Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1914, p. 6

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'^e^. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, tHURSIJAY, MAY 14, 1914. Captain Piler Jensen of the Eyaiston Life Saving Station Thinks it Was Caused by Recent Ston|^^ NO DAMAGE IS HEPOfttEa ■in i mini i minium iwiiai r ou .....nlAlmRa'aw OUpHJHI0UUIII£ Evanston was slapped yesterday by e of the; highest and freakiest yes that Lake Michigan has dished since the so-called miniature tidal ye of I860. This wave was between five and six feet high. At some places it was like a froth-tipped wall of water that came ashore in the lap of a gale ar fifty miles an hour, smashing its way up the beaches with the force of a battering ram. At other points, no- tably along the "i Evanston shore, It rolled up the shingle with the caress- ing gentleness of a purling brook. At some points the high water last- ed for only half an hour, at others one hour' and at still others almost two hours. ■•".!:",.'•■_. . ..., Mrs. C. W. Fralick, 2041 Orri avenue, returned last week from it'i fornla....' ■.;'".'. .■ '. :\ ■■ ■,'.;:::' '■■' /;■'■ "-, ^ "."' Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Benedict have moved to S• (J Mioliigau avenue from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Francis, 1502 .Davis street, will return Friday from NewYorkv Mr. Phillip Grlffln, 1127 Forest ave- nue, la in Milwaukee for two Week* on a business trip. •L____ftJ_iF^mith_oL;p8hkosh, Wis., ia the guest of her sister, Mrs. HVB> Cowap, 724 Washington street. Mr. B. L. Richardson, 1217 Lee street, hasreturned--from--a-four months' trip through the west Mrs. William Fuller ton of Aurora, III., is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Burg, 2020 Sherman avenue. The Zeta Beta Psi sorority will give an informal dance On Friday evening, May 22, at the Wilmette Country club. Mr. and Mrs. James Currey, 2603 Hartzell street, will move this week to 2540 Bennett avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wallace will en- tertain their card club Saturday eve- ning at their home, 2301 Grant street. < Mrs. William L. McKay. 2308 Cen- tral street, will leave today for Boston, Mass., where she will take Up the study of music jagajnii--.«_____ Mrs. George W. Carman, 910 Lake Street, will entertain for Miss Tluth Carpenter at a luncheon next Satur- day. Mrs. Frank L. Whitcomb and fam Ily, 1432 Forest avenue, will leave Fri Miss Martha Charles, 1310 Hinman avenue, will entertain for twenty-four at,dinner nnxt.Monday w»siEgs-r-The guest of honor will be Miss Ruth Car- penter, a bride of this month. . "Twelfth Night** was presented at the Evanston Woman's club Saturday afternoon by the Girls' Literary socie- ties of Northwestern university. Only ten and""• thr^aalverslir" ':,ltiuffi'~~~ were permitted to attend the perform- ance. ......" * - - ,-*-'-* Mrs WlUlara A. Whitehead and daughter, Miriam Louise, 325 Davis street, left last week for Marquette, Mich., where they will.spend the sum- mer with Mr. Whitehead, who has been there several months o© busi- ness. •■ ■ ■■ :'- ■■;:, ■ Mr. and Mrs. James Daniel Calla- han, 1i^Mdlaon^r^rt^aisOf an- nouhce the^engs^ement ; of their tfwijg^rtJ^raQ^ William Henry Bryant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seth B. Bryant of 1518 Chicago avenue. ......,,,..'"..^ .." Mr. and Mrs., John Hardin of Hub- bard Woods are entertaining at din- ner, followed by a dance, on next Fri- day evening, for Miss Fisher of Chi- cago, whose marriage to Mr. Hardin of this city will take place the end of this month. Mrs. Martyn Finch Warner has is- sued invitations for a musical to be KENILWORTH MAN tS FRIEND OF THE BIRDS K __ Charles E. White Asks Subur- itesto Feed Wild Birds and Keep Them Here. ' Cause; wnkriuVvrt. Authorities differed as to the ehar-Hay for^ their summer home at Cotuit, acter of this peculiar wave. Beep Mass, sea mariners called it a tidal wave, ' Mrs. Phoebe Comstock, for years a but students of weatlier conditions resident of this city, who now lives in on the lakes scoffed at this. California with her sons, Is here visit- | ?;it struck Evanston about U30," ing relatives and frlends^for the sum- said Capt. Peter Jensen of the Evans- mer. ton Life Saying station. "We could Miss Josephine Stockton, 1005 Hin- given tomorrow afternoon at her home, 2223 Lincoln street. The program will be rendered by Miss Carol Robinson, pianist, Miss Gwendolyn Farmer, so- prano, and Mrs. U. L. McKay, soprano. Mm James Hall, 2044 Sheridan road, and Mrs. Alfred L. Bogart. 1118 Maple avenue, were unable to sail from New York on Saturday, owing to the steamer "Cameronla" being disabled left on Wednesday on the steamer "Caronia." Mrs. H. B. Hyde left Sunday for Many residents of the north shore, during the last week or so, have re- ceived in their mail a personal letter from Charles E4White, the Ke nil- worth bird-lover, asking them to co- operate with him and feed; and care for the wild birds. In addition to-the letter, Mr. White has included a type- written article full of sentiment from the first to the last line. A portion of this article containing the appeal for the song birds follows: -- "Sunshine" doesn't come from the sun alone. It's to be found anywhere and everywhere--in anything and everything. Who's so big a pessimist as to drive awayi the "sunshine" when It's streaming brightly through a rift In the dark, dismal clouds? I doubt me* IfI en n find\m a ny.----------------------_ see it cOmlngrJnJ_so_j!Jgh^t__was^^an-avenu HTl|ewateT^U8r^raa^aUy raised. It reached its highest about 2 o'clock and receded about 3 o'clock. We nave had them here before, but I don't be- lieve they have ever before been so pronounced. I think it was due to the heavy storms we have been hav- ing." - •. ' ""•'."» X- Might Have Seen an Earthquake. Prof. Rollln D. Salisbury, head ot the department of geography and dean of the Ogden school of science at the University of Chicago, said it might have been due to asmall -ear icd at the bottom of the lake, i^ljftm^inclteod-^o-bcllevevthat tire wave was due chiefly t" n "iid^vn'--waflk-'a vi»itr-4 'shifting of the high wind," said Prof. Salisbury. "It is ridiculous to call it a tidal wave." :"r ."More than likely a sudden vacuum In'the air out on the lake somewhere caused tlie formation of this wave,' Was^ the comment of irlstio capfal'i: •if it was an earthquake, why didn't ■vjiife feel it ashore?" : X)ne cuflous feature of the wave was that, despite the force with whicn It struck the shore at some points, very little damage was caused any- where. '"'";'. ?_•.'Jn. Chicago one- or two boats were wrenched loose, the locker rooms ot the Columbia and Chicago Yacht clubs were: floodLed^nnd-a.t-onc or - two points ;. along Lake 'Shore drive the water i:4r»JVe 0veritbe grass plots and spra/ed . passing autoists. P>i>l0ht H*Aclf«irs~ln Panic. -Alpng, the Chicago river freight handlers were frightened almost to 't^e point of panic .when the-boats -they -|Wore unloading suddenly heaved up- ward 'five or six feet. s Shore lines strained and some of them snaroed "with loud reports. At Jackson park the sixty-foot gaso- >jtine- yacht Yarrow^owned by George -Robinson, and the sloop-rigged ya^lu Nymph snapped their moorings In the lagoon and made several erratic trips into the lake and back before the life savers could reach them. In that ef- fort Hans~FriUr and Canute Hanson, who wore trying to board the Nymph from a yawl, were upset and carried Into the lake. The life saving crow rescued them in the surf boat. Captain Shannlgen of the Jacksou park life savers said there .were s'x Jo^ejghi^wj^gejtlthere.^ J'Tho firstwave was five, feet high," said the captain, L.?the second^foUr-fset/ and" The "others gradually smaller-" Carolina, where she 'spent several weeks. ___---------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Hallbcrg, 1111 Grove' street, announce the birth of a son, Lawrence Vail, on Sunday, May 10. The Reading club met Monday afternoon with Mrs. Matthew J. Mac- Adams, 2227 Harrison street. Mr. Loyal Wheelock, who is attend- ing the University of Illinois, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs/ H. B. Wheelock. 1040 Hinman avenue. --------- Miss Sue Pitkin, 2526 Ashland ave- nue, will return Saturday from a two her home in High Point, N. C, after a seven weeks' visit with her daugh- ters, Mrs. A. J. Butow and Miss Esther MJnard of this city. Mrs. Hyde also spent several weeks In Kansas City with her son and daugh- The Evanston club held Its annual election ot officers on Saturday --eve-t- ning. R. F. 1'ettibone was chosen president; Eugene U. Kimbark, first vice-president; R. A. Worstall. second vice-president; Nicholas G. Iglehart, secretary .and treasurer; 11. E. Ham- ilton and Andrew Hazelhurst, Jr., di- rectors. ., On Friday, May 15, the women of tbe board of education will give a re- ception to all the teachers in Districts 75 and 76, between tbe hours of 4 and 6 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. James A- Patten. The assisting ladies will be Mrs. Robert fl. Ennis, Mrs. C. -ET^Hftenr-MfSr^owtrrd^^rWIlcoaronr Mrs. G. W." Kaufman and Mrs. C. H. Hurlbut. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund T. Perkins have moved from 1654 Asbury avenue to 1312 Oak avenue. Mrs. Perkins ar- rived from California ten days ago, returning ^y"^ay~nof Ne\v^^rleans where Mr. Perkins met her, going i from there to Savannah. Ga., to at- j tend the meeting of the National Drain- J age congress, of which Mr. Perkins {Is president. In company with Sir William Wtllcoks of Cairo, Kgypt. Mr. 'and Mrs. Perkins went to Washing I ton, where they gave testimony _>e NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Mrs. Paul Hcinsen, 2411 Park place, has returned from a week's visit with relatives in Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kepler, 1022 Greenwood boulevard, are In Pitts- burgh, Pa., for several weeks. -^ttrWndMrs. Howard Grey and Mr. Charles Grey, 1508 Forest avenue, have returned from an automobile trip through Ohio. Mrs. Chester W. Comstock, Mr. Daniel Comstock and Mrs. Frank ^AHen-NorrlS, 2408 Hartzell street, left monday fOr a three weeks' visit in Oswego, N. Y. Mrs. Arthur J. Morgan, 624 Hin- fore the r!verB «"> harbors commit_________________ man avenue, entertained at luricheon teG of the house. and the 8enale com ' 102e Sherman Av« mittee of commerce, on flood protec j iycD oneimau av'"' tion and drainage. Now I believe there's lots ot "sun- shine" in the song of the wild birds. I've been Interested in them as far back as I can remember and I've learned that there is for me. They're about the best dispellers of gloom that I can think of. When they're well taken care of, you'll find them twittering and chirping the live-long day. ■'_, But you've got to keep them about you. You can't drive them away, and have their "sunshine" at the same time. Gather them around you; be- come interested In their habits; feed them. You know, everybody strives to keep that which has grown dear to them. Once the wild birds have gained your affection, thy'll become dear to you.TYou'II sufeliTsIrive to keep them with you all the time. Suet or fat contributes the tempt- ing morsel which coaxes the wild birds about your home. Provide the feathered tribe with plenty of it and nine-tenths of your friendship Is cemented, never to break. After all, eight persons out of every ten like to care for the denizens of the air. What we require is greater enthusiasm on their part and the beginning of inter- est on the part 'Of the other two. Let's all labor together; the inevit able Is .bound-.tpj,happen. /We'll de- serve "sunshine^--and we'll get "sun^ shine." You've got a big'heart. Use It:---------------:------'Charles E. White. xL O* : EVANSTON 620 Davis Street Teh. 3414,2415, 2416 WILMETTE CeatralAv*.& 13t!_St. Tcb.S10,51l,3l3 rotSTOUALITYCOODS. GOOD SERVICE. FAIT-PRICES SPECIAL Sale, May 11th to 16tli =_=_=PRICES IN TOIUJEON *rHESE, -DAYS; 6nLT-5======-__ ■ TO roM Filter Service TEL. MAIN 3o lO CHAS. S. WALLACE. Agent 1-2 1 Orrtngton Ave. Tel. Evanaton 2TO Herbert F. Antunes Hjio tuiur and Repairer ANNUAfe-MCETING HELO. ; viTbe annual business, meeting of the Woman's "soeiety of the Congreg-ition- y church ojjg^noetka Was held Wed-1 Sheridan road nesdayr^lay '6. The meeting was- pre- ceded :by a luucheon and at l:Si the meeting was called to order. The of' Monday preceding the subscription bridge given at the Woman's club for the Girls' League. . Mr. Alfred Overbagh, son j)f Mr. and lHr¥. FrankTfn^ Overbagh, 1040 Michigan avenue, has returned from Drown university, and Is spending a few days in this city. Mrs. Charles Crocker and little daughter of Boston are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fel- lows, S2.1 Lee street. j Miss Katherine Houston, 114;} I tin man avenue, will give a dinner on , Friday evening, May 22, preceding the '■ Zeta Beta Psi dance. Mrs. M. E. Downie has returned from California, where she spent the j winter, and is staying at Mrs. Diefen-! derf's, 15E4 Asbury avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schrelber re-1 turned Thursday from their wedding trip, and expect to move into their j home at 104o Forest avenue next weclc. ____: - -■--- r Mrs. J. R. Miller. 72G South boule-1 vard, has as her guest Hose Kate] Mueller from Dubuque, la., who is here to attend the wedding of her sis-j tcr. Miss Anna Mueller. Mrs. Jessie L. Gaynor and her daughter. Miss Rose Gaynor, returned f Monday to their home in St. .Louis, j after a short visit in Evanston as the J guests of Mrs. Harrison B. Riley, 1822 i Evanston Telephones-Natpaibn 3476- J and 449 oilicial Tuner for Northwestern School of MuBir OBITUARY. Mrs. Clara Christina Thompao.. Mrs. Clara (Jiristina Thomp.s..i.l widow of the late Uames Thompson, I died at her home, 2643 Dewey avenue. Tuesday, May 12. Mrs. Thompson j loaves three sons, Charles, Edward and ! Oscar, and two daughters, Anna and I Martha. Funeral Berviccs will bo held Ki may j at 2 p. m., at the Swedish Mission .church, Church street and Oak avenue Interment Rosehill cemetery. Miss Helen Glenn, llul Forest ave- nue, who is how in Europe, spent sev- fleers' and committee,,' report, for the ^ dayf ,a^ *eok *"!' ***? V°}? I Patten, in Florence. Italy, where the ; latter is attending school.__________ year were road and proved to be very YOU NEED NOT BE ILL TO ENJOY Medical Baths 4811-4813 Broadway Chicago npONIC Treatments are ■■•.provided also for those who are not ill. Vapor, HoUir or Electric Bath $1.50 Massage, Battle Greek - 1.50 Bath, Douche and Massage 2.50 12 for the price of IO Old Lawns Sodding, Seeding* Black Dirt Furnished. I Sell and Plant Shrubs, Hedges97 Trees Also Trim Themy Estimates Furnished FREE. Satisfaction Guaranteed W.J. DOWNS . 1720 Darrow Ave. Evanston Phone 2679 trtnrt 7 a. m. or aftir 6 p. m. HOLLAND CREAMERY BUTTER.-- -la this part of the country. You wjU never got _■ cold storage"bntter-_iiderthin brand. _ 1 lb. carton...........>.;...'•*•••••••*>_^__ii:i: BUTTERCWXIttAr^ For table or cooking. No. 1 grade. 1 lb. carton, .zee CREMO BUTTERINE-Just the thing, and eaves you money In cooking. 1 lb. carton... .zw CRAPE FR.UIT --Florida, Extra large size. : Fancy, heavy fruit. „ 46 size. Each......10c Doz...........'•••S'jS 54 size. Each.*.....9c Doz........*.....»UW 80 size. Each.......7c Doz................■*. NAVEL OltANCES-California. "Sunklst" Extremely flhe. ^nmt 200 size. Doz....... 25c 176 size. Doz.....30C 150 size. Doz.......35e 126 size. Doz......40c OLIVE OIL --Antonini. The supreme quality. I can't remember of even having a complaint on this olive oil. „ i _ gal. can........$3.25 Large bot..........JZc % gal. can........*1.75 Medium bot........«c Vt gal. can..........95c Small bot..........27c CEREALS-Orioie Corn Flakes. Pkg.........7c Food of Wheat. Pkg.....~------.*/•......12Vi° Pillsbury's Bran. 5 lb. pkg................--23c Pettljohn's Breakfast Food. Pkg...........1zJ'_e Shredded Wheat Biscuit. Pkg...............*le. • Puffed Wheat Pkg.....................-----/9c. Kellog's Wheat Biscuit. Pkg................'zc BAKING POWDER. - Rumford's. Phosphate. 1 lb. can..........20c % lb. can........12J_sC ^ Monarch. Cream of Tartar. 1 lb. can..........32c % lb. can...........18c MAPLE SYR.UP-Richelieu. Maple Sap. That, extremely line quality. Qt. can.............4|c ---Monsoon^-Mai»le^and ^anc. Pt. bot......... Z5c DRIED FR.UIT--Prunes. 20-30 size. Lb...22c ___Theso are the largest tbaTgrow and the finest. Prunes. Washington Tart. 40-50 size. Lb... 14c Prunes. Santa Clara. 50-60 size. Lb......>.14c Apricots. California. Lb-----................24e Peaches, Unpeeled. Lb.....................14c HUNTLEY & PALMER'S IMPORTED WAFERS_ The price of these Imported Wafers has been ma- terially reduced on account of the lowering of the tariff. Alaska. Lb................,.....40c Breakfast. Lb..............................40c Butterfingers. Lb- '•..........................2ae Cinderella. Lb..............................25c Chocolate Table Fingers, Lb............... .50c Concert Lb............»>.t«...............gte • eubair^Fhrgers. Lb........,.................. *0c Currant Fingers.--Lb..... , . ."■ ■■■ SUGAR --Granulated. Cane. 10 lbs........47c Crystal Domino. 5 6 lb. pkg..,..,....-........ .42c Crystal Domino. 2 lb. pkg. % size pieces___20c .^^jto^&^B^witie^ J.........>Wc FLOUR. -- PiHsbury and Ceresota. % bbL....73c %>bl.....,.....^|fc4<^ W»l* ..a*.,,....W^.f«J65 SOAP -American Family. Jas. S. Kirk & Co.'s. 66 bars in box....i|3il0 10 bars.............47c Fairy.■:■„ Falrbankfa^lO-^^^bars..... ...v..... ;,'.45c Pels' Naptha. -10 bars..................... -. .45c Pear's. Scented.; Toilet Cake.............:i«e' Pear's, t/nacented. Toilet Cake. i"....;;.. 12/2c STUMPF'S ANT jjt^gjg^^"^^ ; Magic Hoodoo Paper.....................^, * .15c Maggie Hoodoo Tape ........................10c Magic Hoodoo Powder......................25c SHELF PAPER --Fancy Edge. 3 rolls....25c Plain. Whltei, 24x36. Lb...........,........ic TOILET PAWtlt--Sterling. Vot....2.^9ic Java Crepo.. I......75c White Linen.....»«,75c AH 1000 sheets to roll. -------* ASPARAGUS pdlNTS-Monabon. . No. 1 square can. Can.20c Doz. .......... .$2,25 Richelieu fancy, sweet corn. ............11c Doz...............«1.30 Sweet. Sifted. ,.,14c"" Doz. ... Medium size. ,14c Doz. ... •.it,, .91.95 • ...ft-|5 These aire CORN Can............ PEAS -- Monarch ' Can. --.......... ■Coqteaux. French . ", C^nj,.,...':(V..------ TOMATOES-- Monarch. No. 3 can. " ! very fine in quality and well packed. Can................14c Doz.....,.........91.95 SALMON --Richelieu. No. 1 flat can. Salmon Steak --.....- '------- Can............- .23c Doz. ..............?.92.70 Richelieu. No. '/a fiat can. Salmon Steak. Can................14c Doz...............91.65 Yacht Club. No. 1 tall can. Alaska. Can................16c Doz...............51.85 % MACKEREL -- Norwegian Bloaters. Fancy fat , fish. White meat. Lb...................,..22c BLUE SEA TUNA FISH- No, 1 can..........22c % No. can..........14c FISH FLAKES--Burnham & Morrill's. Small. .1............9c Large ............. ,l4e GRAPE JUICE--Meier's. Concord. Qt ..35c Meier's. Concord. Pt ..-----...... 20c Meier's. Catawba. Qt......................45c Meier's. Catawba. Pt ..............•.....*..25c PEELED MUSCAT CRAPES- --csfirrr--nrrr; .22c Agent for EVANSTON VAUGHAN'S SEEDS '"•OiT'A CATALOGUE AT HX STORES Agent for WILMETTE Sold on Easy Payments For Rent on Easy lerms ALL MAKES NEW AND REBVIL1 Some Special Good Bargains JPjlU Line Typewriter Supplies H.E. CHANDLER & CO, 630-632 Davis St. Evanston Bell that muchwork badbeen done during J, 5.the past year, The following ofHcers were elected for-'this year-: Mrs. E. J.'Allsebrooke, president: Mrs. Charles '^lk^%'i%l^y}^_xtt^AfmX\- Mra. r. B. Thomas, second vice president: Mrs. Fra n k Herd man, record i n % see- retary; Mrs. J. G. Linn, treasurer; ;Mir_."i^hBon/i{^t~chaIrm'an' of work /committee; Mrs; H. C. Aiming, assist- ant chairman;. Mrs. Carrie Prouty, chairman of foreign dr;|)artment; Mrs. A. M. Schars, assistant chairman; Mrs. iJU C. Winshlp, chairman of -home dfr partment; "Mrs. E. F. Snell, chairman of soda! department,;- Miss Mary Gil- lespie, chairman of luncheon commit- tee ; Mrs. :CLJC_i3-9n£_ assistantjehalr- man; Mrs. Frank Blatchford. Chair- man of philanthropic committee; Mrs. Ayres Boal, assistant chairman. __l^*'_*_tll.®_*!d*L _meetlng_o_f jhe season and the next "meeting will pa held the firBt Wednesday in October. • Now is the Time to get out your old bicycle and look it over. If it is not good enough for another Mason we will take it in as part of the cash payment on Model Bicycle Cash orPasy^Pgymciits^ Como end Io->k over our new ihodeb: the m- ■ortment Is t h* flnopt wr hare ever had. Some irood Ix.rKO in ■ in «eco nd - han <I W lire Ik. Also ■'•mo tiro of rpeciai value. Repajringr of all kind*. ____ HLJB,Ghanfiier&Co^ University Book Store, Evanston, III. of QmKty First Book of the North Shore Price $1.50 ____ and Second Book of the North Shore ---■ Price $2.00 Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, High- ways and Byways^ Past and Present by Parian a. white Intensely Interesting, Historically Valuable, Pro- fusely Illustrated in sepia and of increasing value as books will not be reprinted. Make remittances direct to MARIAN A. WHITE 68^8 Sheridan Road ^ Chicago elephone trouble frequently eom^fi^ good care of the instrument and use it properly. • :"""^j" Observance of the following simple rules will save telephone trouble: Do not let the telephone cords get wet. Do not stick pins or needles in the cords. Do not lay a pair of scissors or any other , article on top of the wall instrument. ■ Always replace receiver on hook when 7 through talking. Always replace receiver with cord-end up. This prevents dust accumulating on the diafram. - -- •- ^r- Never use the receiver for other than ^" the pjarpose for which it is intendeiir-t Chicago Telephone Company ft. B. Gates, District Manager "~,~; -----Telephone 9903--------'~~^ , "XT' Individuality ^fTHE Foster Colonial ^ximp is cdf-! * rect for afternoon and semi-dress wear this season, - Perfect prop >i tion of high arch and Spanr ish heel is the feature* of this shoe. Shown in patent leather with white calf uppers and other ^tractive combinatiens of leather. F.K. Fosters Co., 125 N.Wabash Ave. Opposite TIcKs. CHICAGO I \: i ttl ! If c; till ill (t(.: r t tab St.

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