T*HS LAKE SHORE NEWS, THUftSPAY^ APRIL 80, 101*. VC^ V1':'1":1,. ' < ' SOCIAL. ^= "D WILMETTE Mrs. Jftlm Barwell entertained twelve guests Saturday at her country home In Waukegan In- honor at Jthe ninety-second birthday of Mr. Calvin Wilson, tormerly at Wilinettei Mr. and Mrs. _ Arthur Rogers~ and- Miss Georgians Rogers were guests from ESHlmette. '. .--.:.' ■.■_.'■._■.-;....-...■;.•- ';---.■ Mr. Frank A; Brown has issued in- vitations for a dancing party in honor of his daughter, Miss Dorothy Brown, to be given at the Ouilmette Country club, Friday evening. May 8, at 8 o^clock. X The "ScrireederBansB'-iglven by the pupils of Miss Dorothy Cblller^at the Ouilmette Country club Saturday eve- ning was a decided success, the pro- gram being greatly appreciated by an enthusiastic audience, which more than filled tho auditorium, a number jDf oepple being focced io-Stand. After this program, the hall was cleared and! the audience given an opportunity to exhibit its skill In social dancing. Mrs. Harry W. Miller, 725 Ninth street, entertained the Neighborhood circle' J^riday afternoon. ; Mrs. N. S. Betts.7739 Ninth street, entertained several friends from Chi- ^cago at a luncheon Thursday after- --SiGOir. ..Z^y . j -" "'" < Tne" "Round Robin" of the Ouil- :,;TOette Country club gave the last dance.of the season Monday night.i jMrs. Frank Baker and Mrs. W. O. Beltj - ■were hostesses. I The last of the progressive dinners I i.whlcb have been given by members of the Bridge club during the winter, was j "■■ held Saturday evening. A number of guests enjoyed the hospitality in five homes. Automobiles were used to con- yey the guests" fronwose Jiome to the other. The following is the list of •;homes in the order in which they were Visited and where courses of the "din- ner" were served in rotation: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hogle, 407 Central.ave- nue; B. E. Buckman, 726 Laurel ave- nue; James Turnock, 815 Monroe afreet, Evanston; Fred R. Horton, 840 Elm wood avenue, Evanston, and Thomas North, Edgewater.---------------- Mrs; Wallace W. Kerr, 715 Forest is a perfected Art with which I can i bring about perfect „digfiSliQa^-ah.- sortion, assimilation and excreuon- The blood thereby, is replenished- -tbeTceHsTOJd tissues are reconstruct, ed. Without the use of Medicine, In- struments, or anything that is un* pleasant, I cure chronic ailments, in many cases ailments of twenty years duration. These statements can be verified by anybody who will investigate To know what I have done, or to talk to one-who has been cured by me is to be convinced that these statements are absolute facts. Chester Levere Human Culturist 1812 Chicago Avenue avenue, will entertain several ladies at a card party this afternoon in honor of Mrs. Foster Branson, who has re- cently returned to WUiiwtte*to reside. Mrs. Albert ;^ avenue, entertained several friends at luncheon and bridge Tuesday" attter- noon. '-)' Mrs, Cart R. Latham, 229 Sixth street, ^srfUireateettilft^ Wands yat. a luncheon tomorrow afternoon. The Japanese musical sketch, "Along the Road to Tokyo" arranged and acted, by Mr. ajMLMfSi Mfchltaro On- gawa, given by the Woman's guild of St. Augustine's church Thursday even- ing, was a very beautiful and artistic performance. The stage was arranged In Japanese fashion, a tea garden, many cherry blossoms, and the distant snow-capped mountain peak one al- ways associates with Japan: there were many pretty dances and songs, with rich costuming and dainty musi- cal accompaniment, making an exceed- ingly delightful entertainment. The auditorium was well filled. More than two "hundred tickets were sold. Mrs. Charles. Brougbton gave an "at home" Tuesday In honor of her Bister, Mrs. George Apple of Chicago, who is to be in Wilmette a few weeks, before taking an extended trip to the west. There will be a Fellowship dinner at the Methodist church, Thursday, May 7. at 6:30. All members and their friends are cordially Invited: Mrs. H. W. Mons, 921 Oakwood ave- nue, entertained at luncheon on Thurs- day, April 23. Covers were laid for nine. Miss Kathleen Jordan, 505 Hill street, gave a miscellaneous shower Saturday night for Miss Carrie Ring, whose engagement was announced re- cently. Mrs. L. R. Slawson of Edgewater, formerly a resident of Wilmette, enter- tained several Wilmette ladies at a dinner Monday evening In her home._ dent or non-resident. Saturday, May 2, the Senior May party will be given at 8:30 p. m. This will probably be the last large ffcnsal- jw^F io* «© ssa^ son. Mrs. Newton, the mother of Mrs. F Wilmette Societies and Clubs Mrs. Charles L. Major, 215 Ninth street, entertained the French class $201 Have Yoi*r Clothes |*!ade to Order 'toy] TOMORROW «»d All Next Weak and you can buy an actual $25 and $30 NEW SPRING SUIT AND EXTRA PANTS (j!} M1KA r/\iNio m «^ of th* Sam* **"r'a/" r°*r Suit Of McdsufC mJ, "J \^ r To Tfour «Own :M0OSUf0~ S35-S4B Si S45-S50 Si Fit, »tylc guaranteed Hand Custom S35-S48 Suif and Extra Pant* now S25 S45-S50 Suit and Extra Pants How 130 Fife ."■tyle. chsnu5ter-a^'w«»km*a«,lt guaranteed or new «uit. SPECIALNOTICE ,- «0 E»rry torment i* tried on before it \tjjf A| finished ««*i <*h>tr order reccHv-- my -- *■ lSfKii)iTinT«iill»|f! whim ■Hiirrn IT" i per feet satfcf »Q reXTRA CHARQIji I tor sice* or llnlea* 4urin» this offer. Now | lis pwS vliAUutmto del mo mlt * I price of on.e.rA". ■' •■' : „ Monday, April 20, at luncheon. The next meeting will be with Mrs. H. J. Smith, 806 Oakwood avenue. The Reading Circle met Monday at the home of Mrs. Howard Field. At the Country club on Friday, iMay 1. there will be a Bridge luncheon at 1:00 p. m. Each member is requested to bring one or two guests, either resi- The following members ,h*TO beep .... Jvlia „B„w„t lllv. UJ„LW^ selected as nominating committee for j Newey, is ill this week the ensuing year: A. W; .Hawses,} chairman; J. if, LbBaT. M. ft Skinner, O. O. Corns,, and J. F. Darts: The ladles of the Neighborhood cir- cle cleared about $75 at the rummage sale held Thursday" in the. Heffron building. '.«;-.■ ■-■■."' The first of a series of easd parlies which will be givenJunder the auspices of the "Wilmette Woman's club this sisamer, will be held Wednesday after* noon. May IS, at the club house. Bounce euchre will be played. Only 160 guests can be accommodated. Res- ervations can be made by telephoning Mrs.-, '£rt*mr;yj(* Allan* chairman, jpf$P committee in 'charge of the fuhi^lpns, ^a^en'tTft'Ayet^de circle Win..*heet tomorrow at the home of Mrs. M. R. Venables, 9^ Oreenleat ayanusvT , Mrs. Arthur Taylcs; entertained her Bridge club Bt-luBchwrn Tuesday: The Drama Study class will meet Wednesday, May <?. at the home of Mrs, W, A,. Mann. The H. and W. club will meet next Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 6?1 Washington avenue, >', The Ladles' Aid society of Methodist church will hold a busi- ness' meeting at 5:00 o'clock on Thursday, May 7, in the church. Mrs.-Edgar O. Blake will be chair* man of the Young Woman's Auxiliary to the Woman's club for the coming year. At the annual meeting for the election of officers at the club Monday afternoon, the following members were chosen for the different offices: May- garet Hall, president; JptherTne King, vice-president; Alice Wheelock, secre- tary; Florence Pond, treasurer; chair- man of the program committee. Bertha Nortbam; chairman of the member- ship committee, Katberine King; chairman of the social committee, Net- tle Kaufmanr and chairman of the philanthropy committee, Clara Nourse. The next meeting will be the annual luncheon May Vlf i* which all former members #ill be invited. The East End circle will meet Mon day at the home of Mrs. Charles J. Brougbton, 928 Ashland avenge. Logan nrhnnt will ■"-■■■ -*" mnnt.hbt- u^Mr^and-JjScs- afternoon meeting at the NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Merritt B. Lum, 1320 Elmwood ave- nue, has moved to Winnetka. Mrs. George A; Van Dyke, 810 Wash- ingtonavenue, is Ul witk tonsIliUs. Frank Lincoln Fowler, 630 Linden avenue, is 111 in his home with typhoid .'isjver. ■^Mrs. Asa MeOinber will occupy the house at 1020 Central avenue after May 1. Little Gordon p.risk is ill in the family home, vS22 Doyle court, with pneumonia. Mrs. E. H. Irwin has moved to the borne of Mrs. E. D. Wheelock, »3o ,ipe^ral.ayenaA"^_ . . .„.„,„.,',',4 ,v, ;^»rry DiihjnWk andfa^y, 18»|$ BImwood avenue, will move Saturday to 1110 Lake avenue. * Mrs- Plzabeth March of Nashviiie, Tenn., is;.^i|OiB5ae8t of ilrs. O. B. Jhase, 431 Eighth street. r#t88 )4eli^pins or KnoxviUe, 111., la the gueM of-.-far brother Rnllln E Collins. I'CA^Hiie avenue. . ,,. !.. j$& ^S^ifmWasnlBS^W' PriV+iti ■faft^-WWH+nA Mrf» Edward % Hanson, 82» Greeuleaf avenue. ------r Edward^ »maon and family win move froni 8^, Greenleaf avenue to »25 Linden avepaue this wec^c. , v,; IHrs. i.,|fc Bfam of Chfe*fo,1s now: Miss LjUIian fltratton of Betrdlt, Micb., was;the week-end guest of Mrs. Benjamin JE" Oage, 801 Oakwood ave- nue. ■ " -.:y- Will Norris left Saturday to spend two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Welsh in Bedford, Ipr diana. ',"■;" ■■..'. Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford, 835 Elm- Wood aventte^ Will ehtertalh twelve guests at a dinner p#rty In her home tomorrow night. Mr. andTIi»7BehJamittrF. Reach arja among the hew residents of Wilmette. They reside at 1023 AShiand avenue. They formerly lived In Chicago. v Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taft and daughter, Miss-Irene* bt Oak_Park^ were the week end guests of Mrs. A. W. Bodell, 826 Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. H. J. Brlce of Orange, New Jersey, came yesterday to spend sev- eral weeks witbrberiiai5?ats. Mr. and Mrs. M I*. »«l^^ Washington avenue, ;."•• ..■•- '-:.•"'--.- • &'/>? Miss Alice Schilling of Chicago was the guest Saturday and Sunday of Mrs. J. G. Wray, 618 Washington ave- nue, apd Mrs. JMonso •!>., Coburn, 400 Eighth street. ^-•v?r:;ir:/;:"""'^ " gfir.-awpWi Charles McCue, who itayc heen the guests of Mrs. MpCue's .Bkaklng hey feme with her daughter, Mrs. Carl ^slluin. Lake; avenue. Little William Dingee, son of Mr. tne|wd Mb, Wfipin W. Dingee, 634 Park nvei^frpin with the.mumps,, Mrs. S. A; Wheelock left Tuesday evening, Ajjjtf&l, tot Dallas^ Texaav sorority While tbere to visit .her daughter, lire* .Mirrcm* -i««*r,ji sjmntz an Eiirk ' '.v J! ■-..:'■' Jto. Von, Ois>m and family moved U> the former home of Mr. and M*a. Wm. Welsh, J210 Lake avenue, Sat urday. Margaret Cuiter, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cuiter, who |has, been tft^wtth diphtheria, is 1m proving. ■ '"4V ■ Mrs- WedUe* of New York is the j guest of her sister, Mrs. Ferdinand Brahm, 1330; Greenwood avenue, for a !•, Mrs. J. iL. Oathercoal, 1538 Forest avenue, left ^Wednesday for Los An- geles. Cal., to visit her sister, Miss Lora Hall. , \ |ps. T, yt[f Calloway returned to her, home in Chicago Saturday after a visit withOfS. b. G. Calloway, d20 Linden avenue. Mrs. D. T. jSrederickson of Salt ^.ake City, Utah, has returned home after a visit wiW SBr sister, Mrs. John F The Parenta'club of the Wilmette Brooke, 126 fllirtb street a^6^r,.l^rsi E. H. Bronson, In Lu yepae,, Minit,,-forf^veya^weeks, w turned Sunday, with Mrs, Bronson. WILMETTE PERSONALS v - , Charles W, Lasheri.orSeatUe, Wash., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Elmer. 1617 Lake avenue, Thursday. He is en route home from a trip around the world. Misses Mary Taylor, Helen Roberts and Clementine Eastman, were week end guests of members of the Beta Theta Phi at Champaign. They at- tended the annual dance given by that Joseph Shants and family expect to occupy their home. 1053 Linden ave- nue, next week. , Their home was badly damaged by fire a few weeks jgo and while it was being repaired, the family lived with relatives and friends. As a result of the Infant Welfare meeting at the Woman's Club, under the auspices of the Child and Home Department two weeks ago, about thirty ladies took advantage of the trip planned to inspect some of the welfare stations Tuesday, April 21. Mr. and W*> Frederick W. Roedter tett Wilmette yesterday, to the sin- cere regret of their many warm friends here. Mrs. Roedter and her two little daughters will spend the month of May flitting friends in SL Louis. The family will spend the rest of the summer at Lake Marie, and in the fan Will locate permanently in Birchwood. ._ ^.___ Miss Ray, who has been in charge yt the Ouilmette Photographic studio, SAFE!! This directors of an institution consti- tute an excellent index to its character. *Fhe Wilmette Exchange State Bank calls attention, with pardcmable pride, ; to its Board of Oirectors:-~- ^ Ar^vVHKEtOCK H«NRY ^lYtORi JRi Benj. F. Lewis E. C Wentworth Joseph A. Sears . , J* H, Schaefer Philip Hoffmann AsahelW. Gage Wilmette Exchange State BlnK^ TELE.PHONE WILMETTE ?6 DaWaRAPP 11IBNTIST 1209 WILMETTE AVENUE J. A. SHANE Real Estate, Loans, Reutieg and Insurance North Shore Homes and Vacant Res.. 753 Twelfth St., Phone 1026 Office 1128 Central Ave., Phone 1079 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Florence Chase pianist and teacher. Five years* study abroad under cele- brated teachers. 431 EIGHTH STREET, WILMETTE. Tel. Wilmette 250. SPECIALISTS AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ° For Easy Starting in Cold Weather We equip your FORD with a Dash Primer for $1.50 .„. J. W. Meyer & Sons 1715 Columbus Avenue Phone Wllmelte 426 Wilmette -02UL -Ult^ggUiaette this wee * school I Greenwood avenue, returned home aemac, Ind. The whole village will Monday Mav 4 at 2:3a. The pro- Thursday Irotn French Lick Springs, regret the closing of thia studio, and gram will constat of folk dances by after a stay <if,two weeks. jthe many friends of Miss Ray sin- gram wty ww» » * _-p____ _ u Q Baird and wife> 57;<.ereiy tegPet her departure. Owing The evening meeting of the Par- Crescent Place, returned Friday from!to the lack of suitable store rooms In ine evenmE jueeuup' y*-y eve.'------» --l--' »'«■«♦ «« tha »«»*t«l' ti&fimifta tm> «««* a stadia, ftrfss Ray ning at the school, and there will be an exhibition of work In all depart- ments done by the pupils this year. several weeks* visit in the south, J Wilmette for such a studio, Italss Ray Washington and New York. jis forced to make a change, and has Mrs. B E Buckman. 1035 iaj6m\ decided to remove to Winnemac, her avenue, retimed Friday from Tola*)'former home, where she is able to get O., and Detroit, Mich., where aha vis-(first class accommodations and where ited friends for a short time. | she will open a studio early in May. mmmm nnouncement = I T^"__L ------ auwnuaauuaea OWING to our recent purchase ot ibe Evanston Talking Machine Co., together with the steady increase in business and the popular tlemand lor a complete stock of talking machines and recoids ojuthc North Sltoxe* we have found it necessary to take additional space. Therefore we 4ra^e~added to oirrpresent spac^af 603 Davis Street the store formerly occupied by Win T. Shepherd at 1606 Chicago Avenue. 9 And we now extend u> *\l the people of Wilmette a cor- dial invitation to visit us in our now complete show rooms. WlLLARD fc ER1CSON, Inc. H. D. OR^riG^ Minager Talking Machine Specialists 603 Davis Street Telephone 4523 EVANSTON -.-:.^ Sam's Restaurant THB BEST FOOD AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES 619 W. Railroad Ave. WILMETTE, ILL Contractor 6 Builder JOBBING A SPECIALTY PRICES REASOMABL-E TELEPHONE WILMETTE 1384 Res. 1302 Wilmette Ave., Wilmelle, III. FOR RENT 7 ROOM FLATS Price $18.00 and $20.00 IVs Block Wesi or Kenilwonh Depot W. R. WILSON Box 72 Phone It46 Sjg-•■"■■■ American WeldUigXo. (NotInc.) A. P. OKAIIAM, Mp. All kinds of metals welded. Motorcycles Repaired. Lawn MowersSbarpsned.etc We do everything in Machinery Line. COR. FOREST AND RIDGE. AVE. Phone Wilmette 1381 wilmette, Illinois 2831 Washington BouIeiariJ, CWsegs Wllmelte Branch, Browo Bldg. Room 23 Strictly high grade instruc- tions. Piano, violin* voice, expression, etc. C. W. Edwards, Marie Edwrfi Romcn Girzli and others Writ* or call far Intormallon DO YOU KMfirW That the WESTERN CASKET 6 UNDERTAKING CO. can save you from 30 to 50 percent on all Funeral Supplies? HOW CAN WE? Well we manufacture all of our own Caskets and Supplies. That's H WE CHALLENGE a comparison of prices and quality. Automobile service furnished when desired. W. H. SCOTT (who was formerly with J. L. Hehblcthwaite), is finan tally interested in oar Evanston Store and will Manage the same. 1007 DAVIS STREET Phone 98 EVANSTON RESIDENCE 1'HONK 2903 ROSE BUSHES Pink and White Killarney, Richmond, My Maryland, Mrs. Taft, Mrs. Ward, $1.00 dOX. for all kinds of work. Cannas, Geraniums, Salvias, Petunias, Asters, Snap Dragon, Pansies in Baskets, Roosevelt Ferns in Pots and Baskets. EVERYTHING YOU NEED CUT FL Anything you want, for any occasion. DELIVERED fresh from our greenhouses, 1625 Central Ave., Wilmette. Tele- phone Wilmette 23. Special Attention to Decorative Weddings, Funerals* etc. Estimates!: furnished free. Motor Delivery to AhyPdrtofEviinstnn^ WllmeHe,tjjg ^--^Kehitworth] Winnetka, hub bar d Woods, Qlencoe . Successors to STAR FLORAL CO. Telephone Wilmette 23 V: i