Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1914, p. 6

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THE LAKE SHORE KBWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, IMC Classified Advertisements TELEPHONE WILMETTE. 1640 Weal Mm te the Lake Shore News art charged at tie fottowiag rites AS Otter Qusifkatiou. S ceatt per liae. Mnuai* Price. IS ccats. No advertisement charged for leas than 25 ceatt. ■»■■■■ »»««B»»»»«»ai»a»aaaaa»«»»a«»MaMaM« 2E5 =S53S « HELP WANTED GIRL. WANTED--FOR GENERAL, housework; two to family; 1121 Central av. Tel* Wllmette 924-L. _______________ lie WANTED--YOUNG CHRL, TO HELP with housework during vacation months. Phone Wllmette 785-J. Call »r»l Oakwood-av. Ite SITUATIONS WANTED TRAINED NUK8B WOULD "CATlE for confinement or other cases. Chronic diseases a specialty. Phone Drexel 5935. Chicago. 31w-2tc TUTORING IN GERMAN, SPANISH - and English. Reasonable rates. For particulars call Olencoe 325-J.; or address 189 Harbor-st.. Glencoe, 111. '_ j lie WANTED TO BENT ROOMS •WANTED TO RENT--ONE OR TWO • rooms, furnished for housekeeping, in Wllmette. Address W 717, Lake Shore News, Evanston. ltc FOR SALE--NEW RHINELANDER ride icing loo lb. white enamel ice boxes; muiuau price, 130; our price, |S0. Smith-Duce Co.. 121? Wilmette-av. Open evenings. tf HORSE FOR SALE--COMBINATION, splendid driver, sound; reasonable price. Tel. Wllmette 195. Kerwin, Glenview-rd.. Wllmette. Up BOARD AND ROOM 1554 A8BURY AVE.. THE ASBURY. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE, EXCELLENT CUISINE. PHONE 2392. MRS. F. C DIEFENDORF. icw-tf Olt SALE--USED PIANOS TAKEN in trade on our new pianos and player pianos. We are offering bet- ter values' than you can get any- -Wfeere,--It will pay you-to-see-oars before buying. Easy payments, to per month." •Pelton, Pomeroy ft Cross, up-: rigb t.....................ii $ 50.00 Grips.............;........... 78.00 Hkllett ft Comston............ 100.00 Bradford New York........... 118.00 Kingsbury Cable.............. 116.00 Kimball .,.................... 110.0a|ln Whitney Kimball............. 13.50 Outside player, with 40 rolls (fits any upright piano)..... 25.00 G. P. Bent organ............. 12.00 Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av., Evanston. ___ r-~-**m*mmmm*sammae*wms*wmmkwmmmm LE BEN" TO BE HONORED BY MI OF PARK Benjamin Housel, the Man Who Is Responsible for Evans- ton's Lake Front Parks, Is to Be Rewarded. Crandon school. Now that Mr. Chand- knowledge of the family, the man nasi ler has advsaals1 the name of "Uncle I been very Hi. Had several operations Ben" for the park, both of these well {and had not made good recovery. They known citizens wllkcome la for honors they have justly earned through their long service lav behalf of the city. HOUSEL PARK IS THE NAME WEE Bint TELL FAKE TO GET COIN Police Ruland Gives Chase and One Gets Away and the viher is vaught. Chairman Chandler of Park Commit- tee of City Council Suggests This Name For Park Be- . tween the K. H. Tracks. FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED FOR SALE FOR SALE--SEWING MACHINES taken in trade on our new Singer Rotary. Why buy a department Btojre machine when you can buy the latest Singer at about the eame price? Domestic................ Singer................... Wheeler ft Wilson........ New White Taylor....... Singer (drop-head)....... Wilcox ft Glbbs.......... Wilcox ft Glbbs/......... . Also other fine bargains. FOR RENT room. 1210 Wllmette. Lake-av. Tel. ITeLT. 995-R Up WANTED-TO BUY BOARD WANTED--BY GENTLE- ~manr ~1n--prlvate family^._ojr_ where a few boarders only are eating; must be near Lake-av. and Eleventh* st. Address A-100, Lake Shore . News. Benjamin Housel, who will go down history as the park builder, Is to have the distinction of having a park named In his honor. At least he will If Chairman H. E. Chandler of the Evanston park committee has iiis} way. The park is the new one which IS bounde<*gby the Northwest* era and the elevated tracks on west and east and by Davis street and Church streets north and south. The new park, or Housel park, has been quietly developed under the aus- pices of the Evanston Commercial as- sociation. That organization, which has done so much for the city parks, has paid all the expenses of plotting and planting. That this has been no small Item la evident when one knows that over 1,000 shrubs have been set out, several trees planted, a large grape arbor with growing vines has ~m*mmm FOR SALE-HOUSES .....$ 5.00 ____ 7.00 ____ 9.00 .... 14.00 ___13.00 .... 12.00 .... 18.00 Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-a v.. Evanston. FOR SALE--3 SUBDIVISIONS. King's Meadows. WUmette avenue w of 15th Street, 50*166 ..........V...........1750 McDanlels* Woods. Hill street w of 14th, 60x171....-|90(i Gregory avenue w of 14th street, 60x171 ........."..............1900 Isabella street w of 14th street, 50x174 ..............-------....$650 E. T. Paul's Division. Elm wood avenue w of ICth street 60x140.......................|7G0 Write for Hals. C.'E. Schiller, 19 8. LaSalle street, Phone 608 Randolph. tf. 217 KEDZIE ST., EIGHT ROOMS, hot water heat, hardwood floors, lot 42x125; price if sold quick, $4,750. Geo. H. Craln, 845 Chlcagoav. 29wtf FOR EXCHANGE HAVE 1912 WHITE GAS CAR and; will exchange for good elec- tric. 127 Llnden-av., Wllmette. Tel. Wllmette 1056. ltc GARAGEFOR RENT--426 CENTRAL- av. Tel. Wllmette 845-W. a lte WANTKI>-SMALL SIZED SECOND^ hand velocipede. Phone Wllmette 958-R. itp FOR SALE EVANSTON HOMES 1680 Sherman-av. 39w-tf Grass Stimulants For Lawns in Late Spring 1_Ip_the late spring, about a month tensively without causing Injury, for after active grass growth has com--attempts to kill grass with it wore roonced on the lawn, It la desirable to unsuccessful except when such large apply a grass Simulant to keep the rmantfnes" as~T00 pound's~I6~ an acre i&wu. In first-class condition. Nitrate wero used. of soda is a good fertilizer, and will Although fertilization is a splendid make the grass grow thickly with a thing for the upkeep of a lawn It will rich dark green color that will show never entirely make up for a lawn itself promptly after the application. The landscape gardener of the U. S. coll that was poorly prepared In the beginning. It is only when a lawn department of agriculture advises that soil is properly prepared in the first those who use nitrate of soda should apply It at the rate of 50 pounds per acre once a month throughout the Kunmic r. beginning about the middle of May In the latitude of Washington, D. C; The nitrate of soda should be ap- plied just before a rain or a sprinkling srilh the hose. Under ordinary con- ditions it will keep the lawn a vivid graen during "the period when the vl tallty of the plant Is low. The appli- cation of this fertilizer combined with careful watering (described in a pre- vious article) will prevent the parched appearance of the lawn during the dry, hot summer season. Using Fertilizer During Drought. ~Whgn nitrate Is applied during any iawnv Fertilizing imrteftals ltc been builded along the entire north end of the park and at the Church street entrance a charming little per- gola has been erected and a path made into the park. A Pretty Place. Even now the park has takenorTa atmosphere of green beauty~snd the city in accepting this gift from the Commercial association has added an- other breathing spot for our people and hgs changed a harsh public ex- terior Into a bower of summer loveli- ness. By those who wish the city to make a good Impression on the passer- by, the beautiflcation of this site is considered nothing less than strategic. The travelers who pass through our city both by the Northwestern rail- road and by the elevated road can see down Into Housel park from the train and the city could scarcely have a better advertisement. Benjamin Housel, in whose honor it is proposed the new park shall be named, has served the city for many years as superintendent of streets and in other official positions. It was he who created for the city the parks which extend along the lake shore from almost our southermost bound- ary to the university campus. Begin- ning with an Inadequate beach, with out any additional men or equipment to do the work, other than the usual city force, he gradually and r'uletly builded the system of lake shore parks and drives which have added so much to our lake front. It Is true. In doing this Housel had to use the refuse of the city and" at times he has had to light every Inch of the way It was hot unnatural that many who! resided near the lake made strenuous objec- tions, for then- have been timet, when the odor from some of the dumpings has been unpleasant, but Housel had the larger vision and the result nas vindicated him. The ground alone he has made fur the city has a value which mounts up into the liio.dr.-ds of thousands of dollars. It Is because "My mother is dead; my father is out of work; and my brothers and sis- ters are hungry for bread." This la the plea advanced by two little Chi- cago boys who vlsi ted many places in North Kvanston Monday begging for money. They were such tiny tots that one party who was approached won- dered that they should be so far away from their home at such a late hoar. It was 9 o'cloek when the man tele- phoned the police to have them inves- tigate the boys* trouble. Policeman Ruland caught stelit of the boys on Central street, tic was several blocks away. One of the boys ran. The other did not know what to do so he waited for the officer. Huland questioned him and found that their story was a fake; that both had parents. So the policeman took the small boy with him to the station where he gave his name as Louis Gordon, 1412.Holt.ave- nue, Chicago, age 13 years. Bui be was small for bis age. He seemed sorry for his deed. He said he had been induced'by his com- panion to come to Evanston and earn some money in that way. It was the first time he had ever done it, he said. The lad said the other boy was Frank Novak, age 14 years. But Frank, too, is small for his age. Louis was- kept at the police station last night. Policeman Ben Slegele took the lad to the cell rooms. It was very dark. "Ben" brought the little boy to a dark cell in one corner of the basement.___^_ . --___------------ "Ob, please do not put me there,' pleaded the little mite. "It Is so dark." So the lad was put In a lighted cell here he remained until his father ailed for him this morning. "Both boys will be turned over to the juvenile authorities," said Chief or Police Fred Shaffer this morning were In debt for the hospital and the doctors, and Ave months back on the rant They were living on $2 a week from the county and $5 a month from the church. Our commlttee moved the family to a cheaper house and money was given them to pay the rent and to bay extra food. The man soon went back to work and for some time the family have been self-supporting and planning to pay their debts. Besides these families mentioned the committee baa records of ten other families In the village and a number of transients. It Is the plan of the committee ,to raise n fund to admin- ister these charities. We feel confi- dent that every family In the village Is anxious to have a share In the work and we have decided to make a house to house canvass before June 16 to re- ceive contributions. One dollar from each family will enable the committee to continue the care of cases as need be. to establish a labor bureau and to sell second-hand clothing: At present there are about fifty families who would be glad of the opportunity to purchase second-hand clothing. Tine Boabd of Local Chakitiks. Bell System A New Telephone Directory Will aSoon go to Press Persons contemplating taking telephone service should sign contracts at once. Delay may mean failure to have your \owmmmmm$2 HAVE TOUR CLOTHES M\DB TO ORDER BY tfr 8 South Wabash Avenue 29 East Madison Street Room 204 Heyworth Bids.. 2nd Floor 2646 West North Avenuo Two Blocks East of California Av«nuo MT NOTICE **■ MY SPECIAL OFFER FOR 10 DAYS ONLY TOMORROW Mom! ay. June 8.1 will place on Hale 230 flne fin ported anddiim»attei*uHa and extta panta ratterna, that I juHt hou iflit from a New York woolen bonae at a great eaerllice. FOR THREE REASONS* Finl--To make new cuatomera. Stcond--To Int rodik-i-my pew Block. Third--To keep my tailor* working. Toe cab ray aa Actual $25 and $30 Suit & Extra Pant* S name mciuaea in tne new. Notify the Manager by telephone or post and a salesman will call at your address with contract blanks, prepared to give full information as to service and rates. Chicago Telephone Company c}i^t>: H. B. Gates, District Manager / Telephone 9903 . $.#? .IJfO.TJC- place and enriched with stable ma- nure, Ume and bone phosphate that a lawn may be maintained In the beatLol ihla great service that tite com- conditlon. munlty generally will rejoice at the Manure May Menace Lawns. j honor bestowed upon the wrinkled. Unrotted stablo manure Bhould bo j 6r»n»'aced, bent and kindly old man. kept away from a lawn at all times, j Has Historic Interest. the opinion of many to the contrary The tract of land which u« ,.urk notwithstanding. Stable manure con- j covers is of local historic Interna for tains weed seeds, and particularly many eariy settlers lived there HELP GIVEN SEVERAL POOR FAMILIES HERE Report of Local Board of Char- ities Shows That Aid is Provide! Destitute. --------J-T--------- Here arc a few of the cases taken care of by the Board of Local Chari- ties Since January, 1914: A family of German parentage, man and Wife and six' children. They live .in a basement of'live rooms, rent $12. The man was born In Wllmette and has always lived here. In January he had been drinking' heavily and lost his Job. He deserted his family and "did not return until the last of February. He was sent tofc-the Washington Ian Heme but returned after four clays. In April they were served with an eviction notice. -Their rent was paid, work found for the man and food and clothing given to the wife and chil- dren. They are struggling along un- der many difficulties. The man is drinking attain. The woman Is sub- normal and has become discouraged. They need a great many visits and lots of encouragement to rear their six children properly. Widow and three children, 10, 8 and 5 years old, fespecttvelyy Woman Of the sbme material as your Salt To Your sU s%s\ Hand Own ,7| >// I Custom Measure VaWi/ Made $3S-$ tO Suit > aal Eilra rials BM $25 Kvery c nrini'iit la tried on lieforett la flnialieil a ml every ordrr rerplvaa my pi-rsiinal attention, which uh- _ •iii*myou perfw*#nti*ieetl*tm- Fit, o*> atyla. character and workmanship »o (guaranteed or a ii»w awtt Tlio ' ahoreprice* IncludeBlueand Illack Serreo nml Worateiln,Fnney Scotch anil Hngllah Tweeds of the Intent at.vJrii. All Kooda marked In plain litture*. xo rxtrn charges far alces or MuIiik ilurlcK offer. HAVE YOUR ORDERS EARLY Positively No Disappointments Ladies' Hats of Any Kind **»«"Whota- Re-blocking. Bleachinr. Dyeing of Panama Hata. Aak for catalogue and prices. Chicago Hat Manufacturing 6 Bleaching Co. owman MrUDllStllTl& C«0. Telephone 585 and a representative will call wmmmmmm PUREWATER Forthetruly modern Home TWO CKMTS A DAY Red Cross Filter Service TEL. MAIN 30 18 9. WALLACE, Agent 1*21 Orrintfton Ave. Tel. Evanuon 270 H. L. GONSALVES Contractor M Builder Ktpairine Promptly AtttndidTo . Phone Winnttka 425 Shop: 909 Linden Av$. Hnbbard Woods, Illinois after the early growth of grass these weed seeds will be encouraged to sprout, for at this time the grass is weakened by lis spring growth and the weeds have additional impetus to spread. A weed has been defined as when Evanston was young. John Beck was one of these, and his son, Charles Beck, Is one of our respected mer- chants. His house was close to where the new pergola stands and his land extended well back into the new park. a "plant out of place." Weeds are! T|,e way that the Beck family chanced certainly out of place on a well-kept washes and sells Crochet work. She is not well and they have a hard strug- gle. Their dinner last Christmas was cornmeal mush. % . Man and wife and six children, liv- ing In three rooms. Man Is lazy and. will not work. The woman does six or seven washings every week. German family, man and wife, one child four yearal old and babfr two months. They lived in a good house, rent $20. The man had an excellent work record, had been earning $30 per week. Six months previous to our Deable width-- ya» tar twa woosMiluBflea to one Nana fade of the famous Neponbet roofing product which years of use have proved to give longer and better service than wooden shingles. If MIT dry period It should be used care- fully. It can, however, be applied at any time if the nitrate of soda Is powdered upfine before using, but it is safe at to dissolve It in water. Be- cause of a generally prevailing fear thai thta fertlMter may ruin a lawn if used carelessly, the department has he>»n ovnxrif noli ting tn see jUSt tlOW mneh nitrate of soda would have to be used tn order to kill grass. These experiments seem in show, that ni- trate of soda can be used fairly ex- great advantage over stable manure as they contain no weed seods. There are otlmr fertilizers besides to come to Evanston is tnu-rusting^- They had been living In Iowa, but did not like It there and decided to return' to tfew Jersey, -from where they had originally moved. This was in 1S56. nitrate of soda that are most valuable! NVheil they reached Chicago Mrs Beck for tho lawn, but their use la more especially adapted to the fall. Later the department will Issue advice re- garding the application of such ma- terials aa ground bone, phosphate rock, pota> Ii. dried blood, fish scrap. decided she did not want to return to New Jersey. Allen Vane, who lived hero then and who was always bring- ing people to Evanston, overheard Mr. and Mrs. Beck discuss in the depot whether they should continue DEFIANCE is and Tubes mi. have: a// the good points of wooden shingles and none ot their faults. Wood catches and spreads fire--on Neponbet Shingles sparks soon die out. Neyer curl, split nor absorb water. In appearance, very attractive. Look like slate. Call and inspect our stock. ^C&il!Sr<T N.E|,0N8ET Products are NEponbET Paroid Roofing for general £„??&•./«' an onwnwntal roofing in attractive colors; NEPOHiCT Waterproof Budding Papers; NEpdnseT Wall fw^ ^j^ t^n Vhn phce of lath and plaster. and sterilized sheep manure The dls- :ca8t or not. He immediately offere* solved rock in particular should not be u»ed in the spring. BIGGEST WHEAT CROP OH RECORD INDICATED Government Crop Report for June Promises 900,000,- 000 Bushels This Season. T|a4f4tgest wheat erop la the his- tory of aiasHas »01000.000 buahala-1 bumhela Beck a position If he would come here. The proffer was accepted. .Beck had . .. . ,_ "jnot been here long before he bought s the animate of tho crop reporting slx lotB on the 8iUj oV^e new „ark board of the Department of Agrtcul- and bu,Wed hi8 home there. He paid two in a report based on the condl-j$Coo for the six lots, in passing, it tfeo of eropa June 1. as m»de publiej^gnt ^JaaB to record as a matter ,od*y' , ■ ' , ,_ (of local history that it was the Vane The prevtoua high record was last family that brought the first colored year, when 735.000,000 bushels was inhabitant to Evanston. predicted. A yeair ^go The pjewa conducted a Nine hundred million bushels of this contest among its readers to decide season's estimate is divided aa fol- unon a suitable name for this park. lows: Winter wheat. 638.000.000 bush- The choice of names sent hv^avorej els; spring wheat. 2112,000,000 bushels, naming it'after_ "Uncle Ben" HouseL iOther grain totals arei Oats,^216,-j and Frank I*: Crandon. ten days ago 090,000 bushels; barley, WC.oeO.OOO | the achool board decided to name the Central Street school the Frank P. H.E.Cha»dlertf Co. 630-632 Davis Street EVAKSTON-^ - ILLINOIS fed. C MEARS-SLAYTON LUMBER CO 105 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Phone Evanston 3950

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