Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1914, p. 5

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SHORE NEWS. THURSDAY. If AY 7, 1914. hf...........Ml.....IMIl! Mrs. Monftafexx* Kerry returned this j: _■> =f«*wra«ttrTQwBc^Tiiiii^ jfaas fceftB-yf^::ag for several weSSC"" Mr. and Mrs. Switxer auwl •!»i«*ter. */<•••■ rrfer K%& SchoolJottings Classified iiSlncss LiISC »•.......................i to the first person presenting this advertisement and making a pur- chase of $15 or over in our store morning. y our c days left of e dim- f[ Saturday is the last day of our big annual furniture sale. Everything must be sold regardless of cost. Those who come first will get the best bargains. BEDROOM Beds, Cots, Cribs Springs and Mattresses Dressers and Chiffoniers Chairs, Rockers, Rugs KITCHEN Gas Stoves and Plates Ranges, Heaters Linoleum,Chairs,Tables LIBRARY ' Fumed Oak Tables Chairs, Rockers, Book- cases and Pictures LIVING ROOM Fireside Chairs, Tables Upholstered Chairs and Desks PORCH Chairs, Rockers, Swings Matting, Tables, Rugs DINING ROOM Tables, all styles Chairs, Rugs, Pictures China Closets and Buffets stock, ^tl*iflg two stores, must be s&khat Helen, of Wabeno, Whu-«re~4h» ] guests -«f 5iit. and "Sirs.: M. H. LJeber. I Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Raw hups, of ■ ■ ' - w ,?----------- J Norfolk. Virginia, arc the guests this' «gnriMI-::ffr *M>^»M|!wJPrA:firlaeit' of Mr. aad-Mrs.--EdgarffVgter^ > of XordweMern uniwerslty AId.n. mm stereopttooa tacln^e on astron-j Uim p Q c*rtaoav of Whcaton. a i *« If ^ **!E!j «»*ashter of E- O. Carlson. fermerl*: of . ^™_*°?e*^!: J^T *^1Wia«*tka. is the guest of Miss Win] lextsres t ggP"* -p-*^ :- jlfirtd Hima. «~ .'ffSi y^SST TfcB- Ladies* AM of Gleneoe Meth- tne past n«w »a assejnoiy. ^j^ fhurch ^^ at the Lonj^ of MrsL m*^*«.**°.^J^.V* Bne*M*^ WiUlato A. Carer, on Oak street. Tues- D. D„ of Buffalo, gave ^»jagpafenBML: ~-------------------- aartablF Spiring address, on"Iir- -j^e ££J „„, ^rta mm tfw Sfe^^MJ^lfeBl "^.y11^ * the UoTseonir^tertatoneat aest,_ „,_ ^ wn, „ ., _ _, „ ematics department or tae nigo scnooi. ] i jotI,-e needed no IntradMtiaa to the stadcatj M|ss n^^ Washbarn dleB rod. ■ drnly of pneumonia while visiting in GENERAL MERCHANDISE j JEWELERS \AAJQVST ROD ELI US Expert Watchmaker and Optlelaa. E Repairing of complicated watches : "1..... aad clocks. ■ Many years* exoert- f*£sr,s 2SS2. GRCCERSES Fine fruits--In and oat of sea- son--always rorm a part oi omr tare* stock or Select and Fancy Groceries. Baker*a Steel Cot Cjiowi a esse •;' ■" ".t* ', GEO. R. DUGEv Manager The Athletic Dinner-Dance. Friday evenlne. May I. the an dinner-dance of the Girls* Atfa- elic association was given In the mess aaU and girts* gjrsMasium. After-dln- aer toasts were given by Miss Ruth' Leonard, president of the association and director of the girls' athletics. Mid by Georgia Tattle. Mary Lloyd. Helene and Dorothy Doty. Mr. Childs, Mr. Hyatt. David Nethercott, Howard Clements and Erwltt Brigham. Mar- garet Fitch made an excellent toast- mistress. The dinner was given by the Jnnlors. sophomores and freshmen to the seniors In honor of their winning In the Inter-class athletic contests. It Chicago. She had been home with Mrs. Jsk fc." Oak street. making her Clark. t«23 THE QUALITY GROCERY STORE. We handle nothing but the best of goods, all fresh stock. Candy a specialty. ROMAN ENGELS. Formerly of Lewis Lever. Wilmette, I1L Qualitv and cot Quantity--the best for the money--Is oar mot- to. Oar large stock of groceries !* always select sod Fresh Fruits sad Vegetables a speci- alty. A. S. VAN DEUSEN ence with best known Chicago 827 Davis Street ygHi WEftR Clothes Ready Made--Clothes to Order. Packard Shoes for Men. 8orosls -Shoes-Htor--LadJrT •■■'*•**■ Children. Gentlemen's Furctta- lng Goods. ~7~ HAYES & HAYES HOTELS WATRYS HEIDKAMP OPTICIANS 56 WRANDOLPH ST. Established B» coooool CRICACO'iooooiro JO a m « cro wsa served by twelve freshmen girls go 3 ^tSiniOC SSI oo and was prepared by Miss Johnson, jco the school dietitian, and her helpers, j So At the dance following Mrs. Xortham j gg it Wilmette played. The Soccer Trophy. On Saturday morning. May Xew r®. OPTICIANS ^i 156 WRANDOLPH ST EstablishedBS31 <y©o"ol CHlCACO-iooov Spectacles and Eye Glasses cro cro R. L. GONSALVES Gmmm and Bnilder Repairing Promptly AtttnJti To Plane- Wianetk* 4JS Shop: 909 Linden Ave. Hnbbard H'ooJs, Illinois C'v? Mad« to fit your eyes by timtie who SS ;g5g kaoarkoar. Represent notonly METAL §g I cro a<xl GLASS but also eomfort aiui o*r 2. the ; Cro efficiency. c»0 Trier soccer team won the 1500 go f E K|f}f HOW TO f!! Y08R EYES ^ trophy offered by the Suburban crocno cro cro cro cro oo oooo cro oo League of Chicago for one year to the team winning" in'--soccer. A public ceremony in recognition of the lienor will take place in assembly as soon as the trophy is actually in the hands of the school. Departmental Customs. On May 1 the faculty of New Trier were all presented with May baskets decorated and filled with flowers by members of the Art department. This custom is but one of the many pleas- ant prevailing customs of the. school which show the relationship of the] different departments.- At Christmas j time the home economics department sent boxes of candy to the members j of the faculty. At present the faculty j ire sharing, the oasaslonal l^^^^rf^^^ty^rtV A nhltlAC or breaskfasts given for purposes of 1 lWl Ud tie rilllllllvo training in serving or planning meals !»*/ the department. All Wiring Guaranteed Electric Shop HSIBY A.W|TKOW5ltT XrTOptmt'njft WIRING, REPAIRING SUPPLIES GLENCOE. ILLINOIS THE AVENUE HOUSE Private Kschsnge lit* Sunday Dinner a Specialty, 1 to 2:30 P.M. Phone 1110. PattersijoBrss. NEW or USED : 5EWIK6 MACIIIF.J ReDairinjr of Siaser. wheVie, * w7u^: Wilcox ami Gibha. and all nlhit makes of ma- chines. 1522 Sherman Are 6S4 EVANSTOM i--PfesS3-^» Fbone Glenco* ■J60 {_____1 ATTORWCY.AT-l.Attf _ JOHN HUGHLALLY NEWS V/ANT ADS BRING RESULTS ciffiK.^llfuiSi " * ^ PUREWATER For the truly modern Home TWO CSICN'TS A IIAV Rti Cross Filter Service TEL. MftIN 33 18 CIIAS. S. WALLACE. Again 1621 Orriaftoo Ave. Tel. Evanston 270 Piano Cuncr and Repairer UNDERTAKING FIRM MOVES. The VVolmeschklrth'"undnrtaking es- tablishment has heenyknoved from West Kallroad and CejJtff^ avesiucn to he building at 122". Wllmctto avonuo. »•»•»»»»♦»♦♦#♦»»♦♦#« till. I What People Are Doing in Winnetka Miss Ruth Bradstrcet was 111 the first of the week with a slight attack of tonsllitls. A recital will be hnld'Friday even- ing at the Cirton school given by the Piano and Voice Classen. The teachers of Oliton school aro making preparations for the celebra- tion of May Day. on May 28th. Mrs. VV. P. Sidley gave a tea Mon- day afternoon, from four to six. In honor of Mrs. D. F. McPherson. 1925 Sherman ve., Evanston Telephones Evanston 3475-J and 449 Official Tuner for Northwestern School of Musir HARRY LYNN Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables In Season Kenilworth, III. Phones 1041-1042 Old Lawns Sodding, Seeding, Black Dirt Famished. I Sell and Plant Shrubs, Hedges «-*Trees Also Trim Them. Estimates Farnishcd--FRELu Satisfaction Guaranteed W. J. DOWNS 1720 Harrow A ve, Evanston P.inne 2679 before 7 a. m. or after 6 p. m. "The line of Good Service" 3 Sailings Every Week *2 TO AND FROM W EUROPE -VIA Scenic St. Lawrence Route Ksr'rcs! -Quebec Liverpool Montreal - Quebec Glasgow |laatruj--ftgahM--l(a«r« _ Ion rtr.n B«lon - Clasgow The (lew Turbine Quadruple Sere* S. S.«Alsatian" and "Calgarian? 25,000 Tons DitpUeement LiHBlST--FIBEST--FASTEST CANADIAN ROUTE Ocean Passage lets Wan Four Days Tie Stumer ef Many aitracfJcss Cabins In nuite with prjvato li.ilh ami toilet. Spacious atato rooms. Ulaso inclosed protnon- ado dock. Veranda Cat«. Com- fortable IxiiiriR<-». Electric Pa«- «unKor Klovatorn, (Jrclicstra. Gynirm.Hitim. Unsurpassed no coinodatioh, all clansni. bOwost raU-.i. KiiiiiiniT p^'-rvntiiih li.-ita now oprn. rarly li'X>kinK.» rcc- ommendnl. Scml for d«sscriptivo Booklet 'O." For .fullpartici!- lars as to raiiincs. rates, etc • apply ncareat Local Agent, o .LIU A CO, General l|eBti 127 Korth Oearbom Street. CWcago flMMI Rmtfalo* 5030.*ulemat!c«0D3 "OUR LAWN NEEDS-flOUINfi Freezing has heaved the sod away ► from 4he sub-soil, and the roller will press it back so that the grass roots? v.'ill get a quick start. Rolling throagh the sammcr iv.ii Icc-ep it green and growing. can be filled with water to any weigh! to suit a soft lawn, firm turf, or hard driveway, and can be emptied for storing away. They we "Roller bearing and muscle sparing". FREEBOOK ON LAWNS locmj caller at our slorc Barbee Wire S Iron Works 170 North Dearborn Strctt.CKlCACO How is the Time patoafcyoar oM bioyole^tuid loofc over. If it is not tTaoaL«noagli for another season we will take it ia as part of the cash pajtaeai oa .....-- - A1914 Model Bicycle Cash or Easy Payments Come and took over oar new models: tho as- dortmint is the finest wo ha»c over had. Sam* «o kI barKaina in aecond>hand whec!». Ada aome tires of special value, Repairing of all kinds. H. E. Chandler & C& nston,lll. Touring 5 Passenger j 4 Cylinder, rr....... $1050 7 Passenger, 6 Cylinder........., $1575 COME FD^_^JiEMONSTRATI01^ BEFORE YOU BUY A fs*<v T*»a-^o 5000 Mile Guarantee /iJUX HreS Without Extra Charge SOtPosi Office Mace ........ ---------- 4 Evanston ost people use the telephone a great deal. $?w mtM iieeessanr-tcr"0on^^ neetionr are taken*^ -^^ ^ Everyone wants telephone calls handled with the maximum of speed and the miiiiniuniToizerrbi^ It takes three people to complete a telephone call*--the person calling, the operator and the person called. t We can give speed and accuracy if subscribera Will co-operate with our operators, Chicago Telephone Cowpauy TsfcM. Gates, Diurict

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