THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, tHURSDAY, APRIL 2,1914. lak^ shore newss.;,"'::^"'?! \rilmelie and NorihShore Newspaper ________nlfilrftflijinnr PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY â€".,â- ,;â- . • t ., .kM. v -,, ,â€"rrr- . 'â- ' „ -'£._'_ T HE BOWMAN PU B LI SHI N G C O M PA NY > Wilmette, 111, / Offices, Room 2, Brown Building, il59 Wilmette Avenue j Telephone 10*0:_.....„„........___. -- ..... in mnetka «**♦! •offng In Ih PORK^ST POLLARD . LLOYD R HOLLISTER . . r . . EDITOR HUSIN17SS .MAN AG Kit cast, ...... Supt. E. N. Rhodes anil wife spent Sunday in Oak Park. Mi«;Win. A.. BaelirJiaa gone to Mon- â- R._L. GONSALVES gomractor andBuilder Repairing Promptly Attended T* Phone Winnttka 425 Shop; 909 Linden Ave. ------±Hm^rdWi>o4$rHUliaU~~-~----^ SUBSCRIPTION tana, on. a business trip. _ Mr&ryFmz B. Dale oi East Ash street .00 A YEAR!18 *%'***** Christian, Miss. .;......'........------I Mr.., and Airs. Jeraid McCarty re- CARtTON PROUTY Po I i ce M a q f Irate anio^/^eOi^^^^^TjOT?^'1 ,S* •a1" ""*" tht" ^vlSI?90--ai w,,mPt^'tara^!ftBt Sunday from a;trlp to PI* Air. and Mrs. Walter Smith of 667 ' Addrcrjt all <-.,uimunKfUl..iis to The 1*Uc Shore News. Wilmette. Anonymous cm ! .2X22? J^n" 'i.?**1 â- 't n"t,wd- Rejected manuscript* will not Ih> returned units* H«o«.m ff" r,«j4fn»t"iat%V thl| Tu^qff^X'l"'^^ rcach j CheafrMt "'""* onnoungifctte birth of j THURSDAY, APRILy 2.1014. la^son..., j Mrs. Elmer E. Adams lias returned ] from a visit with relatives at Olney, | Kenilworth, III. , Illinois. ,' â- " .;. ! â- r .1 . r , , . , Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sibley left last Jn the recent meeting of the board of local improvements there j Frlday for Jurisdiction same as that of a Juatfce of the Peace MUWtY BUllDINifc* Telepboie Winctlu 7 WINNETKA HARRY LYNN Staple & fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables In Season Phones 1041-1042 IS A NEW PAVEMENT NEEDED? weak at French Lick, appeared several property owners in Wilmette ami Central avenues j Indiana protesting against the proposition to pave an<l widen the streets in Mrs. M. R. lirown and Miss Brown these two public and most traveled thoroughfares. One or two of have gone south to bo away tor sev- P$^se mcn evcn went so fur in their statements against the proposed er"l weeks FO&SALE i&. RENT last visit h.: a two-flafhtiiMing; 7 large _Mrs. Frederick Cojieland loft Thursday for a few weeks* Atlantic City. Airs. Geo. D. Wolf and son of !,2GjroOniS. Al'SO H-rOODl llOUSC wiiow street are visiting relatives j Prices reasonable; terms ^^0^W^ST^loMsi(e tliata pavement was not needed and that the present pavenientrworn full of holes, was "plenty pood enough." r All last week Central and Wilmette avenues, in tne heart of the business section, constituted one big mini hole* In fact|excepting, of lurseUlie^^d^^ . pasv A.hirps^ vj.v it' . . -w Mrs. H. B. liuilcr of 715 Prospect BUoy. /VUUIc^n MB^yPBntlry roads Somfr one suggested^feat a-geedjflgn to place intavenue returned the first of the week i ^these two most used streets would be "Help Pull Wilmette Out of jfrom a trl«» to Ohio- the Mud," We heartily agree that such a sign would have been ;Mlf,s Ruth Bra(,Htreet and Miss Sa' | jrah Hoyt are attending domestic scl-1 ence .school in Chicago. I Mrs. Ceorge W. Ohlfather and1 daughter, Miss Mable, have been very 12' ,. t y ,. â- ,. • , , , I HI with la grippe for the past week, j Telepi '.: "*. r°*c ^iJ^- Ajun,er ,ast week surprised the readers of this paper | Mr. William Kultchar died Saturday | mmmmr^^^ ^^^aiing'in detail of a "surprise" which he experienced at the New :ftVon,ng af,or a ,onK illness. Tin apropos last week. "'h. '.'"":::â- ';." :' * * * UP-TO-DATE GYMNASTICS AT. NEW TRIER. Wm. Wilson Builder and Jobber KKNIL WORTH 114u. Trierlu'gh sdiool several nights ago when he witnessed the annual program of athletic events by pupils of that institution. Prof. Munier ba,s a keen observer. In fact he is a student yet, despite jibe fact that he has abandoned his profession as a language instruc- tor for the present, to engage in commercial pursuits. He is a slu dent of human nature and in that role he gave his impressions of the High school entertainment in an interesting way. The full import of Prof. Munier's story pointed out the import- ance of appreciating the work which is being conducted in athletic lines at New Trier. Timely comparisons were drawn by the language professor in such a manner that the busy parent, who probably has been overlooking the attention that is being given to the physical' bury Welfare of his or her boy or girl, cannot help but become interested, I whil. in what is going on at the school in the future. JTHE BEGINNING OF A NEEDED IMPROVEMENT. funeral will be held Tuesday alter noon. Mr. Harry Clark, physical director at. th« schools and the community house. Is spending the week in St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. ||. I. Brewer held an "at home" last Friday evening. Sev- eral piano numbers were given by Mrs. Snell. | Mrs. J. W. S. Da vies, who has been i ill at the Presbyterian hospital for, the past week, is recovering, and is i expected home tills week. j Mrs. Charles Jackson of 1191 As-j avenue was slightly burned, cleaning- garments at the rear i On May 1st we will occupy our Netv Stewati Building STORE AT 104 STATE ST. Edward Kirchberg â€"Merchant In Diamonds and Watchesâ€" Nortk State Street, Opposite Marshall Field & Company All KINDS The gasoline ignited house before it. could of her home, and burned ih< be put out. ,,„ e.......i. ,\ s â- , , , 'r,,e home of K. F. Anderson on As On Saturday afternoon. April 4. at 2 o'clock, exercises will be bury avenue wa conducted hi the assembly hall of the New Trier Township High during the terrific storm last Wndnes- ^hfjpl, marking the beginning of active operations on the new north!dav :""' a small blaze was started. shore sewer connecting with the north channel of the Sanitay <lis- Th" ,,lf' 'hi'artment was called, but trict. Invitations have been issued and a large crowd representative ,lH' ,lu,m':4 W(,<5 "'"ler control at th-dr mm interests of the towns and villages to be benefited by the*pro-, '"'r'""'11,. ,„ ,,,,„, ject is expected to attend. - 1 Illu Liuu" ,,|ro K'rls of lh" M«kasa- E4t will be an anspicious event Governor Edward F. Dunne htn^Z^^^VZ'* " beer, invited to attend and other officials win, have lx-c„ instrumental J the m.y s.out < i,t. .tainmem di»t.. as >,t. |„,rt 1101 been d upon uhiitiugh' It will be souk Talking Machines French* tier man, Italian and Spanish .Language Outfits When \un want a Mathine or Records, call up Wuinetka i.93W,or C. nlral 1507. JAMES I.LY0HS-.-25 West Lake Street, CHICAGO KING'S RESTAURANT For 3U ytxvn the name has stood for pure , clean food, p«H«"t <"<>"lf OUtf, i<i«ui"K«i'vi<-« Struck by lightning ! ami riirht prices. K iMJ'H tak« a particular |>rl<le in th<-ir lni«li"'-t unci you Eft the benellt of it. Kttt at KIN«. s («.-<lny Ut>rl you'll com* back to-morrow. 10 (.'•mno Taltle l»o Hote Ul 11 ner Suinlay 1I>-- 5th AVENUE IfcMtiz:^* CHICAGO, ILL H tending aid to the long needed sanitary niethod <»f sewage <li» ppsal will take part in the exercises. Thcicf.ire ii behooves every citizen in Wilmette. Kenilworth and Wiuuctkn ut,,. |,«vs>i|,i> ,;,ii -arrange it to attend the celebration '.-v'.v. For many years residents of the north -i,,,., i..U(l, i,livc i.cvl, ,|eeking relief from the pollution of the iak, wutc.» l»y the he^agc Enterprising citizens with competent engineers have Ucn demand irig, against seemingly insurmountable, odds, a political rn.^ for a -sanitary sewage disposal. At last work is to be started and relief is irt sjght for at least a few of the communities ^l^nereforeJ4?seems t,lat a genuine, old fashioned eclcbiation ia ^in^order. JKnSSew Trier Assembly hall should be crowded to the ^doprs with joyful residents and property owners of this section to demonstrate their appreciation of the much needed sewer If you.•-did7»et receive an invitation, do not feel sKghted. Attend the exercises and take part in the program which marks the beginning of an enterprise which will mean the safeguarding of the lives of ttlOtlsands of persons who live along the Illinois shore <.f lake Michigan. '.v 1 %& #. .k Jv*HY NQT-SRQP THE TERM OK "Vii.i Aviiir :;;.. Wilmettelias a population of 8,4_m souls act ordin,; i. o,. n, ... . =i^rven-oirt by Mr. F. K. Bumstead. publisher of the mw nirecloiv, of North Shore towns, which will soon be off the pits,* And these"ny tires are based on a conservative multiple, that of tw\, and one tpm'r ier, of the total number of names to be contained in the new diicc- tory. ;.;;.!;__jhjLCpni men ting upon the gain in papulation in VVibnvti. ftli. Bumstead, who has had much expciicuce in compiling directori. s m Various cities antl localities, took occasion to remark that the teim "Village" should be dropped by the residents of this place "I cannot' see why persons Continue to call Wilmette a village for it is in every j ^nse a thriving, hustling little tity*Nire his words in suggesting the dtopping 6T the word "village" vpen any reference is made to this! municipality. I --, AVe heartily agree with Mrf>xJ**unstead. lie is progressive -th^ugh^nd-through and such staid old terms as "village," "our, ^pWn^ete" have fong since been wiped out of his vocabulary as ap-! jphcabie-to a community which has reached the population to class it J with cities. We do not assume that Wilmette is or ever will be a -hustling metropolis. Far be it from us ever to predict any such a future. But it is a prospciotis, thrifty and wide-awake little' residen- tial., city populated with a group of enterprising, public spirited citi zetlfi whose sole purpose and aim is ever to keep it a clean and whole- sorne place tn live. During the last few years these red-blooded, a^gu-s.sivc residents ^h^g-asserted themselves. prestTTTlng Idcaht-which At;«i<r for'the be-t interests of the community. And they will continue to take active in tcrest in all affairs of the city. In tin- we do not refer altogether to "things4iDliiir_?il, for^ltop:ic^rof^rrvtt- welfare are Tiovv being given due consideration by this live-wire hunch. |p. There is another thing in regard to the announcement of tlfej population, the lead that Wilmette takes in the marked increase overt all other contiguous north sbore towns. It is a. matter to be proud; pfitO-pohrt to theJaaLihat within less than two years' time more than j ^rgpon^^f ci tizens have been added to the list here. i- And with such a rapid growth, isn't it about time that the old fogy appellation "village" be forgotten? We believe that every up-' aS^flAtelhan and woman jn Witmctte will join in. adopting the plan i suggested by Mr. Bunistea^^ietxafteT^fra^rrroTnrcanr^^^^ the $26,- j 000 municipal building with its splendid architectural beauty, the; cynosure of all passengers on the Milwaukee electric and the Chicago Ju^Lr^orth\yesterir Tines, "the village hall,' This building slaiidsJiead arid shoulders above municipal buildings in cities many times the size pf Wilmette. Docs it not seem a trifle absurd to call such a splendid <tnictufe "the village building?'* _. . J.^„^..iiJ,.^rf.U»rf^|^|i|. aldi . arlv in May. A . tie fit w III l„ t ..11 ,1 cliili Hulurmi) mid -i l!i<- hluiliiKeii, hi.1 S. uool <»r MtlHic at The ided time I.. 1.1 ... 11.. iv'„i <• .-i.n.i A| ril IS I •nt t,( lilt- k'..l..m j ami lilv.-n by Mr I Luuuif; Uiclier, former Cgiuc.t .Mas ter nf ttie CliieaKo Symohuiiy ui.-.beS tra Mr lleeker will be u.ssl„ted by Mr. (jon«iui»t Phone Central 3161 Lace OyeitiK a Specialty M. Gillespie r...fcVror1«.^r Spring Novelties Made rrom Ostrich Pcathcis 217-218 Venetian Bldg. IS C. Washington St. Cftlcigo U2*. NTISIS SeeoufsusJtiBTEJBTH ln,»sligali I Aconol WITHOl T and j 35ytars 1'I.ATls s...5<h! I m*r«(l at comtort mil dun>i.ihty Our I celsbrated SB 00 ids Dare stood Ihi | test Of Use. Psis.'ss. esliailliiK ti*l i ttolh tiling specialized. CI»NWURTATION I l:i:i; ' Southeast Corner Randolph and Clark streets Open eveiiiiu-.» until 7 Sunduy '.M . la I E I I C "The Line of Good Service" 3 Sailings Every Week o TO AND FROM O XL U Jtv Ulr JcL -VIA Scenic St. Lawrence Route Montreal- Quebec i km poai Montreal- Quebec Glasgow Moiitrealâ€"Quebec «a»reâ€"tonu... Boston Glasgow Ine flew Turbine Quadruple sticw S. S. "Alsatian" and "Calgarian" 25,000 Toas Displacement UR6EST â€"FINEST FASTES1 CANADIAN ROUTE Ocean Passage tess Than Four Oays The Steamer a! Many Attractions ('nbiiiH in »uit»> villi private bath :in«l luilct. Spacious Btutc moms. OIimh incluxixl promen* »do deck. Veranda Cafi-. Com- fortable bnungen. Elrrtrie 1'an- Renirer Elevators. Orchestra. Gyifnutatum. Unsurpassed ac- comodation, all classes. Lowest rates. Summer -reservation liate now open. Early~f>ook iiiKs rec- ommended. Send for desorlpthe Booklet "G." Kor full particu- lars ns to ^ailin;::;. rates, etc.' apply nearest I-ocal Affent. o 1LLIN & CO., General igenis -127 North Onrbora Street, Chicago rtiomj RloedUl M30. IuIimiIIc 44083 II II 0 P Typewriters Sold on Easy Payments For Ucn. on tusy Terms 1/ L M IKfcit ix l n JVD ktBlm i 5o .lit Full 1 â- en lal \ iuuJ &ui t;...... iiu l yp\.wviiei Supplies He E. CHANDLER & GO. 630 t3>2 Davis St. Evanston The Chicago Little Theatre Fourth Floor. Fine Arts Building TROJAN WOMEN mtmmmmnweemem mm WESIEIOr a Next W«ek: - MEDEA . 8;15. Mat*. Xhurs. and Sat. 2:15 Q&s^^^MhmA? nilC Allb Tel. Harrison 4104 PRICES: $2. $1.50, Si Eves. 8:20. Mats. Thursday & Saturday, 2:20 WINTHROP AMES PRESENTS Or Lovo In A Garden I »<t W*>*>lr A play with mu.M^ b> i^asi weett Laaronce n„ and Granville Darker. Music by Joseph Mciorat THE 1.11"U.1S TUEATUE. New York l-.«duction with MARGUERITE ClJVKK 1 ill. • i; ii.i..t) .i-^j, uUuiotii caskets i^ the price. caii v u iuil line of Solid Mahogany, €irsas= U4.ll siait Walnat, Solid Oak, etc., as well as the usual lincuf broad cloths and crepes. For the reason that we manufacture all of our own caskets, we can and do guarantee a saving Jo tl»«_ public from One-third to one-half. Wm. h j,.-u tii.v.i) with J L. Hebblethwaite *>t fivauicoii is ina..agt.-i aud t;art ovvner of our Kvanston at»,re ami wkil i»eib«jnall)' superintend every detail. AuiuntobtU service Furnished Store Phone vanston 98 WM luOi LiAVlS ST. i3y ^icita Residence Phone Evnaston 2903 H SCOTT Manner E^NSTON, ILL. fSi«,«; p^^pic, \A liw move ftoiii one city to uiiothei b> 1 < ag Dibtanco Telephone. hi il tt>ll operators arc spevu.II^ tiained to find persons, if sup- plied with in tor mat ion as to their probable location. Those who take advantage of this service not only get results, but save the time and expense of ^ personal journey^----- Chicago Telephone Company H. Ii. Gates, District Manager - Telephone 9903 Touring 5 Passenger, 4 Cylinder____......$1050 7 Passenger, 6 Cylinder..........$1575 COME FOR A DEMONSTRATION BEFORE YOU BUY Aiffr TiW«? 5000 MiM Guarant ixjux iires without mmmak miiPost Office Place Evanston â- â-