Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1914, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY THE BOWMAN PUBLISHING CO. __' _ ./v WJiffiatte. ill■:">• Office*, Room 2, Brown Building, 1159 Wilmette Avenue. ' Telephone 1«40. FORBKST PoLLABD . . . . , JB41tOr Lijoyu F. Holustkr, Business Manager SU8SCR5PTJON $2.00 A YEAR Entered «s st-cond-class matter March '13. 1914. at tlie postoOlco at Wilmptte, Illinois, under the act of March 3. 1879. -r -AMren~>U communications ^o--Th© fjoke Snore News. Wilmc11c. Anonymous ■^wimiiiiiutiiunB wjii not ^6 riOtlCeu. '■ jtte- jocied manuscript* win not be returned unless accompanied by -postage. All mat- ter for publication In tlie current week's Issue should reach our^ office not later than Tuesday riooh; T~- ~~~~------."';. '----- THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1914. THELAKESSCKE SEWS1 ,^#*F - THJU&DAY, BtfT m. m*- InWkmnML* Mrs. JolinsoDi of JWary street blood poison in her hand. Mjra. P. Flaherty <al Green JJay «>ad has recovered from a sprained ankle. Miss Churchof Metnopee- Falls, Wis., i« a guest of Mrs. <Swrfie Huff- ton.-' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Killen have re- turned fppjna fpw ipppths'; yjslt in Oklahoma. The Young Woman's guild will meet with Mrs. Ruth Forberg of Hubbard Woods Friday, Bfaf 29. J£n^r.T]rr^ making an extensive business tour through the south and southwest. Miss Elsie Lomis, secretary of the Young Woman's Christian association SAFETY FIRST IN BTRSJBTS Village Trustee O. W. Schmidt, who suggested In the meeting of village board last week that protection b*e provided against possible accidents in the business section of Wilmette by placing a policeman at Wilmette and Central avenues two hours each eve- ning during the "rush-hours of traffic, deserves, commendation for the promotion of such a movement. Within the last few weeks several ac- cidents at this corner have been nar- rowly averted. One', youth on a bi- cycle was run down by an automo- bile., ./-' ......~~~ "~ After the suggestion was made by trustee Schmidt, Village President Couffer stated that he was trying to map out a different schedule for the three police officers and he feared that the placing of a blue coat at the street Intersection for crossing duty would in a way interfere with his plans. Instead of the crossing watch- man Idea, President Couffer suggest- ed^ thst-a "safety Isle" or "isles" might be placed at the busy corner since bot\} streets are to be widened if the proposed street Improvement Is effected. P>'. ..,' -■■'■, In explaining his "safety first" sug- gestion, Trustee ■> Schmidt said that since the summer season was at hand and that scores of children go to the railroad.station each week day In the evening to meet their fathers _ during this vacation period, immediate action should bo taken to guard against pos- sible Street accidents. Many auto- mobiles an<il vehicles pass this inter- section of streets^ which he declared were tho two most traveled thorough- fares In the village and for that rea- son something should be done at once. -:.-■••.,>-..wa-r.:-*-.- -»■•- - •■ A policeman has been stationed at .the street intersection and will be on duty each evening, except Sunday, from S to 7 p. m. STOP THE PRACTICE Another good movement started in the village board-meeting last week, was that concerning the prosecution of children under age who drive au- tomobiles about the street unaccom- panied by an older person. Trustee Fred D. Buckman made a motion that the village attorney be instructed to Idraw up an Iron clad ordinance pro- hibiting this practice and it Is pos- sible that in an early meeting, this code Will be passed upon There was a little discussion, In an Informal manner, upon this subject, a few of the official.", contending that Spme of the... y ou n gs t or s can better- master the big powerful "fours" and ♦;s!x" touring cars than some of tho Wilmette adults. Howevor, it is an estabWshfed^fact^hat wheu^glven leer way, many, youths becomo reckless and-glve little heed to pedestrians. -The safety, of the people of the vil- lage should not be In the hands of these children. The village govern- ment should, and we hope will, make the ordinance as strict as possible and thereby assist In promoting the safety first plan, an appeal'should bo made for~J^ Gale will preach at 10:45 and 5 AN ACCEPTABLE GIFT. 7 Ten" Wilmette citizens, stirred by a patriotic Impulse, have presented tho village with a bright new twenty-foot .American flag, which will bo hoisted in place on tjue. new--flagstaff in tho yard at the village h»U Yor the first ^me^«|emoHal^ayr-^he- preBenTa- - tion of the emblem of liberty by ^^Stese^public. spirited men, especially at this Ume,_8urely. marks them pro* gres^lve, patriptitrapd wide-awake. In- terested citizens. They did not wait until the flag to adorn the new flagstaff Probatly no sucC call would have beep made. But they stepped for- --ward-andw;in-the-;words--of the letter which they sent to:the_village board members, tendering Abe giftr asserted that they were proud of being given "theTiqnof ofjpSEISg suck a presenta- tion. Wilmette should be proud to claim Tjuich-ioyal citizens. Jtt is their kind that ever stands for the best Interest a& the vniage_ad!l_lha_nallon._ They reallze-Tnarih"making this gift they £ are performing ft public sorvlce. In QUiti- words, they aire setting a splendid example for tho coming gcjv T^or after all. what Is more era tion import ant in the make-UP of the best -citizen ^>f the country today, than the^ measure of patriotic feeling that he possesses? A vote of thanks is due Messrs. Seng. IfoUy^ ^ by the entire community, and we feel that In this humble manner, The Lake Shore News voices the appre- ciation of eyejry truet.patriotic-, resl- Jep^OOlmitte*!---_--• of Dubuque, Iowa, Is spending tlie summer with Mrs. W. B. Morse. The boy choir of C)brjlst church will give a concert at the community house on the evening of June■ Jk at * o'clock, for ilasr purpose ;of^-rals^ig' funds for their annual encampment. Tpe efeplr-wlli ibe assisted fey Mm Arthurm Phe, violinist, and Mr, t,,m Ranke, basso. Reserved seats at the Winnetka P.irug Co. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey prewer-strf-^ fered a bereavement last week in tho sudden death of the former's father, Jpr. Horatio S. Prewar, of Rogers Park. The doctor was well known in Chicago and vicinity. He was sur- geon of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway for the past jtwenty- five years. At the time of his death he held the honorary position of sur- geon of the George H- Thomas Post, G. A, R, He was called to Washing- ton as consulting physician to Mrs. McKlnley during President Wi|||am McKinley's term. The ^jUmette Athleticr hall club TSfOS/'ias, «asy. yjywry jy.vr. .;«*© xa^*** representing the Immanuel church of Evanston on the local grounds Sat-' urday afternoon before a large crowd. The score was 9 to 5. This was ^e; flfth victory that the A^letlca jb^e won in s|x JBames played. Mrs. iC: "Jack! He's coming to the foot of tke stairs-roh--" Mr. JC: ^JKeep up your nerve, Nell, and remember--" Mrs. 0: ...-^6h--why)! Just a inUrote, Jack, someone is calling me!" ' Mrs. VC: ";Qh, Jack! 4 neverjfejjtjso relieved! I'm almost hysteric|iH What a silly goose I am--wtto A9 yo^i^nk jit w#a?:y}!^c:oUief:'J£w tnftt young scapegrace of a .bret|ier ,o/ niiae.! Hes [&fc.'yf^oost as much sense as I iave. He was at a dance several SBBaSBi miles from |iere aad nussefl th« jlast train vbome to the <rlty, so he decided to come here, ^e beH Is ^t of order, and not seeing any lights, he thought nobody was home, jo ie broke ^n!" . ; Mr. 4; * WeiH m ;IQc« teMtifc #W young too;!! ^ that it wasn't a real burglar after ail. W«ii. dear- go io lied ^wl ^ and ?forget your ;ba4 scare tonj^t^ Mrs. XJ: ■ <*'X«s/4tJar. I Ajto$$p , '" ■ '"•. Margaret m<$;> W ■Sv.v' Wilinette. gasie is scheduled tor each Sat- urday afternoon this summer on the home grounds. On Saturday. 'J^te- morial /day, a double; header $m ,#e played. , In the morning the local team, wiU Jbattte against <the ^iont- gomery-Ward club \w4':}P'~'^~"m$&' noon they will meet the Hart, Schaff- .tter) ^i^arx" y&mS'JkTfwtf pffl$ of amateur baseball Is promised the h^a| flop who turn pnjt Memorial day since both Chicago teams are reputed i^' 15^ fast amateur aggregations. Tk^e f^h>w|ng was the line-up of yJM?t$fa' jfrtf,. played Saturday: Wilmette AthJeOcs--plgre,-. catcjher; Rcnnolds, second base; Parrow, cep- tcr field; Klncald, third base; Schmidt. ^'Mfmi %* J/0ftnson, r^igpt fleldv Connojr,; jwwrt mp:> )KHat» pJtcber; and Wifflm' $fr ^^' JP/fpFwfl teajaj--l^lpfe _.secoa4: base;. Pwysr,. short 2fcp; Boncss, fl/rst Ipgas^ Jgp lers, pitcjher; Shreeve, third base?.. Evans, |eft liejder; ^iess, catcher; Patzer, cepter M#l and B. U#% right field: _______ - "r&w f-frrrh rr »" at own emmms wAuwmA IB-AMTAJP? PVm AND HUhVtHfVh OliiY & SCHM1TT, fee, Evanston 980 &tstrti>tiS0r& (Continued Ironj Page 3.) Mmlbm Often Couples Will EiMDy TPMf In Wisconsin Ovof Mflmortol Psy> A motor trip to* Waukesha, Wis* will be enjoyed by more than twenty- five persons prominent in social c|r- cles In Wilmette over Memorial day. Plans, which have been completed this week, Include entertainment fea- tures tor the well arranged trip to the Wisconsin city. Rest Ha von hotel will be headquarters fpf Nip motorists and on Saturday evening a dance will be given In honor of the Wilmette crowd. They expect to return borne Monday. ...... Last summer the motor trips to various cities In Wisconsin proved In- teresting and many parties were con- ducted. Six or seven large touring cars will be used for the first trip. The motorists will leave tomorrow morning. Some of those who will go on the trip aro as follows: Mr. and. Mrs. W. O. Belt, Mr- and Mrs. V. J. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson CasBO, Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Reese, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hawkcs, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Charles San ford Clark, Mr. Frank Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Worthlngton, Mr. and Mrs. George Bird and others. CHURfitj BULLETiW Presbyterian Church. Ninth street and Grecnleaf avenuoV Rev. ^ames_Margoris Wilson, pastor. Patriotic services next Sunday. Morning, 11 o'clock; evening, 7:3Q. Special music In the oyoning. AH in commemoration of Memorial day. First Congregational Church. Roy Edwin Bowers, minister, 102i Eleventh street. Next Sunday being Pentecost, or Whitsunday, the morn- ing sermon theme will be "The Church, of- the lloly Spirits ---------- -- At the 5 o'clock vesper service the fhemo will bo "Old Testament Propt^ ccy," In particular tho conclusion of Amos and tho transition to Hosca. In the evening at 8 o'clock Mr. Bow- ers will preach at the Cortland street church-.- I'm keeping as cool as possible. Sh-- Tkey are *jn the hopse now- walking around--" Mr. P: "Stay at the 'phone dear--i want to know what happens. Maybe I can frelp yon keep up yonr. nerve. What are they doing now?" Mrs. C: "1 think I hear him rum- maging >n the dining room--" Mr. C: "Good* That will hold them tor awhile--" _________ Mr. and Mrs. pierce, the parenjts pi Mrs. Calloway, 920 *Mnden ayepue, left Tuesday accompanied by their tftM^HSranddaughterrrJane Calloway, to spend s|x weeks in Pld Mlsslonr Wisconsin. mmsmrnmmmmaam mmmmm Phone Central 3161 |^KefPy)»iPSSSp<»i#l)ty M. GlllCSpiC Fe-thcr Dre»S=r Sprlng Novelilc* M«de From Ostrich Feathers . .-.-.■.. Automobile Tires Construction | and 7 U, er& of Fllrle Standard Prices » 630-632 P»vi« S?fee^ Liiiiiu'ui.i'iijjiwwaBWW1 Methodist Episcopal. T. K. Gale, pastor, lOEi Lake avc- ifue. 1'iione G54. Tlte services next Sunday will bo of a patriotic nature. Dr. Maury and T. MHii'iim«f(Nwli«rawn -P. m. •'Simday school at 9: no. Intermediate aud junior churches will-meet Hit^«'J:"<V-------------------------- Bpworth league at (5:15, in charge of Miss Birdie Uatcman, U«»od music, in charge of Mr. J. Menaely. AH young people are Invited to be present at this service. Wilmette Baptist Church. Sunday services in the Woman's club building, corner of Qreenleaf ave- nut' and Tenth street. Ipv. BTTifank Taber, pastor.'.._ Residence' 1018 ^0^' finth Btrftftt. Phon". W-Qmette OSte -„ Bihlo 'school-at ?»:45_g^m. Morning preaching service at "UTOft o'clock. • •Kvoning preaching service at 7:30 o'clock. "Making the Beat of Things" will be the pastor's subject at- the morning In; the evening the subject will be "Driving a Had -Bargain." Good music at both services., >The prayer meeting Wednesday ev^JB^il June % will be held at the home of the pastor, - jfl^ Tgl?v«nth ■treaL ---------- 3Hiii|8lKBr,Wwlia TO AND FROM %| --V|A- Scenic St, Lawrence Route l||imil-D(i|bft^Uwpooi «NwrtrfM~Qwi>«-- Hww-loiMon aostou Gissgow !H 111 Wm OjflgrJIll Ictes <w4 «€J«W«1an" 25,0901 To** DispUcemcnt CANADIAN ROUTE TI«StMS4riti»lAnrK«»is Cnhinn in nuito with Ul«HH-inet<iee»l promon^ Ado dock. Veranda Cafe.' tVim- forUblo lioungcs. Electric V*a- cenirnr Blovatora. Orchostru. Gymnasium. Unr-iirpasscd. w .conization, all classes.' Ij&weat ratra. Summer rCHcrvntion lists ttdw open, tiirly booklnjra roc- ommondi-d. Send for descriptive Booklet "G." Fojr full particu - lira as 1 o railinns. raterf. otc A •pplynearcatLoenl Agent, o $9 lor Perils S.LORD "Wear-Ever" Aluminum CIAL DfcMQNSTR-ATION unt.^-'im-wim; n» mymn Wrw» veapmmeM ike "itefaWftf MnMm eiw>»gb to $Mwntw » hm\m m mmmwfm wca, Rep ftr^ pvw* o» » ftw mm» ^top# articles. Uem \Waf Uppe* Swce Pfli|5 X quarts^...................* 30 1 qna?t Hize................. Mi l^«iaarM.r?e..........-......W 2 uusrt fl|ze..................W 2IJ qaar'tififw................T«> .1 n.oart ei/.o............... -«) i quart %)zp................ 1.110 5 quart size ................ J-0& Doafcls R;ce Skiers 1 quart size............... l.|JU 2 quart size.....•.......... 1-70 .1 quart size................ 2.05 PF0S9PVfiiirK#M@ir W* qmP size OqparMi*».- «qnaFM?*»--- Mlqparf si^.. |2 qpar|; sfzp :::::::: 3 ........ i.TO ........§fe .........iffi wmtim.......•■.....•• 3,70 Gm Tt» KilDf r • > c,nnrt size................. B.4p 0^ W**P *\W...............9w> 71a «p*rt eizP................fOB 11 qnarl! §m,... 171 ' ' Muring the JJenwiatistiop wo offer ♦frpse ^WP ?ery Sppp»a| Jlar^ains? WM9P Kfittffltr * U»W* »M0. ;>ya|npfPF.......................... ttttUW Pan. 2^qH»rM|zo Mnmtm Wtemim Witmte ^V™ CrCTUfFj^vJ oHNW Awltmln Evmmon from Bcteftn, a strmger unknown to anyof u§9upon-lmlngt9r k§f mough to mgfe§ Known imtioikgfmr 8§rvle§, % J:'^p^mi^%§^§ fe£&S&§8& and 'ite^Mjm^'XS^fomh^ %® m§ fey §&§H »§»= witl ifffm l have hai iealing iapiflg ih§§§ weeks in %vm8%§$, I gfeail neyep fQvg§% i%, I am guile will- ing tr© hav§ ^ feanfe a§§©^ife gp©w !§.&§ rapidly in reflecting that imVB N05 QM61 neeiM t© ekepi In ^Meafe-,___--- With teinieft wi§h^r-f©^irew^:-'^ ^q§p§yity^ani i?ega¥i§ te ©ne ani aU" BefGFP leavmg Svangten this gfaefows lady made it a peiot t& say g9rty.i t© Jhs d9?tii or mgre sterr fiwpte who had he}M -- -* ^rt not even forgetting the elevator eoia* dnetor and the wagon hoys, Needless to say it was a oleasHrens weii as a^wty to serve her, and she will be trnly missed,, ALMA GLUCK ■ ■■■in--------------------- ■■■■-----------7^-----------------------------------^--T~"^~~~~^~*^^--IZT--T.--TT? Thinks \\\9 Eva^ton R^^Kct the mm eomfemfete ef porch ahsir^t Two yww agp while here she ww them aN ordeffd si* shipped to her uommer home in the AdiroM«eMt Mmy Monday morning she visited fcofd's and left «n orderlor another shipment to feemadt atonee* Vfc are sole agents <far these ehairs and hive supplied hundreds of tnem to Evanstonians and their ffiend«'« shipping them all over the eoHntry, ^ry^neandpu win afippee with the gifted singer, igenHake fm YWM MAMS* MASS R WS mi Demonstration of Front 10^ *J*HBY «re aCla? ahead «f ibe 14wii« piHgqn, ^W^^^m^mwf^r wea? « Um fee* e§r«et tlialeflmifltiea ^eiawfe§nlke^^eianlbl§odv«sielir of the spine? ©i4?pu ever w^ a front laee fomrthat pifflmcd^lT^ee ^w^nlatjonolairaljnffthespine,and attlk r^tamed m rigidity? ^fhr ? : t *mth^ Jt fllvea jsijssiy ..UtiMpf-iiin thatis pQs*ihlt-- It inereaj^ y^u ?oin^rt«li imfffoyea yowt%««*Noother SM^v^n^her mad« In thW*^ ^mm of tntrit^-and ^n will not find a %d« «r «^ieak^ in a single m^del^w awap^^n* hafnew^jnsit a eo^t ftlcd mfo §t»le and ^omfottv li haa the Yf^le^l e«»lnalve Y8Nf tt£ ha^a, Mm m Atmmms M* f Wa vpwk

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