Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1914, p. 6

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ilmette Churches Congregational Church. Edwin Bowers, minister, 1024 street. Sunday morning the n theme will be: "The Meaning the Lord's Supper." At the close the service, the Lord's supper will celebrated and new members will received, five o'clock the address will be the prophet, Zephanlah. The g people's meeting will follow service. ' Baptist Church. 8unday services In the Woman's building, corner of Tenth street Greenieaf avenue. Rev. B. Prank r, pastor, residence 1018 Kiev- street. Phone 1150 WHmette. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. Evening worship at 7:30. the morning the pastor's .subject bo. "A Favored Land;" a Fourth r July sermon. In the evening the pant or will give an illustrated sermon on, "The Spirit of '76," a story of the revolutionary times, illustrated with lino ,stcreopticon views and pa- triotic hymns. The music for the morning service will be a duet, ^iow Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds," by Brown, sung by Mrs. Ben Dago and Mrs. O. W. Schmidt, and a solo by Mrs. Gage. In the evening. Mrs. Schmidt-will be the soloist. The prayer meeting on Wednesday eve- ning, July 8. will be held at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Burns, 215 Ninth street. Presbyterian Church. ff'James Marquis Wilson, minister, "Jay Cooke, Financier of the Civil War." ■ . plpr. Wilson will speak on this sub Ject Sunday night, July 5. at the Pres- byterian church. Ninth and Creenleaf avenue, at 7:45 o'clock. Patriotic songs will be sung. ' ,Tho communion service and recep- tion of members win take place at 11 a. m. The pastor will speak on "Je- ©vah, Emancipator and Defender, in Midst of Thee." «3Sttbjoct Sunday- night, "Jay «," is the first of a series of ser- M on "Leaders In Human Progress." Men's League specially Invites THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1914. Church V It will be membership day. ported from Ashland avenue on Satur ! by a short, th:«k-»ei mas. about 5 A number will join the church. [day afternoon. Myra Hobbs, a little o'clock on Saturday. He was stopped The Sunday school will meet at 5-year-old girl whose home Is at 1504 and the child wag taken from him by 9:30. {Ashland avenue, was being led away J Mrs. M. J. Kelly, 1510 Ashland avenue. The Epworth League service will be led by Hazen Patterson at 6:15. any mora than for hire--but for love! * »*ted < only.--Buskin. Up"-v* ' --Chamfort. There will be no Intermediate and Junior church service in the afternoon. Kenilworth Mission. Sunday school every Sunday at 2:30, Mr. George Appleyard. superintendent. Preaching by Rev. T. K. Gale every Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Next Sunday evening a special pro- gram will be carried out among the members. Mrs. Case will give a violin solo and Mrs. it. J. Burrows will sing. Methodist Episcopal Church. «The pastor will preach next Sunday njpraing at 10:45 o'clock on "Sinners Injtho Church and Saints Outside the fMurch," and at 5 p. m. on "Which 100 EVANSTON MEN MARCH IN PARADE Delegation From This City Not as Large as Was Expected by the Committee. One hundred Evanston men marched in the Sunday school parade in Chi- cago on Saturday afternoon. The Evanston men gathered at Twenty- first street and Indiana avenue. The line of march started promptly at 2:30 with Colonel William McChesney as marshal. Colonel McChesney Is a member of the board of trustees of Northwestern university. The Evanston delegation had to wait an hour at their meeting place before starting to march, and when they had disbanded at Randolph street and Michigan boulevard, the parade still lasted for an hour. The Evanston delegation was not as large as was expected, but this was due to the late ness in making arrangements and pledging people to join the parade. [Open Friday Night, July 3, till 10 J Closed All Day Saturday, July 4th I Just Think! Remarkably Pretty Street Dresses Dally Think of thy blotter no m, bo throw a veil over his faiMnga.--Long fallow. Rosenfoer For Hot Weather Wear, ONLY : Floral crepes and fine quality linenes, semi-tunic effect skirt; collar, cuffs and belt trimmed with button-hole edge stitching; many pretty summer shades; sizes for women and misses. RUN OVER BY MOTORCYCLE. Harry Borro, a 7-year-old boy, whoso home is at 1921 Jackson avenue, was run over by a motorcycle at the cor- ner of West Railroad avonue and Em- erson street on Saturday afternoon. The man on the motorcycle was John Frlehage, 1940 JackBon avonuo. The boy was slightly injured and was at- tended by Dr. n. C. Stolp, of WHmette. Tho father of the boy was a witness to tho accident. Summer Dresses, for women nod misses, the latest long tunic ef- fect, fine lawns, voiles and crepes, figures, stripes and floral de- signs, collar and cuffs of fine white hemstitched organ die, gir- dles of silk and velvet O QQ ribboa.............. %J« iFO Exceptional Dresses, fine white voi!•• batiste and ailover em* bioJd< iy, fine net yoke, cuffs and collar of fine shadow lace, short ruffled or long tunic effect skirt, women's and misses' sizes. Special for this Sale ..••••••••»•••. X S 1" < ) You Can Still Get a 50c Tie for 25c We've just added about 400 new ones to the lot. There isn't a tie in the bunch that ordinarily sells for less than 50c, and a good many that should bring more. They're big, new, beautiful, silk shapes. Take your pick for only i ATTEMPTED KIDNAPPING. An attempted kidnapping Is Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE. WlfcMBTTE, 1640 Waal Ads in the Lake Shore News ire charged at the following rates Real Estate Classifications. 7 % cents per line. All Other Classifications, 5 cents per line. Miaimum Price. 15 cents. No advertisement charged for less than 25 cents. mmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmm \ ii-mi iiw an----m HELP WANTED WANTED--Young girl to assist la general housework. 916 (Iroenleaf- av. Phone Wiimette ,1129. ltp FOR SALE SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED BY* COL-! y .ored man as chauffeur or butler.' with cr -without wife as cook. Ad-! druiiri 1930 Asbury-av., Evanston,! la?iocQnd floor. . ltp] IBTperTence^ like steady position with private .family; single, age 34. Address j • Stephen Dokupil, 913 Aslt-st., Win-i . netka. ltc j WANTED--POSITION AS MOTU-I &«tv» helper or to do plain sewing; j - no laundry work. For particulars fall Qlencoo 325-j or address IS!) liaibor-Bt., Glencoe, 111. ltp' BOARD AND ROOM | BOARD --WITH OH WITHOUT "•' rooms; best of-home- cooking and '"plenty of it; a good place to get your dinners during hot weather. Call Miss Northern. Phone Wiimette 1>92J. Address 731 10th. 33wtf 1651 ASUURY AVE., THE ASBUItY. ROOMS SlNOtE OR EN SUITE. EXCELLENT CUI8INE. . PHONE -2392. JIRBVJF, C, DIEFENDOIW. lCw-tf MRS ] FOR SALE--NEW RHINELANDER side icing 100 lb. white enamel ice . boxes; ordinary price, $30; our price, $20. Smlth-Duce Co.. 1217 Wlimette-uv. Open evenings. tf FOR SALE--URAND SQUARE BOW- er & Co. piano; first class condi- tion; recently reflnished; will- guarantee tuning; $25. Excellent chance to buy a «ood piano cheap for beginner. Smith Duce Co., 1217 Wilmetto-av. Open evenings. :j4wtf Women's and Misses* Dress Skirts, made of good quality | AA white pique and linene, short or long tunic effect skirt... * •"" FOUR IN HANDS You probably want two or three at this price WOMEN'S HOSIERY--In fine cotton, high spliced heels and toes, wide garter tops, in white, black and tan...... Bathing Suit Time when Swimming Begins 9c WOMEN'S LONG 24-BUTTON GLOVES--In best quality silk, Paris point backs, sizes 6 to S%.......... 1.00 SOYS* AND GIRLS' HOSI- ERY -- Fine rib bed, in white and black, double heels and toes, BEACH AND KATZEN- JAMMER ROMPERS-- In best quality j ging- hams and crepe, in white and colors, neat stripes and plain ma- terials, size 2 to 8 years. CHILDREN'S MUSLIN DRAWERS-- Tucked and hemstitched ruffle, sizes 2 to 12 years, 8c et a Pair of White Shoes for the Fourth Of Course You'll Want Them Here They Are- Interesting Offers 2.00 WOMEN'S WHITE CANVAS 2-STRAP SLIPPERS, with covered low heel, hand turned soles, all sizes. Special at...... MISSES' WHITE CANVAS BABY DOLL PUMPS, mado af nn extra good oracle of white canvas, sizet» !1 tc Special, for this | i sale, at............m. • l WOMEN'S WHITE CANVAS 2-STRAP SLIPPERS,. with very neat ribbon bows, all sizes. Special, at............. WOMEN'S WHITE COLON- IAL PUMPS, made of white canvas, with narrow toes and high heels. Special, at..... 1.75 2.50 It's a real pleasure to know that right here, at heme, you'll find a really comprehensive selection of bathing outfits at prices as low, or lower, than anywhere else. ? ... WOMEN'S AND MISSES' BATHING SUITS, of fine all-wool alpaca, navy, Lblack and red, square and V-shaped necks, collar and waist prettily trim- med with colored silk and J AQ buttons....................4.VO BATHING SHOES, white and black........... BATHING CAPS, plain and figured rubberized sateen... 50c 25c WOMEN'S AND MISSES' BATHING SUITS, of fine wool brllliantlne, navy and black, sailor collar, trimmed with fancy braid, white dicky and tie.................. 3.98 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' BATHING SUITS, of good quality English cos!)' mere, square neck, trimmed \ with' braid or contrasting colors.................. 1.50 Men's in greater variety than anywhere along the North Shore. Cotton and wool, one and two-piece suits, comfortable and durable. Some superb values. A great range of prices--50c, 75c, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. Knit Bathing Caps, Water Wings and separate Trunks. Time For Suit Gases FOR SALE -FINK COMBINATION horse, a fine Indies' driver and a gentleman's saddle ilorse with four gaits; also for sale, a surrey and runabout; answer immediately. Ad- dress I) 1050, Lake Shore News. Ur FOR SALE--DROP-HEAD SINOKU sewing machine, in fine sewing or- der, $13. Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman a v.. Evanston. ltc FOR SALE-HOUSES jftJK BALE-HL'VK'N ROOM HaTT gain, near lake; owner loses money at |G,2S0; his loss your opiwrtunity. Phone Miss King, Wiimette 215. 1 have a cash customer for $7,000 to $8,000 house. ltc FOR SALE--$450.00 KIM HALL UP- rlght piano, in fine playing order; overhauled; guaranteed; $110.00. Patterson Hros., 1522 Slicrmanav.. Evanston. ltc MISCELLANEOUS FIRE INSURANCE--ROYAL INSUK-t ance Company of Liverpool, largest! lire insurance company in the I world, insures dwellings, household goods, rents; lowest rates. Charles --A,--Wight man--6--C-o^--resident agents. Phone 203. ltc Fibre Suit Case at An extra large 24-inch case, win. sirups all away round, leather corners and good lock and catches. Special,. 3.45 Matting Suit* Cases at, 98c -Made of an extra good grade ei matting. 24 or 2C inches Iouk some with cloth lining. Extra special, at...... 98c Drug Sundries for Summer A number of things that make tor comfort ----- <!tiring this 8<-«»on Mecca Compound for Burns......19c Fellow's Syrup Hypophosphites, per bottle....................$1.19 Milk of Magnesia, for acid stomach, per bottle ............... .....21c Headache Tablets (Reliable) per pkg........................15c Exodor, Perspiration Remover, jar 17c Dorothy Vernon Perfume, per oz..39c Colgate's Talcum Powders, 2 cans 25c Ashes of Roses, Rouge----- ......12c Pluto Water, 35c size............29c Mosquito Punk, per pkg............7c Seamless Gum Rubber Fountain Sy- ringe ..........................tf2c Eff. Sodium Phospate, bottle.....21c Peterman's Liquid Discovery, can 10c The Best Thing in Shirts tor These 3 Days sB=swasHssas v. ■**»«■■■■■ ■naBBBBaMMaBMMMMM mmmm aMMaVMMNMBBBi sMaVMi sasMssBiaaeBMBSBiBBaBM naasn* aaasssaaaasssiaHasBsa Is This Sale of Soft Shirts for 95c Fashionable Neckwear, Girdles, Bags, Etc. FOR SALE EVAN8TON HOMES BT LOST AND FOUND mason *OUND--JERSEY COW, SUNDAY evening, branded "U. II." Phone Wiimette 1494. ltc 1580 Sherman-av. ■---- A striking assortment of fashionable hair ornaments, fancy hair pins, bar- rettes, side and back combs, plain and with rhlnestone settings. riACKSTONE ORGANDY COLLARS, in several shapes. SpeclaHy- ^"^^ --^ priced, at..................Jaw*Jw EMBROIDERED COLLARS, made of very sheer lawn, all the ^^a** newest shapes..............wOC WOMEN'S LEATHER BAGS, leather lined, all new st>i»'R. Special, AQf PARTY CA8E8, .something new, pret- lily equipped pin seal covered case Sold in many stores for $.">. Special, for.......... 2.89 OILCLOTH GIRDLES, very wide,J-eg ular price ".5c. Special, for..............".,........ NEW STYLE SHIRRED made of Mescaline, with largo bow. Very Special for.- TANGO CORDS, all colors, with tassels. Special........ GIRDLES, 49c 9c 4 DAY SPECIALS WEDNESDAY. Fancy Border Curtain, big assortment of patterns, sold regular for 25c and 2i)e a yard |A|_ Special, a yard... IvjC THURSDAY. 1*4-yard wide plain white table oilcloth, good quality,. -Special, tntssaleT a yard........... FRIDAY. Extra fine quality bleached muslin, soft cambric finish, regular 10c quality. 10 yards for.....«,, MONDAY. Past color, good-quality pre- mier apron gingham, patterns. Special, 5 yards for....... 69c aHty pre- i, all blue I 24c I Special Ribbon Sale Several excellent v a I u e a in good quality ribbons of popular patterns. Our ribbon de partment is wel They're hot weather shirts of soft, cool; yet lasting material, made with double French cuffs, some with soft collars to match.. It isn't necessary to tell you that they're hand- some patterns and that they really ought to sell for more than Other summer shirts in cotton and silk, 50c to $3.85 worth your atten- tion. TWO LOT8 OF FANCY*RlBBON8, No. 80 and 100, all silk, fancy woven colon. Specially priced, this sale, 4 ^-^ a yardT.Z.TV............. T....... \*Q■ FANCY PATTERNED RIBBON. No. ISO, beautiful designs, very fine qHalRy^^peeiaL a yard. We have just received an entirely new stock of Roman atripes and many of the most fashionably colored moire ribbons. ; FIRE 630 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON FRIDAY EVENING I

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