Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1914, p. 2

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-yHEXAgS SHORESHEWS, TH^SSPAY, MAY SS, 1SI4L Sfe SSSBBf i .'.,-- & WiiJAkvrTe .o,,,,.JL.^ 5>;W G» IlWt L* «f* jRi *■-: Wilmette Societies an^Chibs, Woman's Catholic Club "was given Pi*t»y it - the^ Wilmette ^?«aan*8 CJIoIbw ^e«ta»le».were Mrnwpedl^iit ■ the asditcrlcm, ■ sad--we?o~attil^tvs$s*|.|-t decoreteawith Mies oT tl» valley ~ and apple blossoms. Short addresses were given by; thejtev*>T.!iR. Sjia^ non and by Mrs. Wt. J.* Ehalen, of North Evanston on the work of the Club daring the past year, and on the possibilities for good sendee in "the future.*-' Mra. Pall Orahvgaveia graced fUl little 'speechinf which she weV This j» to he ah experience ™>**W and all the members are urged to Election of offlcersjof t|«.e Cosy Co> ner circle will be held Thursday aft- ernoon, ;.fo*s}/4, in the home of Mrs; wililjim' Xrargln, 1234 Wilmette ave- m~HkwaIlMrTJalMingJ^ The members of the prhma Study Glass will be entertained Wednesday, June 2, at the home, of Mrs. Donald M. Oallie, 1115 Elmwood avenue. ■.•; *Mrs. Henry^ J. Burt, on Elmwood avenue, will entertain the East End Circle ■ Monday, the ftrst of June. jceia^tli^rtsit^ Several songs were sung by Miss Marguerite .Connor of Chicago, "The Last Hose dt SummerV* "Every Spat Has Its Song," and. others. - A business meeting and election of officers followed the luncheon. The members elected to office were;, Mrs. JP,..J..'Cuneen, presidehi; Mri»."O. 'E. Foutfl, vice-president; Mrs. C. it Ksvahaugb, corresponding secretary^; Mrs. J. B> Watt, reco^ng,secretory; Mrs,PhilGrau, treasurer. , ,, v Directors for a term"of three years: Mesdames J. B;! Dolan, A. E. Lamkey, - and D. 'M. --Van HoeBen, r ■' -■....." There^were about 45 of the mem* bers present, had about 15 guests. This is the last meeting of the Club until next September. './;.":-■ ■'-.;;--; '-- Mrs. PhiHp Bright, j60« Central ave- hue, has issued cards for bridge on the afternoon of June 4, ~ , Ifim^j$V>sterBranson yesterday at luncheon. entertained attend., ~ • _ •:.,>'..,;.:\. -'■■..; .. ; The H and W Club meets next Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, McCue, 631 Washington avenue. " .', \ '■i-fe*' ;~ -:-* Mrs. S. T. I*ewl8 ent<Brtained the Fourth Division of, the Mrtrtes* Aid Society of the Methodist Church in her home on Monday. -h Mrs. John Clark Baker, on Hill street, will be hostess at the next meeting of the Comanche Card Club. v There will be an all-day meeting of the Cosy Corner Circle next Thurs- day at the home of Mrs. William A. Durgiii, tSSt, Wilmette avenue. .At the annual meeting of the Men's ciuhV Tuesday, May 12. for the[ eleev tion of officers, the following; mem- bers were chosen:. .-.".... 'P. J. Cuneen, vice president. H. W. Miller, treasurer. P. M. Bingham, secretary. Directors for a term of two .years: C. C. Schultz, Arthur L. Bice and A. K. Shurtleff. ' elected the following officers for the coming year: Dr. Frank Lower, presi- dent; Fred Buckman, treasurer; John A. Rippel, secretary; Prank Robins, J^nfcalipfclnso^^ B.: OS: Allen, dt rectors, and Harry Myers, floor man- ager£ Arrangements jare being made to hold the-regular dances of the club in iBhe future at the Wiftnette Wom- an's club. Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue.- ."" -K,:lzl v: totuTmmhii........♦♦ £&>■■■' i .-Ai ■■:■".: -.i it." ■ ' . ! Mrs. Ward, on Ashland avenue, will entertain at luncheon today. Invitations have been issued by Dr. and Mm. M. B. Barker, on washing- ton avenue, to the marriage of their daughter, Beatrice, to Mr. Ira Lewis Grimsbaw of Santa Fe, N. M, which will take place Tuesday, June lis, at 8:30 p. m., In the Wilmette P ^ejrjanjEl^rch,, A email iweption at the home of Dr. andf Mrs. Barker ^will follow the ceremony. r , ,4:~Y" The monthly card p?rty will be given by the Woman's club on Wednesday, June 17. aflrs. Philip Bright, assisted by Mrs. FitzRandolph, Mrs. Benjamin Gage, Mrs. John Cochran, Mrs. Hayes McKinney, Mrs. Arthur Allen, Mrs. George A. Van Dyke and Mrs. Prank ;Itoj>M»8. ,,,, },.„*..„ . ■■ ...p-\ ■, ■;; ;Tbe Zion City woman's club ehter- tained the board of directors of the Tenth^DIstrlct-PJedei'ation of Woman's clubs at Ium^ >The annual dinner of the Country club was given Saturday evening and was a very delightful affair. About 200 of , the members were present. The retiring president, Mr. Brown, gave an outline of the proposed plans -for enlarging'the club. The follow- ing toasts were, given: "The Women o? the Club," Mrs.^H. B. Gates; "The Ifrew Member," Dr. PlrttiHo. and "Danelng is an Aid to Dttestlon^'-Mr^ Benjamin Gage: ' / Mrs; FitzRandolph, Mrs. C, C, Mitchell'and Mrs. F. S. Bobbins will be hostesses at a musical next Wed- nesday ^ the Woman's club. Mrs,. Minnie Fish Griffin will sing. \\ _The members_oJLthe Tuesday club (were entertained Tuesday at the Mrs. Leslie Gates entertained the Reading: circle Monday. Mrs. H. B. Gates was reader. The hew officers of the Country club held an executive, session Mon- day evening at the club house. There will be a meeting of the' board of directors of the Woman's club next Tuesday morning at the club building. Mrs. Frank Watson entertained the Thimble club Tuesday afternoon. There was a business meeting of the Young Woman's auxiliary Monday aft- ernoon at the Woman's club. The last meeting of the year for the North End circle was held at the home of Mrs. John W. Cullen. 1231 Ashland avenue, on Monday. The elec- tion of officers for next year took place at this meeting, Instead of at the first meeting In September as heretofore. Mrs. William C. Relnhold was elected president, and Mrs, Cullen, secretary and treasurer. ,*' The Amicitla club will be enter- talned this evening at the home of Thomas Hall, 1129 Central avenue. I^ifr*:-'"W;:'-H^-iCorkens,^.16l7 : Lake' avenue, is visiting relatives at Wood- stock. •-■'[ ,-"■' 'y~""~.7'~l-~-: T*';. Mrs. H.„ B. Gates was HI several days last week with an attack of iaJgrippW^ . " - - ',^ Miss Emma White, 400 Central ave- nue, is ill in her home with the measles. Mr. J. Parker Gowlng returned Sat- urday from a week spent In Wash- ington, n. c...-,..,., ,. ;. ... ;^ Mr! Phillip B. Bright is expected home from a two months' trip in Eu- rope nexI'^SundayV ." ',.,LL,^.. Mrs. Clarence Pablman, C23 Wash- iugtuii uveuue, is visiting in Atlantic City for a few weeks. Mrs, William O. Belt, C02 Washing- ton avenue, returned Friday from a etay in Atlantic' City. " ^ _: - . Merrit Brueb, 1201 Greenwood aye- nee, was the week end guest of friends At Ann Avhnr JMinU ___;-- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Purdy. 440 Bruce ^frown is 1U. wlto German measles. '"V\ f - ■-■■■. Miss Elizabeth McCue, 031 Wash- ington avenu^is ill at her home with ^.m^*Z w ,i... Jn.t i..., *-M-i. 1«>* m^jHaajiner. will-^leave Monday -^^^Jfe^^t^ »pend tne month^T^f^g ton.- Miss collier will study jet tl*e Cambridge School of Dahciar while, there.".""':'?"""'"'";;.....■;';""■' ■.'Vu""1l2> their summer home at Three Mile Lake, Mich^;^: " -J., '■■...'■; '\.,7v;il . Miss Madge Lynch, 927 Greenleaf. leaves tomorrow to spend several East Railroad avenue, spent several days last' week In St. Louis. Mrs. Frank Lincoln Fowler re- turned Thursday from a week spent In Manistee, Mich., on business. Mrs. V. E. Chambers, who has been suffering from pneumonia for several weeks, is reported as slowly Improv- ing. J. A. Heller of Miami, Wis., was the week end guest of his son, Charles D. Heller, 808 Elmwood ave- nue. »--- '-.----- -'- - ...... Keith Roberts, who has been study- ing at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Col., has returned to Wil- mette. . . „■___£l'.___ - .....- --'- E. A. Tucker has just moved his family to Wilmette from Tacoma, Wash. They will reside, at 226 Doyle court. Charles IMllenbeck of Chicago wss the guest; over Sunday of Mr. anC. MrB. Harry" DiUehbeck,' 'illo l-ake street. Edward C. Wentworth, president of the Wilmette Exchange State bank, who has spent several summer a In Wilmette, will spend this summer in Kenllworth. He will move to that village tomorrow. weeks wiiJi'- her grandparents ■.■,-fn Lowell, Ind. Mrs. E. M. Reeves, mother of Mrs. C. M. Hoadley, 1734 Elmwood avenue. is ill in her daughter's home wito pneumonia, ■■:;.**:. •■■..:■ Miss Clara Root, who Is making her home with Mrs. f Freeman, left yesterday for;.a visit of several weeks in Denver, Col. Miss Dortby Loiilse Heusner of Portland, Oregon., is expected to ar- rive In Wlpette today to^J^JWiss Dorothy Collier. ■ ; JV . Mrs. W.--^ Tucker, |gt4X«e aye- nue, entertained her brother,', W. C. Bellman and family of Hammond, Ind., over Sunday. . * Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Powell, 908 Ashland avenue, plan to leave Mon- day for t*e!r summer, home fet Her- mosa beach, CaUforhhiu i Perry L. Smithers, 1031 Greenwood avenue, Is in the east for a short stay. He will visit in Boston, New York and Philadelphia before returning, Miss Myrtle Clark spl MIsfc Flora Brownlee of Ravenswppd were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cum- berland, of 119 Fifth street, over Sftn- day. f- • o ■ •' % Mr. 'and^Sfrs. Richard J. Muiyey, Eighth street and Oakwood avenue, returned Sunday from Ocean Springs, Miss,, where they have been for the last two months. __;V___L .i Dr. H?C.iWtest has rented his home, 811 Forest avenue, to Mr. A. E. Fer- nald,. a, foypier resident. Mrs. West and the children will spend .the sum- mer at Union Grove, Wis, ■■> ' Mr. and Mrs. William Freeman and sons, William and Robert, who have been for the. New Orleans, have returned to their home at 711 Lake avenue, and will spend the sum- mer in Wilmette. Mrs. J. L. Williams of Chicago is the guest of her daughter, Mrs.;Jo- seph Sbantz, 1053 Linden avenue, for a few weeks. Mrs. Williams will leave laterjor Vancouver, where she will make'ner future^home: Mr. ap^rs. J/ H. Ktmball, of Forest avenue, and small son, Brew- ster, left Thursday to spend a week in Cincinnati; attending the annual Yale outing of the class of '92. These outings, consisting of a continuous round of :;theatre parties, dinners, dances,, automobile excursions, etc., are given In the different cities each year by the members of the class, and last during..ajlweek Or ten days. ; fcUr.. and ' Mrn;: ■?.; Air. Warner -:cf Washington avenue and Miss; Alice Warner are spending a lew weeks' In Ashevllle. N. C/; -v. * Miss Dorothy Collier, accompanied ih* The Crescent circle will entertain ^ „ ^ozy-Co«ier circle -at a gaTdcnj^^y||me 116 ~PtVOX StOtC PifranlO'i Brsihsrz, Prepr'.Hois Btfilers in Ice Cream and Confcciioncxy 1211 Wilmette Avenue III Kinds of Fraifs Cigars and Tobaccos party, which takes place next Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Van Schaack, 210 Linden avenue. v mi...and Mrs^JlJ^hard_JL Mulvey, Eighth street and Oak wood avenue, entertained relatives from Irving Park at dinner Sunday. .' ■ i Miss Vera Tbedora Lobanoff, 111|; Oreehleaf avenue. wilLbe hostess Jc^ several young ladles at a "tea cart; shower" Saturday afternoon. June 2, for Miss Muriel Squires of Edge water, I whose marriage to Mr. Harold Nor- ton of London. Eng^. will-take Place.1 June 10. Mies J^banoff_Jflll.-enter4 tain the bridal party at dinner in her] home, June -6. Miss Lobanoff is to be maid of honor at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs,. Walker of Ravens- wood were guests over Sunday of Mr. and; Mrs. W. ,P7 Hammond, 1047 Lih- den avenue. ,:.;:.. -■'"'C. ^'" ,-.i."•-*• ■ .^'■'- ■'""•'•';..'*r*.;. .-...•. v^----'- ■;•'• Paul Lobanoif, 3118 Greenleaf ave- nue, entertained Dr. Arthur Swanson and Miss Vlek, both of Northwestern nsiyerafty, at dinner in his home Sun- day. --.." " ---=---------^7 home of Mrs. D. V. Webster, 019 For- est, avenue. ,.' - | Ice Cream is the only kind that we handle. Visit our Sanitary Ice Cream Parlor iMr*. W. J. TEayktr entertained mem: bers'vof the Tu^adaf'tmfbffi^tihfa *a her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs*. James Townsend of*'Minneap- olis is visiting her neice, Mfs. Henry Taylor, Jr., for a short time. *'■'." The educational committee of the Neighbors met at the home Of Mrs- J. A. Bellows, Tiiesda^ afterhooh^ T_ Dr. and Mrhi-iJeaih':,_fy"r JOreeil of Leeds, S. D„ are guests lii the-^orrie of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar^C. -WestCotk-- Miss Gladys Mars will give a mis- cellaneous shower for Miss Marion Perkins of Wilmette, a- B0detb-"be, this afternooh, in, her fiome. ■"'"'■ x ; ,( Several guests were entertained at cards in the Mars home Saturday eve- ning by Miss Gladys Mars, in honor of Miss Ailine Westmah of Chicago. Twelve cases of measles "prevail In tCenilwojrth now.' Although ^ precau,- tldn Ts being taken by^ the/h^altti^att- thorities to check the epidemic^ JL seems to steadily spread aihong the community. '..: ■'.•.:'". *.."&, Mrs-George H.'Mars'^d daughter. Miss Gladys, will leave the last of next Imonth for, Estes r para, : Col.* where ihey', wIU remain iint'll, Se|item> ber. Miss Mars Is a delegate "to the Chi Omega sorority convention, which will be held In Boulder,1 'Coto^lb July. - ,, ". '■ ... '•■) Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Blackwood returned Sunday fro^ an extended tour abroad. They have been gone more than two months. Tney so- journed In Italy. France, Russia, Eng- land, Holland and other countries of the continent. ', The North Shore Golf club, will keep open house all tomorrow on ac- count of Memorial day. There will be morningf ^hd afternoop golf matches played. One of the,matches will be between the president and vice president of the .club,; the loser to provide the lunch for the crowd ot spjectators,.:.:,";;^ /.., : ■ jLV^S; •,"';; Made Clean Handled Clean Delivered Clean --Aek Yotrr Groccg or-- Wilmette Baking Co. Ttlephone 440 1105 ^Hraette Ave. ...... Sjii-iiiT|«i>'ii.» WeAreOnthe lUR Goods, Wprlj ar«j ' Prices at^e Rigbt-r-with these in your favor you can- not possibly fee wrbiijE in having us Rl you v/ith that New Spring Suit We do Cleaning, Pressing, Remodeling and Repairing. Work Called for snd Delivered George J. Eber Tele nit An a IA 1131 Greenleaf Ave. WILMETTE WE Aft* TAKING ORDERS now for the dull season for Ladies' and Men's Suits at rcdyced prices, so a.s to keep our help busy.) (Garments remod- eled to latest stylo/. Cleaning snd pressing. Suits pressed 50c. ', III Up'ii-liti Uftn' aid iiirt TiWirtii I eitctrle Piste, WflB.its Teieplion. 24» WORK CALLED and DELIVERED Phone Wilmette 1666 SSSS.SSSSSSS 7 ROOM FLATS Price $18.00 and $20.00 Black W«st of Keollwonb Ospet I',4 W. R WILSON Box 72 Phone 1146 account of Decoration Day, the following Merchants will close the Saturday: %**•■-■ 2831 NitBtagln Intlnirtf, Clkitt ■MtttHrtstl, Iron Mg. Scorn 23 Strictly kigk grade instruc- tions. Piano, violin, voice* txprtstion^efc. C. W. Hvtris, Sarii Edwards ' Iwm Hub) til itiiiri W»l»stf«illfe»hifMsiilloii I This cloth covered Casket, lined with white silk, with complete furnishings, ontjrljo.oo. 1 ......- WE.IMESCHKIRCH S*t»bSUb«4 la ISM Tei. I6fO "*: 122S Wfistette Ave. BAKERIES Wilmette Baking Co. Wilson Bakery BANKS Wilmette Exchange $iau Bank DRY COODS AND MEN'S i FURNISHINGS R. H.Schell&Co. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS S* M> Cramer __Ij^Ci^RECl^------ W&th ^mFence^ MARKEjTS E. J. Galitz J. J. Nilles MILLINERY L. C. Rambo & Co. REAL ESTATE B.E.AlUn r"M. E. Barker Quintan & Tyson J. A. Shane A. E.Shantz HQW YQU can help yoarself and hoW w^;cjio help yoii Is^risil we ire trying to tell-in these advertisements. Your best interests and ours are re- elpfv-c-ai. When you have money we want it. When you want money we have it. Open Saturday Mornings at 8 A. M. Wilmette Exchange State Bank ,j^x ■- You Money r ^J^lyo'll-knriaff that,:JS!i>7eyn^v4^nn'mnnny ln^ yra^r mea^jiittsii We bavro cut down on our. overhead ex- _ peiise to such an-eftentibat^w^c^ (nistomers" for cash and giv<!" them */Wilmette Q^ity aiujigedgo Prices.'9 Many of yoiir neighbors have, «juit.carry in}; their meat home from Chicago and are carrying it home from here, and paying cash, and ub- tairiiug the benefit in iher prfeeH^ihey^pliyT^alfd^Be qualities they receive. : •'.-.••;.;.'•■• Sirloin Steak, per pound .............; *.i'.. -,. ,25e Porter Uoiise Steak, per pound ............... 30e. Shoulder Lamb Chops, per pound ....... i...... ^20e . Lamb Steaks, per pound ......____........,..; ;25c Whole or Half Hams, per pound .^^-^.-^w^vlSe-- FrCsh Ground Hamburger Steak, per pound...... ;10ie Sah}LMackeral, each .......... ..7....'.". '. vT. .l.:.'lSc Leg of Lamb, per pound......,,... r.... v4 e7.^iv^(te ' VeaLLoaf^ per pound..........____......V.... ,25e itnrt^oast Beef Seventh rib, per pound ;.... .u^. »2^ev Roast Pork, Loin or Bib, per pound ;....:» ..; *. .18e IJaeon; whole or half strips, per pound .. :^ i..-..-;, .25c ^€E J* J. NILLES 1: West Railroad Avenue, Wilmette \ Phones 278-279 Second door south of Central , 0^sepfnll day Sat. account or Decoration Day V i ■■ ■ E TELEPHONE WILMETTE 76 1209 WILMETTE AVENUE Aluminum, Bronze, Etc. Con bo welded and made strong 03 new. Gallup the American weimng go. (Not Inc.) ---:; vrAF&tinAHA&i WrtT COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phono Wilmotto 1381 Wilmette. Illinois :,.i^.«..t.- Dressmaking Including fancy suits and evening wraps. Corsets made to order. MissM. Boland Room 54, Brown BWf. "Tel. 1338 MoteticeChase PIANIST AND TEACHER. Five years' study abroad under cele- brated teachers. 431 EIGHTH STREET, WILMETTE. Tel. WHmette 250. SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE RBPiflHiiG --^rg9i Baay Starting^jr" "^ Cold Weather ; We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 ^W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wilmette 426 WUmette Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE TELEPHONE WILMETTEI364 Res. 1302 Wilmette Aw,, WilmelleJII. Plants 0nt Flowers Beorge^W^m A. .& Van&emen Asgqgrin & Co. JEWELERS S. BeiUn Closed Only Saturday Afternoon SANITARY BARBER SHOP FreiJ)^man We wM^to announce to our patrons and the public In general tnaLtve hs^^Bened^EtoTe sr615 Raitrpad Avenue; tvhero we will have on bsjswat all times a full line of cut flowers and plants of all kinds. We .have a complete lme-^d^flei^them-at very rawttimMep prlceR, and you get the first^choice, as wc\Hw the56firy flbrlBrin WH- mette growing and selling our "own grown stock" direct to yoti from our greenliQuses. 1625 Central Avenue.iWjLhavftjiQ agents or-fioUc- itors, therejfqke save you the middleman's profit n j . ^ We h»ve everyihfng you need 7for~spring° planting.i Here is a partial list: ' > , ^ ; ■-:?**■ ... --:.' •«. ■■ . ' -.-"-;- . ■ MW*G BEDDING PLANTS Rose Bushes (Red, White. PInfe, Yellow?." "Per^dozen:".~.T..:.\.'.1W- Cannas (Kius Humbert, Refl)r Per doienl.......... ^...",..... .$2.00 Chas. Henderson (Yellow and other leading varieties, finest .stock. Per dozen .......,*......................viVu.«;v..f1i80" GjsrtnWms^Besfc varietfesr^e^ r Asters, cosmos, coleus, calliopsis, candytuft, cobea, *|hes»""fever- rg^,lobejiaJ, English ivy,-rorgetme.notr^>ansiesi daisies; nasturtium*.-- mignonette, T«ilvia8rpetunlaST--snapdragon, vincar^inesT^Bvcrything iottmay need in plants, ■■:-^~-----r-~■----- ---^-rr^^^^^^^ £:~rRoo8eyeitiferjUiJn^Mrafld^ash^tsreleiran^^s -Betlverjrdirect^from our greenhouaes, 162S Central Avflnue.--■------.- Telephone Wilmette 23 & OLSEM ; • Successors to g|||;.-:-" STAR FLORAL CO. G15 Railroad Avenue. ■■ / : Growers of-.flntst cut flowers and plaata.

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