THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 9. 1914. SOCIAL HftPPENIM6S IN ■D...WIbM»TT»"<T The Young Woman's Auxiliary to the Woman** club will give a Raviuia picnic, Monday, going to the park tor the afternoon concert, and staring for dinner and the evening program. Mr* Edgar O. Blake, Mr*. M. H. Mc- Millen and Mrs. Hoyt King will ac- company the girls. • Miss Margaret Gloria Stafford cele- brated her tenth birthday. Tuesday. June 30. with a lawn party for about twenty of her friends at her home, 936 Sheridan road. Ten Camp Fire girls of the Navajo chapter, with Mrs. Davlsson, were hostesses Tuesday afternoon to about twenty-five Chinese girls and their mothers from the Chinese mission on the south side, who came out accom- panied bjr several of their teachers. The party was met at the elevated and escorted In automobiles to the west side,'where an old-fashioned pic- nic was arranged lor thcro. with games and plenty of good things to eat ! '"■:■" 'fT ;- }f ' rfl Mrs. Frank M. Harker, 1310 Sheri- dan road, entertained twenty of her friends. Informally on Tuesday after- noon of last week. Mrs. H. B. Gates entertained with a large family dinner on Saturday, July fourth. -Wifmette Societies and Clubs . A meeting of the board of directors of the Wllmette Woman's club was held Tuesday morning at the club house. The Country club celebrated Inde- pendence Day with a basket dinner for the members, at 7 o'clock, followed by the exhibition of fireworks on Ore lake front, which was the big feature of the day for the whole village. Ninth street, are spending the sum- mer at Christmas Cove, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ryner, 116 Fifth street, and Mrs. Bamsdell of Boston, spent the Fourth at Lake Geneva. Miss Crnmpacker of La Porte, Ind., has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. M. Stafford, 936 Sheridan road. Mrs. F. M. Harker left Saturday of last week to spend the month of Juy in Denver, Colo., with friends. Mr. andkMrs. Alpbeus E. White, 1030 Greenwood avenue, are spending a few weeks in Christmas Cove, Me. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tuthill, all Hill street, entertained guests from Chi cago at a beach luncheon,1'the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Kellar, 820 Greenwood Mrs. W. A Willard, of Omaha, Neb., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Snider, for sever- al weeks, left Tuesday to visit friends in northern Michigan. Mr. C. E. Rennecker left Monday to attend the Recall convention at Niagara Falls, where he will deliver an address before the convention. He will be away for a week. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Campbell and daughter, Hasel, of Almont, Mich., and Mrs. Robert Campbell, of Port Hur- on, Mich., are the guests of Mrs. E. A. Kaumeycr, 601 Linden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Skinner and Miss Bobsfe Skinner left Friday for Saugatuck, Mich. Mr. Skinner re- turned yesterday and Mrs. Skinner will remain in Saugatuck for several weeks. Miss Signe Petterson of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Is spending two weeks with Mrs. J. C. Mannerud, 904 Oak- wood avenue, who is also entertaining her ten-year-old neice. Miss Dorothy Scbradi, of Danville, 111. Mr. Paul Lobanoff, 1118 Green leaf avenue, returned Monday from the east; taking in New York, Philadel- phia. Atlantic City, and many other places of Interest. Mr. Lobanoff went as delegate from his fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Case, 1029 Cen- tral avenue, and their daughter. Mar- celle, left Friday to spend a month in the West, visiting Lake Louise. Se- attle, Salt Lake. Colorado Springs. Denver, and other points of Interest. Miss Dorothy Rae gave a concert in Milwaukee last Wednesday. Her many friends will be interested to earn that she is to sing in the choir of Grace Episcopal church, on Wabash avenue, during the months of July Miss Cornelia Jones. 1114 Forest avenue, entertained thirty-five chil- dren from the Motley school, Chicago avenue and Ada street, Chicago, of which MIsb Jones Is truant officer, on Wednesday of last week at a beach party. Miss Jones was assisted by Mrs. Bralthwalte, Miss Weaver Jou«ja, Mrs. Ford Jones, and five teachers of the Motley school. Miss Wise of Edge water and Miss Barrow, 236 Laurel avenue were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J: F. Pritch- ard, 128 Laurel -avenue, mat Saturday. The evening Was spent at Ravinia. Mrs. Fred M. Simmons will enter- tain the following guests at-a lunch- eon Saturday: Mrs. Wm. R. Johnson.* Mrs. Fred F. Sked, Messrs. Joseph Grant, Ira Ryner, John. Brooke, Wil- liam Mosher and Elmer Schwartz. An error was made in the wedding of Miss Barbara Hilllnger of 1R20 Spencer avenue and Mr. Peter Miller, both of Wllmette. which was pub- lished in these columns last week. The flower girl was little Beatrice Hilllnger, sister of the bride, instead of Beatrice Miller, as reported. OBITUARY. Mrs. Araviiia Luce Crockett. Mrs. Araviiia Luce Crockett, wife of Robt. L. Crockett, died at her home, 821 Oakwood avenue, last Thursday after a short illness. Mrs. Crockett was for nearly thirty years a resident of Oak Park, and wan a member of the First Baptist church of that city. She had been a resident ■ Min mill a inn nn it I What People Are Doing i inWinnetka Mrs. Heyliger de Windt and family will go east for the remainder of the summer. Mrs. BenJ. Carpenter and daughters are in Northeast Harbor, Me., for the summer. - J Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hoi lis are stay- i'ng at the Onwentsia club at Lake Forest." Mrs. F. E. Herdman and children are spending the summer at Frank- fort, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Allen, who have been abroad for two months, returned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Dallas of Oak street are spending a few weeks in the Wisconsin lake region. The annual beach party and picnic of the Wellesley girls living in the nearby towns was held Thursday aft- ernoon. Mrs. Louis J. Hopkins of Sheridan road gave a dance for her daughters. Ruth and Jean, at the Woman's club Monday evening. Mrs. Wallace and Miss Wallace of Worcester, Mass., were the guests of Mrs. W. G. Baxter of Willow street last week. ' Miss Eva Kiewik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kiewik of Church road. The Woman's Mission and Aid so-j wis., where they will spend the sum- ciety of the Wllmette Baptist church me/. will meet next Monday afternoon at J Mrs. C. E. Welland. 706 Greenleaf I o'clock at the home of Mrs. M. P.]avenue, returned last week from Chi- Vore, 526 Eighth street. The topic for j cago, where she has been visiting the afternoon will be, "The Island her son. Empire." Mr. and Mrs. Wells of Edgewater ~ """""" 'were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl- Mrs. Hoyt King entertained the ton R. Dart, 706 Greenleaf avenue, members of the , Neighborhood circle'last Saturday. | avenue, left last week for-Green Bay, land August. Mr. S. A. Ackley, State Secretary of Wllmette for about three years, and was a prominent member of the j an<i Mr. Mart Borre of Wllmette were Tuesday afternoon at her home, 711 Forest avenue. t -- The Evening Card club was post- poned from Saturday, the Fourth, to next Saturday, when the members will be entertained by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Orner. 823 Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopp, 225 Lin- den avenue, entertained relatives from the city, on the Fourth, at a pic- nic luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Greig. 835 Green- wood avenue, leave tomorrow for Ep worth, Mich., where they will remain I for several weeks. |, Mrs. E. W. Stahl and Miss Milll- * Miss Georgia Rogers entertained cent Stahl or Woodlawn. were week- tho Reading circle Monday afternoon.; end guests of Mrs. William Hess, on '"*""'. j Greenleaf avenue. I The Drama circle met at the home j Mr. and Mrs. Richard Douglas and of Mrs. Frederick Bowes, 1033 Green-j family of Waukegan spent the week wood avenue, yesterday afternoon. | end at the home of Mrs. H. Jordan. 505 Hill street. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Swan and chil- club met at the home of Mrs. R. W. |dren of Fort Dodge,'la., are visiting The Thursday Bridge and Luncheon Jordan last week. : Mrs. J. B. Davidson entertains the Cozy Corner circle this afternoon. I Mrs. J. B. Whitley will be hostess to the members of the Eight club next Tuesday. | Mrs. Sam Dingee entertained the Tuesday club this week for luncheon -and an afternoon of bridge. Mrs. Leroy Hills, 1520 Columbus avenue, entertains the First Division next Monday. Mr. and Mm. H. L. Droegmuellcr, 920 Greenwood avenue. Miss Dorothea Scnmedgen, 710 Greenleaf avenue, left Saturday for Canada, where she expects to re- main several weeks. Capt. J.. M. Lowe and Mrs. Lowo of Louisville, Ky.. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. o. W. Schmidt, 827 Elmwood, last week. Miss Jeanette Tuthtll, i2i> Fifth, street, was the guest of friends at Englewood and, at a picnic party at Jackson park, July fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Becker, 113 fifth street, are entertaining Mr. Becker's aunt and cousin. Mrs. Lasheck. and Miss Wortz, of Boston. Mr. and Mrs Edward 3 Lloyd. Vh Sheridan road, left Saturday for Col- orado Springs, where they will re main about two months. of the Y. M. C. A. of Virginia, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. P. R. Fin ley, 419 Ninth street, left for his home in Richmond last week. Mr. Ackley has been attending the con- ference at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Whitman. 930 Greenwood avenue, entertained the following guests last week-end: Dr. Louis Tbexton and family of Oak Park, 111., Mrs. Nellie Higgins of Au- rora, HI., and Mrs. Charles Higgins and family of Rogers Park. The Rev. and Mrs. Edwin B. Dean of North Dale, Minn., spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gates. Reverend Dean will be re- membered by the oder residents as the pastor of the Congregational church about fifteen years ago. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Culver and lit- tle son, Stanley, of 519 Gregory ave- nue, returned on Wednesday of last week from Mason City. la. Mrs. Bra- den, who has been the guest of Mrs Culver for several weeks, returned to her home In Nebraska last Thursday. Mr. John Clarke Baker. 347 Hill ■ street, returned last week from a month's trip in which be combined business and pleasure, visiting Spo- kane, Seattle and Vancouver, and re- turning by way of the Canadian Rockies. Mrs. P. *\ LobuooR, nl8 Green leaf avenue, entertained at dinner Sunday. Covers were laid tor ten. Miss Beatrice McKeuzle, who has just returned from a two years' sojourn In Europe, is visiting her sister. Mrs. Lobanoff. Mr. anu Mm. Arthur Allen kn Fri- day for a two weeks' fishing trip in northern Wisconsin. Mr Allen's mother, Mrs Caroline Ailen, <,( Kala- mazoo, and a sister of Mr.*. Allen, Miss KatheriiK Main, of Elkhart, Ind., will stay at the Allen home during Woman's club. , Mrs. Crockett is sur- vived by her husband, Robert L. Crockett; a sister. Mrs. E. J. Willey, of Koshkomona, Mo., and four daugh- ters, Misses Gertrude, Ruth and Grace : Crockett, and Mrs E. L. Reed of Ster- j ling. HI- The funeral was held Sun-! day at 3 p. m.. Dr. Denman of OakI Park officiating. The burial was at j Rosehlll. | united in marriage at the Sacrea Heart church in Hubbard Woods on Tuesday evening of last week. BROKE HER ARM. Miss Ethel Patiilia, the nine-year- Kenilworth News Notes Edwin C. Barnes, who is associated old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Richard I wlth Thomas A. Edison, the world) S. Pattllla, 620 Forest avenue, fell and I £amed Inventor, has purchased and i fractured her arm while playing In !now occupies the Rathbone house in her front yard last week. The gar- i Warwick road, which up to the flrst of j dener was watering the lawn and the jtho month was occupied by Alexander, m little girl, while running around the R- Hannah. Mr. Barnes formerly yard, caught her foot in the hose and !Uved at 2753 Woodbine avenue, Ev- | was thrown. It is reported that her laneton, and took possession of his new I broken arm is mending rapidly. home the flr6t of th,s week His offlce ' '_______________!ls located at 229 South Wabash ave- BEACH PARTY HELD ' nue, Chicago, and the transaction waj The Camp Fire girls of the Congre-!made through Clayton Mitchell. The The regular meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society at the Methodist church, which was to have been held today, has been post- poned in order that the members may j "• Liebeman, 161 Kline street, had their absence attend the "Missionary Day," held in as guests over the Fourth, Mr. and! Rev. T. K ti«n and wite a».d chit- jDesplalnes. j Mrs. Mulner, Mr Will Sef and Miss ! dren will leave Wllmette Wednesday Sadie Decker or Chicago. i to attend the D.s Plaincs camp meet- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Hennam fng. Mr. Gale for a number of years 1124 Greenleaf avenue, leave Satur j has been the efficient leader *,f the day, July 11, for, Wis., to young people'*, services there and has be gone for several weeks. again been cl.osen to conduct that Mrs. D. McDougall. 218 Tenth strict, j part of the camp meeting servh.s The Itev K H. Brighar... state su- perintendent of Sunday schools in Wisconsin, v, i.o was a delegate to the International Sunday school conven- tion in Chicago, spent several days In Wllmette last week with his aunt, Mrs. S. A. Wheelock. Rev Bngbam preached at tho Congi .Rational gational chUrcb had a beach party last Thursday night, which was fol- lowed by a council fire. This was prepared and lighted by Lillian Len- nards, Dorothy Jiodiuan and Nancy Sherman. For lighting a fire a girl is allowed only two matches. As the girls sat around the fire Margaret Rodman recited "Ode to a Fire." Dorothy Hodman read the ac- count of the ilrst ceremonial meeting, which she had written in rhyme. Constance Dibble told an Indian legend, liiu good night song closed the formal p..a of the meeting. courtesy, courtesy „..,(ts nothing, but u utum *>m MUL tiakm PflWrrHi_____ Rathbone home has been known as the show place of this suburb, and is one of the most beautiful places alont, the north shore. . Mrs. E. J. Bentlcy, on Elmwood. Is to be hostess at the meeting of the Second Division on Tuesday, July 14. Personal Mention of Wilmette Folk entertained a number of guests on the evening of the Fourth with a very pretty display of fireworks. Mrs. Stalham L. Williams luisd Elmwood avenue, entertained a uum- j ber of ladies at luncheon and bridge at the Skokie Golf club last Tuesday. Mrs. Albert Page is spending the j Mr. and Mrs. J E. Dean, in com 561 Fir St. Phone C75-L AUTO DOCTOR Will call, examine your ear, give estimate and do work In your own garage 6. t> MELVINE WKMNETKA SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 Taxi Gab Service Night and Day J. W. Meyer 6 Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 Wllmette summer in Colorado. I pany with Mr. ana Mrs. W. H. Dills'church Sundn. morning. June 27 Mr. Ray Smith and Mr. Hosier | and family of Evanston spent last' A party of oung nun spent Hot spent the Fourth at Lake Geneva, j Saturday and Sunday at Des Plaines. j urday and Sunday on a iisMiir trip Mrs. Lena Vollman entertained her j Miss Louise Robinson Is spending to Lake Marie, near Anti.xli Ai.iong sister and family of Ravenswood last several weeks with her cousin, Mrs. j them were Herbert Stafford of r;ten- bunday. Henry H. Shufeldt, at her summer coe. Will Norria, Jullen lies*, Harold Hubert and Buster Jordan have re- home, "Anchorage," near Oconomo- | Wheelock and Thomas Hall of Wll- turned from a week's visit in Mictai-iwor. wis j mette and,,George Kodeiius mid Dick gun. Mr and Mrs Thomas Wlnkopf of Chamberlain of Evanston. Dr. H. E. 15,1 rack inn n and Mr. Bet-{Rogers I'a.k announce the birth "* j ^^^=^--^--- - m;......... j terldge spent the week-end at Kelly n son. July 1. Mrs. Winkopf was ' cf^ix?/""* T AT during formerly Miss Pauline Graff of Wil- W^Ji £!iV/lA.JL JIJtY AMQ iiicyeT mette. We onVr a reduction of from Mr. and Mrs W G Beyer. 1022 j $10.00 •• $15.00 Lake avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. G. H. ! 2P«*4Sf,lf?'■**L,t* maJl* to order, and »» oo to Lake, Ws 4 ■Mrs. J. 8. Moersflcld spent last week with her cousin, Mrs. F. J. Clampltt. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mons, 921 Oak- Wood avenue, announce the birth of a son. June 25. Miss Georgia Rogers. Ninth street. entertained the Reading circle at her home Monday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dillenbeck, 1110 Lake avenue, spent Friday. July 3, at Vox Ijike. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Richards, 723 Central avenue, spent the Fourth at Gil more Lake. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Baudouinae are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David C. Bill- _yeald, 115 Fifth street. Miss Anna Crosby of Chicago spent the week-end with Mrs. R. W. Jordan on Elmwood avenue. -Miss Adele WiUi&ms leaves today to spend a month visiting friends and relatives in Boston, Mass dan, 505 Hill street, have returned from a week's visit in Duluth. Dr. and Mrs. N. P. Colwell. 717 Elmwood avenue, left Monday to spend two weeks at Macatawa. Mrs. Chat. L. Major and son, 213 Moore, 324 Sheridan road, motored to Nlles, Mich., over the Fourth and week-end. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs Richard Allen, B.'JO Central avenue, j Wednesday evening. He' will be named for his grandfather. Mr. Edw. H. Robinson. Miss Ruth Gates, who Is attending the Wisconsin university summer school, spent the recent holiday in Wilmette with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gates. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch and Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur Southworth leave Friday of next week to motor to Sis- ter Lake, Mich., where they will re- main several weeks. The-M.-U. MeMlilsn, Morton L. Pet- erson and Charles Eldridge families motored to Starved Rock tbls week. tl<<m«n*a Hulta made Ing iloqeat your home. tn order. Dree, THE UP-TO-DATE tiDIES' and MEN'S TAIIORIIK 1 KlfCtrlc Place WILMKITI] Telephone 241 Linen and Mohair Suits BK comfortable during the warm days this month and next. I < t u» mak, you a beautiful LINEN, MOHAIR or LIGHT WEIGHT SERGE SUIT. We are making special inducements in prices. It is worth your time to investigate. CLEANING, PRESSING AND REMODELING Work Called For and Delivered Jftrrxoe"1*!? I 17 tlirn ,m creenleaf avenue O1VVSK\0J& J. JLD1VK Telephone 18 : WILMETTE ■----#mljL -l!J - ' (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Located at Wilmette, State of Illinois, before the commencement of business on the first day of July. W4. aa made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. _5'J RESOURCES. Loans on real estate.........*....------.......••"• ■ JJAhS**?-■ • Loans pn collateral security.............. -;■.....«I2*Si"i[ Other loans and discounts .............. -...:.. 133,832.3!* // ,.-.. .r-rr..--rrj: ,.-;•- .••*/;/ - ., .„.,-, T.;-------$305,096.21 Overdrafts yiW'J*................\.......>.*..... '.^ ?% ** ^73^0 Investments: f '"* Slw^' - State, county and municipal bonds..-...,.......9 |.*w.QQ Public service, .corporation bonds......,»,....... 45tQ(JV,QO Other bonds .and securities....................• 15,000.00 . ------~--fef 68,4100.00 Miscellaneous Resources: Banking hodse*.................................I 20,000.00 Other resources, Safety vault..:......•......... 6,000500 -------.. ■■; f 25,000.00 Due from Banks: State ".........................................♦ 38,§09.48 National .., . _................................. 7,573.76. "------------|T*B,i83.2l Cash on Hand: . __ * ,.■ , . Currency......................................•$ 8.025,0§ Gold coin .. ..................................■ ■ 225.00 Silver coin ..................................... 1.250.0© Minor coin ..................................... 312.00 - --------------1 ~~ 9 9.812JB0 Total resources .........................................$615,064 93 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In.......................................9 76,000.00 Surplus Fund ..........................................------ 18,750.00 Undivided Profits.................................$ 4,764.03 Less current interest, expenses and taxes paid.. 2,949,11 ------------------$ 1,814.92 Deposits: „'" . Savings, subject to notice...................... .$174,781.28 Demand, subject to check....................... 223,177.30 Demand certificates ........................ ... 18,802.18 ----'--------$416,760.7G .Miscellaneous Liabilities: Postal savings funds ...... -----................9 2,739.25 $ 2,739.25 Total liabilities .......................................$515,064.93 I, J. II. Schacfer, Cashier of the Wilmette Exchange State Bank, do solemnly swear .that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl- edge and beliefs - J. H. SCHAEFER, Cashier. State of Illinois, i County of Cook. ? SS- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of July, 1914. [Sealj J. J. PETERS. Notary Public. SAVE YOUIUN&LF: Why Carry Your Meat Home from Chicago ? when for cash you can now get,. Light here in Wil- mette, North Shore Quality at Chicago prices? From us you get, at the lowest price, absolutely the best goods to be had. ... :'Ju '\ . * ^ \\ $\ V ==--HERE ARE SOME OF 01)8 PRICES-- Prime Roast of Beef, lb - -......................... 20c Beef Stew, lb-.............. _____.........rlSe Rump Corned Beef, lb~........r........................____20c Cooked Corned Beef, lb___...............................~ 30c Sirloin Steak, lb...........- ............._...........25c Porterhouse Steak, lb. .................._______30c Breast of Veal, lb. ......................._____........I6c Veal Jd>af, lb-........-................. ______1___80o Rib Veal Chops, lb. -,..........................____25c Shoulder Lamb Chops, lb.............................-,22c Frankfurters, lb....................... ........................__15c J. J. NILLES 0i5 West Railroad Avenue Wllmette Second Door South of Central Telephone s 278 and 379 Uiswsp Kathleen and Constance Jor- leaving early -Monday morning and returning yesterday. Mr. (Jeorge Murdocfc has rented his home at 1316 Elmwood avenue to Mr. Percy Carrel of Texas, and with his family left Monday to spend the sum* mer In Chautauqua, N. T. Try our superb line of Home Made Cakes Pineapple, Strawberry, Fig% Marsh ma How, Chocolate,Caramel and many other kinds Fresh Strawberry Pie Wilmette Baking Ce. CUT PKICE.S IN ALL BIDDING STOCK ---- --*----~----------■»-------- --------^-------------- C ANN AS,$1.00 doz.,fine large plants in bud GERANIUMS, scarlet, 50c to $1.00 doz. Aster.-. Pansies, Petunias, Salvias, Snapdragons, and all mis- cclUncous stock at greatly reduced prices to clean up. ROOSEVELT FERNS, special, 75c to $2 PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE WILMETTE 23 PYFt R^G OLS EM Successors to STAR. FLORAL CO. Greenhouses: 1625 Central Ave. Store: 61S Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS AT YOUR SERVICE When in need of any Ladies' or Gentlemen's tailoring Telephone Wilmette 667. We are here to try and please you. WM. KAPLAN IAU1K8' A»l> «EXTS' TAir.OK os.j Kailruad Ave. BeU'ron Hldg. Cast. Iron, £££■*•« Can be welded and made strong aa new. Call up the American Welding Co. J (NotInc.) A. 1'. fiKAIIAM, .Mgr. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phone Wilmette 1381 Wllmette, Illinois Heine-Made Ice Cream is the only* kind that we handle. Visit our Sanitary- Ice Cream Parlor Wilmette Fruit Store I'icrantoni Brothert, Proprietors Dealers in Ice Cream and Confectionery 1211 Wilmette Avenue All Kirrds-ot Fruits Cigars and Tobaccos Dressmaking Including fancy suits and evening | wraps. Corsets made to order Miss M. Boland Room 54, Brown Bldg. Tel. 1339 FOR RENT 7 ROOM FLATS Price $ 18.00 and $20.00 IV* Hack tut el fUalHrortk Das* W. R. WILSON Bex 72 Phone U46 I. W. SIPEaS Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TELEPHONE WILMETTE 13o4 lilt. 1302 Wilmette An., Wilmlii, III. Western Casket and Undertaking Company A Western Casket does not mean a Cheap Casket. It does mean a Cheap Price. We carry a line of Caskets ranging injprices from Twenty-Five up to Three fnmdreititnd Fifty Dbttars. They tre CasEets you will pay froni Firry to Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars for toy place else. We manufacture all of our own Caskets at our Qwil Factory, thus 'saving you from Thirty to Fifty Per Cent, WM. H. SCOTT (eight years with J. L. HcbblcthwaiS*} ia manager and part owner of our Wilmette Store and will five his personal attention to every detail. <f Wi challenge a companion of prices, and guarantee first class service. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED. Phone Wilmette 2 80 WM. H. SCOTT. Manager 1123 Central Arenne