Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1914, p. 3

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new iner nign School Jottings Items, The. commencement exercises will be held in the New Trier auditorium "fbtwtof e*BBhytrIw**rliL' The'eom- mencement speaker will be Bishop MacDowali. who has addressed the THS LAKE SHORE Nl THURSDAY. MAY 28. 1M4. Hze Winners In New Trier THE PERSISTENT PEBSSL^^- The door-bell rings. Mother ':■■■ i ; school before, and is remembered as . being one of the «saet eloquent speak- ers the school has ever had on its platform. Commencement music prom- ises to he very good, the two numbers by the school being "The March of Progress." by Meyerbeer, -and "A Gypsy Festival,** by Roecfcel. The graduating class Is one of the largest sent out from New Trier, being about ~ pfcaetjri,',:.-- ■ On the evening of Friday. June 5, the annual exhibit of the school will take place. All parents and friends interested In the work of the school are most cordially invited to attend. The instructors will be in their, recita- tion rooms and will be glad to confer at that time with the parents of their pupils and with others interested. - Vacation Activities. Three departments of the school will carry on work during the sum- . mer: The metal working, department, under the leadership of Mr. Bfene- -meloer, aad-the-swimmmg poei and|serted^^to^ crack. playgrounds for both boys and'girls, under the direction of Mr. Hyatt and Miss Leonard. Work done regularly under the 'direction of the instruc- tor will receive credit to apply the following year. Men and women of the township are also invited to avail themselves of the opportunity to en joy the facilities offered by the school The Art Exhibit at Urbana. The department of drawing, design, and handcraft sent an exhibit of work to the sixteenth annual exhibit of public school work in drawing at the University, of - Illinois. . It came back with honorable mention on twelve counts, and a letter from which the following excerpts may be of Interest to friends of the school: "The exhibit of the New Trier Township High school was the most complete and commendable; exhibit of the collection. 'The drawings ef plant forms, flow- ries to answer .11 "If you have a few minutes to spare. lady, I lure a fine lino of shadow ■ bees' that ';l::"kno«---'you- 'win' Uke, Only ten cents a yard. The lady just five blocks down the street --her name was Mrs Black--bousht twenty-seven yards of it. and said--v "I don't think I have time to look at ft thbi morning; thank you.* Mother believes In politeness under all circumstances. "Or if you aren't Interested in lace, 1 have some handsome tango cords--** "Not today, thank you." "With your blue* eyes, a little of this purple silk--•** > "I am afraid--" "Or some hair-pins. They are al- ways getting lost. You'd like a large--". •; ■ - "I really must--" ■',-•.'.-."': "Here Is a handsome pair of slipper buckles--'* ■■'■/'- "I tell you, I don't want-^** ""A paper of plns-T^" , - ~.i.:Ci Z , "Good-day!" Mother attempts to close the door, but a toe is gently in- ers, insects, etc.; the pencil and water- colordesigns,-book plate design, let- tFringtfnaceimTOerctBl drawing in gen-. / era! was considered by the Judges to ; be 'most, excellent. ' rt^ "r "Photographs showing design ap-. plied to objects suggested that-much 1 of the design is in the right direction. The costume designing was excellont." : This is not the, first time that the - -New--Trier exhibit has received first place. " The department, which hat gtWtt steadily in the last twelve • years, Is undoubtedly one of "the strongest in the school. The co-ordi- v nation of its work with that of the . home economic department is note- .; worthy. .-..., . ^V~\L":i£jAtJ.^\l': The Orchestra-Glee Club Concert The Orchestra-Glee; club concert Friday evening was very good, hut ti»e attendance was so small as to make one' feel onejarere. at- a chamber con- cert dtaly. Miss Helen Wells of Chi- cago gave three Vocal solos of great merit, and M|ss Irene Poulsen of Wit- mette gave several readings which were much enjoyed. The New Trier string trio, consisting of Carlefoh Kaumeyer, Clinton DeWitt and Law- rence Wade, gave three request num- bers which were highly appreciated. Both orchestra and glee club had a good repertoire, with excolfenfreneO] with wihlck theyl were generous. One of, the; main features of. the program was the New Trier Victory song with words and music by Mr. Walker, In which all the school joined; It Is la- mentable that more of 'the students end friends were hot out to enjoy; the program.-; ■ v';"'.;. ;■ -'-• ■ - Athletic and Other Events. We'wTttHerstlir hb1dOfs~~own In athletics. At the track meet at the University High school Saturday morning one of Its-members, Andrew Digre, won more points than any rep- resentative from any other school, suc- ceeding in making a total of nine points; ■-- ■ In the same contest Saturday morn- iug the jgoif team took first place. With one moire contest Its-position In the Suburban league will be known. It is now one hundred points ahead. On -Monday morning at assembly Mr. Walter Leonard, former instruc- tor of. the school. and . now United States, consul to Norway, gave a most interesting address to the school on Norwayana tsae nature of aconTurs duties there, r He spoke of the democ; r*cy of the gp^ nes8 ol',- the king, of the fear Norway ever has that Russia may make yraf uPP5bHhorrrin^brdel^to^^ecure^ open porta toK the: sea; Mr. Leonard gave a very Interesting account of the na- ture of the language, giving illustra- tJoasihatjverelhighlyjappreclated by the school audience, arid said that If he told ail of the consular duties which are largely connected with the industries > of the nation, he would need a week;' He, however, told some. This is the second address which Mr. Leonard has given at school, the first being to the Senate on the Balkan-states, through which he trav- eled on his way home. The home economic department 'Out in my cart I have a.vacuum cleaner, also a tireless cooker. Per- haps--" ' "'■-.'--'■'- ■■ T^- No--well, yes, let me see your cleaner." Having brought It from the cart-he continued: "A very fine cleaner, madam. Will last until your grand- children are all dead. Guaranteed for twenty years. Just let me clean cue of your rugs for you.** ' (Half an hour later.) "Well,-I'll take It. But I won't pay any twenty- five dollars. I can get one downtown for eighteen.4 ■ 7^{'-,l'~, "'■<■;! _1"Eighteen! Ah,.|ad^£^u!dn*t"do that I tell you, though. I've taken a fancy to you. I'll let you have it for twenty-three." -3 '•No. Make It twenty." L"i'i«renty! j" couldn't let my own mother have It for that. This fine vacuum cleaner for. -twenty dollars! Ah, lady, "you don't appreciate Hi? Well,' i'ih sorry. ^ I can't pay oyer twenty. Good-day.?-^ * •' fj Hero, split' the' difference. Make It twenty-brie" fifty." /■■/'Twenty.*'.: ;■ 'A -'•• •--.•.-.• :j $ " ^-^Well, T see; I'll "go Into bankruptcy at this rate. But I tell you. I tike ybu. I'll let you have It for twenty one. "You're vthe*"on1y* lady' In tills town I'd let have It forr that." . "All right I'll take^lt- It's guar- anteed, you say."--'l^ili" % 1 "It Is, .ill rigfit.^ BW you wqn't .need any *ua*ftntee; .Ah, thank* you, lady, thank you, thank you. - Good- day.", . ;:i',....^.j.i-^. , §■; And both of them were sure that they had made a. bargain. *r 4 - •- Gertrude Faberr *if£ fe-1-^:,-.' VVIlmette AN EXCITING NIGHT Mr. Courtney, a wealthy young busi- ness man, has just returned from a business trip in the East, but too late to make the last train out to bH country store. It is' 'about- -twelve: c'cicck cr. a terribly stormy night. that Mr. Courtney caiis his wife on die phone from. his hotel, to .see that all is wen.. ; '. ,:*d?i Mr. Courtney: "Hello--Woodland <*WT >;Iil;Mfs.*^Court-- -,. Oh, hello, dear! • I didn't recognize your voice at first. Did I get you out of bed?" Mrs. Courtney: "No, Jack, I've been reading here In my room.- How are you, dear? Did you miss the- lasifc train?'* :.."" Mr... <3: "Yes, curse the luck--my train; from the- East was late. So sorry not to see you tonight. How are you and the kiddles?" Mrs. C:**bhy I've been very tone- some, but I am very well--and so are Bobby '■and': Eleanor.*' v.; Mr. C: "That's good. I can hardly wait to see ybu all again. Well.' I suppose you are very sleepy--'* fTMrs. C: "Oh, no, Jack--don't hang up yet, I am so lonesome, and--** 'A Mr, jC: *'Why, Helen, of course I won't If you don't want me to. I only-thought you were tired at this late hour. Your voice sounded strange and nervous--Is everything ail right?" Mrs. C: "Oh, yes--I guess I'm just nervous. This has been' rather a try- ing day. Three of the servants had their hearts set on going to a fire- sjen's ball tonight, and although I didn't like to stay alone very well, .I hated to disappoint them. Besides, ! expe<^ed the chauffeur home with the cafr at nine o'clock- I suppose he has been delayed by the; storm. 'Jean is; always so punctual---". < Mr. C: "Great heavens,.Nell, are; ypu alone In that iblg' house, so far away from any. neighbors? Oh, isn't there any way.I can get home?*' Mrs. C: "Of course not, silly! I'm all right r^oly it seems good to talk to someone. Isn't this the most feftrr ful storm? Gracious! Did you hear that awful chip: of thunder? I jumped about a. ffbot!" ' ^{Mr.JC: "j^Vt let that frighten you -- It does make one jump, to be sure, but--'* - - s. . Mrs.- C: ,*;Hark^there'sitbat funny noise.'again.?--~r........".^-^y:.c J--^-.-": • -Mr. C: "What; fuiiny- .notije,Tdear? I'm afraid you're'just very neryous--*! J\M^^t^'^&^]^p;'htaLti' It for 'sbme" time, only I've tried to put it oiit of my mind--;*>.{.j „.'. ;;Hv ,,..t -;X^^'; ].,, : Mr. C: "Where does it come from?',' ', '"Mrs^ C: "It' hi a continual grating at the front "door..'^Sh^-,: oh, Jack, someone .'.Is a breaking in • this house as sure arff Hyet" f ; ■■"-■. '■ :":■ % (Second Prize.) A THREATENED IcATA^f^PHB. iBfrs. Jackson : was In the ; sitting room of her home doing her-knitting. Opposite her sat-her sixteen year old daughter, SaJ#/,lLt/ -' _"Wa|, Sally," remarked Mrs. Jack- son; "there don't seem to be much a doln* aroun' - town today. The •phone has rung a dozen times this afternoon and all I've been able to git Is that Mrs. Manley's got a hew feller's black colt is dead; Jim John son's spotted sow's got seven pigs, and'that Jack Ferris and Llsy Sherry have broke their engagement." Wellrdo tell,'* answered Sally. "I seen Lisy only last night and she said it was ter be on Sunday week." ?Yes,v they did count on' havln' It then; but I suppose they've changed their minus. From what I could get from their talk, Lisy was. mad bo- cause Jack danced too many dances with Samanthy Allen up to the hall SaMiHifnlgW :^ - -_-t--- - "Well I don't blame her much. A man as was engaged to me couldn't flirt with another girl like Jack did with Samanthy the other night and not here from me." 7 Dlnn-ng! Ding!. Dinrn-ng! "A long and a short and a long. V^^i^'-»yMim/'T^i^a') ring. I'll have to go and see What it is.?:. ;i This is what she heard: "Hello, Is this Mrs. Fetty?" '.'•Yes^*/■,/.■;':•'.']...".;■ ..>'■■'■•....■.'■■': ■ :s;. .'; "Well, this is Mrs: Hunsinger. Have you heard: the latest news? NOT >h, Noll! Let me think. Bo cool, dear." Ail they want, is money and they can have that Oh, if I could only .get I ip. you! "T-rTey4r frit so helpless." ....'.. -r' fjyri.* Mrs.. Q: ?0h. Jack, I'm. trying to be. so brave, but I'm shaking like a leaf." ,;MK..'i[J:'l'**^eep; -a. stiffr Upper Up, Helen. Remember the children. I'll hold the-wire while ybu get my Colt revolver in my drawer. Hurry!?' ^ Mrs. C: ?Ju'st a minute. Yes, I have it, but Jack I have no idea how to handle this_terrible weapon!?--i~, Mr. . C: • ?Keep perfectly cool and i Is loaded--they-kn are alone, of course. Lock your bed- room door carefully--**.:' Mrs. C- "Oh; no, Jack! The cbllr dren are in the nursery--" Mri C: "Oh, Lord, I almost forgot them. Well, be very ^]ttIet-Hf they stay downstairs you are safe--but if they begin to come up stairs, turn Shows every evening, starring at 7 j?^^i^. :.■.;: A|Siiiiii|y^ series will be shown every Monday and Friday Matinee E^e^%Th»^^ana^ AM MJLS-& T O N 1 fl IQ That the WESTERN CASKET © UNDERTAKING CC^iirive you from 30 to 50 per-ccot on all Funeral Supplies? HOW CAM WE? Well tve manufacture all of our own Caskets and Supplies. That's H ' WE CHAIXENCE a comparison of prices and quality. -.;-; Aulomomle«imke furnished when desired1. W:' H. SCOTTr"f ' (who *as-f6fffierly with ]. L. HebMethwaite), is finan ially . interested in oor Evanston Store tad will Manage the same. .'.-, ; lOO^^DAVIS STREET Fkoa«|98 EVANSTON ■•'y '^r#?^j|ipfiitoisiripi8 ;wi:ij'w *& 'bi>oi;"' out your, llghjts, Are a couple of, shota downstairs, run In the nursery and lock yourself in." , ■ „ Mrs. C: "AH H£ht. Jack!! think they aire getting in a window! Yes, (Continued on Page 4.» Now is the Time to get oat your old bioycle and look it over. If it is not good eubngli for another season we will take it in as rt of the ossl^paynientog Classified Business List GENERAL MERCHANDISE GROCERIES gave a very enjoyable reception to the faculty; oh Thursday afternoon, May 21. and the Zenobtans another on ■ Frk -^ayHafteriMiOttrMay^fJ^ Mr. and Mrs. Harper entertain some of the faculty at dinner this week, Thursday evening, at their home in Wilmette, and Miss Margaret McMll- len of the graduating class entertains ■ome of her instructors and friends at Well, my man juet came in from down to the... post office and he said there Waa^a^telephonerco^ips*^^^^ city that has offered, to boy up ottr telephone company here. and they say they'll glye^f.'^yp^^^y0^^S^. take away^ our party line: any Tgtve us each a private Hue." "Take away eur partyUnes *ff re*: pUed-Mrs. Fetty. "Well I guess they wont. Why, what do they; think \ I pay a dollar a month for if not to get. all the town news? Why! I wouldn't know any Of the news until it got all over town if it wasn't tor our party line-'*' ■ .,\ i. \t£L*i-^--i:-^A4 ^Why, No. I think lt*s perfectly disgraceful." At this Interval five or six 1emlnineybices^vireTe:heard all up and down the party line, and all speaking .at.jonce.. ;.„:_:. HWhy, It's Insulting. "i never heaid-of-TMiehra^hlngt "Why, ycTh have my 'phone taken right out-**J---- - T " ■-.■■'.; " "O, Is that you Mrs, Perkins? Did you ever hear of such a disgraceful thing?** _„ - ; "Well, you never can tell what them city fellers will do!" V i Just at this place Sally called to #. %MOmALrES CwiractorM Builder tttpaltlng Promptly Attended To Phsnt Winnefka 42S . Shop: S02 Lir.ian Art., H*hb*tdW06dt,ltlmoit HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Grocerie Fruits and Vegetables In Season Kenilworth, III. Phones 1041-10421 Gash^or EasyPayments■'(■ ", ■■ -. ■ '.'. Cmm ami tn .k «wer our new modal*: Qn as- 1 •ortiiMnt In the flncfit we ha*c over had. Some ' SODd hwiraina In aocaod-haivd wHmIb. Aim aomo tlrca of epocinl value. , Repairing ot all , University Book Store, Evanston,lit. ! Fine fruits--In and out of sea- son--always form a part of our largo stock of Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker's Steel Cut Coffee is Good. GEO; B. WINTER Quality and:not Quantity--the. best foi" the raonoy--is our mot. to. Our largo stock of groceries - •4, always solect. and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a speci- fy. • . -: ";-■;■ ...■:•■ A. S. VAN D E VS EN JEWELERS AU0 U ST RO DE LI US ; Successor to Rodellus * Rosen, Expert Watchmaker and OpUeiaa. ^Repairing of complicated watches ; and clocks. Many years' experi- ence with best known Chicago .;.: bouses. .■. -"..; :■".' ■"'• Phone 2S32. 82? Davis •trset MEN'S WEAR All Wiring Cuiranteed Electric Shoe* HARRT A.WITKOWSKIf ¥ fr»l>fie»or SUPPLIES GtfeNGOB, ILLINblS "Phosa' Wlnaeik* f»i7'": ;'. ■. Phnat Gfcncof 4S» Clothes Ready Made--Clothes to Order. Packard Shoes for Men. Borosis Shoes for I«idlr - «<ud : Children. Uentlemen'8 Furnish- '■ ingcoodsv HAYES & HAYBS HOTELS THE AVENUE HOUSE Private exchange II l* Suuday Dinner a Specialty, 1 to 2:80 P» M. * - Phone ilift Real Estate Agents* Brokers and Bwyerk:&tNorthv Shore Property Stores, Offices, Flats and Residences for sale and rent >, in Evanston> Wilmette and Winnetka. ■■". ATTOHNfty«/lTi|.aVW JOHN HUGH LALLY 911 C»lt»ij Tim artfrm tm. tag.taittejm tt. &..ral.lW.I,aK,ll}li„l,.I-------- Oat tmr few::m\em< SEWIN8 MAMIKES •It oUw makta ot m*. «hlo««. SEND COPIE3 OF THE NEWS TO yOOR FRIENDS OUT OF THE CITY tm*M N*g^t*4^nuf^Fi*e*4 I5«4 SHERMAN AVENUE 1? ^W^1"^111^ i6 $•"«* the Bett In Many Linet at. Reaionabla r^». g HOME "D warn NggPLECRAFT •HO». 74L Fine Arts BIdg., Chicago. a Kenalngton, Saturday afternoon.^- ' Mrs. Jackson that her pies JUdiet' Hat* of Any Kind ^%SS^ R«-blochia*. Bleachln*. Vjeingot Panama Bate. Aak for catatonia and prices. Ckicaio Hat Maasfactariat 6 Bleachiag Co. LE DUTCH STUDIO. Children's Dressea 1 to 16 years. Ladies' y^i^J^M^^-^g^jOtMrr Corsets to Measure. Smocking, Mematltchlng. THE NBISDLECIUPT 8IIOP, 717-713 VcnsUan Bldg.. ; IS East Waahington r St, Chicago. "5fei, Cenirai iiii. MJFTL& DUTCHSTUOip. is showing imported French^Rose Chains, Oataty Bags for luramer. new Pot* pourrl. Cameo Mo- dallions for wrist and %eck bands, and many other smart JnoveltleB for Wedding and Graduation gifts. _" '\ 1 NETTIE SPOOR HANAUER | MASSAGE INSTITUTE. LADIES' TAILORS. -PhoneHarrison -.-aaffc-^-^a-T. THE ACME. - Scientific Massage^ Electric Light and Shower Baths. Therapeutic Light and Vihratory. ^^^Mah (curing. Hours 10*0u a. m. to 7:00 p. m. Daily MISi'l-ll-AB!oLIV^18R, :Propi Suite 90. 39 W. Adams St.. Chleaeo. YOCB SEJ^ECTICp Ol* A SUIT OKCOATSEjaR shows "marked degree of distinctivi taste in the selection of your attlro., ,■ BARRYE ACO,

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