, where Dr. Case will ad- dress the European Society of Ortho- dontists a body of dental specialists on "The Bodily Movement of Peace." They win also attend the International Pine street. Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Downs of Spruce street and Mr. II. H. Denntck of Rail- road avenue are In Minocqua, Wis.. where they expect to stay for the next four or five weeks. A group of Winnetka and Glencoe ladies were tbe guests of the Bowman Dairy _ company on a trip to Bristol, Wis., on Wednesday of last week. The ladies inspected the Bowman milk plants In that town on their visit. Miss Mary McFarlan is occupying her home on Spruce street after a long absence from Winnetka. Mr. F. S. Tyrrell, who has been living. In this house for the past few years, is now occupying the home recently pur- chased from Mr. Lowell Cbpeland., WE OFFER A REDOCTION on .11 >sr work during Jdy and Asgsst. We do Cleaning. Pressing gad Repairisg. The Wf-BtfeSsMit' and Men's Tailoring X Electric Place WIL/IETTE Ph»ne 241 I. W. SI PCS Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TEUEFH0NB WILMETTE 1384 Res. 1302 Wilmette Ave., WIMte, III. i i '■ i-1 i i Snowflake Ice Cream Purity, and Quality First Made in Wilmette Wilmette Fruit Store GEORGE PJERANTONI, Manager Whew, But It's Hot av ^^ John, don't forget to bring the meat home tonight. I'm depending on it for dinner. Now Mary, what's the use in my carrying home a package of meat from Chicago, this hot weather, whea we cam get the same, or a better grade, for the same^money by paying cash, right here in Wjlmette. Call up 278. j ?; A FEW OP OUR PRICES Prime Roast of Beef, per lb...............20c-24c Cooked Corned Beef, lb. 30c Beef Stow, lb.........12c-18c Sirloin Steak, lb. ...25c-28c Lamb Stew, lb.„..,....8c-20c Boiled Ham, lb.............42c Breast of Veal, lb.........16c Veal Loaf, lb................30c Bib Veal Chops, lb.......25c Shoulder Lamb Chops, per lb.....................22c Frankfurters, lb. 16c J I Nil I t?<iY 635 W. Railroad Ave. « *#• IHi s*Bl#Bs»lsf I Second DoOr South of Central Telephones 278 and 279 WILMETTE I FRESH ROLLS For BREAKFAST Many Wilmette Families have taken advantage of our early morning delivery Why Not You? All Bread Wrapped in --Wax Paper-- Wilmette Baking Co. II6S Wilmette Ave. Tit. Wilmette 449 MJtpn While on Your Vacation Remember Your Friends at Home with Beautiful Cut Flowers Leave your orders with us, we shall be pleased to fill your every want with strictly fresh flowers at lowest wholesale prices. Store: 615 Railroad Ave. Greenhouses: 1625 Central Ave. Telephone Wilmette 23 PYFER & OLSEM, Wilmette, 111. Successors STAR FLORAL CO. We deliver to any part of Evanston, Wilmette. Kenilworth. Glot.<\*r. Winnetka and all north shore towns. Also deliver flowers on board steamers sailing from any Iarg« port. Cental congress, whlcH iheets in Lon- don in August. Here Or. Case will deliver an addrettM explaining bis own methmi of constructing an apparatus for treating cloutalates. UNiVtRSlTY BUYS PROPERTY. Northwestern university has pur- chased from Louis S. Rico et al. the old residence property at C5 Univer- sity place, Evannton. where the Rice family lived for a great many years, occupying a lot 150 by 270 feet in extent, for a stated consideration of $20,000, sub- ject to $7,500 incumbrance. The dwelling is to be remodeled for use as a dormitory' for women, with ac- commodations for thirty. GIVES SIGHT FOR HOME. Mr. Francis A. Hardy of Evans- ton has given the Chicago. News- boys' home a fine tract of ground in Chicago, and there have been enough contributions so that the building is well under way, and the 125 boys in the home wilt soon be well cxtGi for in a new one which will con- tain all the modern improvements and Linen and Mohair Soils BE-comfortable during tbe warm daya this month and next. Let us make you a beautiful LINEN, MOHAIR or LIGHT WEIGHT SERGE SUIT. We are making special inducements in prices. It is worth your time to investigate. CLEANING, PRESSING AND REMODELING Work Called For and Delivered GEORGE J. EBER ,m CR,tINL1A^^*ltt?E SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 J, W. Mejer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wilmette 501 Fir St ,, PKone G75-L. AUTQ-DOCTOR Will call, examine your car, give estimate arid do work in your own garage. E. C. MELVINE -WJNNETKA AT YOUR SERVICE When in' need of any Ladies' or Gentlemen's: 'tailoring Telephone Wilmette *trV We • are here to try and please you. IK KAPLAN LAMBS' AMI <.KNTS' TAILOR Hellr.m Bldg-. 6S5 Knllroad Av«- . *' •»: - Cast, Iron, Aluminum. Can be welded and made stronjr «s new. Cell np the American Welding Co. (Not Inc.) A. P. OR AH AM. MftT. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phone Wilmette 1381 Wilmette. Illlnoil Dressmaking Including fancy suits and evening \vraps. Corsets made to Order MissM. Boland Room 54, Brown Bid*. Tel. 1336 - ■ . .J,['I. '■ ■ ' "■ . ! and Undertaking Company £ Wes*ern Casket doer ttot mean a Cheap Casket. It does mean a Cheap Price. We carry a line of Caskets ranging in■prices from Twenty-Five up to Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars. They are Caskets you will pty from Fifty to Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for any place else. We manufacture all of J>ut owar Caskets >a*i mtr Own Factory.tyus. sairtag you from 'Thirty to fifty Per t&ni. WM.K. "COTT (eight year, with J. JL Hebbletiwaite) i» manager and part owner of our Wilmette Store and wfll give his personal attention to every detail. CJJf'V challenge a comparison ai prig**, .«A y-^ff-fr- Ayy, tfmm service AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNI3HEP WHEN DESIRED. Phone Wilmette 280 WM. H. SCOTT. Manager 1123 Central Arm*