Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1914, p. 3

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kKB SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914. EXERGISES AT H. 11. ARE BEGUri Daily Clinics and Demonstra- tionsBeganTu«sdayatMedi- caj School and Hotchkiss Reception Is Held. COMMENCEMENT JUNE 10 Northwestern university commence- ment exercises begin this, week and continue untii Wednesday, June 10. ,; Daily clinics and demonstrations began Tuesday at the medical school. These are of especial interest to the returning alumni. Tuesday eve a re- ception was given by .Professor Willard E. Hotchkiss of Evanston, dean of the School of Commerce, to the alumni and graduating class of that school at his residence, 714 Mil- burn street. /■;■"' - Reception Friday. Friday afternoon the reception to the seniors of the college of liberal JiM*» wfit be held by Dean Taesaas P. Holgate from 4 to Go'clGcV^irfs res- idence on Library place, Evanston. Miss Jane Addams will give the an-. . nuil Phi Beta Kappa Address at An- nie May Swift hall Friday evening at S o'clock. XTheatmual student parade will be abandoned' this year, and instead on Saturday campus sports and May pole and. folk dances will" be held. There will also be an exhibition drill by the Evanston life-saving • crew, which is composed of university students. In the evening there will be a lantern prbeession, illumination of the. campus and a concert. McDowell to Give Sermon. The 'baccalaureate address" will be given by Bishop William P. McDowell of Evanston Sunday afternoon at. 3 o'clock at the university gymnasium. v, Wp^esiday.: June iOJi the cbi^niehce- ment exercises will tie held in the gymnasium at 10:30 a. m. ».1 /The Official Program., ^ The .following Is the official program for commencement: ;-. .,*■ Thursday, June 4.-r-Music school, %raduatlng concert, 8 p. m. Law <IllllllllllIIIIIIIfillI ill class, 8 p. m. ' ^Friday, June 5.-^-Golleg6 of Liberal Aljn, die'an's reception to senior class, ♦jprtht'PhivBetaJCSPptt address, 8 jv. mV^Sttpho^dte^lfOtf^^iha^iunii^* ■nttn.' - "' - r - ■ ' _ Saturday, June •"6.--^pdrtf >on'.■ cam* pus, '2 to 0 i>« Jnv: Dental school*;dean's reception to senior class. Lantern procession, campus Illumination, 7 p. m. „ :i^y • ■"■'- "~ Sunday, Junejf7.-^Baccalaureate serr mon,, gymnasium, 3 p. in. ___--t', }f:^-i Monday, June 8.--College of Liberal Arts, class day exercises. Medical school, alumni banquet, 6 p. m. Com- mencement play, gymnasium, 8 p. m. Tuesday, June 9.---Alumni day, class reunions? "C Annual meeting board of trttsteesi-^^tricft;--Open bouse, dormi- tories, north campus, 4 p. m. Presi- dent's reception, gymnasium, !» p. m. - Wednesday,* -June^ iO.--fCommettce- ihent at 10:30 a. m. In the gymna- sium. : * . OFFICER JOHNSON ILL. Night Policeman S. R. Johnson was taken to the .Evanston hospital Mon d>y evening suffering .with appendicl tls. He has been; suffering intermit tently from, the disease for some time and it was decided that an operation was-necraBaryr ~--~~--" ■■• ■■• ' ■■ Miss Helen McDonald spent Sunday with friends at Powers Lake, Wis. , Mira. Ashley McDonald entertain' several friends at luncheon and bridge Tuesday afternoon. ; .. Miss Mabel Reeves of Blocniiusum ia the guest of her brother, Mr. Owen T. Reeves and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Blackwood are enjoying a two weeks' visit in various Canadian cities. Miss Nettle Jenkins» of Gloster, Miss., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Southward for a few weeks. Miss Basel - McDonald will give a breakfast Saturday morning for mem bers of the Kappa Delta sorority In her home. l^-.'^s^v*^:';,' Mrs. A. L. Chaffee of Waverly, la., baa returned to her home after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Prank M. Chaffee. '..-..; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Laughlin have departed for Oregon, 111, where they will spend the summer on; their farm hear that place. % Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Englor expect to leave Kenilworth June 20 tor Tomahawk', Wis., where they will spend the summer, L~~~~JL^~~ - ■-w Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bersbach, Mr. and Mrs. L. Brauhhold and Mr. and Mrs. Ashley McDonald, motored to Wheaton Memorial day- Mrs. Calvin S. Case was hostess at a tea at the Case home yesterday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Mrs. John Lind, who is her guest. MisS Ruth Field, who has been mak- ing her home with Mr. and Mrs. W. C.Englar. is now at Buena Park with her mother, who recently returned from\Texas..~ '■'■'■u■■■$'■ ::'•'... Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wisdom en^ tertained members '■ of the ; Joseph Sears club in their home Sunday evc^ ning. Mr. Frank Chaffee gave an in- teresting talk to the boys. ' ! r Mr. and Mrs. 6wen ;T. Reeves, Jr., returned Monday from an auto trip tor Bloomington. They visited in Bloom- ington, Peoria and Sulphur Lick Springs on the three days' trip. Mr. and Mrs. Cart B. Korrady were hostesses at a tea 'Sunday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kies, who will*leave soon for New York, where they will make their future 'home.- : .-"V •"■•'-.• • •f f MrS£j.«; Parley,' Jr., will entertain members, of.two ladles' card clubs at a garden party in her home today In honor of Mrs. J. H. Jones, who will leave soon for Channel Lake, Wis., to Spend the summer. , ' , - Officers of the Kenilworth club were chosen in ■ the last business meeting of the .season last week. The officers elected Include:' President, James C. Murray; vlce-presidarit. Mark W. Cre- sap; treasurer, C. T. Chandler; secre- tary, Bentley G. McCIoud; director's, Dr. Henry H. Everett, Bruce--^Tr^fa^-. ilalL, Kerry. C. Meagher;-Saufofdl.P. Holden, James H. Prentiss and Percy B Eckhart. ...:.. ,'-. The Junior and Intermediate churches will meet at 3:30 next Sun- day afternoon. The League service at 6:15 next Sunday evening will be I led by Miss Mae D'Arcy. The topic will be "A Song of Security and • Contentment." AH young people Invited. tongregationat Church. Roy Edwin Bowers, minister. Once a year the church devotes ■ a service to the recognition and congrat- ulation of those of its young people who are completing their high school Course. Such a service will be held next Sunday morning. A special in- vitation is given to those graduates who'are members of this church and congregation, and Seats will be re- served for them. The subject of the sermon will he: "Bearing the Yoke in One's Youth,", ;-' ' This is also founders' day, and at 3 o'clock a communion service will be held In commemoration of the organi- zation of the church June 3-8, 1875; at the service also hew members will be received into the Covenant. ~;" Wllmette Baptist Church. Sunday services held In the Wom- an's Club building, corner of Tenth street and Greenleat avenue. Rev. B. Prank Taber, pastor. Residence -1018 Eleventh street. Phone WHJnette-1150. Bible school at 9:45 a. m, ' Morning preaching service at 11:00 o'clock. -."'■:. Evening preaching service at 7:30 o'clock. -> - The pastor's subject at the morning sorvice will bo "Not Ashamed of the Gospel." Special music will be a vocal %>t by Mr. Win. R. White, barL tone, and Miss Ella Mahan, mezzo so- prano, who will sing "My Faith Looks Dp to Thee," by George Nevln, also a solo by Miss Mahan. in the evening the pastor will preach on "Chaining the Giant" and Mr. Wm. R. White will sing "Open the Gates of the Tem- ple," words by Fanny Crosby, music by Mrs. J. F. Knapp. At the close of the morning service the ordinance of the Lord's supper will bo adminis- tered. On Monday the regular meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society will be held in"Brown's hall. Luncheon will be served at noon. Program at 2 p. m. Dr. Jordon of Evanston will speak oh "immigration." The prayer meeting on Wednesday evening will be at the home,of Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Bates, 1511 Lake ave- nuc'1 V . '-■ " '• « ■ The Chicago Baptist association meets .with the Austin Baptist church on Thursday and Friday-iftgrnoons of this vweek.. Delegates .from the: Wll- mette church are Reyiand ?Mrs. B'. Frank Taber, Mrs^ P. R. Flnlay and: Mrs. W. J. Weldon. mm iniuitmiiiiiiimiMt w 4 Mr. George Measey Is expected home Saturday from an extended tour of Europe. i: Mm. C. C. Adanis* 119 Linden ave- nue, is visiting in Atlantic City for a few. weeks.;.' .'W'cyl ' ■■'■""""•.:••-:--- Mr. and Mri. George W^ Gordon, W5l*forth avenue, will leave today for a three months stay at South Bux- bury, Mass. ,.. ..... Mrs. Lorenzo ". Johnson,' accompa- nied by Mrs. George Massey and chil- dren, returned Friday from a three months' stay at Santa Barbara. Cal. Mr. and Mra.^1. K. Friedman, Sift Sheridan road, left yesterday for Paw Paw.Mich., where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. William.' Payne for several ^eaiss,'■..-...-■'■', '"•.%'■.",.. ■'■• Mrs. Harry Barnum, 915 Elm street, entertained for Misses Dorothy and Constance Richardson, 550 Cedar street, Tuesday afternoon. The Misses Richardson will leave soon tor a trip around the world. '" ', Mrs. William 8. Elliott wilt leave June 15 for Jacksonville, 111., where she will remain for a few^ menths. During Uig summer Herman Matz and family of Chicago will occupy, the El- liott home. John Clement Dilworth of Detroit, Mich., and Miss Mary C. Sullivan, daughter of Mrs. C. E. Murphy of this place, were married Tuesday morning at the Sacred Heart church In Hub- bard Woods by Rev. F. Haartb. They left Tuesday afternoon for a trip through the east. They will reside in Detroit.'--,.': .'.•'. 32 Kortb 5!b!ve. Utw. MadiHon «nd. Wufihinmoti 8t». CHICAGO. ILL- Popular Price, Rtstauront Has Hlood Vtia Ttrst for Thirty Vcawi IF YOU NEED A JEWELER YOU WILL FIND EdwardKirchberg A Dependable Merchant in --Diamonds, Watcbts and Fine Jewilnr-- Qn* Daor North of Washington Strttt III IIMS FrenchTGetman, Italian and Spanish Lan^a^Ontms When you want a Machine or Rtcorft, call W Winnttk* 693W,or tntral 3S07. JAMES I. LYONS. 25 VeiMake Street. CHISAGO CHURCH BULLETIN ■ • *».« ' . '.:*' ;•#■■ ■■: '■ ~: ■:, ethodist Episcopal: Church. T^ K, Gale, pastor, '1024 Lake avertne. Next Sunday morning at 1044^^ W. D. Schemerhorn of Gar- rett Bibnaai institute will preach. Dr. Schemerhor^ was for a number of years a missionary in India, but the breaking down of his wife's health torceo^hini to return to America. W is professor of New Testament work injQ^fi^JLjand one of the most popu- lar Instructors in the school.; '^ - , The pastor wyi preach at 5 p.m. oh "Unexpected Blessings." ■ The Sunday school will meet at 9;30 next Sunday morning. This depart- ment, of. the church la gradually in- creasing in membership and attend ancet " : •" ,': ':':/■' to get out your old hicyclo and look it over. If it ia not good enough for another season we will, take it in as pari of the cash payment on A1914 Model Bicycle Gash or Easy payments Cone sod l»o|t vnt oor mm muM»; th» m- ■ortment ir the flncnt wo have over hod. S-me »ood barjr. tea in aecond-hona wheels. A)«o MjM-tirrp of apeeial v»Iue, Sfpiirms or all University Book Store, Evanston,III. DUNSHEE IS NAMED DEPUTY COMMISSIONER (Continued from Page l) ^roaented^^-wa^-d«eld«d-thaWnaa' much aa the property holders had re- fused to allow the property to become annexed to the village, that they were :aol entitled to any privileges or con- sideration -from the village of Wil- mette. -..v../-:- f~~--- '■-- .Several petitions asking that con- crete sidewalks be ordered' In the west side" of the vWage, were pre- sented. ; ' "'-" --"I SAW YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IN7THE LAKE SHORE NEWS." - JLLTGUNSAirVES Comr«ctoraiiaB«lia«r 7 Ripairing Promptly AtltnJed To PhMUWlnnttluUSS Shop: 909 LinJ*h Art. Habbard Woods, tllinai. 1 Und* HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables la Season Kenilworth. 111. Phones 1041-1042 Classified Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE m €*•** >&-raj£*> «^Q fryi««%m., *»• GROCERIES Fine fruits--in and out of aea- son--always form a part of oar ;. ■ ■ large stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut ■ Coffee is Good. OEO. B. WINTER Quality and not quantity--the bast for the money--is our mot--- to. Our large stock of groceries fa alwaj's select, and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a sped- A. 5. VAN DEU5EN Ad Wlriat CtiaraaMed Electric Shop HARRY A. WITKOWSKY rVoerieiof Wl$tNGt REPAIRING SUPPLIES GLENCOE, ILLINOIS *iom Wlnmtk, SRI f base Gleocot 480 JEWCtERS AUGUST RODEB U Successor to Rodellus t Mown Expert Watchmaker and Optiefaa. Repairing of complicated watch* and clocks. Many: yeara'-eipin*^ ence with best known Chleagi houses. Phone 2032. 82? Davit Stress MCM'S WEAR Clothes Beady Made--Clothes to - Order. Packard Shoes for Meat , Sorosis Shoes for Ladir; *«f , Children.- Gentlemen's FurstRB*: Ing Goods. HAY E S & H A Y fif§j HOTEtS THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Exchange 1110 ■ Sunday Dinner a Specialty, . £ w 2:So f. at. Phone 1110. sewihs umm . itcpairina* of 8t*tt*W h •> e I« r A W i I ao *. ■ Witcox «r.d Gibh«, Md ftlt other makit of ne»; chines. . . 1522'Sherman **» - IIXIAM S^LiORD Garments that are worth while when finished, l^acfe^up garments are correctly cut and finished. Newest Shift waists on colored crepe voile, peach, rose, Chinese blue, etc., full directions............................. .7% Made up Underwear, Brassieres.'.................,50c Envelope Combinations..........................Q$& Night Gowns................................$t.00 Drawer Combinations........................ % MJjjF Serviceable styles, made up. ready to wear, perfect In cut and workmanship, require only embroidery and tiiturning; Two^ new models, one each in white pique and white repp. In sizes 4,6 and 8 year, prices......$1.03, $1.25,$lM T ^ The latest style for little men. Suits are all made up ready tor the embroidery. This desi; n is developed In simple e nbroidery with cuffs. collar and .pocket edge sea! lone i, in t ulton hole seiteh Shown in ail white pique, whie ratine blouse with either b\m or tan ratine^jrouj^s* ^ ;: fe^^:-v Sizes 2 and 4 years,price...,. ;4y......;...,....... rf..,.". ,$r.S0 Away With Mosquitoes! Flics, gnats, etc. They carry diMMes and their stinaBara an affliction. ■_•• .-, Antisk««t Cream foMlv*Vj fratceii against the bitea and atnat of nil in»ecta. • . A ntt»ke*tCreamisdeliBhtfully perfumed an & ia unusually healing for sunburn, chafing*, chapped akin and old inacct bites. • Campers, autoarta and ibortamen find it a real Loon. Hanruesa to clothing. Uacd in Maw Jytaay for wany-aaasona. - ■ - '■ I'rotect your ChiU\r»» nt play or asleep with 'Anttskfet treoui. Sent for 26c per tuba. Send fLOO for four tubes. rUone> returned if not as represented. / A«k yow druggist to stock it .. CHBMICAL SPECIALTY CO. »-M ». JaffitrmaSt. CHICAGO. ILL. -~--r-ATTonNev-AT-tmw^^"7 JQKN HUGH LALLY Bit<Mtia»tlWriMrwira«fttlWWitMttiittt crb oo aro cro cro cm 60 00 croOro^^6rcv §§ Spectacles and § I Eye Glasses | SS. Made to fit your eyts by those iwho OJ° gg know AowvRdpresent not only METAL %g 55 and CLASS but *Uo comfort aad or grp ttticUncy. 22 ^WE WOW HOW TO FIT YOUR EYES ^ WaflTKYS HEIDKAMP A OPTICIANS ^| 156 W. RANDOLPH ST. Established 18S51 cro cr© c7oVC H ICACOioocracro Shoes of Refined individuality TT^HE Foster Colonial^PulXl^:is-;carr^ JL rtct for afternoon ^nd^i*mi>dresfr wear tWs* season. Perfect proportion of hich arch and Span- _jaeLig^hft ToalttfeTof~thi8 snoe. Shown itr patent leather with white cal foppers and other F.E.FosterSCo.,125 N.Wabash Ave. Opposite Hells. CHICAGO trmlH Start. CMon m. u< Diiti si. em are in calling the telephone num- ber is a '^j^e^mng\;::^^aiiy6ri.. against errors that cause delay. Some fibres sou^^ Give all numbers slowly and distinctly. Make special effort to distinguish Airee, four> five and seven. Give the figure three as^lliT**^ slightly rolling the *'fc*vGive the figure foiup as **ftHifcV' emphasizing the"o- and *r™ Give the figure five as "fi-ve," emphasizing the ?i" and ^Wk* Give the figure seven as '•aev-eav'* pronounc- ingboth syllables clearly. ■ Listen when the operator repeats the number to make sure •that the hw it fight. " Chicago Telephone Company H: B. Gates, DistHct Manager .-"• T«lephooe 9903 Alade of the famous NEPawarr; prpjduct whiclgycars of use fe and better seryice tKah ivoodei DaaUiyaMa yoalajr twa waalMiaanJta la «aaN«fMMt proved to give (iingles. ter^ :«tl I* H'Pi have <?// the good points of wooden shingles and none of their ^its.. Wood catches and spreads iire--on 1**1°N,3** Shingles^^ sparks 'is^n-'"dte-"om.'"^-'Nevey'ciirI;'.. |P«t n?r absorb water. In apr^aranee* }kty attractive. Look like slate: Call and inspect our stock. •♦u°r Ph?ne Emnst°* r-50 requesting our salesman to call <Witn;sainpjes. . ;'■/■';;. ; ■< ^^iS-^S0"8 NEP0N8ETT JPrqduett are NE»»Pif8Ct r^iiRobltng lor general use; nepomegr, Proslate, an brnamentat roofing in attractive eobrai NEPOnbeT W«erproof Burfding ftperaj N^^S^ W^II -Bt^iwWdt takes the place of lath and plaster^ aaHaaaaaaaa '.' •r"'..-;.'...."':. BIND f- 'zUJ.:..!-::}. ME,AR.S-SI*AyTON 105 Chicago Aveat2e» Evt^Sten Phone "EyiSs'i

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