Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1914, p. 5

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„*--. ---. --- Xxty-Three Evanston Academy Graduates Are Given Diplomas THE UiKE SHORE MEWS. THURSDAY, JUKE U. 101*, ■**■» \Graduathm Exerckes Took Place Monday Eve at FUk Hall and Many Students Re- ceived Special Honors, v Jlr.Frank ' FllluaiAg, 817, Jaflada| 'T^-;Hw.^caiartS-^--m!a3^--5i__ .. av««ttBv:;.....retained last week tfronvi&esi ^f Garrett Biblical .Institute of J Vmtope. \Sorthmtmern antf-erstty. will deliver!! Mr. and Mrs. tewtmee. Wilder. 1*171 the fawralanreate sermon on Saaday. 'SUsnaan avenue, spent th>> week-end at? Jane 14. at the' University of Illinois. -^S^S^**^t. :'*^ ™, ■ .J 5i«. !■» B- Cook. 133 Dempster .^ W'Sf|S, ** """jfilreet. entertained twelve guesis it ^oYeanat M. E. ,At. next ma+t^dteoV;™ Friday ta honor of her mother,". Mrs. .Alexander ' Devrar of ®Sstisr4b*m Uudmtm *&&&«*& \rtsmu* tmm tke Kwamatm •mtvmy Vamam Wmmr ffefw, ptaefaal of ayciaes M(g»dbjr ^<ert^ at IWfe hall. ftesalt** Charts;-jfc- ***wrt eWmrrea flflMteal i»s^«^ (^v# She «*^s»tloo 'j^gl^pjlyi.--^.^^^-^--^'---'^ -vr, ;;'..■ ; ,*;. .'■'^',-,'- <caaee day % enmfses Monday ttt» yaw hare ffincedtfd aaasnalrjr wettta .srasalaa- a e»«senilBc sttfrii la. taertadrat body, ibey realize that ite situates am m» «&S«f tfcluss they «»to«hfl»ite; assltae oilaer *e&ael tatmatfa ^wld he <MBte*ied fatto to iWi^lt a' -nay a» a<i* to ia&e ifato ife^ belongs to t&e ettrtfeafnna; TMs. fea>. wwnteS M,¥3gk nail were UHknreA tare dlsHagniribcs the school fcosa iUy a gSsste «o «fe« fake sfew® east; ©f W, JU flaws* «rf the nxsanatlaa ^ja#» »r<wafffd a toviug otp from the \*#xtux* %» me junior *»**. Gemmensement. tamtam- Monday |< y«j*u# fRi^Mtoppi:#ir.;fip f«eep- hioa to the motor etass and friend* lofUse as£a& '**Mi iy Flte^sa! as^ I j>j#a. J?atb»a i'W, Hel»» of the aga&smy |in Fisfc naiJL * •* * - - '.' The aonnal alunuii sapper was neM |«it Ftohhalt IteJtot of *raauat*# In tn* diploma |<#ews# la .jMay otheta. "Students have 'ansae from remote parts of the land <2jah to some J Mr. Fraahaa Hone> ttaft^Mielu^an avenue, *W «rt«arn irons" "Aahevllle,"|day morning. 3LJVa«"JiBo MC^? ,■<■■*'■" ' --^ *:,T.Mi* Wyun Ellis, il« Couax street. Mrs. Louise B. Taajeer, 1SS7 AESsssyjSias'gsae *»* iiftjieaiinft. Mich,, for a ajesise, i» ;vMties.'to^.Morrfstown^'jtwo weeks* vi5it. *' ^»:.:*fsneaf£aaBien»-^ «3«»1 will be held on Tuesday, Ureeks tsfa to Nashville. Tenn. Jnne l«i, at Cray's lake. Mr. aad Mrs. !Tlio«n^« k_ Hs*^* Mrs. EL E.' MacParlan^ -'rf-Jb the guest of his sister. Mrs. Dau B, I lifi^iajllt, 2 Z.*^:k plai'-.'. 3h:." -'cek. Orecnwood ,, ""T^^l ..WtHUg-'-'P, Wing, 42S ■othar years, tl^Atfi>»f|r:aa4^^^ etfle coasts facias represeated, as well; front Ashevtlle scbool for his summer y; Bev. A, T. Carlson of the Swedish Mliiiiuwchuwh hii retaiaed from^^^M . evteaded trip to Sixikane. Wash.--------l ; Mr. and Mrs. ■Jb*^-fl^^-:«^ii^^-tWJ^ tou»^h«Kiitertiin^ Judsoa avenue. Maa:■*&:■■ ' '•• - "■ • .'■r^:- ' ^^ r6*"'-"' | was-given Monday afternoon at^the? ""'■- 1 The seventh grade of the Cramlon ; JLincolmvuod school, when "Rbhini Mrs. John U. Ackermai. 2311 Harri- Vaiiconver, who is' visiting to this; city.'"..-. ■ "W'.-^\..:-r; .';..;......] Mj-s. II. '% MacKae of 2525 Park; place' has'gohe'to Ueistield. Wis., for a week, where she will attend the com-: meheement exercises of " St."' John's i 'Military ai-aucmy, where. her son.' Al-1 Is visiting - Jtai»4*uishter,: Mrs. j tin," "is a. stodenfc--"1'-';""' . „ ■ ■ • '";•". | Mrs. Arthur Stnrley of ; Taeoma.? Mr.^B^:'-'*IErj^ji||i|bttooo; iniJst"***8*-* arrived Monday as a delegate j for the biennial convention of the GcnM eral Federation of Woman's clubs, and J will be the imest ol Mrs. W. A. Cava- • The Condition oi Lake Water •ammmmmm*mmmmmmmmammmmmmmmm~mm*mm*?mmmmmmmmmmmmmm--mm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmm*mm~i Pollution of Lake Water by Sewerage is the subject of much discussion:. Authtirities agree that LAKE WATER is unfit for drinking purposes. WHAT IS THE REMEDY? ORDER AT ONCE CORINNIS WAUKESHA WATER-ALWAYS PURE AND HEALTHFUL HINCKLEY & SCHMITt, Inc. Telephone Evanston 960 P Distributors Chttettta merett -A *W*** Xi Cornelia ttoMasoa Bowb. RtehatA Ctareoee Brandt, ' Beatotea .Byyjbee,-,; .. ; U : :■: li^y Theodore Bmfford^ -, Bdmund K, KnaeWaod, . ' ■* Emma Vab Altec Ford/ Margaret Cook Prankbau«er, fti^-Gate*--~------'■'--------j------i Wayne Lee Hamm, Walter■■*'^Maylord. •& < Margaret Kdrounds ritogeley, Mawhall Peyton ;Xobasaa.^_--_^ _ Frcderteb Wllltem Kaempfer, Forrest Brown Kent. * faster O; Koblhattsen; ^ ~:*" JBdiar I^ddlnKton laHMmr^"- Ariel BHzabetb Cons> Mark Warden Lowell, -/-■■-.-»• .. f Elizabeth Manker, ' CHraee; Kudora Mulford, , ■' .J '. Jeen Jncdb Onhenneloi, Fyederiek Dwlgbt Baymond. ._ FAsvooA 3, Bobliwon, Jr. Henry Kdward. -Sebulte. >„■ ':|,- - ,« « Joseph W, SeoerlRt Joyea Ted Byek Sheridan. ? ■■ - JMPftrguerite yrmla Stpfcen. Kenneth Albert fTnylor. Zdlltt Butollo Von Home, .n-/' * Clara J!lii?» yernay, Imogen Sutherland Voorlices, -iiiHh|h:/'i^ife,;Wlt(lQ»JtfJli9Lj1^::^.-. Benjomln WahJf , if.;., -rv-. ; , FraUrnlty^ gltcttom -- - The 'fttlhj^llB'f^^ybflnf \,«e.n".'"ol. the fifaiuliave been elaeted^to the Alpha olfaTattfrjiterolly^w ohnlBwWp!*-- :■ ~ ^ Blwped J4:»6bfnion*- ^^ -**>- ^ Bdgar Loeman; ^::,>: r,;v.;i-,*-■'" '■■ Ray T. Duiford. ' - , Kenneth Taylor. Kdmund KngoUand. / / '^ Walter S.*Haytord. Tto© followiiiB young women of the cJaiahav© boon etoeted to the Kappa Alpha PeJjtft Tratornity for oxcBllOnce In Bcholarfliipt 'aa^' the worth and the' •oath, ■ This; is a helpful feature, broadeolagt tho ae- ojwlnfaaco of the atadaata and on- lar^ue their sympathies. ." Hijh Character of Fsctrtty. t •.. ^*3BLpoai4bIa^ of faculty ^ffijoa^ifrfy ftflf - rpafhed 'thr maklmunt tbJe year, and it would seem to be Impossiblo to select a, corps of over twenty teachers wboae unlformtty of ability and charaefcer 1« to high. This Is attested la many ways, but one of lev^Mi fact Mat practically all the stit- dents who have bad work in other preparatory schools unite in the opin- Ion that the EvsastoifjAcadeniy fac- nlty t* superior to those they have been under, and that the class-room standards are much stricter. Of course, this is ene; of the reasons for the existence of such private schools, and they surely justify themselves by the splendid resbf^they bring alwut In their students. All of the Academy teachers are specialists in their aubjects, none of »^}em teaching more than one 11 ne; yet they arc broad t»acatloa.".':;: "'■ '"^lfta>':Fwd' Shaw, who has been vUOtf Ihnsg -fe^^tMM Jto.: t^lffonrsalfi. ^mr_ several months, baa returned Jto-her home at 2707 Walnut avenue. ' Miss Katherine Morse, 1019 Mlch- igan avettne, will return today I from the east; where she has been speadine three weeks. Miss Frances Charles entertained Monday eve for her guest, Miss Grit- Stbs,,at;an toformal dance at her home, 1310 Hinman avenue. ■ Mrs. JrfiM. Lenz of Davenport, la.. arrived Monday to be ?tbe^guest-of her niece; Mrs, Hugh Taylor Harvey^ 240<J Grant street, tills week. . Mrs. |f. H/ Spence has retnraed to her home in Uniontown, Pa., after a visit in this city as the guest of Mrs. F. II. Fulton, 1208 Judson avenue. 1 MrTTHBT^ Mrc^Bdward^^Hlnes and family, 1456 Bidge avenue,-will sail June 28 for Europe, Rpending the sum- mer in Norway, Sweden and Russia. Dickson and two Mr. and Mrs. J. A. children. 1S19 Davis street, will leave Saturday, June 20, for their summer home at Cedar Lodge on Cedar Lake, Cornelia B6§eb>4^4 ---^--L-- . vKfitello Van Horno.r ^ ;, Qraeo Mulford, ■,- ■• -.-■■■■.. .■■ -, Imogen" Voorhooit.f^~^r .'■ ■ \." ■ Bleqtion to^eao^oolottori^TUmlt' od ito one*flftn of the young men and women of the claw, who moot the diploma-;..requlrementi:- The fratorni- tlea are:purely honorary, not tocial. Honors of exeoUenco In iohoiarjh|p wore voted to,onedlfth Of<the clap!, n» follow!! "ji '-. %--'--- m Mwood J. IloblnRon BBtello Vatt Horno. Cornelia Bnseh. Kenneth m Taylor, RaycT, Dufford, ij " Imogen Voorhoon, Kdmund Engelland. gaiter S.L dgar Leejpan. Mlohael L«ihm, Y ^ i >\ -. ■ - Margaret ■•vii^Vf-4- f-' .'.■ ■■■-* ; H«Rn'! mervlew.' Principal Nfathan Wilbur Helm l» well pleased with the school year Jnfthelr, sympathies. Ail have had ex* jperfejee*jujA seyejaLbafe taught in college faculties, realizing the impor- tance and opportunities for real serv- ice in this field. I feelpleased With th&-fact-that at -present the entire facility contemplates returning for the coming yean Such ".continuity of service la a most valuable factor in a school's success. _ "The athletic life of the school has been «ncce«(»ful in the care of Coaches Holslnger, Seller, Omer and Robinson, and, many boys and girls have made marked physical development. The school does regard winning games as and a resultant effect for good upon character. The younger and smaller boyg are encouragedrb^thesformatton^ of light-weight twimB jwith careful coaching and special schedules. Thus they ore not croWded_ Out merely be- cause oi sire, and are it |he same time being prepared for1 the larger team! lb; their more advanced yean. "The BtudontH fully realize the advantage! they-thave-in-the^h-ver8lty^gym slum; and use It more than tho stu- dents of otner department! ln^[p^fe whleh closed^ Monday, in an int«r- Onlly News at Flak hall ho talked eoneorntng the past year and re- viewed the work of every department and; discussed thsr ^futoie^of ithe school. He Mid; "The year baa been a very aatts* factory one tn all respects, While tho attendance baa been somewhat amgU ter, owinR to a new Chicago high school that Is three miles nearer Rvanatoa than any others have been, this has heea a blessing In dlsgntso and a better opportunity to carry out the Ideal! of personal attention, for which this famous old school stands, Tho result has beta thai more stu- dents have been on the honor roll than tn recent, yeara, and the number ot uni^tt«Taetoryv atudents has been greatly rwluced. tion to their numbers. Eligibility rules ate strict and carefully watohed. ' ^ ExcSllsncs In Debate. ^""^ ^Iwtrueter^i^^^^ er, of the Public Spooking depart- ment, late a member oc the Dart- mouth faculty, bos bad •• brilliant rec- ord of !uece!i in thl! ,wo»k. There were two debate; teams which in con- test! wltb Lake Forost Academy andi the Academy of Northwestern College at Napervllo won each aldo of the lltethey^qoirementrfor-immlsrants^ The, offlrmatlve side has very rarely won before. There ware so -many conttatants entered for the deolama^ tldn contest that a preliminary one bao%r^ba^blW.:"^Tai oratorical content was keen, and tbb winner, Mr. H. C. Northcott, won the State Inter-Acadomtc contest at Onar- ga May 29, with an appealing oration on John Woaloy. "Keeping In touch with the latest pdf ancsmont! ^pedagogical method! and in accord \vlth the ambltlon-tol develop tho individual student, there baa worked out b Department of Mental Measurement, whtoh la direct- ly In charge^of^laa^dAfTfewnsend^ of the Latin department. This Is an Thursday evening at the Lincoinwood| sixth grades, followed by the windtog ^t^iool.. \ot the May pole, and. various dances Jlr. and Mrs, Edward K. Harris and | bv .»!».> .other classes in the school. *»mT. 3Qg^fP&Q**1 ^ *«^| Mrs. David Du Hose GalUaw. widow tor Estes Park, where they wiilspend|ef thel*e€MGs^>^^o»an t&e summer. . .Ji, , M ■■■^. active member of the Panama Canal! Dean and^ Mrs.^C. Latkin. 13301 misgl0llf ond ln charge ot lnc Cu.| Church street, wUl leave this week ,ebra h takcn apartinent tor l?i„V,U^hmmer>^ NorU,port the summer with her sonTDavid St.! ^ Mlsse. Conkba and Schmidt ot\Vktrre ^"^ at 11M *S* "**■] Oakland; Cali are the'guests oTlfr. | Mra- KUlIah NIcol of Chicago enter- j and Mrs. Itobert O. Vandercook, 2610 toined at luncheon Tuesday for Miss| Harrison street. : Mrs. Charles M. Cart w right. 2215 Lincoln street, has as- her guest her fcister, 3Iiss Elizabeth Abbott, tlf South Bend. Ind Wis, - ~ Mre-Drirt. Burahani^^^^wp*#,* street, and Miss Gertrude Hardin sailed for, New York last Saturday for Europe, where they will spend the summer. : . :-,....:.-,..:. • The first of the ladies' luncheon- bridge parties was held on Monday at Westmoreland Country club. There were between forty and fifty guests for luncheon. ' Edward and Ralph Hines,. sons of MrTj and Mirs. Edward^ Wnes, Mfifl Ridge avenue, will return on Friday from Andpver, Mass., whore they have been attending school. ! Mrs. Hugh Taylor Harvey, 2400 Grant-streetvwlll entertain informally tomorrow afternoon for her little ttaOTimpDrtantrpoInt^ a! many as possible In phyatcal ways? btrrhday." There will be twelve guests, MBfe John Blocum, IMS ^ Forest-aye- nue, Who will be one of the usliers at the Pauilin-Prultt wedding on Jiine IT, will entertain the bridal party over the week-end at his summer home at LakeUenova. ,,■ -.^.■v.r:.,.',;•"'-">■ v,."";•?.. Prof. J. Ii#. Pierce, head of the de- partment of chemistry at the Unlver* slty of lowa^ Is spending ..several days In tbll city.' Prof. Pierce was former atuden't^nttrfe^timli^myer-^t-l^r^ went era university. tlonal bank attended the meeting of group 3 of the Illinois Bankers' assoi! ciatlon^tHB^eoporh'lli^rlast^ Mrs. Po^ter^ecompanleoVrhlm faiMfar- as Leaf- river, returning on Friday. On Friday afternoon there will be a -children's party at the Evanston Country club. In the^evening^xere will be o;4ance;-tor young people un? der J6 from 8 until 9:30;;.followed by dancing' for the older members of tho Club. '•:■■'.. - <,: .4.L; The apron committee of the Congre- gational- Sewing -society^rheld- their; meeting Monday at the home of Mrs, Carlotou Pendleton, 029 Haven street. Luncheon was served by the school wMl present "Joan ot Are* [Hood" was presented by the Oft Miss Gertrude Carter, 412 Creen-i fier- wood boulevard, spent the week-end in Jacksonville, 111., Where she was a member Of a house party Miss Leone" Gould, *1839 Judson ave- nue, and Miss Shepherd, 1724 Chicago avenue, will sail for Europe on June ZQ, ;to ibe gone several months. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walter Murl- eon, 904 Judson avenue,/announce the ongagement-of-thcir daughter, Claire, Burns of this city and tomorrow Miss Burns wilt be the' guest of honor, at | a luncheon and matinee at the Black- ] stone. »-!ic« Mr*, t. Frank Nutttag. j #18 Church atreet,.wiU entertain! for! The annual election of the Woman's] Foreign * Missionary • society of thel - I lemon way Ji., E. church wUl-oe- held ]- this afternoon at the home ,otl Mrs- Frank Milhening, SVJL ^Judsoni avenue, at 12:t5 o'clock. The husi-j ness meeting Will follow at 2:30, after] which there will be an address by Mrs. i, :R.^B.'CIark. . - ; "" ■ --:-r -' '!-v ,1 Prof. Edouard P. Bnlllot, head of the|| h i ffgf--f11 , ssssssssssmsmmam Shoes of Refilled , t ii u i V iu u a j 11 y ;- THE Foster Colonial Pump is cor- * reefc for afternoon and seir.i-dress wear this season. Perfect proportion of high arch and Span- ish heel is the feature ol this- shoe. Shown in patent leather with white calf uppers and other ^attractive combinations of leather. F. E. Foster & Co., 125 N. Wabash Ave. Opposite Fields. CH1CACO fvaaafaa Stare, Cnicago gre. asd Osvis Sf. m to John Jefferson Cosuer of Welsh, La. .departinent of the romance ianguages'i] Bev. and Mrs. Francis Gibson and ^Pbreo children are the guests of Mrfl. 0<bson's parents, Or. and. .Mrs. Charles A. P. Oarnsey, 1844 Ashland avenue. .Mrs. James B. Wescott, 1719 Ridge avenue, entertained the active chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority at her: home Monday ,otia supper party; A number of the young married couples surprised Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacOonald, 2228 Noyeerstreet, Satur- day evening, in honor, of Mr. MacDon- aid's birthday. • ( . .^iliss kuth B. Dougherty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. 13. Dougherty, 173.5. Chicago avenue, will be a member Of this year's graduating class at Dana hall, in Wellosley, Mass. i^MrsrHRobert^B; Vryflle aitd* two daughters: and; MIbs ^liOulse-M Wyllie oPi&Qttr- Dade^ Fla.^ were^Jne--week- end guests^of^ftaTp^lrrs. Charles 3l Roberts, 2444 ^artraf avenue. Rev. aM ^rs^lawftk Orman Beck, 264t-i. Prairie avenue, have as their guest ileViKingsleyS. Pease of Singat pore. Mr. Pease delivered the ser- mon Sunday morning at Covenant M. B. ehttrch. • Announcement cards have been re- ceived from Mr. and Mnr^Wiliiam Weber, whose daughter^Margaret, was married ^n'aaturday^aftetnb^vto: Mr, Rush Eugene Hussey, at the home of the bride's parents In Lake Villa, 111 Ity Na- ^Ir. HuSsej^Is the son 0fjMW;vBjt hoateaa on the porch, assisted by Mrs. <3, 'W. Di-Parsonsr * . ^ y The NoyOB Street Mothers' xlub-will glVe a party this afternoon at 3:30 p. m., for Uie eighth grade gradu- endOavor to find tho atudenta' weak- nesaes, suggost "bow they may be overcome, discover special aptitudes and In every possible way aid- hint to ■ find lute powers and talent! and; brlnR htm to the beat state of mental luting, A nuinhor of students have availed tbemsolvea of this splendid btlP nndj;aomei vory^innarkfd improve; monta tiv ¥tndentsbip have resulted, to the encouragemont of the students and tho happiness of their parent!. Thta Is a c^inpfcrattve^ and JSvanattat^AettMny la proud to be among Itba^iWo^eera^ ^^a^btter * the same tlwe the oomber of th^ to neglect the baodleapped stn- latntlenta from Rvanaton and thoae]dent, and another and ?ar better thing |from otbeif atatea tbati WSssA* i» Uo atudy blm and bring constructive >jwif» *haM btf^^ „ atudenta Hve la Exanston, and tho ©« Hlfb •*•»! >!«!» flteaeot «r«t year elaaa ia^ very atrong *^be moral tana of tbe^ school baa JttJbaJLiaii^aitryoj^^ onei ot the hea% reeorda for *t« fwrjoAia eases of dlaclpWo^ batrto« ariatn, n9»~!i^-iAHiQg«Yjna«A ,«i*«rbjiral»i»l, aewlc*^_ha*i^bae«. xm | year 1 atttva to iaereaao the empbasla helpful, wltb Ha excellent rauate, do- ujoa the eiaaa^oom work, aad«votlonal eawrclsea and Inspiring ates .and their - raothers, also a fare- well tor. the teachers before they leave for their summer vacations. - The en- tertainment will be hold at the Noyes gtroot^sohool. '"" ■ '['■ "■;'■-::■; ^^.}- speakers. TbO Christian league,; which was for both boys and girls* waa^foj^jtb^ laek. in they utmost sftlgicney thafc was^desirable. aa3t» Hussey 6f 820 Poster street, and was attended by Mr. R.;, B. Baker, of thlB city as "best man. Mrs. Hussey and daughter, Alice, returned Sunday from Lake Villa, after attending the wed- ding. All tho, honors of the Wellosley Col- lego Alumnae association, with its country-Wide membership, will go to women in and around Chicago this year, in recognition of the fact that Chicago 'graduates; were bo prompt and liberal in raisliiK funds for the col- lege following tho^ Are. Mr!/ Irwin Row of 1128 Ridge avenue, has been nominated for one ot tho directors of the board of managers, and will leai this week for,WeliiM^, .tbJlBjpt^eUt during taty commencement exercises, aa well as for the business meeting to ioilown";"""-1" ;' oo e»ta 0*0 crooo cro cro ox> oooo ct» I Spectacles and i cro co- meettngs On Sunday evenings coin- cided with those of the city young people's society meetings, which many atudenta wished to attend. Therefore it was changed into a Young Men's Christian association. which baa, given now impetus'to the religious life, and promises to ho very effective the coming year. This moral tone is very near to our hearts and la fostered In every way liosslblo, not that It may expend Itself In mei'tlnga alone, but that it may permeate the entire life of the school and bring about a high sonao of honor, fairness The honor spirit la ex- and" charity. aminatlona-and other phases of school life 4a encouraged without restriction, it being far better than restrictions Imposed from higher ajfthoMtyt-wheii* ever poslble. ■-.----:.-.-:2i.,-._.....:.;!..-.__.-.-.^. "AU in all the Academy baa had a good year, has dene Ha work In a genulno way, and faces the coming year with increased confidence In its power to be of service to thoso who enter its balls,"--------------------Zi OCT OO oo 5x> go ono «yo c»x> oo cro €TO tro oo era cro QV CJ^» t7^» *JU Spectacles and Eye Glasses of Northwestern university, received I word last week that he had heen given ■ the decoration of Officer 4le l'instruc- tlbn Publlque by Prance, In recognt-f tion of his work in the propagation of tho French .languages and "lltera-1 this country. ; -- ., v| Mrs. Elizabeth Boynton Harberti| founder and flrst^ president of the wv-| anston Woman's club, - was .thel guest of liondr at the second of tho! Weekly- informal gatherings at the coin j house on Tuesday afternoon at 3 j o'clock. Mrs. Harbert is hero as a delegate .for ,the biennial convention of the tllncraJ Fc-ucfatloh of Woman's clubs; and is the guest of Mrs. P. :fe> MoKlnnie,>fho-will be the hostess at the club;tbmorrow.. A short talk will bo given by Mrs. Waring, wife ofuCel*. Waring;-4^|ing other; husband's work in - organising the white brigade in New York, also of his work in making Havana niVableTy'td* Americans aftet the Spanish-American war. Tea was served to the guests at 4 o'clock. •• - "Iho tine of Good Service" OOl Mod* to lit ywt mm l)V»h»wwj8g^! knawhow. IUpr»6cntnotonly METAL ^< . ami GLASS but also comfort ami or vftictcacy. .."' ... ooj WE MOW HOW TO FIT WUBIVK ^; „ ss\v.RAiibQrtlsr.Bi3tii5:;:ii[;i& 1 ouwtoi CHICACO-laoovou 3 fallings EferyWBfisq ..... ' TO AWDFkOM •> EUROPE . -VIA- . Scen!e^i.;UwrBiw:ltoite Mtalrsat--Qosbsc--Uverpaol ;: Maotreai--Qussec - Clasgsv Mislrwl--Qoebec--Hatrt--ttatfon Boston--.Glasgow . Tbb Hew Torbine QBadrupla Screw S. S. "Alsatian" ana "Calflarlan" 25,000 Too* DUplicement . Ul^l^llKST-raSTEST CANADIAN ROUTE Ocaan Passage less Wan Four Oays no steaser ef if aaf gtlractbjns Cabins in auito with privoio lath mid t«ili>t. Spaietoun atutu roonu. OUms inetoMd promt<ii- ada ih-cfc. Vcrumio Cof<>. ^Com- miiter Sfeyatora. vOrchqitnh Uymnwiunu UnttarpMMd no comodatlon. «H oWopSBi Vammt rtttos. Sumntor renttvttoii li«t» now opon. Korly ttoniklBttl roc- oaimendeii. Send for de«srlptlv»" U«.l«lct "C." For full particu- Ism on to railing*. raK-w. otc.« oppiy Air«nt.o ^>^:--|fe:^?«-r- IlUI«C0.,eentrallge8t$ m lertl fiearsm Sneet.Cakair nweai aieii»»i>im.aiiwntit*»in A Writing Paper for Business Men Who Value Impressions # The letterhead is seen before your message is read; from it your correspondent gets his first impression. You know what it means to make a good impression from the outset. Let Us Print Your Stationery Your Letterheads,-Envelopes, BUlheads and State- ', moms aro as important as the advertising you do, hence you should entrust the printing to a firm that knows how to combine tasty composition, good press-work and ink with the right paper. NATIONAL BANK BOND is a fineTwriting paper, each as is used by Banks, Monufactarers, Retailers, Wholesalers and Professional Men. In prico it is within reach of alt ^rr_„ Why not let as figuro with you on your ne»t_order and as* NATIONAL, BANK BOND, tho paper that is recofnlsed throughout the commercial World lor its ■ppropriatenesa to boai- , ness.uses. In this paper wo oftor you the choice of Whito and Five attractive tints. Envelopes to^ match if^^you wish^dMtn. Youll bo interested in the samples wo have to show you. When may we call? Bowmaia Publishing Co. 526 Davis St. Telephone $65 ' ..: : '-■, ;'-;':^V;..'.: f .1 " '"^f mmm a 4l« a Ti Rums me i mm to get out your old hicyclo and look it OJrer.- -i£ it is not good onough for another season we will take it in as part of the cash paynlenton -- A1914 Model Bicycte Cash or Easy Payments Come end look ovw ear new nodeak ta* e»-' •nrtin«-n*J*lhrfii*«tviphaf«»*»crhoit. &<vnt> Rood banroin* in ureomt-haiwl whc^K Alto «ww tin* of epeeW ui*. Itei-airintt of ail klmte. - H. E. Chandler & Co. University Rook Star*. Evanston JU. First Book of the North Shore Price $t.50 and Second Book of the North Sfadrfr ------------r Price ^2.00 Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, High- ways and Byways, Past and Present liy MARIAN A. WHITE intensely interesting, Historically Valuable, Pro- fusely Illustrated in sepia and of increasing value as books will not be reprinted. Make remittancesdirect to MARIAN A. WHITE 6928 Sheridan Road ::

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