Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1914, p. 4

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THUR80AY PUBLISHING WJImett*, Iff. ■.•,;.; ■;. ;1^6 Mtoetvv Be}den. ' *B7 ; Hinman Room 2, Shown BiHMIqg,' . avenue, will oailJune27 for Naples. 1159 Wlfmrtte Avenue. \ '>'.;.- .,T*e,Oak Leaf -circle Is planning a :'T^f>>UM^tg4B!.- ; ■. y-", v>'■.-■ truck ride and dinner for Friday eve- ^^ ^M««^^»^wein(rTiiK6iGJ©*»*^; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. BoUert 421 Kee- xiey street, nave . retnrned -^froar the east after A"inwaib** sfrfciwefc*"**T"■"" The Marjr Cflddings Neighborhood club met Monday at the fume of Mrs. A. B. Andrews. 8«7 Forest avenue."' ,: Mm.' Jessie Culver of Crand Rapids, Mich., is tbe guest of Iter daughter, Born, Sunday, saotning, May ; 31V to tR Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mr- and Mra. Hawy Van Fettaa, 2*23 Harrison street.a fehrl. ' ■ - ■'■ Mr. A. B. Dale, 2827 Central street, epoke before a IrJM. c. a. convention »BMtey at Betvi**re, .BL' ' Mr. Charles Saahcr Hal! and fam- Fowter Hunter, 1119 Jadson avenue. ' Tliie^Deremony wltt'."fi^'iara »» 8"fe urday evening, June 20, at St Mark's church, the Rev. George Craig Stewart ^Sfrfo^g,. FoUowlng the ' service there will be a large reception at the Evanston Country club. Miss Lillian PoLtaau . . ., ri? F. Hollirteb, Business Manager IOW . . tZJOO *:*&)» jg Entered aa stcond-class matter March ' J8H. at the potrtofflw it Wilmette. iwrta. under *bc act of March 3, MJSr a «•• *Oiiiiiiuiiii:autm» to '"The snor* News, Wilnu-tu?. Anonymous lunlcatlons wJ.ll not be notiwd. He- 1 manuscripts will not he returned i accompanied hy postage. All mat- # publication In the current week's should reach our office not later in Tuesday noon. -. THURSDAY. JUNE 4. 1914. CLEAN-UP WEEK 18 HERE. Cleanup week has arrived at last. Is to say the officials of the Wil- ts* Improvement asuociatlon have red out the suggestion contained ■ ntory published " in. tills news- Ij^ja-ie^vweeka'ago and are ready have carted away the refuse from] lie alleyways .As we have said previously in these columns, Wiimette la toopretty and select a residential village to (lect: the care of the alleyways' and: iier premises.' How often does a caa- vJsltor to the community mis- ost avenue, la attending the com- mencement exercises at Sweet Briar, Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Morris and family, 1138 Sheridan road, will leave Jane 9 for their summer homo at Charlevoix, Mich. Mm. Howard Baker. 843 Ridge ave- , „^,.,,.,, , , : fnue, will anWartaln at an informal fig^t^.i^^ bridge, nest mwrsday afternoon tor BL Mr.' Duke Banks, 1204 Sheridan road, will Sail June 20 for South Amer- where he will be located in busi- ness. '•■■'■■■""--.. .--=---•--../.■ . Mm. D. Mortenson of Racine, Wis., was the Week-end guest of her son. Mr. A. D. Mortenson, 2400 Harrison ntaeet. _:.;. .-.;i ..:-...,/_..- MIbb ' Isabel Bridge. 578 Milburn etreet, returned Sunday from Bryh Mawr, Pa. where she Js attending college. 11 '.,.;_ _i__:,r-;;„ „„_~ ..,:•. is '::'Wtf:llQaqtk Morris, Jr./ 1138 Sheri- dan road, who is attending the Uni- versity of Cincinnati, is home for a 'tew days..; ...;.-■ Miss Gladys Balcb, 2123 Harrison street, returned Tuesday from -a week-end visit with frienda at Madi- son, Wis. ■ Mr. and Mrs* Wl B. Agate. €02 Dempster afreet,, left yesterday for Bangor. Me., where they will spend the summer. Miss Eugenia Bufflngton, 1140 For- Maple avenue, and will move into it Robrer. 1905 Noyes atreet. af«»t/the week-end -at -ftdteer* Jnd..aa the iuest of Miss Edna «uett- <ch«Vv ■,■:■-"- ,c-;'-:"-r:v:;" :•/"""/•::r-;.;- Miss Esther Peterson, 1121 Grant street, entertained about .twenty of ber friends informally last Friday eve- hlajg. r4MB^weefcT~ Mr; and Mrs. Hoy Cribb. 2036 Maple avenue, have been entertaining their ooarfits, Mr. aad'itffe Mount Holly Springs. Pa* aid Mrs. Glass of Chicago.:'. Dr. and Mra.-.%pior Baldersoh. C14 ^lUfy- M^Igleoi.' sister of the groom, Willi: be the matron .of honor. The bridesmaids will be MUs Eleanor Miss Margaret Armour, Miss Mr,'. W. M. Mitchell and -little son, ji Clark street, and Mr. and Mia. Fleteh- John, 2203 j larrison street, have re- J «r Smith. 2500 Hartxell street, have re- turned from a week-end visit at Paris, (turned from a week-end motor trip to fjnan and Illinois,^ I..<...-,■<■"■■•;• • ':.:tx '-' The annual meeting and election of officers of the Evanston PJayrrs* dub Barbara Waldo of Bridgeport. Conn., and Miss Katherine Bergin of Nanti- coke. Pa. Two cousins of the bride, Gertrude and Priscilla Grassle. will serve as flower girls. Mr. Harry Hun- ter, brother of the groon^ will be best the.. ushers ' will be held June 35 at St. Mark's par- ish house. ■■"" .'■'• ;-v'i '■'■"'" 'v'^-"" '">:^ :'■"■■ *-:;;Mr,' and"Mtt. Harry Hanson, 716 lUnman avenne, announce the birth of a daughter, Helsn Charlotte, on. Wed- nesday, MayiT.-'" - .Mr. and Mrs. D. C. John and daugh- ter, Jessica, spent' the Week-end with Mrs. Johns' mother, Mrs. J. M. Loney, 1614 Oak avenue...... Miss Florence Ilofford, who spent the warej^ead with Mrs. Henry A. anps, .2315 Harrison street, has re- turned to her home In Chicago. Mrs. James. McDonald and the Misses McDonald. 1225 Michigan ave- are Kenneth .fKasved'.Ro^^ifiii;^ :'-|iBaM^■.^Dsyid-. Forgan, Edwin Adri- ' Mrs. Charies Parsons and her |ance of Englewood, N. J, Horton mother. Mrs. E.^MelllttT 2115 Ridge Pushee of Boston and Mr. Killian Mc- avenue, entertained informally last Friday afternoon for Mrs. J. W. Fran- cis of Philadelphia. Mrs. Walter M. Bond and small son, 519 Hamilton street, will leave July 1 for Cape May, where they -wUl spend a month with lbs. Bond's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels. ~"Mr.-snd?Mi«^^|B|iel Wopuhead andj| tofO' sons, 1521 Hinman avenue, left Monday for Lynn, Conn., where they wlti visit Mrs. Woodliead's parents be- fore leaving for Atlantic City. Mr. and Itr&koke Wilson, 1513 Hln- htan avenue, have returned from-the east Mr. Wilson has beeh spending Nicol as master of ceremonies. RECOVERS FROM ILLNESS. We are pleased to announce that Dr. W. II. Porter, after his recent illness. has returned to his office In the Brown buildiss- ' .., - i£*«rAdv4 nue, will give a musical at their home six weeks In Europe and daring: bis on'Thursday afternoon. Juno 11. j absence MM. Wilson was in Washing- arm from looking upon III kempt and itidy- alley ways and premises! Only short time ago a visitor in Wii- ii*. while walking along the streets, vas heard to remark about the »uty of this place and declare that eclipsed any other residential siib- ipp of Chicago In many ways. How- he did not overlook the alleys Miss Gladys Burns. •Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Hard of Van Wert, 6., will: arrive in this city on Friday to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charies Cromer, 1011 Grove street. Mr. Alexander Dewar of Vancouver is the guest of his daughters, Mrs. Raymond Cook. Mrs. Thomas Lord and Mrs. Graham Patterson. Mr^snd-MrBrTj; :W.7Meaker, Jr., 2431 Pioneer road, entertained at tea ich at that time were piled high I Sunday evening in honor of Mr. and th ash heaps and tin cans In many "teas, ^Bot dirty Alleys give any a black eye." remarked the vls- r.; ^hy don't they clean them up?" he asked. ^^4; ?"*w the improvement associa- tlon Intends to' accomplish a genuine :Iean-up. To do this tho organization 'jjn&i need the cooperation of every property owner and family of the vll- «. Do not neglect your "Clean-up" k any longer. Call up P. M. Biibig> or any other member or official O^ tho association if -the wagons have failed to call in the alley In the rear of your home and report that your lot Is cleaned and the»refuse is piled up ready for the wagon man. „ ,;a ceptlon which was given motion pic- lures exhibited In a regular theatre in Wllmette last Thursday evening when the new Wilmette theatre in Contra! avenue was opened. Accord- ing to the manager a total of 1»500 persons attended the: Initial perform- ance, which more' than proves that Wllinetto residents were and- are, Mrs. W. W. Bruce of St. Johns, N. B. Mr. Edwin F. Walker, 2333 Lincoln Street, has been called to California by the illness of his father, F. H. Walker, who was seriously hurt by a fall. Mr. William A Dyche, who has-been traveling In tbe Orient, has sailed on tbe steamer "Minnesota" for-Seattle, arriving in this city the middle of the month. - The Ladies' Aid society of the Hem- enway M. E. church will hold their regular meeting next Friday from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Luncheon»Will be served at 12 o'clock. . J,'* *V Mr. and Mrs'. E. Wltslene of 813 Lee street have recently celebrated their silver wedding anniversary. JQnly In- timate friends and relatives were present on the occasion. - *" ilMlsB Barbara Waldo of Bridgeport, gpnn-r who^wlll^be a member of ftliss WELCOME THE MOVm^. " pBjirns^ bridal party, has arrived in It was Interestlnr^ttrwarcri the re- this city, where she wilr be Hie guest of Miss Lilian Johnson, 1015 Sheridan road. Miss Louise Moore. 2131 Orrington avenue, entertained Monday at a kitchen shower for Miss Jessie Mendsen, whose marriage to Mr. Ed- win C. Conovcr Will take place on Wednesday evening, June 10. The alumni and active members or the Omega chapter of Sigma Chi fra- ternity have Issued invitations to hungry for the "movies." sort or a barrier has prevailed to keep the motion picture theatre out or Wil- mette. Probably the villago officials :'who.were opposed "to passing an ordl-. nance granting authority to the oper- ators of such amusements acted in o'clock on Friday afternoon, June C, the occasion being the formal opening of, their new chapter house on the north campus of the university. The Evanston Catholic Woman's Good faith In refusing t«. jmRjug.^ «I g^,, apJ the lMJ*ilo» alumiyie Sde^But ir any oflthosTwho held »*«lu«* *Dent Wednesday at the any tip the plan could have seen the crowds which filled Central avenue last Thursday eVenihg, they probably would have been fully convinced that their old time views about keeping out tho popular form of amusement, were not in keeping with the de- mands of the. progressive and wide awake populace. ■■ ,?hThe motion, picture Is an institu- tion In this day and age"'"just as the legitimate theatre has been for ceii- turlea. It has come to stay and in the epoch It marks, It has completely revolutionized affairs theatrical. There Is Jusf one thing that the residents of. bf this village must demand. That is ciean, instructive and educational film shows, programs which contain elevating elements. If UiIb dcn.iand^s made there need- not- bo the slightest the "movies" will in any the village to its detrl- the other, hand it will place.- and i furniah good, fear that 1 way affect ' ment On liven the ictean,^who!eBoma: amusement, some- thing which has long been sought in this north shore community. 'YWyjMfB. WQRftYT V Residents of the southeast portion IS/I;.Wllroette worried. needlessljVriast week when a minor gained circulation that an objectioiml. sanitarium was to be located in their neighborhood. Ap Informed on the village ordinances and tlieir limitations. They evidently did not know that to establish any in- stitution such as a hospital, private or otherwiserJt-i* necessary to get 'the property frontage consent in add! tlon to procuring the sanction of the ■this: paper last week explained that phase of the situation and it is hoped -.tiuit.--the^.,Mxt^ emanates from a talkative realty agent, the citizens will appeal to a village official and thus save them- selves unnecessa ry worry. n homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. Emory Al bright, at the log-studio in Hubbard WoodB, The guests took thetr box lunches, and a delightful time was enjoyed. Mr. Albright's pictures, which have been attracting marked attention at the Art Institute, were exhibited. Invitations have been issued for the wedding of MIbb Marie Leopold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leopold of Burlington, la., to Mr, Robert Owen Lord, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lord or,1416 Elinor placo, which will take place on Thursday. June 11, at the homo or the bride's parents. Mr. Chester Cory or this city will servo Mr. Lord as best man. After August 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lord will be at home at 1506 Grove street. invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Margaret Dale Simpson, daughter or . Mr. Robert Simpson, 1503 Sherman avenue, to Earl Lefflngwell, which will take place on Saturday evening, June 20. Miss Charlotte Simpson will attend her sla- ter as maid of honor, and the brides- maid will he Miss Janet Anderson, and Miss Mary Helen Letting well and, Margaret and Charlotte Anderson will act as flower girls. Mr. Edward Fleury will serve Mr. Lefflngwell as best man. Members or the Sigma Alpha Epsl- Mr. Edward Thompson Grantham of Lincoln, Neb., was the week-end guest of his brother, Mr. James M. Gran- tham and family, 2415 Hartzell street Mr. and Mm. Hugh Wilson have taken an apartment at Glen View Golf club, where they will spend several weeks before leaving for Washington, D. C. > Among those who were at Deer Lick Farm, Deerfleld, for the week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Kirk man and Mr. ssir-ifefc Lane of this city. Mrs. George Watson Smith. 1462 Ridge avenue, has departed for the east, where she-will be Joined by her daughters, who are attending school in New York, going down to their home at Salter's Point, Mass:, for the summer. Mrs. Edwin L. Harpham, 931 Maple avenue, left Tuesday for New Haven* Conn., where she will attend the com- mencement at Yale university. Her son, Watson Harpham, is a member of the graduating class. Before return- ing to Evanston they will visit in Rut- land, Vt.. and Northampton, Mass. Miss Nellie Sickels. 1040 Hinman avenue, for twenty-five years a teacher In the Lincoln school, will leave New York on Saturday for Naples oh a three, months' trip. Miss Sickels has been presented with a purse of $270 by the Parents and Teachers' associa- tion and the. alumni of Lincoln school. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wright, 016 Forest avenue, departed Wednes- day-tor Ithaca, Ni^Y.^where-they-will Visit their son, Miles, who is a stu- dent at Cornell university, later going on to Wellesley. where they will at- tend the commencement exercises of Miss Ruth Wright, spending two weeks at Wlanno, Mass., before re- turning to Evanston. ton, D. C, as the guest of her parents. Mrs. Chester Comstock. 2408 Hart- seir street, accompanied by Mr. and Mm. Frank Alien Norrls and- little daughter, MarceUa, 2327 Harrison street, have- retained- from an extend- ed visit in Oswegjoi'-N. Y. On their re- turn trip they visited relatives at La- peer, Mich. - v~irrv~ >'%<•;; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henry Burns, 1215 Hlnnuui avenue, have' issued in- vitations for the we"dding_j|^bjBit Gladys- Marguerite, to John lifomobHe Tins and Tubes Cratfnctiii Pncrn* Central 3461.' •gV Jmc» Dyaias• SpaeWtr M* Glll^Spie F«atbe*r Dresser Sprint Novelties Mad* From Ostrich Fcirfaeri H7-au iiirtinm. uLwiasfhsst.eiic«i H. E. Chandler £? Co. 630-632 Davis Street EVANSTON - ILLINOIS The Condition of Lake Water '.. Pollution of Lake Water by Sewerage is the subject of much discussion. Authorities agree that LAKE WATEB is _; imfitfoj^driiiking^ui^s^^ WHAT -.J§ THE REMEDY? ORDER lit GNGE CORINN1S WAUKESHA WATER--AtVAYS PURE AND HEALTHFUL HI^ClaiY & SCHMitf,inc. Telephone Evanston 980 Distributors 0Hi*»ttimTKKTH luiiillgatt ■•of WITHOUT and r«t(t vi.*£m mm A maml of comfort and durabIIIly. Our ctletratttf $1.00 itt» km stood the list e-Mima. ralnlm'aitiaelirg, ou oath sating tpiclaliial CONSULTATION KUKICI Southeast Cornrr Randolph and Clark Streets Open evening up.tii 7 Sunday 9 to 12 Portbetruly modern Home TWO CENTS A IfAY Red Cross Filter Service TEL. MAIN 3o IS 8. WALLACE. Agent 1621 Orriojton Ave. Tel. Evaniton 270 EUROPE ' ~V1A- ItSrl itei -goebec--Lfterpool Quebec--Cltsgow malrial--guebec-Harre-tOBto Boston Tas New Twoine Qdatfrupie Screw S. S. "AUatlan!'-.. and <(Calgarian" , 25,000 Ton Dit place ment UWEST FIIEtT-FASIEJt CANADIAN ROUTE Ocean Passage Lest Tin Four Oays -----Tfte Steamer sf Many Attractions Cabinn in .mito with private bath and to.a>t. SpJwioun stato roemu. Ulaan inclosed promen- deck. V.randoCafo. Com- fortable I^Minprt-M. Electric Pats- ' Benger Elevators. Orchoatra. Gymnasium. UnattrpaBsed ac- comodation, all classes. Lowest i-uu-h. SiitiKMiT reservation lista now opi>n. Kartjr bOOktnKrt rec- ommendetl Se nd for descriptive Booklet "<; " For full particu- lars as to railinga. rates, etc » apply neatest Local Agent, o AllM & CO., SMMtral If tnW 127 North Dearborn Street, Chicago Phonal laadolon 6030. autemalic 44-093 gowns and *^ iMIintjry. ^U the latest styles show the universal use of fancy Mfc|j6ns. It promises to be a wonderful ribbon season and WNolPt^ltlT^ selection as the best we have ever given both in range and price. ^arentiy tllese viila*erjijefii^not-w^ at the f,.aternliy house on tin.- north campus last Fri- day ovening for the annual meeting of the House Building association. Clyde D. Foster was re-elected presi- dent of the association, Ritzc Mulder, vice-president; Thor Erickson, treas- m & r> Real ^Estate Agents* Brokers a Buyers of North Shore Property Stores, Offices, Flats and Residences for sale and rent in Evanston, Wilmette and Winnetka. Ltant NtgoUmttd and Intmranc* Placet At 10c Yard Faney Floral Patterned Ribbons, 4 and 5 inches wide, with stripe center, stripe border, cord edge, etc. Plain color Taffeta Ribbons with sell stripe. At 15c Yard 5-inch Taffeta Ribbon, heavy silk, narrow cord stripes, in all tbe plain colors, bine, red, Jbrown, yellow, pink, navy, lavender, Copenhagen, green, white, etc. At 19c Yard Plain Color Ribbons; 5-inch Moire with satin stripe, Taffeta with satin dot and stripe, Taffeta with fancy border* Floral Ribbon, 5-inches wide, with satin border, roman stripe border, moire border. At 25c Yard 5-inch floral,,Center Taffeta Ribbon, satin and taffeta black border. SHneh Floral Taffeta Ribbon, all oyer patterns, dark and light. M29^mm 5-inch plain color Grosgrain Ribbon, fancyJ)order, -._ ^ Scinch Floral Taffeta Ribbons with satin stripe and fancy borders. 5*inch Floral Moire 0enter, satin strtpeTSorder. AtJ5c Yard 51-inch Brocaded White Ribbonav taffeta, grosgrain and satin. 5i-inch Brocaded, Floral Center witK stripe border. At39cWm 8-inch Floral Grosgrain Ribbon with satin border. y-.r-- 51-incli Floral Taffeta Ribbon With gold lace design border. Roman Stripe Ribbons for Sashes and Belts, at 50c, 7$e and 95c yard ^ ^Opportunities to Secure the Best in Many Lines atReasonable Cost, rj^ ^m^^irmimB^me^ieym^^svm^a ^Mg^iM IraUittfB^OaxJay^aecretary. A meeting of tbe Evanston Alumni as- sociation was also held on the same evening. Plans were discusaed pre- paratory for tho national convention of the fraternity, which Is held in Chicago during the Christinas holi- 4*3* :-■-- .-.;•.-, Ladies' Hats of Any Kind **™<»™z»e- Ite-blockintr. Uloacliintr. Dyalnc of Panama Hata. Aak for catalogue and prices. CLiago Hit M«aBf«ctorinR 6 Bleicting Co. NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. Children's Dresses 1 to 16 yearB. Ladies" Waists, $3.00 up. To Order. Coreets to Measure. Z Smocking, Hemstitching. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP,---- 717-718 Venetian Bldg., IS East Washington St, Chicago. 741 Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago. LITTLE DUTCH STUDIO. is showing imported French Rose Chains, mmmer, new Pot- pourri, Cameo Me- dallions for wrist and neck bands, and many other smart novelties lor Wedding and Graduation gilts. :v~V y NETTIE SPOOR HANAUER'-■;"' MASSAGE INSTITUTE. Phone Harrison 3535. ^ THE ACME^ Scientific Massage, Electric Light and Shower Baths, Therapeutic L _j _£_ ■ ¥4«bt and Vibratory. -r--- ■■■- ManlCUWng. Hours 10:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. Dally. MISS MAE diwviBR. Proix, : Suite 90, 39 w. Adams St, Chicago. LADIES' TAILORS. TOURvBKiESDTlONidF A SUMP shows - marked degree of distinctive ^____ J*itiLtn the selection of -v.^--r your attire. HARRY EINHORN ft CO. 904 Mailers Bldg, Chicago, 111. • ~='i - j twtat,- . . - - -

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