Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1914, p. 6

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l^ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1M4. WISCONSIN TRIP Day Spin in Neighbor State Enjoyed by Group of Society Folk. ;; " ATHLETICS TAKE BOTH j The Gloss Pointers came back feebly Dings of the two $anies played Satur- [and attempted a rally but the best {day: (ni nnn'T"fni ■ inm lttf tney <S°ttM do was to score one lone .',\ ■•■'■■'■:R JB AJ5 nlAL UAT ran* The flnal flK«res stood 10 to 4;Wards .... 0O0100000-- 14 5 3 ^.......w iiiMnwmni.wni,|B . Ian* of the Weals. fWlmette i.l^«0042>^-18 8 i* 5 .....' I The, Wllmette youths are playing a Batteries. W^ette; Klst, Braun; Chicago and Gross Point Teams ^Pefeatec^ by Local Gfub ■ The Wllmette automobile party, composed of several couples weil known In social circles in this village, who en joyed a tour In Wisconsin over Memorial day. report a most pleasant Jaunt. Six cars left Wllmette Friday morning at 8:30 o'clock. Lunch was served at Lake Geneva, which the '-motorists reached without any effort on the first four hours of the run. By $ o'clock the party arrived in Wauke- sha, where they spent the night. On Saturday, the Wllmette autoists | proceeded to Watertown. Originally they had planned to have a dance in Waukesha Saturday night, but they went to Watertown instead. The pri- vate dance was greatly enjoyed by the autoists. The; return trip to Wllmette was started Sunday morning about 10 o'clock and, by making a straight run. reached this village at dusk just be- fore the downpour of raliiset inTThey report a most enjoyable time, with good, hard roads almost the entire j-trip and not an accident or unpleas- ant incident of any kind to mar the tour. '■'■'.■ Giles W. Harrington. 1058 Linden avenue, is spending a few days in Cincinnati. - : ; Wllmette has an amateur baseball team which represents the village in an able manner, if two victories scored by the ball players Memorial day are any indication of their cali- bre. In two of the tees'tf amateur contests held on the north shore for some time, the: Wllmette club defeated the strong Montgomery Ward and company team and the heavy; hitting Gross Point uine, Saturday. The Gross Pointers reinforced1 their lineup by having five outside players, it is said, in Gross Point uniforms; In the mornifig game' against the Montgomery Ward team, the local players faced a minor league "flinger. This, however, failed to frighten them and they registered; a total of eight hits off the former bush leaguer. The flnal count showed the Wilmette club victors by a score of. 13 to 1. ,„ ,-._j;_- The afternoon game." was more evenly-contested. Up to the ninth; Inning It looked like a victory for tin* Gross Pointers. At the beginning of the ninth, the score was 3 to 2 in favor of the German contingent. Then the tables were turned and by heavy stick work and clever,. heady base running, the -local athletes scored; {eight runs before they were retired; 'fine game. Every Saturday games are being played at the; diamond at. Seventh street and Elmwood avenue. This coming Saturday"the game will be between Wilmette and Lawndale. On Saturday, -June 13, the Hart, Slchaffner and Marx team will be taken on. Out of eight games played this season the locals have been de- feated only once. A large crowd of spectators and rooters at the games would greatly encourage the boys. Thus far only a small attendance of regular fans has been noted. It is hoped that a large crowd will attend' next Saturday's sM>«-':,";: "-,.:■"■.. •'/ The following is the score py;iB>; Wards: Blackburn, McNally. '■■ HEAE Gross Point 0003 0 0001--4 « 6 6 Batteries, ^jyilmette: Kincald, Braun; Gloss Point: Wood, t Zeutschel. I JUNIORS ELECT OFFICERS. Juniors In";«he Wilmette Methodist church have elected the following offi- cers for the coming year: Pastor, Harold Gale; trustees, Har- old Lundberg. John Shurtleff, Eliza- beth Simmons and Helen Bruch; ush- ers, Todd Wheeler and John Jerger- aon. . ...- ■..•-..".'*.v'..'■■;.■'■'■ ■-•■' Ladies' Aid society, president, Mil- dred Burrows; vice-president, Luelle Burrows; secretary, Gertrude Wheel- '^'^lIlIn3a^'«■^'"•w*.^^,^ *r; treasurer, Margaret Smurr. ■■*■■ it*"; j bruises 'and-twoillpurs' later, waa-aiHe Missionary •&*&&, ■:'&sd&cite->m&iiii resume play-ii^^otherjdrfldrea.:;,; ■ Stoker; vke prf tliairf. g^riel Bishee; '-.: - ■< '.' ;', fJZ-.......'--.^ ■ - - WILL GIVE CONCERT. Mrs. Gate'a, Efcble class of ghrta. will give a concert In theWflmette ML BS. Church Tuesday evening of '.escen- tionaiqjaaBty- A nnW cjhotts^^ftjr voices' under"' the direction. Of' C. A. Gage of Olivet church, Chicago, will fling. Miss Perego, the noted whistler, M.rwm be present "'to. render se\eral " .tiBift^frtn* and Mrs. Martin, Instruc- tor in elocution in the Illinois College of Music, will read. secretary, ■ - Ethel'. Hawkinson; treas- urer, Marion Mannerud. ."■ ' Intermediate church, bishop, Ken- neth Appleyai-*; pastor, Harry Kirt- land;-secretary, Emory Stokeri treas- urer^ William Sterg. Ladies'Aid society, president, Adah Rennolds; vice-president; Lucile Sto- ker; secretary-treasurer, Lillian Leonards. CHILD UNHURT IN FALL. Little James Walker, 1 years, old, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. L Walker,, 1315 Elmwood avenue, qualified ' Tuesday as a circus acrobat. The youngster tumbled from the second story win- dow of the home to the ground and when, his excited mother went to pick him up, she expected to find him fatally hurt. Instead the "MOVIE" PROGRAM AT CLUB. ; Six reela of ^fii« run'* motion pie- tores will be shown at the Ouilmette Country club assembly haU Saturday evening. r,Membero?and their friends will enjoy the splendid entertainment. Special music will be given in connec- little totition wito the film show. 'V The Edgemere 4lt1-4t13 iiMwij Chicago TpONIG Treatments arc x provided also for those who are not ill. ViprJiWirw Electa Bit! $1.50 Hassts»f BaSii Cmt - 1.M ailHissas* 2.50 12 for the price of 10 Classified Advertisements +EI*B.PHONjE, WILMETTE. 1640 Wffil Ads in tt>e Lake Shore News are charged at the following rates Real EstateCIassificatioQs/7 Scents per line. All Other Classifications, 5 cents per line. Minimum Price, 15 cents. No advertisement charged; lor less than 25 cents. A Remarkably Unique and Tr HELP WANTED WANTED wGIl|L FOR GENERAL : housework; also assist with cooking. $No' washing. 916 Grecnlea t'-av. ,\ Phone :tl29. ltp f OR SALE- HOUSES 217 KEDZIE-ST., EIGHT ROOMS, hot water heat, hardwood floors, lot 42x125; price If sold quick, 54,750. Geo. H. Grain, 845 Chicago-av. .•'-V '.: ;"•■■■« "" 29w-tf WANTED-rA GIRL TO DO GEN- eral housework for a small family. , ffall at 607!Forest:ay>. Wilmette ltp WANTBD--FIRST-CLASS CABINET maker atid finisher. Call at once.fFOR.SALE--CHOICE HOMEGROWN A. Perrault, 1124 Wilmette; ill. Central-av., ■::.■ ltp SITUATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED AS EXP.BR1- enced cook, colored club or bouid ing house. 2038 Asburyav., Evans ton. Phone 4168. ltp WANTED v- LAUNDRY WORK TO - .take home; by the dozen or piece. Phone, Wilmette1887. ltp tomato plants. Call at 629 Park-av. ltp Japan, China, Germany, the United States and Qtlier Countt^ Have Contributed to Hat TriRimJngs 2 10c Bottles of White Cleaner, for .r............ 2 10c Boxes of Shinola, for FIRE INStJRANCE--RpYAJU INSUR, ahee Company of Liverpool, largest Are insurance company in the world, insures dwellings, household goods7 renls; lowest rates. "Charles A. Wightman & Co., resident agents. Phone 203. ltc BOARD AND ROOM 1654 A8BURY AVE., TH 2 ASBURY. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN SUITE, EXCELLENT CUISINE. PHONE f^ftfc-^dRSi-F^O. DIE^INDORF. ---;------.,..■■ . ,....... . -- --^tCwtf FOR SALE EVANSTON HOMES ij.80 sherman-av. 39W-U FOR SALE--NEW RHiNELANDER ■', side Icing l66 lb. whife enamel ice : boxes; -ordinary prlC3, $30; cm* - price, 120. Smith-iJuce Co^ 1217- Wllmette av. Open evenings. If FOR SALE--3 SUBDIVISIONS. ■w- _:,•_!_!„■_ King's Meadows. Wilmette avenue w Of 1:5th street, 50x156 .;....................$750 McDanlcls' Woods. Hill street w of 14th, 50x171...". $900 Gregory avenue w of 14th street, j 50x171 ....._______:........! $900 Isabella street w of 11 !th street, 50x174 ..............________$050 E. T. Paul's Division. Elmwood avenue w of; ICth street ;.;■■■ 50x140 ^i.........}.......... .$750 _, Write for flats. ___\i____^_____l____ ~ : C. E. Schiller, 19 Si LaSalle street, Phone 608"Randplph. tf. mvtiters 'old on Easy Payments ~Fo?Renfoncdsy Tetms ALL MAKES NEW AND REBUILT Some Special Good Bargains Full Line Typewriter Supplies H.E. CHANDLER & CO. 630-632 Davis St; Evanston iisrI^IJlf::.;©tr Phones 2898-3619 CHARLES R. NEW, Manager THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE AND EVENING Winnors of Last Friday "a'ToriKO Content, The Ptnint ion»! New York Tango Dancers AND" THURSDAY Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst in What mMUllon l¥o^g^T^Want MONDAY, JUNE 8lh"=tl " fML* 3ti I II ll\l \W2 Company, will be here in prrson uith mwm*-w r* m ~ • ~m* some of his best motion pictures. A NEW THING IN MOTION PICTURES. The man cxhrbiicd on ihe screen present at th? exhibition. Sec this jolly, f«t corned an Canvas T7T7.r.9«r . .9c 6 Pairs of Men's Good Linen Shoe Laces, for.....................9c Potato Mashers, heavy retinned 9c Icepicks and Shavers, each .....9c Lemon Squeezers, retinned.....9c Sreen Door Springs, 2 for......9c Aluminum Coffee and Tea Strain- ers, each..................... .9o -Aluminum for....... Cleaner, Swhwalu, 2 ...........9c Hunifreds of Useful Household Articles, Nine Cents DISH PANS, io-quart gray granite... gc WATER PAILS, galvanized iron.... .9c SUGAR AND CREAMERS, genuine cut glass,; each, ............. 1...........qc TOILET PAPER, fine crepe, 5 rolls, this sale for ......,...;..................gc CUFS^ AND SAUCERS, white, 2 pair.gc DINNER PLATES^ white, 2 for>-ir... vgc CUPS AND SAUCERS, flower decor. ated, pair.........................; .gc SLEEVE BOARDS, hardwood, padded, this sale for.........................**jc FRY PANS, 1st quality enamel, 2gc val., for ...... .V. 1.,.......___..i....___9c PUDDING PAN, 4-qt, blue and white enamel, 25c value.....-......!;........9c ~BREAD PANS, blue and white enamel, 30c value .",........;........ .c...... gc; COFFEE POT, i54-qt size, blue and white enamel ...... 7...... .ji...... .3c PRESERVE KETTLE, 3-qt.,JaSc value, for TEA POT, blue and white enamel, 3-qt 9c for 9c SAUCEPAN, gray granite, s-qi. size, ^ot: Sugar Spoons, Rogers' silverplate, each ............;............ .9c Flowers, per bunch .... ........9c Foliage, per bunch .... ......i.9c Wreaths, each .....:... ......i.9c Pon Pons, each ........ ...*....-9c Stick-ups, each ........ ........9C Tumblers, thin blown for .................-... crystal, 4 .....V..9c Spocns, Rogers' nickel sil ,.9c .9c Baby ver ....................... Coathangers, wood, 5 for.... Children's Mugs, white enamel, 2 for..........................9c Can and Bottle Opener.........9c Milk Pitcher, earthenware......9c Carpet Beater, heavy wire......9c Colander, gray granite..........9c Milk Crock, 1 gal. size..........9c Clothesline Rpel, each...-.......9c _Mop8tisks, steel head..........9t" Toothpicks, hardwood, 4 pkgs..9c SPONGES, Household size, each..9c DUST PANS, good quality tin...9c CLOTHES SPRINKLERS, each..9c SCREEN DQOR HINGES, spring, pair, this sale' at..............9e OIL for lawn, mowers, in cans, each . ■•%...................9c CHICKEN FOUNTS, galv. iron. .9c BREAD TOASTERS, Androck's. -9c BREAD KNIVES, steel, wood han- dle ......:...................9c PARING KNIVES, good steel, 2 for.......................9c SCRUB BRUSHES, extra qual- ity...........................9c Knives and Forks, cocobola handle, pair......j..................9c Serving trays, nickclplatcd. round...............^..;.-.;j,;.,9& Milk Kettle, best gray enamel, 2 qt. size.......................9c Wash Basin, 1st quality enamel.9c Water Pail, blue and white enamel, 50c value..................... ,9c Dish Mops, wood handle, 2 for. 9c Kettle Covers, gray oranlte...;.9o Paper Plates, in sanitary pkg..9c Milk Pans, 5 qt. size, gray granite 9c Dish Pans, gray granite, 8 qt. size 9c Sugar Canister, white japanned, 10 lbs. size_^............, ^r...... ,9c Clothesline, 53 ft..........:.. ,.9C Mouse Traps, sure catch, 6 for. .9c Garden Trowels, steel, 2 for___gc Butter Jars,-glass, with cover... ,9c Lcmcn Squeezers, large, glass.. .9c Children's Garden 8ets, 3 pieces 9c Gas M antles, Inverted or upright, each-. w.:.:i.........v,'f..T,....;9c. China, 1000 each Pieces Hand painted Wax Paper, household pkg., 2 for 9c Coat Hangers, wire, 5c yar.,4 for 3c Fly-Swatter, corduroy edge ....9c Pure Aluminum Tablespoons, 2 Aluminum Basting .9c Spoon3, ......9c for . Pure each Purs Aluminum Pie Plates, each 9c Bowl, 9 inch press cut, 29c value 9c Whisk Broome, good quality... .9c Clothespins, hardwood, 100 for. .9c Napkins, fine white tissue, 200 for 9c Ironing Wax; 10 pieces for..... .9c 9c CANNED GOODS AT 9c. Retriever Brand Tomatoes 9c 3TR've" Brand Corn........9c Winning Star Brand Peas..9c y»n Camp's Pork & Beans 9c Snider's Pork & Beans___9c Van Camp'a K»dney Beans 9c -Van Camp'flxMUk, tall cans 9c Silver Cow Milk, tall cans 9c Borden's Milk, tall cans.. .9c Tioga B r an d Asparagus Tips......... ..*..'.......9c Carnation Milk, tali cans. .9c Domestic Oil Sardines, 2 cans for......................9c Domestic Mustard Sardines, 2 'cans for .........". ___9c Imported Oil Sardines, can 9c Large tins of Mustard Sar , dines...................,9e Wico Brand Tuna Fish... .9c Burnham A Morrill's Fish flakes -----....... .......9c Burnham's Tarpon Bay Clams ...................9c Crackerjack Brand Pink Sal- mon.....................9c raid's--Kippered--Herring, oval cans ................9c 'Plymouth Rock Cut String Beans-; ~.~.~rr.-. .\...........9c »*»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦*♦» I Reliance Brand Non-cak$ o Ing Powdered Sugar, In* ♦ handy sifter carton....9cJ »»♦»♦♦»»♦•♦»♦♦♦»♦»♦» ZlCe Cream Salt, 12 Ibs.f Jfor........ ..!*..9c| Fremont Brand Sliced Peaches................9c Segic Brand Pineapple Cubes, can.....................9c Cottage Brand Sliced Pine- apple ;..................9c North Shore Br«nd No. 3 can Baked Beans.............9c Lombard Plums, In ^ffup. .oV Craig's Fancy Red Kidney Beans Armour's Potted Meat, ham flavor .............;......9c A r m o u r's Potted Meat, tongue "flavor .....%;..... 9c Libby'o ,. Potted Meat, ham flavor^.....;:.... :>^..., .9c Libby's Potted Meat, tongue flavor.............»>••• "99: **&»*•++•• ♦♦ »»♦»•♦»• 4Mild Rio Coffee, yz lb..9c »♦»♦»•♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦ CATSUP, MUSTARD, ETC., AT 9c, 15c bottle Van Camp's Cat- •u|> -..............^..___9c Morehouse Horseradish Mui tard ..............Ip.....g& Morehouse Peanut Butter.9c Beechnut Peanut Butter.. 9c John ^-Buif Woreistcrshire Sauce__...;^......, ,UC.... .9o Airline Honey, per glass, ,9c Savoy M usta rtt, bottle___9c Monsoon Mustard; Mason jar .....-.........^%\,.....gc i SOAPS. WASHING POW- DERS AND LAUNDRY SUPPLIES AT 9c. Bulk Starch, 3 lbs. for___9c Large bottle of Bluing___9c Large bottle of Ammonia. .9c Washing Soda, 5 lbs. for. .9c • Gold Dust, 3 5c -pkgs......9c Star Naphtha Washing Pow- der, 3 5c pkgs............9c American Family Soap, 2 bars ................-.....9c Ivory Soap, 2 bars... ^t^9a Wool Soap, 3 bars....... .9c Fels Naphtha Soap, 2 bars 9c Brag Laundry Soap, extra large bars, 2 for..........gc Grandpa's Tar Soap, 2 bars .....................9c Galvanic Soap, 2 bars.....9c Old Dutch Cleanser, can. 9c Lifebuoy Soap, 2 bars. ...9c Scourine, 2 bars .........9c Chicago Metal Polish, can 9c Soapine, 2 pkgs. Pearline, 2 PkGs....... Argo Starch, 2 pkgs.... Douglas Starch. 2 pkgs. Elastic Starch, pkg..... CEREALS AT 9c. Shredded Wheat, pkg... Kcllogg'8 Corn Flakes, pi Ralston's Wheat Food, pkg. 9c Quaker Oats, pkg......... 9c Washington Crisps, pkg 9c Puffed Wheat, pkg___.... 9c IN OUR BAKERY. Buttercrust Apple Pies, aeh--r.'TTrr. ■; r...'.. '.*. tt;;--T9c" Fresh Rhubarb Pies, each 9c Golden Rod Cakes, each...9c HEINZ FAMOUS At 9c. GOODS Baked Beans with Pork.and Tomato Sauce.........;..9c Spaghetti, per can........9c Muswd, per bottle........ go FLAVORING EXTRACTS AT 9c A BOTTLE. Dr. Price's Vanilla Extract 9c Dr. Price's Lemon Extract 9c lasers vaniiia extract 7.9c Sauer's Lemon Extract.. ..9c Bauer's 1^ Sweet ^Cherry Flavor..................^c Sauer's 1, Banana Flavor. .9c Sauer's 1, Pistache Flavor 9c Sauers 1, Peppermint Ex- tract.........i.;....... .,9c Sauer's 1, Apricot Flavor.*.9c Sauer's 1, Strawberry Flavor...................9c Hudson's Vanilla Extract.9c Hudson's Lemon Extract..9c SUGAR. ; H. & S. best Granulated 'Sugar, lo lbs, for.:..44c ♦»»♦♦♦»»»♦< PACKAGE CRACKERS AT 9c. Nabisco Wafers, all flavors, pkgV .^vir.,^-^^^ 11 •. _9c Graham Crackers, pkg... .gc Oatmeal Crackers, pkg___9c Five OVjlcck Teas, pkg.. ,9c Sor'?! T-at, pkg......r.r;9c~ BAKING 9c PICKL S AND AT 9c. OLIVES 18c Bottle of Plain Olives. .9c Pimento Stuffed Olives___9c CHOCOLATES & COCOAS AT 9c. Runkel's^Miir cftoeoiate, 3 5c pkgs.....................gc Runkei's Almond Milk Choco- late, cr^Nut Milk Chocolatet 3 5c pkgs...........;.... .^e Baker's Cocoa, small cans 9c Lpwney's Cocoa, */4 lb. cans 9c CHEESE AT 9c. Blue Label Cheese, pkgl.. .9c McClaren's Imperial Cheese, jar .,„.«...»,.^.....'....afc McClaren's Nippy Cheese, Pkg......................9c McClaren's Deviled Cheese, Pkg......................9c CANARY BIRD FOOD8 AT 9c. West's Canary Bird Food, It large pkg. West's Bird Hemp and Pep- pers, pkg. .Vs.............9c Wests.; Wild" Grass Seed for Canaries, pkg. .........rrlSc iSf^^fSfiT*^^ ■*- ^rs^^Egg-^ad for Can. ariesV pkg............... ;v9e Weati^; Song Restorer for CaBawe^-^gj-TTTTrrr.r:; .9c •♦»»»a»»*ese»itsi Native Chuck Pot Roast Beef, best quality, lb-----......16c .Native Shoulder Steak, ten* der arid juicy, lb........18c Choice Veal Stew or Breast for stuffing, lb...........19c Fancy Lamb Chops, rib, lb. 25c; loin, lb. ■ ■,... ■.... .28e- 100 percent pure Lard, lb. 16c Native' Shoulder Veal Rqa|t, best quality, lb.___.... .18c Armour's Star Ham3, 8 to 10 ib. average, lb.........19^c: Armour's Star,Bacon, 4 to 8 lb. average, lb;........ .26!4c Old tyme Cod Flan, 1 lb. wooden box, lb........,.22c Mackerel. 2 for 9c; Pickled Pig's Feet, lb.,' 9c; Choice -Lamb^Stew^Mb^,^ 7 v.,..'. .9c- SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, Prime Rib Roast Beef, best quality, tender and juicy, roll- ed or standing, lb...20c A 22c Selected Leg of Lamb, lb.20c Best Native Veal, leg or loin. COFFEE. -9c Mild SAntos Coffee, lb...25 Golden Roast Santos Coffee, lb. .,........,........:..28c Bogota Blend Coffee, Ib. 30c The best coffee you ever , drank for the money.--^ Lipton's Yellow Label Oof- fee, per lb.;.......,..;.. ,37o Out Famous ,'cc Tea Blend, for this sale only, |4 lb...9c 11 Seats lOo Doors open front 2 to S --*nd 7 to 10:30 P.M.

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