Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1914, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY S^WW. mi >4HMfJNH4ft ttMWi 3*USL££±S£S £VfJty TMUBSAV thc 00WHAN rvmutumc co. in tbe seech ef ei'cryjads',ISie pie- MP' *■«. faanae* We* balanced of- ferlngs at the better hsunn always liitwH « a«a«nd~<4*ss matter Marc* IttMMH, ttO«>r tbo »ot «* March 8. 1*7*. nil communist kma to The New*. WUuwtu-. Anonymous will not t>e noticed. «*- SSastfiacifertS srMI «ot fee <r**»*ro«l _ <xviB«mm«>t«Ml toy postage■ All mat- for msnUeatlop in the current smmWs „a» «b»«M ms4» oar «Boe ool Js*er aeae Tumaar aoaa- --«ms==; . ■'...........'..,'. ■......------- -.......■ -■= TMUB4DA Y, .HJLY % MM. Wtven <** Keter* <* trflairtt*, at a , jlpMCMP 4§jS€XmM$ A494 4fcstt aUMW Zi« Ay- *feorfsed the nerdaase of as aeestfen- . ai Jot, end tae ametaoa of an addi- tional scbool building thereon, an- other ate» wee taken la tbe right direction, it la, however, bard to ^realise end greatly to be regretted that ao Mttto Utttrrwt waa taken fa aa election with an issue of such vital faseortenoo at stake. The* popula- tion of Wllmette fa steadily increasing and tboae who haye made a study of and are, therefore, fa a to know, realize that oar esheot bnlldlngs are tnadcmuste for Ilia pmer nf nerds Crowded school rooms, in spite of every precaution, must lead to un- i»y£iea!e conditions. Coneentretion In « crowded atmosphere is well nigh I impossible, and no one can expect a child to thrive, either mentally or physically, under such conditions. It follows, therefore, that If you ex- pect the public schools to serve the purpose for which they are Intended, jgp; to prepare your boys and girls for any contingency which may arise later in life; to teach your boys to think quickly and to grow up'fearless and independent, and your girls to be broad minded and womanly, you, ou four part, should be willing and even sniious to help In every way possible. It fa astonishing tbat of tbe two thou- •and and more voters In Wllmette, only eighty nine took the trouble to vote on this Important question, gad that thirty-one of tbls number ex- pressed themselves as being opposed to the building of additional scbool buildings. Luckily, the proposition Mas carried (although by a ridicu- lously small margin) and it is to be boped tbat tbe preliminary work will be started without unnecessary de- m * * BANS AND HTVPllh We have had a sane Fourth. Some argue tbat It was also a stupid Fourth We are prone to go to the excess. In former years it was anything but sane and tbe toll of death ran Into the hundreds. Now the sane idea has taken hold and we have gone to the other extreme, whore the day Is more ajjajorris aad as* flrsa «f gfsa ■sseafsrtaiera ajwriaHaaa la sua rail nasi testes, and the overbad of fmodaertna is done in ijJBii as cstsrtsSsisg g»m«i«--■ tbat rt does sot bore or tine one. Then the motion picture Is maay times am««. leg, aad a good laugh, or a aeries ef then*, good for a person both phy- sically and men tally. The saotioa eietase theater esters a great deal tot a snail price. K Is a legitimate ln*titution and with all tbe adverse criticism tbat it has re- ceived of ia*e K ssssgsga and will re- main a benefactor to tbe majority of tbe population in search ot entertain- ment at a moderate coat. # * * ONE THING THEY EOBOOT. The citizens of Wilssette are hot on tbe trail of tbe Chicago & Milwaukee Electric railroad. They aired ail their complaints at the meeting of the vil- lage board of trustees on Tuesday uigbt. And they nave been prom- ised tbat action will be taken to prevent tbe electric road from renting elevated cars and making no-stop runs to Raviola park. But tbe people who complained for- got to mention one thing. That is the manner in which the electric road overcrowds Its cars. Crowding Of street cars Is a common thing. JMo person expects to get a seat wheel h* gets aboard. If there is a vacant one be is pleasantly surprised, but if noth- ing but standing room is availble he la not disturbed. But when it comes to tbe place where a car is loaded to twice Its capacity thorn It is time to remonstrate. The special train from the concert at Ravlnia park left before the pro- gram had been concluded on last Sat- in day night. The next ear arrived just at tbe time tbe concert was out and ot course was loaded to the guards. A, man from Bvanston states that there were one hundred and thirty people on board. The cars are »upp*r»<-<l to ac- commodate only sixty. The «>IH- lain ot the electric rood should r« mantbur the wreck of several yearn an<> ut ma edge of Wllmette and the uamags suits which followed. On. of the causes of this accident was .,v<ii.>u<i ing the car. We are of the opinion that they arc flirting with the courts again when cars are loaded the way they were last Saturday night. H ■ »..... . ' ' '.- .'.I'lipi- ' ----■■■ The ssmHW. iter. 43afe. will preach at 10:48 aea*. Mua- dar agaridag on *«he fJnbsawtL*' M tbe 1 ve o'clock vesper boar, the aersnsa «/*■ be areacbed by Or. V. M. Towns, bis subject being. "Tbe' PsS- pttm Only Buslaeas.** At tbe ESpworth league service at <C:1S, Doetor Towne will talk on "Frcacbers and tteacberr Wives." ' .-ffti ifuuaay arbool meets every' ««»- day a* ft'39 witb good cftsases for sxX All bora and girls and adults who are apending 4he|r vacation in Witanetxe. are invited to this sebooj. SMflfTBTTOltll HOWFttSHECBAK A Pa/iUWa^rs All Tfcat Is ti&xi&d tft flSccoMfif OlgsJdfat *™ V^-"^^'^ ^s^p* ^BrmgBBUjar^ar p^W ^j^P(* i i *mM *Ut* fa*. Do you keaar /bow to teM a atrictty fresh egg? it you don% acre is a IXavinia Park fShursday and learned sjsapie metaad. it is used, by an jBvanaton man and he ta natwdag it along tor «he benefit of ftbe bouse wires of Wusaetxe ttirough Tbe bake NMH Cfcief Shafef OrcJers Officers OMtfCiuy, 1&74 Bl/ll The Oeajdaines casnp meeting wMljfibore Newn. open Wednesday and a number of Take a pa» df water and drop tbe: tbe ladies of tbe cburcb are planning j eggs into It. If the rgg Is strjetjy to spend ThuiMuay there, it beiag I fresh it will sink to the bottom and j Woman's day. Tbey wiU go across j bounce right .am f«pain and tben no the country i* automobiles, a eJs-1 down to th« bottom again. If it t* tance of about 12 miles. A number stale it *W float nearly even with of tbe cbarcb people will retamla sev-itbe water, and If the egg la entirely oral days. j had it will float out of tbe water. At 7:45 there will be preaching in j This teat fa atai'l" and eosts notto- Swedisb. All Swedish people wel-1 ing. Vowing eggs Uirough a glass and come. jail other devices fade away t» com- ----------------------------- '. parison to this for au economical and Fir* Coa^reostioaal Chore v j satisfactory teat, Roy Edwin Bowers, minister, 1105, "*" ■** -- Luke avenue. M Is Daily flttppfy of Cake. Sunday morning, tbe sermon theme j A Wlebita attorney la veyw load at wiO be "NeJgbbors." a discussion oi a certain kind of cake bis urffa la <sp> tbe social problems of our increasing J **"* ** vompivx Wllmette Hfc, jNo aaone bunas-sjussy aausle im Bv- anston. Y*u*iV*1waBjd«rfiBss»amudr Sbafier to rua out ail auusfc anabera u*e are reading tbelr assaat atnsisu; I das* money. A report easae fm Saturday from tbe llotellioanetttbatabuniyawdyntan waa ebnssag bis moaaey, ssaee ae was i a good enough beggar. A vJcHaiot was ebaaed out of South bvanston Saturday. So "This Is tbe 14 i> u is gone Crow BvamaUm streets. MARCH TDD CTBCMUDti*, One < f tbe borses belonging to tbe fStooi- National guard died wbile tbe troop .vas caeasnaed mi JBtaasMam Friday nhjkt. Ito:<ad -■*»■■■ pwsi* ^pwesv dMflMsw sheep are shea red in this country each year, yielding 2^D0Sv«M pounds of wool, won* »65,m/M. ig. Recently she left foab rj*"=* Ifastiw Waa of Asbaatea a visit with her parents, and betor? The flrst nsa of asbaatoa was in tbe STATE BANK':>fEVAN5TON /< TRUST COMPANY Never Too You Yqt5 <ean almmym, fssk that tfce offieers aud may ploye* of thm hank are »dad to serre you m ef-ety puusible may, : . ., They awn never too busy to gire eareful atten- tion to your own partwrular reqoitwtitfnia, and to •do it promptly, Farii*eru*wre, it i« uratityum to kuou- lliat the__ size of your aeeount does not determine tbe degree of eourtesy extended to yon. _ ERES J5LGS Sun< >.v evening at five o'fiock, the vesper address will be a continuation of the series on the Minor Prophets. Saturday afternoon, the Young Peo- ple's society will haye a social and supper on tbe lawn of the residence of Mr. James Watson, t«2 Forest ave- nue. Tbls will be followed by a marsh- mailow "roast" on the lake shore. All young people are invited. prayer meeting on Wednesday eve- ning, July 15, will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard liowen, 1215 Kim wood avenue. Kenilworth Mission Church. Sunday school will be held at st.30 l> m. next Sunday. Pr. C. II. Towne will preach In th« evening at 8 o'clock. Bveiyone welcome. The i-hurch Is on Kenilworth avenue, one block west of depot Good Will Toward All. How admirable Is be who docd euct grace to his own nature that he wll never meet any man with ready-pro vlded suspicion. Ho carries, tmvnrc mankind that presumption of inno cenco . . . which never ceases U be surprised at the spectacle of mean nesa and malignity.--David Wasnon, quiet than a "blue law" Sunday. ___We do1 not think that it takes can- non crackers and an aftermath of funerals to celebrate properly Inde- pendence day. Rut can't the noise and danger be divorced and ; till have • day of celebration left? Now a Amall boy twirls his thumbs and haa little to amuse him. The days of real sport with bandages and splints are gone, and probably they should he. but let us give the young patriots a Chance to celebrate In a "safety first" fashion which Is not stupid * * * ikhiks vMBBuartut. The picture showa are attracting the children away from the public 'library. On the face of It the tacts may startle aoroe<and even a few may say that if the "mVvles" do that they are a detriment. But, those who ad- vance that Idea do not give the motion pictures credit for three qualities: en tertainment. Instruction and amuse- ment- - -- The picture shows, or at least Onto which uw carefully ^haaagnd|la-! ^t"'^^tiaa^TOasiS and Judiciously censored, afford a place of entertainment at a price wita- "TU DO ANOTHKH HHttH'JH Amiim Hivr.n (Princess 1 iconic. ■ nor), enjoying *nut sati»iu<.t|on there may lie In the author ot New York's best seller, even If It is W..ild « Kiul," has sailed fur rhiRiaiwl whem, according to the press announcement, "she will shortly do another." "World's End" has every ovldc«» . »,..( ono of having been shortly done; it in exceedingly long drawn out if iIh author is fully determined to perpe • rata another, a proper concern tor the public should encourage her to do it shortly. In every sense i.f the word It Is one of the mysteries why a story which has not one thing to recommend it. neither interest noi purpose, Bhoutd achieve the fame, or the Infamy, of rank among the best sellers. An Immoral tale which, teach. es the certainty of retribution, which lays bare the meanest passions of the human heart in show the tragedy which follows upon their Indulgence, may bo moral In Its effect. The story which is simply Inanely and altnlessly Imd, with nothing to atone for Itti HhainelesHiiesH. n story such as "World's End," reflects anything but credit upon the reading public which gives It place among the season's best productions. rr w -i- A NSW NATIONAL I'ASTWK. Swatting the fly is getting to be a regular national pastime. It in a flno game. To make It more attractive and more effective, an element of competition should bo Introduced. not play a foursome at swatting the fly as well aa at golf? Handicap the players who are not accurate. Make those who are sure fire, scratch. Then start out. The Baptist Church. Sunday services held in the Woman's club building, corner ot Tenth street and tlrecnleaf avenue. Rev. B. Frank Taber, pastor. Res- idence, 1018 Eleventh street. Phone 1150 Wllmette. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Morning service at 11:00 a. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m: Tbe subject of the pastor's morning sermon will be "Palm Tree Chris- tians." In the evening the subject will be: "Lessons from the Life of Caleb.' The men's chorus will furnish music at both services. The monthly me going baked a large cake. She knew tbat if she left the entir* cube where her husband could find ft be would eat it all In one day. so she cut ft Into sheas bad bid them in various parte of the house, Bach day she writes her fryrfriTfff, ami in tbe letter she tolls him where ha aan nod a plana of the cake.--Kansas CRy Star, onannf at furp of eraaietonr robcB fep.; tbo AMfent r "Only tbe tired man knows the mmtmm ot repose."--t w. Hand fard- THE EVANSTON Why Not Hamt fie bad held forth tor so top? en tbe subject of his adv.i :ur- :: lust the entire smoking room wse "ttleetiy bored. Finally be reach -4 1' lb "It was there that I first f*i# r •nab ""Jb Ing tiger," he annoni i>".\ > ---^tfi^'y. "Pooh? that's nothing ' fal" t niJ4t looking little man, edging M-wajg'tha door. "I ones ngw a man es'ing n> bit" And he saun'erod gracefully out.--Lippincotfs. Cultivate Intlection. Vs ry «jno has the power of speak- ing with sweet Inflection. Every one an i-.tu-An a reposeful utterance gad clear enunciation by training the ear ing of the Woman's missionary society] and voice to work together In avoid- wlll be held with Mrs. M. P. Voro, \ Ing harsh topes, and cultivating the 52« Eighth street, on Monday after- j middle and more mellow register 10 noon at 2 p. m. Mrs. W. J. Weldonj every voice. Excitement sends It up will have charge of tbe program. Tbej to a screaming pitch, but self-control Heal Thing at i-ast. The Customer--"These graua .pern I phonograph records are no can't get anything out of half of them." Tbe Salesman "Yes. they are our finest achievement. You never can tell When they'll sing. They're ao tempera- mental"--Puck way to Earn Estesm If you want to associate win. tuew Who think you have brains and charac- ter, be surn to seek Uioho with whom you ogreo In politics and religion The others aro certain to regard you as a pale blue fool und a tesBclated jackass. --Houston Post. Had to Have Photograph. Husband comes in to And his wife turning everything topsy-turvy, "dra. clous, Isabel! What you doing?" "I Just received a telegram from Aunt Jane saying she'll bo here at fl:3U and I can't find her photograph any- where." Product Requires Work of Many. Two thousand nine hundred Bilk, worms aro required to produci. oqe pound of bilk, but it takes -..coo spldurs to produco ono pound of web. Serenity Beat. Passion is out of place in any utacua sion aud more than ever in a right cause, for It befogs and bemuddlcs u --Gogol Wise Office Boy. Chlof Clerk--"If 1 am wanted 1 will be with the manager" latest Ac- quisition--"Yls, sir. An' If you are not wanted whero will yer be?" will lower it aggln. and Its playground should bo through the varying bar- monies Or cadences of Jive notes. ----•------ - <im- mm--------nn " ir -- Pre-Raphaelite Revival. A distinguished painter employed a small boy from a neighboring slum aa a model. lie gave tbe child some teg, and asked hbn if he would like brown bread or white, expecting, as Is usual witb such >oungsters, that be would ask for white. The boy, however, asked for brown'bread "Hello!" ex- claimed the painter, astonished, "do you like brown bread?" "Yes," replied the boy, "It's got more nitrogen In it." Height of Happiness. Qretcben. tbo Jlttlo Ceiman maid, was given a dresa belonging to ono of the daughters of *no house, who went to collie Cr. when had a his- trionic soul mid loved to "live lives." Upon returning from her "day out" she was asked if shu had had a good time. "Oh, yah," she replied. "I felt ohoost like a colltdge golrj." Observation of a Cynle. In navtiKu countries woman i? e beast of bunl. n, and in civilised coun- tries mi i u a beast and woman is 0 burden ijr.j Daily Reminder. Character l.i oenso of humor, and whatever . .0 it la that gtvea good woimi!i:io..d it.-, splendid character. At 104 North St.ite fft,. one door North of Washington St., you will find KOWARD KIRCH BERG Diamond Merchant Jewtler and Manufacturer Wedding nti^-. and Rilt.s of all kinds We re co in >>i. nd him lo our readers NEEDLECRAFT «HQP Clilhirea'» l»re»8es I lo lti^years. Ladies' Waists. |3.00 up. ToTOrder. Coin.-.tM to MeaHure. SinocKing. Hemstitching. THE NKICOL.E0ltA»*r SHOP, 717 718 Venetian Bldg.. 15 East Washington St.. Chicago, Tel. Ceatjftl ItlC*1^ 0»vUHMIK I): 11 \* 11 Happiness. There are no rules for felicity.*-* JBetOTHuse^^^^^^^^^*^^ 35,.an PLATS* imlM *«imlitc»«foilM<*irtWil|. Ottl oi.W.M M9I MH »«• ttMl t»» a wjmwuh. cj>*jjy i-TATiVOTialcifel Open •veninitB until 7 Sunday si to 12 DailyTs Thfah of thy brother no uX throw a veil mot bis fallow: t in/•will ■la VW VPP»»wsasVf»s»l»F» A woman mya that the longer man studies the carves of a decanter the closer he fa apt to Imitate them on his homeward Journey la the early morn. 1*4 Sold on Easy PaymenU For Rent on Easy lerms ALL MAKES NEW AND REBUILT Some Special Good Bargains Pull Line Typewriter Supplies H. E. CHANDLER & CO. 630-632 Davis St. Evanston """.r ■' jigS CH4A. E. MEW, Slav. THURSDAY n In Five Paris A storr of the oast sjfass of ffiaa**, sksivmgssttil» towWcktlmfrsatilai sjinersflood tbe ssiac with water- Avery aKitisg picture by Paths Frsras Co. FRIDAY, Matinee and Evan ing PR.INTS Fraaifa A story of mystery thst rivsls tbsss of aherlock Holmes. Keeps you is sos- peass till the sad. TANGO AND CABARET BIGGER AND BEFTBR THAN EVER SATURDAY, Matinee and Evanlng FATHER'S FLIRTATION SGSJJ? A two-reel comtdy that is s tough from bsginalng to and. ______________Ahatt A ATittLiajO COrlBPV ---- ---------;--------1 All 10c «»T,.^r' AUS-^UIOc %£\J:. VW For Vscation Needs we offer an exceptional selection of fiction as well as beaks of a more serious nature. See oar 1000 Titles ef Summer Fiction at............... /;.". THE PILGRIM PRESS IF W. JACKSON BLVD , Just West of State St. MAIL ORDERS OVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Subscribe for The Lake Shore News \V I N \ I V 1 \ A < =>= Evanston. Illinois A Week-End Thought Now don't try to be funny about that kind of a thought, for if you do your weakness will come to it- to think of today is this: Lord's comprises a body of about 100 helpers .who are at your service from 8 o'clock Mon- day morning until 6 o'clock every day lor five days a week, and on Saturdays until 9 p. m. ordinarily, but for two months, will you help us by doing.your Saturday buying before 6 o'clock, as we expect to close at that hour? DURING JULY AND AUGUST Store Closes at 6 p. m. on Saturdays number of strokes would be the .....----------.~~ - inn sViA

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